Hes Mine


Published on Jul 15, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 4 If I Was Your Man

We spent hours at the mall and had Tony's truck hatch filled with bags from each of us. I never had so much fun just hanging out and shopping. At first I thought when I met Eric and Tony that they would just like me for a minute but after going in each store and finding that they had some of the same tastes that I had it was like we were all separated at birth. I hated that I wouldn't be a senior with them when school started in a couple of weeks but maybe I could kick with them at lunch or after school.

We sat in the food court sipping on our shakes passing time until the movie started. We were going to see "Leader of the Year" about this young president that came into power to save the US from a bunch of stuff. The promos looked ok but the only reason I wanted to see it was because Bradley Cooper was playing the lead and he looked so fine to me. Everybody decided to watch because nothing else good was playing right now and they asked me for my opinion. Every couple of minutes everyone would look down at their phones to text their boyfriends.

"Well Rich isn't coming he's working" Max stated putting his phone down and grabbing his strawberry shake.

"Neither is Mario" Eric said, "but he said he was out with his homeboys so I told him to just have fun. You don't have to come."

"I'm not asking Omar" Tony said sipping on his chocolate shake looking around at some guys walking by.

"Why not?" Max asked, placing his shake down on the table.

"Because..." Tony said not finishing his response.

"Because what? You guys still fighting" Max said sounding annoyed.

"He is really starting to bug me. Remember when we used to get in fights they would just go away and everything would be back to normal. Now when we fight it seems to last for days." Tony said pouting.

"Well what about last night? I thought you guys made up at Al's" Eric said placing his shake down and fixing his collar on his shirt.

"That was a front. He only did that so we could stop arguing in front of ya'll. Omar is all about appearances. Anyway he can make himself look innocent in front of people is a top priority. I'm always the cause of messing up his image. Do you know after we left he didn't even call me. We haven't talked since that night" Tony ranted while grabbing a napkin, "great now all this fussing has gotten chocolate all over my shirt."

"Whatever it's just a small stain. Maybe he is busy. Doesn't he work with his dad landscaping now?" Eric asked.

"Yea but he always calls me before he goes to work and texts me throughout the day" Tony said throwing the used napkin on the table and reaching for his phone.

"Give it time" Max said getting up, "He just probably need to cool off or somethin'. I'll be back I gotta use the restroom."

"Wait up I gotta go too" Eric said grabbing his shake and throwing it away.

"I'm sorry" I finally said from sipping my strawberry shake.

"It's cool. If he keeps it up it might be on the next one for his ass. Brandon coming?" Tony asked.

"No, he said he had something to take care of but he would call me later tonight" I said swirling my straw around in my shake.

"You two hitting it off quick. The whole time we were shopping you were texting" Tony blushed.

"Yea. I just hope it's not a fad. I mean I wonder if he really likes me?" I asked out loud.

"Oh he do" Tony stated quickly.

"How you know?" I asked looking at him.

"Because he don't talk to everybody. He broke up with his on again off again boyfriend last year name Kris. Ever since then he been single." Tony said sipping his shake.

"How does Kris look?" I asked worried.

"He cute, but pretty cute like a girl. Light skinned like me, but his dad is white and his mom is black. Eyebrows arched, makeup wearing, fitted clothes, long curly hair that he swear is his and this annoying voice that sound like Urkel. It's so high pitched that you would notice him if you saw him. Trust me!" Tony stated in disgust making me feel self conscious aside from the voice.

"I can't stand him. Me, Eric, and Max are always gettin' in it with him and his crew. These two twins Kevin and Kayvon who are like his little trolls because they do everything he wants them to do. They look cute too but act just like their queen bee. Kris and Max hated each other since 5th grade. I never liked the slut since I met him." Tony said.

"He sounds cute except for the voice. Why did him and Brandon break up?" I asked.

"Just like I said Jayse major slut. Everytime you saw Kris he was flirting with a man. Not boys...MEN. Like in their late 20s early 30s. I don't know why" Tony said sounding annoyed.

