Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Apr 28, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 11

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 11

“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Come, Gentlemen, let’s rejoin our family in the kitchen and have another cup of coffee. I’m sure they heard me raise my voice and are curious about what went on out here. Let oily Orville see us walk away and show him our backsides as a final gesture of our determination we will neither be pushed nor manipulated,” Billy said.

“Good idea, Son,” Tron said, and the men walked back to the kitchen. Hank and the twins got them coffee as they began to talk about what happened. Everyone in the kitchen was enthralled by what the men were telling them but disappointed the situation didn’t resolve itself in Master Billy’s favor.

* * * * * * *
“Mr. McMartin never said nothing about collecting no deliverly fees. Why did you do that, Orville?” Enoch asked walking back to the lead truck they came in.

“To get money from them dumb redneck assholes. They got the money. If they got backing from some huge agriculture conglomerate whats got enough money to provide them with expensive machines like these, they’s going into big time corporate ranching, and you can bet chore’ boots they got plenty. Look at that mansion. It needs a coat of paint, but it’s worth a small fortune. Ten thousand is chump change for them people. Country folks with money don’t show off their wealth like the new money does, but they got it. I know damn well they do. I can smell money,” Orville hissed.

“Yeah, but what you’re doing is a major con job on these folks. If our boss found out about this, it wouldn’t only be you what gets the shaft, it would be everyone on your crew, including me. You ain’t only gambling your future, but ours, too,” Enoch said.

“Look, this is your second assignment with the company, and I’m suppose to train you. This is the way us step-n-fetch lower rung employees make a little extra on the side by conning these rubes. I’s just trying to teach you the ropes to survive,” Orville said.

“And you get away with it?” Enoch asked in surprise.

“Sure. We got three thousand out of that dimwit rancher the other day when we delivered that hay-bailer to him. We been doing this for several years. None of them other wealthy ranchers ask questions. They just take added charges for delivery as an expected thing. They got the money to burn. It don’t hurt them none. This kid is new money, but I can wait him out. If that tenderfoot snot nosed cowboy thinks he’s got the upper hand, I’ll show him a thing or two,” Orville said and foamed at the corners of his mouth in anger.

“Pardon me for say’n, Orville, but I think you’re cut’n the kid a mite short. That snot nosed tenderfoot cowboy, as you call him, just done nailed yore’ ass to the barn door,” Enoch said and continued, “I know you got all them papers he asked about. I seen ‘em. I’s with you when Mr. McMartin handed you the document folder. He said they’s all in there; pink slips, too. I done went through 'em on the way from Houston to double check ever’thing. Why not just give the kid what he’s asking for and write this one off. They’s always another fish in the pond.

“If we take off, and he calls McMartin to complain or to tell him he’s canceling the order, it ain’t gonna’ go well for you, Orville. As much of a rube as you think he is, he’s got a loaded bomb in his hand, but you ain’t hold’n nothing but a bluff and a handful of bullshit. You ain’t play’n no poker game here, neither. If that’s the way you see it, the kid’s hold’n all the cards, and you ain’t got shit to draw to. All he has to do is light the fuse to that bomb, and he can blow you out of the water. The kid was right. You stand to lose a lot more’n ten grand. You could lose your job over this,” Enoch said.

There was a long pause while Orville thought about it. He looked away in the distance like he was musing about the situation. “Maybe you’re right. Damnation, I hate to eat crow, and kiss his smug ass. I just know’d he’s got the money. I could see a wad of bills in his hip pocket that thick,” Orville said, holding his thumb and forefinger apart about an inch.

“Gimme’ the documents, and let me handle it,” Enoch said, “Maybe I can smooth things over, and you won’t have to eat no crow. You stay out here with the crew, and I’ll take care of things inside with the cowboy and his posse. If he gets what he wants, he’ll forget about the rest, and won’t say nothing. I’s raised among folks like him and his family, I know how they think,” Enoch said.

Orville took his good time thinking about it. “All right, I’ll have the men start unloading the larger machines, and you take care of the arrogant little asshole,” Orville finally conceded. Enoch gathered the large document package from the backseat of the lead truck and headed for the ranch house, climbed the stairs, and rang the bell. Nathan answered the door, and Orville watched as the mature cowboy invited Enoch into the living room. Orville turned and walked over to his crew foreman, Eustace Barger, and told him to have the men start unloading the heavy equipment beginning with the Deere tractor, the track-backhoe, and the Caterpillar bulldozer last.

