Hide in Plain Sight

By Red

Published on Nov 18, 2000


Title: Hide In Plain Sight

Author: Red (redfirewitch@yahoo.com)

Pairing: JC/Justin...eventually.

Disclaimer: Color me surprised if this ends up to be true!

Note: Sorry for the delay! Monster block on this story.

Dedication: To the people who were bugging me about this! Yeah YOU! You know who you are!...Thank you! **

Previously on HIPS

"You don't have anything over me! Stop..." JC fell silent as he listened. Then fear came over his expression. "No! Don't you even..."

JC pulled the phone away from his ear and Justin grabbed at it. "HELLO! HELLO?!"

There was only an engage tone. Justin switched off the phone and was about to ask JC what Philip said when the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Steven's voice rang out as they heard the sound of his footsteps running down the stairs.

"Steven! NO!" JC yelled and ran for the door. "Steven! Wait! Don't open..."

It was too late. By the time JC got there, the little boy had already opened the door and was staring at the smiling stranger who stood outside. JC turned the corner and came to a sudden halt when he saw the familiar face standing there. Justin and Chris were beside him in a second followed by a panicking Lynn. Justin froze in shock while Lynn grabbed Steven and pulled him to her.

The group stood there in silence while the stranger spoke. "Is this a bad time?" Matt Vance asked, as he saw the group staring at him.

