High School Sports

By Roe St. Alee

Published on Jul 6, 2016


This story contains sexual content, involving high school age males. If this offends you, please leave this page immediately. This story is a work of fiction, and any similarities to real life people, places, and situations is purely a coincidence.

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"The Contest" By Roe St. Alee

Every year for as long as anyone could remember, the Saturday after the last home game of the football season was the All Points Skills Competition. The APSC, as they called it, was a yearly tradition that brought all the players and coaches back out to their home turf for one more day of fun before everyone moved on to basketball, wrestling, or whatever else they would get up to over the course of the winter months.

Known to significantly less of those same players and coaches, but equally steeped in history and tradition, was The Contest.

Danny Bright had been waiting for his shot at The Contest for three long years. Jeff and Ben, his older brother and cousin respectively, had technically violated one of The Contest's rules late in his eighth grade year when they had told him about it. Ben had actually won the thing in his senior year, and Danny was determined to keep the family legacy intact.

He knew it wouldn't be easy though. Danny couldn't be the only one hoping, preparing, and scheming to win at all costs. Seven other guys on the team were going to be trying just as hard to come away with a win.

But that would have to wait. The Contest didn't get underway until after the APSC, and if Danny wanted to even have a snowball's chance in hell at winning anything today, he would need to focus.

The APSC consisted of seven events, with individual event scores adding up to a final score at the end of the day. There was the typical punt-pass-kick, but then a 100 yard dash, agility course, bench press, and receiving challenge as well. Event winners could get $100 gift carda to the local sporting goods store, and the overall winner walked away each year with a $1000 scholarship from the booster club. Anyone in the school was allowed to compete, with the event being mandatory for varsity and junior varsity football players. It was hallowed ground for the football team, and making a good showing was vital for securing your place on next year's squad.

By the time Danny arrived at school, the place was already swarmed with people. An unseasonably warm day for late November, the weather seemed to have ushered in unprecedented participation from the school at large. As he walked through the gate and onto to the field he saw a few soccer players who were in his biology class and what looked like most of the girl's cross country team. He didn't remember nearly so many other students coming out for it last year.

Danny felt a tickle in his stomach as he reached the queue to get checked in and realized that this wouldn't be anything even close to a cakewalk. As part of a team, it's great to have guys who are bigger and stronger than you - everyone plays a part, and the better they are at what they do, the better you can be at what you do. But when you're going head to head with those same guys, what chance do you have?

"You ready for this?"

Danny turned around and had to immediately look up to meet the gaze of Brain, one of the team's star defensive linemen. Brian wasn't just eight inches taller than Danny, he outweighed him by at least a hundred pounds, probably more. This was exactly what Danny had just been thinking about. How is he supposed to beat this guy?

"Ready as I'll ever be," Danny said. He shook his head and had to speak out loud what he had just realized. "I think your arms are bigger than my legs."

Brian flexed his biceps and smiled. "You might be right, dude. Bench press here I come!" He reached down and rubbed his belly. "Running, not so much."

Danny and Brian shared a laugh. As tough as he was on the field, he was a total goofball.

"It should be a good day for it," Danny said. "I just hope I do ok."

"You'll be fine," Brain replied with a smile. "Just make sure you save some gas for later."

"Danny, come on up!"

Danny turned away from Brian and headed up to the registration table where Coach Willett had just called his name. He forgot that Brian was going to be in The Contest later, too. That was something else entirely to think about. Even though Brian was a senior, this was his first year participating in The Contest, and Danny wondered if Brian was as nervous as he was.

"Make me proud out there today," Coach said, stapling the last of his paperwork together and handing Danny back his schedule of events. As a running back, Danny got to spend a lot of time working with Coach Willett, and he had become a bit of a mentor for him this season.

"I'll do my best, sir," Danny replied.

"Don't worry about the bench press," Coach said, reading his mind. "Just focus on what you know you're good at. Then if you get lucky on some of the other stuff, who knows?" Coach reached out and tussled Danny's hair for good measure. "Go get `em!"

Danny grinned sheepishly and stepped away from the table to look at his schedule. He had kicking first, set to start in about ten minutes. He hadn't done much kicking beyond fooling around with some teammates after practice, but he figured he would do pretty well at that. As good as anybody else at least.

Danny found a spot under one of the benches on the sidelines and tossed his bag and water bottle underneath. The entire field was bustling with activity. One end zone was set up for the kicking challenge, then passing on the near half, receiving on the far half, bench press in the far endzone, punting across the way on the practice field, 100 yard dash along the far sideline, and agility on the far hash lines at the 20 yard line. There was hardly an inch of the field that wasn't crawling with some sort of action.

Slowly making his way over to the kicking area, Danny stopped to chat and mingle with a bunch of his teammates. Everyone was pumped for the APSC, and there was all sorts of speculation on who might win this year. No surprise that the favorite was the star quarterback, Troy Williams.

"Hey, Danny!"

Jogging across the field was Danny's protege, Julian Jones. He was the school's starting running back, and getting matched up with Julian had been the best thing to happen to Danny's football career in a long time. Even thought they were technically rivals at the position, Julian was always willing to share tips, help with training, or lend a hand any time Danny was in need.

"Don't forget that we're on clean up duty after everything is done today," Julian said, waving his arms around the field, as though pointing out how much was happening that would eventually need to be cleaned up. "There'll be eight of us, so it should go pretty quickly."

Danny nodded. "Yeah, for sure. Is everybody here?"

Julian shrugged. "I've only seen Diego, Troy, Eric, Gabe, and you, but I'm sure everybody's around." He leaned in and got a serious look on his face. "You don't miss The Contest, bro."

He followed up with a big grin, so Danny knew he was joking, at least mostly. It's not like anything would happen if you didn't show up, but Danny couldn't imagine skipping out on something as legendary as The Contest. He wouldn't do it, at least.

"I saw Brian at the check in line," he said.

Julian waved him off. "I already see him. You can't miss something that big," he laughed. Julian's whole face scrunched in hard when he laughed or smiled, and it made him look so friendly and genuine.

"Anything else you need before we get started?" he asked.


Danny thought for a minute. He had tons of questions, actually. This was his first Contest after all. While he knew the gist of it from what his brother had told him, and Julian and some of the guys had filled him and the other rookies in on a few more details earlier this week, there were still a lot of unknowns.

"Oh shoot," Julian said, looking down at his watch. "I gotta run, we're starting in two minutes. Just grab me after if you think of anything, ok?"

"Yeah, sure thing," said Danny as he watched Julian dash away, dodging and weaving his way through the crowd, all making their way to their first stations. Danny followed suit, heading over to the goalposts, where Coach Winslow was gathering his first group of guys for the kicking challenge.

"Scoring is simple," Coach Winslow bellowed once he was sure he had everyone he needed. His days in the military gave him a powerful voice and an even more imposing presence. When he talked, you listened. "You'll start at the extra point mark and take a kick. If you make it from there, you'll move on to kick from the 5, then the 10, etcetera. Everyone will kick from the distance before we move it back. If you miss, you're out. One point for every yard line you kick. So you get five from the five, ten from the ten, and so on. Understand?"

Everyone understood.

"Great," said Coach Winslow. "Good luck out there. Bright?" He pointed at Danny. "You're up first, then Carver, Dagnall, Drew, Fernandez, Figueroa, Nunez, Rothchild, Smith, and Whiteside."

The boys lined up accordingly and Danny made his way to the extra point line to take his first kick. The coaches had set up a ball holder, so everything was ready. Danny took a deep breath, focused, and dropped back a few steps. He took his wind up, made contact, and... straight through the uprights!

Danny walked back to the lineup and let the other nine kids in his heat take their shots. Three of them missed, so only seven went back to try from the 5. Danny laced another perfect shot right down the middle and walked back to the 10.

He was already doing better than he thought he would. It was crucial to get these easy points. In a perfect world he would hit from the 30 to finish things off, as some of his other scores were bound to be less impressive. Danny could catch well, run fast, and throw accurately, but that was about it. The strength challenge would be a wash, and his max throwing distance was nothing to write home about. He had to rack up some points here.

Foomp! Another hard kick sent the ball right where it needed to go.

He had to make this count. Danny had no illusions about winning the APSC, but scores from this morning had a direct impact on seeding in The Contest, and that was a much bigger deal.

Shit. Danny needed to focus. He couldn't get distracted by that right now. It was time to kick from the 15. With another strong kick, Danny made the field goal and moved back to the 20, one of only four boys left kicking.

If Danny could rack up enough points in the early rounds, he would effectively control his own destiny moving into the later challenges. Because it wasn't just as simple as trying to do as well as you could, it was about manipulating where you wound up in relation to Gabe.

With a deep breath, Danny cleared his mind and lined up to take his next kick. There was no wind, so it was just a matter of hitting the ball hard and straight. From this distance you had to put a little bit of muscle into it, but not too much.

The kick went up, veering hard to the left. Danny bit his lips as it flew and watched it soar through the goal, just a few feet to the right of the left post.

He let out a sigh of relief and stepped back to the 25.

Gabe. He was the real trick.

Gabe Bickmore was a senior, and one of the football team's starting wide receivers. He was tall and fast, and ran his mouth even better than he ran on the football field. More importantly though, Gabe was The Contest's reigning champion.

Not only was he last year's champ, he was almost sure to win it again this year. So the idea would be to wind up on the same side of the APSC as he did.

Based on APSC scores, the bracket would be set for The Contest. The top 4 placers would have their pick of the bottom 4 placers to make up the bracket. If Gabe was in the top 4, Danny wanted to be in the top 4. Likewise if Gabe was in the bottom 4, Danny wanted to be in the bottom 4 too, thus preventing a first round draw with the champ.

After that, things got trickier. If Gabe made the top and Danny was stuck in the bottom, it was anyone's guess what might happen. Danny didn't feel great about that option, since he thought that taking on a rookie would be appealing to him. On the other side, if Danny was in the top and Gabe on the bottom, Danny needed to be in the top three, otherwise he would be stuck picking Gabe for sure with the last pick in the draw.


He was up. He tried to push all thoughts of The Contest out of his mind. He tried to clear out any distractions from school or home. He especially tried not to think about the fact that he's never even attempted a kick from this far before.

It must have worked, because this one returned to his earlier form, going right down the middle. Danny breathed a huge sigh of relief and headed to the 30. With the power he had on his last kick, he might be good for a while yet.

"Not bad, Bright," barked Coach Winslow, making a note on his clipboard. "Maybe next year you'll be giving Whiteside here a run for his money." He jerked his thumb to point at the smallest boy on the line, still waiting for his next kick.

Danny was so wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn't even noticed that he was sharing the heat with none other than the football team's actual kicker, Tristan Whiteside.

Tristan was small and boyish, but his leg was like a shotgun. The only thing he had to rival his kicking was his infallibly cheerful attitude and constant smile. He had seen varsity playing time even as a freshman, and won the job of starting kicker as a sophomore. Given the decent weather, it was entirely possible that Tristan would be lining up from the 50 yard line in a few minutes.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about from me," said Danny.

Tristan laughed. He had a nice smile.

"It's not the kicking I'm worried about," Tristan replied with a wink before walking over to get ready for his 25 yard attempt.

Danny felt a lurch in his stomach as he remembered: Tristan would be in The Contest too, another rookie. Danny watched Tristan line up for his kick and marveled at how routine he made a 35 yard kick look. Would he be that confident this afternoon? He was such a small guy, maybe 5'6", and 125 pounds soaking wet. He'd get hammered in the other events today, which almost guaranteed him a spot in the bottom 4.

Tristan walked back over to Danny and bumped his fist. They were the only two left.

