Hes Mine


Published on Dec 24, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 19 Quentin POV (part one)

3 Months Later

"You hang up" I said teasing Jayse.

"No you hang up. You called me" Jayse said laughing. His laugh was so infectious. He sounded like he used all his energy just to make one laugh and that smile of his was so gorgeous. He had the pinkest gums and the whitest teeth that I ever seen on a person. He would make the perfect model for Colgate toothpaste.

"Are you going to hang up?" Jayse asked me after a moment of silence came between us.

"Jayse you have to hang up first" I stated laughing at his silliness.

"Why?" Jayse asked.

"Because it's polite" I informed as Jayse laughed.

"No it's polite for me to stay on the phone since you called ME!" Jayse stated.

"You have to be right about everything don't you?" I asked still laughing. I was lying on my bed in my compression shorts enjoying the fact that me and Jayse were still talking three months after the dance. Honestly though, we didn't do anything but sit out on the bleachers and talked. It was the best night I ever had in my life.

"No I'm just saying" Jayse said laughing.

"Quit laughing so much" I teased.

"You quit laughing" Jayse retorted back.

"I'm glad we don't have school tomorrow, otherwise we would be messed up" I said referring to the time.

"I know, it's 4:30 in the morning and we're still on the phone. What time did we start talking?" Jayse asked.

"I don't know my phone says about 12:15 but haven't we been talking for awhile before that, like Monday?" I teased referring to the first day we met, hoping he knew what I meant.

"I'm talking about on the phone, smarty pants" Jayse said laughing as I joined him. I was laughing so hard until tears were coming out my eyes. I never had such a good time in my life and all we did all night was talk.

"You are a trip" I said wiping my eyes.

"No you're a trip" Jayse teased.

"Quit trying to have the last word" I said as Jayse laughed.

"Oh my God, why do you keep saying that?" Jayse asked.

"Because you've been doing that all night" I stated.

"Name one time" Jayse said.

"Ok earlier when I said that I was hungry you said me too" I said teasing.

"So I was hungry. I just didn't want to say anything" Jayse said.

"Sure Jayse" I teased.

"Fine forgive me for agreeing with you" Jayse said laughing.

"What no argument?" I asked smiling.

"No. I think you want me to argue but I'm not going to" Jayse stated.

"I don't want you to argue" I teased.

"Then stop picking on me" Jayse whined.

"I can't help it, you're so adorable" I said as Jayse got quiet, "Sorry did I cross the line?"

"No I was just watching something on TV" Jayse lied. I could already tell when he would lie about things because he would pause and think or grab ahold of something.

"Jayse be honest" I begged.

"What are we doing?" Jayse asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"This, us, right now. What do you call it?" Jayse asked.

"Going with the flow. I thought I told you to stop questioning everything we do" I stated.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry I just don't want to give you the wrong signals" Jayse said sighing, "I'm sorry I'm a mess."

"Jayse stop it, you're beautiful. I mean there's nothing wrong with you. I like you just the way you are and besides we're just friends remember no pressure" I said calmly.

"No pressure?" Jayse asked for clarification.

"No pressure" I stated easing his worrying.

"No labels?" Jayse asked as I sighed laughing.

"Besides friends, nah, no labels" I said smiling, "stop worrying so much."

"I can't help it Q, I'm a worrier" Jayse informed me as if I hadn't picked up on that already.

"I know, but it doesn't bother me" I stated.

"Not even a little?" Jayse asked.

"Ok I see I'm going to have to work on your confidence" I stated laughing.

"I have confidence" Jayse said embarrassed.

"Maybe a little but not a lot" I said laughing as I heard silence on the other end.

"Hey Jayse I was only playing ok?" I asked hoping that he wasn't offended.

"Uh huh" Jayse said.

"Honest. I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean anything by it" I said regretting everything I said. Although I was finding out that Jayse was overly sensitive, it didn't matter one bit. I still found him sexy.

