High School Service Boy

By moc.liamhsuh@77_dutsib

Published on Aug 20, 2015


High School Service Boy Part 8 (authoritarian, high school) By bistud77

Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any persons alive or dead is completely coincidental. This contains sexually explicit fantasies about domination and submission and teen sex. If this type of story offends you, please do not read it.

This story is made of real fantasies that I wacked off over when I was in high school.

  • Joe and his little brother Chris don't look too interested in fucking me; after all, my ass is filled with peanut butter, banana, and dog cum. It's kind of disgusting. I don't blame them.

Joe says to his brother, "You see Chris, faggots are less than dogs. Even Spike knows it."

I am lying on my side on the floor. Spike, their German Sheppard, is lying next to me seeming to be quite content. He should be, he just fucked me and blew a big load of dog cum up my ass. And I have only been over Joe's house for about two hours. I am getting clear that these two brothers are fucking deviants. That excites me and scares me at the same time. It is a mix of feelings that is very familiar.

I hear myself breathing, but I don't really recognize myself. My ass is sore from getting fucked by a dog. I have become something lower than a faggot. And both Joe and Chris know it. When they look at me, they know. I don't know what else they might make me do this weekend. I lay the side of my face against the cold tile and close my eyes.

I feel Joe spreading my ass open again. His middle finger is now pushing into my wet and distended rectum; my hole offers him no resistance. My butt hole is his to use. A second finger soon follows, causing a little stretching. He digs inside and wiggles his fingers around. It is a strange sensation. I feel Joe scooping up some ass slop--- peanut butter and banana mixed with ass juice and dog cum--- he pulls a glob of it out and puts his fingers in front of my lips.


He wants me to eat it. I look at the mess on his fingers, knowing it contains dog cum. My brain won't process a complete thought. My eyes can't quite focus. But I smell it. Disgusting. Now I am having the experience of being out of my body looking down. Like I can't stay with what is happening and at the same time I can't bear to leave.

I open my mouth and suck his fingers clean. I am completely broken.

"Good boy," Joe says in a soft voice.

When he tells me this, he pats my head. I feel warm in my stomach.

I am another dog. Me and Spike on the floor doing what we are told. In my case, I am experiencing the aftertaste of dog cum and shit mixed with banana and peanut butter. I am a good boy.

Joe says to his brother, "His ass is too fucking disgusting to stick our dicks in, and I'm too tired to get him cleaned up, so let's lean back and have the faggot suck us off while we look at Dad's porn." Joe is naked reclining back on his bed, with his arms over his head and his sexy armpit hair exposed. He looks really satisfied with himself. He says to his little brother, "Go get a stack of Dad's magazines."

Chris springs up and runs out the door. Joe settles back further on his bed with his back all the way against the wall, cushioned by a couple of pillows. His perfect body on display: his low hanging nut sack and stiff alpha cock; his dark brown nipples and strong shoulders; his smoldering eyes and his usual smirk. Suddenly I wish he would kiss me. Yeah right.

I hear Chris open the door again. He bounces up onto Joe's bed, holding a stack of porn magazines. I glance at the cover of the top one and see it is a naked woman being whipped hard. Holy fuck, I think to myself, their Dad is into some nasty porn.

Joe takes the top magazine, opens it up and spread his legs. "Hey faggot, get over here and lick my balls while I enjoy this porn."

As I crawl between Joe's legs, I see Chris on the end of the bed, also with his back against the wall; he picks up the next magazine and opens it up. I see it has a young boy on the cover, naked, and bent over with his ass displayed for the camera. I wonder what kind of stuff their Dad is really into. No time to think about that, I have work to do.

I am pleasuring Joe's sweaty ball sack. And my mouth is watering from the taste of his sweat and male musk. I want his cock, but licking his balls is awesome too.

A few minutes go by and Joe says to me, "Go suck Chris until he cums. He doesn't really shoot cum, he just sort of spasms and gets too sensitive to touch. If you do a good job then I'll let you lick my butt hole and swallow my jizz."

I crawl down the bed and between Chris' long sexy legs. He is so smooth; my hands run over his thighs and lift his boy dick straight up. I see he is still reading the magazine with the boy butt on the cover. I bring my lips to his prick and kiss the tip. I let my tongue slip out and tickle his pee hole. I like to begin this way, and Chris is just lying there letting me do my thing. I guess he is only 12 so he doesn't know how to order around a faggot yet.

I suck his dick head into my mouth and hear him inhale sharply. Like the rest of him, his dick is smooth; he only has a few wisps of pubic hair growing in above it. He tastes of sweat and smells like boy. He knows I am a total faggot and so he stops paying attention to me. I am there to service him while he reads a hard porn magazine. That's all.

Soon I find myself bobbing my head up and down on Chris' hard prick. I am working him now. I want to feel him spasm in my mouth. I want to give him pleasure. And, compared to being fucked by their dog, this is tame. This is easy. I am a cocksucker for the 12 year old little brother of my alpha male, Joe.