"Your turn," he squeaked cheerfully.

Emulating Tristan's easy confidence, Danny strolled up to the 30 yard line and sank the kick without a second thought. Everyone cheered, excited by the little friendly rivalry that had evolved in course of their heat.

"Nice shot," Tristan said. "Make sure you save some for later."

As Danny walked by, Tristan gave him what looked like a quick slap on the ass. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary on a football team, but Tristan purposely squeezed as he made contact, getting a quick handful of boy butt as he did it.

Danny could tell that Tristan was trying to get in his head with the contact. Mentioning The Contest, copping a quick feel - it was a pretty obvious move. But he couldn't pretend it wasn't working.

Now as he watched Tristan line up his shot, he had different thoughts on his mind. Not just about how easy he made it look to kick a football, but how Tristan's mesh shorts clung to his body as he walked. Danny wondering if Tristan was wearing boxers or briefs under his shorts, and he guessed boxers from the way it looked like things were moving. He wondered what else might be hiding under those shorts...

Damn. It totally worked. Tristan made his attempt with ease and by the time Danny was setting up his next kick, he couldn't think about anything but The Contest, the seven other boys who would be competing, and what would go down as soon as the APSC came to a close. Being a horny, teenage boy has that one drawback. Once your brain gets thinking about it, it just can't stop.

Danny's kick dashed any hopes of being the starting kicker for next year's team. He tried to put too much power behind it and instead shanked the ball hard off the right side of his foot. It missed the goalpost by a good twenty feet. Coach Winslow shook his head in mock disapproval but still gave him a good slap on the back when he walked by to join the other guys who had missed.

As he watched Tristan hit three more field goals, Danny glanced down at his schedule. Six more events to go. He needed to get it together if he wanted any chance of avoiding a matchup against Gabe in the first round. Realistically, Gabe was a good enough all around athlete to easily get into the top four for seeding, so Danny's best hope would be to join him on the picking side.

Focus, work hard, and get those points. That needed to be Danny's mantra for the rest of the morning. Focus, work hard, and get those points.

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for!"

The crowd grew quiet as Coach Swanson picked up his score sheet for the final time. He scanned dramatically it for a second and then smiled as he found what he was looking for.

"It was a tight race this year, and the winner only won by two points."

He voice echoed over the loudspeaker and through the stadium. This was an exciting day for a lot of people. Danny wasn't one of the boys in the running for champion, but there was no shortage of guys on the team who could do it all.

All seven events had actually been won by a different person. That didn't happen very often, and was a testament to a great junior and senior class this year. There were so many athletes on the team.

"Your winner of the 43rd annual All Points Skill Competition is..." He trailed off and looked out at his team expectantly.

It was a common ritual for big announcements. The boys all hunched over and started patting their thighs. When one person does it it only sounds like a light pitter patter of skin on pads, but with a hundred, it creates a deafening rumble.

The boys got louder and louder, and the anticipation grew. Just at the minute when everyone in the crowd was slapping their legs about as hard as they could, Coach raised the microphone back to my lips and bellowed out the winner of the APSC.

"Troy Williams!"

A cheer went up from the crowd as Troy jogged up to take his place on the podium amid a flurry of pats and slaps on the head, back, and behind. Everyone wanted to win of course, but the team was happy to stand behind its leader, even in a matter of individual performance. He was just one of those guys you were happy to follow, happy to cheer on to a victory.

Coach handed Troy his trophy and an envelope, known to contain a $1,000 scholarship from the Booster Club. Troy raised his prizes above his head and smiled.

From the middle of the crowd, Danny couldn't help but be in awe. Troy wasn't just a winner, and he wasn't just the star quarterback or the captain of the team. He was more than that. He was the epitome of perfection, like a Greek god come to earth and cast in human flesh. His perfect hair, even during a football game. His bright blue eyes, perfect white teeth, and chiseled jaw. His body only got better from there, with tight muscles and smooth, tan skin from his rippling pecs all the down to his calves that jutted out when he ran.

Seeing him hold a trophy above his head smiling as the crowd cheered him on almost gave Danny chills. It was a boy without equal shining with the almost redundant ceremony of victory around him.

After the crowd died down Coach Swanson thanked everyone for coming out to participate, and he congratulated all the competitors on their success of the day. He led everyone, football players and others alike, in a booming rendition of the team's traditional postgame cheer, then sent them on their way. Within a few minutes the vast majority had dispersed, until it was just a group of eight boys standing on the field.

Coach Willett walked over from the registration table and addressed them.

"You guys are the clean up crew?" he asked. He was the youngest and newest coach on the football team, and had undoubtedly been chosen to supervise the break down for that reason.

Eight eager faces nodded back at him in response.

"Alright, you all know what you're doing," he said as he recognized the group of mostly veteran boys before him. "No need to get fancy on anything. We have practice Monday just like normal, and the weather held out so nothing needs to be dried. I'm happy to stay if you boys need, but I would hope you can handle it."

Coach looked over at Troy for affirmation. He already had his bag slung over his shoulder and all his notes under his arm. He clearly had no intention of sticking around any longer than he had to.

"We've done this more than a few times, Coach," Troy said.

Troy had that quality adults like. The way he was confident and adult-like himself when the situation required it. It made people like Coach Willett feel at ease with a little bit of delegated responsibility.

"Sounds great," Coach said approvingly. "I'll see you all on Monday. Great job today."

With that, he turned on his heel and walked towards the parking lot, seemingly oblivious to the events that were scheduled to follow immediately after the conclusion of clean up from APSC.

Little did the boys know, Coach Willard knew exactly what they were up to. It wasn't so long ago that he himself had graduated from Lincoln High, and had been a promising young wide receiver. It wasn't so long ago he was asked to join in some fun on the Saturday after the final home game of the season. He was no stranger to The Contest. Coach smiled to himself as he left the gate of the stadium. Eight boys on the clean up crew, he thought, it can't be a coincidence. Some things never change...

Back on the field, the boys were gathered around Troy, the natural leader of situations like this, due to his standing both as a senior, and the starting quarterback.

"It's almost time," Troy said, a sly smile stealing it's way across his face. "I hope you didn't spend all your energy out there on the pregame activities."

That earned a chuckle from a few of the older boys.

"Before we start to break all this down, let's tell you who will be drafting for the first round," he said. "Eric?"

Eric stepped to the front of the circle with a paper in his hand. As usual he was acting as Troy's right hand man. In all things the boys were comrades, with Troy taking the lead and Eric right behind him. Even though Eric looked to be older - he was one of those guys who could grow a full beard in his freshman year - he was never bothered to be thought of as an extension of Troy. If he was a good enough leader for the rest of the team, why couldn't he be a leader for his best friend?

"In no particular order," Eric began, "our top four scorers are:


Everyone laughed to hear Troy's name. He had just won the whole thing, of course he was in the top 4, and there would be no doubt that he'd be picking first.


Another completely unsurprising pick. Julian was such an athlete. He had won agility outright, and probably would have walked away with the 100 yard dash if the kids from the cross country team hadn't shown up.


This was more of a surprise. Not because Diego wasn't a great player, but just that he could have been on the cusp. Troy and Julian were no brainers, Diego would have really earned it today.

"And our final selector in The Contest is..."

Eric looked out at the boys and raised his eyebrows. They took the hint and started slapping their thighs. If coach could get a drum roll for the APSC, Eric should definitely get one for The Contest.

Danny hoped against hope that it wouldn't be him. There was no way he would have beaten Troy, Julian, and Diego, so if he wound up in the top 4, he was almost guaranteed to have to pick Gabe for his first round matchup. A first round exit was a foregone conclusion if Eric called his name.


Everyone hooted and cheered for the fourth addition to the top half of the bracket. They slapped backs and high fived each other in recognition. That would be Troy, Julian, Diego, and Gabe picking their opponents from Danny, Brian, Eric, and Tristan.

"Alright, alright," said Troy, pushing Eric gently out of the way and reassuming control of the situation. "Let's get this place in order, then we can head in and get started. Those of you who we just called, start thinking about what you'll do. The rest of you, start dreading it."

He smiled as evilly as he could and laughed before grabbing Eric to start cleaning up the throwing station. As a QB he had more know how than anyone else where all that stuff needed to go.

With his departure, everyone moved off to do what had to be done. Picking up trash on the field, running bags to the dumpster, finding any errant balls from the kick and punt events, and scooping up other equipment as needed. Everyone worked fast, because everyone had some place they'd like to be, sooner rather than later.

"Yo, Danny!" called Julian. "Let's grab these cones." He gestured over to the agility course, where a seemingly endless field of cones had been set up to test their skill at bobbing, ducking and weaving.

As usual, Julian made a game of picking everything up. He spun and juked around as fast as he could, dropping down to scoop up the cones as he passed them. As Danny jogged over, he couldn't help but be impressed with the power and explosiveness coursing through every sinew of Julian's body.

In a way, Danny was like a miniature version of Julian, which is funny to say, because Julian was actually an inch shorter than Danny, coming in at right around 5'7". Even so, he probably had close to 30 pounds on him. Danny had been hitting the weight room hard all season, and had bulked up nicely, but he wasn't nearly on the same level as Julian, whose body held muscle like a tank.

Every time his muscles flexed as he ran, Danny could see the definition of each individual one, expanding and contracting with the effort. But his incredible body didn't make him huge or slow by any means. It made him compact, explosive, and incredibly solid. Danny had gotten trucked by him a few times at practice, and it was indeed like getting hit by a truck.

Scrambling to keep up with his mentor, Danny hoped that he would be able to run and move like Julian one day. Hell, he'd be happy with looking like him too. Danny couldn't say he had ever been attracted to a black guy before, but Julian was an exception, and he certainly set the bar high.

They finished picking up their cones and starting walking over to the gear shed, arms stacked high. As they went, Julian looked over at Danny and laughed.

"Crazy weather for November, right?" he said. "You got yourself a little bit of a burn, dude."

Danny looked down at his left forearm, closest to Julian, and saw that he was right. He was looking a tiny bit pink. Hopefully it wouldn't last.

"I think I might have got one too, what do you think?"

Danny looked back over at Julian and laughed. Probably not the case.

"So, you know what I was thinking?"

"What?" asked Danny, wondering what new jab about his pale, burned skin Julian was dreaming up.

"Depending on my turn," he continued, "I think I'm gonna pick you."

Danny almost dropped him cones.

"If you're cool with that," Julian added with more seriousness than usual. "I figure I'm kind of the old you. So I'm around here to show you how things work. So it should be me who takes your cherry in The Contest."

Danny swallowed hard. This made it very, very real. They had joked around about The Contest a little bit here and there, but this was the first time any specifics had been discussed. That made it a lot different to think about.

They reached the shed and Julian went in first, tucking the cones into a corner and out of the way.

He had a good point, but maybe it would be better to start with someone he didn't know quite as well, like maybe Diego, or god forbid even Gabe. It would be faster then, but not quite as... intimate. Or maybe it would be Troy. Danny flushed at the thought. Troy was like a god to him. He wasn't sure he could handle it.

All things considered, Julian was probably the best guy for the job.

"Yeah," agreed Danny. "You know what? I think that's a good idea."

He tossed his cones into the shed and stepped back out into the sun to join Julian.

Julian smiled wide and put his arm around Danny's shoulder as they turned to walk back to the field. "Good to hear."

As they walked back to the field to meet up with the rest of the guys, Julian got a little more serious. That's how he worked as a mentor. He was all fun and games and jokes, but when something needed to be said he would pull you in close, lower his voice, and dispense his sage wisdom. It was kind of cute in a way.

"I know you're nervous, dude. I was nervous too for my first time, and I've been doing this for a while."

