Hi Mommy

By Cathe

Published on Dec 20, 2007


Hi Mommy Chapter 2...

"Wake up, sleepyhead"

I think I sensed the words before I realized where I was and what was going on. Linda was gently shaking my arm trying to rouse me from a deep sleep. My head still hurt, and I winced when I opened my eyes. The sun was going down and Linda had the lights on in her apartment. I had to think a minute were I was and how I got there. It too a few seconds to focus my eyes and see Linda's beautiful face smiling down at me - holding that glorious hair back with one hand. I found myself wishing she would just let it fall over me again.

"How do you feel, James ... any better?"

"My head hurts", I said softly. Linda sat on the edge of the sofa next to me. Her perfume engulfed me. She smelled wonderful. Her clothes, her body, her hair .... wonderful. And here I am in this gorgeous creatures apartment. As I came to my senses more, I noticed my shoes were off, my shirt was unbuttoned, my tie was off, and my belt was loosened. Linda saw my confusion and laughed.

"Don't worry - I didn't attack you while you were sleeping. Your virtue is intact. I thought you would be more comfortable and rest better if I loosened your clothing and took your shoes off. It makes me feel so domestic to take care of a man. Actually, I'm rather enjoying this, though it would be better under different circumstances."

I had known this woman barely 5 hours. I was entranced with her beauty and good heart. I guess I was falling in love with her - probably from the first instant I saw her.

"You know, James, if you'd rather not go out, I can have food delivered for us. We can just relax and talk, watch a movie ... whatever you like. You can tell me about yourself - I'd like to know you better. You know a little bit about me. I certainly know you like my hair! Oh no ... don't be embarrassed, James! I told you, I'm very flattered that you noticed me! After all ... if you hadn't noticed me - for whatever reason - we wouldn't have met at all!"

I noticed her eyes had fallen to my pants, where once again there was an obvious physical reaction to the beautiful woman next to me. I supposed I blushed - I certainly was embarrassed again. "Ahhhh ... Linda .... maybe I should just go home now. I've imposed on you long enough. You don't even know me, yet you've welcomed me into your home and cared for me."

We looked into each others eyes, and she smiled. Her hand slowly slid down my leg until it rested gently over my lap. She very gently squeezed my bulging lap.

"Do I look imposed upon, James? Do I look threatened by having you here? I'm attracted to you, James. I'm not sure yet why, but I have very good senses about people, and I think we could have something. Don't you feel it too?"

Linda's hand was now gently rubbing my erection. She leaned forward and kissed my forehead again, then moved down to softly kiss my eyes, and finally down to kiss my mouth. Her lips felt so soft and smooth. Her lipstick as sweet as her breath. Her tongue gently probed my lips, trying to gain entrance to my mouth. Her hair fell like a blanket across my face, ears, and neck - giving me chills and an even harder erection. I felt her gently unzip my slacks. She slid them down enough to reach my briefs - which she pushed down so she could wrap her fingers around my cock. Her tongue was flicking around inside my mouth, her breathing became erratic. She moaned into my mouth and began pumping my cock with her hand.

She released my cock long enough to push my slacks and briefs down to my knees - leaving me naked to her eyes. My shirt was already unbuttoned and open. Her mouth was sucking my tongue as if it were a cock, which made me even harder and more aroused.

"Oh James .....", she whispered urgently, as her mouth broke from mine. She slid to her knees and I felt her hair slide over my body as she turned to my cock. She began kissing it all over, nibbling with her teeth ever so gently, licking under the glans and down to my balls. Her hair fell over me like a blanket - so soft on my cock - flowing down my legs as she took me into her mouth. Her eyes locked on mine as her head began bobbing up and down on my cock - her mouth warm and so wet, her lips soft as they slid from my balls to the tip of my cock. Sucking - gently at first - more forceful then. Our eyes still locked, she took a handful of her hair and brushed it over my lap, my balls, my legs. My balls jumped, and I knew I couldn't hold off much longer. Linda winked at me and nodded her head as if to tell me she knew I was going to cum, and she welcomed it in her mouth.

