Helping Harris

By Barrett Evans

Published on Nov 28, 2000


Story Codes T/BB Bond NC


This story may contain descriptions of sexual acts between boys and girls of various ages. If this is not to your tastes, please leave now (unless you want to be educated and have an open mind that is!)

The story is copyrighted by the author. Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or other web-sites without permission of the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as payment is neither requested or received.

The story is fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, isn't intended but is a nice idea... "

Chapter2 - The Return

We spent a while at Chrissy's house uploading the images, he also sent an email to one of his friends telling him that if he didn't hear from him in a while he should publish the pictures making sure they were found by searches against the school name.

Once we had finished we had something to eat and drink, packing a drink of water for Craig who we thought would be pretty dry by now. Chrissy said just as we got to the door that he had an idea, and darted back up stairs coming down a few minutes later with a paper bag full of something.

"This will be fun, I borrowed a few things from my sister".

Chrissy's sister was about 15 and I had never met her, but Chrissy told me about her as we went past her room.

As we set off I checked my watch to see how long we had actually been away, and I guessed that Craig would be pretty worried by now, after all we had been away for nearly two hours. As we walked closer I felt the excitement building up inside me and felt uncomfortable as my own cock stiffened.

When we entered the yard, all was as we left it, the shed door was still closed and we couldn't hear anything inside so we marched in through the door. As we did Craig's head shot up from it's slumped position and a look of relief spread across his face. But with the duct tape still in place he couldn't say a word, just grunt a little.

As for his cock, it was still nice and hard, throbbing a little with the cock ring doing it's job perfectly. Maybe that was what Craig was looking at, trying to urge his organ to spew out it's load and give him some relief.

"Well, well, Craig, nice to see you mate, looks like you have been a good little boy for Todd and me", said Chrissy.

"I suppose you want us to deal with that now Craig", pointing at Craig's swollen dick, "we might, but then again we might not", jibed Chrissy, causing Craig to wriggle with discomfort.

"What do we do now then Chrissy", I asked as we stood watching him suffer.

"Now, we will make him a little more uncomfortable and make him want even more, make him our little servant boy, that's what we will do now", replied Chrissy.

With that he marched over to the bag of stuff and pulled out what looked like a big penis, well big compared to mine any way, but probably about the same size as Craig's six inches.

"This young Todd is a dildo, and a vibrating one at that", announced Chrissy with his usual big grin which I was beginning to like.

Well, I had never seen one before, let alone knew what the hell to do with it, so as I was beginning to trust Chrissy I asked, "What's it for".

"Put simply it is to stick up his arse and hopefully sent him wild, but we might let him have a little look at it for a while".

Chrissy handed me the dildo, and I took the hint moving over to Craig and really getting into the swing of things, holding it in front of his eyes, then slowly teasing it up towards his lips. Craig tried to move his head away, but Chrissy soon fixed that and standing on his wooden box behind Craig took a firm hold of his head for me to move it close to his fearful eyes.

I didn't have any sympathy for him remembering all the times he had picked on me and the other kids at school with his gang. I just wanted to relish the moment that Craig Harris was scared shitless.

Then Chrissy let go and grabbed a wooden pole from the corner of the shed, "We need to tie his legs apart so we can get it in easier", he said.

So I picked up some of our collection of ropes and tied the rope around one of Craig's ankles, Chrissy did the same to the other, and when we were both ready I used my pen knife to cut the rope holding his ankles together. Then like a tug of war team we pulled on the ropes, parting his legs as far as we could. Finally we tied them to the ends of the pole securing them apart.

What did this achieve, well Craig was now left supporting almost all of his body weight on his arms and his ankles just brushed on the ground preventing him swinging all over the place. As for his dick, it seemed even harder now and the tendons which run down your legs were stretched in an arch running directly behind his dick and clearly visible.

"Go ahead then, get it in him and use some of this", Chrissy instructed as he passed the jar of Vaseline.

In my now highly aroused state, I couldn't wait to get on with it and moved swiftly behind Craig to where I could clearly see Craig's pulsing anal ring.

Craig was trying to see me from over his shoulder, but with the weight on his arms his had no chance and had to wait for the surprise of his life, a good but fucking with a plastic dildo.

I opened the jar of Vaseline and scooped a dollop onto my fingers, then I moved in towards my waiting target. As I watched it's hypnotic movement, I noticed that every once in a while it would open it's door allowing a glimpse right inside his body. Wow, I was going to really enjoy this.

When I finally made contact, Craig shuddered trying to shift way, but he couldn't move far and I massaged the lubricant onto his hole allowing my fingers to slip into him every once in a while as I worked him and myself to a tremble.

