
By D C

Published on Jan 7, 2005


Heels: The Ultimatum 1 - A Change of Heart

By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003

Prelude to Chapter 1: A Change Of Heart

A few weeks before their upcoming marriage, Dennis' fiancee, the future Mrs. Gale Mallory, informed Dennis that she was going to ask her girlfriend, Kelly, to stand as her maid of honor. That presented a real problem for Dennis, due to the fact that Gale's girlfriend, Kelly, was none other than his own feminine alter ego.

Several years before meeting his bride-to-be, Dennis had come into the possession of a magical pair of high heel opera pumps that allowed him to become an anatomically correct woman on an elective, part time base. As Kelly, Dennis had struck up a friendship with Gale. Then, once Gale and Kelly's friendship had reached the stage where it was fairly well established, Dennis, who found himself quite smitten with Gale, decided that it was high time for Kelly to play little Miss Matchmaker. Though it took some finagling on Kelly's part, not to mention a good deal of friendly persuasion, persuasion that bordered on out right coercion, she eventually talked her girlfriend into going out on a blind date with one Dennis Mallory.

Dennis was not playing fair. Not only did he already harbor some rather strong feelings for Gale, he, via the personal information he had managed to garnished as Kelly, had the inside track to her heart. He knew not only what buttons to push, but also when and where to push them. Needless to say, due to that insider information he possessed, Dennis and Gale hit it off right from the get-go. In fact, the two of them hit it off so well that Gale did something completely out of character for her. At the completion of their first date, even as Dennis was bidding her a goodnight, Gale surprised herself by asking if Dennis would like to spend the night.

Adopting what a friend of his had jokingly referred to as the first headache syndrome, Dennis reluctantly begged off. Replying that while he would like nothing better than to take Gale up on her most tempting offer, he, playing the part of the perfect gentleman to the hilt, continued on to suggest that they both take a few days to think about if that was what they both want really wanted. "Sex," he told her, "was the easiest way to muck up a relationship," with his implication being that what he wanted most was for the two of them to maintain a mutual respect for one another if and when they went to bed together.

As he expected it would, Dennis' ploy worked like a charm. He had set the hook. All that was left for him was to casually reel Gale in.

The really funny part about all of all was, Dennis, who had used the first headache syndrome on several occasions prior to that, felt reasonably sure that Gale was not about to let him off the hook so easily. Sure enough, Dennis was proven right. Though she freely admitted that she was acting impulsively, Gale did everything in her power, and then some, to enticed Dennis to stay the night. Dennis, being the magnanimous young gentleman that he was, after some feigned reluctance on his part, plus a heavy dosage of persuasion on Gale's part, was more then happy to oblige.

Once in bed, Dennis opened phase two of his cunningly crafted campaign to win Gale's heart. Having first hand knowledge of not only the female anatomy, but also the various ins and outs of the corresponding erogenous zones that populated it, Dennis knew the finer points of just when and where to tweak, twiddle and caress in order to achieve maximum results. Employing various manual and oral stimulation techniques, he soon had Gale riving under his keenly targeted ministrations. Proving himself to be a grand master in the art of love making, Dennis unhurriedly brought Gale to the brink of orgasmic splendor. There, on the cusp of her wanton desires, he held her teetering; there by allowing her to grapple with the lust crazed succubus that cavorted within the caldron of her of psyche's underlying primordial depravity.

Even as she wafted ever so serenely out of the self-indulgent contemplation of her post-organic wonderment, Gale intuitively recognized the fact that Dennis was, with a doubt, a keeper. Keenly aware of the fact that she was already on the fast track to falling head over heels in love with him, Gale made a conscious decision. Telling herself that she would be a certifiable fool to let a man like Dennis waltz out of her life, Gale knew that she had no recourse but to do everything in her power to somehow embroil herself in an exclusive, long-term relationship with him.

To Gale's way of thinking, Dennis was a godsend. He had the makings of a good husband, and quite possible, a fantastic father for the pair of children she hoped to one day to bear into this world. Though he was admittedly a little rough around the edges in a rural, aw'sucks ma'am kind of way, from everything she had been able to glean, Gale perceived Dennis to be some sort of modern day aberration. In many ways, he seemed a throwback to the rustic, and at times, roguish gentile scalawags of yesteryear.

And, that's pretty much the way Gale described Dennis to Kelly when she called her girlfriend that Sunday evening. Gale started off the conversation by thanking Kelly profusely for arranging the blind date for her. Then, having done that, Gale gleefully continued on to provide Kelly with a blow by blow description of how her weekend with Dennis went. Kelly, on her part, was overjoyed to hear Gale prattle on about how she thought that Dennis might well be the man she was meant to spend the rest of her life with.

Two weeks later, Dennis, forearmed with the knowledge that Gale felt the same way about him as he did about her, told her that he loved her. Then, later that very same evening, in an effort to test the waters so to speak, he tactfully followed up that declaration of his by intimating that he believed that the two of them might possibly make a go at life together.

No sooner had Dennis and Gale parted company, an ecstatic Gale was on the phone, trying to get in touch with her girlfriend, Kelly. After three rings, Kelly's Voice Mail kicked in. Whereupon, Gale giddily left a message, urging, to the point of practically demanding, that Kelly get in touch with her A.S.A.P., if not sooner.

Having already anticipated that Gale might want to touch base with that girlfriend/confidant of hers, upon arriving home, Dennis prudently checked both of his phone lines. Sure enough, on the number he used when operating as a bona fide member of the opposite sex, there was a message from Gale urging Kelly to call her. That was easily accomplished. Ten minutes later, having gone upstairs and donned those magical high heels of his; the sexual transmogrified Dennis picked up the phone and called Gale.

Dennis put the lie to that the old cliche about how you could lead a horse to water, but could not make him drink. Gale, though was unaware of it, was pretty much boxed in. On one hand, she had a beau that was almost to good to believe, and on the other, a girlfriend who aggressively, though surreptitiously, acted as a staunch advocate for that boyfriend of hers.

