Heating Up the Frat House

By ap

Published on Dec 21, 2022


College, Authoritarian

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

Thanks to Nifty for years of pleasure reading. Please donate to them to keep them up and running.

All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

Hope you enjoy. The HVAC guy

I was called in to check out the heater of a college frat. I arrived and was led down to the basement as I was told about how the frat brothers woke up this morning freezing cold. The heat wasn't working. This was my 3rd service call tonight. Mid-winter in central pa be like that. Walking through the frat house, cold and tired, made me wonder why I'd gotten into the trades 3 years ago instead of going to college. These guys had it made. The house was huge and even though it was a frat house, it was clean and well kept. I could see the large rooms furnished and decorated in a modern masculine vibe. The brothers that were in the house were all wearing sweats and hoodies against the cold. I definitely didn't fit in, wearing my Carhartts and work boots. We may have been similar in age, but I definitely didn't fit in this scene.

The house manager a guy in his mid 30's led me to the utility room in the basement. Past the gym equipment, a room that looked like a theatre room, another room that looked like a neighborhood bar with a pool table. Then through to the utility room that looked like a normal suburban basement: washer, drier, hot water heater and heater. This utility room had a corner that was a little different though and it was obvious right away. In the corner there was a sling, a St Andrews cross, a wall full of paddles with Greek letters, whips and a bunch of sex toys I've only seen in porn videos. Seeing that made me chub up a bit.

I'm bi. I've definitely enjoyed both men and women, and have a bit of a dominant personality but when it comes to sex, there's nothing better than being submissive to a true Dom top. Seeing that corner made me wonder what went on down here.

The house manager discussed the heating problem and acted as if the corner of the room didn't exist. Then went back upstairs to leave me to my work. I got down to work, but stole glances at the toys on the wall as I worked, and walked past the area as I went to find the electrical panel, and made a few trips out to my truck for tools and parts.

While walking through the house, I began to notice that the frat brothers were hot AF. All wearing sweats and hoodies and I quickly began enjoying the view of those grey sweats. Watching hot frat boy cock swinging as they went about their business.

On one of my trips into the house from outside, a frat bro stuck his head out of the kitchen and offered me a coffee as he poured a cup for himself. This guy was sexy. Black hair, short beard, wearing a frat hoodies and grey sweats and short no-show socks. As he reached up to get me a coffee cup from the cupboard, I could see his belly was hairy and I saw the waist band of his diesel underwear. I immediately wondered if they were trunks or briefs. The guy introduced himself as Ryan. We shook hands and I took the coffee and introduced myself as Kevin. Ryan is a junior at State, and plays soccer and studying Pre-med. We talked about the cold and how thankful the house was that I was there to repair the heat so quickly, He told me I saved their lives and that they owed me big time. I took that queue to head back to my work. I was almost done.

I walked back down into the basement, and passed the bar, and another good lucking dude was walking out and I kinda scared him, as he was looking down adjusting his sweats to hide an apparent boner. He looked up and then smiled and said 'Oh sorry man, you surprised me you here for Corey?' I wasn't sure who Corey was and just explained that I was fixing the heater. He seemed embarrassed and said 'oh right. Thanks man, that's amazing it's so fucking cold in here' and he ran up the stairs.

I walked past the sling and back to my work. As I was finishing up, I noticed another guy walked into the bar, and I heard him say 'Core, I need you bad right now boy' and then a door close inside the bar. I didn't notice there were more rooms down here. How big is this basement?

When I had all my tools put away and walked over to turn the electric back on, I saw Ryan walking towards me with another cup of coffee. 'Hey, you left your coffee, I refilled it' he said handing me the coffee cup. 'Thanks man, I'm all finished now. I'm beat and have another call to get to, I can really use this coffee'

'busy day for you'

'yeah, the cold weather kills us'

'what time do you get off? we owe you. we're having some people over later if you wanna join us'

'oh man thanks. im not sure i fit in here'

'that's BS. we're cool dudes. just gonna have some friends over. nothing crazy. you did us a solid today. come hang out and unwind after a busy day'

'ok man, thanks I will.'

