Hes Mine


Published on Oct 23, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 14 Women Lie, Men Lie

After the little fight Brandon and I had on Monday, things between us were still tense. He wouldn't walk me to class as much as he used to and he never called me anymore. It was now Wednesday and I felt like my baby was leaving me.

"Maybe he just needs time to cool down Jayse. Sounds like you guys had a pretty intense fight" Eric said eating his salad at lunch.

"I know Eric but I just never seen him like that before. He was really angry with me" I said sadly, "I just wish I knew what was wrong with him." Max, Eric, and Tony all looked at each other while my head was down in my lunch.

"Jayse look just keep trying to talk to him, I'm sure it's more going on with him than you think" Max said reaching across the patio table to grab my hand.

"You guys don't understand. I mean I know we haven't even went together for a full month yet but it feels like forever to me" I stated looking at each of them in their eyes.

"Now look at him" I stated turning around staring at him through the glass windows outside, "he's in there and he won't even talk to me like he used too."

"But Jayse he brought you to school and he still walks you to class" Eric pointed out.

"Yea but it's always in silence. The whole time we drove to school it was in silence. I mean when I got in his car this morning he didn't even kiss me or tell me good morning. I had to say it first" I said swirling my spoon in my banana pudding.

"Aww Jayse, I'm so sorry" Eric said tilting his head to the side looking at me with sad eyes. I just shook my head and looked over at Brandon's table in the lunch room wondering what happened that made this distance occur.

"I'm still confused" Max stated. "I mean you guys were doing so well and then school starts and something changes."

"When you find out let me know" I said sadly. I couldn't take my eyes off of Brandon. He was sitting with his friends and looked as hurt as I was. He was smacking his fork on his tray not even paying attention to his friends as they were playing around and joking. He must have sensed me looking because he lifted his head and looked my way. I smiled and waved at him and he smiled back softly. It looked like sort of a forced smile but I tried to not jump to any conclusions.

"Jayse couples have fights ok. I mean me and Rich fell in love after our first fight" Max said.

"I know but, I just hate what this fight is doing to us" I said still sulking.

"Well if all else fails you can enjoy being single again like me" Tony said nudging me on the arm as Max and Eric rolled their eyes.

"What happened to Ahmad?" Eric asked upset.

"We're just friends" Tony stated pulling his shades over his eyes and sitting back in his seat.

"That's not what he's telling Brandon" I stated honestly.

"What are you talking about?" Tony said sitting up and pulling his shades off his face.

"He's been telling Brandon that you guys are starting to get serious" I said looking at Tony.

"Over 3 days?" Max asked looking at Tony.

"Hmmm must be nice" Eric said taking another bite of his salad.

"I told Ahmad that we could only be friends right now. I'm not ready for a relationship" Tony said upset.

"I told you not to string that boy along didn't I?" Max asked pointing his index finger at Tony.

"I didn't string him along. He came by my parents' restaurant and we got to talking, that's it!" Tony said sitting back in his chair.

"Sure, just friends huh?" Max asked.

"Yes" Tony said.

"Nothing more?" Eric asked.

"You guys stop what are y'all trying to say?" Tony asked looking back and forth at both of them.

"Hmmm" Eric said sipping his tea as Max did the same.

"I'm serious we haven't done anything I'm not like that. I mean I flirt a lot with guys don't get me wrong but I'm not a slut" Tony said placing his hand over his chest.

"I'm not calling you a slut Tony" I said apologetically.

"I know you're not Jayse but these two are trying to make me feel bad" Tony said throwing two French fries at both Eric and Max.

"I'm not calling you anything but you obviously feel bad about something" Eric stated.

"I'm ok. I have no secrets" Tony said proudly folding his arms.

"Do you now?" Max asked looking over at Tony.

"Yes Max!" Tony said agitated.

"Ok" Max said throwing his hands up. The table got quiet until Tony rolled his eyes and gave in.