“You already got the big’un doing yore’ job, Boss?” his foreman asked with a sneer.

“No, he ain’t doing my job. We ran into a snag with that ignorant cowboy, and Redbone is playing second string quarterback,” Orville replied.

“Let’s see,” mused Eustace, “the cowboy balked on the large delivery fee you tried to suck out a' him. I done told you, you’s get’n greedy, and pushing too hard. I told you not to ask a penny over five grand. You didn’t listen to me, and you dropped the ball. Now you're running in another player to smooth things over with him and set up another play. How much is he going for?” he asked.  

“Nothing. He’s giving him ever’thing he wants just to placate him and hope he keeps his mouth shut. Maybe there’s more to that big ox than I thought,” Orville allowed.

Eustace slapped his leg and fell out laughing. “I say there is. He’s learn’n to take over your job, Orville.”

“What are you talk’n about old man? What do you know I don’t?”

“J’ever wonder what the ‘R’ initial in Thomas R. McMartin stands for, Orville?” Eustace asked.

“No. Should I?”

“It stands for ‘Redbone,’ Orville.”

“You telling me McMartin and that giant cowboy is related?” Orville asked.

“McMartin’s momma is the older sister of Enoch’s daddy. While there’s twelve years difference in their age, the big cowboy and your boss is first cousins. She wanted Tom McMartin to carry the 'Redbone' name as part of his financial heritage. Them Redbones is the richest family in Texas,” Eustace said.

“Son of bitch. When were you gonna’ tell me?” Orville asked.

“I just did. I didn’t know myself until old Bart Tinker told me in the crew cab on the way out here. He’s worked for the Redbones and McMartins for years,” Eustace replied.

“Son of a fuck’n bitch! I’m being set up!” Orville exclaimed.

“Wouldn’t know about that, but now he knows about chore’ little scam, I’d say it’s damn near a done deal he’ll go back to his cousin and tell him ever’thing to make his’self look like a hero. If’n I’s you, I’d start put’n feelers out for another job,” Eustace said.

“Fuck that! Orville Higginbothem don’t take no shit off’n nobody. I’ll fix them two’s wagon, but good,” he said with conviction.

“Don’t go do’n nothing stupid, Orville. You wouldn’t make a good slave. You’s too damn used to giving orders to other men, and you’s a mite on heavy side to do a good days work,” Eustace warned him.

“I always cover my ass, but I’ll tell you one damn thing, he won’t be telling his cousin a frick’n thing,” Orville declared, “he’ll have an accident he won’t walk away from.”

“You’s on yore’ own with threats like 'at, Orville. I ain’t deny’n I done me some bad things in my time I ain’t real proud of and got away with ‘em, but I ain’t gonna’ be no part of killing a man,” Eustace allowed.

“Then turn your back, Eustace, and look the other way,” Orville said with disgust.

* * * * * * *
Nathan returned to the kitchen from meeting Enoch at the front door and showing him into the living room. “Only the giant returned, Son,” Nathan said, “he asked if he might speak with you.”

“Sure, Uncle Nate, but this time everyone comes with me. My number one, my twins, my beautiful psyches, my handsome cowboy slaves, and my stunningly beautiful grandmother, if’n she’d like to join us,” Billy said and grinned. They all got smiles on their faces, “I want ever’one’s opinion about the other giant we got in our living room.” They followed Billy, who walked arm in arm with Kate. Cass and Poly were on one side and Archie and Edith on the other. Boomer was right behind them, and he was flanked by Nick and Clyde. Hank, Buck, Andy, Nathan, Moss, Tron, and Nate brought up the rear. Enoch Redbone’s face registered shock from the unusual critters mixed with ordinary, everyday down-home folks, but it softened into a radiant smile which melted more than a few hearts in the room. Enoch stuck out his huge ham of a hand, offered it to Billy, and grinned. Billy took it, and the two men shook hands.

<< You can hear me, can’t you, sir? >> Enoch sent.

<< Loud and clear, Mr. Redbone, >> Billy nodded and grinned, << Family? How many of you heard our exchange? >> Billy sent.

The twin’s hands shot up along with Edith and Archie’s. Boomer, Nick, Clyde, Hank, Buck, and Andy held up their hands.     

