Hes Mine


Published on Dec 27, 2022


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 36 In The Name Of Love (Jayse, Brandon, Terrance, and Quentin's POV) Part 2 (Finale)


"That shit sounds stupid as hell" I said sipping the bottle of water I had as I sat at the table with Shon, Brandon and Terrance.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Brandon barked at me as Terrance shook his head.

"C'mon man, you guys relax...we been at this shit for hours" Shon said aggravated as he got up and walked in the kitchen.

"I'm just proving a point" I said as Brandon squeezed his empty bottle of water out of frustration, "I already escaped out the hospital and now you guys want me to go to my dad's job and ask for the security tapes?"

"It's the only way Q" Terrance pleaded with his head resting in his right hand.

"I already told you guys there are only a few people that would be willing to give us the tapes without ratting us out to my pop" I said sighing.

"That's what the fuck we trying to explain to you!" Brandon yelled standing up from his seat as it fell to the floor, "you act like we asking you to talk to the whole precinct!"

"Quit barking orders like your someone's dad nigga" I yelled back as I sat in my chair. Brandon looked like he wanted to reach across the table and grab me but Shon came and calmed him down.

"Yo B chill" Shon said grabbing Brandon by the shoulder, "just go in the kitchen and relax bruh."

"I'm tired of this motherfucker man" Brandon said upset as he grabbed his empty bottle to throw it in the trash, "we asking him to do one thing and he bitchin' like he can't do it."


"I never said I wouldn't do it" Q said as I sighed heavily and shook my head.

"Whatever Q" I said from the kitchen.

"I'm just saying it's not going to be easy!" Q pleaded.

"Look right now, name one person you can trust at the precinct that wouldn't rat us out for grabbing the tape?" Shon asked sitting down and facing Q.

"I don't know anyone..." Q started out saying as I slammed the refrigerator door upset.

"Why the fuck you playin games man?" I said walking over to the table upset as Shon and Terrance got up to hold me back.

"Brandon relax man" Terrance said trying to hold me back as Q and I stared at each other with hate.

"C'mon man" Q said standing up, "it's because of you that I have a fucking hole in my lung anyway!"

"If your punk ass would have fell back like everybody asked you to none of this shit would have happened!" I said as I pushed Terrance off of me.

"What was that for?" Terrance asked confused.

"I'm getting tired of your punk ass too" I said still angry, "you never should have taken Jayse to yo crib!"

"I took him because you weren't there for him!" Terrance yelled back, "what do you think this is? A game of `Cops and Robbers?' Jayse was never safe around you!"

"I agree" Q said chiming in.

"Shut the fuck up all of you!" Shon said annoyed, "all night you guys have been at each other's throats about who is the cause of Jayse being kidnapped, his dad's death and Q being shot! Well guess what? All of you a-holes are the cause! You, you and you!"

As Shon said that we all looked at each other knowing the truth. It's not like we didn't know it already.


I was the first to sit back down at the table as everyone else followed suit. No one said anything or did anything but stare down at our hands.

"So?" Shon said being the voice of reason this entire time, "you guys still want to save Jayse or not?"

"I'm gonna save my baby regardless if these guys want to help or not!" Brandon said as Q and I both bit our tongues.

"I'm down" Q said as Brandon turned his head away, "I'm in it all the way!"

"Cool" Shon said as everyone looked at me. I looked around, cleared my throat and spoke.

"Jayse is my friend and I would do anything for him, regardless of what anyone thinks or feels" I said taking a shot at Brandon as he looked away.

As we all devised a plan to save Jayse we agreed on the details and caught some sleep. I couldn't sleep as I laid on the sofa imagining what Jayse was thinking or doing right now.

I stared up at the dark ceiling as I heard someone get up. It was hard to see who it was so I pretended to still be asleep. The figure got up and went to the front door. When the door opened, I saw that it was Brandon.

I assumed that he couldn't sleep neither. I contemplated whether I should go outside and join him but I really couldn't stand being around him. At least Brandon and I couldn't sleep. Q was probably knocked out, not even caring what was going on. I sighed and turned on my side away from the door as I tried to get some sleep.


I saw Brandon walk out the front door and assumed that he couldn't sleep neither as I tried to get comfortable sleeping on the floor. The minute the guys agreed to get some sleep, before we went down to the precinct in the morning, my eyes were open. I didn't even know what time it was, but I knew it was late.

I thought about going outside too, but now that Brandon was out there, I didn't want to risk an argument. It was dark in the living room, and I couldn't make out Shon's or Terrance's faces. It didn't matter if Shon was asleep or not. He wasn't as affected to Jayse as the rest of us, but how could Terrance sleep at a time like this.

It was his fault that Jayse was gone in the first place. If only Jayse would have listened to me and not go to that courthouse, none of this would have happened.

I turned on my back and crossed my hands over my chest praying. I didn't want anything bad to happen to Jayse. I could only imagine what those guys were doing to him.

