High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Oct 4, 2023


The same as always. This story contains boys being humiliated by wearing diapers, and other infantilistic tones. The story is about humiliation. Please don't read it if you don't want to or if you are not supposed to.

High School Mistake: Chapter Twenty-Five The Conclusion

"Well I think we need to take Jordan for a bit of a ride," Alex suggested. "Let's get him ready to go out in the car."

While Steve tended to his younger brother, Chris took Alex aside. "This is it, right?" he asked Alex. "For me, I mean."

Alex nodded. "This will be the last night you have anything to do with Jordan, I promise," he replied. He then looked over at Steve. "Steve, on the other hand, will still have a lot to do with his brother. But after tonight, he won't bother you ever again and we'll call it even between you and him."

Alex kissed Chris lightly. "Let's go get him ready."

Back in the room, Steve was telling his brother what they were going to do. Jordan's tear filled eyes grew large. "You are not taking me out of this house. The moment you get me out of this bed, I am going to beat the holy living crap out of all three of you."

"You think so?" ALex asked. "I guess you haven't been paying attention." He jerked his head over to Jordan's desk. "Don't you see that?"

Looking over at his desk and his computer, he saw a red light blinking and his heart sank.

"You see, everything single thing you've had happen to you has been recorded and uploaded to a website that I put up," Alex explained. "Do you think I would have done all of this without having a way to make you compliant. If you do a thing to Chris or Steve or me ever again, I'll make sure that everyone in school sees you in a diaper."

"You forced me into it," Jordan growled. "No one will but that I went along with it."

Chris smirked. "Maybe not, but how will you explain away that orgasm of yours?" he asked. "You coated your entire chest in whitewash and I haven't seen a cumshot with that much juice in my entire life. It won't take much to convince everyone that you were really fucking hot while it was happening."

Jordan snorted but he knew what Chris was telling him was true. He looked down at all of the cum that was covering his abdomen and chest. He felt his face relax because he knew that being angry was not going to get him anywhere.

"Fine," Jordan agreed. "I won't do anything to you three ever again. Now let me up!"

Alex wagged his finger at Jordan. "Not quite yet," he informed Jordan. "I just said that the video is here to keep you compiant. I never said your evening was over. You're going to get a lot of what you did to Chris and your brother back to you."

The anger began flaring up in Jordan again. He had already gone through enough crap with these guys and wasn't ready to go through anymore. But he thought about it and had to come to the conclusion that he wasn't going to be able to get out of this.

"Fine," Jordan replied through gritted teeth. "I'll go along with it."

Well, the boys untied Jordan from his bed. He was relieved to be free but he did not try to do anything on his own. He waited to see what would happen next.

"Come on, we're going to go for a drive," Alex informed him.

"What the fuck?" Jordan asked. "I don't want to go out like this."

"You didn't have a problem making Steve and Chris do it," Alex countered. "Now get up."

Jordan got up out of the bed. He tried to cover his diaper up, but Chris slapped his hands away. His first instinct was, of course, to punch Chris but he knew he had to contain himself. Jordan let his tensed muscles all relax. The three boys led Jordan out of the house in just his diaper. He felt his entire body turn deep red. Anyone who was outside would have seen his printed diaper. He wanted to cover his diaper up but he knew better.

When they got to Jordan's car, Jordan was placed in the middle of the backseat with Chris on one side and Steve on the other. Alex got in the front to drive. He put the top down first of all As they pulled away, Steve took a pacifier and put it to Jordan's lips. After a brief bit of refusal, Jordan took the pacifier in his mouth. He was also given a teddy bear, which he was instructed to hold.