“Then you know Orville was lying, and you also know I knew nothing about what he was doing,” he said out loud.

“Yes, but we didn’t need to read his mind to know he was trying to buffalo me. I knew what he was trying to do from the start. It just weren’t sound business practice considering the amount of money what’s involved,” Billy said.

“You’re right, Mr. Daniels. I got all the documents you asked for in this folder, including the pink slips in your name. All you gotta’ do is have your staff go over them, check out the vehicles, and if you find everything in order, sign the company form at the bottom of the pile, sir. There won't be any charge for delivery, sir,” Enoch said.

“Fine. Let me introduce you to my family, Mr. Redbone,” Billy said and introduced the giant cowboy to his grandmother first and each man or critter in turn. Kate seemed charmed by the genuine sincerity of the large cowboy’s excellent and genteel deportment. He exuded warmth, honesty, and a genuine interest in everyone he met. Enoch, was particularly charmed and impressed by the halflings, the psyches, and Boomer.

“I ain’t never met me a Bigfoot before, sir, but it’s a pleasure and an honor,” Enoch told Boomer.

“Boomer is a genuine Bigfoot, Mr. Redbone, but his kind is better known as the watchers of our world. Boomer saved my life once, and I saved his twice. He was given to me by his uncles a while ago to become my number one slave and my bonded mate,” Billy said like it was common knowledge, and he just expected Enoch to accept his statement in stride.

“Good to meet you, sir,” he said.

“Good to meet you, too, Master Redbone, the pleasure is mine, but if you’ll forgive me, I must speak with my master for a moment,” Boomer said.

“What could be so important, number one?” Billy asked gently.

“I been called by the council to come immediately, and bring Archie, Edith, Hank, and Buck with me, Master Billy. They received an emergency message from Madame Spartza’s black slave, and they got some video they want to show us. I was told we would be returned immediately,” Boomer said.

“Go, immediately. Take Archie and Edith by the hand. Hank, you and Buck follow Boomer around the corner and have a safe trip. Don't forget to give our uncles my very best regards, our deepest appreciation, and a special hug and kiss for my uncle-in-laws,” Billy ordered Boomer. The four left with Boomer, turned the corner, a door sprang up, and they walked through.

“Where did they go, Mr. Daniels?” Enoch asked in awe.

“They went through a stargate to visit my in-law uncles, who are Boomer’s blood uncles on another world called Retikki Prime in another galaxy. They’ll be back in exactly ten seconds,” Billy said, and counted backward from ten. When he reached ‘one’ nothing happened. “Wait for it!” he said, “Now!” he exclaimed, the door sprang up, and the five who left, returned.

“How is it I know'd you ain’t lying to me, Mr. Daniels? How is it I know in ma’ gut you would never lie to me, sir?” Enoch asked.

“I ain’t got no answer for you, Mr. Redbone, but I damn shore’ got me a shit load of hypothesis,” Billy replied, “Let’s get on with this, shall we. The sooner I get that piece of shit, Orville Higginbothem, off’n our ranch, the happier I’ll be. Moss, take the folder from Mr. Redbone. You and Mr. Garrett check ever’thing out, make sure everything’s there, and we’ll start inspection when they’s through unloading the big stuff,” Billy said, “In the meantime, I need a report from you, my goodly mate,” he said to Boomer, “Come with me -- Hank, Buck, Archie, and Ms. Edith -- please join us,” Billy graciously requested. “Clyde, Tonto, and Andy -- if you will?” Billy motioned with his hand.

They walked into the parlor, and Billy pulled the two large sliding doors together for privacy. As he closed the doors, he saw a look on Enoch’s face which told him the giant was in awe of what he saw happening. Billy knew at that moment, Enoch Redbone made up his mind he had to find someway to become a part of Billy Daniels’ family. He didn’t care if he had to give himself to Billy as his slave. He only knew the voices in his head he heard for years, since he was a young boy, were shouting at him, this was the man he must serve for the rest of his life. In an instant that information was transferred to Billy, he caught Enoch’s eye, smiled, winked, and nodded he understood. With the doors closed, Billy turned to his family. “How long were you there?” he asked.

Boomer looked at Hank and nodded for the mature cowboy to speak for them. “We weren’t there long at all, Master Billy,” Hank said, “They retained Madame Spartza’s handsome black slave Balthazar until we got there. She’s been following our progress, and because of her strong bond with you and the twins, has been able to see many things. He related to us what she saw. The most important bit of information is, the man you just introduced us to, Enoch Redbone, is to become another important part of the inner circle of your immediate family; however, his life is in danger even as we speak. It's important, he must be saved or the balance of the future might be changed dramatically,” Hank reported.