Two months after their first date, Dennis, proffering an exquisitely crafted diamond engagement ring as he did so, asked Gale if she would do him the singular honor of becoming his wife. As he had anticipated, she told him that nothing would please her more than becoming Mrs. Dennis Mallory.

Though it thrilled him to no end that Gale had consented to becoming his bride, Dennis had a problem to contend with. He was plagued by a guilty conscious that his Catholic upbringing made it impossible for him to reconcile. Though he was glad he done what he done with respect to employing his feminine alter ego to act as a half-assed intermediary slash advocate slash spy, and would do so again in a heartbeat, he nevertheless felt extremely guilty about it.

Dennis knew that he had only one recourse available to him. He had to come clean. He had to confess. He had to tell Gale how he had duped her. He had to tell her about those magical high heels of his, and how they allowed him to become a woman on an elective, part-time bases. He had to fess up, and tell her the truth of matter. He had to tell her that he and her girlfriend, Kelly, where none other than one and the same person. Furthermore, he had to explain to Gale that he had used their friendship as an underhanded means to gain insider information, information that he had in turn used to woo her with, in an all out campaign on his part to win her heart. Then, once he had come clean, once everything was out in the open, he would reaffirm the fact that he loved her, begging her to forgive his transgressions as he did so.

A couple of weeks before their wedding, Dennis, fully aware that it just might put the kibosh on their relationship, got up the gumption to make a full confession, a confession in which he laid the whole bloody mell of a hess out for Gale in agonizing detail. Needless to say, Gale was so mad with him that she came within a hair's breath of calling the wedding off, and high-tailing out of his life forever. Basically, the only thing that stopped Gale from taking such drastic action was the irrefutable fact that when push came to shove, she loved him. She also knew that her life would be empty and unbearable without him in it. Added to that, Gale had no doubt whatsoever that Dennis loved her as much, if not more so, than she loved him, and that he completed her life in a way no other man ever could.

Grasping at straws, Gale, in an all out effort on her part to salvage their relationship, presented Dennis with a hastily concocted and ill thought out ultimatum. In no uncertain terms, she told him that he had a choice to make. It was either her, or those high heels of his. He could either get rid of the heels, or kiss her goodbye.

Dennis did not bat an eye. He neither flinched nor hesitated. He simply informed Gale that the heels where are part of his former life, where as she was his life from that point ever onwards. Then, having made that declaration, Dennis dashed upstairs. There, he proceeded straight way into his bedroom where he retrieved those stiletto heeled bad boys of his from off of the closet shelf where he normally stashed them. Returning downstairs, and without a second thought as to what he was about to do, Dennis marched into the kitchen, where he unceremoniously tossed those magical pumps of his into the gapping maw of the trashcan.

Chapter 1 - A Change of Heart

"Be honest with me, dear. You really do miss them, don't you?" Gale asked her husband as the show they had been watching segued into a commercial break.

Selecting his words with the greatest of care, Dennis Mallory endeavored to address to his wife's inquiry, "If you're referring to those magical high heels I used to have, the answer is no. I don't miss them at all. However, if you mean do I miss my stints as a part-time woman, then I'd have to say that the answer is yes. As much as you might not like hearing me say this, honey, I do miss that particular aspect of my former life as a single guy."

Then, in an effort to placate his bride of just six weeks, Dennis proceeded on to expound upon his previous statement, "Look, honey, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you. It's like I told you before, even though I'm as heterosexual as heterosexual can be, I have to admit that I kind of liked being able to change myself into a woman whenever I wanted to. I mean, it was pretty neat, not to mention extremely erotic, if not a bit neurotic.

"Look. I'll grant you that back in the beginning, back when I first came into possession of those rather unique high heels of mine, it took me quite awhile before I felt anywhere near comfortable enough with the prospect of going out in public as a female. However, once I did, once I got up the gumption to go out and strut my stuff as the woman those heels turned me into, I've got to tell you, dear, I had a blast.

"What can I say, save to say that I took inordinate amount of pleasure out of being a piece of eye-candy, and therefore, a first class dick-teaser?"

"Yeah." Gale cheerily concurred. "I just bet you did..."

"But, then again, I have to admit that those high heels did turn you into one absolutely gorgeous woman."

With the hint of a chuckle infesting his voice, Dennis quipped, "Didn't they though."

"Yes, Mr. Egotistical, they sure enough did..."

At that moment, the commercial break ended, and their conversation about the heels went on hiatus, as Dennis and Gale returned their attention to the crime drama they had been watching.

Several minutes later, as the credits began to roll for the show they had been so intently viewing, Gale tentatively intoned, "Dear."

"Yes, honey?"

"You aren't going to hold it against me, are you?"

Quizzically, having no idea at all as to what his wife was referring to, Dennis sought enlightenment, "Hold what against you?"

"The fact that I made you get rid of them."

"Oh." he chuckled. "So, I take it that we're back on the subject of those nifty high heels of mine, the very ones that I tossed in the trash somewhere in the neighborhood of two to two and a half months ago?"

"We sure are." Gale playfully snapped. "What did you think I was talking about?"

"Truthfully, I wasn't really sure, honey. That's why I asked. Remember, it's like I keep telling my entry-level scuba students: the only dumb questions are the ones you don't ask.

"Now, since I thought we hashed this all out a few weeks before the wedding, what's with you and all these off the wall questions about those high heels I no longer have?"

"I guess I just need some reassurance, that's all."

"Reassurance, about what?"

"About how you feel about my pitching a bitch, and basically forcing you to get rid of them."

"Oh. So, that's what's bothering you?"

"Yes. That's what's bothering me.

"I'm afraid that one of these days you're going to regret the fact that you got rid of them.

"Worse. I'm afraid that somewhere down the road you're going to resent me, because I was the one who forced you to get rid of them in the first place. In other words, dear, I'm afraid that you're going to hold it against me."

"Now, why would I ever go and do something as stupid and idiotic as that?"

"Because, of the ultimatum I more or less gave you.