JC slumped against the wall in relief and buried his face in his hands. Justin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Lynn and Chris looked at JC and Justin and realised that the stranger wasn't Phillip. Steven sensed the tension and looked at Matt fearfully. The dark-haired man just stood outside, looking at the occupants of the house, quizzically. "Justin?" Matt called tentatively. "Matt. What are you doing here?" Justin asked, then immediately added. "Never mind." Justin turned to JC in concern and put his hands on the brunet's shoulder, bending slightly to look at JC's face. He used his hand to pry away JC's hand from his face. "Josh, what did he say? Why were you so scared?" JC just shook his head and pulled away from Justin. He knelt down and reached for Steven. The little boy willingly went into his arms. JC hugged the boy tightly, closing his eyes as tears of relief began to flow down his face. "Justin, I really need to talk to..." Matt tried again. Justin was torn between talking to Matt and talking to JC but he quickly made a decision. "Matt, I can't talk now. I'll call you later ok?" Justin said as he walked towards Matt. He stepped outside with Matt for second and closed the door behind him slightly. "Are you at least going to give me an explanation for why you are chasing me out?" Matt asked, bitterly. "I'm not chasing you out. It's just...look, I'll explain everything later. I need to get back in there now. I promise I'll tell you everything later." Justin said, looking apologetically at his boyfriend. Matt exhaled angrily. "Fine. Go tend to your Josh. Call me when you deem that I'm important enough," he said and stalked away to his parked car. "Matt!" Justin called out but Matt didn't stop. Justin looked on helplessly. He wanted to tell Matt but right then he needed to help his best friend. Justin just hoped that Matt would understand. Justin went back into the house and closed the door. Only JC and Lynn were there as Lynn had asked Chris to take Steven upstairs. She ushered JC and Justin into the den. Justin put his arm around JC and guided him to the couch. Lynn sat down beside JC and looked at him in concern. "What happened, Joshua?" Lynn asked. JC leaned back on the couch. "It was Phillip. He said that I can't run and that he will always find me. He said that even if he couldn't find me, he would find someone I cared about. Then he said that he had a gift for me and that it's on the doorstep right now. He told me to answer the door and hung up. That's when the doorbell rang." Lynn stared at him in shock. "Oh my god...it could have been him?" "Wait a minute. He must have known that Matt was about to ring the doorbell. How could he know that Matt was the door unless..." Justin trailed off. "Unless he's keeping watch on the house." JC supplied. "He knew that Matt was about to press the doorbell and he saw a chance to screw with your head. The fucking bastard!" Justin yelled. Lynn ignored Justin's swear as she worriedly began to pace the floor. "I'm used to having the house watched by fans and the media. But this..." Justin stood up and hugged his mother. "Mom, it will be ok. We just got careless because we thought the fans wouldn't know that we were back here. I'll get Johnny to get security to watch the house. Lonnie can probably stay with us here." "Justin. This isn't just some 12-year girl obsessed with JC. This is a crazy and dangerous man. We have to go to the police." Lynn insisted. "And tell them what? We can't tell them anything without mentioning JC's past. Right now, Phillip has nothing on JC so whatever he says will be baseless. But if we go and lodge a complain on him, they are going to ask for reasons and they will know for sure." Justin reasoned. Lynn realised that what her son was saying made sense. "Fine. But I want you to call Johnny right now and arrange to have security posted around the house." "I've already done it." Chris said as he entered the room. "Thanks, Chris. Is Steven ok?" Justin asked. "Yeah. The runt's just a little shaken when JC yelled and ran to the door." Chris explained, looking at JC. JC hadn't moved once from where his head was buried under his hands as he looked down at the carpet. "C? You ok?" JC took a deep breath and stood up. There was a strange determination in his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Lynn, you better go talk to Steven." Lynn nodded and stood up too. She gave JC a hug and a brave smile before heading up the stairs. JC smiled tiredly but it never quite reached his eyes. "When is security getting here, Chris?" Justin asked, not once looking away from JC. "Anytime now." "Ok, I'm going to rest up a bit." JC said and headed for the stairs. "Josh!" Justin called out. JC stopped but didn't look back. "It's going to be ok." JC turned back and nodded. "Of course. I just need some time alone, J. You better call Matt, J. Tell him I'm sorry about just now." With that, JC left the room for his. Chris watched his friend go and then turned to look at Justin. "Suddenly all our lives have gotten real shitty." "We're lucky. JC's been dealing with this shit for years." Justin said, then headed for the front door. Grabbing his car keys he opened the door. "I'll be back by 7." "Wait up, Curly. Are you sure it's safe to go out on your own?" Chris asked. "I'll be fine. In the mood I am, that bastard is in greater danger from me than I am from him. Just keep an eye on JC and make sure that he doesn't go anywhere alone." Justin said as he closed the door behind him. Chris shook his head and reached for the phone. It was up to him to let Lance and Joey know about the latest development. ** Justin used his spare key to enter Matt's apartment. It was a studio apartment where the rooms were created by dividers. The kitchen and living room area were empty so Justin walked towards the bedroom. It was empty too. Justin came back to the living room and sat down on the couch. Using the remote he clicked on the television. He was vaguely aware of the programmes as his thoughts were on JC. He still couldn't believe how fast the good thing they had going had turned into a nightmare. He hated the feeling of helplessness he felt. The thought that his friends and family were in danger was scaring him. And then there was JC. All his life, JC had protected him and taken care of him. But now, their roles were reversed. Justin felt an intense need to protect JC. Not only from Phillip but also from any more pain. And there was the tricky part. He was a source of pain for JC. JC loved him but he couldn't love him back. 'Couldn't you?' Justin frowned at the question that the voice within him had asked. Earlier, he had almost kissed JC. He had wanted to. But was there some serious feelings involved in that or was that just his screwed up way of reaching out and comforting JC? He didn't know and was all too glad that he didn't kiss JC. The last thing JC needed was that added confusion. Justin sighed in frustration and leaned his head back on the back of the couch. The sound of the door opening had him sitting up in a flash. He watched as Matt entered his apartment, throwing his keys on the table. He didn't see Justin, which gave the teenager the chance to study his boyfriend. They had met during the video shoot for Bye Bye Bye. He was a charming and attractive guy and there had been instant chemistry between them. Justin had just told JC that he was gay and having JC tell him that everything was ok with that, had boosted his confidence. Matt had came on to him blatantly, seeming to know him more than he knew himself. Justin had wanted someone who was experienced and who teach him about himself and Matt had fit that mould. Within a week, Matt and Justin had made love. Justin frowned as he remembered telling JC about it. 'Damn! I told him everything. He was in love with me and I was telling about my first fuck with another guy!' In retrospect, Justin felt like shit. He could imagine the pain JC must have experienced while listening to him. But he was Justin's best friend and had put up with the pain to give him a listening ear. Justin wished that he could turn back time. He wished he hadn't told JC about Matt. He wished that he JC had told him about his feelings before he had met Matt. He, most of all, wished that he could have stopped JC from ever meeting Liam. Then none of this shit would have happened. "What are you doing here?" The cold voice brought Justin out of his reverie. He stood up and faced Matt. "We need to talk." "Apparently not. Why, is your Joshie asleep? Is that how you found the time to come here?" "Matt, earlier was not a good time! Why can't you understand that? My mom was there! What did you want me to say? 