As they drove along, first on the normal roads and then on the freeway, although it was late there were many cars on the road. Jordan felt that every one of them could see him in the back seat of the car, suckig a pacifier and holding a teddy bear in a diaper. If that wasn't enough to humiliate him, both Steve and Chris were tapping the front of his diaper in order to keep him hard. In spite of the humiliation, it was working. Jordan's cock had gotten a bit limp since he had that ruined orgasm on the bed. In combination with the outright fear of what these guys were doing to him, the big dick had gotten as soft as it possibly could. However, this stimulation was beginning to get to him. The soft dick, which was pointed down in the diaper began to plump up. As it did, it also began to lengthen. The diaper was on very tight, so when the cock began to get hard, the head brushed up against the abrasive inner lining of the diaper and sent shivers down both Jordan's cock and his spine. The dick struggled for a few moments to righten itself up in the diaper and it actually caused the boy to have to adjust himself in the seat in order to allow his cock the room it needed to grow. The crotch of the printed diaper swelled.

Chris laughed. "It looks like the diaper boy is enjoying himself," he said. "His little boy dick is getting all stiff."

Jordan shot Chris a hateful look but knew that he was just going to have to grin and bear it. Finally, his dick managed to straighten itself up and it quickly got as hard as it possibly could right then. The head pushed its way out up the diaper and after a final brief struggle, pushed itself past the diaper and up to Jordan's navel. His large cock was back to rock hard in the diaper. Jordan could only stare down at the the cockhead and he felt lower than low when he saw that a string of precum seeped out of the slit and dribbled right into his navel.

While Steve continued to tap on the front of Jordan's diaper, Chris decided to mess around with the head of Jordan's cock. At first, he simply tapped it a few times much like Steve was doing to the front of the diaper. Then, he took his palm and polished Jordan's knob, spreading the clear and slippery precum all over the purple head and making Jordan jerk from the intensity of the action.

"Someone likes he little boy dick being played with," Steve laughed. He had never in his life had the upper hand on his younger brother and was enjoying this completely.

Chris pulled his palm away from Jordan's cock and looked at it. Both his hand and Jordan's knob were smeared with the sticky precum. After smiling a wicked smile, Chris brought his palm up to Jordan's lips

"Lick it," Chris told him.

Not wanting to open his mouth, Jordan just shook his head no. There was no way he wanted to do that, especially in a car where he was already exposed beyond belief.

"Alex," Chris called out. "I think Jordan wants the whole school to see him in a diaper because he is not doing what I told him to."

Immediately, Jordan stuck his tongue out. Before he had a chance to lick up his precum, though, Chris smeared it on his tongue. Jordan grimaced, absolutely hating the taste of it. Chris then smeared the rest of the cum on Jordan's face, and instructed him to not wipe it off.

The car ride continued like that for quite a while. Steve and Chris kept fiddling around with Jordan's big diapered dick and the entire time Jordan just stared straight down at it happening. Whenever the huge cock belched out a nice glob of precum, Chris would get it all over his fingertips and force Jordan to lap it all up. Jordan knew that at least some of the people in the passing cars had to see what was going on.

"I'm going to run through the drive through and get myself a drink," Alex remarked out of nowhere as he exited the freeway. Fear pervaded Jordan's being as he knew he was about to really be humiliated. He wanted to protest, but had at that point learned better. Actually, what convinced him to keep quiet is he imagined what he would do to Chris if Jordan had been driving and Chris was diapered and protesting. Jordan would have ripped his diaper off and went through the drive through with Chris's tiny cock completely exposed.

The car pulled into the drive through and Alex ordered himself a drink. "You boys want anything?" he asked.

"Get Jordan a Happy Meal," Chris answered. This earned him a dirty look but nothingmore.

Alex ordered the Happy Meal and his drink and he drove up to the window. The worker who took the money was a high school boy. When he leaned out the window, he saw Jordan sitting in the back with a diaper and about two inches of cock sticking out the top of the diaper. He tried to mask a smirk.

After taking the money, the boy handed them the food. Alex opened up the Happy Meal and looked inside it. "Oh no, our boy is still in diapers, we're going to need one of those toys that are for children under three. Do you have those?"

The drive through boy, Todd according to his name tag, couldn't help but let a bit of a laugh escape his lips. "Yeah, I can get one," he replied "We don't want your little guy to choke to death."

