High School Mistake

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Mar 23, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males in high school. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. There will also be humiliation involving diapers. If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Also, I thank everyone for the large amount of emails I got about this story. I tried to get back to everyone one of you. Sorry there has been a delay in getting this third chapter out. I will try to post at least one chapter a week from now on. It's been a weird few weeks. Comments are appreciated as always and please email them to psychogayboi@aol.com

High School Mistake

Chapter Three

Chris hoped deeply that his mom hadn't heard the sounds the diaper was making. It was hard for him to not pay all of his attention to the crinkling noises. Looking down, he wondered if anyone would have been able to tell. Were there any bulges in his pants? Did it look thicker in certain places? Were the sounds really that noticeable as they were to him?

He had no real idea. Walking towards the school entrance, he felt himself starting to sweat just a little bit. He was acutely aware of everything that had been going on around him. There were several students hanging around outside the school, but he paid them no mind. None of them were his friends. Even if they were, Chris would have probably just walked past them anyway.

Once inside the school, there was no going back. The hallways were full of other students who were just socializing before class. The entrance to the school was unfortunately quite a ways away from his locker. He just hoped he could get there with no problem.

Some of the other kids looked at Chris and even said hi to him. He was lucky that no one tried to stop him as he walked along the hallway. Each time he just gave his return hellos and went on his way.

Chris made it to his locker with no problem. He put some things in there, took some other things out for his first classes. Once he was ready, he headed out to his class. His extra diaper was left in the locker and he made sure several times that his locker was locked tight.

Things were just as difficult walking to his class. He was beginning to feel slightly better as no one had seemed to notice his predicament. It made sense to him when he thought more about it. How would anyone really know he was wearing a diaper? He noticed the sounds and bulges, but that was mainly because he knew he was in a diaper. No one else had those things to think about.

When he was about to make it to his class, that's when he heard it.

"Hey, Chris!" Jordan's voice shouted. It made him cringe, but he tried to make that unoticeable. Instead, Chris turned around.

Jordan was standing there with a couple of their mutual friends. Jake was there as as Thomas and Wes. They were all very hot guys that Chris had noticed on more than one occasion. Each one of them was smiling and that sent a shiver of fear down Chris' spine. Had Jordan told them all what was going on?

Trying to be normal, Chris waved back and smiled. He wanted to turn around and walk away, hoping the wave would be enough. No sooner had he begun to do so though, then Jordan spoke again.

"Get your ass over here!" Jordan said, not unfriendly. "Ain't you got time to hang out with your buddies before class?"

Bracing himself, Chris slowly made his way over to the group. He tried his best to act normally. He wondered if in doing so, he was really acting strange. He got close enough to his friends to talk, but tried to stay far enough away to keep them from noticing anything.

"What's up, guys?" Chris asked as he got stood there. He was becoming even more aware of the diaper that he was enclosed in.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Jordan said with a smile. "How are you doing?"

"Oh, I am fine," Chris said. "Just want to get to class, you know. I didn't sleep so good last night."

"Why not?" Wes asked. He was still smiling and that really shook Chris' nerves. Why were they all smiling like that?

"Oh, I dunno," Chris said. "Guess I was a little stressed out. You know how it is."

"Sure do," Jordan said. "Hey, I got you something."

Fear gripped Chris' heart. He half expected, as his friend reached into his backpack, that Jordan was going to pull out a diaper. That would explain why everyone was smiling so much.

But all Jordan did was pull out an orange cream soda. He handed it over to Chris who took it. It was one of his favorite drinks. However, Chris had deliberately not drank anything for breakfast and intended to not drink much during the day. So, he thanked Jordan for it and was about to put it in his backpack.

"Aren't you going to drink it?" Jordan asked. A bit of sterness entered his voice. He cocked his head to the side, quietly communicating to Chris that putting the can away was not a good idea.

"Oh, I though I would save it for English class," Chris said. "I'm not really thirsty right now."

"Oh come on," Jordan said. "I buy you a drink and you're not even going to drink it? I thought you and I could have a contest."

"Contest?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," Jordan replied. "I got myself one too. Let's see who can chug it the fastest."

"I dunno," Chris said. "I really have to get to class."

