Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Sep 28, 2002


Disclaimer: Hey everyone. I know I've been slacking off, but I will try to finish this story, regardless. Once again, I do not know the BSB nor do I know their orientations. This is a figment of my imagination. All under 18 are advised not to continue reading since this contains content of an adult nature.

My head was sustaining an incredibly gut-wrenching headache and it was quite a while before I could open my eyes to take in the surroundings. The creaky bars were enough to tell me that I was strapped in a cage. Damn it! How come the evil people always prevail. Damn them!

I ran to one of the bars and pushed, only to realize that my cage was dangling from a thick chain to the ceiling. Underneath me was a nice hot spring in which smoke was coming out of. My body was completely sweaty from the heat and steam rising. I backed up, only to trip on a body. As I turned around to cuss at the object that caused my imbalance, I gaped to see Nick's body next to me in the cage, also rather sweaty and not fully clothed.

What the hell? Was this a nightmare turned dream? It was almost unreal. I leaned down, unsure. "Nick?" I asked nervously, touching Nick's chin to see if Nick's body were real. To my delight, there was substance to it. My fingers became restless and grasped Nick's shoulders and shook him. I kept it going for at least a minute before I noticed that my efforts were in vain. His soul . . . it had escaped!

Crank . . . I nearly flipped when the cage instantly lowered by a foot. My body jumped and got pulled down by gravity. I gulped. They were gonna dip us into the hot molten waters! Curse them all. What kind of retched beasts were they?

"Wake up, Nick!" I said helplessly. "Please!" I needed the assurance. I bit my lip bitterly when I realized that he wasn't going to wake up.

The chains once again creeked as the cage lowered in jerking motions. That was when I realized that we were no longer alone. The cage lowered to the point that my eyes were leveled with those of . . . Kevin's.

I no longer recognized him. His dark green eyes showed of a mixture of concern and anger. That face that I grew up to love was now ridden with contempt . . . but for me? for Nick? It couldn't be. I remembered how many times he had bailed me and Nick out of trouble. Kev? my mind pleaded to him, but he had blocked it! Damn him!

I turned away and focused back on Nick. Without even looking I could count every single face that gazed at us coldly. I could name each and every one of them, I thought to myself painfully. "Brian!" I heard someone call out to me.

Danny! I turned to where I heard the voice, only to see him held back by two strong and big vampires. "Don't try to wake him up! It's a trap. They're luring . . . " he continued but a strong barrier clasped its strong hands around his mouth, sealing it permanently. I immediately took my hands away from Nick suddenly knowing how detrimental my actions could have been. Nick's soul had escaped! Therefore, this was a last ditch effort to lure it back? How low! Using me to lure him back . . . but wait a minute, they're using his love for me to catch him? I stood there, stunned.

What about Kevin . . . Howie . . . Aj? Did they not care about me? I felt my blood seethe. I finally knew which side was dark and light now. All that crap about a prophecy! Despicable.

I put my face against the bars that held the cage together. My eyes finally settled on the Queen and the Alman princess standing side by side, trying to look regal. "How ludicrous is it that a leader of of a people use an underhanded, stinking maneuver to keep an innocent person under submission. You don't have your dignity. You go around stealing other people's powers . . . which by the way doesn't belong to you in the first place. You know, this feels like deja vous. Just like you had strapped Nick to the pole a month ago, torturing him in front of all these people. The only difference is that I don't see how there's any decency to any action from you anymore."

"Shut up!" one of the Sons growled. The cage continued to lower. I fell backwards from the suddenness. "Damn you all!" I shouted before falling on my butt.

I heard laughter and scorn from the myriad of other worthless beings that stood on the edge of the abyss, amusedly watching my imminent death. No! I couldn't let his soul come back to his body. I didn't want it to, not even for my sake. For thousands of years he had escaped them. It should not be his fate to be forever a victim of their greed.

