Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jan 5, 2005


his story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A hero in writing. Volume 2 in The hero saga.

I dedicate this one for all of you people that responded me with your comments about A hero in the hallways. Including you George z, Keith, Simon and Madison-aysha who gave me the kick I needed to finish volume one. This story is for Jonas who conceived a concept that led to this story.

A Hero In writing will take a different tune than volume 1. It will be better please let me know what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com. Please visit my website. www.geocities.com/greenmeccatoon/

A Hero In Writing

By Green Part three Threats

Chapter Nine

I sometimes wonder if I attract trouble. Like there is a big sign somewhere on my body that says, "Fuck With Me!" I am once again a slave to a piece of paper. I am also seeing double. To make things worst I had ten minutes to find Craig or he was going to die, and things would definitely get worst from here.

I paid the waiter for our un-eated food and I asked Mel to get our car. My paranoia got the best of me. "Mel no get a taxi." I yelled before she left the restaurant. She did as I asked and hailed us a cab. He didn't answer.

I dialed Craig's number on my cell phone. "Craig are you at the hotel?"

"Yes I'm in my room now," He answered relief rushed over me. "I need to get somethings here then I'll head over to your apartment. Dad already left for home so I'm checking out."

"Mel do you know where Craig Is staying?" She nodded and gave the driver directions. "No Listen Craig you are in trouble. You need to leave now I'll be at your hotel in three minutes and we need to go to my apartment."

"John what's going on?"

"You are next. The letter says you are next and I have ten minutes to get to you. Craig Get out!" I yelled at him. "Get out!"

"Hold up someone is at the door," I heard three gun shots before the line went dead.

"No," I whispered to myself. "Craig!"

"What's going on John?"

"It's not over. I'll explain when we get Craig," I answered. All this was still forming in my head. I had to give it some time to sink.

We made it to Craig's hotel. I practically yelled Craig's room number from the clerk. I ran as fast as I could to the stairs and took them two at a time. I had to make sure he was alright.

I made it back down with a pale look on my face. "Take us home," I said to the cab driver and gave him my address.

"Where is Craig?" asked Mel.

"He's gone," I said.

"What happened John? Tell me!" Mel yelled.

"The room was empty when I reached it. His clothes were thrown all over the place and the window was open. They used a gun on the lock to open the door and then shot the phone. When I looked out of the window I saw Craig's jacket hanging on the ledge. I think He escaped through the window. I hope he escaped through the window?"

"What about Michael?" Mel asked.

"He's not Michael, his name is Luke," I said as we pulled up to my apartment building. "He's Michael's twin brother."

My cell phone rang. "It's Craig," I said as I noticed the car coming towards us. "Craig?" I said before my body went flying.

"John!" I heard Mel Scream.

I Stood up from the ground. I was sure that I had a broken arm. My right Leg hurt, and I was bleeding from somewhere in the back of my head. I limped over to the cab. "Are you OK? Mel; are you Ok?"

"I'm so sorry. I have no insurance." Said the Cab Driver, trying to get out. As soon as he was out he took off running.

"Mel are You OK?" I asked once again. I approached the other side of the car fearing the worst. "Mel are you OK?" I asked once again.

"Yeah John Help me out," She said.

"Oh thank god your alive," I said as I pulled her out through her window.

"What hit us?" She asked.

"The car that hit us is gone," I said.

We heard Sirens Somewhere in the distance. I saw my cell phone on the ground. I picked it up. It was broken. An ambulance pulled up next to us. I stared at the flashing lights. I was transfixed. Then everything went dark.

I woke to find Mel sitting on a bed next to me. My arm was in a cast and I had bandage around my head. Craig was holding my other hand. "You had a seizure," he said.

"What happened at the hotel?" I asked.

"I escaped through the door that leads to the next room. It was unlocked and I took off. I put the jacket on the window to make it look like I escaped through the window. He must of bought it," he said. "You saved my life."

"Who is he?"

"Do you remember that guy I used to date? Trevor?"

"Wait he's doing this?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. "How does he know about Luke and Meghan."

They both looked at me questionably."What about Luke and Meghan?" they both asked in unison.

"I didn't remember before now. Michael told me that he had a twin a long time ago," I said. "His brother dated Meghan and," I began but I couldn't remember anything else.