"Wait," said Danny, "have you..."

"Hell yeah! Probably the first four year participant in the history of The Contest," Julian said with pride. "I was just a poor, little freshman for my first one. I didn't know any of the guys on the team, and they were all older. But my brother dragged me along."

Danny couldn't even imagine it. It was intimidating enough to be a junior.

"Granted," said Julian with a sigh, "I never win the damn thing."

The air was tense as the boys stood in the locker room. Troy and Eric were checking all the rooms and locker areas to make no one else was using the facilities. The rest of them were milling around, not talking, waiting for things to start. Today was going to be one hell of a day.

Troy came back first.

"The coast is clear," he said with a mischievous smile. "Eric?"

"One sec!" Eric yelled from the far hallway that lead out to the gym. He returned a short time later with a set of keys dangling from his fingers. "We won't be disturbed," he said. He looked out at the nervous faces in front of him. "Last chance to back out if anyone has cold feet," he suggested, holdikng up and jingling the key ring.

Troy slapped his hand down and rolled his eyes. "Dude, you already locked the doors," he said.

"Oh, yeah." Eric shrugged and walked back behind Troy to give him the floor.

"Where the heck did you get those keys?" Brian asked.

Troy laughed with the other boys before answering.

"They're part of the tradition," he said.

"And they apparently haven't changed the locks here in a few decades," Eric called out, making everyone laugh again.

As the sounds died out, silence took over and the boys sitting on the benches exchanged some nervous glances. It was time. They were nervous and excited, but it was too late to change their minds now. It was time for The Contest.

Troy looked out at the others with a serious look.

"The doors are closed," he began. "The Contest has begun. It's time to pick the brackets and learn the rules."

With that Eric wheeled over the white board. He flipped the panel on it and exposed the other side. Where coach usually scribbled his X's and O's, there was instead a crudely drawn bracket. For now, it was blank.

"Who has the first pick?" asked Troy with a smile.

Eric held up his paper list, the same one he had made earlier when the top 4 were announced. No surprises on the first one, but Eric still made a big show of checking the names.

"Troy," he called out.

"Hmmm..." Troy looked out over his audience, studying them all one by one. He let his eyes linger on each of the guys in the bottom 4, building up the tension.

Danny swallowed hard and felt himself blush when Troy's gaze fell on him. He was being sized up as the competition, and it was intimidating, to say the least. Troy was a winner, through and through. He wasn't a jerk about it like some people can be, but he was competitive as they come. He didn't care about winning above all else, but he cared about putting up his best possible performance, and when that happened he almost always did.

"I'll take Eric."

A sigh of relief went out from the rest of the bottom 4. Eric hung his head in defeat, then wrote his name along with Troy's in the top left corner of the bracket. Best friends and companions in all things, it was only right that they would be in it together for their senior year. That being said, Eric would now need a miracle to get out of the first round.

"Who's our second pick?" asked Troy.

Eric went back to his list.

"With the second pick in the draft," he said imitating an announcer, "Gabe."

Diego and Julain gave him a slap on the back as Gabe stood up and went to the front of the room. He looked out at the remaining three draftees and put his hand to his chin thoughtfully.

"Who wants a shot at the champ?" he asked quietly, almost to himself.

He looked Brian up and down and smirked. Even though Brian was bigger and older than Gabe, Danny could see the nervousness in his eyes. After Gabe had had his fill, he turned to Tristan and did the same. Then he turned to Danny.

If getting sized up by Troy had been an evaluation of prowess in battle, Gabe's was like a hungry man eyeballing a juicy steak at the deli counter. Danny could feel himself getting undressed, and even more than that in Gabe's mind's eye. It wasn't just the reigning champion, or an older guy on the team. It was a gay guy, appraising him openly and very sexually, and Danny felt the blood draining from his head and flooding into...


Danny felt himself start to breath again. He had dodged a bullet there. Gabe's first round pick was a surprise, and he couldn't help but think of the words "fresh meat." Last year when he was a sophomore that totally would have been him: small, slight, and softspoken. He had packed on a good bit of muscle and grown a few inches in the last twelve months, and Gabe clearly had other plans this time around.

Gabe returned to his seat and Eric filled in the top right corner of the bracket.

"Our third pick?" asked Troy.

Eric finished up on the board and check his paper one last time. "The third pick is Julian."

All the boys turned to look at Julian, who stood up and stretched like a cat. He locked his eyes on Danny and made his choice.

"Of course he's gonna pick his Mini-Me," said Brian, rolling his eyes.

"It's too bad the cloning machine was all out of color when they made him," Julian added, nodding to Eric to confirm the selection.

Everyone laughed at the nickname and Danny hoped that it wouldn't ever stick.

In the end things had worked out. He wouldn't have to go up against Gabe in the first round, and Julian had his pick. Even so, it wouldn't be a walk in the park.

"That's it then," said Troy, "Diego and Brian make up the rest. The first round is set."

Eric finished the bracket, placing Danny and Julian in the bottom right corner, and the final two boys in the bottom left. He pushed the whiteboard backwards and it rolled slowly, coming to rest against the far wall, leaving the rest of the locker room wide open.

"It's time for the rules," Troy began. "So listen up, because you won't want to break any of these."

Danny felt his stomach lurch. This was it. The Contest.

"You'll go head to head against your opponent. No interference, no assistance, no bullshit. You go at it each other as long as it takes. First one to cum is out."

Danny felt a lurch slightly below his stomach. A part of him had wondered all along if it was really going to be like his brother had said. Now he knew that it was, and he was already starting to get turned on at the thought.

"You'll take turns," Troy continued, "going back and forth until one of you blows your load. One minute each. Eric?"

Eric held up his phone. "This will ding every minute to let you know that it's time to switch."

Troy nodded his approval. "You get one timeout per round. That means you get the rest of your minute off. Use it wisely – it's usually the difference between winning and losing."

"Who goes first?"

Danny turned around to see Tristan with a questioning look on his face. He turned bright red as he felt everyone's eyes on him, but the older boys didn't balk at his question at all.

"Lower seed goes first in each round. That'll help out you noobs a little bit," said Eric with a grin.

"It's not a huge advantage," Gabe warned. He laughed and then turned to Eric. "Unless you're a two-pump chump..."

Julian, Troy, and Diego all cracked up along with Gabe. Now it was Eric's turn to turn bright red underneath his beard.

"It was the second round!" he said, retreating back into the background to let Troy continue.

"Every round has different rules," said Troy, "and I'll explain the rules before each round. That's a little advantage for the veterans."

It seemed simple enough. You swap duties back and forth each minute until one of you shoots. The winner moves on into the next round. Danny was curious what the special rules would be, but he knew he'd have to wait to find out. Thinking about it, there was only one thing he didn't quite understand...

"What does the winner get?" he asked. Even his brother and cousin had been silent on that particular topic.

Troy turned to Danny and smiled wickedly.

"Gabe? Can you tell everyone what you get when you win?" he said.

Gabe mirrored Troy's grin and stood up in front of everyone.

"You see, the winner's done all this work. Three grueling rounds. Three money shots. So many happy losers."

Danny felt his heart beat faster.

"But he's the only one who hasn't cummed yet. When you win The Contest, you get to cum."

Gabe looked out at his audience, but didn't see nearly enough in the way of a reaction.

"Like, however he wants," he explained.

Still nothing. Danny and the other boys could feel that they were on the precipice of realization, but they still couldn't see where he was going with this. Everyone got to cum in The Contest. What's the big deal about the winner?

Gabe sighed and turned back to them. "However he wants!" he bellowed. "That cumshot is special. There's no limit to what that cumshot can get you if you win. If he wants to fuck your girlfriend, you have to let him. If he wants to jizz in your hair in the bathroom during study hall, it's fair game. You have to wear it."

The rookies were silent as they took in the possibilities. Danny had to remind himself to breathe.

"Or maybe," Gabe continued, "he wants each and every guy in here to take turns giving him head, until he blows the biggest, thickest load of his life straight down one lucky person's throat."

If it was quiet before, now it was absolute crickets. Even the veterans didn't dare make a peep in response. Despite being the most openly gay member of the team, Gabe usually held back. This was a new side to him, one that Danny had only seen very rarely. It was aggressive and sexual. He wouldn't be pulling any punches today.

"That's what I did last year, anyway," Gabe said, taking a seat and turning the floor back over to Troy and Eric. "But don't worry, I have much bigger plans for when I win this year."

Yikes. Danny's mind raced with thoughts of what Gabe's new plans might be. With someone like him, the possibilities were endless. He wondered with a fair amount of trepidation if he'd be on the receiving end of any of Gabe's plans.

And what would happen if Danny won? He hadn't known what was at stake, so he hadn't had a chance to formulate any ideas about what he'd like to do with his final cumshot. He could think of things, obviously. Plenty of things he thought about at night when he was jacking off before he went to sleep. Things he wanted to see, things he wanted to try, things he wanted to...

"So what are the rules in the first round?" asked Brian, snapping Danny out of his private thoughts.

Troy smirked at his friend. There was something extra special about a senior participating in his first contest. It really took you back to feeling like an underclassman all over again.

"The first round," he said, "you can't touch your opponent below the waist."

Before any of the rookies had time to react to the monkey wrench that Troy had thrown at them, the veterans all got up and made their way to the open space in the middle of the locker room.

"Get with your partner!" called Troy. "We start in sixty seconds!"

Danny racked his brain for how this would work as he slowly made his way over to Julian, who was grinning sheepishly at him as he approached. He needed to make Julian cum, but he wasn't able to touch him below the waist. What sort of options did that leave?

"Thirty seconds," Eric announced.

Things above the waist, thought Danny. That didn't leave much. There were lips, ears, neck, chest, stomach, and nipples. They were all sensitive places, but none of them were going to make Julian cum. Not by a long shot.

"Ten seconds," called Troy. "Good luck everyone. May the best man win."

Danny looked up and locked eyes with Julian. It was time to make this happen. Julian, his friend and mentor. He needed to make him cum.

"Good luck, Mini-Me," said Julian with a smile.

Damn. The nickname was starting to stick, too. He couldn't let this happen.


Shit. Julian just said it to throw him off. Now he was starting with nothing. No plan of attack, and no idea how he was going to even try to win this round.

He looked Julian up and down and tried to come up with something. He couldn't just sit here with his thumb up his ass for a whole minute. Not unless that was Julian's secret fetish, at least. He needed to try to make it happen.

Danny reached out and put his fingers on Julian's chest. Even though Danny knew that Julian was a rock solid mass of muscle, it was different to feel it. He ran his hands over Julian's pecs and down his stomach. It was like a washboard even through the thin cotton of his t-shirt. He slid his hands down all the way to the waistband of his shorts and then stopped. Damn it. That's as far as he can go.

He snapped his head up at the sound of a chuckle.

"Every year, man. Every year," Julian said through his laughter.

Of course!

Danny slipped his hands up under the bottom of Julian's shirt as he turned his head back to look for Eric. All the other guys in the bottom 4 were new to this thing. But Eric had done this before. He would know how to win the first round.

As soon as he saw Eric it made perfect sense. You aren't allowed to touch your opponent below the waist!

Troy's red and gold athletic shorts were still on, but Eric was stroking him furiously through the fabric, and had achieved a sizable chub underneath the mesh. He wasn't directly touching Troy, as he was only touching the shorts...

Danny got to work immediately, reaching down with his right hand to squeeze the bulge in Julian's shorts while his left continued to move up and down across his stomach.


So much for that so called "advantage," thought Danny. He had barely gotten his hand on Julian's crotch before the bell rang, and if there was one thing he could tell, it's that Julian wasn't even hard yet. Essentially an entire minute wasted.