After Todd back the toy, Alex thanked him. Todd told them to make sure their baby boy was going to be happy with his meal and with more giggling shut the window. He watched as the car drove away.

The rest of the drive was much like it had been. After a while, they finally arrived at their destination, which was the beach that Jordan had humiliated both his brother and Chris at by forcing them to suck his cock on their knees. They pulled Jordan out of the back seat, and hauled him out into the sand. Once there, they forced him on his knees and Chris and steve both walked up to him.

"Unzip your brother and Chris and get their cocks out," Alex ordered.

Jordan felt complete dispair overwhelm him. He didn't want to be made to suck cock. He looked at Alex with pleading eyes, but he was not met with any sympathy at all.

"Please don't make me do this," Jordan begged. "I already learned my lesson. I won't torment them any longer."

"Get their cocks out now," Alex ordered.

Jordan first faced Chris. He reached up and with trembling hands, he unbuttoned Chris's shorts. He slowly pulled down the zipper and allowed the shorts to fall to the floor. He was a bit surprised to see that Chris was still wearing a diaper. He had assumed that once they had him drugged and tied up that Chris would have ditched it. Regardless, he reached over and undid the right tapes on the diaper. The diaper fell open. Then he undid the tapes on the left side and the diaper fell off Chris and onto the ground. Chris's nice, but much smaller dick, sprang free.

"Now your brother."

Jordan turned over to Steve. He was more humiliated by this than he was by chris. Chris's torment was rather new. Steve's had been going on all his life. Jordan repeated the process with his brother and soon he had two hard cocks staring him in the face.

"Jerk them both," Alex ordered.

Trembling, Jordan put his hands out and closed them simultaneoulsy on both dicks. Both boys groaned when this happened. Jordan still did what he was told, and slid his hands up and down his brother's and Chris's dicks. He didn't want to imagine how he looked, in a diaper, on a beach where anyone could see him, jerking off two guys with diapers around their feet.

Then the command that Jordan knew was coming but hated hearing it nonetheless was made. "Lick their dicks. Get both shafts completely wet."

Jordan was about to finally draw the line, but at the first moment of rebellion, Alex grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He knew what that meant and Jordan faced Chris.

"Keep jacking your brother off while you suck lick Chris's cock," Alex ordered.

And he did. He stuck out his tongue and while he was pumping his brother's cock, he tentatively licked Chris's dick. After the first lick, he went down to the base of the dick and licked the entire length from balls to head.

"Balls too."

Jordan grabbed the head of Chris's dick and lifted it up until it was against Chris's belly. He then began licking the balls before licking the entire length froms balls to the tip of the shaft.


Jordan slid his hand down Chris's shaft and then began pulling on it. While doing it, he moved over to Steve and repeated the process. He licked his brother's little cock before holding it up and tonguing his balls a bit. By the time he was done, he was stroking a wet cock and licking another.

"Suck your brother's dick," Jordan heard Alex tell him.

Jordan flinched. He knew it was going to happen but it was still agonizing to hear it. With a grimace plastered on his face, Jordan moved up his tongue to his brother's cock. He pressed his tongue right against the piss slit and tasted his brother's precum. After a few moments of realizing he couldnt stall forever, Jordan tentatively put his brother's cockhead in his mouth and began sucking on it.

Steve moaned when Jordan slowly began slurping on his dick. The experience was so overwhelming for Jordan that he found it difficult to both suck his brother and jerk CHris at the same time. He hated it but the more he sucked, the quicker began doing it. Soon he was both sucking and jerking without at a speed he didn't think he could.


With no hesitation, Jordan did. He took his mouth of his brother's cock and then he moved it over to Chris's. He seamlessly went back on forth on the two boys, sucking one and jacking the other.

"When they cum, I want you to swallow every bit of it. If you don't... well you know what will happen."

Although the idea was completely and utterly revolting, Jordan didn't think about it too much. He kept on switching back and forth. Finally, he heard his brother's breathing become quick and ragged and he knew what was about to happen. He braced himself just as the cum came spurting out of his brother's dick. He swallowed four squirts before the weirdest thing happened. Steve pulled his cock out of Jordan's mouth and a fourth shot of cum hit himm right on the cheek. Then another shot hit across the eye.

