Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 20, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter seventeen: Poseidon's Wrath Appeased Evan Andrews 2021

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style, Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Ares by Xena's Kevin Smith, Eros by Karl Urban, Phobos by actor Taylor Lautner, Deimos by Corbin Fisher porn actor Marc II, and Poseidon by actor Kirk Morris. (Yes, we're going classic today.) Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Back in Ares' dark palace, Hercules was on his hands and knees, serving his brother as a footstool. With his head hanging, he couldn't see, though he could hear, Eros face-fucking Iolaus, something he did daily now in order to keep the young man compliant and able to be used as a weapon to deploy against Herc in the marginal chance the hero would decide at this late point in the game to break his vow. Ares himself was cleaning his nails as he watched the progress of one of the many wars taking place in the world of men.


It was Phobos' voice, and the godling was clearly delighted by something. That never boded well.

"Speak, my son," Ares said, and the minor god appeared, kneeling before the god of war.

"Father, I bring news. Heracleion, on the mainland, which claims Hercules as its patron even though everybody knows that the town is really Hera's, has offered dire offense against the god Poseidon."

Herc cringed. He knew Heracleion well. It was not an important city, not a city at all if the truth be told, more a prosperous town, filled with simple people leading simple lives eked out from sea and countryside. He had killed a pride of lions that was menacing their flocks and shepherds, and the ethnarchs had thought to honor him by re-dedicating the main temple in his honor. He thought he'd convinced them this was an exceptionally bad move, one certain to enrage Hera, but they'd gone ahead and done it after his wanderings had taken him on. What they could have done to piss off Poseidon Herc had no idea, but he would not be surprised to hear that Hera had a hand in it. Nothing would please her more than to have the town wiped off the face of the earth for disrespecting her. Poseidon had a reputation for doing just that, and Hera's queen-of-heaven hands would be technically clean

"That's nice," Ares yawned, "But how does it concern me?"

"Father, it occurred to Deimos and me that Poseidon has been known to forgive a slight if he is offered the right sacrifice."

"So? I know this pathetic overgrown village. They have sheep. They have cows. They have fish. And little more. What kind of insult are we talking about here?"

Phobos bent over to whisper in Ares' ear before continuing in a conversational tone, "So, you see. Neither sheep, cows, nor fish is going to mitigate that."

Ares looked shocked—something he rarely did.

"Really? They did that?"

Phobos nodded a gleeful affirmative.

"Well, that's an entirely different kettle of octopus. But still, they have children. They have comely young men and women. Surely they can drum up a fitting sacrifice out of those."

Herc cringed inwardly. The Greeks disapproved of human sacrifice except in extreme cases. He remembered the people he knew in Heracleion. Several of the young men were impressive specimens grown sleek from the bounty of the gods, and there were many beautiful young women. And the children... Herc almost started crying remembering how the gods had already cost him his own children. He'd hate to see that happen in Heracleion.

"They dither, Father," Phobos said, "They realize the enormity of their offense, but they don't have the gumption to make to even a single human sacrifice."

Ares considered before saying, "Not even in the face of a visit from a pissed-off Poseidon. They really are not thinking clearly are they?"

"They fear, Father," Phobos said, grinning at the memory of the taste of the town's terror, "And fear makes mortals stupid. The abject terror of knowing that Poseidon is coming and they are all going to die has made them stupider than I've ever seen mortals before."

"So you left Deimos there to fan the flames of panic?" Ares asked, grinning, "And rushed to tell me."

"Father, nothing could pull my brother away from his sport. By the time you arrive, these mortals will leap at any suggestion put to them."

The god of fear looked knowingly at Herc's naked body. Cum still leaked from his asshole as a result Ares' taking care of his morning wood.

"Well, then," and Ares' boots came off of Herc's back, "Perhaps it's time for Heracleion's hero to come to their rescue—again."

"Of course, Father. Very just. Shall I...?"

"Yes, get you back down there. Whisper here and whisper there. Make them realize a life human life alone will atone for their slight, and then make sure they fail to agree on whom they should sacrifice to appease the Lord of the Seas, the Earth-Shaker."

"I hear and obey, Father."

And with that Phobos was gone.

"Oh Hercules." Ares crooned to his footstool.

Herc looked up and shuddered at the look of delight on his brother's face.

"On your feet, hero," Ares said, rising out of his chair, "You have a town to save."

