Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Feb 18, 2005


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A hero in writing. Volume 2 in The hero saga.

I dedicate this one for all of you people that responded me with your comments about A hero in the hallways. Including you George z, Keith, Simon and Madison-aysha who gave me the kick I needed to finish volume one. This story is for Jonas who conceived a concept that led to this story.

A Hero In writing will take a different tune than volume 1. please let me know what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@yahoo.com. Please visit my website. www.geocities.com/greenmeccatoon/

A Hero In Writing By Green Part four Heart-Beats

Chapter Thirteen

I found myself inside standing in front of the man. He held a gun extended at my head. They weren't just after me this time around, they wanted all of us and they almost did get us if it wasn't for a phone call. A phone call from someone I'd least expect. I knew what I had to do, unfortunately I had to risk my friends to do it.

"We'll be across the street. I also have three officers upstairs," said agent Morran. "Agent Abrams is next door with agent Green."

"Alright," I said adjusting the bullet proof vest under my shirt.

"Luke will be with you, and I'll be watching," said agent Morran. "John I know you're hesitant about doing this, I can't promise that anyone wont get hurt but I can promise you we'll do our best. We already have the other half."

I smiled, but I couldn't be comforted. The last time I was a part of something like this three men had died and a friend had been hurt.

They all left my apartment leaving Luke and I alone. "You know something, Michael was the one that wanted to be the cop," said Luke.

"Really? he never told me that."

"When we were younger we always played cops and robbers. He was the cop and I was the robber," Luke said, smiling at the thought.

There was a knock on the door. I looked at Luke and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," I said and headed towards the door. I was surprised when I found Craig and Mel instead.

"Did you find the note," asked Craig.

I froze for a second and then led them in. Shit, I thought. Luke gave me the same look I just nodded. Craig looked at me as I tore through my old stuff. I had to create a diversion. I didn't want them to know what we were doing.

The stuff I was tearing through I hadn't seen since high school. Old Letters, notes and pictures I had taken. I even found a copy of my old year book. I was looking for a note Charlie had sent me in high school. "Ah here it is," I said, grabbing the note I had received earlier. "See it's the same writing."

Craig took the letters from me and looked at them. "He's right," Craig said. "It's the exact same sentence."

Luke and Mel also looked at the letter. "I can't believe he'd do this," said Mel.

"But that doesn't make sense," Craig said. "Then why would Trevor come after me and why are they going after Meghan, and Aaron?"

"Because they want all of us and Charlie's at the head of it," I said, crouching down near my bed. I had a gun I kept underneath it, I gripped it. I looked over to Luke, aiming my gun at him as I stood. He already had his gun aimed at me.

"Tell me what you know," I said, hoping that he would catch on, I had to keep the diversion going.

"Put the gun down John," he yelled back. To my relief he knew what I was doing and winked as he yelled.

"Tell me what you know!"

"Put the gun down john, I don't know any more than you do," he said, walking closer.

"No you know something your not telling us, spit it out," I yelled.

He looked at me for a minute before he answered. "Charlie is on the run."

"On the run from what?"

"He tried to kill me two years ago," Craig Said, grabbing my arm. "He blamed me for what happened to you and the fact that you didn't remember him."

"They never caught him, he's been on the run for two years now," Luke said.

"But Aaron told me he's still lived at home and was still in the closet," I said, putting my gun down.

"He was living under house arrest, until you outed him in your book, he was furious. That's why his family sued you," Craig said.

"What happened with that anyway?" Luke asked.

"We settled out of court, I was wondering why Charlie wasn't present," I said, sitting down. The whole conversation was a lie and Craig seemed to buy it. I hated to lie to Craig but if he knew what I was doing he'd kill me.

"Guys you better come over here," Mel yelled from the living room we all went to her.

"What's going on?" I asked. She was watching the television.

"Our studio has just received a video. It involves two of the real life people featured in Author Jonathan Williams' novel "Hallway Hero". We caution you this video is rather disturbing, please send your children away if they are watching," Said the news anchor.

I watched as they played the video. I watched Aaron fall and hit his head, Meghan screamed for him and Luke shot back at the van. I watched as they spoke and then the lights cut off.

Everything was working as I had planned. They were coming for us and I was ready for them. I just didn't count on Mel and Craig being there. I had to hide them and I knew just the place.

"Is there another way out?" asked Luke.

"No," I said, looking for a flash light. "I have a panic room, though."