Danny's regret was interrupted by Julian's hand smacking his away and an abrupt reversal of roles. Before he could even react, Julian was kneading the soft flesh inside Danny's boxers. He had definitely done this before.

Then again, in a way so had Danny. He didn't have a ton of experience fooling around with guys, but he wasn't a total rookie, at least in that sense.

Danny and his buddy Mark had done a little bit of screwing around in middle school. It wasn't much and neither of them had taken it very seriously, but it had progressed from talking about sex stuff, to the usual "show me yours I'll show you mine," and then to a few less than romantic mutual jack offs. Danny had even tried sucking Mark off a little bit, but he had gotten the impression that it was farther than Mark was willing to go, and Danny wasn't completely interested in taking a shot in the mouth if the favor wasn't likely to be returned.

But even with his little bit of experience, he'd have his work cut out for him. If there was one advantage of the confusion of Danny's first try it was that it didn't leave him turned on at all. Danny had been packing a semi through most of the morning. He kept thinking about the contest, and the prospect of watching a bunch of very shapely guys going to town on each other. Gay, straight, curious or whatever, it was going to be one hell of a show.

But from the second Troy announced the rules of the first round, Danny was too preoccupied to be anticipating much of anything. Now he was about halfway through his first minute of getting worked on, and he was just starting to settle in to the point that he could feel himself getting turned on again.

He looked down to watch Julian's hand rubbing up and down across the fabric of his practice shorts. It felt good, there was no denying it, and he probably wouldn't get to the end of this minute before he was completely hard.

"Don't worry," said Julian, "you didn't miss much. Round one is a slow burn."

That seemed to be about right, thought Danny. It pretty much always feels good to have someone touching your junk, but a nice rub through the shorts probably wouldn't get him off unless he was trying to let it happen. Maybe he'd have a shot if he could figure out a way to ramp it up for Julian.


The boys traded places again, and by the end of the next minute Danny could feel the change in Julian. He still wasn't tenting as much as Danny thought he would - Danny had seen him soft, and if he even had a little bit of grower in him, he was bound to be well hung - but he was hardening up all the same.

The boys went back and forth for a few more minutes, and each round they managed to innovate. First Julian peeled off Danny's shirt, then Danny returned the favor and started to reach a little little bit lower to play with Julian's ass and balls through his shorts. Julian followed suit and then paid a little extra attention to one of Danny's nipples. They reversed positions again and Danny nuzzled into his neck, working his way down Julian's stomach and to his waistband by tongue.

Julian gave Danny the same treatment, but lingered for a few seconds on Danny's nipples again, only this time with his tongue. It tickled, but didn't make him feel super sexy, and Danny breathed an internal sigh of relief. He'd heard about guys who love having their nipples played with. He had never tried anything, but he was glad that he wasn't one of them.

When Julian reached his waist, he still had a good bit of time left, and instead of stopping his motion, he grabbed the waist band of Danny's shorts in his teeth and pulled them out and away. Danny looked down and felt of surge of arousal flow through his body and he looked at Julian, down on his knees and taking off his shorts with his teeth.

Julian hooked his thumbs in the shorts and pulled them to his ankles, now working through only a thin layer of bright blue compression briefs. Danny could feel the increased stimulation with less covering him up, and he silently wished he had pulled Julian's shorts down in the second minute.


Danny didn't waste any more time. If he wanted to beat Julian he'd have to start working hard. Within a second of the bell, Julian's shorts hit the floor, revealing a tight, white jockstrap barely managing to contain his fat, dark cock. In all the excitement, Danny had forgotten that Julian always wears a jockstrap, and it left very, very little to the imagination.

But this posed a new problem. Over his shorts, Danny could touch anything he wanted, but a jockstrap made things a little bit trickier. Pull too hard one way or another, and the whole thing was going to flop out. While that would usually be a great thing if you were trying to make somebody cum, it wouldn't be easy to work on the jock without making actual physical contact.

Figuring it would be the best option, Danny pulled down hard on the jock, and watched in awe as Julian's hard cock spilled over the top. It was huge! When Danny released the jock, it pulled the monster up against Julian's stomach, where it nearly reached his belly button.

"Wow," Danny said, half to himself.

"It's pretty big, huh?" asked Julian with pride. And why not?

"Uh, yeah," said Danny. "It's big."

He wrapped his hand around the half that was still covered and gave it a few strokes. The jock was definitely going to make this tricky. It was cool that Danny could see so much of what he was doing, but his options were a bit limited by the fact that he could touch so little. He was only able to experiment with his method for about ten seconds before...


Back on the defensive.

Danny tried his best to ignore Julian ministrations, but it was hard to do, as Julian had a clear advantage. The stroking felt good, but Danny knew that his head was the most sensitive part of his cock, and every time Julian would reach the tip and give it a few squeezes, he felt his orgasm building. It was still a ways off, but he needed to figure out a plan for winning. This wasn't a defensive game, at least not without an offense to go along with it.


Danny settled back into position and racked his brain for ideas. Every time he pulled down, he could see Julian's cockhead swell, almost taunting him, "You can't touch me, you can't touch me," it seemed to say. How was he going to win when he only had about 3 inches of the base to work with?

Think. What is Julian's weakness?

Thankfully, he talked a big game around his teammates. It seemed like almost every week during the season Julian came into practice with some new story about some new girl he had gotten fresh with. There was Tamra with the huge rack, Karen with the big ass, Ashley the yoga instructor, and so on. Nothing Danny could replicate now, and things had been pretty quiet on that front ever since he had starting Caitlyn.


There was something about her. Julian had told Danny all about it one day at practice. The whole reason he had fucked her in the first place, when they had hardly known each other for a week. Julian wanted to get a blowjob, but she had him so worked up that he couldn't stop himself. But what was it...

"This thing just keeps getting bigger," said Danny, looking up from where he was kneeling. He wasn't kidding either. It was to be at least eight inches now that it was fully hard.

"Yeah?" said Julian, smirking.

"Seriously, I almost have to use two hands to even jack it."

Julian smiled again and closed his eyes.


It was working. It was definitely working.

Danny hoped that Julian didn't realize what he was doing. Once he remembered, the whole story cam back to him. Caitlyn loved to dirty talk. She said the naughtiest, nastiest things in bed, and Julian just melted like butter. Even in the ten seconds he had been doing it, Danny could tell it had an effect.

Whether it was subconscious or not, Julian was turning up the intensity too. He spent less time this round stroking and fondling, and more time rubbing Danny's cockhead. He used his fingertips to pull on the ridge of his cock, and his thumb to stroke across the sensitive frenulum. Danny could feel a warmth spreading through his groin.

He needed a distraction. Knowing that Troy and Eric were off to his left, Danny decided to look to the right. Whatever Troy was up to, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to see him getting worked over. Not with his body. Gabe and Tristan might be a safer bet...

Huge mistake.

"Time!" called Danny, feeling Julian immediately release his grip and stand up. He willed himself not to cum as he watched one of the hottest things he had ever seen in his life.

Gabe was on his knees in front of Tristan, and had all of his clothes off except for a skimpy little pair of plain, white briefs. If anyone else had them, it probably wouldn't have shot Danny so close to the edge, but on Tristan's body they had a hell of an effect. They made him look younger and more boyish, accentuating his smooth, thin thighs, and his slender, hairless stomach. He was the epitome of a cute, little twink.

Gabe was on his knees in front of Tristan, and had pulled his briefs down as far as he could, until it was only his rock hard dick holding them up against the force of Gabe's hands, flush to his right hip and hooked into his waistband. With Tristan's member so clearly defined and barely concealed in his briefs, Gabe was licking and biting it through the fabric with everything he had. Over the last several minutes of action, the wet spot had crept across the whole side of his underwear, leaving even less to the imagination as the moisture made them almost transparent.

At the exact moment Danny had looked at them, Tristan was right on the brink. He cheeks were flushed, his eyes were closed, and he was whimpering lightly just about to be swept up in the current of his climax. His hand was on the back of Gabe's head and it didn't even look like he was trying win anymore. He was under Gabe's complete control, and Danny couldn't help but get hot at the thought of the younger boy helpless against his sexual pleasure.

"Ahhh!" he moaned and shook with ecstasy in his orgasm, hot boy cum jetting out of the fabric and onto Gabe's cheek and into his mouth. He quivered a few more times then collapsed back onto the bench as Gabe stood up and licked his lips.

Even though Danny had called time, the other two couples had stopped as well, drawn by the loud moans and entranced by what they had just seen. Every boy in the room wanted their turn, but whether to be seduced so expertly by Gabe or to have his way with Tristan was anyone's guess.

Danny felt his cock jump a few times in his boxer briefs, but luckily not with an actual orgasm, although there was enough precum leaking out to make a decent sized wet spot on the fabric. He was lucky he had called time. If Julian so much as breathed on his cock it was going to explode. He needed a final plan, and he needed it quick. He might not even last another minute.

Danny estimated he had about ten more seconds before the timer went off, and he would be back in the driver's seat for sixty seconds. This had to be perfect.

He resisted celebrating as he had a revelation. A sure fire, guaranteed way to get Julian to cum. That wouldn't even be the hard part. The hard part would be getting him to use his time out. Because once Danny showed his cards, Julian could use the same move on him, and this one was going to be a killer. Danny didn't have a chance if he didn't have the element of surprise.


It was now or never.

Danny grabbed the base of Julian's rod over the fabric of his jock pouch and started stroking. He didn't have much time. Danny could only hope that watching Gabe and Tristan finish had been as hot for Julian as it had been for him.

"Damn, it's so big," he said as he rubbed it.


"It's so fucking big."

Julian grunted in response. He was trying to hold back. That was a good sign.

"Girls must lose their shit when they see this thing," Danny continued. "They must cum the second you put it inside them."

Julian moaned a little. "They do," he said. He was getting into it.

"I'd love to see you fuck a girl with this big, fat cock. Watch you hammer her pussy with your huge cock." It wasn't entirely untrue.

Danny glanced up, worrying he might have gone too far. Quite the opposite, it seemed. Julian was loving it. As he moved his gaze back down to just below waist level to start round 2, he noticed Tristan and Gabe sitting on the bench next to him, watching with interest.

Now Danny hooked his fingertips into the pouch of Julian's jock and pulled it out and away from him. He pulled up as high as he could, almost reaching the upright head of his dick. When he had gotten as high as he could, he reached it back around the shaft and stroked down hard. He repeated it, covering a lot more ground than he had been before, and hopefully pushing Julian closer and closer to calling that time out.

"God the girls must love riding this fucking monster. Bouncing up and down on your huge, meaty cock."

Julian moaned again. He had to be getting close.

"You must love to pound them, just to bury it as far as it'll go. To pound into them until you can't go any farther."


Danny instantly pulled his hand away from Julian. Part one of his plan was a success.

"Damn, Mini-Me. You're crazy," said Julian panting. "You almost had me there."

Danny smiled to himself as he stood up. He just needed to survive one more minute, then he could win almost for sure.

"It's too bad I'm going to plug my ears next time," he said as he squatted back down in front of Danny. He smiled up at him and Danny knew that at least that particular part of his strategy had been figured out.


Danny gasped as Julian grabbed hold of his member again. After coming so close in his last round, he wasn't sure exactly how it was going to go. On one hand he was so revved up and ready to go, but on the other he was hoping the close call might have taken some of the edge off.

It felt like a little bit of both. He wasn't still riding the edge, but he wasn't feeling at all confident about lasting another minute against Julian.

After about twenty seconds, it became clear to Danny that he was getting close. Forty more seconds would be impossible at this rate. Julian was giving him everything he could, jerking his cock with a tight grip and long hard strokes through his underwear. Don't cum. Don't cum. Don't cum. He release was building, and this would truly come down to the final seconds.