"Remember, a couple of weeks before the wedding? Remember, that night when you told me that you had a confession to make, and you proceeded on to tell me all about those high heels of yours, and how they changed you into a woman whenever you put them on? Do you recall how incensed I was when you told me how you had used them as a means to befriend me, as a underhanded, albeit, ingenious means to play little Miss Match-maker, and arrange for the two of us to go out on a blind date together?

"I mean to tell you. I was livid. I was so mad at you that night that I was on the verge of calling the wedding off, and high-tailing it out of your life forever."

"I know, honey... Believe me, I know that you were really pissed-off at me.

"And, the thing is: as far as I'm concerned, you had every right to be pissed.

"I mean, had things been reversed, had I been you and you'd been me, I know I'd been pissed.

"In other words, honey, I don't blame you in the least little bit for making me chose between you and the heels."

"You don't?"

"No. Not at all.

"You've got to understand something here, Gale. It all boils down to the fact that I love you. And, as long as you love me, that's all that really matters.

"In other words, to hell with the heels.

"Look, while I'm not going to sit here and try to tell you that I'm not going to miss being able to turn myself into a woman every now and again, I don't for one minute regret my decision. The heels were part of my former life, where as, you are my life from here on out. That's to say that while I will miss my sojourns as a nymphed-out narcissist, who loved playing crass games of grab-ass and titty-tweak with his herifed self, I don't need those heels anymore. I've got you, and that's what's really important."

"Do you really truly feel that way, Dennis? Or, are you just saying that? Are you just trying to placate me by telling me what you think I want to hear?"

"Make no never mind about it, Gale. What I just told you is the gods' honest truth.

"Those heels of mine were nothing more than a stopgap measure, in that they were nothing more than a means to an end.

"Now, I'll grant you that, they were a rather novel, and quite possibly unscrupulous means to an end, but basically, that's all they were.

"It's like I said: I had a lot fun spending time as a part-time girl. But, even though I did, I can tell you one thing. I wouldn't want to be a woman on a full time bases for love or money.

"I mean, even though the heels pretty much took care of everything, you'd best believe I couldn't hack living the life of a woman on a day in, day out bases.

"Yeah, I'll miss doing stints as a girl, much as I would miss not being able to ever go scuba diving again.

"But, even though I will, you've got to understand something here. I'm not about to blame you for making me get rid of them, now or in the future. It was my decision to make, and I made it. Case closed. I was fully aware that when I asked you to marry me, and you said yes, that kinky and convoluted part of my life was over and done with.

"So, I guess what I'm so ineptly trying to get across here is: you needn't worry that pretty head of yours about it. I promise - a cross your heart, hope to die kind of promise - that I will never, ever throw it up in your face.

"You really mean that, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah. I most certainly do.

"Well, I must say that it's a real relief to hear you say that," Gale replied as she gingerly rose from the sofa.

"And, just where - May I ask? - do you think you're going? The kitchen?" Denis quizzically inquired.

"No. I'm going to go upstairs, and take a shower."

"And, just what am I supposed to do while you do that? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs?"

"No." Gale giggled. "But, you can be a dear, and go make me a cup of tea."

"Oh, I can, can I?"

"Yes." Gale replied, as she began to mount the steps to their townhouse's second floor. "That would really be sweet of you if you would do that for me..."

Several minutes later, with a freshly brewed cup of cinnamon-apple herbal tea in one hand, and a can of Diet Coke in the other, Dennis entered their bedroom. Taking note of what he took to be a silver foil gift bag stuffed with black tissue paper sitting smack dab in the middle of their queen sized bed; Dennis called out to his wife, who, he presumed must still be in the adjoining bathroom, toweling off. "Hey. What's with the bag?"

Instead of answering him, Gale called out from the bathroom with a question of her own; "Did you bring me my tea?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. Do you want me to put it on the night table, or do you want me to bring it in there for you?"

"The night table will be just fine. I'll be out in a sec."

"Okay. So, let me ask you this question again. What's with the bag? Is it a present for somebody at work?"

"No, silly." Gale happily declared, as she brazenly strode into the bedroom without so much as a stitch on to conceal her nakedness. "It's for you. Just think of it as a belated wedding present."

Curious, Dennis eagerly inquired, "So what did you get me?"

"Open it and see." Gale, relishing the moment, teasingly directed.

Parking his butt on the side of the bed, Dennis gingerly pulled the bag toward him. "You're making me feel bad," he announced.


"Because, I didn't get you anything."

"That's perfectly understandable, since you had no idea that I was going to surprise you like this.

"Besides, as you will soon see for yourself, I really didn't go out and get you anything. And, if it'll make you feel better, you can think of it as a together-gift, something that I have no doubt that we'll both get a lot of enjoyment out of in the years to come."

"Okay..." Dennis was as curious as curious can be. "So, what is it? What'ya get us?"

Giddy with anticipation, Gale playfully chided, "Would you please just do me a favor? Quit stalling, and just take a look-see for yourself, for cripesakes."

Dennis did as directed. Pulling the tissue paper out of the bag, he haphazardly discarded it on the bed, as he tilted his head forward and peered inside.

"Well, well, well... Lookie what we have here. If these eyes of mine aren't deceiving me, I'd say that some old friends of mine have come home to roost."

"So, I take it that you like your present?" Gale teasingly inquired.

"Like it?" overjoyed, a somewhat flabbergasted Dennis jubilantly exclaimed. "I love it. I absolutely love it.

"Fact is, honey, it's the best present I've ever gotten." Dennis beamed, as he extracted first one ultra petite high-heeled opera pump, followed shortly thereafter by its unblemished back kidskin mate.

Relieved, having thought that he had lost them forever, Dennis felt compelled to ask, "So, I take it that you must of had a change of heart about these stiletto heeled bad boys of mine?"

"Yeah, you could say that I did at that."

"How come? I mean, you're not trying to tell me that you've gone bisexual on me all of sudden, are you?"

"No." Gale had to giggle at that one. "As much as you might wish I had, I'm sorry to say that I'm still as heterosexual as I ever was."