"What did he say to you when you talked to him earlier?" Mel asked.

I recapped the story for them. "The waiter came back before I could read the letter. He said Luke asked if I could meet him outside."

"Hello John," He said, extending a hand to me.

"Michael? You are dead. I saw you Die," I said. He looked at me for a long time. I thought he was Michael.

"John I'm not Michael. I'm Luke, Michael's twin," he said and then everything made sense.

"You're Michael's twin?" it all made sense.

"Michael never told you about me?"

"He Might have told me once, but I don't remember."

"Well I guess this is a surprise," he said. "My brother and I were never really that close. My parents sent me away to a boarding school when I was younger. It made them look like a model family if they only had one son. Everything for an image you know?"

"So why are you here?" I asked, wondering if he was the one sending the notes.

"I'm here because you guys aren't safe. I don't know how he's doing this but I think Dominique is still planning something. Listen I'm with the FBI. I was told not to contact you about this but I don't think it's over. Somebody is playing with us. I saw someone deliver that letter to you. I was on my way to your your friends hotel. I followed you from there so I could speak with you."

"Wait this isn't from you?" He shook his head. "Dominique is in custody. He can't do anything."

"I think somebody else is involved," he said.

"How do you know all of this? How do I know that you aren't involved?"

"Because I have this," he said pulling out a piece of paper with a list of people on it. Craig's name was at the top. "Go get Craig. I think he might be first," he said as the chill climbed down my spine. I read the names on the list. "Craig, Aaron, Mel, Meghan and Dave."

I opened the letter and read the two lines. It's not Over. You have ten minutes to save Craig. "I have to go," I said. I have to get to Craig. He grabbed the letter from me and looked at it. He said he would call some cops over.

"They got there," Craig said. "I ran into them as I left the hotel. They never found Trevor though."

"So what happened between Meghan and Luke?" Mel asked. "Michael doesn't mention Luke in his journal.

"All I know is that they dated freshman year. Michael told me that once after I met her."

Chapter Ten

Meghan waited on the train platform as Luke stepped of it. He still made her blush. Yet times had changed. He no longer had the hold on her that he had when they were just kids. "We can't speak here. Let's go," She said pulling him back onto the train. They rode in silence until the next stop. When the train car stopped she pulled him off the train.

"What's going on?" She asked him. He motioned towards the end of the platform. "Why are you here Luke?"

"I didn't write those letters Meghan. They know about us and Lucy," He said pointing at her belly. Meghan rubbed it lightly. "They found me before she died. Helene came to my house and threatened us with a gun. She told me that she would tell everyone if she didn't get what she wants. She threatened Lucy," He said.

"She threatened Lucy?" Asked Meghan. "Why didn't you do something?"

"I did, I was on the case before she died."

"No one knows about you and me. I couldn't tell them it's.... it's still raw you know," She said looking away once again. "How is she?"

"Lucy is fine. You should see her. She asks about you every day. I know It's hard. It's hard for me too," He said as he grabbed her hands, "but she wants to see you. I think it's time."

Meghan looked away from him and over to the other end. "I don't know if I'm ready." She turned back to him. "Is she big?" Luke smiled, and nodded.

"She just started third grade. I sent you pictures. I don't know if got Them," he said.

"I have them," she assured. "How is Dominique doing this?"

"See that's the weird part. I don't think he's doing it alone."

"With who then?" Meghan asked.

"I don't know but whoever it is wants me involved. They sent me a letter?" he said, Seeing Aaron approach them. "I think it's time for you to tell him." Luke pointed at Aaron.

"What's going on?" Aaron yelled across the platform. "Luke? What are you doing here?"

"Aaron this isn't what you think," Meghan said to him trying to hold him back.

"What are you doing here, Luke?" asked Aaron.

"Aaron It's not what you think?" Luke said.

Aaron eyed him for a long time. "Aaron how do you know Luke?" asked Meghan.

":I was friends with Aaron a long time ago. We had a falling out. We were friends before I met you Meghan," Said Luke.

"My parents didn't want me hanging around him, so I stopped talking to him," added Aaron.