Suddenly Danny felt a different sensation. Julian was still stroking him, but slower now and only at the base of his cock. The head felt different...

Oh god! Danny looked down and saw that Julian's face was pressed against his crotch, just as he felt the warm wetness of his mouth soak through his underwear and reach the sensitive head underneath. This was bad.

Danny tried to take his thoughts elsewhere. Anywhere but here. But every time his mind tried to escape it was drawn back to the amazing feelings radiating up from his lower regions, flooding into the rest of his body, tingling in his balls...

No! Think of something else. Don't think about your cock getting serviced by a hot guy on his knees in front of you. Don't think about Tristan whimpering as he shoots his load into Gabe's mouth. Don't think about Julian's sexy, muscled body. And definitely don't think about Troy getting serviced only about ten feet away. That could be you in a few minutes if you just hold on...

No, Danny thought. He wouldn't be up against Troy. He'd still have to get through Gabe first. That was going to be a whole different story. He got Tristan off with no problem, and Danny wasn't too much more experienced or battle-hardened than he was. It would take a miracle to...


Yes! He did it. Nothing to take the edge off like the dread of an impending defeat. Now it was time to finish this thing.

This time when Danny kneeled down in front of Julian, instead of getting immediately back to his long stroking, Danny pulled Julian's jock pouch down, fully exposing him for the first time. His dick sprang free, and Danny had to stop for a second, just to take it in. It was at least eight inches long and dark colored, except for a light colored head getting more mottled down towards his circumcision scar. Even though his dirty talk had just been part of his strategy before, it was no joke that Julian was working with an impressive tool.

"You can't do that," Julian said, chuckling a little. He probably thought Danny had just given up and was having a go before he lost in his next turn. But Danny had a plan.

It started with a little bit of dirty talk. Julian had told him about the first time he and Caitlyn had hooked up. He remembered exactly what she had said to him to turn his crank so hard.

"I wanted to free that big, black cock of yours," Danny said. "I know how big it is, and I want it."

When Danny glanced up, Julian's eyes had rolled back into his head and he was already breathing hard. Success. Even if Julian was onto him, it didn't seem to matter. Now for phase two of the plan.

He scooped up his shirt, which had been discarded on the ground next to him. It was one of his favorite t-shirts, and was quite thin and threadbare from years of heavy use. It would be perfect.

Danny wrapped one thin layer of the shirt around his hand then grabbed a big, hot handful of Julian's rock hard dick. He starting pumping vigorously, knowing that he didn't have much time to make this happen.

With his hand covered and Julian fully exposed, Danny was able to get a more natural motion as he jacked Julian, and he took long, full strokes all the way across his flared head down to the base, dragging his palm against Julian's big, heavy balls as he bottomed out. This was way better than what he was doing before, but he still needed to step up his game to seal the deal.

"Cum for me," said Danny. "Blast a load with with that huge tool."

"Ughhhh," Julian moaned. He was enjoying this.

He increased his tempo and kept running his mouth.

"I can't wait to see this monster burst. I can't wait to see it swell up and unload your cum." He reached back as he said 'cum' and cradled Julian's sack with a flap of the t-shirt that had come loose from his hand. Even through the cotton, his balls felt heavy and like they were starting to tense up. "Oh god, there's so much cum in there."

"Ahhh." Julian moaned, louder this time.

Danny knew he only had a few more seconds to finish him off. Talking like this made him feel like a little bit of a slut, but he needed to make it happen. Plus, in a weird way, he was enjoying it. Whether it was the role play, the words themselves, or the stiff boy meat in his hands, Danny was harder than he could ever remember being. Oh well, this was no time to get worked up about his conflicted feelings on the subject. He couldn't let anything get in the way – Julian was close.

"Cum for me... baby." Danny worried he might be taking it too far, but Julian didn't flinch or pull away. "Blow your load all over me. Use that huge cock to cover me in your hot juice."

"Oh god," Julian cried out. He didn't look like he was trying to stop himself anymore.

"Cum for me!"


Danny dropped his hands and sat back. Shit! He had been so close. The shirt that had been wrapped around his hand came loose, and as he released Julian, it slid off his had and hung off the end of Julian's fuck stick.

"Uhhh, uhhhh, uhhhhhhhhh..."

Much to Danny's surprise, Julian was still right on the edge, even without the active stimulation. He saw Julian's cock twitch once, bucking the t-shirt off to one side. Unbalanced, the shirt started to slide down the length of him, until it slid over the head and fell off the end.

Danny watched his cock twitch again. Julian still wasn't making any move to switch over and change positions. Instead, a low growl started in his throat. As it got louder, Danny could see his balls contract and tighten. His dick swelled and rose.

As Julian's growl reached it's crescendo, it became clear that he was past the point of no return. His cock engorged even more as he reached his climax, then he blew a fountain of thick, ropy cum all over the floor of the locker room. After six or seven volleys, he let out a sigh and sank down onto the bench behind him.

Holy shit. He did it. Danny had beaten Julian and advanced into the second round!

"Fucking Aye," said Julian. "That was..."

"That was hot as fuck," said Gabe.

Danny turned to him, and saw that he and Tristan weren't the only ones watching the show. They had been the last ones.

"Damn, dude," said Brian looking down at the floor. "That was like a fire hose."

Danny could see a massive wet spot on the front of his boxer briefs. It looked like Diego would be advancing to round two as well.

As his eyes found Troy and Eric, he was entirely unsurprised to see that Troy was standing tall, clearly the victor. He also noticed the thick bulge still in his compression shorts, pushed over the the right side, almost touching his hip. Danny made a mental note to investigate how big that thing was. Eric, on the other hand, was slumped on a bunch, looking defeated and spent.

"Nice work, Bright!" Troy called out loudly, breaking the ice on Julian's post-coital lull. "It's go time, round two starts in three minutes. Eric?"

Eric snapped his head up and looked around in a daze.

"Ummm," he began, "it'll be Troy and Diego, and Danny and Gabe." He looked around at everyone and regained more of his composure. "Danny and Diego go first. Rules for the second round: You can't take your hands off your opponent during your turn."

Danny got up off the floor and moved a few feet away from the freshly created biohazard zone that Julian had made. He was still so horny from round one, he wouldn't last a minute against Gabe.

He looked at senior and was relieved to see that he was still plenty hard inside the skimpy teal and green briefs he was wearing. At least he had put on a good show while Gabe had been waiting for him to finish.

As Gabe approached, Danny checked him out a little more. He was really, really hot. Gabe was tall and thin, but reasonably well muscled although he wasn't as solid as Julian or even Danny himself. He was well tanned with almost a swimmer's build, and had short bleach blonde hair and rich green eyes.

Hi grooming was immaculate. He was completely clean shaven and as Danny inspected him, he figured that he must pluck his eyebrows, as they were flawless. The rest of his body was similar. It didn't look like Gabe has a single hair anywhere on the rest of his body, at least that he could see, besides the lightest dusting of fine, light blonde hair on his forearms and shins. Above the knee all the way up to his shoulders it was just smooth, tanned skin. Danny wondered if everything under those briefs would be the same way.

And those briefs! Danny had never seen anything like it. They didn't just fit. It's almost like they were a part of him. They hugged his hips perfectly, and contacted the skin all the way around so that there wasn't a millimeter of extra fabric anywhere on them. But they weren't bulging in the crotch, even with the evident chub inside. It's like the fabric stretched exactly where it needed to, and loosened up just enough everywhere else. They made him look like a model. Danny hadn't even heard of the brand on the waistband, but made a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Two minutes!" called Eric.

Danny pulled his gaze away from Gabe's body and looked up at him. Gabe raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

Danny blushed. Truth be told, Gabe made him a little nervous. Not because he was gay, but more because he was so incredibly attractive, and Danny meant that in the objective sense. Danny wasn't playing for that team, but there was an undeniable sexuality and appeal to Gabe, and the fact that he might act on those impulses made things a little more intense. Contrast that to someone like Troy, who was incredibly hot, but Danny didn't have any thought that anything might happen between them, besides sneaking a few peeks of human perfection every now and again in the showers.

But this was The Contest. He was supposed to act on those impulses today. So whatever hang ups he might have or worries about what any of these things might mean, he could put them all out of his mind for the next hour.

"Who makes those underwear?" Danny asked. Maybe a normal conversation could help clear his mind before the start of the second round.

"Oh, these?" he asked, wiggling his hips a little bit as he glanced down at himself. "They're amazing, right?"

Danny nodded in agreement.

"I get them online from a company in Australia," he said. "They aren't cheap, but they're worth every penny." He sighed dramatically and put his hands on his hips. "I thought you were checking me out, but you were just jealous of my clothes. Story of my life, but I get it."

Danny laughed. Gabe was back to his normal self, joking about everything, flirting with everyone.

"I tell you what," said Gabe. "If you make me cum, I'll give you these."

"Your underwear?" asked Danny.

"Yeah," said Gabe, "why not? I think they'll fit you." He reached out and put his hands on Danny's hips as though he was measuring him. "You would look amazing in them."

"Uh, yeah sure," said Danny. He suddenly had another thought. "What do you get if you win?"

Gabe just laughed at him and smiled wide.

"One minute!" yelled Eric.

"I'm already winning," Gabe said, holding up his hands as though displaying the locker room.

It was true. This had to be a field day for someone like Gabe. He was surrounded day in and day out by some of the hottest guys in the school on the football team. He showered with them, hung out with them, and heard them talk endlessly about their sexual conquests and exploits.

Knowing how promiscuous and open he was, Danny knew Gabe was always on his best behavior in such situations. But today was his day. Three rounds of one on ones, and then, with another victory, he'd have his pick of what to do, how to do it, and who would be involved. It couldn't get much better than that.

Danny disengaged and took a step back to try and collect himself before the start of the round. This was going to take everything he had.

Danny's number one fear coming into The Contest was having to face off against Gabe. He had put some thought into how he was going to win, but hadn't come to any strong conclusions. In the end he figured that anything he could do, Gabe could do better, and that was that. His only hope was to try and hit on something that Gabe liked. Something he really liked. Like a magic button that could make him cum.

"Ten seconds!"

Danny stretched out his arms and back and took his place in front of Gabe. He had to make this first minute count. He had to explore Gabe's whole body, and find some secret way to win. There had to be a trick to him.


Danny pushed his hands forward onto Gabe's pecs and started feeling him up. He was very fit, and his skin was incredibly smooth. Danny ran his hand over his pecs, then lightly brushed his hands over Gabe's dark, dime sized nipples. He tried to see a reaction, but there wasn't one. Damn.

He worked his way down to his abs and was surprised at how muscular he felt. Everyone's body holds muscle differently, and Gabe seemed so skinny when you looked at him, but he was strong. As if he could have had Julian's body, a dense block of muscles, but he was stretched out a little more, taller and longer. Even though he wasn't flexing, Danny could easily feel the outline of a full six pack.

Not getting any sort of dramatic reaction from Gabe's stomach, Danny let his hands slide over his hips and down the outside of his thighs. Then back up and across the fronts of his thighs, running over his fancy underwear. It felt nice. If he played his cards right, maybe these would be his by the end of the day.

Gabe's bulge had calmed down a little bit in the few minutes since Danny had last looked, but he wasn't completely soft, that's for sure. Danny gently rubbed his hand across the material, and felt what was essentially a "softon" as he and his friends called it, when you're inflated almost to full size, but not quite hard. In Danny's experience you were also quite sensitive in this state, so Danny just lightly stroked it as he continued to explore Gabe's thighs and the surrounding area with his left hand.


