High School Dayz

By Kevin C

Published on Aug 13, 2000


High School Dayz - Part 5 by, Kevin C. and Daven

con't from part 4

Jason quietly picked up the phone. "Hello?" he said in a strange voice, trying to sound different. It was a computer voice that spoke back.

"This is the Gorgham Township High School automated messaging system. Your son or daughter did not come to school today. Please contact the main office at this time for more information by pressing 1."

"It's the school, we're sooooo in trouble."

"Maybe not," replied Gerard. "Give me the phone." When the secretary from the school picked up, he said in a very deep voice, "Hello, my son Jason is in the 9th grade. . . Yes I know he's late. . . Yes I'm sorry I forgot to call the school this morning. . . Well he's very sick today so he won't be coming in. . . Yes. . . Okay, thank you."

"Wow!" Jason said. "That was creative."

"Thanks. Now I just have to call in sick for myself. My parents leave for work early in the morning, so they probably haven't got the call yet, so I must still have time." said Gerard. He quickly dialed up the school and used a different voice this time. Once the boys were all out of trouble, they went downstairs for breakfast.

"So. . . What do you wanna do today?" said Jason.

"Umm, wanna come over to my place?"

"Definitely!" Immediately they were in Gerard's car on their way to the his house. It was about a three minute drive away. They pulled up to a enormous light-blue house--more of a mansion--with dark blue shudders. It was surrounded by lots of tall trees in the front and by a large open lawn in the back. They walked inside and Jason marveled at the large parlor in the front. They walked through the house to go up the back stairs, and Jason noticed the large pool house and hot tub, which were connected onto the back of the house.

They walked up to the second floor and down the hall to Gerard's room. They quickly snuggled into the bed together. Jason gave Gerard a sweet kiss, then said: "So, what do you wanna do now?"

"Well, since you really didn't see much of my house on the way up, I thought I'd show you around. Then we can have a dip in the pool." Gerard's eyes were questioning as he said that, seeing if Jason wanted to or not. From the expression on his face, he knew he wanted to--and a little something more also.

Gerard jumped out of he bed and hauled Jason to his feet. He seemed eager to show off his house--but not in a boasting way. Gerard figured anything that was his, now was Jason's too. He only hoped it wasn't beneath Jason's pride to ask.

They started the tour in the front of the house. Since Jason already seen the parlous, he decided to show him the library--the next closest room to the entrance.

Jason marveled at all this books. There were new and old ones--some very ancient looking.

"Wow! This place is great! Do you read a lot?"

"Sometimes." He paused, a shadow passing over his face. "I don't really get the chance."

"Is something wrong?" Jason's tone was that of concern. Gerard shook his head, and motioned him out the library.

The next room they went to was a mini ballroom. Gerard told him about the parties held in it. The way he said it gave Jason the impression that he didn't care too much for them. Jason noted the same shadowy look cross his face again. They hopped room to room, stopping later in the kitchen--which was enormous--to get something to snack on. They left out the bedrooms of no interest and any other dull room. They changed in Gerard's room and then they were in the pool house, diving into the pool.

Gerard gave Jason a pair of his speedos to wear in the pool. It was a nice thought, but as soon a Jason touched the water, he was pulling them back off, Gerard's along with his.

They horsed around for a while, playing tag--which wasn't fair. Gerard was a way better simmer from being on the swim team and caught him almost as soon as he tagged him. It would have been faster if Gerard didn't give him a little time to get away.

They ended up at the side of the pool. Gerard grabbed Jason and started kissing him long and slowly.

"Wrap your legs around me and hold on." Jason did as Gerard instructed. Gerard pushed of the side, kissing Jason as he swam them around the pool. Jason eyes beamed when he saw what his lover was doing. He was really strong.

After Gerard began to tire, they swam to the side and climbed out. Jason sprawled on the tile floor, letting Gerard lean over him. Jason enwrapped Gerard in his arms pulling him down for a kiss. As soon as their lips met, Jason's tongue was seeking entrance into his mouth. They kissed like that for some time, enjoying each other's presence.

Gerard broke the kiss and began softly caressing Jason's neck with his tongue, slowly following an invisible trail down his body. Just as Gerard reached his desire and took it in his hand, a chime sounded through the house.

Jason jumped, a little startled. "What was that?"

"The doorbell. I wonder who it could be. No one knows we're here." Gerard didn't move.

"Well?" Jason said, impatiently.

"Well, what?" Gerard asked innocently.

"Go answer the door. It's your house."

Gerard seemed to think a moment. "Can't. We're not supposed to be here, and if I answer the door then someone will know we aren't at school. Let's just wait and see if whoever it is will go away."

They waited. After about a minute the chimes came again. Gerard agreed to answer it.

Gerard opened the door to a boy. He was standing there expectantly, clearly waiting for something. Gerard could only gape at the beauty he saw in front of him. He was abruptly brought down-to-earth by the boy clearing his throat.

"Next time you try prentending you're nt here, it might help if you put your car somewhere else." Gerard looked over to his car and suddenly felt stupid.

"Who are you?" Gerard asked.

"My, my. Don't even remember me. Well I shouldn't be surprised, you would forget your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders."

"So...?" Gerard was getting impatient. This boy didn't ring any bells in his head. He was sure he never met him before.

"Invite me in. It's not nice to keep guest waiting. Traveling cross-country is tiring." The boy had a grin on his face.

"Who the hell are you. Do you always take things as a joke?" The boy's face dropped.

"Sorry. It seemed more people liked me better that way. I didn't want to come here and you not like me."

"I like people better, when they act true to themselves. Are you a relative or something?"

The boy's face brightened again. "Now we're getting somewhere!" His face reverted back again when he saw the look Gerard gave him. "Sorry, I'm Luke."

"Oh my god. You look so different." Gerard gave him a bear-hug. "What are you doing here. Last I heard you moved to Europe. What happened?"

A look of grief passed over his face, tears began to well in his eyes. "That was six years ago. My parents were in an accident--they died." A low gasp escaped Gerard's throat. He hugged his cousin to him and let him cry in his shoulder. Jason came to the door, changed back into his clothes.

"Gerard, what is--" He stopped when he saw Gerard and Luke. "No!" It was more of a moan than a word.

"Jason, wait." Gerard tried to stopped him, but Jason pushed past them and ran out the door.

End Of Part 5

Let us know what you think. Send comments to Kev_C84@hotmail.com or Davenseer@hotmail.com

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