"You do know there's no way I can stand up to the might of Poseidon, don't you," Herc said as he clambered to his feet.

"I don't expect you to stand up to Poseidon at all. Far from it. In fact, I don't even expect you to face him. Eros, aren't you done fucking our pet mortal yet?"

Herc heard Iolaus suddenly choke as Eros flooded his mouth with his daily meal of god jizz.

"Coming, Dad," Eros said, turning from Iolaus and rearranging his short leather kilt.

The gorgeous young god pulled Iolaus to his feet by the leash attached to his collar.

"Come along, pet," Eros said, and Iolaus trotted happily alongside the object of his cum-induced fixation to join Ares and Hercules.

"Let's go," Ares said, and a moment later they all stood on the sacred hill overlooking Heracleion. Herc surprised to find himself decently attired for a change: fine loincloth and pteryges, boots, some of Ares' cast off armor (which was still better than anything Heracleion would ever have seen), and to top it off a lion skin for a cloak.

"Ares...?" Herc started to ask.

"To be the hero, Brother, you need to dress the part."

"But you didn't give me back my hair."

"So you'll have to put on a hell of an act so they don't notice."

"Right," Herc thought, "How could they miss it?" but he said nothing.

"I want you, Brother, to walk down this hill and straight into the town."

"Yes?" Herc said, knowing that there was a second wicked part to Ares' plan.

"And once there you will gather the ethnarchs and tell then you've come to offer yourself, your body, as sacrifice to appease Poseidon.

"Offer what?!"

"You heard me. And that done you will march down to the seashore and wait for our uncle to make his appearance. It should be impressive. That's a god that likes his entrances."

"And you want him to kill me," Herc said, and it was true that that was Poseidon's reputation, "Alright. I can handle that."

"If nothing else it will release me from my oath," Herc thought.

"Kill you?" Ares said, smiling like a cat, "Not at all. I expect you to beg him to fuck you over instead of your city. To vent his justified wrath into the unworthy vessel of your flesh."

"Fuck...? Wait ... Posiedon?"

"Of course, and you'll strip naked before begging him to fuck you. As a demigod, I'm sure you'll survive Poseidon's dick, although I expect your asshole will need more than a few days of not being bred to recover afterwards, kind of like you did after Hades returned you. A pity, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice. And think of the show we'll get to enjoy up here. Well, what are you waiting for? Poseidon is getting closer with every passing second, and if you're not there to meet him, it'll be bye-bye Heracleion. Man, woman, and child."

With a sigh, Herc tapped into the pride he'd not been allowed to show for a while now, stood erect, and strode magnificently down to hill into the town.

"Why are you doing this to him?" Iolaus asked, his eyes full of tears. Even through the sex-haze of Eros' addictive cum he realized what was happening.

"Herc's a hero. I'm just letting him play the hero one more time."

"Those people, they'll despise him for all that he'll be saving their town and all their lives. You know that."

"Yes," Ares agreed, "Isn't it ironic. But that's mortals for you."

Ares took Iolaus' chin and turned the handsome young face towards him.

"As a kindness, I won't make you watch."

But he did. They all did.


Herc walked through the town gates like a man on a mission.


It began as whispers between people in the agora. By the time Herc reached the ethnarchs' council chambers and struck a hero pose, it was a general cheer.

"Hercules! Hercules!"

"Hercules!" the chief ethnarch Diomedes cried as he exited the building, "You've come."

"I have come. I will redeem the town. Save you all from Poseidon's wrath."

"Redeem?" a voice out of the assembled people said, "How can you, a simple demigod, redeem the entire town"

Another now-familiar voice said, "That's true. Poseidon is famous for his vindictiveness when slighted."

Herc turned his face to the crowd.

"I see you there, Phobos. And you, Deimos," he said, "You know how I will do it."

The two gods of fear and terror looked eager as Herc took a breath.

"People of Heracleion, I will offer myself in the town's stead."

The gasp that ran through the crowd was like a slap. Sprits, momentarily restored, crashed again. What would they do after Poseidon had destroyed their hero? What would stop the sea god from going on to destroy the town as well?

"Hercules..." Diomedes started.

"No," Herc cut him off, "The gods have told me this is what must be. This is what I must do. There is no other way."

That said, Herc whirled and walked towards the town's seaward gates. The crowds parted as he strode to meet his fate. Women cried, and the more venturous men reached out to touch him as he passed by, hoping that some of his valor would rub off on them. He walked down to the shore and stood, all alone waiting for his uncle to appear. As it turned out he did not need to wait long.