"It's ok" Jayse said still hurt. An awkward moment of silence came over us again as I searched for something to say.

"You want me to go?" I asked hurt that I made him uncomfortable. Jayse didn't respond and I took that as my cue to leave.

"Ok well you can call me back whenever you want to if you want" I said about to hang up.

"No...don't go, please" Jayse begged as I started smiling.

"I'm not here to hurt you Jayse. I promise that I won't do that" I said as I heard Jayse sniff his nose.

"Are you crying?" I asked worried.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said.

"Hey you don't you have to apologize for anything" I stated, "did I say something bad again?"

"No it's not you" Jayse said as I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"It's Brandon isn't it?" I asked upset as Jayse didn't respond back. I hate the way that he treated Jayse more than I hate the things that he do. Jayse deserved better and I wish that he would only give me a chance.

"It's just that him and my ex Daniel said the same thing to me. They promised that `they wouldn't hurt me' and I'm trying to forget about them but little things keep taking my mind back there" Jayse confessed still sniffing.

"Jayse the difference between me and those guys is that they were jerks that only cared about themselves. I like you and I don't want to rush you into anything you don't want to do. I'm willing to wait for you. I want to be your friend, your best friend even. Just don't shut me out. Give me a chance. You can trust me. I don't have any secrets. As a matter of fact ask me anything" I said ready to prove my loyalty to him.

"Q it's ok I trust you" Jayse said.

"I know but come on ask me anything, please" I begged.

"But we've talked about everything already. I feel like I know more about you than any of my exes" Jayse stated.

"Refresh my memory of myself then" I teased as Jayse laughed at my corniness.

"I mean you're favorite color is gray, you like rap music, you work out 4 days a week, you have 2 twin sisters who go to private school, Tiana and Tyena, your dad is the DA and your mom is a housewife, you like scary movies, you want to play pro football, and your favorite hobby is building things. I hope I didn't miss anything" Jayse said laughing.

"There were more things but that's the jist of it" I said amazed at his great memory.

"Cool" Jayse said laughing again. I'm glad he was cheering up.

"You sure you don't have any questions for me?" I asked teasing.

"Uh..." Jayse paused thinking, "no I'm good." I had a feeling he wanted to ask me something but was scared to so I decided to ask him something.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, "and if you don't want to then you don't have to answer."

"Ok" Jayse said nervous.

"What do you want most in life?" I asked Jayse.

"What?" Jayse asked me surprised.

"What do you want most in life?" I asked again.

"Um besides being happy, I just want love. I want to feel loved" Jayse confessed, "I mean after high school I want to go to college and study to become a journalist but most importantly I want to be loved."

"Wow I don't think I ever heard someone say that" I stated.

"You think it's dumb?" Jayse asked disappointed.

"Jayse come on, nothing you do or say would ever make me think you were dumb" I confessed honestly, "I care about you too much to make you feel like that."

"Thank you Q" Jayse said smiling.

"You're welcome" I said.

"What about you? What do you want?" Jayse asked after a moment of silence came between us.

"I want" I sighed heavily, "I just want to fall in love. I've never been in love with someone."

"Really?" Jayse asked surprised.

"Yea" I stated honestly.

"Out of all your exes you've never been in love with any of them" Jayse asked.

"Well for one it wasn't a lot to be considered all, more like just two. I've cared about them a lot but never really fell in love with them" I informed Jayse about my past.

"I'm shocked" Jayse said surprised, "I'm glad you're being honest with me."

"I would never lie to you Jayse, I promise" I said sounding sincere knowing what he's been through.

"Promise promise" Jayse asked for clarification.

"You have my word, Jayse, I would never, ever, ever, hurt you" I stated with heavy emphasis, pouring my heart out.

"Thank you Q" Jayse said.

"No need to thank me. I'm going to show you that you can trust me, starting today" I said, "As a matter of fact, what are you doing today?"