Once he was done with his brother, Jordan had to switch back over to Chris. At first, he kept jerking on Steve too, but his brother eventually pulled away to spare his cock some sensitivity. The experience with Chris was nearly identical, but Alex tormented Jordan through it.

"Hey look, Steve, your brother still has a boner while he has been sucking you two off. I guess he likes it. He probaby loves the cum dripping down his face also. He looks like a hungry little cum slut, sucking Chris off in just his diaper, his hard and dripping cockhead sticking out from his little boy diaper." Alex moved closer. "Your boner need some relief?"

Jordan was not able to answer, but he looked up with eyes that indicating "Yes." Alex stuck his foot out and pressed his toes against the diaper's crotch. At some point, he must have taken his shoe and sock off the foot.

"Hump my foot."

Hating the idea, but still horny from everything that had happened to him so far, Jordan began humping Alex's foot as best he could. Alex made sure his foot was pressed up against the diaper and Jordan's naked cockhead was not getting too much skin to skin contact.

It was quite a sight, the big jock boy in his diaper with two inches of cock, cum covering his face, sucking off a smaller dick while humping against the foot of someone that Jordan tried to turn into a slave.

Finally, Chris began to go into his cumming spasm. Jordan braced himself and began humping faster against Alex's dick. Chris shot in Jordan's mouth and Jordan swallowed it, followed by a second one. Then, just like his brother, did, Chris pulled his dick out and shot on Jordan's face. When he was done shooting, Jordan's face was completely covered in cum and he was not allowed to wipe it off. Alex then pulled his foot away, denying Jordan his orgasm and leaving him fucking air.

Afterwards, the boys all pulled Jordan up to his feet. As they pulled him back to the car, his hard cock continued to ooze unbelievable amounts of precum. When they got him back in the car, they didn't let him put his dick away, but he was so delirious with lust at that point that it would have been futile to try. As he sat in the middle of the back seat, once again exposed and in a diaper between his older brother and his now former slave Chris, Jordan was once again having his cock teased. Betwween the rubbing of the diaper and the tapping of the cockhead, Jordan reached a point where he just didnt think he could take it anymore.

"Oh please let me cum, this is way too much," Jordan moaned. He tried to fuck Chris's hand while it played with the top of his cock, but he failed when Chris pulled his fist away. Jordan began flexing his muscular butt cheeks in order to thrust his needy dick up and over. "Please, guys! Please! I am so sorry for the shit I put you through! Just let me cum, please!"

All Jordan's torment earned him was laughter from the other boys. They teased him and mocked him and the entire time, his dick did not go down.

After a while, Alex pulled the Mustang into the parking lot of a sex shop. Jordan looked at the other boys, confused.

"Well, you were so nice when you bought toys for Chris, we figured you need some toys of your own as well,"Alex informed him. He got out of the car. "You guys bring him in."

As Chris and Steve pulled the diapered Jordan out of the backseat, he began to plead.

"I can't go in the shop like this! Please don't make me do this!"

"Oh, we weren't going to," Chris told Jordan. He reached over and grabbed Jordan's dick and shoved as much of it into the diaper as he possibly could. A sliver of dickhead was still sticking out. "Come on!"

Jordan resisted. "Please don't make me do this! Can I just wait out here? I'll do anything!"

Chris looked over at Alex and Steve. "Well we don't want to be completely mean," he said. "I'll stay out here with Jordan. You guys get his toys." He looked over at Jordan, who was about to get back in the car. "Oh no, you can wait out here but you're not going to wait in the car." He gave Jordan the thrice over. "Give me the diaper."

"Wha.." Jordan began but stopped when he saw the look in Chris's eyes... it was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Their roles had definitely switched completely. Jordan took his thumbs, put them in the waistband of the diaper, and lowered his diaper down to his ankles. His big dick flopped out as the diaper dropped and it bobbed in the air.

