High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Feb 25, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Also, I thank everyone for the large amount of emails I got about this story. I tried to get back to everyone one of you. One thing I wanted to make clear, though, is this story is sort of centered around diaper related humiliation. It wasn't prevelant in the first chapter, but it will be in this one. If this is not your thing, you probably won't enjoy the rest of the story. Just a head up.

High School Mistake

Chapter Two

"Why are you smiling?" Chris asked, the nervousness apparent in his voice. He held his hand in front of him, with the huge load of cum he had just shot.

"I ask the questions, not you!" Jordan said through clenched teeth. He didn't sound angry, though, and Chris was thankful for that. He was very sure he didn't want to make his friend mad.

"I'm sorry," Chris said. He instead just sat there, totally naked, holding the load of cum in his hand. It felt very uncomfortable. Since he had just came, he truly wanted to cover himself up. For the most part, the horniness had left him. He kept himself uncovered, though, sitting there until Jordan spoke again.

"Bring your hand up to your face," Jordan ordered.

A terrible thought went through Chris' mind as to what his friend was about to make him do. There was little in his mind that seemed nastier than eating his own cum. He had heard people doing it before, but couldn't get why they would want to. It was slimey and nasty. Still, he did what he was told and brought the cum up closer to his face.

"Do you know what I am about to make you do?" Jordan asked, the smile ever present on his face.

Chris nodded, very sure that he did.

"Don't nod, tell me that you know," Jordan ordered.

"Yeah, I am sure I know what you're about to make me do," Chris admitted.

"Do you want to?" Jordan asked.

This time Chris shook his head. There was no way he wanted to eat his cum. He figured he would be doing it whether he admitted to it or not, though.

"Stick out your tongue."

Chris did as instructed.

"Taste it."

With a huge grimace, Chris stuck his tongue into the puddle of cum in his palm. He immediately did not like the taste and backed his tongue away. It was a mistake to do so, he was sure of it, but the texture was vile. He just didn't like it.

"Didn't like that, huh?" Jordan asked.

"No," chris admitted. "Do I have to eat it?"

"I am not going to make you eat it," Jordan said. "Whatever gave you that idea?"

Chris was relieved. He started to move his hand away from his face, but was corrected by his friend right away.

"I didn't say you could do that, fag!" Jordan said, the smile finally leaving his face. Chris put the hand back up to his lips. "You only do anything when I say you do it. You fucking understand?"

Chris nodded and then quickly, before he could be admonished for not talking, said "Yes I understand."

"Good, now here's what I want you to do," Jordan said. "Bring the cum up to your face. Then I want you to wipe it into your face and hair. The whole load too."

"But Jordan-" Chris began to protest and was cut off immediately by Jordan.

"Dont you ever say 'but' to me!" Jordan yelled. It caused Chris to jump and freaked him out for fear that his parents might have heard it. "You'll do what the hell I tell you too whether you like it or not. Now do it!"

"I am sorry, Jordan, I really am," Chris said. "Please don't be mad." he was deliberately talking low in hopes that Jordan would lower his voice as well. "I'll do what I am told. I am sorry."

Jordan seemed to calm down a bit. "Okay, then get to work and start doing it," he instructed.

Chris did exactly as he was told to do. He took his palm that contained all of his semen, and started wiping it into his face and hair. It felt like he was using some sticky and strange body wash. He took care not to get any in his mouth, though some of it did get on his lips. When he was finished, he felt disgusted and totally humiliated. Jordan, on the other hand, seemed very happy.

"See, now that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Jordan asked.

"No, it wasn't," Chris lied. In fact it was pretty terrible and he wasn't enjoying it at all. "Can I go clean up now?"

"Who said you were going to get to clean up at all? Jordan laughed. "I didn't."

"Oh, come on, please!" Chris pled. "What if my mom comes in and checks on me?"

"I'll just tell her that you were really horny and you came all over your face," Jordan laughed. "Either way, you're naked and cummy for the rest of the night. You might as well get used to it."

Chris resigned himself to the fact that there wasn't anything he could do to get out of this predicament. He was very fortunate that his parents eventually went to bed without checking in on him. It was not too unusual being that he did have a guest over. It was hard for him to be naked the entire time, because he would sometimes get hard while the two friends played video games or talked. Jordan at no times let Chris cover himseld either. And when it was time for bed, Chris had to sleep naked on the floor while Jordan took the nice warm bed for himself. Chris slept that night wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.

