High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jun 12, 2013


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation.Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

Any feedback is welcome at foxbarking@yahoo.com

High School Mistake Chapter 12

Steve had been largely tormented by his younger brother for his entire life. Being the oldest of four boys, but the only one to never get out of diapers was excrutiatingly humiliating. As he sat there in the car with Chris, watching him cutting up his underwear, he realized how bizarre his situation actually was. Jordan had made Steve destroy his underwear too, but it was a much different situation than what Chris was going through. Steve had never even had underwear until he was a teenager. His parents figured that he would never actually stop wetting himself so that it would be a waste of money to even buy the underwear if Steve would never get out of the diapers.

After Jordan forced Steve back into diapers, although Steve was totally crushed, the adjustment back was not nearly as difficult as it could have been. His week of continence was book ended on both sides with excessive humiliation. He hated it, but when he quit expecting that he was going to get out from under Jordan's thumb, it was easier to accept. Steve felt bad for Chris because there was no telling how the kid was handling the situation.

Steve's incontinence was not a secret to anyone. The teasing from school mates was not too rough on him as he got older. Most of his classmates eventually got bored with the torment and as he entered high school there were less pantzing, less horrible nicknames and less giggling behind his back.

While Steve enjoyed being tormented so much less as he got older, Jordan was not remotely happy about it. Steve was always Jordan's favorite play thing and Jordan wanted to keep him in that status for as long as possible. To make sure that Steve did not develop a comfortable runt, Jordan started inviting friends over to their house. Jordan always forced Steve to sleep in his diaper and no pajamas as this made it easier to humiliate him. He and his friends would wait until Steve was sleeping and do all sorts of things to him. Sometimes they would simply pull his blankets away from him, waking him up. Steve would get upset and sometimes cry, but this only egged Jordan and his friends on even more. They would often force him to go back to sleep without blankets on him. Sometimes they took him and forced him out into the front yard in just his diaper and made him do humiliating tasks in order to be allowed back in.

The most humiliating thing that Jordan ever forced Steve to do happened the weekend following Jordan's successful re-diapering of his older brother. Happy to be wearing underwear for the first time, Steve overcompensated and spent a large amount of money on underwear. He wanted to try on all different kinds. His underwear wardrobe consisted of simple things like briefs and boxers, to more unconventional underwear like euro shorts and thongs. Steve had come home from the store with all of his new clothes and made sure to try on everything while admiring himself in the mirror. He ended up liking the euro trunks the most. The material was the complete opposite of the diapers that he had been used to. Diapers were of course thick and bulky, and were able to be seen through any pants or shorts. The euros fit like a second skin and wearing them almost made Steve feel like he was naked.

The first weekend after Steve was put back into diapers brought a few surprises his way. Jordan introduced him the block print diapers which were to become his regular ware. Wearing those printed diapers was much worse than anything he had been put through before. They acknowledged that not only was he a bedwetter, but that he was always going to be a bedwetting kid in his brothers eyes.

"I got a present for you, diaper boy," Jordan said as he walked into Steve's room. Jordan was never a knocker but Steve still jumped when his younger brother barged into his room. Steve had been wearing a t-shirt and jogging shorts while sitting on his bed and doing homework.

"I don't want you in those clothes," Jordan said, his voice slightly threatening. "Take 'em off."

"Come on, Jordan, I have homework to do," Steve complained. "Can't whatever you're doing wait until later?" While he was saying it, Steve knew that it was idiotic of him. So before Jordan even had a chance to say anything, Steve decided to comply. He stripped off his shorts and his shirt and just sat there on his bed in his diaper.

"Get that off to," Jordan demanded. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. Steve hurried and stripped his diaper off and stood there naked next to his younger brother.

Jordan had a box with him. While Steve stood naked in front of him, Jordan opened up the box and reached it. He pulled out an adult sized diaper with block prints and Steve's jaw dropped as he saw it. When he was younger and having to share diapers with his younger brothers while they still wore diapers, he would occasionally have to wear printed diapers. Steve had been quite happy when he grew too big to wear those sort of things. The diapers that Jordan had, though, were not something Steve would ever be able to grow out of.

"I see you must like your new underpants here," Jordan laughed. He tossed one of the diapers over to Steve. "Lay it out on the bed."

Steve did not hesitate and he unfolded the diaper and lay it on the bed. When he turned back to his younger brother, Jordan must have noticed not only the fear in his brother's eyes, but the huge question mark behind them.

"Something you need to ask?" Jordan asked and Steve nodded. "What?"

"Where did you find these?" Steve asked.

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Come on, in today's age there's not really much of anything you can't find on the internet if you spend a few minutes looking for it. I didn't know these existed but I was talking to a guy who keeps his own brother in these diapers too. He let me know how to get them and I decided to make them your permanent brand now."

Steve rarely complained because he knew that when he did it only ended badly for him. However this current situation was more than he was able to rationally process. "Come on, Jordan, I can't wear something like that," Steve protested. "Please don't do this to me! Isn't it enough that you got me wearing the diapers again."

