Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Oct 26, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A Hero In The Hallways. Please tell me what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com.

A Hero In The Hallways by Green Part five Vulgar


I paced back and forth. She was on the loose. How could that happen. They kept Helene at a mental facility somewhere out of town. "They said It was the best place for her,"said My mother. I kept on pacing.

"Do they have any leads?" Asked Aaron.

My father shook his head. 'The are three officers patrolling the house. We are safe here," He said handing me a cup of tea. "Here drink this it will calm you down."

It scared me to think that she could be waiting for me around any corner. She was capable of anything. I had been a witness to that. I had been the victim.

"I think I am going to head home," Aaron said.

"No your staying here," said my mother. "I would feel better if you did Aaron."

Aaron nodded and sat in a chair. "I have a pair of pajamas that should fit you."

"Thanks for letting me stay here," He said to my mother she just waved it off.

I sat next to Aaron. My father joined us. "Can I ask you something?"Aaron asked My father.

"What's that son?"

"Why were you so cool with John being gay?"

'Well at first I wasn't. Not because he was gay but because I thought that he might not be able to defend himself. I guess stuff like that never really mattered to me. I'm happy as long as he is happy. Plus Mel can give us grand children," He said padding my shoulder. The painful memory of Mel and Michael came to mind.

My mother read my discomfort. "let's change that conversation," she said as she handed my father a cup of tea.

My father nodded. "I have a question of myself. I want to know why you went to see Craig?"

"I had to dad."

"Well it's done now. I don't like that man he's dating. I've seen him around town he seems like a terrible person," Said my mother.

"They broke up today," I said.

"It's about time," my mother responded.

I had done that. Because of me he ended up in a terrible relationship. I tried to take Craig out of my mind but it wasn't working. All my thoughts ended up to him. I still had his face on my mind. The way he looked at me.

My cell phone rang. I excused myself and headed for my room. "Hello?"

"Hi," said Craig. My heart stopped. "I guess you heard the news huh?"


"I'm sorry you didn't hear it from me."

"It's OK I had to find out sometime."

"I am sorry that I didn't say more when I saw you. I just wanted to be out of there," he said. I could feel the sadness in his voice. "I don't know why I ever moved in with him."

"You know I feel like maybe I had a part in this."

"Don't think that, John. I am a grown man I make my own decisions."

"Either way I know I had a role in it. If I knew back then I would have been there for you just as much as you where there for me."

"John but you didn't know. It's not your fault. I've been through worst."

"I know," I said as I saw the blade from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah I guess you do. Hey I want to see you can I come over?" I was frozen. Helene was In my room.

"Helene," I said as she grabbed the phone and shut it off. The look in her eyes chilled my bones.

"Ill get him later," she said as she put her hands on my mouth. "How you doing John?"

I was looking around my room for something that I could use against her. "What? You're looking for something?" I looked up at her. She looked evil. She had makeup smeared all over her face and her hair was pointing out at odd ends.

"You know something John? I used to have the hugest crush on you. Yep little old Meatball Fucking Mayer had a crush on you. I used to think that you were the hottest boy this world had to offer." She brought the knifes blade close to my neck. "I was so crushed when you tripped and dropped all of the Meatballs on me. I cried myself to sleep that whole week."

She slowly brought the knife down to my chest. "I was never going to do all that shit I did to you. When my faggot cousin told me that you were fag like him, that crushed my spirit. I was tired of you hurting me so much. Yeah John you hurt me and I cant let you get away with it." The knife went further down. "Then you had them sent me to that horrible place. John I didn't deserve that. I'm a good girl."

I felt the knife digging into my stomach. I heard a car pull up to the drive way. "You told him I was here," She screamed and stabbed me. It hurt like hell. She jumped out of the room as Aaron and Craig screamed for me. There was a red stain growing on my shirt. I heard the cops siren as Craig made it to my room.

"Call an Ambulance," Craig yelled.

"John," yelled my mother.


I wanted to think that maybe we were out of the woods. That I could breathe easily now that worst had passed. As I saw Helene make that gesture I couldn't be quite sure. I was right, the worst was coming. My only hope was that somebody would find us in time.

We made it to the school's Office. Mr. Peterson was sitting at his desk He motioned for me to come in. "I'll be with you in a second I have to take his call."

I sat before him. "I'll wait for you outside," Said Craig. I nodded.

I watched the students run outside in gym class. Life here was still the same. The cheerleaders made fun of some girl while some of the jocks tripped a freshman and then laughed at him. Mr. Peterson finished his phone call. "Do you ever notice what really goes on here. I mean with the students."

"Oh I know plenty enough," he said handing me a file. "But unfortunately even if I handed these kids what they deserved it would be revoked the next day by the school committee. You see these kids parents run the town and they always get what they want."