"Brandon found out?" I asked.

"I really don't know about their falling out. I just know that one day him and Kris came to school not walking hand in hand and slowly everybody started putting two and two together" Tony stated.

"Oh" I said looking down feeling low self esteem cover over me like a blanket. Tony must have sense something because he reached over and rubbed my back.

"Jayse I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to worry about that slut trust me I got yo back. You hear that skank coming yo way let me know. I'll do the rest." Tony said cheering me up.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

"Alright ya'll ready to go see this movie" Max asked joining us with Eric behind.

"Jayse if this isn't good then I'm not going to be your friend anymore" Eric said playfully.

"Yea let's go see this cutie that Jayse is in love with" Tony said looking over at me and getting up from the table.

I smiled and got up following them but worrying about what Tony just told me. What if Kris still had feelings for Brandon? I'm not a fighter. I wouldn't be able to protect myself. Tony said `on again, off again relationship' meaning that they have broke up before plenty of times. I had to confront Brandon about all of this tonight.

The theater was packed for a 6:15 movie and was better than I expected. Bradley had his shirt off in a couple of scenes with partial nudity which made the $9.50 worth it. When the gang dropped me off at home I was surprised to be home alone. I invited them to stay but they had things to do, so I said ok and locked the door. I went upstairs with my ten bags to my room and laid my clothes out. I can't wait until school starts, I thought to myself. Finding nothing else to do I began to unpack the boxes in my room and put away all my stuff.

Hours passed and everybody was still gone and I was getting hungry so I decided to make myself a snack and watch some TV. I grabbed my phone and called my brother Jamie.

"Hey stranger" I said in the phone.

"Who is this? Because I know this is not the same brother whose phone I have been blowing up for two days!" Jamie yelled.

I laughed and responded, "I'm sorry. I've been busy."

"So have mom and dad and they still call" Jamie stated.

"Ok Jamie, I'm really sorry ok. Please forgive me" I pleaded.

"I guess so. How you doing?" Jamie asked.

"I'm good. I made some friends!" I screamed excitedly.

"Good for you bro. Are they cool?" Jamie asked worried.

"Yea its Max and two more guys, Tony and Eric. We have done so many things, shopping, seeing movies, hanging out. I'm having so much fun" I said ecstatically.

"See and you worried you wouldn't make friends. Give yourself a chance Jayse" Jamie said.

"Yea, yea I know. How is the internship going?" I asked taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Ok I guess. My boss is cute. He's tall and Greek. From far away I thought he was black but that's how dark his tan is. He is very tall and muscular and only 32. His head is bald which I guess I can get with but he loves to wear designer suits and he has the cutest light brown eyes that I could stare in for days" Jamie ranted.

"Wow, what's his name?" I asked.

"Giannis" Jamie sighed, "we're going out tomorrow for dinner."

"Wow doesn't that cross a thin line" I asked.

"Well he is a junior associate his dad owns the firm but he supervises me and the rest of the team sometimes" Jamie stated.

"Well, good luck bro. Make sure you bring him by because I want to meet him" I said.

"No problem, so what about you? Meet anybody special?" Jamie asked shifting the conversation back to me. I paused thinking if I should tell him about Brandon but truth is I didn't know much about him myself.

"I'll take that pause as a yes" Jamie said interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh...no. I met a guy but we're just friends" I said softly. BEEP. My phone signaled in my ear that I had a call waiting. I looked at the screen to see who it was and it was Brandon.

"Hold on Jamie. I got another call" I said.

"Is it him?" Jamie asked.

"Yea but hold on right quick ok" I said clicking over before I could get a response from Jamie. I clicked over and said hello.

"What up boo," Brandon said low and soft, "What you doin'?"

"Nothing just sitting watching TV" I said blushing. I loved it when he called me boo.

"Wurd. You thinkin' `bout me?" he asked seductively.

"No. I just said I'm watching TV you didn't even cross my mind" I stated blatantly lying.

