Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Jun 24, 2019


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This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed my story please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:


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I'm leaning over my desk at work, my trousers round my ankles. Kurt, my boss, is pressing up against me, from behind. His cock probes the entrance to my arse, then slides in and he begins fucking me. I feel incredibly hot and sexy, my rock hard cock straining for release. I long to touch it, but I know that if I do, I will come almost immediately, so I refrain. I can feel Kurt's hot breath on the nape of my neck, and hear him panting as he nibbles my ear. My arse feels so full of his cock, and it feels so good I don't want him to stop. He must be enormous to fill me up like this. He murmurs something unintelligible as he thrusts himself into me hard. My entire body is shaking from the force of his body slamming against mine, and his leg scratches at my hip.

Wait. His leg? At my hip?

I open my eyes. I'm alone in bed, of course. Since I separated from Mark a few months ago, I have been living on my own. But I can still feel the heat of breath on my neck.

"Ohhhhh gawd!" I yawn hugely, and roll over. My dog is lying next to me, panting. his leg twitches spasmodically as he chases rabbits in his dreams, scratching at my hip again.

"Dex! Bad dog! You know you're not allowed on the bed!" Dex lifts his head, and his tail thumps a couple of times on the mattress, then he puts his head back down again. This is what I get for having a 60kg dog, I think to myself. But I don't really have the heart to kick him off the bed. At least he won't cheat on me or treat me badly.

A peek at my watch shows me that it is still way too early to get up on a Saturday morning, so I lie in bed drowsing, trying to ignore the insistent protests from my bladder, and regather the threads of sleep. My dream comes back to me, and my cock twitches. It is still semi erect. That was a really sexy dream for some reason, especially considering that I've never been attracted to Kurt. Not only is he totally straight and married, he is also, as a friend of mine oh so subtly said, quite ugly. Which is not to say that I wouldn't let him fuck me. Heck the way things have been going the last few months, I wouldn't turn down anybody who wanted to fuck me. I never was particularly abstemious, and I haven't exactly lived a monastic life since we separated, but I have still been quite lonely. Life as a middle aged gay man isn't easy, especially if you don't look good. Or can't afford to pay for sex.

Ultimately, despite my best intentions, I cannot ignore the pressure from my bladder, and I am forced to get up to pee. Once I've taken care of that I consider the day ahead of me. Weekends when I have no concrete plans are the hardest. These are the days when my need for companionship is strong, and time seems to stand still. Some days I can almost hear the slow ticking of time passing, like the dripping of water from a leaky faucet, drop after drop after drop, seeming to never end. Sometimes I am almost glad to return to work after a weekend like that.

Almost in echo of my thoughts, I realize that I can actually hear dripping water. I look around and after a couple of minutes find the source: the air conditioner of the apartment above mine is dripping down onto my balcony.

Bloody hell! I think to myself. As I climb the steps to the next floor I'm already working myself into a bad temper. I bang on the apartment door harder than I had intended. After a minute there is no response so I knock harder. This time I get a response.

"Yes? Who is it?" A man's voice.

"I'm your neighbor. I live in the apartment below yours" I answer.

The door opens, revealing a tall, dark skinned guy, wearing nothing but the skimpiest, tightest pair of briefs I have ever seen. My eyes travel down his lean and muscular body, and I feel my face flush, as I register that he has a considerable bulge tenting the front of his skimpy briefs. With some difficulty, I drag my gaze up to his face, and realize that he is one of the handsomest men I have ever seen. Neatly trimmed beard, clear brow, eyes that are so dark they almost seem to swallow the light. Suddenly my chest feels tight, and I cannot breathe properly.

"Hi." He says

"Er... hi. I'm, er, your neighbor from downstairs. I wanted to ask... that is..." I have to pause to collect my thoughts. The collar of my shirt seems about 2 sizes too small.

"Nice to meet you." He seems amused.

He puts out his hand and I take it in mine. But just the touch of his rough, calloused hand sends a feeling of excitement racing through my body, and I immediately pull my hand back.

"Your air conditioner. Is. L-leaking. Onto. My balcony..." my voice trails off as I draw in what seems to me to be an audible gasp.

"Oh, Sorry about that. We've just moved in." He throws a glance back, and over his shoulder I can see a girl standing in the entrance to one of the rooms. "I'll talk to the landlord, and get him to fix it."