"Ok I kissed him, twice. But I swear nothing else happened!" Tony shouted.

"Ok T. We believe you" Eric said smiling.

"No you guys don't. Just because I'm naturally handsome doesn't mean I flaunt it around to get what I want" Tony said as we all rolled our eyes.

"Hold up wait a minute!" Max said laughing, "I'm going to ignore the first part because that's nothing but an ego trip you always on. `Get what you want,' what exactly do you want?"

Tony rolled his eyes again and sighed saying "Max..."

"No this I have to hear as well" Eric said.

"I want what you guys get on a regular basis" Tony said looking around not wanting to discuss this topic at school.

"Which is?" Max asked teasing.

"Ugh...I'm not going to say it" Tony said.

"Well you have to because I'm lost" Eric said smiling.

"No you're not. I mean you are always lost but not on this topic" Tony said as Eric threw a piece a paper at him.

"What I'm serious" Tony said pushing the paper from his lap onto the ground.

"Quit avoiding and tell" Max said.

"I only wanted someone to cuddle with nosies not someone to sleep with" Tony said causing us all to laugh.

"Whatever. You are such a slut" Max said laughing.

"No I'm not. We never slept together" Tony stated.

"Then tell us what you guys have done then?" Eric asked.

"Cuddle and kiss" Tony said causing us all to laugh at the lie, "Whatever I know what is true. I am not that kind of person. Light-skinned people always have it hard."

"No you guys don't we dark skinned guys do" Eric stated.

"Please you know what I would give to be dark-skinned?" Tony asked looking over at Eric.

"Whatever it is I don't want it" Eric said as we all laughed some more. It really did feel good to laugh again.

"You guys really think Ahmad thinks that way about things between him and I?" Tony asked looking around at all of us.

"I think so" I said as Eric and Max agreed by shaking their heads.

"I should go and talk to him huh?" Tony asked biting his finger nails from nervousness. We all shook our heads yes and Tony got up and went inside the cafeteria to Brandon's table to speak with Ahmad. As Tony walked past, Brandon looked over at us as Eric and Max waved hi. He waved back but still didn't bother to get up and walk over. I sighed heavily and looked around to see Jamarion walking over to our table.

"Guys please no matter what, don't bring up the fact that Brandon and I are fighting" I pleaded whispering.

"Why?" Eric asked.

"Because I don't want a fight to come out between these Brandon and Jamarion and they both really don't like each other" I said as Max and Eric agreed.

"What's up red" Jamarion said patting Max on the back as he came and sat in Tony's seat.

"Hey cuz. How you doing?" Max asked as Jamarion grabbed my tray and started eating off of it. I really didn't care because I wasn't in the mood.

"I'm good" Jamarion said stuffing his face with French fries. I rolled my eyes at his greedy behavior as he nodded his head at me saying what's up.

"Hey Jamarion" Eric said gazing at him from across the table.

"What's up Eric! How you doing?" Jamarion asked wiping his mouth and taking a sip of my lemonade.

"I'm fine. You looking more restless now than you did a couple of days ago" Eric said sitting up in his seat. I sat back in my own chair and crossed my arms over my chest looking at the display of infatuation. What is it about my brothers that guys loved? Back at my old school it was the same way.

"Yea that little baby scare was something else" Jamarion stated laughing nervously.

"Is Ebony doing ok?" Max asked.

"Yea she's fine. She might have to get homeschooled because the doctors told her that she's been doing too much" Jamarion said taking a bite out of my double cheeseburger.

"What all was she doing?" Eric asked worried. While Jamarion was chewing up his burger I answered Eric for him.

"She was assisting my mom and trying to do other stuff even when everyone told her to slow down" I said as Jamarion gave me a look.

"What it's the truth" I said looking at him as he shook his head upset.

"You don't like her Jayse?" Eric asked me.

"I don't have any problems with her" I said, "It's just that she should be more careful knowing that she is carrying a child."