"Can we go somewhere we can sit? I have a lot to tell you and I think it's best if we all sit while I do this," Luke said. Aaron nodded as Meghan led him to an escalator. Luke followed them. They walked to a fast food restaurant at the end of the street.

"I met Luke freshman year of high school. Two years before I met you. At that time I thought that I was in love. We were always together. I made a choice that changed my life. I slept with him and I got pregnant with his baby," Meghan said. "I trusted him. He never showed me a reason not to. Something wasn't right though. I never saw his parents. I mean he never talked about them. So when I asked he told me about them. I insisted on meeting them. I thought that they should know about us and the baby, but when they met me they were furious. They sent him away and demanded that I get an abortion. I never got the abortion. I had my baby and I put her up for adoption. Luke begged me to let his aunt adopt her. So I did," Meghan said.

Aaron's face showed visible disappointment. She no longer looked the same to him. She was somehow tainted now and he didn't like it. "I know about the baby," he admitted. "I found some of the pictures. I just didn't want to admit it to myself."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Aaron. I didn't want to hurt you," She said as her tears took hold.

"So now he's back and you guys are going to get back together?," Aaron asked.

"No, Aaron. We broke up before Lucy was born. I only called him when I got my letter," She said, handing him her note. "I haven't seen him in a long time. I thought they might hurt Lucy. I wanted to make sure she was alright."

"You got a letter? Why didn't you tell me?" Asked Aaron.

"I thought it was over when they caught Dominique. I'm sorry Aaron," She said.

"I got mine this morning." He passed Aaron the piece of paper. On the paper was a list of People. Craig was the first, Aaron was second and Mel was the third. On the top of the paper there was a two words, Hit List. "I tried to get to Craig, but I couldn't find him. I talked to john earlier today and I had him find Craig. You guys are not safe. I'm going to arrange protection for you two," He said.

"Who's doing this?" Aron asked.

"he's not doing it alone. I think somebody you know might be involved," Luke said as he eyed the van outside. A rifle, he thought, and moved into action. "Every one down. FBI," He yelled. "Everyone down now!"

The bullets tore through the glass. Aaron dropped to the ground hitting his head with the table. Luke grabbed Meghan and pulled her under the table with him as he took out his gun emptying the barrel at the van.

"Aaron!" Meghan Screamed. He didn't move. Across the street a camera recorded the action.

Chapter Eleven

Excerpts From the Journal of Michael

Have you ever seen somebody on the verge of falling. They know it's over but they somehow keep holding out for something to happen. They are one step away from losing it but they find that balance. That is John now. He fell long and fast with two simple words. He's gay! Helene uttered those words over and over again. It tore through the school until it found him. Now he's on the other side.

I am guilty. I betrayed him. I didn't stand up for him. She got to me too. She kept me in my place. I have my reasons. If I didn't do what she asked I'd lose her. I just hope that he can forgive me. Helene threatened to tell my parents about the band and Mel. Where would I be if she did?

Mel doesn't tell me what Helene has on her. I feel like she leaves me on the outside. I just want to get close to her. All this time we've been so far apart and now that I have her she pulls away from me. She hides behind her beautiful smile.

Drew hates me now. He thinks I am disgusting and I have to agree with him. He doesn't talk to me the same any more. I don't have his trust anymore. I think he's beginning to notice that I am sick. Yesterday he said I looked pale. Today he held me as I got dizzy after we played a set.

I smile at John. He gives me the finger. It's like this every time I see him. He's a shadow of what he once was. He got into a fight today with Charlie. I wonder what that was all about. I overheard Eddie talk about it.

"Yeah he beat the shit out of him. We can't let that fag get away with this," He said. I tried to ignore it but I had to tell someone. I saw John talking with Mr. Peterson's son today. I told him what Eddie said. He thanked me.

I began to show the first signs of my sickness. I tried to hide it from Mel as much as I could. She has her own demons to deal with. What ever Helene has on her has to be big. She tried to Kill Helene today at lunch. I asked her why but all she said was that she had to talk to John. After we talked to john she told me that she was poor. She told me the truth and trusted me. We were a couple after all.

I finally introduced Drew to Mel. They seem to hit it off. They even hung out together a couple of times. We are all happy now.