Jordan did not say anything in response to Steve's minor tantrum. He did take his arms and fold them across his chest though. He nodded his head towards the diaper and Steve's resolve immediately gave way. Making room on the bed, Steve lay down on the printed diaper and started to put it on.

"No, I'm going to do it," Jordan ordered and walked over to the bed.

Steve was startled. "Wha-why?" he asked, surprised.

"If you can't even get yourself to a point in life where you can stop wetting the bed and get yourself out of diapers, I can't see how you are mature enough to be diapering yourself.

Jordan's entire argument was invalid, but that was generally the way things worked in their interactions. Steve just put his arms to the side as Jordan walked over to him. Jordan took Steve's legs in his hands and pulled them apart so to have room to pull the diaper on him. However, first he took a bottle of baby powder and poured it generously over his older brother's crotch. Jordan then forced Steve to lift his butt off the bed so that he could cover the bottom of the diaper with powder as well. After he let Steve's butt back down, he pulled the front of the diaper up over his brother's crotch and taped the diaper in place. When it was securely fastened, Jordan let Steve get up.

"Okay, you better not put anything on other than the diaper," Jordan ordered. "You let me know when you need a change and I will take care of it." With that Jordan had left the room and Steve was left wondering why he had gotten by so easily.

Later that evening, Steve had Jordan come in and change his diaper before bed. The block printed diapers had a lot more padding than his usual diapers had and despite the fact that he did not want to wear diapers at all, Steve found them to be very comfortable. Jordan did nothing to torment Steve before bed and he went to sleep with a lot of apprehension as to what would be coming next.

Steve was woke up in the dark. It took him more than a moment to get his bearings but not because this was not a familiar happening. Jordan always brought his friends over to see his older brother sleeping in his diapers. Steve was sure that this was the case but he had a lot of trouble shaking the cobwebs out of his head and letting his eyes adjust to the dark in the room.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it," a familiar voice that was not Jordan's said. "Why is he wearing printed diapers like a little baby?"

Jordan laughed. "What else should someone his age who fucking pees the bed every night wear?" he laughed. "My parents had been letting him just wear white ones but why should be be allowed to?" Steve felt a hand pressing on his damp diaper crotch. "He's only been in bed for about 90 minutes and he has already peed himself. Have a feel!"

The friend laughed. "I ain't grabbing the fag's wet diaper, that's gross," he responded. Steve's head was clearing and he recognized the voice of the friend as Jordan's buddy Jeff. Jeff was not a regular visitor to their house which was why it took a while for Steve to figure out who it was.

"Sit up, homo," Jordan ordered. "Jeff go flip the light switch." Jeff walked away from them and turned the light on in the room.

The sudden light caused a deep sting in Steve's eyes and he shut them hard. When he opened them, however, he found himself wishing that he had not. He was laying down on his bed in just his diaper. The diaper was also a lot wetter than he had thought and the crotch was visibily yellow. Jordan and Jeff laughed more as Steve impulsively began looking for his blanket. However, rather than finding the blanket, he noticed that his underwear was sitting on his bed along with a pair of shears. Steve felt uneasy inside, already guessing what his brother and his friend was going to make him do.

"Sit up, diaper fag," Jordan ordered and Steve obeyed. "I think it's time to make sure we keep our little homo boy in his diapers. You're going to cut up all of your underwear."

Steve actually felt his eyes begin to slightly sting. He was hoping that there was not going to be such a humiliating task to perform in front of those boys. The humiliation was only a small part of why he was upset, though. He had only been back in diapers for a couple days and he thought that there may be some way for him to overcome the humiliation and start wearing the underwear again. He had been sure that once his brother had some fun at his expense that Jordan would eventually grow tired of the diapers and the teasing like most of the kids in school had done. At that point he would be able to start wearing the underwear again. Slicing the underwear all up, however, was an acknowledgement that he was going to be in this situation for a long time.

"Come on, Jordan," Steve pleaded. "I always do everything you tell me to, please don't make me cut them up! I really want to be able to wear them again!"

As usual, Jordan was not going to allow Steve to have his way and Steve could tell. Rather than argue any more, he reached over and grabbed the shears and a pair of the boxers. Holding the underwear before him and trying to remember how good it had felt to be back in them, he opened up the shears and began cutting through the leg of the boxers. After he had cut up one side, he cut up the other, effectively destroying both legs.

"I want them in shreds," Jordan instructed.

Steve complied with more tears in his eyes and cut the boxers up into tiny shreds. He tried to take his time, hoping that if he took too long he would be able to get some sort of stay of execution. Jordan's impatience, however, was obvious and really scared Steve. He made his way through the pile, cutting up thongs, cutting up briefs, all the while doing his best to save the euros (his idea of the total opposite of diapers) for last. After he had been through all the rest, though he knew he would have no choice but to shred them as well. He paused a bit before he picked the first pair up and felt the pain as he shred them. He had four pairs of them and by the time he was done, they looked like a pile ripped spandex.