Then I put some Vaseline onto the tip of the dildo, before I moved it towards Craig's tight hole. When the cold plastic touched him he desperately tried in vein to move out of the way, but as I increased the pressure the inevitable had to happen and slowly at first the dildo began to penetrate Craig's virgin arse. As it went further Craig groaned and squirmed obviously feeling both discomfort but also arousal through the whole process.

The whole dildo was about eight inches long with a diameter of about an inch and a half, ensuring Craig's hole had to stretch somewhat to accommodate it.

Once we were passed the head, things went in pretty smoothly, although all the time the resistance was there trying to expel the invader. It took about ten minutes to get the full six inches we wanted into Craig and then Chrissy who I had totally forgotten about came to the rescue with a long length of duct tape which we wrapped around the end of the dildo and used to tape around Craig's body to hold the thing in place.

"Well, done mate, now to switch it on and see him gyrate to the music", Chrissy said with a chuckle.

Now this I wanted to see, so I threw the switch and god did he move. As I moved around the front for a better view I could see his dick swell even more and bounce up and down rhythmically. The muscles on his well defined stomach stretched and beads of sweat started to appear. His eyes were closed as he made a continuous groaning noise.

As we watched him suffer cum oozed from the end of his dick, being thrown in splatters onto the ground as his cock moved about. He was at the verge of orgasm, but he couldn't do it with the cock ring in place.

By now, I was in full heat and was pretty desperate to shoot myself.

Once more, Chrissy knew what to do, "You want to shoot don't you", he suggested.

"Oh, go yea, how did you know", but then I looked down at my own bulge to see the tell tale signs.

"Would you like Craig to service you with his waiting hole", Chrissy asked.

At first I thought yuck, but I wanted to shoot bad and I could see the condom in Chrissy fingers ready for use. "I learnt about them at school".

"Go on, he pressed thrusting the condom towards me".

So against all my instincts, I took it from his hand and went behind Craig once more. Because of Craig's spread position, his hole was just the right height, all I needed to do was remove the dildo.

Chrissy was already removing the tape painfully from Craig's hips and passed me the ends with which I could complete the job. Then I switched of the dildo and removed it from Craig, much to his frustration as he thrust his body back trying to keep it inside.

Next I undid my own trousers and slid them down, finally sliding my boxers down to my knees providing relief to my constrained organ. Then I rolled on the fresh condom to make sure that I at least didn't get any of Craig's shit on my own cock.

Then I prepared my self to impale him gently arching forward and guiding my cock to the entrance. Once in place I pushed forward finding little resistance as my own hardening shaft entered his hot insides. I felt the incredible tightening of his ring around my shaft and soon learnt that if I pushed inwards when he did this the feelings were incredible.

As I thrust inwards each time, my balls slapped against his arse cheeks and both he and I groaned aloud both desperate for orgasm to be upon us. One of us couldn't reach that finally though and I enjoyed it all the more because of it. In and out I went feeling the familiar vibrations from deep in my body as I approached that point. Then it hit, like never before, as I thrust deeper and harder into Craig's desperate body.

It was over and I withdrew my spent cock, to turn and see Chrissy naked and ready to penetrate Craig. I have to say Chrissy was very nice looking and I couldn't help but stare as I pulled up my own boxers and trousers.

He took up the same position with his own rock hard cock and began to thrust inwards, more violently than I had. As he did Craig pushed backwards and Chrissy's cheeks clamped together. Chrissy had done this before and knew how to make things last out far exceeding my own efforts at satisfaction.

After a good fifteen minutes of this physical activity, Chrissy shouted out as he came into Craig's now exhausted body.

He turned to me as he removed the condom, "Good hey, told you it would be".

"Did you enjoy that Craig" as Chrissy moved in front of Craig.

Craig to my surprise nodded and Chrissy smiled.

"Guess you want to shoot hey", Chrissy asked.

Once more Craig nodded with greater enthusiasm.

"Well, lets see I will make a deal with you, and don't forget the photos in all this, I will let you shoot if you agree to always do whatever we want you to do", said Chrissy.

Craig wasn't ready yet though and shook his head.

"That might have been a shame, but I have more things we can do yet Todd, so lets get on hey, it is getting late and we might have to leave him here all night if we can't sort this out soon".

With that Chrissy came over and suggested I should punish Craig with a paddle he had bought along. It sounded good to me and was yet another way I could enjoy Craig's suffering.

So I accepted the offer and took the paddle around to Craig's exposed ass.

He knew what was coming, but even so it was a shock to him as I took a wide sweep and put all my effort into inflicting as much pain as I could. 'Smack' as the paddle hit his skin dead on and he thrust forward in pain.