"Let's not get started on people in our relationships and their poor choices" Jamarion said looking at me, "speaking of, where is lover boy at today? I'm surprised you guys aren't hugged up in a corner somewhere."

"He wanted to sit with his friends today. They wanted to discuss some things so I just told him I'll talk with him after school" I said lying. It's not the first time I lied to him but knowing him and all my other brothers we all had the same tell when we were lying: grabbing ahold of something.

The nearest thing I could hold onto were the handles on the chair I was sitting in, which he couldn't see since my arms were crossed. I smiled to myself in my head at my cleverness and hoped that Jamarion would let it go.

"Whatever. As long as he's not over here ruining my day, I'm good" Jamarion said taking another bite from my burger.

"Jamarion why do you hate Brandon so much?" Max asked as Eric and I both looked at Jamarion waiting for an answer as well.

"I don't hate him, it's just that I think he is hiding something. He don't seem real to me. You guys don't get that feeling from him?" Jamarion asked Eric and Max. Eric looked at Max, who looked down on his plate. That little display caused me to sit up in my chair because they obviously knew something.

"No I think Brandon is ok" Max stated looking up at Jamarion.

"Yea I don't have a problem with him" Eric joined in.

"Yea but do you guys think he's lying or keeping a secret?" Jamarion asked as I searched their faces as well. I saw the slow trickle of sweat form from their foreheads and knew that we all had to talk about this, because something was definitely up.

"Problem solved" Tony said walking back over to our table and standing between me and Jamarion.

"You settled everything with Ahmad that quick?" Eric asked trying to not give me any eye contact while looking in my direction.

"Yep. Rest assured that Ahmad isn't thinking anything more of me" Tony stated proudly, "hey Jamarion."

"Hey Tony" Jamarion said looking up at him as Tony smiled happily.

"You're looking cute today" Tony said causing Jamarion to blush.

"Thanks man, I try" Jamarion bragged out of nervousness.

"No thanks necessary" Tony stated still ogling my brother like he was the last man on earth. I cleared my throat and Tony looked down at me. I gave him a look like stop it before Jamarion ran away.

"Good for you Tony" Max stated changing the subject, "Now you can focus on you know who."

"Ugh" Tony said upset walking over to grab a chair from a nearby table.

"How does Omar find himself in every conversation we have!" Tony stated plopping down in his chair between me and Eric.

"I'm sorry Tony but you're wrong for the way you are treating that boy" Max said as Eric nodded his head in agreement. I chose to stay out of it this round because I still had my own problems. I looked back at Brandon and he was still sitting with his friends. This time Kris walked by his table alone but didn't stop to talk to Brandon but someone else. I saw the look of disgust on Brandon's face as he shook his head. Some guy came up to him saying something and the both of them came walking outside towards us. I quickly turned around hoping he wouldn't see me but still stop by and speak to us.

"You guys are trying to make this all my fault. Omar is a handful. There is more to him than what meets the eye" Tony said.

"I find that hard to believe" Eric said as Brandon came walking by with the guy. He didn't even say anything to me. I held back my tears and pretended to not notice although I think Max saw because he mouthed to me, "are you ok?" I shook nodded my head yes and looked over at Jamarion hoping he didn't see a thing, but he was too busy eating to even notice.

I watched as Brandon and the guy disappeared to the other side of the school like he always does and minutes later came back. What was he always doing back there?

He slowed his walking when he came to our table. I looked at him out the corner of my eye and looked up to catch his eye. He motioned with his finger to come over to him probably after seeing Jamarion at our table.

"Hey guys I'll be right back" I stated getting up out my seat.

"Where are you going?" Jamarion asked with food in his mouth.

"I'm going to talk to my baby" I stated about to walk over when I bumped into Kris.

"Excuse you" Kris said with an attitude.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you" I said until I turned around and saw who it was.

"Well watch where you going next time" Kris said pushing my chair aside to get past me.