"I never got what I wanted."

"Well John you are one of the special ones. Trust me. That is why I called you here. That folder I just handed you contains every paper you got an a On for the past couple of years. We've been keeping them because we think your writing is special."

I opened the folder recognizing a couple of papers I had written. "I never thought they were anything special."

"Well we do. Some of your new teachers have contacted me. I showed them your previous work. They see it in you but you are not performing the way you should. You are failing." I looked away from Him I knew he was right. "Fortunately I have convinced them to give you another shot."

"What do I have to do?"

"You have to write," he said handing me a paper. "Every day. I want you to write about your life. I want you to write about you. If it's good and I know it will be You get to pass."

"OK but I've never written about myself before."

"You can do It John. I want a new piece of work every week. I will grade it and pass it along to your teachers. OK." I nodded. "OK that's part one of our talk."

"Then what's part two?"

"I want to ask you how you're doing?"

"I'm fine."

"John when you are a principal at a school like this, you learn somethings. I know you are holding a lot in here, but you have to let go." he said as he pointed to my heart. He was right. " Now do I need to ask you again?"

"I, I lost a lot you know? It's just so overwhelming. All that's happened and nothing affected me like losing Michael. That just hurt My soul You know?"

"When I lost Craig I thought my life was over. I searched everywhere. My ex wife had gone to extreme lengths. I couldn't find him."

"It's like you die inside. When I saw Mel that intensified a thousand times. My knees gave away when I saw her in her wedding dress."

"You see? Use that when you write. Write from your heart," he said as tears came to my eyes. He handed me a piece of tissue.

"I don't know where to start."

"Why don't you write about yourself."

"I can't do that."

"Why not? I think you can, and I just know the perfect part of your life."

"Um sir I'd just rather write a story."

"No John I would like you to do this. Start with the day you won the school election. I believe that was the day this whole mess started?" I nodded.

To tell you the truth I wasn't sure that I wanted to do this. Why would I want to relive that horrible time in my life. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Those days were over.

He walked me out of his office. "Don't you have a class to be in?" he asked Craig. Craig smiled and pulled me out to the hallway.

"Stay here for the day." I shook my head."Come On stay."

I saw Charlie he was hugging some girl. "I can't stay here John. I'll see you tonight."

I headed back out of the school. I couldn't do this. I wasn't going to try. "John come on," Said Craig. "You can't let her beat you like this."

"I don't feel safe here John. Something is telling me to stay away."

"What could happen were in a school for god's sake."

"What didn't happen here?"

He just looked at me as I drove away. I couldn't help it. Something was telling me to leave. I drove back to my school. I had a half day of classes left plus I wanted to pick up Mel. I had made it to the schools parking lot. I parked my car and headed for the school. I was halfway there when Helene Pulled up in front of me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see what this school has that my school doesn't," she said as she stepped out of the car.

"Helene get out of here."

"Come on now is that how you treat an old friend?"

I saw a shadow coming from behind. I turned to see who it was. I was hit hard with something blunt. "I always wanted to do that," said Dominique. He grabbed my hands and Helene covered my face with a raj drenched with Chloroform. I passed out.

I woke up to the sounds of a boiler. I was tied to a pipe. I heard sobbing from somewhere near me."Who's there?"

"John?" Said Mel.

"They got you too?"


"Are you hurt?"

"I think I'm Bleeding. I cant reach it to see. They tied my hands to a pipe."

"Me too. I've been yelling for help but no one hears my voice. I think were in a basement somewhere."

"How long have we been here?"

"I think a day or so."

I tried to look for something that would help me. get free. There was a wrench a few inches from my feet and a screw driver to my left. "Can you see anything that can help us?"

"No I can't see a thing," she yelled back. "It's too dark here."

I looked around the room there was nothing. "Shit."

Mel began to cry again. I tried to get loose from the pipe. I tried to pick myself up from the floor. I picked up one leg then the other and pushed myself upright. I made myself round the pipe. I could see Mel. She sat facing away from me. They had only handcuffed one of her hands. There was a tool box behind her. "Mel there is a tool box behind you. Try to push it over to me."

She felt around behind her and finally found it. She gave it a hard push. It landed by my feet. I took off one of my left shoe. I pulled it closer to me. I unhinged the lid with my big toe. As I had hoped there was a pair of old pliers inside as well as a flashlight."Did you find anything?"Mel asked.

"Yeah I found a flash light and a pair of old pliers. I'm going to try to kick over the flash light."


I worked the pliers out of the toolbox Then I kicked it over with the flashlight still in it. Mel grabbed the flashlight and aimed it over to her side. There was a table with bolt cutters there. "Mel use those bolt cutters to cut yourself free then come and then do me."

"I can't reach them."