"Step out of them, pick them up and hand it over," Chris instructed.

Jordan did as he was told, his cock bobbing up and down as he did it. A long stream of precum dripped down, almost touching the ground.

A few moments after Alex and Steve left, Jordan heard someone call out his name. As he turned, he saw the other three guys who had helped him torment Alex when he thought Alex was his new slave.

"Hey Jordie, looking good there," one of the guys laughed.

Jordan tried to cover himself back up, but Chris slapped his hands away.

One of the boys slapped Chris on the back. "Wow, I thought you were full of it when you told me you were going to get Jordie back but here he is," he laughed. He looked at Jordan's hard and dripping cock. "Wow, that thing looks like it's ready to explode." He took his hand and batted Jordan's hard cock, causing it to bob up and down excitedly. Jordan groaned as precum basically flew all over the place.

"Whoa!" one of the other guys laughed. "Move him back a few inches before he gets that stuff all over us."

The first guy slapped Jordan's boner again, causing it to jump around before me turned Jordan around so he was basically leaning over the car.

"Why does he got cum all over his face?" one of the guys asked Chris.

"Oh, he sucked me and his big brother off," Chris laughed. "After he swallowed a few shots, we decided he was in need of a good facial."

"So when is that big finale you promised us?"

"Oh just wait until Alex and Steve get out of the store."

While Chris and the other boys talked to each other, Jordan remained hard, aching and humiliated as he leaned over the Mustang. Even though he knew he was hating it all, his boner kept throbbing and he kept dripping.

"Hey guys," Jordan heard Alex's voice greeting his friends. "You boys here for the show."

Jordan began to turn around, but Chris stopped him. "Don't," he warned "You're right in the position you need to be in."

He heard some more whispering but wasn't sure what was going to happen until he felt one of the boys touching his ass. Then he heard a squirting noise and felt the boy working some lube into him. Jordan jerked, as no one had really ever touched him there before... well not exactly no one... he had done it a few times. He jerked again when the boy, who he now knew to be Chris, began to work a finger into him. He hated it but this whole situation just kept escalating. The more he went along with these actions on the fear of blackmail, the boys just got even more blackmail on him. But he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

After a while, he felt the finger remove itself. He would have sighed with relief but he wasn't stupid. He knew that a worse torment was coming. After a while, he felt it too. He wasn't able to see it but it pushed up against his ass and he tried to resist at first. It earned him a slap on the ass though. And he relaxed. As he did, Chris worked the toy into his butt, which was difficult to do at first and he had to grit his teeth, but after a bit of work, he finally felt the toy get literally pulled inside of him. He realized it was a butt plug at that point. It pushed right on his prostrate and he moaned at the pleasure of the invasion.

The boys pulled Jordan away from the car. He watched as his brother laid a changing pad and a clean bear print diaper on the floor. Steve then looked at his brother. "Lay on the diaper."

Jordan did as he was told. Having the butt plug sitting on his prostrate like that was overwhelming. As he stepped, it would ease off and then push hard on it again. It was difficult lowering himself down on the diaper, but it caused the plug to bounce off his prostrate several times.

Once he was down, about to be diapered in the parking lot, his brother knealt beside him. Chris took a bottle of baby oil and poured it all over Jordan's crotch. Jordan groaned as the cool liquid reacted to the warmth of his cock. Steve then took a vibrating cock ring out of his pocket. He then placed it on Jordan's cockhead. He then slowly slipped the cock ring dow, working it down until it reached the base of Jordan's dick. As it went down, Jordan jerked with each movement.

When the cock head was down on the base of Jordan's dick, Steve clicked the button on and the ring began vibrating.

All six boys then leaned back and watched the most humiliating moment of Jordan's life. The ring shook the base of his cock, sending the shaft flying in every direction. The boys all watched in amusement as the cock ring slowly worked its way up the long over 8 inche shaft. Jordan was in pure agony and ecstacy as it slowly moved it. At first, he only clenched his fists and pounded them on the ground. But as the ring vibrated and climbed up the moist shaft, the vibrations got more extreme and Jordan was moaning and groaning as his precum just splattered all around.