"Rats." Dennis playfully chuckled. "But, you can't blame a guy for trying, or in this particular case, wishing, now can you?"

"No. No, I can't..."

"So, don't go getting your hopes up. Because, I seriously doubt that that's ever going to happen."

Placing the heels on the bed beside him, Dennis, aware that the bisexual issue could get a little dicey, thought it in his best interest to change the subject. "Okay, Gale. I'm curious. What lead you to have a change of heart about these magical high heels of mine? I mean, since you were so adamant about my getting rid of them, I'd kind of like to know what, exactly, made you change your mind."

"Actually, there were several things..."

"Could you perhaps name one?"


"Well, for starters, once all the dust had settle from that rather heated discussion that lead up to you carting those heels of yours down to the kitchen and throwing them in the trashcan, I got to thinking that I wasn't been entirely fair with you. I mean, when you come right down to it, it pretty much goes without saying that I coerced you into doing what you did with that ultimatum of mine about how it's either me, or the heels."

Gale, seeing that her husband was on the verge of interrupting her explanation, took the preemptive measure of sternly admonishing, "No, Dennis. Just let me say what I have to say. Then, if you have any questions or comments, I'd be more than happy to hear them. Okay?

"Well, getting back to the issue at hand, with that issue being what lead up my changing my mind about those heels of yours, you might as well know, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night.

"And, do you know why I didn't get a lot of sleep that night?

"Well... I'll tell you.

"I didn't get a lot of sleep that night because my conscious wouldn't let me.

"Basically, once I got past all the emotions involved, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't fair of me to ask you to get rid those magical high heels of yours.

"I mean, they were part of your life a long time before I ever entered the picture. What right did I have demanding that you get rid of them?

"Hell, Dennis. If it weren't for those amazing heels of yours we would have never met. And, if we had never met, I'd missed out on the best thing that ever happened in my life - you.

"So, basically, in a cockeyed, convoluted manner, I owe those pumps everything. That's to say that I wouldn't be your wife right now if it weren't for them.

"Then too, being completely honest and up front with you, Dennis, I've got to tell you that I really miss Kelly.

"Look. Even though I'm fully aware that you and Kelly are one and the same person, I still find that I dearly miss spending time with her.

"She was my confidant, my sounding board, my friend...

"Truth is, she was the best friend I've ever had, bar none. And, I miss her. I really, really miss her. I miss talking to her. I miss doing things with her. I miss things like spending the whole day over at the mall, window shopping with her.

"Now, I know this is going to sound really crazy, but do you want to hear the one thing that really pissed me off that night you told me about those high heels of yours."

Though he wasn't all to sure that he did, Dennis, aware that what Gale needed most at the moment was to vent, eagerly assured her that he was all ears.

"Look. I know how ridiculous this is going to sound, but the first thing that crossed my mind when you told me about you and those magical heels of yours, was the fact that I wouldn't be able to have Kelly as my maid of honor.

"I mean to tell you. Irrational as it was, I was so mad at you at that particular moment that I saw red. And, I guess everything else sort of devolved from that point on onwards."

Dennis, endeavoring to empathize, sympathetically offered, ""That's perfectly understandable, given that I all but blindsided you with the revelation about how your girlfriend, Kelly, was none other than my very own feminine alter ego.

"I mean, you got to admit that it was a hell of lot for me to take in at one time," Gale continued.

"Oh, I'm sure it was.

"I can also tell you one thing for certain. Had the situation been reversed, and had you told me something along the same lines that I told you that night, it would have thrown me for a loop as well.

"I mean, as far as I'm concerned, you handled the whole thing a lot better than I had ever could have hoped for."

Taken aback by her husband's admission, Gale quipped, "I did?"

"Yes. For my money, you sure as hell did."

"Yeah... I guess I sort of did at that, didn't I?"

"Yes. Yes, you did...

"Fact is, honey, you never cease to amaze me."

"I do, do I?

"Oh, yeah. I don't know how you do it, but you somehow always manage to find a way to keep me on my toes."

"Good. I'm so glad to hear you say that, because I kind of like keeping you on your toes.

"Come to think of it, in a convoluted, cockeyed manner of speaking, now that you've got those pretty nifty high heels of yours back, it goes without saying that you'll be spending a considerable amount of time teetering around the house on those nimble, and decidedly feminine little toes of yours."

Seeking clarification, Dennis excitedly gasped, "Gale. Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"Well," she began playfully, "if you think that I'm saying that I would like to get back to spending some quality time with the best girlfriend I ever had, then I would say that you've pretty much gotten the gist of what I'm trying to get across here."

"Look, Gale, maybe I'm being a little dense here, but could you please be a tad bit more specific? I mean, exactly what are we talking about here? Are we talking about one night a week? Two nights a week? Saturdays? Sundays? Every other weekend, or what? Please, I'd really like to know. What, exactly, do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know. Truth is, I haven't given that particular aspect of all of this, whatever you want to call it of ours, a lot of thought. I just know that I miss Kelly, and that I would really like to get back to spending some time with her.

"So, tell you what. How 'bout we just play it by ear?"

"Sure... I guess we can do that.

"So," Dennis gingerly inquired, "when do you think that you might like to get together with Kelly for, shall we say, a girls' night out together?"

"Well... I was kind of hoping that she and I could do something together tomorrow night. If, that is, that's okay with you? I mean, you didn't have anything special on tap for tomorrow night, did you?"

"No... No, I didn't. So... sure. Tomorrow's fine. Tell me, what'ya have in mind?"

"Well, I was kind of thinking that maybe Kelly and I could go out to dinner. Then, after that, we could do a little window-shopping, and, if there's time, cap off the evening by perhaps taking in a movie.

"So, what do you think, Dennis? Do you think Kelly might be up for something along those likes?"

"Yeah... I do believe that she might be at that.

"But, I've got to be up front and honest with you, Gale. There is a slight problem involved with all of this."

"There is?"

"Yes, honey. I'm sorry to be the one to have to say this, but there could be a potential problem with this girl-shit business."

