Highway Rest Stop

By rob james

Published on Nov 30, 2001


I had a recent encounter at a highway rest stop late one night. I had pulled in to try my luck at meeting another man for some late night sex. The car I parked behind flashed his lights and so I went over to the driver. We had some smalltalk and I got into his car. He bent over until his head was in my lap. As he put his head in my lap, I reclined the seat and let him have me.

He started to kiss my cock which was trying to bust through my pants by now. I made a point not to wear underwear, so when he opened my pants my cock jumped out right into his mouth. The feeling was fantastic. I had done this plenty of times, but his tongue and lips were better than any of the others I've had before.

He pressed his tongue flat and hard against my cock, and swirled it all over as he moved his head up and down my shaft. When he got to the head of my cock, he took his left hand and squeezed my cock and my precum started to ooze out the tip. He licked it up, and slid his mouth over the head of my cock and started to run his tongue all over it.

Then he slowly took my hard shaft down his throat driving me nuts. I wanted to do the same to him, but was in no hurry to stop him from making me feel this fucking good. After at least 10 or 15 minutes, I was feeling my orgasm starting to build. I moaned softly, and whispered to him that I wanted to suck his cock too. He pulled his mouth off my cock and said thanks but he only wanted to suck, he would do himself later. Well that was ok, I just wanted to cum in his mouth anyway. He started sucking faster and harder and bobbed his head up and down my rod.

I was loving every minute of it and knew I would blow my load very soon. He started to stroke my balls and slipped his hand down between my thighs and I could feel his fingers caressing my asshole.

This pushed me over the edge and I shot my cum into his mouth. It was an incredible explosion!!! I have never had an orgasm that intense before and it seemed to last so long.

When it finally stopped, I put my cock back into my pants, and thanked him for the best blow job I've ever had. He said sure, my pleasure and I got out of his car.

Before I closed the door, he said if I wanted more that he would be here in a couple of nights and to look for him. Well I did and found him, but that's another story.

Next: Chapter 2

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