Hide in Plain Sight

By Red

Published on Sep 2, 2000


Title: Hide In Plain Sight

Author: Red (redfirewitch@yahoo.com)

Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you're below 18 or if you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, do not go further than this line.

Part 3: The Nightmare The images came in abstract form at first. The house with the blue skies of Orlando in the background. His dog, Pirate barking and jumping up and down. Then came the face of the boy who had meant everything to him at one time. Liam's laughing face as he ran around the room avoiding someone. He fell down laughing then opened his arms in welcome. There was happiness in that dream. Then the image slowly began to fade, reform and interweave and that day 6 years ago began to play out in JC's nightmare. The door had been slightly ajar as he stepped in. Liam had been talking to a man who had his back to JC. JC said something causing the man to whirl around, revealing the gun he had in his hand. JC looked from the gun to the man to Liam. Liam pleaded with him to leave. JC had refused asking for an explanation. Then the images seemed to fast forward with bits of dialogue. "Liam, why?...Someone needs to die...You bastard!...Let him go, Philip! Please!...The fun has just begun...JC LEAVE!...Maybe I'll make you watch...NOOOO!" There was a struggle, gunshots, blood and the scream. The scream ringed in his ears. It took him a while to realize that he was the one screaming...and screaming...and screaming. JC shot up straight in his bed, gasping for breath and perspiring profusely. He saw someone sitting beside him and staring at him. JC turned to see Justin sitting beside him. He meet Justin's worried gaze and couldn't look away. All he could do was shiver. Without a word, Justin took the blanket off his bunk and secured it tightly around JC. Then he hugged his friend, rocking him to and fro. Justin could feel JC's heart beating very fast against his own chest. They sat like that for what seemed like hours until JC stopped shivering. JC let himself take the comfort that Justin offered. Even though he felt like he didn't deserve it. But he needed it right then like he needed air to breathe. The silence stretched for a long time when finally JC spoke up. "What time is it?" he asked, noting that it was morning. Justin was already dressed and the rest of the bunks were empty. "9:30," came the soft reply. "Where are we?" "We arrived at the hotel about an hour ago. We didn't want to wake you up yet so the guys went on to check in first." JC swung his legs off the bed, sitting with the blanket still around him. Justin saw how tired and wrecked his friend looked and his heart went out to JC. He took a seat beside him and they shared a comfortable silence as Justin waited for JC to talk. "I had a nightmare." JC said, so softly in a child-like voice, that Justin almost missed it. "I know. You were crying and calling..." "Calling what?" JC asked, looking at Justin warily. "You were calling out to someone called Liam." JC looked away, feeling his heart ache at just hearing the name said out loud. "Is that his name?" Justin asked. JC knew that Justin was asking if that was the name of the guy whom he had seen the previous night. "No." "Oh." Justin waited for more but seeing that it wasn't going to come, he sighed and stood up. "Are you ok, now?" JC gave Justin a look of gratitude for not pushing for an explanation and smiled. "Yeah." Justin pulled his friend up. "Then come on and get dressed. They are having a buffet breakfast in the hotel today and Joey has been there since 9. We better hurry or all we will have left are crumbs." "If we are lucky." JC added, jokingly. Justin just smiled but his eyes told JC that this was just a temporary reprieve. Justin was not going to drop this even if JC acted as if it had never happened. He wanted and explanation and he was going to get it. And JC felt he deserved to know too. It had felt good, even if it was only a little bit, to be able to cry on Justin shoulder and have him to comfort him. It was unfair to expect that from Justin when he didn't know what was going on. Just as Justin was about to head out of the bus, JC grabbed his arm. Justin looked at JC questioningly. "Tomorrow. I promise." JC said. Justin nodded in understanding and went on to front of the bus to wait for JC. As he left JC, he couldn't help wonder who Liam was. It wasn't a name he recognized and as far he knew, he was familiar with most of JC's close friend. 'Who is this guy if he isn't the one that JC supposedly saw last night? And why is he so important that JC is having nightmares about him.' Justin knew he had to be patient if he was the answers. He just sighed and sat down waiting for JC.

Next: Chapter 4

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