“Do you have more details?” Billy asked.

“Not a whole hell of a lot, I’m sorry to say, Master Billy,” Hank replied, “We were told the owner of the company, Mr. McMartin, who owns the company what provided the machines for you, and Mr. Redbone, are first cousins. The man what tried to con you into paying exorbitant delivery fees just learned about their relationship. He plans to kill Mr. Redbone and make it look like an accident. Remember Boomer's uncles told us they put invisible robo-cams on us to monitor everything we do? Well, they just happened to record a conversation between Orville Higginbothem and his foreman, Eustace Barger. Show him, Boomer,” Hank said. Boomer waved his big furry hand like a man wiping the moisture away from a frosted window. A video of Orville and Eustace sprang up and ran through their conversation ending with Orville telling his foreman he planned to kill Enoch and make it look like an accident -- then it cut out.

“Don’t sound good, folks,” Billy allowed shaking his head in disgust, “Boom, can we convert that signal to a format we can use as evidence?” Billy asked.

Hank reached in the front pocket of his western shirt, pulled out a memory stick, and held it up. “Already been done, Master,” he said.

“Damn, our good uncles think of ever’thing, don’t they?” he asked and grinned, “Do we know anymore?” he asked.

“That’s where it gets sketchy, Master. Balthazar apologized his mistress couldn’t be more specific, but several things will come into play which will tilt the odds in favor of Enoch’s survival. In a word, if we react quickly enough to the situation Orville creates, the greater chance we have of saving Enoch’s life,” Hank said, “We were told you must have all of us outside watching for anything, and we were directed to use our individual powers without consideration of being found out,” he added.

“Anything else we should know, my good slave?” Billy asked Hank.

“Yes, sir. Even though Madame Spartza sees a large chance of saving Enoch, he will be badly injured. We must have an anti-grav gurney at the ready to get him to the barn for you, Clyde, and Nick to wing-up and mend him,” Hank explained.

“What about Orville?” Billy asked.

“You leave him to us, Master Billy,” Archie spoke up.

“All right, but be careful. My guess is a low-life, desperate man like him carries a gun, an armed weapon, which he will use if he sees he’s likely to be detained for the sheriff,” Billy admonished them.

“We will, Master Billy. Thanks for caring about us,” Edith replied, “We won’t let you down, sir,” she added.

“Shall I get the gurney from the line cabin, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Yes. Go, Tonto. Transport it back to the barn here, and leave it there until we need it. Walk out of the barn, and join us when you get back. Let us know we’re set for anything,” Billy said, and Nick vanished. “God, I hate to see that good looking beefy buckaroo get hurt. If I can get to him quick enough, I can stop the pain almost immediately,” Billy said.

“Without yore’ wings, Master?” Boomer asked.

“Yeah, the wings are mainly for healing and recharging my batteries. I got other powers I discovered on Nick’s ship what don’t require them,” Billy replied, “Come let’s join the others,” he added and turned to slide the doors apart. Enoch was gone.

“Where’s Mr. Redbone?” Billy asked anxiously.

“His boss, Orville, come got him to help offload the bulldozer,” Nathan said, “Moss and Tron went with him,” he added.

“Oh, my God!” Billy exclaimed.

“What’s the matter, Son?” Kate asked worried.

“Ain’t got time to fill in the details, Grandma. I’ll explain later. We just learned Orville Higginbothem plans to kill Enoch Redbone and make it look like an accident. Come Uncle Nate, we may need you,” Billy said and walked to the front door with his family behind him. “Keep your eyes and ears open everyone. Use your powers if you have to. We got a good man’s life to save. I know we can do it. Each of you asked me one time or another to trust you. You have my trust. Let’s do this,” Billy said firmly, led everyone out the door, and down the steps of the front porch.