I heard a figure get up as I tried to make out who it was. Once the front door opened, I realized that it was Shon. Maybe this was weighing on everyone's head more than I thought. Just then Terrance sneezed and I knew that he was up too.

"Hey Terrance, are you up?" I asked in the darkness.

"Yea" Terrance said nonchalantly.

"Can't sleep?" I asked.

"No...not really" Terrance said in a low voice.

"Me neither" I said with a sigh, "I hope they're not hurting Jayse."

"Don't say that man!" Terrance said angrily as I regretted opening my mouth.

"Sorry" I said apologizing.

"Sorry for yelling" Terrance said after some time went by.

"It's cool" I said twiddling my thumbs.

"How are you feeling?" Terrance asked trying to make conversation.

"I'm a little sore but I'm ok" I said.

"Cool" Terrance said quickly.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked after another long pause.

"Yea" Terrance said sounding like he wasn't in the mood.

"Why do you want Jayse so bad?" I mean, I'm not trying to start anything but you're like two years older than him..."

"So?" Terrance asked upset.

"I mean who goes through all of this for someone and barely knows anything about him" I said trying to not laugh at my statement.

"Funny you asking that" Terrance said starting out, "I asked myself who would have the balls to try and get with someone, when they were responsible for the other person's dad being killed?"

I bit my tongue as I tried to not answer and get in an argument with him right now.

"Guess I got my answer" Terrance said confidently, "good night asshole!"


"I just don't know right now man" I said as Shon smoked a Black N' Mild with me.

"What you mean?" Shon asked taking a puff, "I asked you twice if you were sure you wanted these kats with us gettin' Jayse!"

"I know man" I said as I took a puff of the Black, "I just can't take those two bitchin' in my ear the entire time."

"Well we can make it on our own" Shon said as I passed him the Black, "or do you think we can't?"

"I think we can" I said after a long pause, "but I don't know if we should! Krush is gonna come with his all right now."

"Shit, what you sayin'" Shon said laughing as smoke came out his mouth, "we coming with our all too!"

"You know what I mean man" I said looking over at Shon serious as he stopped laughing, "those lil punks don't know nothing about the game."

"I feel you" Shon said passing the Black back to me, "it's all on you homie. Whatever you say!"

I looked at Shon as he said that. Just as I was about to say something Shon and I heard a loud noise coming from inside. We both looked at each other as we ran inside to see what the noise was.

As Shon turned on the light for the living room, we were both surprised to see Q and Terrance fighting on the couch. Shon ran over to break the two up as I took a puff of my joint, closing the door.

"What the fuck are you guys doing man?" Shon asked standing in between the two.


"I'm tired of sitting around not doing nothing and being around you assholes" I said frustrated, "nothing is getting done!"

"Hold up bruh!" Shon said upset as Brandon grabbed him before he made a swing at me.

"What were you guys fighting about in here?" Brandon asked me with a smile on his face as he looked over at Q, who was holding his right side.

"Isn't in obvious?" Q said in pain sitting on the floor as everyone looked at him, not even trying to offer him any help.

"Not really!" Brandon said still smiling.

"Forget you guys!" I said walking across the room, towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Shon asked grabbing my arm, stopping me.

"I can find Jayse on my own" I said releasing my arm from Shon's grasp.

"Oh yeah?" Brandon asked me curiously.

"Yea" I barked back.

"You do realize that you're dealing with a notorious drug dealer?" Brandon asked me as we faced each other.

"I know that" I said upset.

"This guy has a rap sheet longer than your attendance record in school from the 3rd grade hero" Brandon said trying to intimidate me.

"What's your point Brandon?" I asked frustrated.

"We're not dealing with any ordinary guy" Brandon said locking eyes with me, "this man has killed people cold blooded, even babies dawg!"

"You trying to scare me or something?" I asked as Brandon stared at me before answering.

"Look lil homie" Shon said, "listen to what the man is trying to tell you!"

"I'm tired of listening to Brandon, I'm tired of listening to Q, and I'm tired of listening to you" I yelled, "all we have done for the past eight hours is argue! No progress has been made yet!"

"What do you want to do then T?" Brandon asked as everyone looked at me.


I got up from off the floor without anyone helping me out as I looked at Terrance looking stupid. He wanted to play the "knight in shining armor routine" so bad that he didn't have a clue himself.

I, on the other hand, was playing my role perfectly. I would sit back and let all the guys do the work, then once Jayse is saved, play the poor, helpless victim.

Jayse already came to the hospital to see me. He already forgives me for what has happened and I know that he wants me more than the rest of these guys.

We all waited as Terrance looked like a deer in headlights just standing there with no plan.

"Well let's go ahead and head down to the police station and get the tapes" Terrance said confidently.

"Maryann isn't even working yet" I said referring to the person that was going to retrieve the tapes for us.

"Is that the only person you can trust on your dad's job?" Terrance asked.

"There are a couple more people" I said in a low voice.

"Well who else you know that works right now?" Shon asked, as I started thinking.