"Yea I bet. What you got on?" he asked.

"Jeans and a t-shirt. Why you wanna know?" I asked laughing.

"What I can't ask you questions now?" he asked.

"Yea you can, but why what I got on?" I asked.

"Because..." he stated not finishing off his sentence. He sounded so sexy on the phone. His baritone voice mixed with teenage youth and a hint of swagger. I could sit and listen to him for hours.

"Oh Brandon hold on" I said snapping out my trance, "My brother is on the other line."

"That's why it took you so long to pick up the phone" Brandon stated.

"Yes are you gonna hold on right quick?" I asked.

"Boo I ain't going nowhere" he said strongly. God I'm so falling for this boy.

I clicked over and Jamie was still there, "hello" I said.

"Were you talking to him?" Jamie asked.

"Yea" I blushed.

"Look at you. Well I'll call back later and I want details. Tell him I said hi" Jamie said.

"Ok. Bye" I said, rushing him off the phone.

"Bye" Jamie said and hung up.

"Hello" I said clicking over.

"Yea boo I'm here" he said.

"Ok now tell me what are you doing and wearing" I asked laying back on the couch.

"I'm at home watching TV too and I'm in a t-shirt and boxers" he said smiling.

"You must not have any plans tonite?" I asked assuming.

"Naw I'm beat. I been up since 7 this morinin'" Brandon said sighing.

"Doing what, if you don't mind me asking" I said worried.

"Handlin' some business for my mom and takin' care of some other stuff. Don't touch that!" he yelled in the phone.

"Who are you talking too?" I asked confused.

"My little brother, hold on" he said and I heard the phone fall on something hard.

"But I wanna play with it" I heard a little boy say in the background.

"I told you, that's nothing to play with" Brandon said sternly, "Come over here and watch Spongebob."

"Hello?" he asked picking the phone back up.

"Hey I didn't know you had a little brother. How old is he?" I asked sounding intrigued.

"He five right now and be workin' on my nerves" Brandon said sounding annoyed.

"Don't say that he's right there" I said.

"So!" Brandon stated.

"You are so mean" I said laughing.

"Naw I'm cute" Brandon said, followed by his brother saying, "Unh uh. I am". I laughed on the other end listening.

"What I told you about your mouth?" Brandon asked, "and why you laughing ova there?" he asked turning his attention back on me.

"Because your brother sounds cute" I stated.

"Whatever, you wanna talk to him now" Brandon said.

"No, you're closer to my age" I stated laughing, "so is it just the two of you?" I asked.

"I got a older sister on my dad side and my little brother on my mom side" Brandon said.

"Are your parents still together?" I asked.

"Naw my dad married this bimbo from down the street and left my mom right after Corey was born" Brandon said.

"I'm sorry" I said sympathetically.

"Naw don't be he ain't nothin' but a clown" Brandon said sounding upset. I decided to change the subject even though I didn't like it that he was downing his father in front of his brother.

"So what do you like to do besides babysit and grind on strangers?" I asked smiling. He laughed so hard that he started choking. I think I caught him off guard with the joke.

"You like cuttin' jokes huh'" Brandon said still laughing.

"I like to hear you laugh" I stated honestly.

"Well I like to see you smile..." Brandon stated before his brother interrupted him.

"Brandon I'm hungry" Corey said whining.

"Ugh..." Brandon said getting up and finishing the conversation with me, "It kills me when I see you smile. I just freeze inside sometimes."

"Aww...I still replay yesterday in my head, you know. With all the dancing and talking" I stated putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"Me too" Brandon said as I heard a lid hit the counter. "You got moves for a shy boi, but like they say the freaks come out at night."

"I am not a freak" I said softly flipping through the channels with the remote.

"Uh huh if you say so" Brandon said pouring something in a cup.

"Whatever. What are you making I want some" I asked flirting.

"It's Easy Mac and apple juice you want some?" he asked smiling.

"Yea they are both my favorites" I admitted.

"Cool come on ova I'll feed it to you" Brandon said flirting.