"Um nothing really, the gang will be with their families, so I'll be home with my brothers" Jayse informed me.

"Cool do you mind spending Christmas Eve with me?" I asked sincerely as Jayse pondered the idea.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" Jayse asked.

"Nothing major just lunch, a movie, chilling at the mall, or anything you want to do" I said showing him I much I wanted this.

"Can we go skating?" Jayse asked.

"Sure whatever you want" I stated.

"Ok cool, um, pick me up `round 12" Jayse stated.

"Yea that sounds cool" I said.

"Ok well thank you for the convo" Jayse said.

"My pleasure, thanks for listening" I said.

"No problem, it was worth giving all my attention to" Jayse said as I blushed. We both held the phone waiting for each other to hang up first as I started laughing and Jayse joined in, knowing what it was about.

"I'm not going through this again" I said laughing.

"Then just hang up" Jayse said smiling.

"Jayse come on, now quit being difficult" I teased.

"Q you called me" Jayse stated.

"Exactly which is why I have to wait until you hang up" I informed him.

"Nuh uh, it's polite to wait until the called hangs up" Jayse said as I laughed at his `nuh uh.'

"Jayse give me a break" I said laughing.

"What, that's the truth?" Jayse said as I laughed some more.

"Ok we really have to go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us" I stated looking at my clock that read 5 minutes till 6.

"I agree" Jayse said still not hanging up as I laughed.

"Jayse..." I whined smiling.

"Q, come on you called me" Jayse said.

"I cannot believe how childish we are acting" I said.

"We're still in high school, it's to be expected that we would act this way" Jayse stated.

"You're right" I agreed.

"And on that note since you want to be hard headed, I guess I will hang up" Jayse stated as I laughed. Why anyone would want to hurt a sweet innocent soul like his, is beyond me.

"Ok" I said disappointed that he was leaving. I wanted to talk all night and morning but we had the rest of the day...if not our lives to talk.

"I'll see you in a few hours" Jayse said trying to go but fighting the urge as well.

"Ok I look forward to it" I said.

"Me too, I can't wait" Jayse said.

"Thanks again Quentin" Jayse said. I just loved the way he said my name. He made it sound so powerful and sweet like him every time.

"You're welcome Jayson" I said.

"Ok sweet dreams" Jayse said coming up with reasons to stay on the phone.

"Same to you" I said softly as we both waited for a minute.

"Ok I'm hanging up now seriously" Jayse said as I laughed.

"Ok, I mean you don't have to rush. We could fall asleep listening to each other" I said.

"Yea but we would keep each other awake talking and I don't want to fall asleep on you like that, that's rude" Jayse stated.

"Ok then" I said smiling at his thought pattern and reasoning.

"Ok" Jayse exhaled deeply, "Bye Q"

"Don't say bye, I hate that word, it sounds like the end" I said.

"Ok I'm sorry, you're right...see ya Q" Jayse said as I blushed.

"See ya Jayse. Sweet dreams" I said before he hung up, which I knew that he wasn't.

"Same to you" Jayse said smiling, "Ok later."

"Later" I said as Jayse hung up. I placed my phone on my pillow next to me as I drifted off to sleep thinking about Jayse. That was the best night I ever had in my life.

"So who is he?" my sister Tiana asked me as I threw my fruits in the blender. It was about 11:30 now and I was on my way to see Jayse. I wasn't overly dressed just some designer jeans and a sweater with some Timbs.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said avoiding my nosey sister.

"Yes you do" Tiana said as my other sister came walking into the kitchen hanging up the phone.

"Where are you going, all dressed up?" Tyena asked placing the phone on the hook.

"Out" I said grabbing a glass for my fruit smoothie.

"Out where?" Tyena asked.

"He doesn't want to say because he's going out on a date" Tiana said washing her bowl of oatmeal.

"I'm not going out on a date!" I said clarifying my sister's thoughts.