Jordan's smile faded just a bit. It was definitely not what Chris wanted to see. "Oh come on, Chris," he said. "You've got about five minutes left. Let's see who can chug the fastest." With that, Jordan pulled out his own can and opened it up.

Chris really didn't want to do this. He knew if anything, the pop would make him have to go pee. It always seemed to do that. But, he knew better than to challenge Jordan. He would just not have anything to drink at lunch. He opened the can.

"Okay, let's chug it!" Jordan said and put the can up to his lips. Chris followed suit and the contest began. It only took a few moments before Jordan was done and lowered his can. Chris was going a bit slower but he was about done too. When he lowered his can, Jordan was smiling at him.

"I win!" Jordan said. "I guess that means I have to make you do something later on, huh? Maybe I should punish you for losing." He said everything like he was joking, probably for the sake of their friends. Chris knew he should smile and just play along with it.

"You could make him buy you lunch today," Wes suggested. The three other guys hadn't really said much. It was still hard to tell if Jordan had told them about what was going on. But since he seemed to be trying to keep things quiet, he hadn't said a word.

"Not a bad idea," Jordan said. "I'll meet up with you after fourth period. Better get to class now, you were in such a hurry a few moments ago."

Chris said his goodbyes and headed towards class.

There were two things that were mainly worrying Chris on this day. Other than anyone noticing the diapers, he was a bit freaked out about gym class and lunch. Luckily, gym class was a bit later in the day. He had it 7th period. Lunch was right after fourth period. Chris was worried now that he couldn't drink anything until then.

English class passed easily enough. The second and third classes were easy as well. But it was the fourth period class that things began to get a little difficult. It was no more than 10 minutes into the class before Chris began to feel the need to go pee. It didn't take very long, either, before that need became a strong desire.

At first, Chris thought he could just hold his legs closed. He did this for a while, but it didn't help. Looking at the clock, he saw that there was at least 30 minutes left in the class. He gritted his teeth and decided that he would make it. He thought he could make it to the bathroom if he asked the teacher. Only problem with that was that he wasn't sure if the diaper would tape back up correctly. And that would end up in an inevitable diaper change.

The class went by extremely slowly. As each second ticked by, Chris felt everything getter harder and harder. His urge to piss just got stronger and stronger and seemed like it was not anywhere near going away. When there were only five minutes left in the class, Chris realized there was no way he was getting out without peeing. He figured he would be all right if he just peed once.

Chris glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention. The teacher for this class was not very interesting, and indeed no one was giving her any mind. But no one was watching his ongoing struggle either. So he would be able to finally get some relief.

It didn't take very long before he realized this wasn't as easy as he thought it was. He tried letting go in the diaper, but couldn't seem to get anything flowing. A moment of distress crossed his mind as he surmised that he might not be able to wet the diaper nor go to the bathroom.

The panic gripped him and he tried harder and harder to pee. It was ironic because he really didn't want to pee the diaper, but he was not sure how much longer he could go on holding it. Chris wasn't sure how many minutes were flying by as he sat there, trying to wet his diaper.

"Chris, answer the question," the teacher told him. Chris was surprised, because he had no idea that he was being spoken to. He rose his head up from his predicament and looked at the teacher.

"What?" he asked. It was enough to distract him from forcing himself to pee and that did the trick. Chris started peeing directly into his diaper.

The teacher repeated the question, but Chris really didn't hear it. He was trying to pay attention as he wet the diaper. It was too hard though. ONce it started flowing, he couldn't stop it. It was weird as he sat there, all eyes in the class on him as he was supposed to be answering a question. All eyes watching him as he was peeing his diaper for the first time in year. Chris turned red as he thought about what was happening, especially as not a single person in the class knew it. It felt like the pee would never stop flowing.

He hadn't remembered the last time he had to pee a diaper and it was a feeling he couldn't remember. It was weird feeling as if he was wetting his pants. But he got lucky because the bell rang just at that moment, as he wasn't paying attention to the teacher. As the pee stopped flowing into his diaper, all the kids in the class got up and started walking out.

Chris was on his way out too, when he heard the teacher call his name. He walked over to her to see what she wanted. His diaper was pretty wet, but it seemed to have soaked up the entire flow. He was strangely comfortable and warm.

"Chris, are you okay?" She asked. "You seemed really distracted as I was talking to you about the question."