They walked toward Moss and Tron who were inspecting one of the two personal pickup trucks they drove out. One was for Billy, and the other was for his uncle. Billy could see Nick coming out of the barn door and knew the gurney was waiting for them inside. Billy spoke to Nick briefly and gave him the same speech he did the others. They could see the men already unloaded the other large equipment and were starting to unload the bulldozer. It was the heaviest of the lot and weighed several tons. They used the hydraulics produced by the huge diesel engine in the truck to unfold the massive, heavy ramp they would use to drive the Caterpillar down onto the ground. There seemed to be something wrong, and it wouldn’t go past a certain point. They could see Orville operating the hydraulics in the cab of the truck trying to jam it to make it go the rest of the way, but it wouldn’t budge past a certain point.

He jumped down from the cab of the truck, grabbed a twenty pound double-jack sledge hammer from a workbox on the truck, and handed it to Enoch. “Here, it’s time you earned your keep, tenderfoot. You gotta’ get under the damn thing and straighten the hinge pin. It’s come loose and is causing the ramp to catch. When I activate the lift and raise it a little, hit it as hard as you can with the double jack to drive it back in. It will reset itself, and then it will travel to the ground,” Orville barked.

Billy and his men were watching all this, but couldn’t hear what Orville said. They watched as the giant cowboy took the double jack, turned, and headed to the rear of the long truck. Billy’s first instinct was to run after him, but Nick caught his arm and stopped him. “Remember you saved my life, but I suffered some pain before you rescued me. This has to happen, Billy, or the future won’t play out like them folks planned. You said you trust your family. Show them,” Nick said.

“I know your words are right, Tonto, but they don’t help me none. It’s like watching an execution you know you might be able to prevent,” Billy lamented.

“You’re right, but that’s the way you are. That’s why you gathered a devoted family to help you through times like this,” Nick said.

Nick no sooner got the words out, when they heard Enoch hit the pin once and then once again. It gave out a loud ringing sound like heavy metal against heavier metal. Billy’s sense of perfect pitch told him it was a resounding G sharp. Why was he thinking something so mundane as the pitch of the sound when a man’s life was at stake? They watched Orville jam in the hydraulics shift again, and the ramp began to lower the rest of the way. They saw him do something else, and then jump down from the cab to walk to the rear like he was going to check on the progress of the ramp when the huge truck started to roll down the incline. As it went, it dragged the ramp behind it, and knocked Enoch to the ground.

“Fuck!” exclaimed Nick, “The bastard released the safety break, and gravity done set the truck in motion.”

Billy immediately found Enoch’s mind and sent him an order, << Drop and roll to your left, Enoch, >> he sent firmly.

Enoch heard Billy, and recognized his voice. He didn’t hesitate and did as he was told. He managed to get his massive upper body clear of the oncoming ramp, and his left leg pulled up under him; however, the ramp caught his right leg effectively crushing it. The giant man let out a scream you could have heard in five surrounding counties. Billy’s family went into action and stopped the truck with the force from their hands. Archie and Edith were the strongest and stood less than ten feet in front of the huge truck, set their little feet in the dirt, and dared it to advance another inch. Nick sprang into action. He jumped into the cab of the truck, set the emergency brake, and reversed the hydraulic gears to raise the ramp up and off of Enoch’s leg. Billy could see he was clear, but the big man wasn’t moving. Billy hoped he passed out as he ran full-out to him. Enoch was awake, laying there with tears running from his eyes, but he wasn’t crying. He was in such great pain, his tears were involuntary.  

When Orville saw he didn’t succeed in killing Enoch, he ran for the lead truck, jumped in, started the engine, and pealed out down the road leading to the exit. Billy saw Archie and Edith take wing and knew in his heart Orville would never make it to the front gate. He knelt by Enoch, looked him in the eyes, and spoke, “This is gonna’ sound crazy, cowboy, but trust me, and I’ll take your pain away. Kiss me and make it a good one, buckaroo!” Billy exclaimed.

He put his lips against Enoch's and kissed him hard and passionately. Surprisingly, the giant cowboy responded in kind, and threw his huge arms around Billy to hold him. The longer they kissed the less pain Enoch felt. They kissed until Billy was sure he absorbed every bit of the big man’s pain. He eased off and looked him in the eye. “Better?” he asked. Enoch smiled and nodded, “We gotta’ do that again after I heal you, and get you on your feet. I want me another big ole taste of yore' brand of cowboy loving,” Billy said and grinned.

