Hello Neighbor

By Boo Jum

Published on Jul 18, 2019



This is part 4 of my story Hello, Neighbor.


This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

If you enjoyed reading it, please let me know. If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions feel free to let me know. I can be contacted at boojum64@gmail.com.

As always, I am grateful to nifty.org for hosting my story. Please show your appreciation to nifty, by donating to the site:



A few weeks go by, and I neither see nor hear anything about Aaron. At first I was angry and hurt, replaying our final meeting in my head, thinking up new things I should have said. Then I transitioned to imagining what I will say when we do meet again.

One evening, as I'm coming home, I hear someone walking down the stairs. I turn, and Aaron is standing there, looking at me. He has a sheepish, kind of rueful expression.

"I'm sorry about the way I left," he says. "I really need to see you this evening."

"Come in, then."

He enters the apartment, looks around, and sits on the sofa.

"Wow, it's really hot in here," he exclaims, and pulls his shirt off. He half turns, facing me, and runs his fingertips over his chest.

I can't resist, and I reach out, running my finger down his chest and stomach. Then I stroke his body. He has a perfect physique, muscular, but not overly muscular like a body builder. Great pecs, washboard abs. I can't keep my hands off them.

Aaron lies back on the sofa as I massage and stroke his body, then I unbuckle his belt, and pull his trousers down. He is commando, and his semi erect cock springs out. I take it into my mouth. He groans in appreciation. I suck his cock, enjoying the sensation of it getting bigger and harder in my mouth. When I look up at him he is lying there, watching me through half closed eyes. He shakes his head in admiration, and puts his hand on the nape of my neck, encouraging me to go down.

I suck his cock for quite a while, then Aaron pulls me up. His enormous erect cock bobs and throbs, and I can't take my eyes off it. I unbuckle my own belt, and pull my trousers off, then I turn, as if to sit on his lap, and position his cock at the entrance to my arse. Aaron pulls me down onto his cock, and we both groan as he penetrates me.

"Turn around. I want to see you." Aaron says. But when I try to stand up he holds me down. With some effort, I maneuver my legs over his, and turn to straddle him, without removing his cock from my arse. The sensation it creates in my arse is beyond words, and Aaron obviously feels the same. His eyes are half closed, he is panting with desire, and he looks at me with admiration.

"Does it feel good?" I ask

"Yes. Excellent. Don't stop." He gasps.

I ride his cock, as Aaron alternates bouts of hard and fast fucking with relaxed, slow fucking. As he fucks me, I stroke my own rock hard cock, feeling my own orgasm starting to build at the base of my stomach. I try to slow it down, but it is stronger than I am, and I feel it building, till I moan in a moment of explosive release, as I cum, spraying his stomach and chest with my sperm.

I open my eyes still panting with the force of my orgasm. I'm alone, of course, stroking my cock, fantasizing about something unobtainable: Aaron.

Nobody has been in or out of his apartment. His letterbox is overflowing with flyers, and a few bills. None of the other neighbors in the building have any idea where he has gone, or how to get hold of him. It seems that Aaron has left without telling anyone. I'm considering the possibility of calling Aaron's workplace, to see if anyone there has an idea of what happened to him.

Returning from work one evening, as I open the door to my apartment, the light in the stairwell goes out. At the same time, a shadowy figure emerges from the gloom, and seems to rush at me. I turn my head, get a fleeting impression of a tall, dark figure, crowding me against the door. I jump in fear, instinctively raising my hands. It takes me a moment to process the fact that it is Aaron. He seems to have lost weight, and instead of his neat beard he has a couple of days worth of stubble.

"Bloody hell! you scared the shit out of me!" I'm trembling with a mixture of fear adrenaline, and excitement at seeing Aaron again.

"Sorry about that. Can we go inside?" Aaron's face is hard. He seems kind of tense, and edgy.

We go into my apartment, and Aaron walks around, checking the other rooms, looking out of the windows, touching everything.

"I need to ask a favor. Can you hold onto something for me? Without telling anyone?" He asks, as he prowls around the apartment.

"Good to see you too. I wasn't worried about you in the slightest." I tell him.

Aaron stops in front of me, and his features soften. For the first time he really seems to see me. He reaches out and his fingers touch my cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you." He says unhappily.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or will you have to shoot me again?" I am working myself up into a righteous rage.

Aaron pulls his fingers away from my face, as if it's hot. He opens his backpack, and takes out a thick, bulky envelope.

"I'm have to go away for a while. I was going to just leave this by your door, but I'm glad I had a chance to see you. There are instructions here-" he points to a smaller, white envelope, addressed to me, which is taped to the larger one.