The sea pulled back, and Poseidon erupted, some thirty feet tall and armor-clad, out of the gathered waves. His eyes flashed,

"Hercules, Nephew," Poseidon said, "You are in my way."

"Poseidon, god, great lord of the seas and the earthquake, Uncle, I know that these simple people have wronged you. Your wrath is natural, but I am here to beg you to show mercy."

"Mercy? Why? Have they repented? If so, why are they not here on their knees begging my pardon and offering me sacrifices?"

"They are simple folk, Uncle. They haven't grasped what they must do. Fear and terror have driven them to distraction."

Poseidon looked cross.

"And I left them no opportunity," Herc finished.


"God Poseidon, I am come here today as the town's hero and their protector to offer myself, my body and spirit, in their stead. A willing sacrifice. Visit your wrath on my flesh."

Poseidon looked astonished. It had to be Herc's human side, the sea god mused. Few gods were foolish enough to even consider such a thing. He was even more astonished when Herc slid the lion cloak off his shoulders. The hero's nimble fingers made short shrift of the rest of his heroic garments, and he stood naked, hands behind his back like a slave, legs spread, head bowed, ready for whatever the god might dish out. Silence reigned for interminable minutes. On the town walls the citizens watched in shock and trepidation. On the nearby hills, Ares and his crew, now including Phobos and Deimos, also watched.

"Get on with it, old man," Ares muttered.

Phobos and Deimos had their cocks out of their leggings and were stroking their meat. Eros stood beside his father, soaking up the aura.

"It's happening, Father," the love god said, "I can feel it. Poseidon's lust for revenge is turning to lust of another, fleshier, sort."

Poseidon strode out of the waves, losing both his exceptional height and his armor as he did. The waves which had threatened annihilation now subsided and played and lapped around their master's naked calves. The now naked and very erect god took Herc by the chin and lifted his head so their eyes met.

"Who taught you how to beg, Nephew? ON YOUR KNEES!" Poseidon said, ending in a roar.

In one sinuous motion, Herc fell to his knees before the sea god and looked up. His brown eyes were lustrous and pleading. He was not quite crying, but he was not far short of it.

"Visit your wrath upon me, God Poseidon," he begged, "Take what you will of my body, up to and including my life it that's what it will take to appease you."

"Let's start with something more your size," Poseidon said, and he grabbed Herc's head, drawing it towards his crotch.

Herc knew what came next, and he had his mouth open and his throat relaxed when Poseidon's shaft forced its way into his face.

"Suck my cock, begging hero boy," Poseidon roared, and he thrust his whole length deep into Herc's throat. Herc choked, he gagged, but he didn't for a moment resist or stop sucking the divine shaft.

Poseidon pulled his cock out of Herc's mouth and said, "That's good, sacrifice. Now brace yourself." Herc let his jaw drop again, and Poseidon began to power-fuck the hero's face in earnest.

On the hill, while all the gods were busy jerking off, Iolaus looked down at the town walls. As he'd feared he first saw confusion on the people's faces, but more and more that confusion was shifting into repugnance, disgust, anger even. But they dared make noise. Who knew but that Poseidon might turn his anger against them once again?

"Look at him go, Nephew," Ares panted, "Any human would be dead by now, but my brother's demigod flesh is able to take the brunt of Poseidon's fury and keep on going."

Iolaus saw it was so, but he also noticed that though Herc had accepted to role of sacrifice, his hands still hung at his sides instead of engaging Poseidon's body. Herc might be a physical sacrifice, but he was not yet a spiritual one.

On the beach, Herc looked up at his uncle's face as the Olympian's prick reamed out his throat. He was in agony, even if the abuse was not killing him, and his brown eyes begged Poseidon to end it, to end him. Of course gods, especially gods with Poseidon's reputation for vindictiveness, pay scant heed to prayers like that. Instead, he ripped his cock out of the abused throat in one fast movement.

"On your hands and knees, sacrifice. Offer me your ass like a she-beast in heat."

Herc rolled around and assumed the position. He let his head fall to the sand, leaving his ass lifted high as an offering. Poseidon took a step towards him, and as he fell to his godly knees a gasp went up from town walls. The sea god spent no time in preliminaries, but breached Herc's anus in a single violent thrust.