Nick ran to the barn, got the gurney, and was by Billy’s side in a few seconds. They didn’t try to lift Enoch. He was just too damn big. Nick lowered the gurney to the ground. Enoch managed to get his big butt onto the gurney, and together, Billy and Nick dragged the rest of him onto it. They were joined by Clyde and Andy and the rest of Billy’s family. Orville’s crew stood around with their mouths open watching in awe. They never saw a group of mixed critters and men take action so fast. They didn’t understand Billy’s family stopped the truck and had no idea how the gurney flew through the air. Billy told Nick and Clyde to get Enoch to the barn, and he would be right behind them.

“Boomer," Billy spoke to his number one, "Archie and Edith went after Orville. Do what you can to help them but don't let him get away. Uncle Nathan, call Sheriff Tate. Tell him we made a citizen's arrest, and we're holding a man for attempted murder. Ask him to send some men out to take him to jail. Hank, you Buck, Moss, and you Mr. Garrett, make sure none of these men walk into the barn. We got an injured man to heal, and I don’t want no interruptions,” Billy said firmly.

“Don’t worry, Son, we’ll make sure. We can handle our end. Go on and take care of your brother,” Tron said.

Billy ran to the barn and found Clyde and Nick already winged-up. They remove their shirts to accommodate their wings and were bare from the waste up; however, they were wearing their leather harnesses which made them look a bit more kinky than angelic. That was fine with Billy. Having an angelic demon for a dad didn’t exactly place him among the ho-hum mundane missionary position herd. Billy stopped long enough to check on Enoch. “You okay, cowboy?” he asked with a concerned smile.

“I don’t hurt none, Master Billy,” he said.

“I ain’t chore’ master, cowboy. Just call me, Billy,” he said and smiled

“Then you must drop the Mr. Redbone, and call me Enoch. Am I hallucinating, Billy, or did them men really sprout wings?” he asked.

“Naw, you ain’t hallucinating none, bro. They got they’selves some nice wings, don’t they? They’s my slaves; a part of my family, and I gotta' admit, I'm rather fond of 'em. Hell, I’m downright proud of ‘em. I’ll leave you with them for a few minutes while I wing-up. Clyde, grab one a’ them clean horse blankets in the tack cabinet over yonder. Nick, morph his clothes off him, cover him, but don’t remove his boots until I return,” Billy ordered.

“You gonna’ need help wing’n up, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“I gotta’ fly solo sooner or later, Tonto. Might as well be now, but if'n I ain't back in a few, come look for me,” Billy replied, grinned, and vanished. He found his wings and simply reversed the order Nick showed him when he helped him morph them away. Billy was right proud of himself; he blinked, and reappeared in the barn. This time his wings didn’t feel heavy at all. They were light as he imagined feathered wings might be.

Enoch caught sight of Billy with his magnificent gold wings, his brown leather harness, and almost pissed on the gurney. "I know’d ju’ was an angel,” he said, “you’s jes’ to damn good to be true; and you ain’t just any angel, you’s one a them archangels,” Enoch declared.

“Whoever heard of an archangel named 'Billy'?" he asked and laughed, "I ain’t no angel, Enoch. Them two right there is as close as you’re ever gonna’ get to real angels, and the one I call ‘Tonto’ can be a demon in the sack. He’s ma’ surrogate dad. I ain’t nothing but a genetically enhanced buckaroo. Same’s you, except you ain’t been enhanced -- yet. We’ll explain ever’thing later, but right now we got to do some healing on yore’ leg. I’m gonna’ have Nick morph away your buckaroo boots; you may experience some pain, but it won’t be for long,” Billy said.

“I can’t feel nothing below my waist, Billy,” he said.

“Good, then maybe it won’t hurt a’ tall. Let’s hope so. Go ahead on and remove his boots, Nick,” Billy said and in a flash they were gone.

Nick rolled up Enoch’s pant leg. The big cowboy’s leg was a bloody mess. The bone was obviouly broken with bits and pieces of splintered bone sticking out, but it could have been much worse if he wasn’t wearing a good pair of heavy duty buckaroo boots which afforded him some protection and prevented his right leg from being completely severed. Billy retained enough presence of mind to shove his digital camera into his back pocket before they left the house. He took several pictures of the damage done to Enoch’s leg from different angles, making sure he got Enoch’s head in the shots to prove it wasn’t pictures of a wound on another man. Enoch tried to raise on his elbows to take a look at his leg.