"Ok. Thanks" I manage to say. "Welcome to the building" I add as an afterthought. But the door has already closed. I feel dazed. My thoughts still aflutter, I go down to my apartment, thinking about this guy. I know that he will feature prominently in my fantasies.

A couple of days later, as I arrived home, I met the neighbor in the entrance to the building. He is standing in the lobby, a large backpack slung on one shoulder, checking his mailbox, and discarding all the adverts. I get that feeling of excitement in the pit of my stomach, as I look him over. He is very tall, and very well built. His biceps seem ready to tear their way through his sleeves. His hair is black and close cropped. After getting a longer look at him I can definitely say that he is one of the handsomest, hunkiest guys I have ever seen.

Almost as if he sensed my gaze, he looks up and gives me a warm smile.

"Hello, downstairs neighbor." He says.

"Hi. I'm sorry I wasn't very friendly last time we spoke. Welcome to the building. I'm Steve, by the way."

"Aaron. Pleased to meetcha." He responds.

As we go up the stairs he asks "You still getting wet down there?"

This is such a double entendre that I blink in surprise not sure how to respond.

"Er, what?" I finally manage.

"You know. The leaky air conditioner. The landlord said he took care of it."

"Oh, that. No, I'm dry." I respond. He snickers.

"We reach my apartment, and as I unlock the door he says "Well, have a pleasant evening." And he continues up the stairs.

The following evening I am walking my dog in a park near my home. It's almost dark, and in a far corner of the park I can see a guy working out. Pushups, pull-ups, squats and other things. As I get near I recognize Aaron. I stand nearby, pretending to be uninterested as my dog sniffs at an interesting patch of grass, and I admire his body. The way the muscles bunch and writhe under his skin...

After a minute or two he turns and sees me, and waves me over to say hello. He is wearing gym shorts only, and his body glistens with sweat. It makes him even sexier.

We chat for a while, then he says "I'm heading home now. Wanna come?"


He picks up his t shirt and slings it over his shoulder. I walk along next to him as we talk. He is still wearing only gym shorts, and I am acutely aware of the drops of sweat drying on his body. I long to run my finger down across his chest and stomach. He is totally oblivious to the effect he has on me, chatting away, and telling me details about his workout routine.

Halfway home we pass an abandoned lot, and Aaron says "Wait a minute. I gotta take a leak."

"Well, don't take it too far." I reply.

He turns into the abandoned lot, and I wait while he pees, looking at his broad back. After about a minute he turns around, cock in hand, shaking it off. For a split second his cock is visible, as he tucks it back into his shorts. My first feelings are excitement and arousal, followed by disbelief. Did he just flash his cock at me? Was it deliberate?

We continue home, my thoughts awhirl. He might have done it without thinking. But does he realize that I am gay? Maybe he does, and he's trying to make a pass at me? If so, he's trying too hard. Barkis is definitely willing.

I'm so engrossed in my thoughts that I barely register when we pause outside my apartment, until he says "Well, I don't want to bore you. And I reek of sweat."

"It's not boring at all" I reply. "It's fascinating. Anytime you want, you're welcome to come to my place, to continue talking."

"I'll take you up on that." He says, as he starts up the stairs.

I try to seek him out over the next few weeks. Whenever he goes to the park for a workout I'm there, when he leaves for work in the morning I'm just taking my dog for a walk... I make every effort to be friendly and helpful, and give him an opportunity to make a pass at me, but other than a friendly greeting I get no response from him. I've almost convinced myself that it was all my imagination, and he wasn't trying to make a pass at me.

One evening I go out with a couple of friends, to see a movie at a multiplex in the nearby mall. We're standing chatting outside the cinema, when I see Aaron walking up with his girlfriend. They come over, and we exchange a few obligatory pleasantries.

Just as we're filing into the respective movie theaters I glance over at Aaron. He gives me a nod and a wink and I smile at him. Without taking his eyes off me, he says something to his girlfriend and turns aside to go into the toilets.

My interest is piqued.

"Er, you guys go ahead, I'll be along in a minute." I tell my friends.

I go over to the men's toilets. The color scheme is red and black. Harsh fluorescent lighting and the canned scent of pine pervade the atmosphere. Aaron is washing his hands at the sink and doesn't glance in my direction. I turn and walk down between two rows of cubicles, towards the urinals.

