Heros club

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Jan 22, 2011



This is my new story that I've been working on i hope you all enjoy it please tell me what you think and starting next month Because I'm Charmed is coming back ! (:

this story is like Infamous but not really and somewhat of Xmen.

Chapter 1 : Big Bang The Future

"We don't have time! Your the only one who can go back and change all this and stop all of this!" a young man showered in light said "but how your the one who..." a man around he late 30's started but was cutt off

"ahah we both know what well happen if I go back...plus your the only one he'll listen to." the young man says with a smile "now go!" he throw the other man in a portal by hitting him with a beam of light.

The Present

"okay so I think that's everything on the list I need for tonight" I say

"are you sure this time Kadeem? Because i don't want to come out again" Paul sighs

"Paulie look i just want my birthday party to be perfect and plus your not going so i wanna spend time with you" I tell Paul (Oh yea my name is Kadeem 17 Canadian American I have brown curly chair like Corbin Bleu and same skin tone to everyone thinks I look like him but I don't see it. I'm popular due to the fact that my parents are both rich Doctors dads a brian serg and moms a heart serg, 2 older sister one lttle brother and a baby sister on the way.) Paul is my boyfriend of two years he's hot 6'1 Columbian tan skin fresh hair cut and knows how to dress. Today is my 18th birthday and we're out around town picking up the last things for my party tonight.

"I know deem I'm sorry I can't come you know I would if I could but I have to leave at in 2 hours to get my flight baby" Paul reminds me and kisses me on my cheeks, Paul's doing this intership in Italy for a month for his job

As we were leaving the store a man calls out to us well me

"Hello I'm sorry i couldn't help but over hear that today is your birthday correct?" the man ask's

"uhmm yea it is..." I answer

"well than happy birthday here..." he hands me a gift wrapped in star wrapping paper

I look at him and the box with a puzzled look but i take the gift anyways "uhmm thank you" i say with a smile and the man walks away

"that was weird..." Paul says

"yea but I think I know him from somewhere..." I say

"deem he's like 40 i doubt that." Paul says

"yea okay well i better drop you home and finish setting up" I say with a sad face

My party was popping I mean whenever word got out that I or my sister was throwing a party if not half the hole school knew before i could say a word but tonight is my 18th bday so this party was going to be a bug bang in more ways than one. My parents felt that moving here we my sister that still lives with us should have or own space so they buid two studios at the side of the estate, but their more like house's. It's sometimes annoying being rich cause you never know who's your rea friends but thank god I have a great main group who's always there for me. The main group is Ian he's filipino 5'6 buzz cut just your av asian videogames but smart Ina his sister she's a crazy genus, Katelin my first best friend when i move here she's so funny, Vicky my goth friend but there's a lot more than the surface show dirty blond hair 5'3 she pretty kick ass to so don't mess, Louis he's more like a brother to me way bigger than me but i still beat him up we're ravils to fighting in every game seeing who can out do the other we're neck and neck, than his girlfriend Lysee sweet girl shy but sweet, jordan the rapper of the gruop and Ucl the D.j. those are my go to people i love them and them being here makes everything all that much better.

"hey birthday boy, cheer up you only turn 18 once!" Vicky says

"yea I know and I am but Paul isn't here." I sighed

"oh thanks for making us feel good for coming here for you." Vicky smriks

"Vicksin you know i love you and the gang" I smile and hug her

"good cause we have a gift for you" She tells me

"you guys know you don't have to get me anything" I smile

"good cause we didn't" Jordan says while giving me the finger so i give it back to him and he smiles

"plus it's from Paul not us." Vicky smiles

"GIVE IT!" I yell and grab the small box from her and open it to find a gold star necklace

"beside we already put your gifts in you basement!" Ucl says

"you dumbass way to ruin the hole thing!" Jordan punchs him

"ops" Ucl laughs

"well now can you enjoy your party or am i going to have to beat you in a few rounds of naruto?" Louis winks

"Lysee can you just move from Louis while I knock his head off." I smile "come on lets dance" and we join the rest of the party on my pool deck. Ucl is D.J.ing and playing all great music and everyone is having a great time, I get a text from my mother in the main house telling me that everyone has to leave now cause it's almost 3am so everyone starts to get up and go expect the gang their staying. As we clean up a little before we crash and let the house keeper finish tomorrow i hear this ticking sound coming from the pool house where all my gits where so i head over to see what it. I open the door and walk up to the huge pile of gifts and it's the star box that man gave me early today as i walk over to it i the ticking sounds more like a beeping sound and is beeping faster and faster till it just stops and than BOOM! My hole pool house and side of my house blows up everyone was throw away and hurt really bad. My sister was the one that ran out and found us all laying down lifeless when she called 911, but we weren't the only ones hurt the hole town was in bad shape more like all of New York was. It turns out someone was giving boxs with booms in it all over New York with a company that's spread world wide. Everywhere looked like a war zone nothing was what it used to be and the people lost hope when some people become mutanted and started to cause problems the police weren't much help things were really bad, so i was told a week after i woke up in the hospital. The night i woke up a man was in my room but i couldn't really see his face clear i bearly could hear too but he was the first thing i saw and hear so i listen, the second he was done talking he left with the blink of my eyes and i fell asleep. I woke up the next day thinking about if what I saw was a dream cause I mean the hospital looks like it was just build but the once I saw outside the mess that was there. I walked around the floor I was on and saw so many people hurt and some mutated, The first person I saw was Ian and Ina they looked fine laying down watching t.v. they got up when they saw me, i asked if they fine they said yes just Ina was cold and Ian's head was hurting him like it was going a million miles per hours. we walked around looking for who else was here but the only eople we found was Louis and Lysee. We found out that Jordan, Ucl left and Katelin's parents picked her up early today, and Vicky was sleeping, so i woke her up which would only work for me cause if anyone else tried this she's kill them.

"So what the hell happen?" I asked "the last thing i remember was staring at the gifts in my pool house and boom, and than i woke up here last night." I tell them

"yea same here" everyone pretty much had the same story

"hey last night did a nurse or dr come in any of you guys room and tell you what's been going on?" I asked

"no..." they each said

"oh it must of been a dream I i barely could hear or see him about he told me what's been going on in the town but he told me to watch the news and it looks like all of Nyc and in some parts of North America was damages and it was spearding." I told them

A Dr saw us all in the T.V. room and saw we all were in hospital gowns and noted that we were in recover and told us we could be dismissed today. We went to ur rooms and got dressed in clothes our parents brang us, I found my cell and was surpirsed it worked so i called my mother and she picked us up and drove us to my house or what was left of it it was being rebuild the hole town was or people were trying to but people realized it was only just for nothing cause the mutants would just try and take peoples homes and what little they had my parents estate was somewhat protected by a huge fence, my studio was almmost done just really bare and empty. Jordan, Ucl and Katelin came by and they were fine, but were we really fine I know i felt a little weird and i had this feeling everyone else was too when he wlked in we heard the beeping sound again and everything went black....


so please feel free to comment and tell me what you think its the first chapter so keep in mind thank you for reading :)

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