Sure enough, within minutes his legs wrap around my head and they start to squeeze me, he tightens his little butt and pushes his dick deeper into my mouth. I know he is going to climax so I increase the suction and the intensity of my cock sucking. I reach out with my right hand and gently squeeze his smooth ball sack. I feel his hand on the top of my head, the magazine is tossed to the side as he convulses in orgasm. He bucks his hips but I manage to stay with him. There is no cum but otherwise he has a full orgasm in my mouth. I am a good cock sucker.

I hear Joe's voice, "Good job faggot. You earned a taste of my ass hole." Then he turns to Chris, and watches his brother's face as he comes down from his orgasm. Joe says to him, "Remember, only let a faggot eat your ass hole when they earn it. It is saved for a reward. Especially this faggot, he fucking loves to lick out my ass hole."

As he says this, Joe bends his legs up and spreads his knees, exposing the bottom of his ass and his crack. "Get over here and get your reward."

I say the only thing there is to say, "Thank you sir." And, I crawl over to Joe and get between his legs. I know my dick is dripping again. I push my nose and lips into the crack of his ass.

My tongue reaches out between his cheeks and probes in search of his hot dark hole. I want to tongue fuck him, and I do.

I make a point of my tongue and drill it right inside his hole, my thumbs pull his cheeks apart as I dig in deeper and deeper. I want to lick the inside of his ass canal. Taste him completely. I want to be his total sex slave.

Joe sneers at me, "OK, reward over, I am ready to get sucked off. I am going to last a long time, so get comfortable."

Chris gets up and heads to the door saying, "I'm going to the den to watch movies. See ya' when he is done servicing you."

I go to work on this total sex god. His dick is thick and throbbing. I am in heaven. I vaguely remember he thinks of me as less than human. I vaguely remember that he made me let his dog fuck my ass. I focus on his cock. I am his cock sucker. And I suck him until my jaw aches and my lips feel tired. Soon my neck is sore and my arms are close to giving out. But still I keep going, bobbing my head up and down, sucking him while he reads some S&M magazine from his father's stash.

Finally I feel his cock swelling and his hand comes down on top of my head. In one thrust he shoves his cock right down my throat. I take it.

"Fuck yeah" he groans. And with his cock planted inside my throat he starts shooting a load of cum. He pulls out for the last two spurts so his ball juice fills my mouth. Nothing has ever tasted better. Well, maybe the inside of his ass hole. I am in heaven for this moment as he fills my mouth.

Joe pushes me off and springs out of bed, "OK faggot, you can come watch a movie with us, but you sit on the floor. In fact, you are going to be sleeping on the floor too, so get used to it."

We watched the movie like a bunch of normal teenagers, except I was sitting on the floor. It was some James Bond movie. They ate potato chips and drank cola. They let me watch the movie but not eat the snacks. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Joe says to Chris, "Watch this."

"Open your mouth wide faggot and look up." I do as I am told, and Joe stands over me. He spits some soggy, chewed up potato chips out of his mouth and right into my mouth. "Enjoy it faggot."

I hear them laughing as I chew obediently and swallow.

Other than eating some chewed food, Joe let me watch the movie like a more or less normal person. But I was hard the whole time because he hadn't given me a chance to cum since his dog was fucking me earlier. I thought about going to the bathroom and wanking, but I knew the punishment would be more than I could take today. I had been through enough. So I watched the movie and pretended to be a more or less normal human being.

With the movie finally over, I was allowed to go to Joe's room for the night. He had me sleep on the floor, right next to Spike. I briefly worried about what to do if Spike wanted to fuck me in the middle of the night. With those thoughts, I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming nasty dreams.

I am awoken abruptly by Joe's toe digging into my side. "Get the fuck up faggot; we want to fuck your ass before we shower."

I look up and see Joe looking down at me, his hair mussed up and his eyes twinkling in anticipation. My eyes move down and find him naked with his morning wood standing at attention. Next to him is his brother Chris, in his tighty whiteys, an obscene bulge in the front.

Joe says to Chris, "Let's get his ass cleaned out first, we don't want to fuck him with Spike's cum up there."

"Yeah," Chris replies, "we can use Dad's enema bag, I know where he keeps it."

Joe says to me, "Get up faggot. We are going to the bathtub. It's where dad gives me and Chris our weekly enemas, too bad he's not here to administer yours. Ha ha. He knows just how to give you stomach cramps if he wants to."

I am not fully awake, but I gather that their father does some nasty stuff to his two teenage sons. I get up and walk to the bathroom where I find Chris filling a black rubber enema bag.

I am already naked; I don't even know where my clothes are. Joe tells me to lean over the tub and stick my ass out. It's time for my enema.

I watch as Chris squirts some liquid soap into the bag and then tops it off with more warm water. It looks like a pretty big bag to me. I wonder if all that water is going to fit in me. But there is nothing I need to do but keep my ass up and wait.

Joe takes the bag, puts the nozzle in my mouth to lubricate, then shoves it into my ass in one smooth push. I groan.

Seconds later I feel the rush of warm soapy water filling my ass. It feels quite good as I get more and more full. Soon my belly starts to distend and it still feels good. Chris is watching with a smirk on his young face. Obviously he knows exactly how I am feeling.