There was a hard thud on my door. They were trying to break in. I motioned at Craig and Mel to follow me to my bedroom. There was a panic room inside my closet. "There is a telephone in there call the police," I said Craig nodded as Mel followed him in. "That button on the wall will close you in, hit it!"

"Wait where are you going?" Craig asked.

"I'll be alright," I said, limping away gun still in my hand. They were still trying to break the door, at some point they had switched to a drill and they were using it on the door knob.

"You wait behind the kitchen counter and I'll wait next to the door," Luke said. I did as he said, letting him take the lead. I limped over behind the counter where I waited.

They finally broke into the apartment. I cocked my gun as they walked in. I heard footsteps and then somebody went down with a thud. I waited a minute before I got up.

Right there waiting for me was a man. Trevor lay on the ground, he was unconscious but his face was facing me. The man hadn't seen Luke who was behind him. Luke was slowly creeping towards him, but someone put a gun to his head.

"Hello John," said the man. "Remember me?"

"No I don't remember you, what do you want," I asked.

"I'm here for you," he said, flipping a cell phone open.

Chapter 14

Richard Mayer sat before his wife in their dark living room. He gazed at one of the framed pictures on the coffee table. The picture was of his daughter Helene. "This better work," he said to his wife.

"They promised me that it will. He will pay Richard, I'll see to that," said Mary Anne. "Any word of your nephew?"

"No he is still in custody," said Richard.

"What about the others?"

"They will take care of them soon enough."

From the kitchen Danny Mayer listened to his parents in disbelief. Earlier in the day he had overheard a conversation his mother had with Charlie Ireson.

"We need to be careful Mary," said Richard. "They cannot call here."

Danny ran from the kitchen towards his car, his head swimming with what he'd just heard. He had to get away from them. He almost made it out of the driveway when his older brother Steven pulled in behind him.

"Where are you going," asked Steven, pulling him out of the car.

"Mom, Dad they they," he barely choked out when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder.

"We what Danny?" said Richard.

"Dad I," Danny Chocked out as Richard placed his cold hands on his neck.

"Danny why don't we have a little talk?" Said Richard guiding his son back into the house. "You know something Danny? After your sisters death I haven't been the same. None of us have."

"Dad please," said Danny. "Don't do this dad please."

"They need to pay for taking my angel away. You must understand that this is for your own good Daniel," said Richard.

"We have to do this for your sister," said Maryanne. "We love you Daniel but we can't let you interfere."

An hour later Danny found himself locked in the basement. He paced back and forth nervously waiting, he had been there before and he knew that there was no way out. Yet he knew he could help.

Danny waited for his family to fall asleep and then placed the call from the cellphone he had in his pocket.

He dialed the three numbers and waited as an operator came on the line. "Lakeside police department what is your emergency?" asked the operator. Minutes later Danny stared out from the window of his police cruiser. He picked up his cellphone and dialed information, getting the number he needed.

In New York City Luke's cell phone rang, John answered it.

"They're coming for you Luke, be careful." Danny said. "You have to tell him."

"Who is this?" asked John.

"This is Danny Mayer. They are coming for you again. You guys have to get to safety," Danny hung up the phone as an officer approached him.

From across the street a man watched the scene from his bedroom. "We have a complication," he said to his wife.

"What?" she asked.

"They just arrested the Mayer's, we need to leave."

"I'm so sorry Aaron," Meghan whispered to Aaron as he opened his eyes.

"For what?" Aaron asked.

"For this, I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"I don't remember what happened Meghan, tell me," he said as the monitor above his bed played the video. "When?"

"That was yesterday Aaron, that's what happened to you."

Aaron looked away from Meghan towards the window. "How bad is it?"

"They think you might have lost some of your memory and some of your motor skills. They want you to go to a rehab hospital for a few months. I'm sorry Aaron I didn't mean to lie to you."

Aaron tried to grab the remote but he couldn't close his hand around it. "I can't close my hand."

"Let me get that for you," she said.

"No I want to do it," he said. Aaron slowly gripped the remote and changed the channel. He smiled and said, "See I can do it."

"That's good Aaron," Said Meghan.

"Meghan you didn't lie to me. I know it's hard... for you too. I wish you'd have told me.... but that all happened before me... and I can't blame you for not telling me," said Aaron forcedly.

"Aaron I'm still in love with you, I'll never lose that."

"I love you too."

"That is quite remarkable," said someone. "I was afraid you'd be severely hurt."