As I approach the last cubicle Aaron is suddenly right behind me very close up. I'm taken by surprise, and before I can object or resist, he more or less herds me into one of the cubicles, and grabs me from behind, pressing his body hard against mine. I feel his hands on my waist as his crotch grinds against my arse. He makes a breathy moaning sound, his arms reach around and he hugs me tightly, pushing the breath out of my lungs. His hands slide down my body, and he begins to unbuckle my trousers, as he presses his body against mine. Initially I try to help, but he pushes my hands away. He tugs my trousers partway down, and his fingers scrabble across my arse. He grips the cloth of my underpants. There is a tearing sound, and I feel his hand on my bare buttocks.

I am panting with arousal now, as Aaron nbuckles his own jeans and pulls his cock out. I feel it pressing against my arse, and it feels huge. I bend forward at the waist, bracing myself against the cubicle wall. His cock probes the entrance to my arse, then my sphincter opens, and it slides in. I gasp in pain and shock, and my body kind of cringes. But he holds me tight against him, and I have no possibility to get away. I whimper quietly, and he holds me close until my hole adjusts to his cock, and he begins fucking me. Aaron holds me tight against him, running his hands under my shirt, up and down my body, teasing my nipples and stroking my chest and stomach. I reach back and pull him harder against me. I can feel his hot breath on the nape of my neck, and hear him panting as he nibbles my ear. My arse feels so full of his cock, and it feels so good I don't want him to stop. I put my hand down between my legs, and fondle his balls as he pumps. I can feel them squashing up against my arse with each thrust. His cock feels enormous and it fills me up. My fingers brush over his cock as he thrusts into me, and my arsehole twinges as he fucks me. He murmurs something unintelligible as he thrusts himself into me hard. My entire body is thrown forward from the force of his body slamming against mine. The cubicle wall creaks as my body presses against it. For a second I think: what will happen if the cubicle wall breaks from the force of our fucking. Then his panting and his thrusting quicken, he growls something wordless and primal into my ear. He pulls my hips backwards hard towards his, and I feel his cock pulsing as he reaches orgasm. I actually feel his cock throbbing as he comes. I've never actually felt a guy coming inside me, and the sensation is almost overwhelming.

He leans against me for a few seconds, breathing hard. Then he straightens up and withdraws his cock, tucking it into his jeans immediately. For a second or two I remain bent over, as my arsehole says goodbye to his cock. I feel sorry that he pulled out. I straighten up as he finishes closing his jeans, and he gives me a smile, and hits me in the chest playfully with his fist. The door opens, and he is gone.

I clean myself up as best I can. It feels as if he pumped about a liter of semen into my arsehole. I'm shaking with excitement, as I join my friends in the theater. I cannot concentrate on the movie, instead I sit and relive the experience that I just had. Every time I move I can feel my arsehole twinge, and I relive the feeling of having his cock inside me.

Over the next few days, I go over every detail obsessively, analyzing everything and trying to understand what it means. Was this a once off, or will he want more? Is he gay? Bisexual? Adventurous straight? Does his girlfriend know?

A couple of days later, I run into Aaron walking into the building. He is carrying a huge parcel. For me this would be a real strain, but he does it as if it weighs nothing. I tell him this, and he laughs.

"I just got a new sound system. Wanna come over this evening and help me set it up?" He says.

"Sure. Glad to." I am happy for any opportunity to get near him. There are so many things I want to ask him.

That evening,I come up to his apartment. He is wearing nothing but shorts when he lets me in. It's almost as if he is looking for opportunities to flaunt his perfect body in front of me. But then again, if I looked like him I would also be proud to walk around like that.

I look around, a bit curious.

"Your girlfriend's not around?" I ask.

"She's away on a trip with some friends. I have the place to myself for a few days." I feel a stab of hope in my chest.

Any thoughts that I had about discussing what happened between us, or even a repeat performance, quickly evaporate. Aaron is all business, setting up the speakers, receiver and other paraphernalia that came with the sound system. Once we've got everything set up, he brings out a bottle of whiskey, and we sit down to watch an appropriately loud movie in celebration. But I'm too distracted to follow the movie. I'm not usually a big drinker, and the whiskey goes straight to my head. To further complicate things, Aaron seems determined to call attention to his crotch. He is constantly scratching, stroking, rearranging or touching himself. I find myself surreptitiously looking more at him than at the movie, although he barely looks in my direction.

I'm on the verge of making an excuse to leave when I feel Aaron's hand on the back of my head, pushing me down. I pull back and look at him. His dark eyes meet mine.

