Highway Rest Stop

By rob james

Published on Dec 2, 2001


After that first adventure with the best cocksucker I've ever met, I couldn't wait to get back there again and hook up with him. I went back a couple of nights later, and sure enough there was his car. I pulled up behind him, and blinked my lights at him. He tapped his brake and I knew he was available. I went over to the passenger side of the car and got in. I said hello, and he smiled and said he remembered me from the night before. I smiled and said I definitely remember you. I said this time "I suck you off until you cum in my mouth". I trembled as I said the words. I had never wanted to do anything as nasty or as much as I wanted to suck his cock that night.

I leaned over and lowered my head to his crotch. I reached over and undid his pants and pulled down his zipper. Like me, he didn't wear underwear, and his huge cock sprang out of his pants. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen. It had to be at least 8" long and 2" thick. I was in a trance as I looked at his cock inches from my face. I moved in closer and licked the tip of his cock with my tongue.

My mind was filled with lust for this cock. I slipped his huge purple cock head into my mouth and swirled my tongue all around it. I gently squeezed his cock with my right hand and a large drop of precum began dripping from his cock into my eager mouth. I started to suck it and slowly slide my mouth down his huge hot piece of meat. I couldn't believe how good it felt to have this mans cock siding into my mouth.

My friend was obviously enjoying this as he started to moan softly and whisper to me, "yessssssss suck my big cock into your mouth, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love it". I got hot as hell when I heard this and I began to suck him even harder. I was consumed with his cock and wanted to make him cum hard into my mouth. He was moaning louder now and began thrusting his hips up and down, fucking my mouth with his cock. I knew he was close and I sucked and stroked his cock with my tongue. I slipped my hand down to his balls and caressed them gently. Then I went straight to his asshole and started to rub it with my middle finger. This drove him nuts and soon he moaned loudly "Fuck I'm cumming".

His cock suddenly swelled up inside my mouth as he shot his first load of cum into my mouth. I felt it hit the back of my mouth and soon more bursts of his hot cum shot into my mouth. He was fucking my mouth with his cock as he filled me with his cum. I couldn't hold all of it inside and it dribbled out of the sides of my mouth onto his legs and the seat of the car.

Finally he was done, and I pulled away from him and sat up. I wiped my mouth and spit out his cum left inside my mouth into a handkerchief I brought with me. He just smiled and thanked me and we promised to meet again and do each other.

Hope you liked my story. Let me know, send your comments or thoughts to: rj5634@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3: Lee

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