'Hi mom! This is Matt, my boyfriend. Oh by the way, I'm gay!' Is that what you want?" "Don't give me that bullshit, Justin! Just now wasn't about your mom and you know it! It was about what it has always been about! JC! I saw the way you fuss over him! Like he's some fragile porcelain shit! I'm so sick and tired of being second to the great Joshua Chasez!" "You don't understand. There are things going on with him...he needs me." "I need you too! You're my boyfriend, Justin! Not his!" "I know! Matt, I'm just asking you to give me some time! Things are really messy right now." "When ISN'T your life messy, Justin? It's always something or another. I don't give a fuck about that! But this isn't about your job. It's about JC! Your best friend! Or so you say." "Or so I say? What's that supposed to mean?" "It means that he means more to you than I do. " "He's my best friend, Matt!" Justin protested. "Maybe to you, he is. But what about to him? What are you to him?" Justin blinked. How did Matt know? "I'm...his best friend." "Is that all? Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that he isn't in love with you?" Justin was outright shocked this time. "Where is all this coming from?" "I see the way he looks at you, Justin. I don't like it. But you are with him 24/7. What do you think that does to me?" "But I'm with YOU! Not HIM!" "Are you? All he has to do is look a little upset and you go running to him. Are you really with me?" "This is ridiculous! I've told you a million times! He's just my friend. He's been there for me through the rough times. I have to be there for him too?" Matt grabbed Justin's shoulder. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that he isn't in love with you." "Why do..." Matt shook his head. "No! Look me in the eyes and say he isn't in love with you." Justin swallowed hard but remained silent. Matt nodded and stepped back. "I knew it. He is gay and in love with you and you know it too. What, did he come on to you? Is he trying to steal you away from me?" "Matt..." "No. Tell me everything, Justin. Is he trying to get into your pants?! "Stop it! JC's not like that! You have no idea what he's going through!" "Let me guess. Wanting what he can't have? Trying to figure out how he can get rid of me?" "This is more serious than your petty jealousy, Matt! This is a matter of life and death!" "What are you talking about?" "I can't...I can't tell you." Justin answered. "What!?" Matt exclaimed. "This JC's secret. I can't tell you." "So you don't trust me." "It's not that..." "Then what is it, Justin? Something is keeping us apart and keeping you so--so dedicated to JC! Do you expect me to just accept that you can't tell me and keep quiet? It doesn't work that way!" Matt spat. "You just have to trust me on this." Justin said. "Trust works both way, Justin. And it's not you that I don't trust. How can you be sure that whatever JC is telling you, isn't just a ploy to keep you with him?" "That's crazy!" "Is it? Then tell me and let me judge for myself!" Justin wondered if he could tell Matt. Matt was right. This was a matter of trust. Could he afford to trust Matt? Could he afford to NOT trust Matt? "Alright. I will tell you but you must promise never to let anyone know about this. I'm trusting you, Matt." Justin warned. Matt nodded. "It began six years ago..." ** "...that was why we were all freaked out when you saw just now. He's obviously out there watching the house or he wouldn't have known you were about the ring the bell." Justin finished. Matt was silent for a while, then looked at Justin. "Did JC say specifically, before the door bell rang, that this Phillip said he was outside the house?" "No, why..." "So it was only after the doorbell rang that he made the huge scene." "I don't like the way you..." Justin began but was interrupted. "Have you ever heard from this Phillip? "No." "Have you spoken to this Phillip?" "No." "This letter. How do you know that JC didn't write it himself?" "What?! What are you talking about?" "The only evidence that all this happened is JC's word. How do we know that he didn't write that letter himself?" "This is ridiculous! Why would he do that?" "To create this crisis. To get you to fuss over him the way you're doing!" Justin shook his head in disbelief. "You're crazy! I'm sorry I ever told you, Matt." Justin said and moved towards the door. Matt grabbed his arm. "Think about it, Justin! This whole thing is ridiculous and too incredible to be true! How can you believe a word he says?!" "Because I know him! He would never lie to me! I know from the pain in his eyes that everything he said is true." "You know him that well?" Matt asked. "Yes I do. Look, Matt. I don't know what's happening to ask. Why are we fighting all the time? Is it because of JC? Ok, so he's in love with me. But I'm not in love with him so please stop making me choose between the two of you. I don't want to do that!" "What if I ask you to?" Justin was silent for a moment. He then leaned forward and kissed Matt softly on the lips. "You already know the answer to that. So please don't do it." Justin whispered and turned around to open the door and leave. Matt saw the door shut and closed his eyes. Justin words reverberated in his head. 'I know him. I know from the pain in his eyes.' 'You already know the answer'. Justin was right. He did already know what Justin's choice would be if he asked him to choose between him and JC. Matt finally began to accept what he had already suspected. Justin was in love with JC. ** Justin had parked his car in the garage and slowly made his way into the house. He was distracted by the million thoughts running through his head and didn't pay attention to his surrounding. He didn't know what to do. He was trying his best to hold everything together but it was difficult. The mess with Matt. The mess with Philip. The mess that WAS JC. It was as if his life depended on JC's life. When JC's life went down the drain, so did his. He didn't resent his friend for it because he knew that it was in part because of the intense need he felt to protect JC. But at what cost could he protect JC? To the extent of alienating Matt? Justin knew that he had implicitly told Matt that JC was more important to him than Matt himself. He cringed now to remember those words. He had said that word in a moment of passion. But he couldn't deny the truth in them. What did that mean? Could it possibly mean that he was not in love with Matt? Should the guy he loved be the person who meant the most to him? Did that mean that he was in love with JC? "That's crazy. I've known him for years. If I was really in love with him, I would have known before!" Justin muttered to himself. A he entered his house he put those thoughts aside. Right now, there were more important things than his love life. Justin walked into the den, looking for Chris. He hoped that security was there by now. He didn't like the fact that Philip might be outside, watching the house, planning to hurt JC or anyone at all. Justin sighed. He just wanted to have one quiet uneventful evening at home with his family and friends. If he had one more shock, he was afraid he was going to break down and cry. Maybe they could make a pact not to talk about what was going on. Maybe they could pretend that everything was like it was before. Maybe... A harried looking Chris rushed towards him. "You're back finally! Where have you been? You didn't even take you cell phone!" Chris shouted. Maybe not. "Why? What happened? Is JC alright?" Justin asked, worriedly. "God, I hope so." Chris said, running his hand through his hair nervously. "I don't when he...I was keeping an eye on him but he..." "What!?" Justin exclaimed, his heart starting to pound in fear. "JC's gone." Chris answered. "I don't know where he went or when he left." ** ];-)

Next: Chapter 11

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