"Oh." Gale, having all of a sudden realized what her husband was alluding to, giddily exclaimed. "And, I'll bet you I know exactly what that potential problem might be."

Dennis was dubious, "You do, do ya?"

"Yes. Given all that you've been telling me about you and those magical high heels of yours, I would assume that you're referring to all the narcissistic tendencies that comes into play whenever you use them to turn yourself into a woman, aren't you?"

"Yes..." Dennis knowingly smirked. "I'm afraid I am at that."

"Well then, I guess we're just going to have to find a way to work around them."

"I hate to say this, Gale, but I'm not all that sure we can work around them."

Pointedly, his wife snapped, "That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"Okay..." Dennis didn't want to argue, and the tone of his reply was couched in such a way so as to communicate as much. "So, tell me, honey. What, exactly, did you mean when you said that we're just going to have to find a way to work around them?"

"Basically, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just going to have to allow you the time to do whatever you need to do to deal with those rather perverted narcissistic tendencies of yours."

"You do know what that entails, don't you?"

"Yes." Gale indignantly snapped. "I most certainly do.

"For your information, I am no where near as naive as you seem to think I am."

Feigning to be hurt by his wife's rebuke, Dennis countered, "Hey. Wait a second. I never once said a single blessed thing about you being naive about anything."

"No. Not in so many words you haven't.

"However, there have been several times where you've intimated as much."

"Yeah. Right." he dubiously retorted. "Go ahead. Name me one."

Then, aware that he backed his wife into a proverbial corner, Dennis triumphantly quipped, "You can't, can you?

"And, do you know why you can't?

"Well, I'll tell you.

"The reason you can't name me one single solitary instance where I so much as intimated that you are naive about anything is because I never have.

"I mean, while you might have a lot of people duped into thinking that you're little Miss Goody Two-shoes, I know differently."

"Yeah..." Gale replied with a impish smirk, "I kind of guess you do at that..."

"Okay. So anyhow, Gale, getting back to the issue revolving around all the narcissism that's involved when I use these magical high heels of mine to become an anatomical correct member of the opposite sex, you are aware of the fact that I going to have to, shall we say, drain the swamp every now and again?"

"Yes, I am aware of that."

"And, you do know what draining the swamp entails, don't you?"

Sounding a little put-out by her husband's rather pointed question, Gale replied in a huff, "Well, of course I do.

"May I remind you, I was single a girl myself until just here recently."

"In other words, I'm no prude. Not by any stretch of the imagination."

"I never once said you were." Dennis replied defensively.

"I wasn't suggesting that you did." Gale briskly countered. "All I'm saying is that there were times when I wasn't seeing anybody on a regular bases, when I would end up so darn horny that I had to do something to relieve all the pent-up sexual tension that was really doing a number on me. Well, even though those dry spells were thankfully few and far between, I have to admit that there were times when I had to resort to giving myself the female version of a guy's hand-job.

"That's to say that instead of pulling my pud, like you guys do when you're jerking-off, I ended up playing a game a titty-tweak, while crassly flicking away at this little bic of mine."

"Oh." Dennis chuckled. "That's rich.

"Truth is, Gale, I'm just glad to hear that I'm not the only girl who has had the occasion to play a game of grab-ass with herself.

"I mean, while I've always suspected that a hell of lot of girls get their jollies by, shall we say, rubbing themselves off down there, I've never actually had one come right out and admit to me that they had."

"Well..." Gale replied thoughtfully. "Can you blame them?

"After all, it's not the kind of thing that we women like to talk about, much less admit to."

"Yeah... I kind of gathered as much already." Dennis said, as he nonchalantly reached over and picked up those magical stiletto heeled pumps of his. Then, with the heels in hand, he bent forward as a precursory move to his actually getting up.

"Hey. And, just where do you think you're going?" his wife brusquely demanded.

"I was just going to put these heels of mine in the closet."

"Oh, no you're not." Gale countered with the sham of mocked sternness.

"I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to stay right where you are and give me a demonstration of how those magical high heels of yours work."

Somewhat taken aback by his wife's unexpected request, Dennis sought clarification, "You mean, like right now?"

"Yes." Gale was emphatic. "I mean like right now.

"Look, Denis. I've got a little confession to make. As crazy as it might sound, I'm just dying to see you change into a woman."

"You are, are you'?"

"Oh, yeah. Most definitely.

"The truth of it is: I can't begin to tell you how many times I could have kick myself for not taking you up on your offer to show me how those high heels of yours work.

"Basically, what it all comes down to is: I was real jerk that night. You made the offer to give me a demonstration, and like a fool, I didn't take you up on it. You gave me the opportunity. It was just plain stupid of me not to have taken advantage of it."

"True..." Dennis concurred. "But, then again, you were more than a little bit putout about the whole affair, and because you were, you weren't thinking straight."

"Yeah... You're one hundred percent right about that. However, as you are no doubt aware of already, I wasn't just putout about it. I was mad as hell. So mad in fact, I couldn't see straight. I mean to tell you, I was really frosted.

"But, that's no excuse.

"You presented me with the golden opportunity to watch you go from a guy to a girl, and like a real idiot, I didn't take you up on it.

"So, since we've got nothing better to do tonight, I'd like to rectify that little mistake of mine by having you give me a demonstration right now."

"All right. I guess I can do that.

"Fact is, now that I think about it, I'd be more than happy to show what happens when I put these bad boys of mine on.

"However, before I do, I have to say that I have to strongly disagree with you."

"About what?" Gale ardently demanded.

"About what you just said, about how the two of us not having anything better to do tonight.

"I mean, I don't know about you, but I can think of one thing that the two of could do, and hopefully will do, before we call it a night."

"You want to know something, Dennis, for a guy who just turned thirty, you really are getting to be a dirty old man. I mean, sometimes I get the impression that all you ever think about is sex."

"That hurts." Dennis chuckled. "That really, really hurts...

"I'll have you know that I think about a lot things other than sex."

"You sure could have fooled me..." Gale quipped.