'Here's my cell number. Text me when you're headed over. so I know you're not gonna ditch us'

'Haha was i that obvious?'

'yup' Ryan said with a smile. and gave me a bro slap on my ass as we walked towards the stairs.

Just as we got to the bar door, the other guy came out of the room inside the bar and I looked in and saw the door closing and could see there was a bedroom behind the bar.

Ryan said 'Hi Dylan. this is Kevin. He fixed the heat for us. he's gonna hang out tonight after work'

'Cool. He Kevin. I'm Dylan.'

Ryan said 'Corey happy to see you?' and they both laughed.

I looked at them both and Dylan smiled and said 'You can meet Corey tonight if you want'

End of Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

I had a hell of a day at work. The winter weather was wreaking havoc on the towns heating systems. As an HVAC tech, I was working all day starting at 1am. It is now 6pm and I'm hungry and beat. I want food and bed.

My phone vibrated and a text from a number I didn't recognize popped up 'Hey, you headed over yet?'

I forgot all about the frat party tonight. I'd fixed the heater at a frat house and Ryan, one of the frat brothers invited me to hang out tonight. I was sooooo not feeling that tonight. Hanging out with a bunch of frat bros sounded terrible. They were super nice, and HOT. But I wasn't up for small talk.

I responded 'hey man, still working, don't think I'll make it'

A quick response came back 'what time are you done? we'll be here all night'

He wasn't giving up. I replied 'I'm pretty tired. appreciate the invite bro, but i'm beat. maybe another time'

My phone rang. 'Hey Kev, its Ryan. i thought you were coming to hang out man. we owe you'

'yeah thanks Ryan. I'm just beat. my body hurts, and im starving'

Ryan wasn't having it 'Kev, we have food here, and a drink or a smoke will help you relax. Just stop by'

'I havent showered, i'm gross'

'dude, we have showers, just stop by and relax for a while. you deserve it'

Ryan wasn't taking no for an answer. And if they had food, that would be great, since I had almost no cash and was planning nuggets and fries. 'if you don't think the other guys are gonna be freaked out, i'll stop by for a few mins'

'Awesome!! see you in a few mins man'

I cleaned up my tools, and drive toward the frat house. It looked pretty impressive at night. If I didn't know it was a frat house, I would have guessed some bank executive owned the house. It was a cool old Victorian and well kept.

I walked up to the door, which was opened before I even knocked by a frat brother who 'Welcome to Alpha Alpha Zeta. I'm pledge mike. may i take your coat sir?'

I wasn't sure what to do. I never dealt with anything like this. I probably looked confused cause mike whispered 'its part of being a pledge we have to serve the brothers, i'm the door man tonight. just give me your coat and take off your shoes and i'll announce you to the brothers in the living room, you're Kevin right?'

I laughed a little. I'd heard about college pledging but I never saw it in reality. It was weird but funny. This kid Mike seemed cool. Not sure I could have made him do that - but he didn't seem to mind either. Guess it's all part of the game. So I took off my coat and handed it to him, and took off my boots, which he also picked up. And walked me into the living room where a few guys, including Ryan and Dylan who I met earlier were playing smash brothers.

Mike cleared his throat and said 'Brothers, your guest has arrived. Kevin is here' as I walked into the room. Ryan hit pause and got up and gave me a bro hug like we were best friends. Dylan came over and shook my hand and the other two guys were introduced to me as Riley and Marcus as they shook my hand in turn.

Ryan turned to Mike 'Tell pledge rob to bring Kevin a plate and a beer'

Mike disappeared back into the hallway as the four guys and I walked back to the couches they were sitting on, and we started chatting. I said 'I don't wanna interrupt your game guys.' Marcus laughed 'i can beat these bitches anytime. you saved them the embarrassment' they all argued about how bad Marcus was and who was really the better player while asking me if I played 'i do' and they made me feel really welcome. Another guy walked in with a tray of food and a beer and a chilled glass. Ryan told him to put it on the table and get them the bong and make sure it's filled and fresh. The guy, I assume Rob, said 'Yes Sir, anything else sir?'