"There's this new guy named Bobby who works there" I said remembering his name.

"You sure he won't say anything to your pop" Shon asked as Terrance and Brandon started putting on their shoes.

"Yea I'm positive" I said as Brandon went into Shon's cousin closet and pulled out a black bag.

"What's in that bag?" I asked.

"None of your business" Brandon said closing the closet door, "you guys ready?"

"Yea let's go" Terrance said as Shon nodded his head. Everyone then turned to me as I looked around at their faces.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You ready? Let's go!" Brandon said.

"What right now?" I asked as Brandon sighed frustrated.

"None of us feel like waiting anymore man, come on" Terrance said upset, as he walked past me towards the front door. I sighed and placed on my sneakers as I followed behind Brandon and Terrance out the door.

Shon followed behind me as he locked the door and we all got into the car. As we pulled out the parking lot, driving downtown no words were exchanged.


Shon bobbed and weaved through traffic as I handed Q my cell phone.

"What's this for?" Q asked from behind me on the backseat.

"Call yo boy and ask him to meet you outside" I said, "it's going to look pretty suspicious with you walking in the precinct."

Q sighed and dialed the number to the precinct as the phone rang. Shon turned down the radio and continued driving as Q waited for someone to pick up.

"PGPD how may I help you?" the operator asked.

"Is Officer Bobby Simmons working tonight?" Q asked as the officer asked him more questions, "I just need to be transferred over there please?"

"Is she transferring you through?" Terrance asked as Q told him to shhh.

"Yo Bobby what's up man?" Q said talking to the guy as we pulled up in front of the precinct, "yea, yea I know right!"

"Quit talking and ask him already" I said upset as Q sighed and talked to the officer.

We sat in the car and waited as Q begged the guy for the tape, for almost 20 minutes.

"Ok, alright I'll meet you by the oak tree on the right side of the building" Q said hanging up and handing me back my phone.

"Well?" Terrance asked as Q handed me my phone.

"Well what?" Q asked.

"What did the cop say man?" I asked upset.

"He kept asking questions about why?" Q said, "why do I need this, why am I here, why did I leave the hospital?"

"What did you tell him?" Terrance asked.

"You heard me" Q said, "I told him I needed it to give to someone."

"So just like that he's making you a copy?" Shon asked from the front seat, "no questions asked?"

"Well you guys didn't tell me what to say?" Q said upset.

"Are you sure he's not going to tell your dad anything?" I asked suspicious.

"I told you guys" Q said stopping in midsentence, "there he is right there. I'll be back."

We watched Q get out the car and walk over to the tree to meet the officer. It took longer than we thought as the two talked for a couple of minutes.

"Come on Q, come on Q" I said as Terrance and Shon looked around making sure that no one saw anything.

"What the fuck are they talking about?" Shon asked worried.


Why was Q taking so long to come back over? We were all getting worried and nervous. Shon and Brandon looked like they were ready to leave him at any minute. I wanted to get out and say something but it would look suspicious if I did.

"Man what is this nigga doin'?" Brandon asked getting riled up.

"Just chill B" Shon said looking over at Q and then back around the other side.

"He's gonna fuck everything up" Brandon said as Q started walking back over.

"Here he comes now!" I said as Q came inside the car.

"What took you so long?" Brandon asked as Shon sped out the parking lot.

"What?" Q asked, "he kept asking questions."

"You couldn't tell him you had to leave?" Brandon asked.

"Man look I got the tape all right, chill" Q said.

Shon turned down a dark alley as Brandon took out his laptop and placed the CD inside.

"All right see if you can make out the tag number" I said from the back seat as Q, Shon and I looked at the video with Brandon.

"Man this shit was a waste of time!" Brandon said upset as he tipped the laptop over and got out the car.

"Can you make out the tags at all?" Q asked as we continued watching the video.

"Naw nothing" Shon said as I fell in the backseat frustrated.


Fuck man! I knew this was a stupid idea to begin with! Now there was no way I could find Jayse.

"B you know what you have to do man" Shon said walking over to meet me in front of the car.

"I just wanted to get the upper hand on him you know" I said upset as I kicked a rock into the darkness.

"We still can dawg" Shon said.

"How?" I said defeated as Shon talked to me in a low voice.

"What are they talking about?" Q asked from inside of the car.

"I don't know but I don't like it" Terrance said.

I looked back at Q and Terrance in the car as they stared at me. I shook my head and grabbed my cell phone calling Krush.

"Brandon I was expecting your phone call" Krush said, "how have you been?"

"Cut the bull Krush...where is Jayse at?" I asked.

"Jayse?" Krush asked confused.

"You know who I'm talking about!" I screamed in the phone, "Jayson, my boyfriend!"

"Oh Jayson! Yes, yes I know who you're talking about!" Krush said, "but why are you calling me about him?"

"Krush look it's me all right!" I said getting upset, "no cops, no friends or nothing! Just tell me where you have Jayse at man! I'm serious! It's me you want anyway!"