"I-I'm s-sorry," Chris said. "I just am not feeling so great today. A little dizzy is all."

"You want to go to the nurse?" She asked.

"No, it's okay." CHris stammered. He just wanted to get out of the class as fast as he could. "I'll be okay." He had this weird image in his mind of the nurse finding out he was diapered and changing him. He didn't want to go through that. Plus, he knew he had to get to the bathroom to meet up with Jordan.

The teacher let him go and Chris hurried off to the bathroom. Luckily, it was lunch period for some of the students and the others were already in their next class. When Chris got to the bathroom, Jordan was there and he was alone.

"I was wondering when you'd show up," Jordan said. "We still have to have lunch, you know."

"I'm sorry," Chris said. "I got held up after class."

"Whatever, I don't care," Jordan said. "Now, have you came since the last time we saw each other?"

Chris knew that he had, but knew there was no way that Jordan could know that. He hated lying, but figured the real last time he had seen his friend was right before school started. Telling him would not be a lie.

"No, I haven't," Chris replied.

"Good, now drop your pants and your boxers," Jordan ordered.

"What?" Chris asked. "I can't do that here. What if someone walks in? They'll see me in diapers."

"I don't care," Jordan said. "You should have thought about that before you tried to look at my cock. Now either you can drop your drawers, or i could tell everyone in the class about how you're wearing diapers. Drop them."

Chris knew he had to do what he was told to do. He would probably get lucky and not have anyone walk in. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and lowered them along with his boxers. Standing there with his pants around his ankles, he looked down at his diapers. They were slightly yellowed because of the pee. He blushed and Jordan laughed. Chris wanted to cover himself, but couldn't.

"You got kids diapers?" Jordan laughed. "I thought you'd at least get some adult ones."

"I couldn't," Chris said. "People would have thought I was buying them for me."

"They have fucking bears on them!" Jordan kept laughing. "Oh my god, you're pathetic."

"Come on, man," Chris pleaded. "Don't make me do any of this anymore. Can't I just take the diaper off?"

"Not a chance," Jordan said. "I can see you wet it, though. That's good. But it doesn't look wet enough to change yet. I guess we'll have to change you before gym."


"Hey, it's not my fault you peed your pants. But it's going to get worse. You might as well get used to the fact that I own your ass now."

"I know," Chris said under his breath.

"In fact, I think you should miss lunch," Jordan said. "You're going to spend the rest of this period in the bathroom here."

"I'm hungry though," Chris said. "Can't I at least get something to eat?"

"No, and in fact, step out of your boxers and pants," Jordan said. "You wont be needing them. And take off your shirt too. You're going to spend the whole period in just your diaper. I'll be back after lunch, or sometime before gym to give you your clothes back. I haven't decided when yet."

"No, please don't make me do that," Chris pleaded. "What if someone comes in and sees me?"

"Well, you'll have to figure it out then, huh? Now do what I said."

Chris then took his shirt off and handed it to Jordan. Then he stepped out of his pants and boxers. Picking them up, he handed them over to his friend as well. It felt weird standing there, in just a diaper, especially one that was yellowed and with bears on it.

Jordan stuffed the clothes into his backpack and then patted Chris on his diapered ass. "Have fun, I'm going to go eat," he said and left the room.

Chris stood there for a little while in his diaper before he realized that he should go into the bathroom stall. He was right about to go in when he heard the door open up. Against his better judgement, he turned around. A small freshman that he didn't really recognize was standing in the doorway looking at him. Chris tried his best to cover up. In spite of the embarraseement, though, he felt his cock starting to get hard.

"What the hell are you doing?" the kid laughed. "Why are you wearing a diaper?"

"Um, I have a problem," Chris said and started walking towards the stall. "It's a medical problem."

"What a big baby," the kid said. "You're pretty big to be in diapers. What are you going to go change now?"

Chris ignored the kid and he went into the stall. He locked it as he heard the kid laughing. Sitting down, he noticed that the front of his diaper was very bulging. He was as hard as a rock.

Knowing that he wasn't allowed to jack off, Chris tried to will the erection down. He tried to be quiet and the laughing kid finally left. He spent the rest of the time in the bathroom stall before Jordan came back.

To Be Continued

Comments to psychogayboi@aol.com

Next: Chapter 4

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