"Kris I didn't see you ok? I'm sorry" I said not feeling his attitude today.

"Don't apologize to that slut Jayse!" Tony screamed.

"Please Tony, are you really about to go there with me?" Kris asked turning around to face Tony.

"Where? Right here? Because we can do this!" Tony said getting up from his seat ready to attack Kris. Eric immediately grabbed Tony's arms trying to stop him as I did the same.

"Tony stop he is not worth it!" Eric said placing Tony back in his seat.

"Oh please Eric I am definetley worth it ok. Look at me!" Kris said as he flailed his arms over his body.

"Kris is there any reason you came over here to ruin our day" Max said looking at Kris in disgust.

"I came over here to check on Brandon since some people obviously don't know how to take care of him" Kris said looking back at me and rolling his eyes.

"What you checkin' on me fo?" Brandon asked walking over to our table. I looked around as people really didn't notice that we were having a huge argument over here. It was probably due to the loud noise of our peers.

"Because Brandon we were friends before we got together and I just wanted to make sure you're ok" Kris said walking over to Brandon. Brandon immediately moved from Kris' direction and over towards me.

"Yea but you fucked that all up" Brandon said forcefully.

"No I didn't I told you that those rumors weren't true" Kris said.

"Sure they weren't" Tony said loudly, "You were advertising your goods around town more than Oreos."

"Like I said Tony, if you want me to open this thing up we can" Kris said.

"What are you talking about?" Eric asked.

"Aah just in time" Kris said as the twins came in with Quentin, "excuse me gentlemen, I wanted to bring someone to your attention. This is my lovely boyfriend Quentin who some of you may know from years back. He looks a little different because of his dreds and because he bulked up. Isn't he cute?"

"Kris what are you doing?" Quentin said walking past Brandon as Brandon gave him the meanest look in the world.

"I'm letting them know about us baby" Kris said looking at Quentin.

"Kris we only talked one day and to be honest I don't even care about you like that" Quentin whispered but we all heard as we laughed at our table.

"But, but what about the other night?" Kris asked sadly.

"Kris you did all that not me" Quentin said as Kris looked around embarrassed.

"There you go guys" Tony said standing up, "proof that sluts are alive and kicking." Everyone started laughing at Kris until he literally got backed in a corner and all hell broke loose.

"Well Tony, Eric, Max, since you all seem to have all the jokes how about I tell one right quick to Jayse" Kris said, "You're going to love this Jayse!"

"Kris don't" Max said getting up.

"Well it will start off as a story and turn into a joke. Once upon a time there were 4 friends named Kris, Max, Brandon and Quentin" Kris said as my eyes glowed and I stared at Brandon. I looked over at Max who had his head down not even looking at me.

"The four boys were so tight that they were friends all through elementary school until two of them had a falling out in middle school and the other two had a falling out in high school" Kris continued.

"Kris please stop" Brandon said turning his back to me.

"Well Kris and Max had a falling out because Max decided that he didn't want to wear makeup like Kris and saw Kris to be too girly, so broken hearted Kris started hanging out with Quentin and Brandon only to find that Quentin didn't care for Kris like that" Kris said walking around the table.

"Don't forget that you were also spreading lies about me" Max stated.

"What's going on over here?" Rich asked walking over to Max.

"Rich glad you could make it, pull up a chair it's story time" Kris said.

"Am I right so far boys?" Kris asked looking around at Quentin, Max and Brandon. They all looked embarrassed and Brandon had a million knots in his head.

"So Brandon and Kris started dating for a long time since junior high until just recently when he believed the words of other people" Kris said before being cut off by Brandon.

"I didn't believe anyone. I saw it with my own eyes, besides you never cared about me" Brandon said.

"Whatever Brandon, anyways, as I was saying, they broke up but Quentin and Brandon's story is even more interesting" Kris said.

"Kris stop now before someone gets hurt. All of that is in the past and none of this needs to be told" Quentin said.