"You're right! It is you that I want!" Krush said, "tell you what...meet me at the pier in about 30 minutes alone and I will give you your precious gem back!"

"All right cool" I said about to hang up.

"Oh and Brandon...don't be stupid!" Krush said hanging up the phone.

I sighed and walked back over to the passenger side of the car as I got in.

Shon followed me and got in as well as we explained the situation to Q and Terrance.

"I don't like this plan at all" Q said as I looked out my window.

"There is no other way Q" I said upset as Terrance chimed in.

"I'm with Q!" Terrance said as I sighed heavily, "This just sounds like a big disaster waiting to happen!"

"Well there is no other way guys" I said upset, "this is the only way to save Jayse!"

I reached in my bag and handed both Q and Terrance guns as they looked uncomfortable holding them.

As we drove away from the alley and towards the pier, the sun started rising in the distance signaling that we had been up all night with this thing.

Shon parked a few feet from the pier as we circled around twice making sure no one was there yet.

"All right guys remember the plan" I said before I got out as Terrance and Q nodded their heads.

"You all right?" Shon asked me as I nodded my head to him.

"Yea man I'm good" I said.

"Be careful man" Terrance said surprising me.

"Yea take care of yourself" Q said as well.

"Guys I'm going to be ok" I said watching their faces before I got out, "just remember the plan and everything will go ok."

"All right" they all said.

I got out and walked towards the pier confident as to not let on how nervous I was. I walked slowly towards the door and inside as I noticed the place was completely empty.

I continued walking around the empty warehouse making sure that no one was around as I looked at my watch. I heard a car pull up, then I heard doors close as I walked back towards the door.

The door opened and in walked two of Krush's guards as they looked around the warehouse suspiciously.

One of them came up to me and told me to hold up my arms as he patted me down. The other one looked around the warehouse like me, making sure no one was here as he nodded to the other guard. The guard who patted me down went outside to get Krush as the other guy stood over me.

The door opened and in walked Krush, wearing a white jumpsuit as usual, as two guards came following him.

"Brandon" Krush said walking over to me smiling.

"What's up!" I said playing it cool.

"That's all I get is a what's up?" Krush asked offended, "we used to be tighter than that."

I watched as Krush walked over to me and extended his hand to me so I could shake it. I looked at it and then back at him as I extended my hand too. We shook for a minute as Krush held my hand.

"Do you know how long I waited to do this!" Krush said squeezing my hand.

"What?" I asked confused, "hold my hand?"

Krush got upset and back hand slapped me hard against the face as I started to charge at him until one of the bodyguards held me at bay.

"Hold him good Mo" Krush said angrily as he took off his coat. The guy held my arms as Krush started punching me in the stomach and in the face.

I didn't cry out from the pain I was getting. I just held it in as Krush took out his anger on me.

It lasted for a couple of minutes as Dantae came inside the warehouse to join the show.

"Let me get a piece of him Krush" Dantae said as Krush walked off and Dantae took over giving me blows to the chest.

I started spitting up blood and threw my knee to Dantae's gut as he fell to the ground in pain. Mo, the guard holding me, slapped me hard across the head as Krush told him to let me go.

I coughed up more blood and held my ribs as Krush laughed in the distance.

"You think you can just give up and run away from the game like that?" Krush asked laughing, "everybody knows there is only one way out!"

I saw one of the guards walk over and hand Krush a gun as he drew back the chamber and aimed it at me.

"Wait!" I screamed, "before you do it...I have to see him!"

Krush sighed and drew back his gun as he signaled to one of the guards who went and got Jayse.

He came back and my heart left my chest as I tried to muster up some strength to stand on my feet. The guard let Jayse go as he ran over to me.

"Baby what happened to you?" Jayse asked.

"Don't worry about me" I said in pain, "are you ok?"

"I'm fine" Jayse said as I grabbed his face and stared all across his body making sure he was all right.

"You sure?" I asked again as Jayse nodded and I smiled. Jayse joined me in smiling as we kissed deeply.

It felt so good to feel his warm body and lips that I forgot I was bleeding and in pain. I wrapped my arms around him and felt his body close to mine. Jayse squeezed me a little as I moaned in his mouth, letting him know I was in pain. He softened his grasp but continued kissing me as Krush broke us up.

"All right, all right that's enough!" Krush said pushing Jayse away as we both fell on opposite sides of Krush, "get him out of here!" Krush said referring to Jayse as one of the guards came and got him.

"No Krush, please don't hurt him!" I begged for the first time.

"Who's going to hurt him?" Krush asked aiming his gun at me, "you're the one I want!"

"Then again" Krush said turning around to face Jayse, "it would be nice to torture your little Achilles heel."

"Krush please don't!" I begged standing up, "I'm right here man! I'm the one you want!

"So you left the game for this little ginger snap huh?" Krush said running his hands across Jayse's face.

"Don't touch me!" Jayse barked.