I reached down and gently brushed my fingers across Linda lovely face. "Baby", I whispered, "I can't believe this is happening." My fingers ran through her silky hair. "You're amazing", I whispered looking into her eyes. I didn't know what I did to deserve this, but I was eternally thankful. I felt my cum rising, then shoot into Linda's mouth. She swallowed immediately, and then dropped her head so my cock was fully in her mouth into her throat - her lips resting in my pubic hair. I could feel her throat muscles moving around my cock as she continued to swallow and milk every drop of my cum. I groaned and buried my hands in her hair, repeating her name over and over. "Linda ... baby ... oh God ..."

She gently slid my cock from her throat, past her lips, and out of her mouth. She smiled up at me again, and kissed my shaft before sliding up to embrace me. I held her tightly, and kissed her hard on her mouth. I could taste my cum but I didn't care. I kissed her passionately, hungrily, my tongue probing her mouth. It seemed to surprise her after her mouth was full of my cum. She seemed even more turned on by the fact that I didn't care at all.

"Come with me to my bedroom, James. I need you in me right now." She was breathing erratically.

We practically ran to her bed loft, tearing our clothes off as we ran. I'd have preferred to be more romantic about it and undress each other slowly. So despite our needs, I stopped Linda and gently picked her up and carried her to the bed as we kissed. I set her down and slowly started undressing her, kissing her neck, arms, belly, as each piece was removed. I removed her barely there bra and gently kissed her breasts - sucking at her nipples. I removed her jeans, then her thong, and gently pushed her back on her bed. Her eyes were wild with need as I slipped between her legs and kissed the insides of her legs before taking her clitoris between my lips. It was Linda's turn now.

She thrashed around on the bed as I first gently - then vigorously sucked and licked at her pussy. It was something I loved to do, and I was pretty good at it. She was hot, and sweet. My tongue was licking as far inside her as I could reach, and it was apparently something she had never gotten before, judging by her reaction. She was moaning and crying, rolling from side to side as I tried to hold her down.

"Oh God .... fuck me, James ... I need to feel you inside me now. Please, honey .... "

I wiggled my tongue inside Linda's pussy one last time and slid up her beautiful body - licking and kissing each part of her, feeling her body tense up at each step. Our mouths met as I slid into her. She was so wet with both her own orgasms and my saliva that there was no resistance at all. Her pussy was like a furnace - hot and wet - hr vaginal muscles contracting around my cock as I pumped into her. It was without question the best and most erotic fuck of my life. This woman was incredible, and I wanted her more than any other woman I've known.

Linda was literally crying with passion, as was I. I don't think I had ever been so into a woman emotionally during lovemaking - and make no mistake, this was not simple fucking or rutting like animals - this was an act of passion and love. I found to my amazement tat I had already cum and was still hard and continuing to fuck. We kept this up for almost a full hour - an hour spent crying, whispering passionate words to each other, caressing, kissing.

By the time we finished, I had cum 3 times - something I'd never been able to do before. Three times, and I never left Linda's pussy. I have no idea how many orgasms Linda managed to have - she lost count herself. At any rate, we lay beside each other in a loose embrace, panting. I brushed a stray hair from her face and kissed her again.

"My God ... that was the most amazing lovemaking I've ever been part of, Linda."

She snuggled against my shoulder and let her hand reach down to caress my cock again. I was still partially erect.

"Oh my God! Are you kidding me, James?"

And she slid down my chest, opening her mouth on the way, and took me in her mouth again. She took me all the way in, sucking the mixture of our cum from my cock.

"Ummmmm ... I want more of your cum, darling", she whispered as she slid her mouth off me for a moment. "You taste so sweet."

"Baby ... keep that up for much longer and you'll get all you can handle!" I said.

"Ummm ... I don't want to handle it, babe - I want to swallow it!" she whispered.

And with that I released another load into her mouth - which she greedily gulped down and swallowed with a satisfied moan. Then we fell fast asleep in each others arms.

We woke early he next morning, our arms still around each other, Linda's hair covering my pillow, face, and chest. It was amazing. Linda was amazing. LIFE was amazing!

"Good morning, darling" I whispered as I kissed her soft lips.

"I love to hear you call me darling like that ... darling" she said as she kissed my neck. "How about a wake up fuck? I'm sorry to be talking like this - it's completely unlike my nature - but I just can't seem to get enough of you."

I laughed softly and kissed her neck and ears "For which I am eternally grateful, darling. And by the way ... I have never before called a woman 'darling' either.