The following morning, Jordan said he had to go. He had some instructions left for Chris, but said he wouldn't be seeing him again until School on Monday morning. As was told to him before, he had to go to the store and buy diapers, candles and a plunger. Who knew what the candles and the plungers were for, but the diapers were pretty obvious. Jordan lay out the rest of Chris' instructions for MOnday morning.

"You're going to get up early enough so that you have time to do all of these things," Jordan instructed. "First, after you shower, you are going to lay out a diaper on your bed. Then, you are going to put some baby powder on, lay your naked butt down on the diaper and tape it up around your waist. Got it?"

Chris indicated that he indeed got it.

"Okay, then you can get dressed as normal. Also, you can put on a pair of pants over your diaper, because you'll be changing for school. I don't want anyone to know that I have you in diapers. At least not just yet, all right?"

Chris was totally happy with that idea as well.

"Then, for the entire day, you are only allowed to use that diaper to pee in," Jordan added. "I will check you periodicaly during the day to make sure that your diaper is wet."

"You want me to pee in the diaper?" Chris asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and you will do it too," Jordan replied. "Or trust me, you won't be happy with what I do to you."

Chris kept his mouth shut. He was still naked and covered in cum. It had dried up in his hair and he knew he would have a bitch of a time getting it all cleaned up once Jordan left.

"What if I have to pee a lot?" Chris asked. "I don't want anyone to know I am wearing the diaper by having it leak."

"If you pee a lot, then I guess you're going to have to change your diaper at school, aren't you?" Jordan asked while his friend's jaw dropped. "You will include an extra change of diaper in your book bag and we'll decide if it's something you will end up doing or not, okay?"

"Okay," Chris said with a sigh. It wasn't something he was planing on getting into. He already had a plan. He just wouldn't drink very much on Monday. It might be a bit miserable, even in gym class, but it would be okay. Wearing a diaper to school was bad enough, but having to change it in front of everyone-well he couldn't imagine anything being too much worse than that.

"But you'll be in the diaper the whole day," Jordan continued. "Piss me off, and you can try to guess what is going to happen."

"Do I have to do this?" Chris asked, putting his hands down to his sides. He was thinking if he left himself more open and vunerable.

Jordan laughed again. "You want to do it," he said.

"Huh?" Chris said and then he followed Jordan's gaze down to his lap. His cock was as hard as a rock and he didn't even notice it. A little drip of precum escaped from the tip of his head. His whole body blushed. He almost moved his hand down towards his dick, but realized he didn't want to get yelled at again.

"You can play with it if you want to," Jordan said, sitting back against the bed. "I can wait around a little bit longer to watch."

"I'd rather do it later," Chris said.

"You'll do it now or you won't be cumming for a while," Jordan said. "I guess I forgot to tell you that you can't cum unless I tell you that you can. And that's only if I am in a good mood."

Chris thought about it for a few moments. He really didn't think that Jordan was going to put so many restrictions on him. But he was somewhat horny and strangely turned on by the things that were happening to him. It was weird jacking off in front of his friend, but he had done it the night before, so it couldn't be too bad to do it again. Chris slowly took hold of his hard cock and started stroking it slowly. A small sigh escaped his lips.

"Like that, huh?" Jordan asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, I love it," Chris said. The more he stroked his cock, the more his discomfort faded away. After a while it was all gone and he felt fine stroking his cock in front of his friend. It became less and less about his embarrasement and more and more about getting off. It didn't take him very long to get close to the edge. Obviously, Jordan was able to tell because right when Chris got close to the point of no return, Jordan grabbed his hand and pulled it off of his cock.

"What the hell?" Chris asked and wished he hadn't. Luckily, however, Jordan did not admonish him for it.

"I've changed my mind," Jordan said. "You can't cum right now."

"Oh come on, please!" Chris begged. He remembered how much Jordan had liked the begging and hoped that it would change his mind. "I really need to cum, I was right on the edge, man!"

"I said no and that's it," Jordan said. He then got up and started getting ready to leave. "I have to go now. My mom wants me home by noon. You need to get dressed and get down to the store to buy your diapers and things. I will see you on Monday. If you cum before then and I find out, you'll regret it big time. See you later, gay boy."

With that Jordan got up and left.

The trip to the store was very embarrasing for Chris. He went to the local Wal-Mart to get the plunger and the candles. It was very busy there, as it always seemed to be on a Saturday. He had intended on getting the diapers there as well, but eventually decided not to do it. There were too many people and it was too hard. He decided to stop off at the local pharmacy and pick the diapers up there.