"I need you to keep it safe for me And in a couple of weeks, get it to the guy who's name is written on the front. Can you do that for me?"


"Please. I have no one else I can ask. It's only a few weeks at the most ." Aaron replies.

"How about you tell me what this is about?"

"Just keep it somewhere for a few weeks. And by then you will understand everything."

"That's... not cryptic at all," I say. "And totally not reassuring. What, are you, a- a spy??"

He scoffs at this. "Oh, don't be so melodramatic."

He holds out the envelope, and after a few seconds I take it, somewhat reluctantly.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I can't stop you opening it when I'm- when I'm... not around. But please, trust me. The less you know, the better. "

"You're scaring me." I say.

For a second I think Aaron is going to hug me, but he turns towards the door.

"Well, see you around," Aaron says, and then under his breath "I hope".

He opens the front door.

"I-" I break off what I wanted to say.

"Just... take care."

Aaron pauses at the door, and looks back at me. For a few seconds we stare at each other, wordless, then he closes the door, and turns back. He crosses the room in a couple of strides, grabs me, and kisses me on the lips, hard. I'm taken by surprise, and I don't have time to resist or react, and after a second or two, I melt into the kiss, eyes closed, arms around him, as Aaron hugs me close and kisses me with such passion. Then as if with an effort he wrenches himself away, and almost runs out, leaving me with tears in my eyes, again.

The smaller envelope, which is addressed to me, contains a single piece of paper. The first few lines are quite heavily crossed out, but can still make out the following:

I wanted to tell you that I

I never intended

You are the

Underneath that, it simply says:

Please keep this envelope safe. If you have not heard from me in 2 months time, please take the envelope to Special Detective Naim Hadidi, from the vice squad.

I tell myself that I'm a fool. I tell myself that I should throw away his bloody envelope, or at least see what's inside, it might at least explain a few things. Instead I put the envelope in a safe place, and try to forget Aaron. And I succeed. Partially.

One evening, a few weeks later, just as I'm arriving home, I see a guy waiting by the entrance to my building. As I approach the gate, he comes up to me.

"Steven Barnes?" He asks.

Nobody calls me that, and I turn and look at him. About my height, but so broad that he seems shorter. Totally bald, Slavic features, with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen. There is a flat, predatory aura around him that I don't like.

"Steven Barnes?" He asks again.

"And you are...?"

"Detective Paul Hogan. Would you mind accompanying me to the station?" He flashes a badge at me.

I take a good look at him and at the badge, and decide that I don't like him. He has a cruel mouth.

"What is this about? Am I under arrest?"

"We'd like your help with our investigation. It shouldn't take too long."

"Investigation? Into what?"

"Just please come with me, and I'll tell you."

He gestures to a police car parked opposite, and we get in. The drive to the station is short, but he puts me in an interview room, where I wait for a long time.

I have already lost my patience, and I'm on the verge of just leaving, when the door opens, and detective Hogan comes in, with another police officer. This guy is dark haired, wiry, olive skinned, with a pronounced hooked nose. His face is every bit as predatory as detective Hogan's. They sit opposite me, putting a thick file on the table.

"Mind telling me what this is about?" I demand

"We have a few questions we would like to ask you, concerning Aaron Tobias," says detective Hogan.

"Aaron...who?" I ask.

He opens the file, and extracts a few photographs, which he splays on the table. I look them over, and see Aaron, my Aaron, well dressed, wearing sunglasses, on a street corner. Aaron, with a group of rough looking men in a park. Aaron, at a nightclub. The pictures must be quite recent, because he doesn't have his beard. Just the sight of him in the pictures makes me breathless and my heart is pounding.

"I don't know this guy." I lie.

"Look again."

He pulls out another picture. This one shows Aaron, sporting his beard, shirtless, talking to me in the park. I pretend to look all the pictures over again.

"We know he's your neighbor, and we know that you two were... let's say friendly" says detective Hogan. His hook nosed companion snickers at that, and makes a face.

"Well, I only saw him with a beard, so that's why I didn't recognize him." I tell them.

"Do you have any knowledge of his whereabouts?"

"No." I wish I did.

"Did he tell you anything about his plans? Did he give you anything?"

My ears prick up at this but I say "No. Why? What has he done?"

"Your... ahem... friend is an undercover police officer," says HookNose. "Or perhaps I should say was. He seems to have gone AWOL a few weeks ago. And his partner is missing. We suspect..." he pauses, and for a brief, crazy moment I expect him to say `we suspect foul play'. But instead he says "we suspect that your... uh, boyfriend is complicit."

I want to ask, Aaron? An undercover cop? But what comes out is "Aaron's not my boyfriend. "

"We're wasting our time," says HookNose. "Let's cut the crap. What did he give you? And where is it?"