"Then why are you all dressed up?" Tiana said flipping her long hair out of her face. My sisters were identical and very attractive which is why I am glad that they are I private school and not public school. I would probably have a heart attack trying to keep them on a leash. The only way people could tell them apart was that Tyena wore contacts while Tiana wore glasses, other than that you would never know. Although their pitched in their voices are different, but maybe that's just me, since I grew up with them.

"I'm not dressed up" I said pouring some orange juice into the blender.

"So that would explain why you were on the phone all night every night. I heard you" Tyena said smiling.

"Who is he?" Tiana asked.

"No one, and why are you being so nosey?" I asked Tyena.

"I wasn't, you were the one who was all loud on the phone all night" Tyena stated as I blushed a little thinking about me and Jayse's conversation.

"I was not loud on the phone" I said pressing the button on the blender to blend my fruits.

"Quit avoiding us" Tiana said walking over to me and sitting on the counter.

"Go away" I said as she tried to stop the blender.

"Not until you tell us about him" Tiana said pressing the stop button.

"Go do some homework" I said turning the blender back on.

"It's Christmas Eve, are you serious? Besides you've been avoiding us on this issue for months" Tiana said stopping the blender.

"Dad" I yelled hoping he would walk in the kitchen to stop the twins from badgering me.

"He's out shopping with mom" Tyena said walking over to me as well.

"Come on stop being so secretive" Tiana said as I grabbed a glass as poured my juice in it.

"Bye" I said walking out the kitchen as the twins called after me.

I walked to my truck and got in as Jayse sent me a text saying he was ready. I texted him back that I was on my way, got in my truck and headed down to his house.

His dad was in the yard his little brother, and Jamarion hanging up Christmas decorations. I got nervous looking at them but kept my cool. I got out of my truck and walked over to them as Jayse's dad gave me a stern look.

"Good morning Mr. Grier" I said as he rinsed off his truck.

"Good morning, Quentin right?" Mr. Grier asked setting down the lights and wiping his hands on his pants. I shaked his hands and felt all the force in them. This man looked like he meant business.

"So you here to take my son out aren't you?" Jayse's dad asked.

"Yessir if that's ok with you?" I asked as Jamarion looked over at me putting a wreath on a window. I nodded my head at him telling him `what's up and smiled as he nodded back and smiled as well. I hoped that little display would let Jayse's dad know that I was cool.

"I see you know my son Jamarion" Mr. Grier said.

"Yes sir, we have a class together at school" I stated.

"That's good, Jayse tells me you're on the football team" Mr. Grier asked.

"Yes sir I am" I said sticking my hands in my pockets to keep warm but took them out remembering my mom always telling me that a guy that has his hands in his pockets, talking, looks shifty. I know, I know, she's very Southern and superstitious.

"How do you balance school and the team?" Jayse's dad asked me.

"I study a lot and the coach has us set time apart from practice to do homework" I said getting the feeling that he was fishing for something.

"Jeffrey you didn't inform us about Quentin being over" Jayse's mom said from the door. She was gorgeous. Both his parents looked good but his mom was stunning. I see where Jayse got his good looks from.

"Who is this?" I guy, who I perceived to be Jayse's brother asked walking from behind the house with a box of other Christmas decorations.

"This is Quentin, Jayse's friend" Mrs. Grier said walking over to me. This was my first time meeting them and she was treating me as if she known me forever. She gave me a hug and she smelled just like Jayse except sweeter. I stopped hugging her and saw Jayse come to the door wearing a white sweater and blue jeans. He looked so beautiful. I was just frozen and ignored everyone else around us.

Jayse blushed and put his head down smiling as I bit my tongue with anticipation, waiting for the chance to hold him. I winked my eyes and he blushed again and I just couldn't wait for the day that Jayse got over Brandon and let me have his heart.

"Nice to meet you man" Jayse's older brother said to me, "I'm Justus."

"Sorry about that" I said snapping out my daydream and shaking his hand, "I'm Quentin."