With that, Linda slid on top of me, reached down, and fed my cock into her pussy, then rode my cock slowly until I came again. All the while our mouths were locked together hungrily. When I was done, she again slid down and took me in her mouth and cleaned me of all the combined juices. We then staggered into the shower to clean off, then climbed into the adjacent Jacuzzi tub where we soaked for a while to regain our strength.

After drying off later, Linda asked if she could make us some breakfast. I had already decided to take advantage of my boss's comment that I could take the day off. I didn't want to leave this amazing woman. Ever.

"Let me get my clothes on and I'll join you in the kitchen, okay?" I said.

She laughed. "Just put a robe on and get in there, James"

"Robe? What robe, babe ... I don't have any clothes but what I was wearing yesterday!"

"Silly ... just grab one of my robes from the closet and put it on. We're the same size. Don't be shy - I bet you'll look cute! There's a very nice pink satin wrap there I think you'll find will fit you well - and it certainly will feel better than anything you're likely to have in your closet. At least I hope so!" , she laughed.

As it happens, she was right. I opened the door to her bath closet and the robe was right there in front of me. Pink, satin trimmed with lace, with a wrap around belt. Actually - a silk cord. "What the hell", I thought, and reached into the closet and took the robe out, and slipped it on. Linda was right - I had nothing in my closet that felt as good as this!

My longish hair fell loosely over my forehead and ears. I needed a cut, but had thought about letting it grow in some to be more in the style of the day. I didn't have a comb, so I just ran my fingers through it and let it fall as it lay. Then I walked into the kitchen to join Linda.

As I walked in from the bathroom, I took in the sight or her as she set a table for breakfast. She was wearing a white, long silk robe that was tied similarly to the one I was wearing. Her hair had been washed and dried and fell as usual over her shoulders. As I looked silently at her, my head was spinning with thoughts about were this relationship was headed. The woman was amazing - of that there was no doubt - but I really knew very little about her. I certainly intended to find out more. Who was this woman, really, I thought. I was soon to find out.

Linda turned when she heard me behind her. She started giggling immediately, bringing her hand to her face. "Oh my .... you really do look cute in that robe, darling! And your hair looks great loose like that without the jell."

Her gaze dropped to my groin, where evidence of the silky robe on my body was showing itself.

"Well now - it appears you are enjoying my robe, James!", she laughed. "Listen ... if you are feeling a little under-dressed, I can get you a nice pair of matching panties and slippers too! In fact - I bet I could make you into an absolutely darling girl with no problem at all! A little work with your hair, some light makeup, a cute outfit ... we're about the same size ... and we could be 'girlfriends' for the day! What do you say, darling - are you man enough to wear a dress?"

What the hell - it might be fun, I thought. What was the harm? Lots of actors dressed as women for movies and plays, and nobody thought there was anything wrong with them for it. Nobody I knew would see me, and yeah - it's something I bet a lot of guys have thought about doing for a laugh just to see what it was like.

I walked up to her and wrapped her in my arms, pressing my face into her hair. I felt her fingers wrap around my rising cock.

"Please darling? It would be so much fun - for me, and for you, I bet! I promise not to make fun of you - I'll be very serious. I'd love to see how pretty I can make you. I bet you'd like to see, too!"

As if to reinforce her questions, she fell to her knees and took me into her mouth again, sucking hard and deep. She brushed her hair all over my balls and legs, wrapped it around me and brushed my ass cheeks. She looked up at me as she sucked, licked, and teased my cock.

"Please, darling? Pretty please with molasses on it? Pretty please with warm, creamy cum on it?"

My fingers clenched in her hair as I felt my cum rising to he mouth, I wailed "Yes! Oh damn ... yes - I'll do anything you want as long as you keep doing that!"

She swallowed deeply, slid my cock from her mouth and stood - wrapping me in her arms. She kissed me deep, and I could again taste my cum in her mouth. By design? Who knows - I no longer cared. I would in fact do anything possible to have this woman in my life. I worried what she would think of me for allowing her to make me into a woman - however briefly. I assumed she was good with it, or she would not have suggested it. What I was to discover later would clear that issue up.

"You won't regret this, darling. I promise. Finish eating - I'll meet you in my bedroom - I have things to do."

Next: Chapter 3

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