"You know what, I say we play a little game call `Raise Your Hand If'" Krush said, "and the object of the game is to raise your hand if you did what I mention."

"Krush please..." I begged as Krush continued talking.

"Raise your hand if" Krush said looking around in the room, "you sell drugs?"

I raised my hand, along with Dantae and Krush.

"See that wasn't so bad" Krush said looking at me laughing, "ok what's next? Oh...raise your hand if you ever broke a promise?"

I raised my hand, along with Dantae, Krush and some of the guards.

"You mean you never broke a promise?" Krush asked Jayse.

"Krush leave him alone" I begged.

"I can do whatever I want!" Krush yelled at me angrily as I sighed, `now back to you, goody two shoes. You mean to tell me you never broke a promise?"

Jayse didn't answer Krush as he got offended.

"Answer me!" Krush yelled as Jayse jumped.

"No I never broke a promise!" Jayse said nervously.

"Hmmm" Krush said pointing the gun at his chin, "well how about we ask your little boyfriend here what he broke his promise on, hmm? Ask him?"

Jayse didn't ask me as Krush slapped him hard on the face. I got up to run over as Mo grabbed me. I tried to break free but Mo tightened his grip on me.

"ASK HIM!" Krush yelled again and Jayse jumped even harder.

"Brandon what promise did you break?" Jayse asked me frightened.

"Nothing that concerns you babe" I said sympathetically.

"Oh really?" Krush asked as I shook my head, "so you mean to tell me that you have nothing to hide from him?"

I stared at Krush with hate as I turned my eyes slowly to Jayse.

"I'm sorry Babe!" I said in a low voice.

"Sorry for what?" Jayse asked confused.

"Remember when I told you that I was leaving the game?" I asked Jayse as he looked at me and sighed.

"Brandon..." Jayse said as his eyes started watering.

"Krush told me the only way I could leave is to kill DA Mitchell babe" I confessed.

"And you never did" Jayse said as a tear fell from his right eye, "yet anyway."

"I couldn't do it!" I confessed.

"You couldn't kill him or you couldn't leave?" Jayse asked sniffing.

"Both" I said as Jayse looked away from me disgusted, "He was always around people and Krush never would have let me just walk away alive!"

"So that's why you weren't that upset when they trashed your home?" Jayse asked.

"Brandon had a timeline if he wanted to leave" Krush said interrupting, "since he wanted to take his time, I thought I would shake things up and show him who was boss!"

"You lied to me" Jayse said brokenhearted.

"Babe I didn't lie to you" I pleaded.

"You told me you left!" Jayse said crying, "so you were just going to hide this whole time?"

"No" I said.

"You were just going to play me like an idiot" Jayse continued.

"No Jayse" I said hurt.

"My family begged me to leave you alone and now look at me" Jayse said sniffing, "I'm caught in the middle of something that I have nothing to do with!"

"Jayse I love you!" I said as Jayse looked away from me scoffing.

"You never loved me" Jayse said, "a person would never have this many lies and secrets from someone else if they loved them."

"You don't know how hard it is in this game yo" I said as my eyes started watering, "I never cared for someone like I do you. You think I give a fuck about these niggas! I LOVE YOU JAYSON! I did all of this for you!"

I looked at Jayse as he continued crying and I couldn't help but do the same. I knew he was hurt but I did everything I could for him. I shook my head fighting the tears as a couple of them fell. I placed my head down so no one would see but I knew that they all had an idea that I was crying. I couldn't help it...I loved that boy.

"And they say that a man isn't supposed to cry" Krush said after a moment of silence, "ok back to the game."

"Krush just let him go!" I said looking at Jayse as he looked at me, "you want me, well you got me! Let Jayse go!"

"I will" Krush said, "right after this last round. Raise your hand if you know who killed Jeffrey Grier?"

"Krush don't do this man" I begged knowing who the killer was.

I looked at Krush as he looked around the room. Jayse looked at Dantae waiting for him to raise his hands as Krush raised his. I saw Jayse's mouth open as he saw who the killer was that shot his father.

"You son of a bitch!" Jayse said trying to get loose.

"Calm down!" Krush said upset as he walked away.

"How could you do that?" Jayse said hurt.

"And you thought it was me?" Dantae said to Jayse as Jayse turned his head over at Dantae.

"I saw you with the gun at your waist" Jayse said.

"Dantae had another mission" Krush said looking at me, "he was supposed to shoot someone else but couldn't get a well enough target.

"Shoot who?" Jayse asked as Krush turned around and faced him along with Dantae, "who? Me?"

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!" Krush said smiling as he turned his head back at me, "he is a smart little cookie Brandon!"

"You were trying to kill DA Mitchell and Jayse?" I asked surprised.

"Precisely!" Krush said still facing me. I looked at Jayse as he looked terrified.

"You see no one wants their money played with and Brandon you are my money as well as making it for me" Krush stated, "but the minute you laid eyes on this...all your attention went on him. I was losing profits, some people that needed to be "dealt" with weren't so I had to eliminate the problem."

