Heather and Maggie

By Lust Stories

Published on Mar 24, 2020


Plenty of women catch my eye at the gym every Saturday morning, but of late there was one lady that only recently joined really caught my eye. She had a beautiful smile and when she walked past I most definitely turned my head to look at her. She isn't fit or slim, but well curved. There was just something about her that wanted me to go up and start up and friendship. She honestly looks like she is here to get rid of the baby fat has lingered for a while and good for her wanting to get some exercise. When I saw her in the class that was on that night I wanted to introduce myself and see if she wanted to go out for a juice after the class, but I held my urges back and just stood beside her and went a long with the class the instructor gave us. I didn't get her name during the class but we bumped into each other a few times and laughed at each other when we both fell over. I love this woman and I don't even know her

My name is heather and I am currently studying to become a nurse at a local college, I didn't want to be away from home and I didn't really want to go live in the dorms. I could have gone to any college in the country but I decided to stay close to home in a college I wouldn't have to move out of home to go to. I am an openly gay woman and it didn't shock the family when I told them I was, they were just glad I was happy. After uni the next day I went straight to gym and the beautiful woman that was there the night before was on the treadmill getting ready for the class. She is a curvy but not fit woman, but going by her smile and laugh she is a beautiful person no matter what. I went and started running on the treadmill beside her, she looked at me and said "hey you were the girl that I tripped in the class the other night" I stopped running and laughed "nah I tripped you and don't worry about it, I'm heather by the way" I put my hand out and she shook it "nah don't be silly heather I was just clumsy.. Im Maggie by the way" she went back to walking and I went and stood over by the door to wait for the class to open. I knew her name and hopefully soon I'll know if she wants to go out with me

When the doors open I went straight to the front of the class and put my stuff down on the ground and yelled out to Maggie "come to the front next to me Maggie" and she happily ran and stood next to me, she looked so happy. The class was a bit more robust than last nights and Maggie got really involved in it, she was having so much fun just been in the class. After the class Maggie and I started talking "wow that was intense, I've never been to gym before this week and I am loving it" I gave her some water and said "yeah they can also be fun. I started going a few years ago when my step sister was an instructor" I couldn't stop staring at her and I was love with her "do you want to go and get some juice or a coffee" I asked her she gave men a hug and gave me her number and said "sorry heather but the babysitter can only look after my kids for another 20 minutes and I have a lot of tests to mark. How about dinner on Saturday night" god I thought yes her is my chance "oh its a date" then I thought you idiot heather. She gave men a kiss on the cheek and went home

I made sure I had all my assignments done by Friday evening and I didn't have gym that night, but my thoughts were on Maggie. She is a mum and a teacher, pretty cool to have a crush on a milf and a teacher in the one woman. I remember the crush I had on my English teach in my senior year. i actually told her about my feelings for her in the last week of school, she actually dumped her husband for me. we eventually split up a few months later after she got sick of me and went back to her husband, too be honest I was sick of her bitching about her ex husband and that he was too cheap to help her out when needed. I wondered if Maggie was a single mother that recently divorced her husband or sadly was a widow. I won't push any of those questions on her as it would be insensitive of me. I messaged her and asked if she liked Italian and she said just come over to her place and she would cook up a feast

T he day took forever and I tried so hard to keep myself busy to make the day go faster. I dressed in a pair of jeans and pink shirt and runners, I normally go commando on first dates. But I know I won't be getting anything from this dinner and I wore a pair of grey hipster briefs. I got mum to buy me a bottle of red as I am only 20 and I can't buy alcohol yet and I went to her place. She lived in a pretty nice place actually, her car was out front and you wouldn't think she was a teacher as she had a jaguar. I knocked on the door and she greeted me with that beautiful smile. "Welcome to my home heather" she took me in. She was just wearing her active wear and she looked good in it. "Sorry if I got here too early Maggie" she took me into the kitchen "it's ok honey I just got back from a walk I just need to shower, dinner is ready". She went off and had a shower. I went and looked around, all of her photos had her and her kids in them and no man. I could still get with her

When she finished her shower she came back wearing pretty much the same thing I was wearing but a pink jumper instead. We sat down and ate a wonderful dinner and she is a brilliant cook. After dinner we watched movies, she laid on the couch and put her feet on my legs and we started talking "so heather what do you do outside of the gym" I sipped my wine "I'm a student and work at mums law firm when not at school" she sat up and said wow Iwhat are you studying" I looked at her and she looked happy talking about me "I am studying to become a nurse and hopefully more day go to medical school and become a doctor" she really listened to everything I said "well as you know I am a teacher and I am looking to go back to school again, just don't know what" this perked my interest "that's pretty cool"