I willed my mind, out of desperation, to bend the bars of the cage that I was stepping on. And to my delight, the bars pulled aside like plastic, creating a small, but visible opening at the bottom of the cage. I swooped down and lifted Nick's body from the cage so that he lay peacefully in my arms. I'd like to think that he was just sleeping soundly. 'They won't hurt you anymore, Nick' I whispered softly to him. Before anyone could turn my plans around, I stepped into the hole at the bottom of the cage and fell into the fiery waters. My hands snaked their way around Nick's waist and I stared blissfully into his face. True I couldn't see those brilliant blue eyes anymore, but none of that mattered anymore. Not when he was this close. I could feel my skin start to burn from the increasing heat. I could hear some shouting in the background but it became faint.

The fires suddenly blinded my eyes and all I could see was white surrounding Nick's body . . . when all of a sudden, two big lavender eyes gazed at me. Nickolas' eyes-big, calming . . . beautiful. Our noses were touching. My heart skipped a few beats. His left arm circled my back, and just as I thought he was going to lean closer to kiss me, he turned his head to the side and extended his right arm. I was hoping he would defy gravity and help us fly away from the fires, but to my shock our bodies seemed to dive in further into them. I could feel the hot wind brushing madly against our bodies as we now dove head first into the fires. So this is what kamikaze feels like.

As beautiful as Nick's eyes were, I couldn't help but close mine in anticipation of our imminent death. Yes-at the last moment, I was afraid of dying. I clung to Nick tighter, embedding my head into his chest, hoping that that was enough comfort. My face was pouring with sweat. I could feel myself melting as my skin was pulled back from our descent. I held on tighter to Nick. Hot. It was all too hot.

I felt his lips on top of my head as he gave me a kiss, probably a good-bye kiss if anything else. I wanted to open my eyes and move my head so that his lips were on my lips, but the sheer force of our descent was too difficult for me to counter. I kept my head buried in his chest.

Just when I felt the flames tickling my back and the intense burning sensation that it caused, we made impact. It was so bright that even with my eyes closed, I felt blinded. We crashed into the flames and the next thing I knew, we splashed into something. I felt like my head crack open and tried to open my mouth to scream from the pain, but was surprised when I gulped in lots of water.

Drowning . . . gulp. I swallowed another gulp of water and spat it out only to realize I had no more air in me. I opened my eyes in desperation and saw Nick's beautiful face smiling at me, his hair moving with the waves of the water. He leaned forward and placed his lips on me, giving me a breath of his. I felt the oxygen dissolve into my body and leaned against his mouth for more. He smiled and gave me another breath before latching onto my body and smimming fast towards who knows where. I looked up to where we made impact and could see the flames from above.

I looked at him excitedly. There must have been a layer of oil on top of this pond that fed those fires! How did he ever know about it? On second hand, I didn't think I wanted to know. I was too excited over not dying to think twice about it. I hugged Nick longingly, thrilled out of my mind.

We surfaced about a few minutes later, our heads pulled out of the waters. I looked at him and saw him pull his hand up to brush his hair out of his face as I did the same. His movements were confident and all the more attractive now that he was wet. He no longer had the soiled look to him as his skin had a soft glow to it. His face was so fair now that the waters had washed away all the dirt. He quickly swam to shore, pulling me with him. I looked out to see the dark cloudy sky and the midnight blue night. The open air was refreshing as we slowly made our way to the rocky shore. The cool breeze swept across my face and I felt so much more alive than I ever thought I would be. Nothing but vastness stood before my eyes.

There were a few trees and lots of land. I slowly felt the ground beneath my feet and walked my way up the shore with Nick by my side. I held his hand possessively. As we surfaced, I looked down, remembering how just a piece of cloth had veiled his privates earlier. Now as he stepped out, a pair of pants had covered his bottom half entirely. It immediately dried. It was no longer the gold-laced pants, but soft tan-colored cotton pants. I wonder if he was just shy around me, or then again, I was focusing too much on his sexuality.

I was a little tongue tied to say the least. The last time I truly talked to him, we didn't exactly part on good terms. Nick let go of my hand as we completely left the waters.

"So . . . " I started nervously.

Silence. He was deep in thought, his eyes crossed.

"I . . . I was wrong." I began, not really knowing what I was going to say. All my thoughts were coming in spurts. I continued when he remained silent, probably agreeing with my last statement. "I thought that your soul was here to take over our world . . . and so I had behaved kind of bad."