Danny stood back up and prepared himself for Gabe. No luck finding anything so far, but he'd have at least a few turns to play the long game and see what Gabe might be into. He still had a good bit of exploration to do.

Gabe took a similar approach on his first turn and slowly ran his hands across Danny's chest. Then he stepped behind him and wrapped his arms around, pressing his body against Danny's and continuing to let his hands explore over his chest and stomach. Danny could feel Gabe's semi pressing into his backside, and suddenly had a weird thought about what it might be like to let Gabe fuck him.

He shook the thought from his head. He wasn't super into the idea, but he had to admit that he was curious. That was actually one of the things he had been weirdly looking forward to at The Contest. While he was worried about going up against Gabe (and probably losing), this small part of him was excited to see what it would be like getting with a guy who had experience getting with other guys.

When he and Mark had fooled around back in the day, it had been clumsy. They had grabbed and groped, and gotten each other off a few times, but there wasn't a whole lot in the way of subtlety or expertise. Even the handful of girls that Danny had messed around with didn't know what they were doing at all.

But Gabe? He knew exactly what he was doing. His motions felt familiar and relaxed as he rubbed all over Danny's stomach. His fingers snaked under the waistband of Danny's briefs and teased him, before retracting and splitting, one to squeeze his pec and gently tweak his nipple and the other to rub his thigh, sliding between his legs and under his balls, gently brushing them with the top of his thumb.

And he was still behind him, pressing his body against Danny's back and lightly grinding his hips against his ass. Danny could understand how Tristan had gone down so easily. Gabe just wrapped you up and took you away if you didn't keep yourself focused.

With only seconds remaining of his turn, Gabe hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Danny's underwear and yanked them down, releasing his mostly hard rod, which bounced up and down in the air from the sudden motion.


Danny immediately got back to where he had left off, gently fondling Gabe through his underwear. While he had been sporting a semi at the end of the last round, he was rocking significantly more than that now. His penis was fully hard and pushed off to the side, stretching over to his right hip.

Danny slid his hands around Gabe's backside and took a quick feel of his ass. Damn! It was one hell of an ass. It was well muscled like his or Julian's but it had a little bit of extra padding on it, which was so uncharacteristic of his build. It looked firm in those briefs too, but somehow was still soft and supple at the same time.

Keeping one hand on his backside, Danny slipped the other down to play around with Gabe's undercarriage, caressing his balls for a few seconds before reaching all the way under and cupping the bottom of his ass cheek.

Content with where things were at, Danny decided it was time to move on and pull off his skivvies. It was a shame he hadn't found any sort of pressure point, but he might still have a shot. It seemed like it turned Gabe on quite a bit while it was his turn, so he might be able to jump off that momentum when he...

What was that?

As Danny pulled his hand back up to the front, he remembered that he wasn't allowed to stop touching Gabe, so he wound up sliding those fingers directly over the bottom half of his ass crack and over most of Gabe's taint. When he made contact with the area, he thought he might have felt Gabe give a little shudder.

He needed to investigate more, but he couldn't risk having Gabe know that he was onto something. Instead he gently pulled down Gabe's underwear, and watched as his lowering waistband revealed centimeter after centimeter of smooth, shaven skin all the way down to the base of his cock. Danny was right all along. Gabe shaved everything down there.

He couldn't help but think that it was pretty damn hot. It made him look a little bit more feminine, but his musculature and hardware was all man. It was a combination Danny had never really thought of as appealing, but he had to say that it turned him on. It was what he was seeing with Tristan before. Feminine but masculine – the best of both worlds.

Danny gripped one hand around the shaft of Gabe's cock and started jerking it slowly. He was amazed at how similar it was to his own. The length and thickness were almost identical, and they were both cut, too. It was a weird feeling. If he closed his eyes, he might think he was just working on his own.

With his other hand he reached down to give a little attention to Gabe's smooth balls. In truth, however, Danny was a little more interested in what might be past that area. With his last few seconds he let his fingers explore the backside of Gabe's scrotum and brush over his taint. No reaction. Danny moved his fingers a little farther back and...



As soon as he started approaching the rear portion of Gabe's perineum, he had felt a tiny shiver run through his body. It wasn't much, but it might be enough. Next turn.

Meanwhile, Gabe got right back to work. Now he stood beside Danny, took a firm grip around his cock, and jerked him off. Nothing fancy, just slow and steady.

Danny was expecting a little more from him. Here was the guy with the pedigree – last year's champion – and here was was giving Danny an old fashioned like it was no big deal.

But that made sense. Gabe was confident. He knew he could last a certain number of rounds, and he just needed to get Danny primed and ready. If Gabe felt like he was getting close, no problem. He'd just bust out a power move and end it, like it seems he might have done with Tristan.

Two could play at that game.


Danny decided to return the favor. At least until he thought of a better plan. But he had an idea to start, and that was something. Instead of dropping to his knees and working Gabe that way, he stepped behind Gabe and wrapped his arms around him. Their dicks were so similar, Danny figured it would be good to get in this position, then it would feel just like he was jacking off.

It seemed to work, as wrapping his hand around Gabe's rod felt familiar and easy. Jerking someone from the front was a little bit clunky, and never felt natural, at least to someone as inexperienced as Danny. The reach around was just like doing it to yourself, same motion, same speed, and in this case practically the same equipment.

As Danny readjusted himself to get a slightly better angle, he felt his own cock pressing into Gabe's backside. It was an awkward spot, sort of just smashed up against one of Gabe's buttc heeks. He shifted around a little bit to try and find a better spot, and he eventually crouched down a little bit to get it to tuck into the space between Gabe's legs.

"Uhhh." Gabe sighed as it slid into place.

Danny suddenly had an idea. He was way into it. He rocked his hips gently back and forth and got a definite reaction from Gabe. He played out the rest of the minute and racked his brain for how he could use this to his advantage.


They switched places and Gabe continued to jerk him off. It was a little bit frustrating for two reasons. For one, Danny thought he was making progress, and Gabe still obviously wasn't concerned enough to step up his game. And for two, Danny didn't want just a hand job from Gabe. He sort of wanted to see what he could do if he really put his mind to it. If you have to lose the contest, you might as well get a chance to cum your brains out.


Danny needed to take it to the next level. If he could put the pressure on, Gabe would have to show his hand. Or mouth, as it were.

Back in position behind Gabe, he resumed his jacking. He immediately lined up his cock and slid it in between Gabe's legs, getting another shiver of pleasure in response.

Another thought occurred to him, and Danny pulled back his hips. He swung them up and pushed back forward, getting his cock to swing up and land right between Gabe's smooth, well-muscled ass checks pointing straight up. Danny starting rubbing up and down and got another little moan from Gabe.

Danny took a hand off Gabe's crotch and instead pushed against his back, getting him to bend over a little bit. With this angle, Danny was much easier able to slide up and down Gabe's crack with his stiffy. He had never thought about fucking someone like this before, but suddenly the prospect seemed quite appealing. The way Gabe was pushing back into him and practically purring on the receiving end made Danny think that he would be all too willing...


As Gabe turned around, he didn't immediately drop to his knees. Instead he stayed at eye level, grinning at Danny with his biggest, shit eating grin while he slowly fondled Danny's package.

"You can do it, you know," Gabe said with a cocky sneer. "But you won't win."

Shit! Gabe could practically read his mind.

"I'll love it," Gabe continued, "but you'll love it even more."

With that, Gabe dropped to his knees and wrapped his lips around the head of Danny's cock. He gasped out loud at the feeling of a wet, warm mouth sliding onto the end of his manhood. It felt good.

Gabe continued to explore Danny's parts with his mouth and tongue, sending a quiver across his body in waves. This wasn't good. Not one bit.

Well, it was a tiny bit good that Gabe was stepping up his game. A good sign at least, despite Gabe's dismissal. That meant that Danny had really been onto something. But the bad news was that now Gabe was really stepping it up. He was a goner under the skillful mouth of Gabe Bickmore.


And that wasn't even the worst news for Danny, because Gabe was absolutely right. It may have felt good for Gabe to get fucked, but Danny wouldn't last ten seconds. That was putting his own dick directly in harm's way even though it was the minute where he was supposed to be getting a break.

At a loss for what to do, Danny went back to his previous plan of "do whatever Gabe is doing." He knelt down on the floor and gripped the base of Gabe's shaft with his right hand, while his left rubbed up on his hairless, tan stomach. He didn't give himself any time to prepare or have second thoughts. Instead he just leaned forward, opened his mouth, and plunged it down over the head of Gabe's dick.

Sucking a cock was more complicated than Danny had suspected. It was an effort in multitasking. He had to find a good rhythm with his mouth, sliding up and down. Then he had to try to synchronize it with the motions of his hand, as he couldn't get the whole thing in his mouth at once. On top of it all, he had to make sure that he kept his teeth as far out of the way as possible.

Not that he minded, exactly. Danny was actually sort of enjoying this. He had been a little worried about the taste, but it didn't turn him off at all, and the fact that Gabe was getting into it was more than a little hot. No, sucking a dick wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be.

Huh. First he thought he might like to try fucking Gabe, then he was enjoying sucking a guy off. Danny didn't think of himself as gay or even bi, but he couldn't deny that he wasn't opposed to the idea of getting with another dude. That was sort of what the contest was all about anyway, wasn't it?

Danny shook off his diverging thoughts and tried to focus back on the task at hand. He focused on getting Gabe as deep into his mouth as possible, and timing his hand exactly in rhythm with the motion of his head. With his other hand he started playing with Gabe's balls and letting his fingers roam back onto his taint and even lightly brushing up against his asshole a few times. He definitely didn't imagine it before - Gabe went wild when he was getting his ass played with.


Gabe got back down in front of Danny and got back to work. This time around he wasn't tentative at all. He bobbed up and down on Danny's rod, only stopping a few times to roll his tongue around the sensitive head or to pull off and take a nice long lick from the bottom all the way back up to the top.

It was simple but effective, just like he had been with the hand job. Unfortunately, this was on a whole new level, and Danny didn't think he could last much longer if this kept up.

He took a look around for the first time this round and suddenly remembered that he had an audience. Half the boys were only able to watch this round, and watching they were. They were all peeping on one of the remaining couples getting it on, and several of them were absentmindedly playing with themselves as they did.

Danny's eyes wandered over to the other two competitors, and he immediately wished that he hadn't. All he could see from this angle was Troy's naked backside, and Diego's head bobbing up and down behind it.


Danny turned away as fast as he could. Troy was just ridiculous. From his rippling back to his chiseled ass, he was like a Greek statue, absolutely, perfectly ripped from head to toe. When Danny had thought about doing stuff with another guy, he hadn't been sure about how into it he was. But when he thought about Troy, it was different. He definitely wanted to try it.


Another minute in the books. Danny squatted back down in front of Gabe and resumed what he had been doing before, trying to always go faster and deeper.

"Such a shame you're going to lose next turn," Gabe said from up above him.

Danny looked up and saw that same shit eating grin plastered all over his face again. He furrowed his brow questioningly. Why was Gabe so sure he was about to lose?

"Because I'm actually going to start sucking your dick."

Oh. That's why.

Danny looked back down with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Gabe was probably right. He had been biding his time so far, and now he was ready to make the kill. Danny had a timeout, but it was essentially worthless unless he could get Gabe to use his first.

But on the other hand, if Gabe was getting ready to end it, it meant that he was feeling the pressure, at least a little bit. Her certainly didn't seem to be bored. With that in mind, Danny redoubled his effort. He was burying Gabe about as deep as he could, and could feel his firm cock head hitting the back of his throat with every thrust. If only he could get through it.