"Please make it stop and let me cum!" Jordan pleaded, tears actually running down his eyes. He knew no one would listen, though. The ring kept crawling up and passing over the more sensitive parts of the shaft. Jordan was so overwhelmed by the feelings and he was right on the edge but could not get off. It felt like his dick was trying but there was not enough to throw it over the edge.

"Oh God, make it stop!" he cried. "Please!" The ring moved past the halfway point and Jordan's abs were completely covered in precum. Once it moved past the halfway point, the ring quickly made its way up and finally got lodged under the ridge of Jordan's cock. Jordan's eyes crossed and his head went fuzzy. "Oh fuck, oh God, oh Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" Jordan cried as his dick slop flew everywhere. He also began pumping his hips up and down, trying to fuck the air. He found quickly that the fucking motion was hitting the butt plug against the floor and each time made it push on his prostrate. He was in basis fucking himself on both sides.

As all the boys laughed and laughed, Jordan wished he could fall into the earth. They teased everything about him, and finally, after a pure agony that seemed to last forever, Jordan shot his load all over the place. The cum flew everywhere, the first shot hitting Jordan in the face, the second landing at Chris's feet. The next landed right in Jordan's mouth and to the boys suprise, he stuck out his tongue and lapped it up.

Finally the orgasm was over. But the cock ring was still going strong. Jordan writhed until his brother finally removed it. After that, Steve took a large cock cage out of the bag.

"Please no, Steve!" Jordan begged. "Don't lock my cock up."

Steve wasn't listening. He took the largest of the rings and put it around the base of his cock and balls. Then, once the huge and now spent cock shrunk small enough, he began working the cage down on the shaft. It took a while and a lot of twisting back and forth to move it down. Jordan was still experiencing post orgasm sensitivity and jerked with each and every twist. Once he got it all the way down, he put a lock on it, locked it and put the key away. Then, he pulled the front of Jordan's diaper. He taped up the left tape followed by the right tape and then helped his brother, with tears in his eyes and reduced to a baby.

They hurried Jordan back into the Mustang and drove him home. Steve was given the key to Jordan's chastity belt and Jordan was under his command for quite a while. Afterward, Alex and Chris went back to Alex's place. They went to Alex;s room and hung out.

"So want to take your diaper off now?" Alex asked. "Your diaper wearing time is over. Come over here."

Chris walked over to Alex. Alex dropped down on his knees in front of Chris and reached for his pants. He slowly unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans and they immediately fell down. Alex then reached for the tape to pull off the diaper. Chris put his hand on Alex's hand.


Alex looked up at him with confused eyes.

Chris took a deep breath. "I want to keep the diapers," he told Alex. "I don't know why... I know they were meant to humiliate me and they did all the time."

"But I thought you'd want to be rid of all that."

"I am rid of all that," Chris informed him. "I'd like to give diapers a chance in a positive way." He paused. "Thats not too weird for you?"

Alex smiled. He stood up and undid his pants. When they fell to the floor, he was wearing a block print diaper

"Why do you think I first got interested in you?" Alex asked. "I've been wearing them for a long time and you looked so hot in them. I just had to help you out."

Alex pulled Chris close to him. He put his arms around Chris and their diapers touched. Then their lips touched and they kissed each other deeply. Chris felt very happy in his wet diaper.



I want to thank everyone for following this story throughout the years. It's been a big part of my life, even when I wasn't writing it. Being a member of the ABDL community, I have met a lot of people who already knew me through this story.

Ending this story was a bittersweet decision for me. I think it started out strong, got weak in the middle, and I hope that it ended as strongly as I could make it end. The fact is, so many stories carry on forever on nifty and lose much quality as they go along. I didn''t want this to happen with this story, which means a lot to me. I will start a new story and I hope you'll read it. Thanks for accompanying me on the ride.


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