"Who are you?" asked Meghan.

A woman stepped out behind the curtain, holding a little girls hand. "Hi I am Miriam, Luke's aunt and this is your daughter, Lucy."

Meghan froze when she saw the little girl. "Is this my mommy," asked the little girl.

"Yes why don't you go and say hi to your Mommy," Miriam said to Lucy. The little girl shyly walked over to Meghan. Meghan crouched to meet the little girl taking her in her arms as she approached.

"Oh my god, Lucy," said Meghan through her tears.

Aaron watched from his bed with disappointment. Two days ago he could have ignored all of it, but now he knew the only thing that would make Meghan happy would be having her daughter in her life. Yet knowing that the little girl wasn't his, gave him an uneasy feeling and he didn't like that. In his eyes Meghan deserved to be happy even if it wasn't with him.

Chapter Fifteen

I watched him as he spoke on his cellphone. "No that wasn't part of the plan. No sir just a minor setback. Yes I'll make sure I Grab it," he said to the person on the other line. He walked closer to the chair they had tied me to.

"You guys aren't going to get away with this," Luke said as one of the men took his gun.

"Oh we will, but before we do I need something that you have John. If you give it to me I'll make sure that your parents aren't harmed."

A cold chill climbed my spine when he mentioned my parents. "What?" I asked.

"I need that journal."

"What journal?" I asked.

"Don't play coy with me John. I know you have it, and they want it back."

"I don't know what your talking about," I said. He replied by punching me across the face. I spit out the blood that was forming in my mouth before he grabbed my face and turned it to his. "Don't make this difficult. The easier you make this, the faster you and I can be happy together," he whispered.

Was he crazy too? "I'm already happy," I said.

"John the journal please," said the man

"Who are you working for?"

"The journal John," he said. He was getting angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he hit me once again, causing my vision to blur, yet I could make out the infrared dot that appeared on his shirt, unfortunately he also noticed.

"They can't do it," he said. " Give me the journal John. If you don't then I'll have your parents murdered."

"I can't, you know that," I said. He got angry and hit me once again. I was bleeding and my eye was swollen. "You made a mistake coming here."

"No I don't think so," he said. "You see I know for a fact that your windows are bullet proof. So they can't really shoot me in here can they?"

He was right. I forgot all about that but the fact that he knew that had me worried.

"And how do you know that?" I asked.

"I know a lot of things John. I know that Mel and Craig are somewhere in this apartment, I know that Meghan and Aaron are at the hospital, I know that your parents might die if you don't give me what I came for and I know that you and I will be happy when this is over."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said. He flared out his nostrils and squinted his eyes.

"Hey why don't you take Luke out to the car, I have to talk to John before we do this," The man said to the other man.

The other man pulled Luke away from me, as he did Luke gave me a look reassuring me that everything was alright. The man placed his gun on the right side of my head, smiling as he did.

"You know something John, You said you'd never leave me for Craig," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You lied, John. You lied... You know what happens to people that Lie to me John?" I didn't answer, he looked away and smiled. "They die, John. So now I'm going to ask you one more time. Where is that Journal?"

The man was Charlie, I didn't recognize his face. I thought I would when I saw him but I didn't. The man before me looked old, and menacing, not like the Charlie I thought I knew from my book. I wondered if it was because I couldn't remember some parts of my life, or because that man was somebody else altogether.

"The journal is there," I said pointing to one of my writing journals. He looked at it and took it.

"Good John, now where going for a little trip," he said.

Charlie threw me into the back seat of the van, the Van was parked behind my building and I knew Agent Morran wouldn't see us from where the van was parked. Agent Abrams never came out of the apartment next door that gave me an uneasy feeling.

Charlie Stared at me as the other man drove. His cold eyes cut through me with icy precision. I was thinking of a way to escape the van.

"Who are you working for?" asked Luke.

"Some people that are interested in you," said Charlie.

"And who are they?" I asked.

"You will know soon enough," Charlie said as the man driving swerved and hit something.

"Shit, they're on us," said the man driving.

"Come on let's go, grab Luke and follow me, there's gotta be a train station around here," yelled Charlie as he grabbed me, pulling me out of the van. He looked around, then with his gun placed on my head he led me to an ally. The other man followed with Luke.

"Run!" Charlie yelled.

"I can't move any faster," I said as I speedily limped through the ally.