Danny focused as hard as he could on breaking that threshold. He tried to think about opening his throat up, and breathing in a little bit. He relaxed as much as he could and tilted his head back, hopefully making an easier angle for things to...

With a sudden lurch, Danny felt Gabe's cock push into his throat, his nose pressing all the way into Gabe's shaved pubic area.

He pulled off immediately and took a breath, trying not to choke. That was not nearly as easy as all the pornos made it look.

With what he thought was about fifteen seconds left, he got back to work. He plunged down again and felt Gabe's rod push back into his throat. He slid back and did it again. It was getting easier, and Danny didn't feel as much like he needed to gag every time he did it.


Danny pulled off one last time, a big strand of spit dripping off the front of his mouth. He looked up at Gabe and saw him shaking his head.

"You were just starting to get the hang of it, too."

With that, Gabe truly got to work. From the onset, he was coming all the way down Danny's shaft, burying it to the hilt with each piston of his mouth. With his hands he gripped Danny's hips, pulling him in each time, harder and harder, faster and faster. It would be incredibly tough to hold off on calling that time out.

Suddenly, Gabe bottomed out again, but this time he didn't pull off. Instead he just locked onto the root of Danny's cock and stayed there.

Danny had never felt anything as amazing as that. Within seconds he felt his orgasm building, and before things got past the point of no return he needed to...

"Time!" he yelled, gasping for breath. Damn he was close.

Gabe stood up and smiled, wiping some excess saliva from his lips.

"You've got one more minute with me, hon. Make it count?"

Danny snapped out of his daze and started to think. There was probably only one chance he had to make this happen, and he'd need to do it just right.

When he figured there were only a few seconds left of his time out, Danny knelt down in front of Gabe and assumed the position. This would need to be perfect, and there wasn't a second to spare.

Danny bobbed up and down along Gabe's shaft to warm him up, rubbing his hands over Gabe's smooth, firm ass cheeks as he did so. He needed to get him primed and ready before he really tried anything.

But it was more complicated than that. He didn't just need to get him close this round, he needed to get him off. And on top of that, he needed to get him off without having him use a time out. Honestly, it sounded impossible. Danny tried to push any thoughts of doubt out of his mind. Uncertainty wouldn't help him in the slightest. He needed to throw everything down in a massive gamble to win.

At the thirty second mark, everything was still on track. Gabe was breathing hard and pushing Danny ever farther down onto his cock with a firm hand on the back of his head. As Danny felt some excess saliva escaping his mouth, he carefully scooped it up with his index finger and made a trail of it back along Gabe's taint and over his sensitive hole.

As his finger traced across it, Gabe shuddered and pushed Danny even farther onto himself, leaving Danny's nose pressed against his skin. Danny felt the urge to gag, but pushed it back. He couldn't afford to lose a second of this final, all important minute.

Danny scooped up another glob of spit with about fifteen seconds left and traced it back again across Gabe's asshole. This time he lingered, prodding his finger lightly against it, while his other hand played with Gabe's smooth sack and taint, and his mouth continued its work. This earned another moan from Gabe. Still on track. Now the (hopefully) coup de grace.

Danny opened his mouth as wide as he could, getting a few last extra strands of saliva to drop off onto the base of Gabe's tool. He scooped them up quickly, never breaking the motion of his rhythm, but thoroughly coating his finger. Win or lose, it was time to make this happen.

And the timing couldn't be better. Gabe knew there wasn't much left in the minute, and he was confident enough that he wasn't putting any barriers between himself and the pleasure that Danny was dishing out. He was still pushing Danny onto himself with a hand on the back of his head, and he had even started bucking his hips forward at the same time, forcing Danny's mouth farther down with each stroke.

With what could only be a few seconds left, Danny buried Gabe's cock into his throat, and as Gabe applied pressure to the back of his head, he let himself be held there. He felt his throat gasping and contracting against the rock hard obstruction now occupying it. He knew it had to feel good.

At the same instant, however, Danny pushed his finger, which had been applying a gentle pressure against Gabe's hole, and slid it as far as it would go into his ass. Danny was amazed at how easily it slid in, and marveled at the tight, warm pressure that engulfed his digit the instant it entered. Almost just by reflex, Danny flexed his finger and rubbed it along the spongy insides of Gabe's asshole.

"Oh, god!" Gabe yelped as the felt the double onslaught of a deep throating and finger up his ass at the same time. "Fuck! Time! Time!"


At the sound of the timer, Danny pulled himself off of Gabe, but with a smile on his face. In the final half second he had felt something that he could identify, even as a virgin cocksucker, as a swelling in Gabe's cock and a tightness in his balls. He was on the absolute precipice, and it would take every ounce of the restraint that he hadn't been showing up until this point for Gabe to hold on.

"Ahhh!" Gabe cried, clearly torn between the idea of losing The Contest and the reality of the pleasure threatening to explode from his groin.

Everything and everyone stopped for a moment as Danny waited for the outcome.

Would it happen?

Suddenly, Gabe's cock exploded, launching volley after volley of hot, sticky cum through the air.

Unfortunately for Danny, he hadn't moved after releasing his hold on Gabe. The first shot struck him directly across the mouth, and the next two painted his forehead and right cheek. He pulled himself out of the line of fire at that point, but the damage had already been done. He could tell from the looks of the other boys who had been watching that his face must be covered with boy jizz.

But he couldn't help but smile, even though he knew it would mean that some of Gabe's cum would get in his mouth if he opened it. He did it. He had won. He beat Gabe Bickmore at the contest.

He felt a few pats on his back and even a slap across his bare ass - probably Brian - as he stood up and caught a towel that had been tossed to him. He wiped his face as best he could, but figured there would still be trace amounts of cum on his skin or in his hair until his next shower. He could deal with that later.

He caught a taste of something salty, the little bit that had gotten into his mouth. It didn't taste too bad, not at all like he was expected. The way he knew some girls talked about how awful it was to swallow a load, he figured it would have been terrible. But it wasn't really like anything, just salty and loaded with the knowledge that he had just made someone give it up. It was weirdly satisfying in that sense.

"Two minutes, boys! Take your places!"

Oh, shit!

Danny hadn't realized that it was already time to get started. It hadn't even occurred to him that the other match up was already done, but he wasn't surprised in the least when he turned around to see Troy swaggering towards him, still half hard from Diego's efforts.

He was an adonis, practically a god. Like a statue carved into stone, muscled and defined in all the right places, tanned to perfection by the summer sun, and hung like a god damned horse.

Danny felt nervous. The other rounds had him feeling nervous too, but this was different. This was Troy Williams. Any girl in the school would drop her panties for him in a second, and half the guys probably would too. This was way out of Danny's league.

Plus, there would be an audience. Troy and Danny were the only ones going now, and the other boys were all gathered around. They'd be watching every move, waiting for the excitement and glory that the final round of The Contest was sure to bring. This was where legends were born.

"Alright, gentlemen," Eric called out, "it's the third and final round."

Everyone quieted down to hear the final rules, while Danny tried his best to subdue the butterflies in his stomach.

"This round is a little different," he said, "in that you won't be taking turns. It's both of you at the same time. Find a position that's mutually agreeable, and get to it." He glanced down at his watch. "Thirty seconds."

Danny risked another glance at Troy and considered throwing in the towel right then and there. Thirty seconds until he had to go head to head with the greatest of all time. He wouldn't even have the benefit of timeouts or strategic minutes of planning. It was just a free for all from the get go, and he couldn't let up for a second.

Danny jumped as he felt a strong grip clamp down on his shoulders.

"You got this, dude."

It was Julian. Danny let himself relax into his grip and felt his shoulders loosen up a little bit. Not that Troy and Julian had any sort of beef with each other – everyone in this crew got along pretty well – but Danny knew that Julian was in his corner. That's at least one person rooting for him. It might only make a tiny difference in the end, but it was reassuring to think that he had someone on his side.

"Ten seconds!"

Julian released him and gave him a last clap on the back for encouragement. He drifted back into the circle of the audience around Troy and Danny, which had drawn in as the clock neared zero. The moment they had all been waiting for.

"Five seconds!"

Danny tried to clear his mind again. It had been an insane day so far, and now here was icing on the cake.

"Four!" The boys had all joined in the countdown now.

He was finally a part of The Contest, and not just a part, but in line to possibly win it all. And the only thing standing between him and victory was Troy Williams.


It wouldn't be easy, but he had to try.


He had taken down Julian, and he had somehow managed to take care of Gabe.


He could do this. If he tried his hardest and focused he could win the contest. He was sure of it.


Danny looked up at Troy and tried not to gasp as he took him in. He stepped forward until he was only a foot away, and Danny could almost swear that he could smell him. He had a deep, manly, musky scent, and Danny felt lightheaded as it hit his nostrils. There was no mistaking it, Troy was 100% man.

He would start this round off just like he had started the others. Danny reached out and placed his hands flat against Troy's pecs. They didn't move an inch when he touched them. They were like two huge slabs of meat, pure muscle with hardly an ounce of fat between them. Danny's hands slid up and over his shoulders and traps, taking in the muscles there. It was unbelievable how shredded he was.

Troy wasn't even moving. He looked down at Danny with a cool, amused expression, watching Danny take him in. Danny's fingers traced across the sinews of his biceps and over his forearms, then back to the center to explore his abs. The ridges were so well defined, every square inch of his torso rippling with power. He followed four full sets of stomach muscles down across a hard, prominent V-line and onto Troy's thighs.

"Pretty fucking amazing, right?"

Danny stopped in his tracks and looked up to meet his gaze. It wasn't really a question, and it wasn't even an accusation. It was a sort of understanding. Troy was the hottest person in school. Not just the hottest guy, although he certainly held that title too. No, he was actually the hottest person in the school, male or female, and he knew it.

Danny had to admit it to himself. Not just that Troy was almost inhuman in his attractiveness, but that he wanted him. In a sexual way. He always had, but in the vast majority of normal situations you could shrug that off or ignore it. You didn't have to think about it. But with your hands running over his body, looking straight into his eyes, Danny had to actual think it to himself: He wanted Troy more than he had ever wanted anyone else in his life.

And the half smile playing across Troy's lips let Danny know loud and clear that he knew it. It wasn't judgmental or condescending, or even cocky. It was the firm, honest knowledge that Danny was putty in his hands.

From that instant, Danny didn't even pretend that he was going to win. It wasn't even about that any more. It was a few minutes in heaven, with Troy Williams available and open to him. He wasn't going to waste that.

Danny pushed his hands against Troy's thighs, testing their firmness. They were as loaded with muscle as the rest of his body. He moved around to the back and wrapped his grip around two rock hard mounds of flesh that made up Troy's ass. He flexed as Danny's hands passed over them and Danny had to check himself to keep his mouth from dropping open.

He moved back across the front and onto Troy's abs again. He inspected each muscle, amazed at the definition. Julian was no slouch when it came to abs, and Danny had always hoped to get to that level. But Troy's six pack was like something out of a fitness magazine.

Moving downwards, Danny let his fingertips trace lightly down the smooth line of Troy's V muscle, then slip into the soft mound of closely trimmed pubic hair above his groin. His entire upper body was smooth and hairless, and the neat thatch of hair was so perfect it looked like it had been stuck there by a very benevolent god. Below that, the perfection only continued.

Danny wrapped his hand around the thick, meaty shaft of Troy's cock, hanging straight down in a semi hard state. It was that perfect level of arousal. He was soft enough that it was hanging low, but clearly pumped to maximum size. Danny could hardly get his hand around it. When he saw it earlier, he knew it was big, but it was completely different to have it in his hands. The incredible size and weight of it made Danny feel like a child.