I am angry. She went too far. She told my parents. They demanded that I stay away from John. That I shouldn't socialize with people like Mel. What would the neighbors think? Then they found out I played in a band. That's when they got hands on. They went over to Drew's house and tried to bribe him to stay away. They made sure John couldn't talk to me on the phone. I was so embarrassed that I stayed away from them.

Mel took it personal. Drew knew better and talked to me when he could. John had to hunt me down until I told him the truth. I even told him I was going to die. He hugged me for a long time. Then He did the most selfless thing I've ever seen someone do. He stepped away from us. He let Mel and I share the little time we had left. I thank him for it.

Chapter Twelve

I stood at my window as detective Abrams took down all of the information. I had already filled him in on what I knew. He was talking to Mel.

"You like the snow don't you?" asked Detective Moran. I nodded.

"Ever since I was Little," I said. She smiled.

"I read your new book. I think it's fantastic," She said. "i was hoping you could sign my copy." I nodded and she pulled out a paperback copy.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem." I said.

"I'm sorry I guess even a detective could be a fan," she said. "I don't know if you remember me but we've met before."

"No I'm sorry I don't recall," I said. She smiled.

"It was a little over a year ago. You signed my copy of Hallway Hero on the train. I was trying to get you to read it before you told me you wrote it."

"I remember that. That was the day I began to read my story."

"Yeah I know. I saw the interview you gave that night."She said as her phone rang. "Moran here," She said into her cell phone. I watched as her expression on her face changed. She looked at me and I knew something was wrong.

"What Is it?" I asked.

"Your friend is in the hospital. He was shot at," She said.

"Which friend?" I asked.

"Aaron," She answered.

They discharged me later on in the night. I wanted to be there for Meghan. I headed over to the hospital Aaron was in. We ran into Luke before I could reach her.

"How is she?" I asked him.

"I don't know. The last time I saw her Like this. Well It's been a long time," he said. I knew he didn't want to tell me something. Mel couldn't stop looking at him. It broke my heart.

"Can I talk to you Luke?" Mel asked.

I left them alone and I headed towards the waiting room. Craig let go of my hand and walked over to Meghan when we saw her. He sat next to her and gave her a huge hug. She was sitting on a chair alone. She seemed lost. "Meghan!" I called out as I limped over to her with my cane. She didn't look at me. Her gaze was transfixed to the floor. I sat on the other side of her and grabbed her hand.

"I never thought it could go this far," She whispered to Craig. "I just didn't want him to be mad at me. I didn't want him to leave me."

"Meghan, are you talking about Luke?" I asked.

"I'm talking about Luke and Lucy," she said. She looked so broken. I wanted to take her away from all of it. Make her the strong person I knew she was. Yet deep down I knew what she felt. I felt it too.

"Who is Lucy?" I asked.

"Lucy Is my daughter."

I wanted to know more but we where interrupted. I saw the look on the doctors face as he approached us. I already knew. I used to think that everyone had good in them. Yet I regarded this doctor as the most evil person in the world.

"I don't know how he did it but he is going to be fine," He said. "He just needs a little rest. You can go in to see him now." Meghan ran in to see him.

"Can I speak with you two for a second?" The doctor asked us. I nodded but I was anxious to see Aaron.

"Aaron is fine but there is one complication. He hit his head pretty hard when he fell. He might have difficulty dealing with some things for a while. I think it's best if he could stay at a rehab hospital for a while. Until he can regain full control of his motor skills."

"How much damage is it?" I asked.

"Well he might have lost some of his memory," He said. I couldn't believe it.

"How much?" Craig asked.

"It isn't a complete memory loss but he's lost quite a lot. I expect him to regain most of it. For now we should be happy he survived. He gave us a scare."

We waited and gave Meghan her time with him alone. Luke walked in with Mel a few minutes later. I looked at them. It was uncanny. Almost as if I was in high school looking at Mel stand Next to Michael.

Craig filled them in on what the doctor said. I began to think about some things. The whole day replayed in my head. I am still here, I thought. "Helene may be gone but I am still here. Dominique. Craig may be gone but I am still here. Charlie," I whispered to my self. "I need to go home," I said to Them. "I know who's doing this?"

"It isn't Trevor is it?" asked Craig. I shook my head.This time it wasn't just about me. It was about all of us..

Next: Chapter 10: Hero in Writing 4

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