"Well you should get out of this cold" Mrs. Grier said grabbing my hand and walking me to the front door.

"It's ok mom, we're just leaving" Jayse said walking towards us smiling. I knew everyone caught our display of affection but I didn't care and neither did Jayse as he started blushing more and more as Mrs. Grier and I got closer to him. She finally let my hand go and Jayse and I stood in front of each other as everyone stood there in silence, watching us.

"You look nice" I said as Jayse blushed.

"You too" Jayse said making me blush. We just looked at each other smiling, in awe of each other's beauty.

"So where all are you two planning on going to. It's Christmas Eve, stores are going to be closing soon" Justus said raining on our parade as Jayse rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about that" Jayse said looking at Justus upset.

"Well you kids enjoy yourselves" Mrs. Grier said, "nice meeting you Quentin."

"Same to you Mrs. Grier, and everyone else" I said turning to face everyone. I thought Jayse said he had one more brother. He must have been in the house.

"You ready to go?" Jayse asked me.

"Sure" I said allowing him to walk ahead of me to my car as I opened the door for him. I heard his mom saying something along the lines of that's sweet and his dad laughing. This made me feel good because I didn't know they were still watching us. I was too nervous to turn around so I just closed Jayse's door and ran to the driver's side and got in.

"You sure do have a lot of gifts" Jayse commented looking at my backseat as I got nervous because the majority of them were his. I forgot to take them out of the truck but I didn't want my sisters seeing and questioning me more.

"Yea...um...just for my...family and friends" I stated trying to not lie.

"That's good, hope one of those are for me" Jayse stated.

"I thought you said you didn't want to exchange any gifts" I asked smiling placing the key in the ignition.

"Yea I know but who doesn't like gifts, besides I said that months ago. I didn't know we would still be talking now" Jayse said regretting what he said. I knew he would feel this way which is why I still got him some gifts.

We left and went ice skating, which Jayse surprised me because I didn't know how. It was a turn on to see him glide across the rink gracefully like that. When I got tired of embarrassing myself, I went to a nearby bench and watched him. He didn't even realize I was sitting down as he skated around and around the rink. I was mesmerized by him as some people nearby was as well. The commented on him as I blushed knowing that he was all mines and no one could take him away.

Once he realized that I wasn't anywhere near him he started looking for me and found me sitting down. He smiled and skated towards me as I blushed.

"What are you doing sitting down?" Jayse asked standing in front of me.

"I got tired of embarrassing myself" I said smiling as he joined in.

"C'mon let me teach you" Jayse said grabbing my hands.

"No Jayse that's ok" I said embarrassed that I couldn't skate.

"C'mon please" Jayse begged as I gave in to that gorgeous face. As Jayse taught me how to skate I started blushing at the people who were watching us. This reminded me of the dance except this time Jayse and I were skating.

"People are staring at us again" I whispered in Jayse's ear as he looked out in the crowd blushing.

"How many times are we going to grab an audience" Jayse said smiling as I looked out in the crowd and waved at some of the people. Even kids moved off the rink as they watched us skate all around holding hands. I was trying not to fall and embarrass myself as Jayse was just skating without a care in the world.

After putting on a show for the town, and receiving another applause we went and caught a movie, black and white I might add, at one of the town's old theaters. Jayse was into it more than me but I just wanted to put a smile on his face. A couple of old couples were spaced around in the theater as Jayse and I sat in the middle eating popcorn and watching a cheesy love chick flick. I must admit there were parts of the movie that was good and at times it was hitting real close to home. There were three main characters and the girl couldn't make up her mind which one she wanted to be with. She chose the new guy instead of the old but regretted it in the end when the old guy died. The new guy saw the pain the girl was feeling and told her to be free. She begged him to stay but he knew where her heart was and walked away from her leaving her in the end.