With his other hand, he reached down to cup Troy's big, full balls. They were hairless and smooth, hanging down majestically just shy of the end of his cock. The two orbs slid easily in his hand and Danny was again awed by the manliness of Troy. From his strong facial features to his rippling body, all the way down to his gorgeous, generous manhood. It was utterly amazing, and Danny felt like he could spend days taking it all in, whether with his eyes, hands, or even his tongue...

Without warning, Troy reached across and stuck one of his big, meaty hands behind Danny's head. With a shocking amount of force, Troy pulled Danny's head forward, leaned down, and pressed their mouths together.

Danny was too shocked to react at first. What was Troy doing? A brief thought flashed through his mind that he should pull away, that he should refocus on The Contest, that Troy was giving him a head start. But then, everything went blank.

As Troy's tongue pushed through his lips and started exploring the inside of Danny's mouth, he felt something give way. It was too much. He starting kissing back, and pushed his own tongue forward to add to the fray.. The hand on the back of his head kept up the pressure, forcing his mouth forward, not giving him a chance to break away or breathe. But he didn't want to. He wanted it to go on forever.

By the time Troy broke the kiss, Danny was hardly even able to stand. His breath came in gasps, and he had to actually lean against Troy just to keep his footing.

He was going to lose.

It wasn't even a question at this point. He was reduced to a puddle of lust and worship for the stud in front of him. There was no Contest. There was just Troy.

Danny hardly even noticed as Troy signaled for Eric to bring him over a towel. He was mildly aware as Troy pushed him down onto the towel. He was only aware once he was fully situated, and Troy had spread out on his back, in sort of a sideways 69 position.

What made him notice was how close he suddenly was to Troy's cock. If it felt huge in his hand, it was positively massive up close. He stroked it a few times, marveling at the way Troy's foreskin slid forward and backwards across the head, enamored of the way it felt so big and heavy in his palm.

He leaned closer and popped the head into his mouth. It rolled over his tongue and Danny got his first taste. It was different than Gabe. He had tasted so clean and sterile, like you'd expect someone to taste if they walked off the set of a bodywash commercial. Troy tasted different, meaty and tangy. The taste of hot, delicious skin with hints of musk, sweat, and manliness. He savored the feeling of it in his mouth as it swelled, getting harder and bigger by the second.

Unlike when he was sucking off Gabe, this time there was no technique, no plan, and, no focused desperation to win. This was worship, plain and simple. All Danny wanted was to feel as much of Troy's fat, juicy cock in his mouth as was humanly possible. He loved it.

He knew he wasn't going to last much longer. It was pathetic, but Danny was going to cum from sucking a cock. It wasn't even a question. He didn't even know if Troy would have to touch him. It was so pathetic, to get off so hard on being submissive. But he didn't even care at this point. He had never felt so full before.

Troy was so much bigger and thicker than Gabe, there was no way he was going to be able to get it all in at once, but the feeling of fullness he was experiencing made him want to try. With each bob of his head he was able to sink a little bit lower, although there was still at least an inch left that he couldn't reach. Danny wanted it, but it just wasn't possible.

Having found his limit, Danny took a deep breath through his nose and then plunged down onto Troy as hard as he could, holding himself there with all his might. He felt Troy's cockhead pressing against the back of his throat, and felt his own dick twitch in response.

He looked down and saw how close he was to Troy's nut sack, the two big balls sitting there just a few inches away from his nose. Then it hit him. That smell again. But this time ten times stronger, straight from the source. The musky odor penetrated his nostril and drove him another step closer to the edge.

Knowing how close he was, Danny pulled off and gulped down a breath of air. There's was one more thing he wanted to do before this was over. Jerking Troy's cock with both hands, he let his head drop down below, nuzzling his nose and mouth into Troy's sack, lapping at the sensitive skin and inhaling as much crotch fragrance as he could possibly get into his lungs.

He pulled one of Troy's big, fat balls into his mouth and sucked on it, amazed at the smoothness of his skin and the size of his balls, almost like a small egg. He switched off to the other one and repeated the process. He was in heaven. Twenty minutes ago he had thought he might be bicurious. Now he was devouring Troy Williams' balls and loving every second of it.


Danny cried out as he felt Troy's hand finally wrap around his cock. It was so hard Danny could actually feel it straining in the skin. It only took a single stroke from Troy to harden to diamond levels and swell with the approach of orgasm. Danny plunged his mouth back around Troy's manhood and moaned onto it as his own cock exploded, blasting what had to be the biggest load of his life.

As his climax faded, Danny was faintly aware of the commotion of the other guys, congratulating Troy on his second victory of the day. They were talking in hushed tones, but Danny couldn't even make out what they were saying, he was in such a daze. Troy had taken him, and he was still reeling from the experience.

Danny made a weak attempt at getting up, but his arms and legs were shaking. He could hardly move. He rolled over onto his stomach and tried to push himself to his feet, but he couldn't even manage that. He was barely able to get up to his hands and elbows, head still bowed down to the floor.

There he sat, hunched over, shell shocked from a powerful orgasm and the experience of coming face to face with the colossal lust he had for Troy. It had taken a lot out of him, and it was all he could do to sit here for a moment and catch his breath.

Danny suddenly noticed that everyone had stopped talking. He heard a zipper pull on someone's gym bag, and then footsteps approaching heavily behind him.

He shuddered as he felt a hand slap down between his ass cheeks. It wasn't just the hand, but a cool, slick sensation rubbing against him, all over his crack and down to his asshole. What the hell were they doing?

He tried to turn his head back, but couldn't see anything from this position. The hand left his backside and he reached his own behind him to replace it. He felt a slippery substance all over his ass crack. It was Vasoline.

Before he had time to process what was going on, two hands clamped down on his hips. The grip was strong, decided, and powerful. There was no mistaking it. It was Troy.

One hand pulled away and Danny felt it reconnect between his cheeks. It slid up and down, lightly teasing his hole and scooping up a bit of the lube which had been generously applied all over his back side. The hand pulled away.

The instant he heard the sound, Danny finally made the connection. He heard the unmistakable sound of a hand running up and down a hard cock, lubing it up. He had never really heard it before, but the certainty of what was making that noise was secondary only to the certainty of what was about to happen. Troy was going to fuck Danny in the ass.

And he wanted it.

If sucking Troy's dick had made him feel full, he couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have that monster inside of him from the other side. It would be unlike anything else. The hottest, manliest stud in the world, breeding him like a bitch. He couldn't deny that he wanted it, and he felt he cock twitch in anticipation, already hard again even after cumming only minutes before.

He felt a pressure against his virgin asshole, and he knew Troy was lined up and ready to go. It pushed harder, and then harder still. Danny was imagining the size of Troy's cockhead, and was trying to think how it would ever fit inside of him. Troy pushed harder still, and yet the ring of muscle surrounding his ass refused to budge.

He had to relax. He was too tense now, riding the nervous anticipation of what was about to happen. That wouldn't help.

Danny slowed his breathing and at the same time he relaxed the muscles in his backside and pushed himself back into Troy's rod. With a stretching sensation, he felt the head of Troy's cock enter him.

"Ahhh!" Danny gasped in shock. Even fully relaxing his hole, Troy felt so huge. There was no way he was going to take this thing all the way...


Troy pushed forward, dropping another inch of himself into the tight, young boy in front of him. Danny felt the ridge of his cockhead pass through the initial ring of his asshole and enter him. He couldn't keep this up.

Troy tightened his grip on Danny's hips and slid forward another inch. The lubrication was a godsend, making the slide go smoothly, but Danny was still struggling to keep up. He couldn't believe how full he felt, and he knew Troy wasn't even halfway in.

It took a few minutes. Troy slowly but surely pushing forward, and Danny trying to relax himself and accept more and more of the fattest cock he had ever seen. This wasn't the first time for Troy, and he knew to take it slow to start. Troy had been lucky enough to date a girl who would let him try this out from time to time. She wasn't nearly as tight as Danny, Troy was sure that patience would pay off in the end.

Just when Danny was about to cry out, sure that he couldn't take another millimeter inside him, he felt Troy's hips press firmly and finally against his ass cheeks. That was it. He was in. Troy held him there, and over the next minute he started to feel less and less of the pain and discomfort, and more and more of the pleasures associated with getting stuffed with a nice, big dick.

Troy started to pull back, but Danny reached back and grabbed onto Troy's hips to stop him. He had never felt anything like this in his life, and he didn't want to end it so soon. He squirmed with pleasure on Troy's pole, letting his ass flex and contract all around him. It was incredible. A perfect, supreme fullness inside him, pressing against a million nerve endings, and delivering pleasure like he had never felt it before.

Danny felt the pressure building inside him and clamped his ass down around Troy's cock. Within seconds he was shooting his load, not even needing to touch himself this time. It was just as powerful as the first one had been, and he dropped from his elbows back onto the floor, now just laying on the floor, ass sticking up in the air and meeting Troy's hips.

Troy moaned as he felt Danny's ass expanding and contracting with his orgasm. It turned him on that he had made him cum with nothing but a cock up his ass. He wasn't even fucking him. It was just him. Nothing turns on an alpha male more than that. The worship that comes from lust.

Once Danny's climax had subsided, he relaxed more, and Troy was able to slide most of the way out without an issue. As soon as he reached the end of his stroke he reversed direction and slid back in, only needing about ten seconds this time to bottom out in Danny's tight ass. He repeated the process a few more times, and amazingly Danny opened up to him and accepted his size until he had an unhindered range of motion.

Troy picked up the pace and started fucking Danny in long, smooth strokes. With Danny laying on the floor he was able to grind hard into his ass, getting a full sensation at the bottom of each stroke, pressing his stomach into Danny's ass cheeks and feeling his balls press against the back of Danny's legs. It was his favorite position to take a girl from behind like this, and Danny's hard, muscular body was even better in some ways.

Danny moaned and whimpered with each thrust, completely lost in the ecstasy of getting fucked by a strong, dominant stud. He couldn't believe the sensations shooting through his body right now. The powerful hands holding on his hips, pulling him back with each thrust. The tight, muscular stomach pressing into his butt. The huge cock pistoning in and out of his hole. It was heaven.

Troy's speed increased steadily, and the pleasure started to rise in his loins. He was pushing harder now, practically slamming into Danny with each thrust. It felt good, and he might not have stopped even if Danny wanted him to. But that wasn't an issue, at least judging from Danny's steady rhythm of cries and moans from underneath him.

Suddenly, Troy felt Danny's ass clamp down around him again, pulling him and and milking him, getting tighter with each throb. He must be cumming again. He came twice without even touching himself, just getting off on the sensation of getting fucked. The thought was enough to push Troy to the edge, and Troy slammed forward one final time with all his might.

Buried to the hilt in Danny's ass, Troy blew the most intense, massive load of his life. He grunted aloud as he felt blast after blast of his hot thick cum coat the inside of his friend. He spurted at least ten times before it finally subsided, and he leaned down and sighed with a shudder.

He stayed inside Danny for a minute, moving just enough to feel the slippery sensation of his own hot cum lubricating Danny's hole. As he pulled out, one thick, white rope clung to his tool and finally dropped onto Danny's back, as though marking him with Troy's seed for everyone else to see.

Both Troy and Danny looked up for the first time and were surprised to see that everyone else was in the process of or had already blown a huge load of their own. All six guys had their pants down or off, jerking off frantically at one of the hottest live sex shows you could imagine.

Every Contest came away with some sort of legend. Sometimes it was something funny, other times it was an underdog coming up big and winning it all. This year, however, there was no question about it. This year would always be known as the year that Troy Williams fucked Danny Bright.

Next: Chapter 2: Full of Surprises

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