"What about your brother?" I asked.

"He watching Spongebob. He cool. It'll be just you and me" Brandon said.

"No I already ate" I said, "but thank you for the offer."

"What you ate?" he asked, "come on Corey!" Brandon shouted.

"A ham and cheese sub, with some chips" I said. Soon after I heard the front door unlock and waited in the den to see who it was.

"All that and nothing to drink" Brandon asked laughing.

"I had bottled water too silly" I said and looked up at Jamarion as he came in and nodded at me.

"Mom and dad not here yet?" Jamarion asked.

"No" I said shaking my head.

"Cool" Jamarion asked picking up the house phone and walking away.

"Who was that...big brutha?" Brandon asked with a full mouth.

"Yea, quit eating with your mouth full!" I stated.

"Who you talking to?" Brandon asked still talking with a mouth full of food.

"You! Who else?" I said.

"Quit showing off in front of your brother!" Brandon said smiling.

"I'm not showing off" I blushed. Just then the doorbell rang and my brother came down stairs in a different pair of clothes than before. He had on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I got up intrigued to see who this visitor was. I went into the foyer and saw this attractive girl.

"Hi" she said waving at me.

"Hello" I responded looking at her. She was about 5'6", brown skin, the color of cinnamon with long hair and braces. She had on a tank top and some small cut off shorts above her knee. Not very attractive to come to someone's house I thought.

"Jayse this is Ebony. Ebony this is my brother Jayse" Jamarion said closing the front door behind Ebony.

"Nice to meet you" I said waving.

"You too. You have a nice house Jamarion" Ebony said.

"Thanks" Jamarion blushed and looked over at me.

"Your brother brought somebody home?" Brandon asked.

"Quit being nosey" I said low expecting nobody to hear, "Um...I'll go upstairs" I said going back into the living room to grab my junk.

"You lettin' your brother punk you like that and send you to your room" Brandon joked.

"For your information I was being nice" I said walking out the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Uh huh" Brandon said quickly.

"Quit starting stuff" I said walking down the hall to my room.

"I ain't doin' nothin'" Brandon stated.

"Sure you're not" I said walking into my room and laying down on my bed. I exhaled in the phone and Brandon picked up on it.

"What you let that sound out for" Brandon asked.

"Because it feels good to lay down on my soft bed" I said smiling.

"You made it sound like you want some company" Brandon stated.

"Are you trying to invite yourself over here sir" I flirted.

"Naw cuz, I gotta get my grown man on to introduce myself to your parents and then deal wit yo brother again. Besides I'm babysitting right now, although I do wish I was ova there" Brandon stated seductively.

"Why, what would you do?" I asked intrigued.

"I don't know, lay down beside you, give you a massage, rub yo feet, play in yo hair, stare in yo eyes, you know the usual stuff" Brandon said softly. I started laughing when he was done.

"Why you laughing?" he asked.

"Because that sounded sweet" I said softly.

"You think I'm lyin'" Brandon asked.

"No. Did I say that?" I said playfully.

"No but I think you might have hinted around to it wit the pitch of your laugh" Brandon said, "see you went up high which showed you wuz nervous or hidin' somethin'. Mostly people with soft laughs are caught off guard and thinkin' at the same time so they don't know what to do. Like right now you caught off guard wit my intellect. Didn't know I could be smart when I want to? Turnin' yo on huh'" Brandon said softly.

I immediately turned over on my stomach to hide my erection and lied a small response by saying, "No."

"Ok. You keep playin' hard to get. At least I'm always honest about mine" Brandon stated smiling.

I thought back on what Tony told me earlier today and decided that I would see if he was a man to his word.

"Whatever, so tell me are you single?" I asked switching topics.

"Yea I am, are you?" he asked. I didn't know how to respond to that. I guess not speaking to someone for months would qualify that as a yes but what if something happened to him. How could I move on so quickly? Then again true love always finds a way and I waited 5 whole months for him to call me.