Jordan and Jeff had obviously enjoyed themselves immensely watching Steve totally degrade himself for them. They had laughed and called him all sorts of names and comments.

Steve realized that taking his time to cut up the underwear was actually a bad idea. Though he thought that it might make Jordan get bored and thus spare the euros, it actually just gave Steve a much fuller bladder than he already had. It was only after the humiliation of the underwear mutiliation was over that he realized he really had to pee. He tried as hard as he could not to noticeably squirm but the effort just made him squirm more.

"Oh, what's that?" Jordan said mockingly. "Does the little boy need to pee?"

Steve did not reply but the uncomfortable look on his face showed that he did. He was already humiliated, but wasn't sure that he would be able to withstand the embarassement of wetting his diaper in front of Jordan and Jeff. Though he neither confirmed nor denied the request, it was obvious what was going on.

Jordan and Jeff both began verbally tormenting Steve in voices as if they were talking to a baby. "Oh, the little baby needs to pee," Jordan taunted. "You have a diaper, little boy. You don't have to hold your pee in. You can pee whenever you need to. You need to pee right?"

Steve crossed his legs in an embarassing attempt to not wet the diaper. He nodded as his body began to tremble in his attempts to hold it in.

"Pee your diaper," Jeff instructed. "You might as well, we're not going to let you get to the toilet so if you don't pee, you're just going to be sitting there in misery all night. Go ahead, pee your diaper like the little pee baby you are."

Both boys began to taunt Steve excessively. For some reason, although they were teasing him, Jordan never actually ordered Steve to pee. He realized that they were probably enjoying watching him trembling and squirming, doing everything he could to hold the pee in.

"I don't think he wants to pee," Jordan laughed.

"I have an idea," Jeff said and whispered something in Jordan's ear. Both guys started laughing hard.

"Be my guest," Jordan told his friends.

As Steve continued to squirm, Jeff approached Steve and grabbed both of his legs. He pulled Steve off the bed, his diapered butt hitting the ground hard. Jeff still held both of Steve's ankles up in the air as he looked down at the boy who was still squirming and holding his damp crotch with both of his hands.

"Move your hands," Jeff ordered and all Steve did was shake his head. Jeff shot a quick look over to Jordan.

"Move your hands, fag boy," Jordan ordered and that was all the instruction that was needed to make Steve uncover his diaper.

Jeff took his foot and placed it on Steve's crotch. Steve flinched at first, expecting that Jeff was going to crush his balls. However, all Jeff did was take his foot and start rubbing the diapered crotch lightly.

Steve felt his cock getting hard in the diaper. As he still had to pee very hard, it wasn't long before he had a true piss hard on that was not going anywhere. Even though his dick was not very big, it was still noticeable to the other boys in the diaper. They both laughed hard at the situation. Jeff dropped Steve's ankle down but kept his foot rubbing the diaper. Steve did not move, knowing he would get in trouble.

Despite his non movement, Steve did his best to stop Jeff from rubbing his hard dick in the diaper. He pleaded over and over to Jeff to stop. It would have been bad enough for them to see him pee his diaper, but seeing him cum in his diaper would have been much worse.

As he continued to plead, Steve started moving his hips back and forth against Jeff's foot. He didn't want to do it, but his hips and his dick seemed to have a mind of their own. Both Jeff and Jordan both noticed this and bust out laughing.

"God, Jordan, I didn't know your brother was such a fag," Jeff laughed. As he continued to rub, Steve began matching every rub with a thrust of his hips.

Jordan laughed and got down on his knees. He began to verbally torment his brother. "Oh, does the little baby not only have to pee, he likes Jeff rubbing his tiny penis too? Oh you're going be peeing and cumming in your diaper. How does the little baby's dick feel, trying to hold back all that pee and all that cum. I think the little baby is going to have a couple accidents really soon and he is going to totally fill up his little baby diaper. Go ahead, you can cum and pee. It doesn't matter if you fill that diaper up because Jeff and I wil change you into a new one. Go ahead, baby, fill the diaper, fill it up."

Steve began begging Jeff to stop rubbing his diaper. However, even though he was protested the rubbing as much as possible, he kept thrusting his hips and rubbing his damp crotch against Jeff's foot. He felt his hard dick getting closer and closer to the edge, all the while begging both Jeff and Jordan to quit.

Suddenly, all of Steve's begging suddenly quit and his eyes grew very wide. His breath got very ragged as he tried to prevent what he knew was about to happen. He wanted to keep begging them to quit, but he couldn't say a word. With a loud groan, Steve started rubbing his cock harder and quicker against Jeff's foot. As the boys laughed at him, Steve came hard and loud into his printed diaper. He then stopped humping Jeff's foot when his dick got too sensitive. Unfortunately, the sensitivity weakened his hold on his bladder and almost immediately after cumming, Steve wet his diaper uncontrollably. Both Jeff and Jordan continued to laugh at him as they watched the yellow stain move across the white crotch of the diaper, saturating it.

Next: Chapter 13

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