Marcus piped in 'yeah i want a snapple' Ryan ordered a coke in a glass with ice. Riley wanted a snapple, Dylan wanted a blue gatorade, and Ryan asked me if I wanted something to drink. 'a snapple sounds good'

Rob bowed and said 'right away sirs' and hurried away.

'this feels weird to be waited on like this' I said

Ryan shrugged his shoulders 'its weird at first, but we all had to do it our first year, so we don't abuse it, but its part of the initiation into the house. our house is pretty awesome and it's a small price to pay to live like this for 3 more years'

Marcus who was obviously the wise ass of the group said 'unless you're Corey' and they all laughed.

I asked 'who's Corey? I heard you guys talk about him this morning'

Dylan and Ryan looked at each other like they weren't sure if they should divulge a secret.

Marcus seemed less concerned 'Corey is the house fuck bitch'

I nearly spit out the beer I was sipping on.

The four of them laughed.

Ryan explained: 'every year when the pledges start their initiation, we explain that they need to earn their spot in the house. We only take 7 guys each year. But 20-30 apply. So we have to weed out the guys that don't fit throughout the year. When any of the guys fail, we offer them to stay on as a frat fuck bitch. They all know what that is, because we always have one in the house. Most say no, but some of them, mostly the gay ones want that position, so they accept it. They are on call a few days a week and get to live in the attic, that's also where the pledges live til they are accepted as full brothers. But when the fuck bitches are on call, they have the room in the basement that you saw Dylan leaving this morning.

I was shocked that this actually happened and that they were so open about it. "So this is a gay frat?"

Marcus jumped up 'Fuck you. I'm no fag!! Fuck you'

I got scared. 'Sorry man. I thought that's what you meant.'

Ryan tried to clear it up 'no Kevin, we're not gay. Some brothers are gay, but ironically they rarely use the fuck bitches. We're all college athletes and high achievers headed toward professional careers as doctors and lawyers. We have very strict guidelines for entering this frat. The fuck bitch is available to blow off steam. We can't always find a girl who wants to put out, and the guys would always be stressed out if they couldn't get off. A long time ago - the brothers tried to find girls to staff the house, but the girls weren't into it and complained and caused a lot of trouble for the frat. So they started recruiting guys that wanted to be used by house full of college jocks. And it's worked out great for everyone. The fuck bitches choose to be here and like being used by the brothers. They're all here voluntarily and sign up for days to be on call, and volunteer for parties and entertainment assignments.'

I was flabbergasted 'what entertainment assignments?'

Dylan laughed 'you probably saw the sling in the basement while you were down there'

I was starting to get an idea of what the entertainment was like 'oh, yeah I wondered what that was about. So these guys volunteer for that?'

Ryan continued explaining 'yeah, some of them do, we have two guys right now that are masochists and love being spanked and flogged. And one guy in particular never wants to leave the sling when we have parties.'

I was starting to get hard thinking about all this. 'And you guys aren't gay?'

Marcus became defensive 'we're not gay dude. It's not gay to get off. It's just a hole, and they volunteer for it. I get a massage and a bj every morning.'

That sounded like heaven 'Damn. that's amazing'

Riley piped in 'looks like you could use one' as he pointed to my crotch which showed a wet spot and an obvious hard on'

Ryan put his arm around my shoulder 'you want to go visit Corey man?'

Just then Rob walked back in with a bong on the tray. And placed it on the table followed by another guy carrying a tray with our drink orders as Rob took each drink and placed it in front of the proper person. 'May i get you anything else sirs'

Ryan spoke first 'go down and find out if Corey is free and write Kevin's name on the board next. tell Corey he wants a massage and a bj.'

'yes sir' Rob left the room along with the other guy,

Ryan said 'let's smoke'

End of chapter 2

Chapter 3

I just finished an amazing dinner, had a beer and took a hit off the bong. How did this day go from shit to dream-like so quickly? I had repaired the heat at a frat house this morning, and was invited back to hang out but relented as I was too tired and hungry for it when Ryan, one of the frat bros, convinced me to stop by, then had an amazing dinner served to me by frat pledges, and heard about the fuck bitch in the basement that was being told to be ready for me when I was done smoking. Fuck!! If this is college life, I want in!!