"Jayse was not the problem" I said, "if you wanted things to get better you should have stated instead of putting a hit out on everyone."

"I know what I'm doing" Krush said walking away.

"Obviously not...DA Mitchell is still walking free, now he only wants more revenge on you because he knows that you shot his son" I said as Krush turned around to face me.

"Think about what you just said" Krush said to me, "DA Mitchell is still alive but wants me more than ever, I have him right where I want him."

"Oh really?" I asked not convinced.

"Yes!" Krush said upset.

"How were you going to take care of me?" Jayse asked softly.

"Well you see Jasey, Dantae was supposed to take care of you" Krush said as Jayse looked at Dantae, who was smiling back at him, "and I was supposed to handle the DA. Well it worked perfectly when Q stood up because that gave me more leverage over the DA. I could hit him where it hurt more, his son. Your dad was just an innocent standby."

"I still don't understand" I said, "how did both of you guys aim at the same place."

"Once Kris turned the lights off too early" Dantae confessed, "I panicked and forgot where Jayse was sitting as Krush and I fired in the same location."

"I told you I had the boy all you had to do was take care of him" Krush said referring to Jayse. While he and Dantae started arguing, Mo let go of his grip on me as I remembered that he tucked his gun behind his back. As Dantae and Krush continued arguing I looked at Jayse to give him a signal to hit the guard and run.

Jayse looked at me confused so I pointed to my stomach and signaled with my thumb to the guard. He nodded his head slow and when I whispered "go" Jayse punched the guard hard in his gut causing him to fall over as he ran to the other side of the warehouse.

While Jayse punched the guard, I did the same to Mo and grabbed his gun as I pointed it to Krush and the rest of the guards.

"Go after him you idiots!" Krush said referring to Jayse.

"Nobody move!" I said pointing the gun at everyone in the room. I looked over and saw Jayse running outside the warehouse. It was just as well, this was my fight!

"Well look who's been watching a lot of crime movies" Krush said surprised.

"I didn't have to watch nothing, I lived it muthafucka! Now drop your gun! All of you!" I said as everyone dropped their guns.

"Kick them over here and stand against the wall" I said as everyone slowly did what I said.

"So this is what it's come down to Brandon?" Krush asked.

"Don't talk to me! Everyone put your hands over your heads!" I said as they did what I told them.

I walked over slowly to Krush as I patted him down making sure he didn't have any weapons. Just as I did Shon came in pointing his gun around.

"Yo B you all right?" Shon asked.

"Yea I'm fine" I said as Shon walked in slowly keeping everyone at bay. I reached down and grabbed one of the guns on the ground while still pointing the other one I had at Krush. He knew better than to try something. I was a novice behind the trigger and as much hate that I had for him I wouldn't think twice to kill him.

As Shon tied everyone up, I kept my gun in my right hand pointed at Krush's temple and the other one in my left at everyone in the warehouse.

"Keep these idiots right here" I told Shon, "I have to take care of this weak ass nigga."

"The guys are gonna call the cops soon" Shon stated, "let's just get the hell out of here!"

"No not yet" I said pushing Krush up the stairs. As Krush walked up the stairs with my two guns on his back he started shaking more than usual.

Once we got up on the roof I pushed Krush as he stumbled and fell. I tucked one of the guns in my back and started kicking and pistol whipping him as I let the anger and hate that I had for him seep through.

"You sorry ass muthafucka" I said kicking him in the jaw, "how dare you try and kill the boy that I love! What the fuck am I doing? I got two weapons right here, why waste my time and energy!"

"Because..." Krush said spitting out one of his teeth, "you don't have it in you to pull the trigger, gay boy!"

"Oh is that what you think" I said as I shot Krush four times in the legs and in the shoulders. Krush screamed out in pain as the blood oozed out from the bullet wounds. I didn't care! I wanted him to pay for what he did this past year.

"Is that all you got?" Krush asked still wincing in pain as I aimed at his mouth.

"Brandon stop!" Jayse said coming onto the roof.

"Jayse get away from here" I said turning around to face him.

"Don't kill him" Jayse said walking over as he stared down at the bullet wounds on Krush, "you killed my father and even wanted to kill me!"

"Of course" Krush said not even caring about what he just said, "it was only a matter of time before I got to you!"

Without even thinking, I pulled the trigger and shot Krush as Jayse pulled the gun down.

"Brandon!" Jayse screamed.

"I had to do it Jayse" I said, "this is the only way I know that you could be happy and live free!"

"But Brandon" Jayse said still in shock, from seeing someone killed right in front of his face.

"It's over babe" I said reaching my arms out for a hug as Jayse pulled away, "what?"

"Do you know what this means?" Jayse asked.

"Like I said babe, you're free, we're both free!" I said.

"No you just killed someone Brandon" Jayse said sadly, "it means..."

"That you're going to jail" Q said coming on the rooftop as Terrance followed behind him.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked upset.