At the end of the ally three guys were smoking a cigarette next to a door. "Get out of the way!" Charlie yelled at the three men with his gun extended at them. They moved out of the way and Charlie led me through the door.

The sound of gun shot's startled us, causing Charlie to throw me to the ground. I looked up to see a giant Mel, speaking. We were in a movie theater and they were playing Hallway Hero.

Luke took advantage knocking the other man to the ground. The other man shot his gun as Luke tried to wrestle it out of his hand. everyone at the theater began to scream and run. Luke wrestled the gun away from the man and aimed it at his head.

Charlie also took advantage and pulled me into the crowd. I screamed for Luke but he pressed his gun at my head. "Shut up John, I'll kill you right here," he said as he pushed me into the running crowd.

We made it out the front of the movie theater, Charlie kept his gun aimed at me through his jacket. He hailed a cab and pushed me inside.

"To grand central station," he said to the driver.

"Oh we meet again," said the driver. I had met him earlier in the week. I Looked at him trying to get his attention but Charlie pressed his gun into my waist. Yet the driver kept looking at me.

"Oh we have to take other route," said the driver. "too much traffic."

"Yeah whatever, just get us there," said Charlie.

The man drove in the opposite direction. He spoke something in another language through the radio. He waited a minute and someone spoke again. The man looked at me giving me a reassuring stare.

Charlie was once again speaking to his cellphone. "Everything is messed up but I still have him and the journal. No sir they don't know where I am. Yes Sir I'll be there."

Chapter Sixteen >From Michael's journal

I know I'll be gone soon so I'll just write What I know is important. I had a fight with my parents. They won't tell me where he is. I won't write who he is just know that he is important to me and when I am gone I hope he will explain.

I am so utterly infatuated with Mel. The way she smiles drives me crazy, I love her. She says she loves me. I hope she finds someone when I am gone.

"I want you to be happy Mel," I say. She smiles but I can see the sadness in her face and it breaks my heart.

"I won't need anyone other than you," she replies.

"Mel no. Promise me that you will find someone to make you happy."

"Michael please don't speak like that," she says through her tears. "I will never find someone like you."

Drew's been in a lot of trouble lately. His father's been hitting him more than usual. I try to help him but he refuses my help. He keeps saying that he's going to be alright soon. What do I say to someone who doesn't want my help.

John is happy with Craig. I hope that lasts, he deserves it. Craig seems like a great guy. John needs something good in his life now, especially with what that bitch is doing to him.

My father yelled at me again. He says that I need to stop dating Mel. That I shouldn't spend the last weeks of my life with trash like Mel. He also yells at me over Drew and John. Supposedly someone saw me hanging out with them and my father says I'm an embarrassment.

My mother wants me to Date Helene Mayer. "She's such a lovely girl and her family is so lovely," she says. I have visions where I choke my mother, the sad part is that I enjoy them.

"Mom please get off it, you know I have a girlfriend and I love her."

"Don't be daft Michael, you cannot possibly love that girl. Helene Mayer is a better match for you."

"I will date who ever I want Mother."

My hair started to fall out from the chemo-therapy. The chemo will not work I know that. Somehow I know that I will die and I'm living my life like any day can be my last. I know it bothers Mel when she sees me like this so I removed all of my hair.

I wonder how your lives will be in the future and I get sad. I won't be a part of it. Please know that If I could be there in the future I would. What else can I say to you guys?

John and Craig broke up. Craig saw Dominique kiss him. They'll stop at nothing. John is going to another school now and I barely see him.

Drew moved out of his parents house. His aunt is letting him stay at her house. I'm really happy for him but again I feel helpless when it comes to him. I told him if he needed anything to just ask.

My mother keeps pushing Helene as a potential girlfriend. I told her that Mel and I broke up to get her off my back but she keeps pushing Helene.

I talked to a lawyer today. I want to deal with some things before I die. I want my car to go Drew. He'll need it and I don't want my parents to interfere with that. The second reason is that I want to marry Mel. I want her to be able to go my funeral and be near me when I pass away.

John when you read this please talk to my lawyer. He'll have a letter for you from me. I want to tell you some things that I can't share here. It's important please talk to him.

I want to thank every body that is reading this story. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I had a minor case of writers block. Either way please email me at my new email address. Greenmeccatoon@yahoo.com. Also if I didn't get back to anybody I'm sorry I'm no longer on aol. Thanks Green

Next: Chapter 11: Hero in Writing Delay

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