"No I think Jayse needs a background lesson on all these liars at this school" Kris shouted.

"You're only upset because no one wants you right now" Brandon stated.

"No one wants me look at me" Kris stated.

"You are so fuckin' shallow until it makes you ugly" Brandon stated shaking his head in disappointment.

"Sticks and stones Brandon" Kris said turning his back to Brandon.

"Jayse you want to know a secret about your darling boyfriend Brandon" Kris asked.

"I'm warning you Kris, chill right now man" Brandon said.

"The real reason he's always out, not answering your calls, disappearing for minutes sometimes hours" Kris said walking towards me.

"Kris please" Max begged.

"Not only is he a rapper but a drug dealer as well" Kris said as I looked over at Brandon for confirmation. He still had his back to me and that was all the proof I needed.

"But there is more sweetie, Quentin's dad is the DA and tried to lock up your boyfriend's boss which is why, Quentin and Brandon don't get along. Also the gut puncher" Kris said putting his arms around me, "everyone standing around here knew but you."

"You're lying" I said hoping that this was all some cruel prank.

"Afraid not, sweetie, seems like everyone wanted you to be hurt" Kris said laughing softly.

Kris walked away still laughing as the twins joined behind him and everyone was still surprised at what was just told to me.

"So this was just a joke to you guys the whole time" I said hurt.

"Jayse wait a minute" Eric said finally breaking his silence.

"No you wait a minute Eric. All I wanted was true genuine friends and you guys took advantage of that" I said trying to fight back the tears.

"Jayse, cuz I" Max said before I cut him off.

"Shut up Max! I feel like such an idiot right now. All these secrets and how long? How long were you guys going to let this go on before someone said something" I asked looking at all their faces. I glanced down at Jamarion who was just as upset as I was, but I knew who he was really upset with.

"You were right Jamarion. You were right about him all along" I said to Brandon's back until he finally turned around to face me.

"You gave me the cold shoulder for 3 days, and for what? You said I changed, well what about all of this Brandon?" I asked.

"Jayse I was going to tell you I just wanted to wait for the right time" Brandon pleaded.

"Shut the hell up" Jamarion said causing Brandon to roll his eyes, "you never was going to tell him"

"You don't kno a damn thing homie I was goin to be real bout mines" Brandon said turning around to see Jamarion's face.

"Who are you lying to me or you?" I asked.

"Nobody baby, I really was going to tell you" Brandon said turning back around to me.

"Bullshit" Jamarion said loudly.

"Man I'm getting tired of yo damn mouth" Brandon said turning around to punch Jamarion but Quentin got in the middle of it.

"Get yo damn hands off me. It's yo fault all this shit happened" Brandon stated with his fists balled up and his chest swollen.

"My fault! Dude I just got back here, I don't even know what the hell is goin' on" Quentin stated.

"Yea yo dad probably came back to stop Krush again as if his ass didn't get enough embarrassment the first time around" Brandon stated.

"Yo ya'll need to stop that shit anyway. It's because of ya'll the Grove ain't safe anymore" Quentin stated.

"Who you supposed to be kid? Get out of here wit all that shit, man" Brandon said focusing his hate back on Jamarion.

"Hey guys let's just chill for a minute ok" Rich said trying to calm all the tension out.

"I agree" Max said walking over to me, "Jayse please..."

"Don't touch me" I said as Max tried to put his arms around me.

"I can't believe it. You of all people should have said something Max. You knew all about this the whole time" I stated with eyes full of tears.

"Jayse I wanted to but I just felt like that should have been Brandon's place. You guys were getting along so good and you seemed to be floating on air whenever he was around" Max said as his voice started breaking.

"So what? I wasn't just happy because of him. I was happy to finally have some real friends. Everything was happening so fast that I felt like it could all be a dream" I said blinking as a single tear fell down my left cheek. Brandon reached over to wipe my face but I slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me! I don't even know you anymore" I said backing away from Brandon.