"Go ahead. You know you want to" He says

I hesitate a moment, looking into his eyes, then I pull his shorts down, revealing his semi erect cock. It looks every bit as large as it felt in my arse. I look up at him again, and he exerts some more pressure on the nape of my neck. I bend down and take it into my mouth. I can barely get it in, it is so big. I am really exerting myself. I suck it for a few minutes, then look up at him.

He is sprawled on the couch, legs stretched out, eyes closed, head thrown back. He is playing with his nipples. I resume sucking his cock, taking it as deep as I can. I can feel it hitting the entrance of my throat, but it's too thick to go in farther. I make a supreme effort, and it slips into my throat. Aaron gasps and lets out a groan. I pull back, thinking perhaps it hurts, but he grabs my head and says "Don't stop."

I go down on his cock again, feeling it slide past my lips and over my tongue, until it stops at the entrance to my throat. A bit more effort, and it slips in. His cock is so thick that I have to open my mouth really wide to accommodate it. I bob up and down on his cock and he huffs and makes little groaning sounds. I keep this up until I am on the verge of gagging, and then release his cock. I wrap my hand around it, and stroke it, admiring the shape and beautiful proportions. With my other hand I stroke his balls. He pushes my head back down, and I engulf his cock again, taking it into my throat until I am forced to come up for air. As I suck his cock I play with his nipples and stroke his balls. They are drawn up tight against his body. When I look up at him his head is thrown back, his eyes closed, giving himself up to the enjoyment. When I pause for breath he looks at me and shakes his head in enjoyment.

We've been at it for a while when Aaron grabs my head and pulls it up.

"I want to be inside you" he says

"Yes." I breathe.

I stand up, tugging at my belt. Aaron pushes my hands aside, and undoes my belt. He almost rips the zipper in his hurry to open my trousers and underpants, and pull them down. Then he pulls me close to him, hugging me hard. My erect cock presses against his chest. I straddle his body and he pulls me down. I feel his cock entering my arse, and I try to slow him down, but he grabs my hips and holds me, as he bucks and thrusts upwards with his hips. I gasp and try to stifle my groans as my sphincter distends to accommodate the girth of his beautiful cock. I begin to move my body in time to his thrusts, clenching and releasing my sphincter. He lets out a groan, and wraps his arms around me, pulling me tight against him. "Don't let it end" he breathes in my ear. "I don't want it to end."

Then with no warning Aaron grabs my buttocks and stands up, holding me pressed against him. I gasp in shock and a bit of fear. He is big and strong, but I'm still a bit afraid that he will drop me. I throw my arms around his neck, while he walks over to the kitchen, and deposits me on the counter. I half close my eyes in enjoyment , and lie back, my legs in the air over Aaron's shoulders, as he leans over me, cups my face in his hands, and kisses me on the lips. My eyes fly open in surprise, and I look up at him. He looks kind of anxious, and I reach one arm up and around his neck, pulling his face down to mine in a long, satisfying kiss.

We remain this way for a while, as we kiss and fuck slowly. His body is pressing on mine. I can feel my cock throbbing against my lower abdomen. I long to touch it and release my pent up orgasm, but it is trapped between our bodies and I can't reach it. My inner sphincter clenches for a moment and Aaron gasps and says "Ohhhhh do that again. " I try to clench it again and he closes his eyes and makes a low moaning sound.

He begins to pick up the pace of his thrusts, going harder and deeper all the time. His head is thrown back the muscles in his neck bunch, he clenches his eyes shut and almost yells as he comes inside me. His body goes limp as he sags against me, his face buried in the crook of my neck, and we lie like that for a couple of minutes. Then he straightens up and grabs my cock in his fist, squeezing it as he moves his hand up and down. I usually can never reach orgasm when someone else is masturbating me, but this feels different. Maybe it is because I feel so hot and sexy from his fucking. His hand speeds up, I feel myself gasping and a wave of pleasure builds inside me then crests in a burst of intense pleasure that is almost painful, as I feel my own come splashing across my stomach and chest, and my cock throbbing in Aaron's grasp.

I lie there for a minute, feeling too spent to move, as Aaron disentangles himself from me, and reaches for a towel. I look up at him, and brush my hand across his cheek. He smiles down at me.

"Hello, neighbor " he says.

"That was... that felt..." I haven't got the words to express myself.

"I think the word you're looking for is `amazing'" he replies. "You have an arsehole like a twenty year old. I hope we can do that again."

"Anytime, anywhere." I reply.

Next: Chapter 2

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