"Nothing. He gave me nothing. I don't know what-"

HookNose suddenly bangs his fist on the table, making me jump. Before I can react he has reached over the table, and grabbed me by the lapels.

"You're lying!" His voice is low and menacing, and instinctively I flinch away, heart pounding.

"Let's all just keep calm" detective Hogan says, putting his hand on HookNose's arm.

HookNose releases me, and turns his back on me, breathing hard. He walks a couple of steps away, then turns and looks at me with hatred in his gaze.

"Look," says detective Hogan, "we know that he gave you something, we just don't know what. Your friend-"

HookNose growls when he says this.

"Your friend is in a world of trouble." Hogan glares at HookNose. " And he's dragging you down with him. Don't be a fool. You don't owe him anything. Be smart, let us have it. "

"If there was something I would give it to you. But I have no idea what you are talking about." My voice sounds shaky, and unconvincing.

"Maybe we'll throw you in a cell with a couple of guys. Maybe you'll feel differently after spending a night getting fucked." HookNose says "It might change your tune." He approaches me, menacingly.

"Are you arresting me?" I direct this at Hogan.

"No. You're free to go whenever you like. But we strongly advise-".

"That's it, then. I'm out of here," I tell him.

"If you have any other questions you can direct them to my lawyer." I stand up, take a step towards the door, but HookNose blocks my way. He steps forward until he is almost touching me. "Your little boy toy is going down. And you're gonna go down with him. You pathetic-"

I kiss him. Full on the lips. He gasps and stumbles back scrubbing at his lips with his hands, making a retching sound. Hogan lets out a bark of laughter, which is quickly stifled, as HookNose glares at him. But it had the desired effect; HookNose opens the door and strides off down the corridor, pausing only once to turn and shoot me a look of pure hatred.

"I'll show you out." Detective Hogan gathers up all the pictures, and stuffs them into the file, then ushers me out.

"What is this, good cop bad cop? And you're supposed to be the good cop?" I ask.

"That only happens in the movies. Believe it or not, we're all good cops," he answers.

He walks me to the entrance.

"I'll drive you home"

"Thanks, I can manage."

No bother" he insists.

We drive in silence, and just outside my building, Hogan pulls into an empty space marked no parking. As I'm about to get out, he says "Seriously, I've got to ask. What is the attraction?"

"The... what?" I ask, feeling confused.

"Yeah. I mean, look at you. You're successful, you're a good looking guy, you're doing well. You could do much better than a punk like Tobias."

"A- a punk? What do you mean?"

"He never told you? He's a little punk. He was a juvie."

"A-a what?"

"He was developing a career as a second rate thief, but he was caught and he did a stint in juvenile detention. When he got out, he was recruited to the police service, mainly because of his criminal connections."

"I- I don't believe you, " I say, but in my mind, things start making sense. Aaron almost never spoke about his past, and when he did it was only in the broadest, most generic terms.

Feeling confused and depressed I open the car door. Just as I'm getting out, Hogan puts his hand on my arm.

"But it is true you know. Your friend is in a huge amount of trouble. And so are you."

"Well, I'll be sure to tell him if I ever see him." I say.

"If you see him, or if he contacts you, please let me know. I'm not kidding when I say that he is armed and dangerous."

And with that he releases my arm. I exit the car, and he drives off.

Sitting in my kitchen later that night, I consider the big envelope that Aaron left me, and ask myself why I didn't just let the police have it. Partly it is because neither Hogan nor HookNose inspired a sense of trust in me. But mainly, I have to admit, it is because I still have feelings for Aaron, despite the new knowledge that I didn't really know anything about him. I deliberate with myself for a few hours, but ultimately I tell myself that I should honor Aaron's-

-Final wish, says a voice in my head. A stab of dread shoots through me. It sounds so dire.

Request, I tell myself firmly. Aaron's request. But the voice just gives a nasty laugh.

Still, I think, it's not safe to leave the envelope here, the police will probably show up with a search warrant or something. Tomorrow I will look for a safer place to hide the envelope.

Two days later, just as I'm taking my dog for a walk, Hogan appears from the side.

"Detective Hogan." I greet him.

"It's Paul, please. I'm not here in an official capacity, I'd like to invite you out for a drink."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"Oh, come on," He cajoles me. "What have you got to lose?"

I don't have an answer, so I say nothing.

"Just a quick drink. In a public place. You've got nothing to worry about. I promise. "

Reluctantly, I agree, and we sit in a cafe nearby. Off duty, he doesn't seem so predatory, and we chat quite easily. He has a wicked sense of humor, and his parody of HookNose is spot on.