When he got to the pharmacy, he walked around the aisles for a while, trying to prolong what he was doing. Figuring it was a good idea to get the Goodnites first, he did that. He went over to the aisle and picked out the largest ones he could find. Chris was thin and not too big for his age, so he knew that he should be able to fit in them. Then, after a long wait at the adult diaper aisles, he finally decided to go back and pick out the largest kids diapers he could find. He was able to find a newer version of Pampers that were for older kids who still had wetting problems. Unfortunatley, they had bears on them. He wasn't too happy with that, but figured no one would be seeing it anyway. So, he spent the last of his money on these items and some baby powder and went home.

The weekend passed by way too quickly for Chris. He was dreading the impending diaper experiment coming for him on Monday morning. Not being able to cum made everything even worse. His mind kept wandering to sex and he wasn't able to concentrate very much. He hoped it didn't really affect his homework as much as it made it hard for him to sleep. Before he knew it, it was Monday morning.

"Chris, get up and get ready for school!" Chris' mom yelled up the stairs at him.

Chris groaned, knowing that it was exactly not what he had wanted to hear. But, he got up and showered. Once he was done with the shower, he knew what he had to do next.

Chris opened the package of the Pampers for the older kids. He took out one of the diapers and laid it down on his bed. Looking at it, he figured he would be able to get it on quite comfortabley. He felt something heavy in the pit of his stomach as he went about the task. There wasn't anything more humiliating to him than having to wear a diaper. It just made him feel so much like a kid. Even worse would be if someone found out. Chris grabbed the diaper and crinkled it confirming that someone could indeed here that he was wearing it.

As Chris lay down on the diaper, he remembered the last time he had to wear a diaper. He was five years old and completely potty trained. However, he had been staying at a friend of his mom's while his parents were out of time. He had an accident because he had stayed out too long to play. He came home to the lady's house, and she had thrown a holy fit. She made Chris walk around the house naked while she went to her friend's house to get some diapers. All of the lady's children told Chris to just get in bed, but he was too scared to do that. When she returned, she laid him down on the diaper. He was five years old, but by that point he was crying like the little baby she was making him into. Grabbing his ankles, she lifted his leg, powdered him and diapered him. He slept that night in the diapers and ended up actually enjoying himself and sleeping well. In the morning, the lady asked how he had liked being back in diapers, and he said he liked it.

However, that was 12 years ago. Chris was 17 now and had no desire to get himself diapered up. He knew he had to, though, or who could know what Jordan would do to him.

After putting powder on himself, Chris rubbed it into himself and his cock and balls. Right away, he felt himself start getting hard again. He knew he should stop, but instead he kept playing. The whole weekend, he had done a great job of not touching himself at all. Being 17 made it quite difficult to not jack off many times during a weekend, though.

Chris jacked, stroked and played with his cock. It felt really good and he forgot he was supposed to be diapering himelf. Everything faded away and there was nothing but his hand, movig slowly up and down his six inch cock. It was so wonderful that he barely noticed he was about to cum. It was only once he had reached the point of no return that Chris' eyes shot open and he pulled his hand off his cock.

It was too late though. His dick started throbbing and after a moment, cum started shooting out of it. It sucked because it didn't feel anywhere near as good as it could have felt it he had been jacking. Plus, even though his belly was covered in the cum, it didn't take away his horniness. If anything it made it worse.

Chris was freaked because he didn't know what to do. He had a towel by his bed so he used it to wipe up the cum. He then decided it wouldn't be a good idea to let Jordan know that this happened. Chris pulled the diaper up between his legs and then opened it and taped it up.

It was an odd feelng wearing a diaper after all of these years. But it wasn't necessarily bad, either. Chris looked at himself in the mirror, and then went ahead and got dressed the rest of the way. He went downstairs and was surpised when his mom offered him a ride to school.

Chris was acutely aware of his every movement and he loudly heard every single noise the diaper made under his clothes. It was scary, and he was sure that his mom heard it all. But if she did, she never said a single word about it.

The hardest thing happened when Chris got to school. He told his mom bye, stood up and heard the diaper make some loud crinkles. He took a deep breath and went to find Jordan.

to be continued:

Any comments to psychogayboi@aol.com.

Note: This story is based on conversations I have had with a guy named Chris, who is a submissive. The story about the Chris as a five year old getting diapered is true, but it happened to me, not to Chris. If you have anything to say to Chris, forward the email to me and I will make sure he gets it.

Next: Chapter 3

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