The lights came on and Jayse and I sat still probably thinking the same thing, what if our lives resembled a movie like this. He looked over at me and smiled as I did the same. It was a nervous smile and I could tell right then what he was thinking about. I put my head down sadly knowing I would never win with Brandon until Jayse put his hand over mine and I looked over at him.

He stared into my eyes, as if he was looking for something and then he looked back down. I reached over and placed my hand on the other side of his cheek, turning his head back over to me as Jayse looked into my eyes again.

"What's wrong?" I asked sincerely.

"Nothing" Jayse said giving me a fake smile.

"Jayse come on, it's all in your face" I said still rubbing his cheek.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said getting up and running out the theater. I called after him but he ran out so quick that I had to get up and chase him. I ran out the theater to find Jayse running down the street. I ran after him, and was surprised by how quick he was running but where was he going.

"Jayse stop!" I yelled behind him. I was still chasing him as he ran downtown and bumping into couples. I apologized for him as Jayse almost ran in front of a horse and carriage. I reached and pulled him out of the way as I felt his body trembling and his face covered in tears.

"Leave me alone Q" Jayse said trying to run away from me but I was holding his arm to tight.

"No Jayse what's wrong" I asked as he started crying more.

"Are you ok" some people started asking walking over to us.

"Yes he's fine" I spoke for Jayse as we wiped his eyes. They started walking away but some of them were still looking at us as I looked at Jayse but he was avoiding eye contact with me. I pulled him over to a nearby bench and sat him down.

"Look at me Jayse" I said as Jayse was still looking away sniffing. I sighed and waited patiently not wanting to pressure him. We were still holding hands but I was afraid to let go because I knew that he would run away.

"Are you ready to talk now?" I asked Jayse sincerely but he still wasn't talking.

"Jayse I'm willing to wait all night if that's what it takes" I said again after a brief moment of silence.

"It's Christmas eve, I couldn't take you from your family like that" Jayse stated.

"What makes you think I want to be with them more?" I asked as Jayse finally looked over at me.

"I can't do this" Jayse said trying to get up but I pulled him back down.

"Stop running from me Jayse" I said.

"I don't want to hurt you" Jayse said trying to get up again.

"How would you hurt me?" I asked.

"Because.." Jayse said stopping.

"Because what?" I asked still holding him.

"Because my feelings for you are getting stronger" Jayse said as I paused.

"What did you just say?" I asked surprised.

"Forget what I just said" Jayse said looking away from me.

"No look at me please Jayse" I begged as Jayse turned around to face me.

"Q, I..." Jayse said stopping.

"Jayse just tell me" I continued begging.

"What if I told you that I may be falling for you?" Jayse said not looking at me but turned in my direction.

"What if I told you that I fell for you 3 months ago" I said as Jayse's eyes connected with mine.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Jayse asked smiling and still sniffing.

"Because I wanted to wait until you were ready" I said wiping his remaining tears.

"What if I never was?" Jayse asked still smiling.

"I don't know" I said smiling, always having a feeling that he would open up eventually.

"Why are you smiling?" Jayse asked.

"Because...never mind" I said embarrassed.

"No you made me open up, say it!" Jayse said.

"No" I said blushing at his tone.

"Say it" Jayse said trying to tickle me.

"Stop it" I said fighting him smiling.

"Say it" Jayse said still trying to tickle me as I picked him up and laid him over my lap on his back. We were both smiling and stopped to look in each other's eyes. Jayse reached up and pushed one of my dreds back out my face as I pushed his afro back feeling his soft hair.

"You're so beautiful" I confessed as Jayse blushed.

"This feels nice" Jayse said still laying in my lap. A photographer came by and asked us if we wanted to take a picture. Jayse sat up and blushed while looking over at me as I looked at him to see if he wanted to. He shook his head yes as I moved over to him and put my arms around him.

"You guys picked a perfect spot. The lights around you are making this picture beautiful" the photographer said. Jayse and I were having our ups and downs that we never even noticed the lights around downtown. It was gorgeous outside as lights and wreaths were hanged up on bushes and lamp posts all around.