"We came to make sure that Jayse was ok" Terrance said as he walked over to Jayse.


"I'm fine" I said as I looked over at Krush's dead body.

"Are you sure?" Q asked sympathetically.

"Yes I'm ok Q" I said as Q smiled.

"What happened here?" Terrance asked.

"From the looks of it I would say Brandon just killed Krush" Q stated as Brandon got upset and walked away.

"Look would you two just mind your business" Brandon said upset.

"It's not our fault that you're so heavy handed behind the trigger" Q said getting angry.

"Now you just sealed your fate with that bullet" Terrance said.

"Make that five bullets" Q said looking over Krush's body, "wow! Do you even care about your future?"

"I care a lot about my future!" Brandon barked as he started to charge over at Q but I stopped him.

"Can't be if you just killed a guy" Terrance chimed in.

"I did what I had to do" Brandon said confidently.

"What about Jayse?" Q asked as they all looked at me.

"Are you happy with what has happened Jayse?" Terrance asked me as I looked around at everyone's faces.

"No" I said sadly.

"But I did it for you baby" Brandon said turning to face me as he grabbed my right hand, "for us!"

"How could you do it for us Brandon?" I asked as I snatched my hand away, "I had no say so in you killing him! I begged you not to and you ignored me!"

"Figures!" Q chimed in.

"Shut up Q! I said aggravated, "I'm sick of the bickering, I'm sick of arguing and I'm sick of the fighting! All year you three have done something to me, `in the name of love' as you guys phrase it. Without me knowing or even stating how I feel. You did it because you wanted to!"

"But Jayse" Terrance started saying, "I didn't..."

"Stop it Terrance" I said tired, "I can't even talk without you guys trying to defend yourself and make things work in your favor! I'm the one that's hurt! I'm the one that had a hit out on him from a notorious thug! I'm the one that lost a parent! I'm the one that was lied to over and over again!"

I looked at the three of them as they all looked sad and embarrassed. I couldn't decide who I was most upset with. Brandon-the guy who has lied to me numerous times and even had my life in danger the most; Q-the guy who was responsible for my dad being killed and who started this whole thing domino effect; or Terrance-the one who kept the secret about how he truly felt about me, only to plot with my brothers on how he could win me over like I was some kind of prize to be won, not to mention the fact that I was kidnapped while with him.

"The sight of you guys right now makes me sick" I said with disgust.

"Jayse you might just be upset with us right now" Terrance said, "but is there anyone here that you love more than the rest?"

As Terrance asked that question I pondered on it as I looked at all of their faces searching for the answer inside. There was one guy that I loved more than the rest but I didn't know how I should put it with all of them standing there.

Regardless of how upset I was, I still wanted to be with him! He was the one I cared for and I knew that his intentions were good, but the way he did it, I just needed time to think it over.

I walked up to each of them, starting with Terrance:

"Terrance" I said with a sigh as I grab his hands into mine and stared in his eyes, "I realize that what you did, you did it in the name of love. I know that you are gentle and sweet but you kept a secret from me and treated me like I was a prize to be won. I know you will find true love but it isn't me."

As I finished my statement, I kissed him softly on the cheek as Terrance sighed. His eyes started watering as I turned away and released my hands from his.

"Just like that?" Terrance asked me, "you're not even going to give me another chance to explain my intentions?"

"You have explained" I stated, "over and over again and I just don't want to hear it any more. I trusted you to protect me and I still wound up in all this madness. I know it's not your fault but you were the one who was the furthest from this chaos and somehow you pulled yourself right into it. I'm sorry!"

I walked over to Q, grabbed his hands into mine and said:

"Quentin" I said biting my words before letting them escape, "you are really rough on the outside but the reason for that is to keep your heart concealed. You showed me your heart and though our time together was short and sweet, I still treasure it more than anything. My dad is dead and that pain will never go away, but the more I see you at times, I keep recalling that nasty fight we had before the trial and how much I begged you not to go! You ignored me and look at the consequences."

"But Jayse" Q said interrupting me, "I did it..."

"I know why you did it Q" I said cutting him off, "but I can't get over how you did it! I still have a lot of hate inside for you right now. The good thing is, is that my love for you eats at it every time because I know you didn't mean for my dad to die."

"I wish it was me!" Q said crying, as he confessed his heart to me, "I wish that it was me who died because honestly Jayse I never wanted this to happen for you! I'm sorry...I'm sorry! I can't say it enough Jayse, from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry!"

"I know you are Q" I said sincerely as I kissed him on his tear stained cheeks, "but you and I could never be."

As Q started crying and Terrance wiped his eyes, I walked slowly over to Brandon as he started shaking his head.

"Look if you are gonna feed that same speech to me like you did for them" Brandon said as his voice broke, "save it alright! You can save face for these punks if you want but you know what we have Jayse."

As Brandon spoke I couldn't do anything but cry as he dropped his gun and pulled me in for a hug.