We finished watching one movie and I was nearly asleep and as was Maggie, she looked at the clock and said it's "probably time to call it a night honey, but I have one question for you. Why did you want to be my friend" I smiled and said "I was drawn to you smile and when we stood next to each other in the first class I thought I would like you as a friend" she smiled and asked "Heather are you gay" I nodded my head. she leaned forward and gave me a hug. As we hugged I kissed her on the lips and she didn't pull back, we kissed for a good few minutes I pulled back and said "sorry I don't usually just kiss a woman that I have only started a friendship with" sh smiled and said "it's ok honey I liked it, actually I loved it a lot" we kissed a again, but this time I kissed her with tongue, I moved my hand up inside her sweater and felt her tits. She had really nice tits, compared to my flat chest. "Mm that kiss was even better" Maggie said. I stood up and as I was about to go Maggie grabbed my hand "you can stay tonight if you want to" I looked at her and usually I would have my clothes off and I bed with her already "I really want to, but if I am going to stay a night I want to stay forever" she kissed my hand and walked me to the door "coffee during the week?" She asked and I said "deal"

I walked home as she only lived up the road and as I was walking home I thought, why didn't I just stay the night. Maybe she doesn't want to have sex just yet. I turned around and went back to her place, I knocked on the door and she was so happy to see me she hugged me so tightly. We went up to her bedroom and it was nearly as big as my apartment I have for weekends away. I took off all my clothes and was just wearing my panties, when heather stripped down to her thong I got to see her tits and god they were so nice. She held them up and said "I wish my tits were as small as yours" I laughed and said "uni want to swap" she burst out in laughter. I slipped under the sheets and when she joined me her body warmth was amazing "night Maggie" and I gave her a kiss good night

I probably had the best night sleep ever and it didn't involve any sex what so ever. When I woke up Maggie was looking at me smiling and she looked so beautiful "I hope this wasn't the last time we sleep in this bed heather" I kissed her and said "not a chance, this is my side off the bed now" she hugged me and said "last time my husband slap on that side. The baby sitter was sleeping on the other side" that's when I realised she is divorced. I hugged her and realised it's still a sore point for her "you won't find me in this bed with another woman, only you" she kissed me and got up and showered. I got dressed and waited for her to come out. When she did she still looked great. "I better get home or my mum will kill me". She hugged me again and kissed and said "stay again tonight and meet my kids, they will love you" I wanted to but mum and my step dad are having people over and I have to entertain "I can't I have something on" she looked sad then she perked up "this might be bit forward but will you be my date for a wedding on Saturday" I thought I couldn't be that bad "as long as I can carry you over the threshold" we kissed and I left

When I got home mum sat me down and asked questions about Maggie and why I didn't come home last night. She knows when I don't come home I am having sex, she caught me and a friend having sex in my freshman year of high school and she told me that day to only have sex at someones elves place. Mum didn't care about me having so much sex, she just wanted to make sure I was safe "so why didn't you come home last night heather" I was angry "look I stayed at maggies last night and slept in her bed" she rolled her eyes and said "so you had sex with another woman you just met. When will you get over the faze of one night stands. Please honey settle down with a woman that will be with you for a long time. It took me forever to find that man I hope it doesn't take you that long" she was right in a way. She recently remarried after divorcing my dad after 30 years of marriage and she is so happy now

I wasn't needed to entertain the guests tonight and I just stayed in my room looking for a dress to wear to the wedding. The dresses I had were old and really not nice. I found a perfect dress and it was just formal enough for the occasion.i really only wear dresses to weddings and formal occasions. I certainly don't wear pants to them or jeans, I am more fame than butch. Maggie told me about the wedding as it was for a colleague at her school and she wasn't exactly looking forward to it up until last Saturday as she didn't have a date. Now I will be her date and it will be our first date thank god.