His back was to me and he held out his hand, his palm facing upwards towards the sky. It was magnificent! Nick turned to look at me, his expression carrying an air I had never seen or felt before. There was an innocence that was foreign to me. It was as if he lost all memories of the past, had forgotten who had used to be, had lost the sense of who he truly was. His lavender eyes carried with it something new and refreshing, as if that swim we just had had not only cleaned his body, but cleared his soul as well.

He smiled at me like he was just out of a shower, the boyishness seeping back into his features. Even the cotton pants gave him a regal but natural look. At that moment, I knew he had washed himself of his past, had cleansed his soul of darkness. He was not the Nick I knew, but neither was he a distant ancient spirit from the past. He looked like an ordinary guy and I wonder if his powers had also been taken from him.

He grinned shyly at me. "I've always dreamed of living in a small town where everyone is into everyone elses business."

I let out a sigh of relief and laughed at his newfound naivete and all the feelings I had for him prior to all this starting came back, albeit stronger than before. It was like a big stone had fallen on my head, knocking me out of my stupidity. Then, I answered him, "I don't know where the hell we are."

He looked at me strangely, probably offended by my language. I wouldn't doubt that, judging from his youthful eyes. Then he answered. "I say we head off towards wherever this cave faces. I think it's trying to tell us something." I stared back to where we had swam out of. True enough, there was an opening to the cave that faced westward.

And then, my heart relaxed. It was like a new beginning. No evil vampires, no conniving soul-snatchers, no mist of death, no betraying friends. And finally . . . no false prophecy to dominate our actions - just me and this other sweet, naive, innocent boy. No royalty, no hate. Just regular, old-fashioned country life. I looked to Nick and nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I quickly took a few steps, which were rather long strides because of my vampire abilities, when I noticed that Nick was quite a few steps behind me.

"Brian?" he called out to me.

I turned around only to realize that he could not catch up with me. He ran, but I could hear him being short of breath as he approached me. He collapsed onto the ground from the exhaustion. My heart sunk. What if the vampires and Almans were after us . . . he could never escape them at this rate.

But after careful thought, a smile brushed my lips. He was mine to keep. It was a selfish thought, but one that simply escaped from my consciousness. It was a realization that was all too pleasant for me. I looked to the sky and thanked the stars for this genuine gift. I would keep him . . . and I would take care of him. Even if they hunted us down, he would be mine until the day I die.

I looked into his nice lavender eyes which were now the only remnant of his incredible past. I quickly placed a finger on his jaw, tracing it back to his beautiful cheeks. I could hear his heart race from the contact, glad that he could no longer shield his thoughts from me. I leaned forward, touching my lips to his, my hands grasping his waist and pulling him closer. Finally, I let my weight rest on his body and let my arms wander to the elastic band around his pants. He did not resist as he simply catered to me. Was it a dream come true? I pulled down on his pants, very thrilled to know that it slid off his hips pretty easily, not like those gold-laced pants that seemed to have a mind of their own. No. This was too easy. I felt his soft skin underneath those pants and my body reacted with lightning speed. My hands massaged his body, anxiously roaming his sides and lingering on his tight mounds. I squeezed and massaged until I completely removed his clothing.

He was out of breath, but I was too hungry for passion to notice. I relieved myself of only the necessary clothing and entered him quickly and lightly. He could not make any noises for my tongue was inside his mouth. I moved him to my pace and filled him with my seed. Now he is truly mine for I have implanted him with my essence, tagged him as my own. My seed would remain within him for a while. I don't know what had happened on our descent into the fires, but I do know what I plan to do with this sudden pleasant situation.

After a few more minutes, I pulled out of him and let him catch his breath. I stared at his body, amazed at its inherent and natural beauty. And then, I pulled his pants up, giving him time to stand upright. My hand grabbed his as I guided him into the woods in search of that town that consisted of meddlesome, insignificant people. I too would like to share that home with him. No vampires, no almans . . . just humans. He did not need to work. All I wanted him to do was to be beside me. That prophecy was probably false anyways. Who said that the Almans and the Vampires were coming to an end. Here was Nickolas before me, completely helpless and non-threatening. It would be an end to a pitiful era . . . and a beginning to a new life.

End Part ONE


Next: Chapter 20: Dawn of an Empire 0

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