Again I recoiled and swung out to hit his arse square on, 'Smack', but this time he only moved forward a little and groaned rather than the previous muffled scream. When I stood back and looked around the front I saw Chrissy on his knees in front of Craig sucking the hell out of Craig's cock. Craig was bucking as much as he could into Chrissy's mouth as he was tormented further.

Again I swung at my target 'smack' and again I recoiled ready for another admiring the now reddening cheeks and Craig's relentless desire to explode into Chrissy's mouth. Whatever Chrissy was doing to his cock, it was sending wild and I doubted he would be able to hold out much longer.

'Smack', each time I hit him it sent a tingle down my spine as I relished in the opportunity of a sweet revenge against my most hated enemy.

"Do you want to come enough to do anything we want yet Craig, or do I need to do some more", I heard Chrissy shout.

He didn't wait for Craig's answer though as he started to squeezed Craig's full balls as he continued to work on his tortured organ. I continued a relentless sequence of blows on his arse until.....

"Well, will you do anything we tell you, whenever, for ever then", Chrissy pressed and waited.

Craig was frozen, broken by his torment he had to give in to these little kids who for once had total control over him and were the only ones who could give him relief, he nodded in shame.

Chrissy stood up and told me to stop the beating, that we would let him down and release his legs, but he added...

"Craig, we are letting you down, but you will not take of the cock ring or shout out, understood?"

Craig nodded and I removed the duct tape from his mouth while Chrissy released his feet from the pole. Finally we both lowered him down from the roof and untied his hands nervously. This was the moment of no return, had we taken control of him or would he attack.

As the bindings dropped form his wrists, he stood silently looking around, then he spoke.

"Please, Chrissy, let me take this thing off and finish. I will do whatever you want, just let me finish", said Craig.

"Not, yet Craig, you can wait a few minutes longer, but in the mean time I want you to stroke your shaft nice and slowly, but I don't want to hear a sound", Chrissy instructed.

Although he was desperate he dare not disobey Chrissy and to my amazement did exactly what he was told, slowly stroking his organ. As he did so a tear appeared in his eye and ran down his cheek as he looked at us both. Just for a moment I felt deep sorrow for him as he displayed his final defeat at our masterful hands.

His penis on the other hand was so hard it looked like it was about to explode any second into a million pieces while a constant dribble of cum oozed from the tip.

Then I led with my first instruction to Craig, "Ok, come here and I will take it off". Craig rushed to me and I used some of the Vaseline on his cock to make it more slippery. Then I slowly (deliberately) slid the ring down his shaft until it slipped over the raging head.

Then as his hand went down towards his dick to finish the job, I shouted "STOP, did I say you could touch it", Chrissy smiled and we waited.

After about five minutes, which must have seemed like months to Craig, I allowed him to finish himself off, a pitiful site as he desperately rubbed his hand up and down as fast as he could until his balls erupted in spurt after spurt of fluid.

Craig was shattered, and so was I, what an experience, one that I will remember for the rest of my life, but although I didn't realise it at the time we were not finished with Craig and a lot more fun was to follow.

Craig sat down on the wooden box, his head held low in shame while we watched his penis shrivel down to the size it had been a few hours earlier.

Non of us spoke, but he never looked us in the eye once during this time. Then Chrissy asked him if he had enjoyed our games and if he wanted to play again, to which Craig just looked up at us unsure of which answer he should choose.

"Of course you did, and we will have to get together again another day, see if we can come up with some new ideas for you to try out", he said with his grin returning.

Craig stood up assuming that we were finished for today as I also did, but as he turned towards his neatly piled clothes he was stopped in his tracks by Chrissy.

"Where do you think you are going Craig, I never said you could get dressed did I and you are not to do anything while with us unless we tell you to", said Chrissy.

"I thought I could go now", Craig bravely replied.

"You can, but we will walk you back to my house where you can change", replied Chrissy.

"Change into what", I asked, confused.

"His clothes stupid", replied Chrissy.

Both I and Craig were totally lost by this and were only put straight when Chrissy made it clearer. "He is wearing these to go to my house and then he can change OK".

"Oh no way", came from Craig.

"Oh yes way, and just shut up unless I tell you to speak, RIGHT", replied Chrissy.

With that Chrissy pulled out the most girls blouse, girls knickers, laced socks and trousers........


Sorry for the delay in this part, but I have been busy. Don't Spam me, or I might Spam you back....

Oh and for all those trying to find the other stories/parts, they are at: - and now exclusives at


Barrett (

A boys innocence is never lost through good only evil.

Next: Chapter 3

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