More water. It just keeps flowing up my ass. It starts to get a little uncomfortable. Like I want to squirt it out. That's when Joe says, "Fucking hold it faggot. I don't want to see a drop leak out."

Finally it starts to really hurt. I don't know what to do. Should I tell him? More water flows in. "Unnnggghhhh!" I groan involuntarily.

Joe says, "Perfect." I feel the nozzle yanked out. "Now hold that in. We'll be back in a while. You can lie of the floor while you wait."

Now I am lying on the cold floor in Joe's bathroom. The pain is starting to come in waves. There is no one to hear me, so I moan quietly to myself and wait. Holding my anus tight so nothing leaks out.

Fifteen minutes go by. Maybe longer before they return. I am still moaning when they walk in. "That should be long enough," comments Chris as he looks down at me.

"Get on the toilet," orders Joe, "and dump it out."

I am terribly embarrassed about the idea of expelling the contents of my ass while these two watch, but the pain has become unbearable. So I raise up slowly and sit down on the seat.

"Let it go faggot, I have a busy day planned and I ain't waiting all day for you." Joe sounds annoyed.

In one great rush, I expel the contents of my anal cavity. A nasty dump of warm soapy water, peanut butter, banana, dog cum, and shit all comes out at once. It is obscene. And, there is nothing I can hide. Joe and Chris just watch, kind of bored. Clearly they have seen this kind of thing before.

Joe says, "If I had time, I would give him another one, but I got things to do today, so let's say he is clean enough to fuck."

More comes out of me. It just keeps squirting out. Along with disgusting sounds and smells. I have no dignity. No self-respect.

Joe orders, "Get it all out faggot. Hurry up." So I keep pushing. I can't believe how much is coming out of me. `When you are done, take a quick shower, scrub your fag ass, and then come up to Chris' room. We are going to take turns fucking you on his bed this morning."

I do as I am told and I am soon knocking on the door to Chris' room. Joe lets me in. "Lisa and Heather live in the house next door, and their window is directly across from Chris', right above his bed. We are going to fuck you in front of that open window. You ready for that?"

"Yes sir."

I realize these two are relentless. They are deviant and they want more and more from me. Lisa is a Senior and Heather is a Sophomore in my class. They ride my bus every morning. They both have long blond hair, and Lisa has really nice pert tits. I am not sure what it would mean if they saw me being a faggot. There is nothing I can do about it anyway.

I look around the room. The covers on the bed are pulled off, so nothing to hide under. I am happy to see a jar of Vaseline on the nightstand. Maybe they will use it.

Chris says he is going first. That's fine with me given his smaller cock. He is not too big, so I think maybe I can enjoy it. It will be the fourth cock to enter my ass ever. And when I feel him pushing it in, I can tell he has used Vaseline. It feels good.

I like it. I like getting fucked by this 12 year old.

He pushes in slowly. All the way down. Soon he is leaning on my back. Waiting. Then all of a sudden he starts fucking me like a rabbit. Hard and fast. Short strokes. I don't dare look out the window because I don't want to see those girls looking back. I don't want to know they are watching me be a faggot, letting a Junior High School boy fuck my ass.

After a few minutes in front of the window I hear Joe say, "I think they are watching."

That's enough to get Chris to start fucking like crazy. It doesn't take long for him to build up and climax inside me. He pulls out quickly, saying "That was really good. I want to do that again soon."

Joe gets behind me next. The fifth cock to enter me. His cock is thick, the thickest cock that I have taken up my ass so far. He doesn't use any lube, but there is plenty left from when Chris did me.

"Let's give those girls a show, faggot," says Joe as he starts pushing his cock into my hole while slapping my ass cheeks and my balls. Obviously, this show is going to be about how much abuse I take willingly. He slams me over and over. Then he yanks out and starts slapping my ass red. Then he grabs my hips and rams his cock back into me.

After a few more hard thrusts, Joe lies down against my back and gets his face next to my left ear, away from the window. Speaking right into my ear in a low voice that only I can hear he says, "You won't need to tell your girlfriend Karen about this happening to you. I know you share everything. But you won't need to tell her you let me fuck you up the ass while Heather and Lisa watched. And you won't need to tell her about getting fucked by our dog, and how you liked it. I know you tell her everything but you won't need to tell her about this weekend. How come you might wonder? Because I am going to tell her while I fuck her this afternoon." Joe starts ramming me hard, like he wants to hurt me. It is more violence than it is fucking.

He continues in my ear, "When you see her Monday morning, you won't be telling her about what I did with you. She will be telling you about what I did with her! You are a loser faggot I own you and I own your girlfriend too."

With that, he reaches around and starts stroking my dick. Three strokes and I am shooting a load of cum all over Chris' sheets. Joe follows that by driving harder up my ass until he cums. I feel the cum running out my hole and down my leg. I finally get the nerve to look out the window. I see Lisa and Heather staring back.

End part 8. E-mails with comments and suggestions are welcome to bistud_77@hushmail.com.

One day this site will be gone if we don't support it. There is nothing else nearly as good for fantasies.

Next: Chapter 9

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