We end up sitting in the cafe for longer than I had intended. At the end of the evening, as he walks me home, I'm surprised to find that I enjoyed myself more than I have in a long time. We stop in front of my building.

"Thanks. I had a good time." I tell him.

"Me too" he assures me.

"Well-" I start, But he steps forward and kisses me lightly on the mouth. I'm taken aback, and not sure how to respond.

"Well, good night," he says, and

saunters off.

I watch him, till he is out of sight, then go up to my apartment, slowly, thinking about the evening.

Over the next few weeks Paul invites me out almost every evening, and we exchange messages on our phones every day. He is friendly and easygoing, and after a few times, I begin to relax with him.

One day, around lunchtime , Paul messages me, saying that I should come over to his place after work, for a meal. When I get there, bottle of wine in hand, he is in the kitchen, wearing an apron.

"Come on in, it's almost ready." He turns, and bends over, peeking into the oven.

The parallel to my evening with Aaron is inescapable, and I catch myself wondering how much of it is intentional.

We chat amiably, and have a couple of glasses of wine, and I am feeling a bit tipsy by the time we sit down in Paul's tiny kitchen to eat the meal he prepared. It is surprisingly good, and I drink some more wine with the meal.

When we adjourn to the living room I am already a bit drunk. Paul puts on some music, and sits next to me. He turns his body towards me, puts his hand on the nape of my neck, and pulls me towards him for a soft kiss on the mouth. He looks into my eyes, then kisses me again, with more passion. His hands grip my face, he pulls me towards him.

"Come." Paul stands, and holds out his hand. I take it, and he leads me to the bedroom, where we both strip, quickly. Then Paul embraces me, holding me tight. I can feel his cock against my hip as he presses his body against mine.

He is fair skinned and very hairy. He is about average height, and very broad, with the muscles of someone who takes body building very seriously. He is uncut, and his cock is about average length, but very thick. Kind of like a mini me, I think.

We lie on the bed, and Paul pushes my head down towards his crotch. I engulf his cock, taking it as deep as I can.

"Pull on my balls," Paul says. I encircle the base of his scrotum, tightening my fingers, and pulling his balls down. His cock stands out at an angle to his body, and he begins to fuck my mouth. He holds my head down, until I am struggling for air, almost gagging, before releasing me to get a breath of air. Then he pushes my head down again, and holds me there. We do this a few times.

"Interesting," Paul says. "When you struggle to breathe your cock gets harder. Are you into breath control?"

"That's a room that I have no intention of entering," I reply.

Paul accepts this answer without comment, then directs me to get on hands and knees, at the foot of the bed. He stands behind me, and I feel his thick cock at the entrance to my arse. Then he shoves it in hard, and begins fucking me at full speed. I gasp from the pain, and struggle, but he holds me firmly, until I calm down.

As Paul fucks me, he reaches around, and pinches my nipples hard. It is painful, and I grab his hand to stop him. He pushes my hand away, and continues playing with my nipples, but not as hard as before. It still hurts a bit, but I can stand it.

Paul fucks me hard for a long time, and then makes me lie on my side. He spoons me, inserting his cock into my arse, and continues fucking me in this position. I reach down, and pull on his balls, like I did before.

"Don't be afraid to get rough with my balls" gasps Paul, and I exert more force on his balls.

This turns him on even more, and he fucks me harder. After a while, I hear from his breathing that he is getting closer and closer to orgasm. When he is really close, he sort of holds his breath, and fucks me faster, until with an explosive release of pent up air he ejaculates into my arse. Then he collapses on top of me, and grabs my cock in his hand, jerking me off quite roughly until I also climax. Then he disengages, and lies on his back. His cock is still hard, he is sweating lightly, and he pulls me close.

We lie there, talking, until Paul begins kissing me and stroking my body. As before, he encourages me to suck his cock for a while, and then with no warning, he pulls me up, positions me on my hands and knees, and gets behind me. His cock goes in more easily this time, and I fondle his balls, as he fucks me again, doggie style, until he cums.

After this I tell him that I have to go. I dress while he lies on the bed, watching me.

"Stay the night," he tells me.

"Another time," I tell him. "I have to take care of my dog."

"Yeah, That is a lousy excuse," he answers.

"Well, it's true," I protest.

"I get it, I get it," Paul says. "You don't feel ready. No problem, another time."

On my way home, I think about what is happening with Paul. He is pleasant enough, and the sex with him was good. He is also intuitive enough to know when to press his advantage and when to give me more space. I can sense that he wants more from me. But I find myself anxious to keep a bit of distance from him.

Next: Chapter 5

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