"So, come on. Are you going to show me, or are you just going to sit there and give me a hard way to go?"

Placing the outer run of his left ankle just behind the crest of the knee joint of his right leg, Dennis removed the moccasin styled slipper he was wearing, and lackadaisically tossed it over his shoulder, in what was general direction of the closet. Then, having done that, he took another second or so to ensure he had selected the appropriate shoe. Bending forward again, he positioned the diminutive pump over his manly, and somewhat gnarled, size eleven and a half foot.

Hesitating, he shared a doubt he had with his wife, "You do realize, this may not work?"

"You mean, because I'm standing here, watching?"


"Well... should that be the case, tell you what I'll do. I'll just go into the bathroom, and then you can call me after you finish getting yourself all girlified.

Then, even as her husband began to drawn the petite pump's U-throat over the guide post of his big toe, Gale asked, "Shouldn't you take your socks off first?"

"Oh, no. That's not necessary, as hopefully you will soon see for yourself."

"Oh." Gale was giddy with the excitement of it all. "I see what you mean. The lower portion of your sock isn't wool anymore. It's... it's... it's..."

"Nylon..." Dennis knowingly offered the word that his wife was groping for, as he deftly drew the ass end of the high heel about the nylon-shrouded heel of his clearly discernable femininely re-sculptured foot.

"Yes." Gale exclaimed triumphantly. "That's it. I could actual see your sock changing from bulky wool knit to a sheer nylon weave right before my very eyes. Plus, it appears to have actually changed color as well. Where before it was black, now, it's a shimmering hue of coffee brown."

"Kind of neat, isn't it?"

"Neat? As far as I'm concerned, it's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

"I mean to tell you. For my money, it appears as if that sheer nylon mesh steadily flowed up your foot, engulfing the black wool as it went, and somehow transformed it into a coffee brown nylon sock, or you could say, a very feminine styled stocking-like thing-a-ma-jiggy in the process."

"Funny you should use the word 'process'."

Seeking illumination, Gale quizzically asked, "How come? "

Placing his high heel shod foot on the floor, Dennis replied, "Because, even though you can't really see it, the process, as you so aptly put it, is continuing, even as we speak.

"That's to say that underneath these raggedy old Levis of mine, the nylon fabric you saw my sock transform itself into is steadily working its way up my leg.

"In other words, Gale, unless I miss my guess here, when everything is all said done, and from the waist downwards I'm as much of a woman as you are, my socks will have magically transmogrified themselves into a pair of pantyhose.

"Now, if you'll give me a sec, I'll just put this other shoe on."

Using the stylishly tapered toe of his high heel shod foot; Dennis nudged the moccasin from off of his right foot. Bending slightly forward from the waist, he placed the remaining stiletto heel pump upright on the floor next to his foot. Next, he hefted the moccasin, and nonchalantly sent it flying back over his shoulder, much as he had previous done with its mate. "Now, Gale," he casually instructed, "I really want you to pay close attention to what happens next." Then, without any fanfare or folderol, he lifted his as yet mannishly constituted right foot off the floor, and deftly inserted into the constricted maw of the awaiting pump.

"I have a question."

"You do, do ya?"

"Yes. What I'd like to know is how in the world did you ever manage that?" Gale gasped in astonishment. "I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that those oversized gunboats of yours are way to big to have ever fit in those heels.

"Hell, Dennis. Even though my feet are way smaller than most women, I've got to tell you that even they are way to big to have even come close to fitting into those absurdly petite little high heels of yours."

"I know. It's really weird how these diminutive pumps expand, while my feet are concurrently undergoing a drastic, and damn near instantaneous downsizing, isn't it?"

Forced to agree, Gale excitedly exclaimed, "I'll say..."

"Wait a second. Let me hazard a guess here," Dennis suspiciously quipped. "I'll just bet that when you rescued these bad boys of mine from the trashcan, you endeavored to try them on, didn't you?"

"Yes. I'm ashamed to say, I did."

"First off, there's nothing for you to be ashamed of. And secondly, that doesn't surprise me at all."

Seeking clarification, Gale replied, "You mean, it doesn't surprise you that I tried to see if they would fit me? Or, are you saying that you're not surprised to hear that they didn't fit me?"

"Both, actually.

"In other words, Gale, I'm not at all surprise to hear you say that you tried to see if they would fit you.

"I mean, had the situation been reversed, had I been you and you been me, I know without the shadow of a doubt that my curiosity would have gotten the best of me, and I wold have tried to see if they would fit me.

"However, though I am at a loss as to explain why I feel the way I do, I have the sneaky suspicion that these heels of mine won't fit anybody but me.

"Now, as to why I feel that way, I have no idea. But, I do.

"In other words, I think that these magical high heels have somehow attuned themselves to me in such as way as to preclude anyone else from wearing them.

"Now, I know that might sounds silly, and I have nothing to base that admittedly wild-ass theory of mine on, but for some strange reason, I tend to believe that such is the case..."

"Dennis." Gale changed the subject, as she quizzically intoned. "Does it hurt?"

"If you mean does it hurt going from being a guy to a girl, the answer is no. It doesn't hurt at all.

"Truth is, in a kinky and admittedly perverted way, I find the whole transition to be sexually stimulating.

"Hell. I might go so far to say that it's a real turn-on, as in it tends to get these new love juices of mine flowing."

"You're shitting me, right? I mean, it's got to be uncomfortable as all get-out when your guy thingie does a one-eighty and up and turns into a girl's thingie."

"Yeah... You'd think that such would be the case, but take it from me, it isn't uncomfortable at all.

"Fact is, I find it to be an extremely pleasurable experience."

"Has it happened yet?"

"No... But, it's about to."

"You will let me know when does, won't you?"

"Sure... But, in all reality I won't have to."

"And, why is that?"

"Because, you'll be able to tell by these pants I'm wearing. When they complete the transition, going from a washed out pair of men's Levis, to a skin tight pair of women's designer jeans, you'll know that from the waist down, I'm as feminine as feminine can be.