As we pulled on the bong and laughed and chatted, Riley told me he was in fact gay, one of the few brothers in the frat who was. And he began describing just how the other brothers enjoyed using the fuck bitches that lived in the house and volunteered to be used and sometimes abused by the frat and their guests. There was a sling and a St Andrews cross in the basement along with a wall full of toys and paddles and items I had no idea existed. Riley explained some of the brothers were kind of sadists, but that there were a couple fuck bitches who were masochists so it made for some interesting entertainment. Not for everyone, but some guys got off on watching it. Riley let it slip that Corey was one of the guys who was a masochist and enjoyed being spit roasted and loved being paddled and flogged and wore a urinal on his face as well as various jaw openers while at parties so guys could face fuck him and use him as a urinal.

Marcus wanted to make it clear he wasn't into that nasty shit.

But I was rock hard listening to this. I'm bi. And enjoy a dominant guy. Riley wasn't shy about calling me out for being hard 'guess you're into it though Kev. You're rock hard and leaking though your pants' I could feel my face blush.

'Nah, just super horny and tired. its been a long time for me'

Riley didn't let me finish my sentence 'long time since you got fucked?'

Marcus rose to my defense 'not everyone's gay Riley. back off.'

Ryan intervened 'Kev, let's get you down stairs, Corey will help you relax' and Ryan walked me back down to the basement where I was this morning fixing their heating system. But this time, we turned into the bar, towards the door I saw Dylan leaving earlier this morning. Ryan opened the door and walked right in, not even a knock 'Hey core. This is Kevin.'

Corey was laying on his bed scrolling through his phone. Wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. 'Hey Kev. Thanks for fixing the heat it's so nice in here now. I was cold as shit this morning'

'Hey Corey, glad i could help'

Ryan excused himself 'Corey, you're blocked out for as long as Kevin is here, so no rushing. He needs to relax, he's been working since 1am and he needs a massage. Make him feel good man.'

'Yes, sir. He's in good hands'

Ryan waved goodbye and closed the door.

Corey stood up and held out his hand 'let me help you out man'

Corey is a Hot guy. The epitome of a college dude. Light brown hair cut super short on the sides and a little longer on top, blue eyes, 160 pounds of tight hot body he obviously works out daily. I can see as he stands that he's got a nice bubble butt and his cock is outlined in his sweats. When he smiles I can see his lips are plump and just barely uncover his bright white teeth. He's fucking HOT.

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. 'Thanks Man, i feel a little weird, and i just smoked so i'm not sure what to do here'

'no sweat man. just come sit down and let's talk a sec. i want to let you know that you can do whatever you want. we can play safe or raw. I get tested once a week. its required by the frat for all of the boys. i was just tested this afternoon and im negative for everything. so no worries there. Do you have a girl friend?

'nah. not right now?'

'a boyfriend?'


'are you str8?'

'Bi, but i'm not sure i want the other guys to know that man. Fuck why'd i tell you that. FUCK FUCK FUCK. ugh i get stupid when i smoke'

'no worries man. there's other guys who are bi also that don't want anyone to know. i'm not telling anyone. and nobody asks or cares either. just relax.' He put his arm around my shoulder.

'thanks man i don't know what i want'

'well Ryan said you needed a massage, so let's start there. Let's get you out of these clothes. OMG you smell amazing!!'

'oh man, sorry dude, i haven't showered and i've been working all day'

'My lucky day!!! a hot guy that smells like a real man. FUCK! it's my lucky day'

Corey undressed me and sniffed my pits and crotch as I helped him pull my clothes off me. I was beginning to relax a little as Corey was fussing over me, getting me naked.

End of chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

So here I am being undressed by this super cute guy, high af, and about to get a massage.

Ryan, whom I met when I repaired the Frat house heating system this morning, invited me over to hang out, which meant I got dinner, a beer, and smoked up while I heard about the frat house fuck bitches. Corey, who is undressing me now, is one of them, and he's about to give me a massage and a BJ as per Ryan's orders. Corey volunteered for this, volunteered to be a house fuck bitch for the frat house, and he's 'on duty' now.