"Yea I just broke up with my ex not too long ago" I said feeling the weight lift off my shoulders. "How long has it been for you?" I asked.

"'Bout a year" Brandon said quickly.

"What happened?" I asked praying that he would be honest.

"He uh...he lied a lot" Brandon said stuttering. I started to ask him another question but he cut me off asking me another question. "What happened wit yo dude?

"He stopped calling me when he went off to college. At first we would talk everyday then it became once a week then once a month until he just stopped calling altogether" I said honestly feeling the tears fill my eyelids.

"Damn boo, I'm sorry" Brandon said sincerely.

"No it's cool" I said sniffing. "He was my first love, I gave him my heart and he just, just..." I felt the tears flowing down like waterfalls down my face and on the phone.

"I'll call you right back" I said with my voice trembling and hung up before I could get a response from Brandon.

I placed my head in my pillow and let my tears speak to it. My chest caved in everytime I breathed in and my heart ached everytime I reminisced on the times that Daniel and I shared. I held off for months without crying this hard and it showed tonight when I was releasing him out of my life forever. My phone kept ringing and I knew it was Brandon but I was so embarrassed for making myself appear vulnerable to him.

I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes real right afraid of opening them and realizing that it all wasn't a dream. He is actually gone forever and nothing could bring him back.

After minutes of crying I decided to wash away all the pain that I have felt so far and went to take a shower. I opened my door and saw Jamarion walking by.

"What's up Jayse?" Jamarion asked concerned.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said wiping my face and closing my bedroom door. I didn't even realize Ebony was behind him.

"Are you ok?" she asked. Great now I'm being consoled by a complete stranger.

"Yea I'm good thanks. Excuse me" I said walking past them into the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it feeling more embarrassed. I could hear Jamarion apologizing and Ebony stating that it was ok. I then heard footsteps walking back down the hall towards the stairs and I felt even worse for messing up things between Jamarion and Ebony.

While I was in the shower I heard knocking but I didn't acknowledge it. I just allowed the water to wipe away anything that I was feeling before. I allowed myself to start a clean slate over again. I turned off the water and stepped out the tub drying off. I wiped the foggy mirror and looked at my reflection that showed my eyes red and puffy from crying so hard. I looked at my soaking afro and decided to not put any conditioner in feeling defeated by love and finding no purpose for caring about my appearance anymore.

I walked out the bathroom in nothing but a towel and for once didn't bump into anyone in the hallway. I walked down towards my room and closed the door behind me locking it. I didn't want anymore visitors tonight. I looked at the clock on my nightstand and noticed it was after 10. Mom and dad should be home now. I hope they don't bother me because I was not in the mood.

I changed into my pjs, turned out my lights and crawled into bed feeling depression drape my young teenage body. I never felt so much pain before in my life and I only wanted this all to go away. This feeling felt worse than the flu. I drifted off slowly in a sleep and was awoken 15 minutes later by a phone call. I turned over with my back facing the phone not wanting to be reminded of anymore pain.

Again the phone rang and I wanted peace and quiet with no interruptions. I turned over frustrated and grabbed my phone, but grabbed it the wrong way. I picked it up with force and my thumb pressed the answering button and I heard Brandon's voice in the distance.

"Hello...hello...hello" Brandon said. I was shocked that he still wanted to talk to me but as much as I wanted to talk to him I was full of too much pain and regret.

"Hello" I said groggily.

"Why didn't you pick up yo phone. I been calling for a minute now. You ain't get any of my messages?" Brandon asked upset.

"I was in the shower" I stated not wanting to apologize.

"Why you shuttin' me out boo?" he asked concerned.

"I just wanna be alone" I said not feeling like talking anymore tonight.

"I know that but I'm here for you, forget what that nigga did to you" Brandon said.

"Brandon I don't feel like talking right now" I said.

"So you open up and walk away. Let me be there for you boo" Brandon said sincerely.

"Why do you care so much" I asked frustrated, wanting the conversation to end.

"Because I wanna be yo man" Brandon said confidently.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 5

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