"Well, if that's the case, Dennis, I think I can safely assume that you've reached the point where you're well on your way to becoming my girlfriend, Kelly."

"And, I would have to say you're right on that account.

"In other words, Gale, until I switch back to being my old manly self again, should I have to take a leak, I'm going to have to do so sitting."

"Dennis." Gale registered a complaint. "Why on earth did you have mention that?"

"Oh, I don't know, Gale. I guess it's because I see it as one of the drawbacks of my being a girl, especially when I'm out somewhere, and have to resort to using a public restroom to relieve myself."

"Well, even though I have to concede your point about having to use a public restroom, was it really necessary for you to bring that up right now?"

"No... No, it wasn't...

"But, I have to say that that is one of the things that irks me about being a girl."

"That's understandable, Dennis. I agree. Having to use a public restroom doesn't sit well with me either. But, it's like they say, sometimes a girl's got to do what a girl got to do.

"Now, can we please talk about something else?"

"Sure. Like what for instance?"

"Like how you're feeling?"

"Besides being as horny as all get out, I feel great.

"Actually, that's one the side benefits I get every time I use these heels to change myself into a girl."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No. Not at all.

"Basically, though I haven't the foggiest idea how it works, the transsexualization process pretty much eradicates all my aches and pains. Oh. And, I guess you could say that it also invigorates me as well.

"Would you believe that back in the days when I used to play in a rugby league, right after the games, more times than not, I'd hightail it home; take a quick shower, and then slip into these dick-teaser specials of mine.

"Hell, Gale. I'll have you know that after spending a whole weekend up at the quarry, checking out a class of entry level students, there's nothing better than to come home, unpack, attend to the drudgery of cleaning my dive gear, and then, kick back and relax by logging in some girl-time.

"I mean to tell you, spending an entire Sunday evening as a certified member of the crotch creased club, sure as hell makes for a pain free Monday."

Changing the subject once again, Gale curiously asked, "Can I see?"

Even as his hands moved to his femininely restyled belt buckle, Dennis impishly sought to clarify his wife's request, "I take it that you mean this new pussy of mine?"

"Yes." Gale replied was squeamishly couched.

Undoing the top button, and continuing on to unzip those new, body hugging, and extremely flattering designer jeans of his, Dennis casually replied, "I kind of thought that's what you meant."

With a nervous giggle lurking in the inflection of her voice, Gale Mallory exclaimed, "Wow. Black satin briefs."

"What can I say, save to say that these heels seem to have an inside track on my clothing preferences."

"Preferences, my ass." Gale laughingly scoffed. "It's more like proclivities."

"Hey. What can I say? I like satin, and these heels of mine seem to know it."

"Oh. And, I suppose you're going to end up with a black satin bra to match those black satin bikini briefs of yours?"

Lifting his sweatshirt, which was about a quarter of it's way to becoming a torso hugging, cobalt blue sweater, shot through with silver highlights, Dennis exposed a garment that had once been a man's plan white T-shirt, but was increasing looking more and more like a woman's long-wasted halter top. It, like his sweatshirt, was undergoing a progressive, albeit fluid change. Its hue varied, going from a light gray at the topmost of the exposed portion, to a gleaming dark charcoal at the bottom.

"Damn." Gale quipped. "This is absolutely amazing."

"Isn't it, though?"

"Oh, yeah. It most certainly is...

"I mean, I standing here. Watching it happen. And, I still can't believe it."

"I know what you mean, honey.

"I mean, even after all this time, I still have a hard time accepting the fact that it's actually happening."

"Dennis..." Gale tentatively intoned.

"Yes, honey..."

"As much as I'm fascinated by seeing the clothes you're wearing change in lock-step with your body, tomorrow night, before we go out, do you think you could do me a favor and take off all your clothes first before putting on the heels?"

"Oh. So, what you're saying is, you want to see me change when I'm nude?"


"Sure... No problem. I'd be happy to do that for you."

"That's great. Because, I'd really like to see you change that way as well as this."

"There's no need for you to explain yourself, honey. Believe me. I completely understand."

"You do?"

"I sure do.

"I mean, why do you think I installed full length mirrors on the backside of as many doors around here as I have?"

"Look. While I truly believe that the guy-me doesn't have a vain bone in my body, I've got to honest with you. In the privacy of my own home, the girl-me is without a doubt, Little Miss Vanity Personified. As in I dig the livin' shit out of myself when I'm femed out to the max."

"Oh.' Gale was being as sarcastic as sarcastic could be. "So, I take it that what you're saying is that when you're a girl, you think that your shit don't stink?"

"Yeah... You could say that..." Dennis thoughtfully smirked, as he lowered the hem of the sweatshirt that was well on its way to becoming what could only be described as a distinctively femininely styled sweater.

"Well, well, well..." chuckling all the while, Gale giddily jeered. "Lookie what I see. Boobs." Whereupon, she immediately corrected herself, "Well... on second thought, I guess at this stage of the game, they're more akin to nubbins, than real, honest to goodness boobies."

"True enough." her husband concurred. "But, as you can plainly see, they're already on their way to becoming the genuine article."

"Oh, yeah. They most certainly are.

"I mean, I can actually see them growing, or if you will, expanding. That's to say that I can actually see them getting larger.

"Hell, Dennis. Since I first took note of them a few short moments ago, I'll bet you that they've already pretty much doubled in size."

Taking his hands and hefting the mounds that were still in the process of distending outwards from his formerly manly chest, Dennis crisply replied, "I do believe that you're right about that, honey."

"I'm curious, dear. As your boobs grow, are your nipples becoming more, shall we say, sexually sensitized as well?"

"Indubitably. As in, they sure as hell are.

"In other words, honey, I'm well on the way to acquiring erogenous zones all over the place."

"Oh, I just bet you are..."

Then, with a voice that clearly conveyed a sense of unbridled sarcasm, Gale continued on to quip, "You want to know something? It isn't fair.

"What isn't fair?"

"You, and that gorgeous new body of yours. That's what isn't fair.

"I mean, all you did was to put on those heels of yours, and you end up with a body that's about as perfect as perfect can be."