'you have a hot body Kev.' Corey complimented as he pulled my flannel shirt and thermal shirt over my head. I've been working for 18 hours straight so I could smell myself.

'and you smell fucking amazing man' Corey added.

'um sorry about that Corey. I've been working all day. You don't have to do this man.' I was embarrassed now.

'Are you fucking kidding me? you're a fantasy come true dude. a hot tradesman in his Carhartts and flannel smelling like a real man? OMG I hit the fucking lottery today dude!'

'seriously? you're ok with it?'

'I'm way more than OK, i'm in heaven. let's get those pants off you so I can smell the rest of you!' Corey winked at me and I could see he was hard through his sweats.

Corey unbuckled my belt and pulled it out of the loops of my Carhartts 'you may want to use this later if i get out of line sir' Corey said with a smirk

'you'd want me to hit you with my belt?' I think this was more than I was ready for. But now I was rock hard

Corey felt my bulge 'seems like you might enjoy that. I know I sure would'

'you get off on being hit with a belt?'

'in the right circumstances. i definitely enjoy getting spanked, so if that's something you're into, don't hold back. But i know you're here for a massage and a bj. so that's totally cool also. Just want to make sure you know everything is possible' Corey unbuttoned my Carhartts and pulled them down to reveal the bulge in my red and blue striped Calvin Klein trunks. "Wow dude - you're packing... and leaking like a faucet'

Corey put his lips to the wet spot dripping through my CK's and sucked the precum while he moaned.

I moaned also cause it felt so amazing and I couldn't believe how fast this was all happening. I'm lucky to have an 8" thick uncut cock, but it doesn't see much action. I say I'm bi, but I'm pretty much a closet case. I'm 6' 160 lbs and have a nice toned body from years of baseball in high school and manual labor working with my dad in his HVAC business since I was a teenager. My hairy chest and butt were usually objects of focus also for the few guys I'd hooked up with.

Corey pulled my CK's down and took the tip of my uncut cock in his mouth and licked inside my foreskin, which made me moan and my knees buckle a little. He guided me to the bed and sat me down and told me to lay on my stomach as he finished pulling my CK's over my very large bubble butt. Corey took a long time pulling the waist band over my ass cheeks millimeter by millimeter as he rubbed his face and nose over the hairy ass that was being unveiled.

'OMG dude! your ass is so fucking HOT and hairy. and you smell amazing. I think Ryan sent you as a gift to me. you are incredible'

'thanks man. you're too kind' I was so rock hard now and so into having him rub his face on my ass as I was grinding my cock into the bed. being stoned just made it all a million times more intense.

Corey finally pulled my ck's off and massaged the bottoms of my feet as the underwear came over them. Then rubbed his face on my feet as he sniffed in deeply moaning again, and randomly sucking a toe or two into his mouth and licking around it. I'd never felt anything like this before and I thought I might shoot my load right then. But Corey stopped and sat up on my ass and started rubbing my shoulders

'so how is such a hot man like yourself single?' Corey began conversation while he rubbed the knots in my shoulders.

'i just havent found the right girl i guess'

'..or guy?' Corey jumped in.

'haha i dont know about that man. i'm not gay. which i guess is tough to argue while im laying naked in bed with a naked guy massaging me.' we both laughed.

'its whatever man. you're a hot guy and you can get who ever you want. Guy or girl. but whoever it is - you deserve to be treated like a prince. you're so fucking hot.'

'thanks man. are you single?'

'why? you wanna date me?' Corey joked

'haha nah man. just wondered since you asked.' I hope I didn't offend him.

'its cool. nah im single and living the life here at the frat. i get everything i want right here, an awesome place to live and study and all the dick i can handle.'

'sounds like paradise'

'it seriously is man. especially since you walked through that door. you're like a fantasy come true Kev. a hot tradesman in his Carhartts and flannel letting me touch, and smell and suck you off. maybe get fucked by you and spanked? who knows.' Corey laughed as he was massaging down my back paying attention to the area between my shoulder blades. He was doing such an amazing job I almost felt like I was floating I was so relaxed.