'Then pull the table to you." she grabbed the end of the table and pulled it closer. Then grabbed the bolt cutters. "Cut at the chain." She pulled the heavy bolt cutters to the handcuffs.

"I don't have the leverage to do it."

"Lean the other handle on the table and then push into it as hard as you can."

I heard a snap and saw Mel's shadow moving over to me. She cut the tape with the pliers. "We need to find a way out of here."

"There is a door On the other side." We walked over to the door and found it locked. I pushed on it trying to open it but it was no use.

"Shit. Is there a window or something?" I asked. I walked over to the other side of there Room when I realized that I still had my cellphone. "I still have my cellphone." I pulled it out of my pocket and dialed the first number that came to mind before I realized that the battery had been taken out. "They are playing with us."


"They're playing with us," I said as I handed her the phone. I suddenly felt sick. We were never making it out of this.


The word blood lust came to mind. Helene had no limits. She kidnapped me? How could somebody pull that off?

"I see you are still reading the book," Said Jessica.

I looked away from my book. "Hi."

"I told you this wasn't a good Idea," She said as she gave me a hug.

"Shouldn't you be in school."

"Yeah but you are more important." She grabbed my book and read some of it. She shuddered. "I cant believe how accurate you described that part."

"How did we get out?"

"I cant tell you that would be cheating."

"Nobody tells me anything now."

"I cant spoil the story," she said handing me a bag filled with letters. "Got your mail. Oh and your agent called he wants you to call him deadlines tomorrow for the movie deal."

I made a mental note to call him. The letters were from all over the world. One was a thank you letter for the Interview I gave on TV. "I cant believe the response this book gets."

"Well you wrote it."

"I'm glad I did," I said as I noticed she was looking out the window.

"Meghan Is here."

Meghan gave me a hug. When she reached the room. "How you feeling?"

"I'm fine she missed the major organs and they found me in time."

"That's good."

"You know he is lucky they found him when they did," said my doctor. "Any more blood loss you would have been a goner."

"It's not every day you get a celebrity as a patient," said Meghan.

"I wouldn't call myself a celebrity."

"Anybody on TV is a celebrity," he added as Mel drooled.

"I would like you to meet my friends. The short witty blond is Meghan. The tall Gorgeous red head Is Melissa." He shook Mel's hand and then took Mel's. He held her hand a little longer. I smiled as Craig walked in holding the biggest flower arrangement I had ever seen.

"OK I will leave you now. Remember If you need anything call," he said but I wasn't paying attention.

"We are going to meet Aaron and Dave downstairs," Said Meghan Who was pulling Mel out of the room.

"I think I'm going to get my temperature checked," added Mel disappearing in the hallway.

"Still reading the book ?" Said Craig.

"Yeah. It helps when you can't remember certain aspects of your life."

"You know When I read your book. I felt like I was Important. Maybe more than I wanted to be at first but I knew you wrote it. Even when you didn't talk to me. Oh that hurt but I knew deep down how you felt."

"I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to do that to you. I was just lost you know. I felt like I was living somebody else's life. Everybody told me everything. I needed to get away from that." He walked closer to me. My heart beat faster. "I feel like it's my fault that you ended up with that guy."

"Who Trevor? Don't blame yourself. He's an asshole. He kicked me out because I wouldn't have sex with him."


"Yep I'm a virgin." I couldn't believe it."I couldn't do that to you." Inside I had a huge smile and felt a wave of relief.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah," he said sitting next to me.

"Where did you go?"

He looked away for a long time. Then he shifted towards me and looked me in the eyes. "I went looking for my mother." He looked away again. I felt he was pouring out his soul. "I found her. She works at a catholic school up north. I stayed with her for a while. It took a lot but we found a middle ground you know? She apologized for what she did. She doesn't like that I'm gay but I think she's realizing that I cant change that."

"Wow why didn't you tell anybody?"

"Well at that time I felt like that was just mine. I didn't even tell my father. I don't want him to know. It'll crush him."

"I think you should talk to Meghan."

"I know. I've been meaning to do that. It's just hard with her. I feel Like I'm intruding on her and Aaron."

"What's that about intruding on me?" Meghan said. I Looked over to her. She also had a large flower arrangement. "Aaron brought you these."

"Great another One. I have three already."

"Well these are from me and from David. Are you going to come in or what?" he yelled out to David. He walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Hi," he said.

"It's that all you going to say to me?" he smiled and walked closer. "How' ve you been?"

"I've been better," I said as I extended my hand towards him he shook it."How about you?"

"Good. You know doing this and that."

"By that he means working as a Dj in the local radio station." Said Aaron.

"Wow that's awesome," I said. He looked different.

We talked until the visiting hours were over. They said their good byes. It felt good to talk to them. I Began to remember some things. I remembered giving that speech. I remembered throwing up after it. I remembered Craig's face when Dominique kissed me.