“No. Lie back, and let us do the work, cowboy. You don’t need to see. Better you don’t. It might frighten you and raise your blood pressure. That would make it more difficult for me to heal you. We’ll take good care of you, and I promise, you’ll be on your feet in no time,” Billy said firmly and placed his hand on Enoch's chest to keep him still.

“I’ll do what you ask, Billy. I’d trust you with my life,” Enoch said.

“Yore’ life is safe with us, buckaroo, but I can’t promise that handsome cock of yorn’ will be. I just might like to make a little love to it one e’nin for paybacks, if’n you’s a mind to,” Billy said. He looked at Clyde and Nick and winked.

“You men don’t never have to ask. It’s yorn’ when you want it. One cowboy’s word to another. I believe in the code of the West, and a good cowboy helps his brother in his time of need,” Enoch declared.

“Well said," Billy allowed. He set to work and raised his wings over the cowboy. Clyde and Nick raised theirs as well to completely surround the giant man. The light coming into the barn surrounding Enoch and three angelic creatures was almost blinding. Billy learned he could gather more healing energy in an open setting like the barn than in a confined area of a spaceship. Also, Billy was learning his craft of healing by applying one situation to another. Nick and Clyde were stunned at how quickly and expertly Billy was putting Enoch’s leg back together. They could see everything going back together the way is was before the accident like a video of Humpty-Dumpty's fall to ruin run backward. When he finished, it was perfect like the man was never in an accident. Enoch was completely healed and repaired.

They heard a shot ring out, Billy’s heart melted, and ran down into his boots. He knew Edith was shot. He could feel her pain in her left wing, but she didn’t stop flying until she and Archie subdued Orville and wrapped his upper body in an unbreakable silk rope they exuded from their middles as they flew around him in circles.        

Outside the barn, Tron started barking orders at the crew to keep them busy removing the bulldozer, and to keep their minds from thinking about the flashes of bright light coming from the cracks in the old barn. One man tried to take a look, but Hank checked him. “If’n you know what’s good for you, buddy, you’ll get chore’ ass back to work. Beyond unloading them vehicles, you’s trespassing. We won’t hesitate to make a citizen’s arrest, and have the sheriff slap yore’ ass in jail along with your foreman,” he growled, and Buck backed him up.

Before they could get out of the barn, Andy opened the door followed by Boomer carrying Edith with a worried Archie close behind. With Clyde on one arm and Nick on the other, they moved Enoch to a bale of hay. Billy told Boomer to set his beloved pet on the gurney. Boomer knew Billy would take care of Edith, excused himself to return to guard Orville with Andy and Nathan. Billy’s heart broke to see the large hole in Edith’s upper left wing where Orville shot her. It was still bleeding. Psyche blood is a dark rust color and has a metalic sheen to it like it might have a much higher copper content than humans. Billy took her into his arms and gently kissed her. She broke down, and sobbed in his arms; more from emotional exhaustion than fear.

“Now, now, little sister. Your master will make it better. Can you spread your wings for me, sweetheart?” he asked, and she slowly opened them.

Billy stood before her and raised his huge wings. Nick could swear they were bigger than before. Billy looked like a super-jet liner hovering over a beautiful butterfly. Everyone in the barn was amazed at the power Billy’s wings were absorbing from seemingly everywhere at once. Light and energy was coming to them from all directions as he tenderly waved his hands over his precious pet’s torn area of her wings. They watched in awe as the torn filaments and sinews rapidly replaced the hole with new tissue. Once accomplished, Billy told Edith to relax and lower her wings. As she did, she fainted, and collapsed into Billy’s arms. Archie was by her side immediately and took her hand. “She’ll be alright, little brother. She’s weak from loss of blood, but let her rest, and she’ll recover quickly. We must get her up to the house and feed her. We need to get some watcher milk into her. My new brother sitting over there could benefit from some as well. Come, we’ll take her to the house,” he tried to console Archie.

“I must be getting back, Billy,” Enoch said.

“Bullshit! You ain’t going nowheres cowboy until your angel releases you, and that probably won’t be until Monday morning. I’ll call your cousin, tell him what happened, you’re being taken care of, and you’s our guest for the weekend,” Billy barked.

“How did you know my boss was my cousin?” he asked.

“I’ll explain ever’thing later. In the meantime, you think you can walk with us up to the house?” Billy asked.

“I walked from there to here with no problem. I’ll need my clothes,” he said.