"Ayiiie!" Herc screamed as his other end began to suffer the same abuse his mouth had endured just moments before.

If the watchers thought Poseidon had been using Herc hard before, they were shocked at how the god now poured his fury into a righteous fucking of their hero's guts.

"Fuck fuck fuck" Herc moaned.

For all his strength, Herc's body was flopping about on the sand with the power Poseidon was slamming into it. Perched on his elbows, his head rocking, Herc threw his ass back onto Poseidon's cock like he was begging for the demeaning rape he was enduring.

Through it all Herc kept screaming "Fuck me! Fuck me, Lord!"

Herc had meant to be more eloquent, maybe saying "Hurt me, not these people!", but the sea god was fucking any eloquence he possessed beyond his reach. On the town walls and even on the high hills, you could could hear him.

"Fuck me, Lord! Fuck me!"

The savage rape went on for over an hour before Poseidon pulled out and came all over the muscular body lying prostrate beneath him. He roared like a hundred bulls as divine sperm coated his sacrifice's back and ass. And then it was done. Poseidon rose to his feet once more, clad again in his armor, and stared down at the cum dump that had only a short while before been a hero.

"It is done," Poseidon said, and the words carried in the sea breeze back to Heracleion's walls, "Your sacrifice has saved this town. For all that, and for the fact that it would destroy him, I will never mention this to Zeus, your father."

And with that the lord of the seas turned, dove into the waves, and was gone.

The men of Heracleion (the women had been sent away when Diomedes saw what was about to happen) crept out of the gates. The fear induced by Phobos and Deimos was still in effect, but without the godlings' immediate presence, people were able to act once more. They surrounded the broken defiled body of their savior, and Herc looked up. He'd desperately hoped that they might understand what he had done and why, but a single glace destroyed that hope.

"Tell the priests to put the trappings of Hera, queen of heaven, back into the temple," Diomedes said curtly, and in a body, the people turned away from Hercules. Without a backwards glance they walked into the town and shut the gate behind them. The message was clear. Herc collapsed into the pool of Poseidon's sperm and wept.

"The poets sing of the love of men," Ares said in his perch on the hilltop, "But they only truly value it when war looms. The Spartans, the Sacred Band, they would have understood what my brother just did. At any other time, of course, the love of men and boys, erastes and eromenos, is taken for granted, but with limits. Though these little men barely had wits to realize what peril they stood in, they were happy to have my brother act for them. But since their small minds and small hearts cannot conceive that a grown man giving up his ass for a noble end, they cannot accept it, and so they cast him off. They will never understand what an act of true heroism they saw here today."

"They..." Iolaus began.

"Oh, they despise Hercules now, even though he saved them. Perhaps they do because in so doing he also shamed them. They think his actions brought the shame on them, but in reality it's their ingratitude that has done that. The story of my brother's sacrifice will never be told, not even as gossip amongst the least of them. No bard will ever sing Hercules' deserved praise. Only we will know and recognize it for what it was."

Iolaus looked at the brooding war god, shocked.

"You look surprised at my words. Why? As I've said many times, I may be a hard god, but I'm neither evil, nor pointlessly cruel. I simply will not be denied. Oh well, let us go down and retrieve et my brother."

Iolaus could only stare as Ares strode down the hill. Had he just praised the man he'd spent so much time breaking? The young hero followed, confused, and in a step they were all on the shore, looking down at Herc's jizz-slimed body.

"Up, Brother," Ares said, holding out a hand.

Herc stared up, took the hand, and the god of war pulled him to his feet.

"Brother, you saved that town when nobody else would or could. And you have taken hurt. Walk into the sea with me."

Holding Ares' hand Herc did. The war god's leather vanished, and he kindly, even gently, bathed the demigod's wounded and aching body with the brine that still bore the wonder of Poseidon's passage. Where the water sluiced over Herc's wounds, they healed. His muscles relaxed and his pain was rinsed away. In the end, Herc was whole again, in body if not entirely in spirit, and Ares led him back to the shore where only Eros and Iolaus waited for them. Iolaus was in awe. Herc's body was shining, literally. Sunlight played on his dripping naked skin, and an aethereal power shone from him.

"Let us be gone," Ares said, "And leave these people to their wretched lives, because if they think Hera's ire is abated, they are in for a shock. Even I have no desire to stand witness to that."

And with that, they disappeared.

Next: Chapter 19

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