"Yeah... Kind of nifty, isn't it?

"But, then again, I guess you'd have say that I'm living proof that magic trumps good old Mother Nature damn near each and every time.

Gale did not offer any response. Truth was, Gale was in no position to offer a response, owing to the fact that she was by far to busy laughing that pert little ass of hers off.

"Hey. What gives?" Dennis quizzically demanded. "What's so doggoned funny?"

"You are, you ninny." she finally managed to articulate. "The way you look right now, is absolutely ridiculous."

"Oh, I think I understand what you're getting at. You saying that I look really strange, to the point of being bizarre, with this manly head of mine perched atop this sexy new body that I'm in the process of being fitted out with?

"Yeah... You're right. I guess I do kind of look a little strange at this juncture.

"But, let me tell you something. If you think I look a sight right now, just wait until tomorrow evening, when I do this without any clothes on. As funny as I look now, I'll look even funnier then."

"And, why's that?" Gale felt compelled to ask.

"That's because at this stage of game, my arms will still be as masculine as my head." Dennis replied with a voice that was in the midst of modulating between that of the man he had been, and that of the sexy young woman he was on the cusp of becoming.

"Oh. You're right. That will look awfully funny.

"You know something." Gale giggled. "We really need to record this sexual change of yours on video tape."

With a voice that was unequivocally that of a female, Dennis countered sharply, "Oh, no we don't."

With a tone that clearly communicated the fact that she would not be overruled or dissuaded, Gale dogmatically countered, "Oh, yes we do, Kelly.

Aware that she was fighting a loosing battle with that stubborn new bride of hers, and that no matter how vehemently she protested it, Gale would eventually have her way, Kelly did the prudent thing, with that prudent thing being: she graciously capitulated. "Okay. You win. There's no sense us arguing about it, now is there? Look, since you seem so dead set on taping me undergoing a change, as long as you promise not to show it to anybody without checking with me first, I guess it'll be all right. In other words, honey, if it'll make you happy, you can tape me doing the guy'o to girl'o thing-a-ma-jiggie till the cows come home.

"However, how 'bout we give it a few weeks first, so I can kind of get used to the idea?"

In awe of what she had just seen take place before her very eyes, Gale stammered, "Sure... No problem. That'll be just fine with me. We can wait awhile if you'd like..."

Then, even as a wealth of honey-golden hair began to cascade down the back of the gorgeous young woman who stood so beguilingly before her, Gale giddily exclaimed, "Oh, Kell. I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed you."

Rushing over in what could only be termed as a spontaneous, knee-jerk reaction on her part, Gale eagerly enfolded her girlfriend slash husband in an emotion infused hug, a hug that clearly communicated her joy in ways that words could not.

Though Kelly was keenly aware of the absurdity of the situation, she was also aware of its fragility. Having just reclaimed a part of her life that she thought she had lost forever, Kelly knew that it was in her best interest to let her wife establish the parameters under which the two of them would operate in this hybrid, if not convoluted relationship they were embarking upon. A slipup at this juncture might prove disastrous. A hand inadvertently placed could well ruin everything. Though undefined as yet, there were some very real taboos in place now, where none had existed but a few short moments before.

Kelly knew that she had to be on her best behavior, and that restraint had to be her watchword.

Trouble was, that was easier said than done, especially so, since one of the major side effects of her male to female makeover was a pervasive state of auto-eroticism that aggressively yearned to be addressed, and subsequent to that, appeased. Aroused as she was, and with that new vagina of hers leaking love-juices like a sieve, Kelly wanted nothing more at that moment than to play a crass game of twiddle-tweak with all those new and unquestionable feminine erogenous zones of hers. But, Kelly also had the presence of mind to realize that should she give into those narcissistically engendered compulsions of hers, she ran the risk of screwing up everything.

Gale's proximity, which could best be described as intimate, was not helping one iota. Enveloped within her wife's emotion-packed embrace, standing there, titty to titty, nipple to nipple, pelvis to pelvis, and twat to twat as they were; Kelly was hard pressed not to reach out and touch someone, with that someone being her wife, in what would surely be a most inappropriate and suggestive manner. Though she longed to fondle and knead her wife's seductively shaped ass, Kelly knew that as long as she was in her female motif, anything that could be construed as to falling under the purview of foreplay was a no-no. While Dennis had been extended certain rights and privileges, she had not.

Kelly found herself at a loss as to how to best handle the situation. She knew that she had to extricate herself from her wife's platonic hug before her own emotions got the best of her, and she ended up doing something brash, something that might send out the wrong signals. There was no doubt in Kelly's mind. She knew that she had to do something to put some space between herself and her wife, and that something would have to be done in the next moment or so. Problem was, Kelly did not know how to accomplish it without putting her wife on the defensive.

Lucky for Kelly, Gale's feminine intuition must have been functioning at an optimum level. Just when Kelly thought she would have no recourse but to break out of Gale's endearing embrace, she felt her wife's arms first loosen, and then, begin to withdraw.

Taking an awkward, stutter-step backwards, Gale self-consciously stammered, "Oh, Kelly. I'm so, so sorry.

"That was really thoughtless of me to hug you like that.

"I mean, from everything you've told me about you, and your turning yourself into a girl, I bet that you're horny as all get-out right about now, and I think it's safe to say that my hugging you like that wasn't helping any, now was it?"

"No..." Kelly chuckled. "No, it wasn't...

"Truth is, your hugging me like that was making me a whole hell of a lot hornier than I already was.

"I mean to tell you, Gale. That hug of yours was damn near my undoing. I mean, I was on the verge of throwing caution to the wind, and putting a move on you."

"You were, were you?" it was Gale's turn to chuckle.

"So, tell me something, Kell. Besides being as horny as hell right now, how's it feel to be a woman again?"

"Honestly? It feels wonderful. Absolutely wonderful."

"Good." Gale face broke in a great big shit-eating grin. "I'm really glad to hear that, because I've missed you. I've really, really missed you..."

Next: Chapter 3

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