Maggie picked me for the wedding on Saturday and mum got to meet her and I thought it would be awkward at first. "Hi you must be Maggie, I'm Kathy" Maggie hugged mum and said "thank you for bringing heather pop the right way" mum hugged her tightly and said "thank you for the kid words and you 2 enjoy the night" Maggie looked stunning in her gown. When we arrived at the church we held hands as we walked into the church, everyone couldn't stop staring at us. It was funny. I looked at Maggie and smiled "so we are a couple now" she kissed me on the lips and said "you better believe it" the ceremony was beautiful and it made me cry listening to both the bride and groom talk about their love for each other. I still remember mums wedding and how beautiful she looked and how proud I was of her. i put my head on maggies should and cried a little bit, I didn't know the couple but weddings make my cry

The reception was fun affair and the amount of times women came up to me and asked was I maggies sister or niece and every time I had to correct them "no I'm her girlfriend and I'm in love with her" everyone of them smiled and went somewhere else to talk. It was clear that they weren't too pleased with Maggie and I being a couple. When a slow dance song came on Maggie and I went and danced. Maggie is a wonderful dancer, ass she put her head on my shoulder she said "you are an amazing person" I smiled and said "why is that babe" she looked at me and said "every person that has asked me about has told me about the love you have for me and they were all so happy for us" I kissed her and said "well I love you and I want to spend my life with you" she kissed me back and kept dancing. After a couple more hours of dancing Maggie asked "you ant to go home honey" I looked at her and nodded my head

We went back to maggies place, as we got to the door she opened it up and she waited "well are you going to carry me across the threshold" I picked her and kissed her and took her in and ups to her bedroom and put her down on the floor. She stopped me naked and I did the same to her and I jumped on the bed and waited. "This has been a long wait but worth it" I said. She begins at my breasts, sucking them, moving them around her mouth with a flittering tongue. Biting them delicately and making me ache to rub myself to immediate orgasm. But I resist this impulse and leave my hands above my head, allowing her to fully control this moment.

She slithers down my body until she is kneeling on the floor and her face is nestled between my legs. She uses her tongue to taunt me by gently brushing my sensitive inner thighs. Building the pang and fever of anticipation.

Almost at the moment I can endure no more, she clamps onto my soaked, spread pussy with her mouth and begins licking my supplicating clit with a mix of aggression and delicacy that causes me to gasp.

I place my hands on her head, entwining her hair in my fingers. She grabs me tightly by both forearms and pulls me onto her face with even more force.

Her tongue keeps working against my clit as the primal urgency builds inside until I arch my spine fully and groan like a wounded animal in total, transcendent release.

She pushes herself from the floor as I lie naked and splayed beneath her. I am aware that tears have sprung up at the corners of my eyes and I push them away before rising onto my elbows.

Maggie slides her panties down casually and without presence. Her body is more fitter than mine, with papery skin and a somehow incongruously robust tuft of dark brown pubic hair. A tattoo depicting loose violets entwined with a thick, partially coiled rope stretches from her left hip up the side of her torso.

She climbs onto the bed beside me and we kiss again for a time as I move across her body with my fingers.

I prop myself on one elbow and observe her as she lies on her belly. I kiss the tender coccyx - the small of her back - and slide my hands across the velvety mound of her fleshy bottom. I gently spread her cheeks to reveal the rounded opening of raised, folded flesh sometimes referred to as a chrysanthemum in Mandarin because of its likeness to a blossom.

I run my tongue down her crevice and flit it gently a few times across her hole, which makes her shiver just a little, but a slight groan escapes from her and she reflexively opens her legs a bit wider. I bury my face between her cheeks and breathe the aroma of fresh sweat and that distinctive, often pleasant scent of ass.

She continues to make soft, guttural sounds as I move my tongue in and around her delicate anus. The taste is metallic and slightly earthy, and I smell the juices from her moistening pussy just below my nose.

What I do is not intended to be indecorous, but an expression that my desire for her is without limits. Body and essence, what is beautiful and ugly, what is fragrant and what is fetid. Without one there is no other, and in that there is a sort of symmetrical perfection.

I playfully swat MAggies pleasingly doughy butt and guide her onto her back. Then I slide her muscle tee above her perky, well-proportioned breasts and lick her pink nipples, giving ample time to each until both tips are firm and throbbing.

I move my face quickly down toward her sex and, unlike the way she teased me, I immediately press my mouth firmly into her, working my tongue through the hair and skin until the mass parts and I reach the dripping nether flesh. The sensation is satisfying in the most primitive of ways, not unlike a carnivore tearing into its prey and consuming the life force it contains.

Maggie bucks and grinds her hips against my mouth. She heaves in a steady rhythm and places both hands against the back of my head to push me more forcefully against her.

I peer up at her stretched torso and see her face in pleasure/pain contortions. My tongue and neck begin to ache and I struggle to keep pleasuring her with the same intensity. I can detect the muscles of her stomach tensing increasingly until finally, like the crescendo of an exhausting musical piece, she orgasms with a low scream from deep inside, then falls still and silent.

I crawl up and lie next to her as she catches her breath and kiss her and say "when can I move in" she took a deep breath and said "tomorrow"

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