I dozed off at some point. When I woke next it was dark. I heard breathing. Somebody was here with me. I looked out to the hallway I couldn't see anything. I pressed the button on the side of the bed that called out for a nurse. The breathing was getting harder.

"Who's there?"

No one answered but I sensed movement. It was in the corner. I was getting scared. Helene couldn't be here could she?

"Help! Help!" I yelled out.

"Can I help you?" said the Nurse as he turned on the light. No one was there.

"No it's OK I thought somebody was in my room. Maybe I'm just paranoid," I said to him realizing who he was. "Drew?"

"Hey," he said.

"You work here?" I asked. He seemed annoyed by my question.

"Yeah. It pays the bills you know."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," I said before he cut me off.

"It's OK."

"No really I mean it. I am really not that type of person." He grabbed my pillow and fluffed it out. "You know people just assume that because you live in this town you are rich."

"I know trust me," He said when I saw her.

"Drew look out!" I yelled out. He moved out of the way. Helene had hidden in the closet. She lunged at me with her knife. Drew managed to trip her.

"Help!" I yelled.

Helene was fighting with Drew on the floor. He kicked her head away. She kept slashing at him with her knife. He dodged the knife every time. She was getting impatient. She had him cornered to the window. I tried to get up and help him, but I couldn't. She lunged at him again. He grabbed her wrist and knocked the knife off her hand.

"You have to let me kill him," she said as he held her hands. 'Things will be better if you let me do it." She managed to get a hand free. Before he could recover she punched him in the face. He fell instantly.

"Freeze," yelled the police. She smiled turned and jumped through the window. When the cops looked out of the window she was gone.


Where had we gone wrong? I began to believe that I was cursed and that we were going to die right there. Helene had once again succeeded. We had been there for two days. I already had two seizures. Without my medicine I could die.

On the third day I was woken up by voices. "Mel wake up I hear something."Mel woke and I walked over to a vent. That's when I heard it. "Sit down so we can begin." I heard the unmistakable sound of desks and chairs being moved."OK over the weekend two of your fellow students went missing. Jonathan Williams and Melissa Browning. I believe most of you knew them before they changed schools. The police department has reason to believe that there is foul play." I didn't let him finish.

"Help! Help! Were in here! Help Us!"

They never heard us. With the teacher speaking loudly and the students speaking our voices were drowned out. "She knows what shes doing," Mel said.

"We need to wait till class is over and yell out again." I nodded and we sat. Forty minutes later we were yelling again. To no use nobody heard us.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"Don't do that it's useless."

"What the hell do you expect me to do."

"John! Don't speak to me that way. It scares me."

I was angry now. They had gone too far. I kicked a metal can over. "Why is everything hard. Every time I find stability in my life it's taken away! Now here I am stuck in this fucking room where I am most like likely going to die!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Is somebody there?" A voice yelled from the vent.

"Yeah were stuck in here can you help us?" Mel yelled.

"Mel? Is that you? Where are you," Yelled Craig.

"I think we are in a boiler room of some kind," I yelled back.

"John? Oh my god."

"Hurry I need my medicine."

It took him an hour to find us. They had taken us to a part of the school that wasn't used any more. He had to find the door that led to the basement. It was hidden to keep the students from going there.

I had a huge welt where Dominique hit me. I rubbed it as the cops left my house.

I walked into my living room. There was Helene and Dominique. "Hi Jonathan," She said but I ran. I ran down the street.

"John you cant run forever," Yelled Dominique. I looked back. He was running after me. I tried to run faster. I had made it out of the gate.

"Call the cops!" I yelled at the guard. I looked back Dominique wasn't behind me. I stopped. "Call the cops. They're trying to kill me!"

"Sir calm down. No one is trying to kill you."

"Yes they are. He just chased me down here!" He called someone through his radio.

It happened in slow motion. Two beams of light on either side of the security guard. His body flew up and over the car as the beams of light got closer to me.

I threw myself aside as the car drove past. I heard the tires screech. I took off once again. I cut through bushes and patios. I made it over to the next street when I heard tires screech again. "Shit!" I ducked behind a hedge.

"I know you're here Jonathan," Said Helene.

I crawled slowly away. I had made it over to the next street without them noticing. I saw a convenience store at the end of the street. I ran as fast as I could.

"Somebody is trying to kill me," I yelled into the phone. I put it down when the cold barrel of a gun was placed in my face.

"Get away from the phone," said Helene.

I can honestly say that my life flashed before my eyes...

Hi guys this chapter is a little shorter. Sorry but it needs to be this way to keep up the suspense. One more to go you know. Don't worry I will be back soon with a new story.

Also I would like to thank all of you that replied to my story. It makes me feel good that there are people out there enjoying my story.

Next: Chapter 6

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