'thanks man, you're too kind. I'm not all that. you college boys have the life. i'm just a working stiff. i shoulda gone to college like you guys' ever since i walked in the door yesterday i felt like i missed out on the college experience,

Corey was now working his way down to my lower back 'Dude, you're not missing anything, you made the right decision. I didnt want to come here, my parents forced me. I wanted to be an electrician. I worked in theatre in high school and loved doing all the electrical work. I even had an apprenticeship set up, but my parents wanted me to get a college education. its so stupid. its like i'm wasting 4 years of my life and gonna get out and go back to what i wanted to do anyway.

'yeah but you have that paper and got to enjoy all this. id definitely trade places with you.'

'oh yeah? you wanna be a fuck bitch for the frat?' Corey stopped massaging and looked around to see my face.

I lifted my head quickly realizing what I'd said 'oh no, i meant the college degree and hanging out at college. i could never do what you do'

'i enjoy what i do man' Corey was back to massaging working down to my ass, massaging the globes of my ass. 'how did you get such a fat ass man. you're so trim but your ass is huge'

'i don't know - i played baseball in high school, but i think its just genetics'

'some guy is gonna be super lucky to fuck that ass' Corey sounded like he was mesmerized looking at it.

'who says some guys havent already?' I laughed as I said it

'oh yeah? you a bottom boy?' Corey sounded interested now.

'well, between you and me, i'm vers but definitely like to bottom for a dom top. but please don't tell the other guys.' I could hear my voice pleading....I shouldn't have smoked so much. I don't know why I was telling him all this.

Corey must have taken that as a cue, because he slid down my legs and buried his face in my bubble butt and took a deep breath and moaned, then licked at my hole and made me cry out because it felt so amazing.

Corey circled his tongue around my pink hole, then pulled my ass cheeks apart with his hands so he could get his tongue in deeper and started licking my hole and sliding his tongue in my hole making me moan. I grabbed his pillow and buried my face in it to stifle my moaning because it was getting loud and I didn't want the whole house to hear me. Corey was driving his tongue deeper into my hole and it felt so good I could stop myself from screaming into his pillow. Corey was massaging my ass cheeks as he spread them apart to push his tongue deeper into my hole.

Then I felt a finger push through my sphincter and his tongue join it driving deeper into my hole. His finger lubricated with spit as he rimmed my ass. I felt his finger going deeper into my hole searching for my prostate, then I felt his other hand reach under me to find my hard cock, soaked in my pre-cum. Corey started stroking my cock while pressed his finger deeper into my hole. I could feel a second finger begin to enter my hole and I couldn't stop myself from screaming into the pillow and biting it, and writhing on the bed.

Before I knew what was happening Corey flipped me over, his finger still buried in my hole, and now my cock was in his throat. I was so close to shooting my load. I warned Corey to slow down, that I was close and he was gonna make me cum. I began clawing at his hair, trying to pull him off me.

'corey, i'm gonna cum. i'm so close man. OMG this feels so fucking good. OMG.' I was bucking my hips with cores finger pressing my prostate and his throat and tongue massaging my cock.

Corey had my cock in his throat but he hummed 'mmmmmmhhhhhmmmmmm' letting me know I should cum in his throat.

I was past the point of no return, Corey wiggled his fingers on my prostate and pressed hard, making me drive my cock deep into his throat and yell out 'I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum. OMG here is gums....I'm cumming' and I could feel spurt after spurt of my load shoot into Corey's throat.

Corey kept my cock in his throat and massaged the underside with his tongue and expertly removed his fingers from my hole without a single wince.

Corey stayed on my cock as I got soft, and I started to yawn and stretch, because now I'm exhausted and need a nap.

Corey slowly pulled off of my cock, gently kissed my ball sac then the tip of my cock, and slid to the side of me and turned me so he was spooning me, and rocking me, and pulled a blanket over us.

I was asleep in minutes.

End of chapter 4

Next: Chapter 2

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