Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Aug 27, 2000


I seem to have turned Chris into a wise old sage, worthy of battle with Socrates Hmm . . . hope you all like this one. I have Part 10 half written already . . .woo hoo! Told you'd they'd be easier. BIG thanks for all the continued support of people, even if my story does get the song "Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil stuck in their heads. Heh heh. One day I might actually explain why I named my story that. Don't forget to feel free to email me; it makes me so happy! And a happy writer is a . . . , oh never mind.

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time on Hey Mickey: JC threw open Dan's bedroom door to see his boyfriend in the midst of fucking Jim, the man JC thought Dan had broken up with when they had become exclusive.

"Dan! How could you!?!" JC yelled, his confusion overwhelming him now, as he gripped his head in pain. He began shaking forcefully back and forth as he turned around and ran out of Dan's apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"He sure is dramatic Dan," Jim snickered as he continued to lick Dan's neck. _____________________________

Hey Mickey 9: The Maelstrom

"You're sure about this?"

"Yes. I'm going."

"You love him?"

"More than anything," he replied, folding a pair of oversized baggy jeans and placing them in his backpack.

"And, you're going to hang out with him . . . and his boyfriend?"

"Would you stop asking me the same questions over and over? Jesus! Anyway, I told you; he needs me."

"OK. I'll accept that. I'm just trying to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Have you ever considered telling him you're gay?"

"Uh, I don't know if I am," he mumbled, throwing in a razor.

Rolling his eyes, Chris asked pointedly, "You're a man?"


"Have you ever been attracted to women?"

"Not really . . . some of them are really beautiful, but I just never really think of them sexually, or anything," as some boxer briefs were scrunched into the over packed bag.

"And you're in love with a man?"


"You think of him sexually?"

Justin's eyes suddenly filled with light as he cracked a shy smile and breathed, "hell yeah."

"Justin, you're gay!" Chris exclaimed in exasperation.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he admitted to himself finally. "Then I guess I can tell you that I think Jude Law's really hot too."

"He's mine!" Chris laughed.

"Of course I'm yours," Joey laughed as he walked into the room. Chris turned his head to the floor to avoid his gaze. "Why? Does Justy have a crush on me now?"

"Nah! We were talking about Chris's crush on Jude Law!" Justin yelled.

"Hey, you have one too!" Chris retorted.

"You can't have Vince Vaughn AND Jude Law!" Joey laughed.

"Oh, Joe, Justin finally admitted to himself that he was gay. Isn't that great?"

"That's awesome! Acceptance can only lead to better things, right?" Joey congratulated him.

Justin smiled, as he realized that most of the weight of his recent confusion had been lifted with his recognition of his sexuality. "I'm gay. I'm GAY. I AM gay," he mumbled in various tones, trying to get himself used to the sound.

"Nah! You're just a weirdo who talks to himself!" Joey laughed, jumping on Justin and giving him a congratulatory noogie.

"Hey, would you guys stop torturing me and let me pack so I can visit JC?" Justin asked, frustrated.

"Sure . . . are you going to tell JC now?" Joey asked softly.


"No, I mean now that you can admit to yourself that you're gay," he explained patiently.

"I - I - I'm too scared," Justin admitted.

"Why? We're all gay. He doesn't have to know WHY you came to the realization. Just that you did. If he's so important to you, you need to tell him at least that much. You owe it to him," Chris reasoned, as he watched Justin wince with pain and frustration at his words as he realized the truth in them.

"Damn it Chris! Why do you always know so much?"

"I guess it's an age-thing," Chris laughed, patting Justin's tense shoulders soothingly.

"OK, so NOW can I pack?"

"Sure. That'll leave time for me and Joe to be alone . . . ," Chris mumbled, pulling Joey towards their hotel room.

"What are you two doing?"

"Uh, Johnny, hi!" Lance smiled nervously at his manager. "How'd you get in here?"

"I have a key, Lance," he answered sharply, a hard edge forming in his voice.

"Of course."

"Anyway, what the hell are you two doing in here?"

Lance looked at Wade who was staring coldly at the floor. "Wade was giving me some private dance practices, like he usually does," Lance replied lamely.

"Bullshit. I know what you two were doing, and I want to put a stop to it now. Wade is your employee, Lance. You can't mess around with employees. There are no more private lessons. If I ever catch you two so much as ALONE again, someone's losing their job." Johnny Wright commanded, then turned and stormed out of the practice room.

Lance breathed out a long sigh and put his hand on Wade's tense shoulder. Wade jerked away angrily and yelled, "He's not going to fucking fire YOU, heart throb!" He turned on his heel and followed Johnny's dramatic exit.

Lance leaned against the ballet bar on the mirror for support and released another sigh. "Why? Why can't I have Wade?" he whispered to the ceiling, and then he left the practice room sadly.

JC fell back onto the large king sized bed in the middle of his hotel room. 'Why? What did I do to Dan? Why would he cheat on me like this? I must have done something to him. He cares about me. Maybe it's the distance. Maybe it's Justin. Shit, I have to talk to him tomorrow morning!' JC's mind raced. He began to cry into his hands, shaking violently. He could almost see the tumultuous clouds of loneliness begin to envelop his weakened body again. "Where is Justin?" he whispered pitifully before falling asleep in emotional exhaustion.

Justin got into his seat for his early morning flight, realizing that this trip would be very important somehow. He was going to come out to JC, no matter what. 'I hope he won't be afraid of me now. He needs to know. Hopefully I can pull him away from Dan to tell him, though. Dan will flip out if he's around when I - I tell JC I'm gay.' Justin began to feel a twinge of pain in his stomach as he sensed that something was wrong with JC.

He just knew, inside, that JC needed him right then. The feeling in his stomach began to consume him, and he wanted to magically appear in front of JC. The plane began to take off and Justin rolled his head around painfully in his seat.

"May I help you, Mr. Timberlake?" the flight attendant asked.

"No, thank you, sir."

"An aspirin, perhaps?"

"Tylenol PM, maybe? I need something that'll make me sleep," he replied, knowing the only way he could have any peace was to sleep that whole way to LA.

"Coming up, sir. It can be tough being away from a loved one," the flight attendant noted knowingly.

Justin smiled slightly and nodded his head. When the attendant returned with his pill he took it and slept restlessly all the way to LA.

JC lifted his hand and knocked quietly on Dan's door.

"Yeah?!" he heard from inside.

"Dan, it's JC. I want to talk to you . . . about earlier."

"Come on in."

JC timidly turned the handle and peered inside, the memories of his previous attempt to enter Dan's apartment flooding back to him.

"C'mon in, JC. I've been expecting you, baby," Dan said softly.

JC smiled a little, surety returning to his movements. He walked in and sat down next to Dan on the large green couch in the middle of his living room. "Dan, what happened?" JC asked simply, holding back the onslaught of tears forming in the back of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, JC. I wasn't expecting you until today. I get so lonely with you away like you always are," Dan replied, letting his finger trace shapes on JC's chest as he finished his thoughts.

"So you CHEATED on me?!" JC yelled.

Dan's eyes fell to the floor, "It was a mistake."

JC immediately felt guilty seeing the shame in Dan's face. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I care about you so much, that it just hurt me to see you with -- with another man."

Dan smirked a little knowing JC would give in. JC didn't notice the smirk, because Dan's face was still facing downward, his mouth out of JC's view. "I know, JC, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered. JC pulled Dan into a hug, a gesture signifying Dan's return to his life. _________________________________________________________________

Damn, why is Dan just so randomly evil? He's cartoonish, almost!

Next: Chapter 10

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