"I did what I had to do for us!" Brandon said as I felt his tears fall on my forehead, "you know that! You know what we mean to each other! This year has been one of the best years of my life because I found you! I don't even care about how you feel towards these guys because I know it will NEVER even touch the surface of what we have!"

As I tried to break out of Brandon's grasp, he only held me tighter. I placed my hands on his chest as he kissed my forehead and squeezed me harder.

"Brandon let me go" I said struggling to break free.

"Jayse stop fighting me man!" Brandon said crying.

"Let me go!" I said forcefully as Brandon released his grip on me. We locked eyes as Brandon looked at me crying. I cried as well but not as hard as Brandon was doing. He finally let out his true emotions in front of not only me, but the guys too.

"I don't want to hear it Jayse" Brandon said as I grabbed his hands.

"Brandon..." I said as Brandon shook his head no, not wanting to hear the words.

"Jayse don't do this, please!" Brandon begged sniffing.

"You mean the world to me you know that" I said as Brandon started crying uncontrollably, "but you and I..."

"Jayse enough man!" Brandon said looking into my eyes, "I get it I'm sorry! I kept the most secrets from you and your life was in danger but I kept you protected this entire time!"

"Brandon..." I said sighing.

"Right or wrong?" Brandon asked me.

"Right" I said sniffing my nose.

"I tried harder than these two put together to make this relationship work and you tellin' me that it's over is not going to work" Brandon said confidently.

"Brandon" I started out saying, "I can't..."

"I understand, you can't say it in front of these guys it's cool" Brandon said grabbing my hand as we walked away.

"Brandon stop!" I said as he pulled me, "stop it Brandon! Brandon, STOP!"

Brandon stopped in his tracks as I stared at the side of his face. He started breathing harder than he was before and was still crying.

"I don't want you to say it Jayse" Brandon said softly, "I can't hear it! I don't want to hear it babe! Please!"

"Brandon I'm sorry" I said as Brandon shook his head and cried harder, "you mean the world to me, more than these guys or anyone else in this entire world!"

"Then don't leave me Baby" Brandon said turning around to face me as he grabbed my hands into his and brought them to his face, "I can't lose you Jayson!"

"Brandon I just need time" I said truthfully.

"Jayse I'm not going anywhere" Brandon said kissing my hands, "all I want is you!"

"Brandon a lot has happened" I continued, "I just need some time that's all."

"Then why do I feel like this is goodbye if time is all you need?" Brandon asked me as I looked away, "I'm right! You're just trying to soften the blow for me! You don't need any time Jayse! You just don't want to be with me anymore."

"Brandon it's not that!" I said softly.

"Then what is it Jayse?" Brandon yelled as I cried, "I tried so hard Babe! Honest! You are the only one I want, the only one I ever wanted and the one I need! God Babe, why can't you see that?"

"I have to go" I said about to leave as Brandon held my hands tightly.

"Jayse don't leave like this!" Brandon said softly.

"I have to go Brandon!" I said as Brandon refused to let my hand go, "Brandon please."

"Do you want to go?" Brandon asked me sniffing.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"You really want to go? Brandon asked again with more emphasis.

I looked up at his brokenhearted face as I said, "yes."

"Well answer this for me?" Brandon asked, "and I'll let you go, is this goodbye?"

I stared into his eyes as I sighed deeply. I looked back at Q and Terrance as they watched us from the distance.

I turned my attention back at Brandon as I kissed him deeply. Brandon kissed me back passionately, doing just want I wanted him to do. As he got lost in the moment, I saw it as an opportunity to let go of my hands.

Once I was free and his mind was spell bounded on me alone, I broke the kiss and whispered in his ear, "good-bye!"

I ran away as Brandon called out to me crying as I cried myself. I ran down the stairs and into some cops as they tried to calm me down. I explained my situation as one of the cops grabbed me and the others went upstairs.

I explained to them that the situation they were going to see upstairs was not what they thought it was.

One of the officers took me in a squad car and told me to stay as he went back inside to the action. I cried to myself for a few minutes until I looked up and saw the guys all being escorted out the warehouse.

I saw each of them as they were sent to separate cars along with Krush's henchmen. I saw the EMT's carry out Krush's body and prayed that none of this comes back to haunt us.

As the cop got back in the car, he told me that he was taking me back home. I nodded my head and told him ok as he turned on the ignition.

As we drove past, one by one I looked in each of the guy's car: Terrance, Quentin and finally Brandon.

Ironically, the guy had to stop right beside the car as Brandon and I looked at each other for a minute. I gave him a small smile as he paused and finally smiled at me as well. A tear fell from my eye as the same came from his. Brandon mouthed "I LOVE YOU" as the cop drove off before I could say anything.

I looked back at the car Brandon was in and cried more as I realized that I was going back home alone and without the guy that I truly loved and wanted.

Was this the end or the beginning of another chapter that had the remnants of heartbreak? I guess I will never know or hear two sweet words that were never uttered from any of the guy's mouth to my heart and the world: he's mine!


Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

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