High School Service Boy

By moc.liamhsuh@77_dutsib

Published on Oct 5, 2015


High School Service Boy Part 10 (authoritarian, high school) By bistud77

Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any persons alive or dead is completely coincidental. This contains sexually explicit fantasies about domination and submission and teen sex. If this type of story offends you, please do not read it.

This story is made of real fantasies that I wacked off over when I was in high school. --

I see Bus 49 in its usual spot second from the end in the High School parking lot and I head towards it. I see kids dragging themselves toward their buses; Mondays always suck the life out of us.

As I climb the black treaded steps of my bus, my stomach flip flops. I wonder if Joe really is going to give that price list to anyone on the bus. Am I going to be put to work on the ride home? Am I going to get a chance to service some of the older hotties?? Fuck, I realize, I am just a slut.

I slide into one of the seats part way back but then I feel Joe's hand on my shoulder. "Not there. You are sitting in the last row today." He says to me in a voice that suggests disagreement is not an option.

I am walking to the back of the bus, some of the guys are watching me closely, I feel like I am in a dream. Is this real?

Joe says right in my ear, "Now get in the corner like a good faggot. You are going to wear a blindfold and do whatever you are told. Remember the pricelist. You will be doing those things. I think the blindfold will encourage more kids to use you. You got that dick wipe?"

Bus 49 Suck Boy PRICE LIST -- no one refused

Lick pits (10x each) - - - - - -50 cents Lick ass crack (20X) - - - - -50 cents Lick nut sack (20x) - - - - - -50 cents Lick inner thighs (10x each) - - 50 cents Lick cock shaft (20x) - - -- - -50 cents Lick nipples (10x each) - -- - -50 cents Lick cunt lips (20x) - - - - - -50 cents Lick dick head (20x) - -- - - -50 cents Rim ass hole -- clean (3 minutes) 2 dollars Rim ass hole -- dirty (3 minutes) 3 dollars Tongue cunt hole -- (3 minutes) -- 3 dollars Eat pussy until cum - - - -- 5 dollars Suck cock until cum - - - - -5 dollars

I have memorized the price list like I was told. "Yes sir. Thank you sir," I manage to say.

He hands me a blindfold with an elastic on it. I crawl into the corner of the seat and put the blindfold on. I feel a lot of eyes on me. I realize the blindfold won't only encourage more customers, it will let the rest of the kids watch freely.

I can't see anything, so I just wait. The bus takes off, easing out of the High School parking lot. I know it is rolling into the Junior High down the street to pick up a batch of 12 and 13 year olds. But before the new kids get on, I hear Joe's voice in my ear. OK, the customer bought a pit licking and a complete blow job. That's $5.50 for me. Don't take too long, you gotta get to a lot more kids on this ride.

Then Joe is replaced next to me with someone else. And I hear a lot of laughter. I can't see. I reach out and realize he is fat. And by the smell not too clean. It's Thomas. A junior. No one wants to sit next to him because he stinks. And I am about to lick his arm pits then suck his cock until he cums in my mouth. In front of everyone. Any idea that I am going to be something other than a faggot disappears. Everyone knows now. I will do anything I am told.

But then I get the smell and I start to back away without thinking, when I hear Thomas squeal, "Hey, I paid a lot for this. Get to it."

Someone in the seat in front of me must be grabbing my head and pushing it forward, my face in one of Thomas' pits. I start licking. I hear counting all around me, "ONE! TWO! THREE!....." All the way to ten licks. Then Thomas puts the other pit in my face and it starts all over again. It doesn't taste so good, but I can't think about that. I am only thinking about everyone seeing me be a faggot. My life as an actual human is over.

I hear the kids get to the end of the count: ...Nine, TEN! There is laughter.

The hand returns to the back of my head and pushes it down to Thomas' lap. His pants are down and his dick is out. I realize quickly it is a good sized piece. He probably wanted everyone to see it.

I hear Joe, "Didn't I tell you to hurry up faggot?"

I go to work. I know something about cock sucking, and while he doesn't smell so clean, Thomas has a pretty awesome slab of cock to work on. So I do it. And I do as good a job as I can. I hear one of the Seniors whistle and shout out "Hey, he looks like he is good at it!"

In a few minutes my mouth gets filled with cum, I count six spurts, the last one is more of a dribble. I taste everything and let is slide down my throat. It feels a bit slippery. I realize that being blindfolded causes me to pay attention to all my other senses. It is pretty exciting. Then I am pulled off of Thomas' fat dong.

I hear Joe say, "Open your mouth." Then I feel a flush of Binaca breath spray fill my mouth. Joe says, "Gotta keep your whore mouth fresh for the next customer."

Someone replaces Thomas next to me. I don't know who it is. Joe says to me, "He paid to have is dirty hole rimmed clean for 3 minutes. Get to it and I will tell you when the time starts. I don't want to cheat a paying customer."

I feel myself being pushed to the floor of the bus, on my knees. I don't know who is pushing me. Then my face is pushed forward and it goes right into an ass crack. I can smell it is not clean. But it also seems shaped like a plump mellon, like it is a jock butt. And judging from the hairs all over it, it is an older boy. Beyond that, it could be anyone. I am not going to figure out who it is, but I am going to lick his ass clean.