"So it's like that? Brandon asked me sadly.

"You caused this to happen" I said angrily.

"Jayse you're overreacting" Eric said beside me.

"Am I now? You as well the sensitive one. The mature one. You let me believe that this guy was best for me" I said pointing at Brandon.

"I still am" Brandon stated confidently.

"No you're not" I said shaking my head, "any relationship built on lies is doomed to fail."

"Boo can we go somewhere private" Brandon begged.

"No" I shook my head upset, "and don't call me boo."

"Jayse please" Brandon begged as he grabbed my hand.

"Stop touching me!" I yelled grabbing my hand away.

"Look man back the hell up" Jamarion said running over and standing between me and Brandon.

"Guys please don't cause anyone to come over here" Rich said trying to keep the peace.

"It's way too crowded over here" Brandon stated.

"I agree" Quentin stated.

"Then what the fuck are you doing over here?" Brandon asked turning around to walk up to Quentin.

"I don't remember anyone asking me to leave" Quentin said walking up to meet him.

"Nobody wants you around homie" Brandon stated.

"Jayse is my friend" Quentin stated as a moment of silence drapped our area. Brandon looked back at me and back at Quentin and laughed nervously.

"Are you serious?" Brandon asked Quentin.

"Yea ask him yourself" Quentin stated.

"What's up with this Jayse?" Brandon asked turning around to me.

"What if he was" I stated still upset with Quentin but more furious with Brandon and the rest of the crew.

"Ok so we keeping all kinds of secrets from each other now, huh?" Brandon asked upset.

"Brandon we have classes together. We talk when we see each other there is nothing to hide" I shouted.

"Then why didn't you tell me" Brandon shouted back.

"A friend Brandon? Seriously?" I asked surprised.

"Jayse let's go" Jamarion said noticing my discomfort with everyone there.

"No you ain't goin nowhere" Brandon stated.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked.

"My brother said he is ready to go" Jamarion stated.

"Damn man I'm getting' tired of you" Brandon shouted.

"Then do something bruh" Jamarion said walking over.

"Guys that's enough" Rich said breaking the two of them up but it was too late. Before I knew it Max snatched me up and moved me as Brandon and Jamarion got into a full head on boxing match. The two of them were punching at each other as I screamed to the top of my lungs for them to stop. I remember seeing blood everywhere and tables and chairs thrown around as they were to the point of killing each other. It was a long time coming I said to myself as I saw my boyfriend and my brother rip each other to pieces. It was about 10 minutes later that the teachers came over to break the fight up and school kids came out of nowhere to witness the first fight of the year. I watched as the school patrol officers came as well trying to claw through the crowd and tear Brandon and Jamarion away from each other.

I finally snatched myself from Max's grip and clawed through the crowd as well as Tony and Eric tried grabbing me back over to their corner in safety. I shrugged them off and their cries to come back as I saw Brandon one side and Jamarion on the other with two officers on each of them holding them back. I looked at both of their faces and their shirts covered in blood. Brandon had a swollen eye and lip as Jamarion had a bloody mouth and a scar on his right cheek.

I paused and contemplated who to go too. Though I was mad with Brandon I still loved him and seeing him hurt like that made me want to kiss the pain away. On the other hand, blood is thicker, and seeing Jamarion look like that, not to mention him fighting on my behalf was worth a whole lot more. So why am I still standing between the both of them? It was like deciding my future. If I chose Brandon then I would show Jamarion that I still cared for him and that his fighting was in vain but if I went to Jamarion then I would be telling Brandon that it was completely over.

I watched as the patrol officers and the crowd looked like they were waiting for me as well to make a decision: on my right Jamarion and on my left Brandon. I stared at Brandon's face and he looked so sympathetic to the point of me running over to him but I looked over at Jamarion and he had the same look.

Please God, I hope I'm doing the right thing! I sighed and prayed to myself as I let my feet do the talking and I walked over to...

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 18

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