You guys make a really good couple" the photographer said finally taking the picture as Jayse and I looked at each other.

"Perfect" the photographer said commenting on our new position, "hey how about you guys kiss for me."

"Uh I don't know about that sir" I said looking into Jayse's eyes.

"Why not?" Jayse asked blushing.

"You really want to?" I asked.

"Sure how much harm can it be?" Jayse asked still blushing.

"Ok" I said ready to kiss Jayse as I licked my lips.

"Ready?" the photographer asked.

"Ready" I said still looking into Jayse's eyes. We moved closer into each other as our lips touched and we kissed deeply. This was the moment I was waiting for. His lips were so soft and warm despite us being outside in 30 degree weather.

"Ok guys" the photographer said as we were still kissing. Jayse didn't stop and neither did I. I guess we both wanted to do this for a while now.

"I have the picture guys" the photographer said laughing at us, but Jayse and I were still kissing.

"Here you go" the photographer said handing Q and I the pictures, "sorry to interrupt, Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas" Jayse and I said together looking at the pictures.

"Wow we really do look great together" I stated mesmerized by us together.

"I agree, look at how cute you look" Jayse said.

"No that's all you" I said making Jayse blush.

"Thank you Q, for tonight" Jayse said.

"You're welcome, are you sure you're ok?" I asked.

"I am now" Jayse said as the town clock stroked 7:00 and some of the local businesses staring closing.

"Everything's closing" Jayse said looking around as some of the people started walking away and snow started flickering.

"I know, is it snowing?" I asked looking up in the dark sky as white flurries floated down.

"It is" Jayse stated excited, "It's snowing!"

"Wow this is the best Christmas I ever had" I said looking at Jayse.

"It's not Christmas yet" Jayse said.

"I know, but I have everything I wanted" I said blushing.

"I'm happy for you" Jayse said as I continued to look into his eyes.

"C'mon I better get you home" I said grabbing his cold hands. We walked across town admiring the decorations still holding hands as people watched us and smiled. Jayse was so beautiful that I wanted to flaunt him around to everyone. He had this essence about him that was so sincere and kind that, when exposed to it, you cherished it, yet wanted everyone else to witness it as well.

When we got to my truck, I did my same routine of opening the door for Jayse as he got in. I looked down at his butt feeling the urge to grab it, but contained myself, remembering that we had to take it slow.

The drive back to Jayse's home was great as we continued laughing and talking. I was mesmerized by his smile again and caught myself stealing glances as Jayse smiled.

"Quit watching me and drive" Jayse teased.

"We're already here" I replied pulling into his parents' driveway.

"So, you were watching me the whole time" Jayse said.

"Yea but I couldn't help it" I confessed as Jayse blushed.

"Wow my dad and brothers did a great job on the decorations this year" Jayse said admiring the work and changing the subject.

"Yea they did" I agreed following suit, "it's the prettiest house on the block."

"Well thanks again Q" Jayse said turning around to face me.

"Stop thanking me, you deserve it" I said correcting him as he blushed, "want me to walk you to your door?"

"Please" Jayse said unfastening his seatbelt. As we got out, we walked slowly to Jayse's front door.

"Well..." Jayse said searching for something to say once we go to the front door.

"Well..." I said as Jayse laughed, "Merry Christmas Jayse!"

"Merry Christmas Quentin" Jayse said as I couldn't help it and reached in for a kiss. Jayse didn't move but moved in as well as kissed softly. We broke the kiss and smiled at each other as I walked away.

"Quentin" Jayse called after me.

"Yea?" I asked turning around.

"Would you like to come over tomorrow and spend Christmas with me?" Jayse asked as I tried not to blush but I couldn't help it.

"Thought you'd never ask" I said smiling as Jayse walked into his house.

I walked to my car still smiling as I found a note on my car that read, "he's mine." I looked up and saw Brandon's car driving away and knew that a war had just began.


Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 23

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