My tongue slips out and starts going up and down his crack. I reach up with my thumbs and pull his cheeks apart so I can go deeper. Soon I am slobbering over his crack like Joe's dog. Licking from bottom to top right across the hole. I start to enjoy it. The kids are quiet but I know they are watching and they are probably a bit shocked. But I can't help it. I keep licking.

I hear Joe's voice, "Is his tongue inside your hole yet?"


"Hey faggot, get your tongue in the hole or I am not going to start the three minutes," Joe taunts.

I am happy he hasn't started the clock. I love licking this guy's ass, whoever it is. But I also know my job is to hurry up. So I stick my tongue as far as I can inside his hole. I hear the guy groan, "It's inside."

"OK!" shouts Joe, "Three minutes has started. Make the customer happy."

I hear a murmur from the other kids. They are commenting about how I actually am sticking my tongue inside his ass. I hear words like "gross" and "what a faggot". But I can tell they are interested in what is going on and they are wondering what it would feel like to have a willing tongue pleasure their own ass holes. For three bucks, they can find out. If they don't mind everyone watching it.

I realize I may never know who's ass hole I am servicing, but he will know that I cleaned his bung hole for him using my tongue. And so will everyone else.

I am now doing what I live to do. But this time it is not a dirty secret that I do in private. This time I am doing it in front of everyone on Bus 49. They all know about me know. And no doubt, some of them are going to want my services.

I am thinking about all of that as I go to work on this guy's ass. Life as I know it is changing again. But right now, I am lost in the ass that I am feeling, tasting, and smelling. I can feel it is firm and well-shaped. I wish I could see it. But in a way, this is better. Nothing to do but service him.

I push my tongue in as deep as possible, pulling his anal ring open with my thumbs. I hear him groan.

Joe announces so everyone can hear, "OK time is up. No freebies. Get your tongue out of there. If he wants another 3 minutes he can pay for them."

I pull my head up, and struggle back up to my seat. By the time I am situated, someone else is in the seat next to me. The next customer is #3 on this ride.

I hear Joe barking commands at me, "Get back on your knees faggot, she paid 5 dollars to be eaten out until she cums. You better do a fucking good job. Still blindfolded, I wonder who it is. I think briefly about my girlfriend, Karen. What would she think about me having sex with another girl? Even if it is just eating her cunt. No time to figure it out. My head is pushed forward and my lips and nose press against a wet pussy covered in thin whispy pubic hair.

I feel a skirt pulled down back over my head. It starts getting hot, and the smell of wet cunt fills my nostrils.

I hear kids start shouting, "Hey, we can't see!" and "Come on Heather, let us watch!"

Wow, I realize, it is the sexy Senior Heather. The girl who lives next door to Joe and watched me getting fucked through the window. She is very good looking. I start enjoying her wet gash knowing that no one else can see either.

Joe says loudly, "OK Heather, I will give you your $5 back if you let everyone watch. Lose the skirt babe."

As I start nibbling on her wet pussy lips looking for her clit, I hear Heather say, "Sure, why not?"

There is a sudden rush of cool air around my head as she pulls up the skirt, and a bit of light gets through the wrinkles in my blindfold. I feel Heather push my face off her for a moment, I guess she is letting everyone see her wide open cunt because I hear a cheer. Then I feel her hand on the back of my head, I am pulled forward to continue eating her out. From time to time she directs me, "Harder faggot!" or "Lower" or "Faster". But mostly she lets me do my job. I am not totally sure how to do it well, but I keep licking earnestly and following her directions. "Chew. Suck. Lick faster."

I sense that she might be getting close to climaxing and start working extra hard. But then she just pushed my head back again, letting everyone look at her now sopping wet pussy hole. They know I am eating it. They can see and I can't.

When I return to her clit she grinds into my face very hard. I know my face is covered in pussy juice. I keep licking and I feel her start to convulse. Her thighs squeeze my head. She moans softly, I may be the only one who can hear her. It is over that fast.

I feel her getting up and I wipe my face with my shirt. The next customer sits down next to me. I wonder how much longer this bus ride is going to be. I hear Joe's voice calling out the next order, "He paid to have his balls licked 20 times and to be sucked off until he cums."

I don't bother to get off my knees this time. I just wait to have my face pulled forward. It isn't but a few seconds later that I feel my face is pulled into a hot throbbing cock and hanging sack. I can't see it, but the smell is new. And the pubes are rough. I know something is different but I can't figure out what it is.

"Hey," says some guy whose voice I don't recognize, "I will fucking pay to see him lick Devon's black asshole. How much is that?"

Joe replies, "$3 for 3 minutes."

"I'll buy 6 minutes, but you gotta take off the faggot's blindfold.

I want him to see what he is eating!"

Joe replies, "Deal. That good with you Devon?"

Devon, the black basketball player, the only black on my bus, replies, "Fuck yeah, that's good with me."

End part 10. E-mails with comments and suggestions are welcome to bistud_77@hushmail.com.

One day this site will be gone if we don't support it. There is nothing else nearly as good for fantasies.

Next: Chapter 11

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