“Pity, I rather like you better without them; however, for my grandmother’s sense of modesty and the current but antiquated social mores of our society, perhaps we should clothe you. Nick, put his clothes back on him,” Billy said, and it was done in an instant.

Enoch looked down and shook his head. “You folks is gonna’ take some get’n used to,” he said.

“Naw, by this e’nin, you’ll be one of the family,” Billy assured him.

“I couldn’t hope for more,” Enoch replied.

“When the sheriff gets here, how you gonna’ explain Mr. Redbone’s miraculous healing, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Shit! I didn’t think about that. I was so rapped up showing off my healing abilities trying to impress ma' new cowboy brother, I done plumb forgot reality for a minute. That’s what I got you for, Tonto, to keep me centered. We’ll bandage his leg, take him to the house, put him in bed, and show the sheriff the pictures. I’ll print out copies, and tell him we’re taking Enoch to the hospital as soon as he takes Orville to jail,” Billy said.

“Sounds like a solid plan to me, Kemosabe,” Nick said.    

“Clyde, we keep clean old rags over there in the same cabinet where you got the horse blanket. They’s good enough to tear up and make to look like a bandage. I think there’s some white duct tape in there, too. Will you grab 'em for me?” Billy asked.

Clyde rushed to the cabinet, found what he was looking for, and returned to Billy.

“That’s good enough. Take your right boot off for me, cowboy,” Billy said.

Enoch did as he was told and rolled up the leg of his Wranglers to the knee. Billy proceeded to wrap his foot and lower leg almost up to the knee. It look professionally done, and the white duct tape was a nice touch which added to it’s authenticity.   

“Okay. Angel posse, let’s us de-wing to walk up to the house. We got other business to take care of, and we need to appear as buckaroos to keep talk to a minimum. You done a damn good job, and I couldn’t be more proud of you,” Billy said.

In an instant their wings were gone. “Good job, Kemosabe,” Nick complimented his master.

“Ma’ wonderful demon dad done taught me how to do it, sir. He’s a good’un, he is,” Billy drawled, and winked at Nick, “But, I also gotta’ give credit where it’s due. Clyde, your generous help is greatly appreciated as well. Me and Tonto may have been able to accomplish what we did by ourselves, but you added to the speed and efficiency getting the job done. When we’re dealing with folks what’s hurt, every second shaved off a repair job means that much less pain they must endure. Your master is pleased and grateful for your selfless contribution,” Billy praised him. Clyde wasn’t used to being told he was valuable or appreciated, and Billy’s compliment went a long way to encouraging him and strengthening his bond with his master. He blushed.  

“I’s jes’ doing ma’ job, Master Billy, but your generous comments are certainly welcome and appreciated, sir. Thank you, Master,” Clyde said.

Enoch Redbone was taking all this in like he couldn’t believe such maturity and thoughtfulness could abide within one young unassuming, unpretentious cowboy who seemed capable of endless love for his companions no matter their sex or species. At that moment, he knew he didn’t want to leave right away. He had to find out more about these people. He wanted to find someway to join them if he could. He didn’t know how or why, but he knew beyond a doubt he owed them his life.

Billy and his family walked out of the barn pushing the gurney with Enoch on it, and Clyde was carrying Edith to take them to the house. Billy asked Hank and Buck to accompany Archie and Edith to the house, help Clyde get Edith to the psyche’s room, and put her in bed; he would be along directly to check on her. The Caterpillar bulldozer was on the ground and parked. Moss and Tron were going over every inch of the huge machine. Orville was being detained by Boomer, Andy, and Nathan with assists from the twins. When Orville saw Nick pushing Enoch on the gurney with his leg bandaged, his face turned ashen white.

He looked like he was going to throw up. He didn’t count on the big cowboy to make it through. He was hoping his leg was damaged badly enough he might go into shock and die. Orville looked miserable, but he didn’t say anything. He figured he was in enough trouble as it was. “I’ll be right back," Billy said, and walked away from the gurney toward the men guarding Orville. Nick and Clyde stopped the gurney to wait for him. Billy warned Enoch not to say anything to Orville, but Billy walked up to him and backhanded him hard across his face. “That’s for shooting my beloved pet, you low life scumbag,” Billy growled at him.

“Big brave cowboy,” he snarled, “hit’n a man what’s bound, and can’t defend his’self,” he challenged Billy.

“Cut the sum’bitch loose, Uncle Nate!” Billy barked.

“I don’t think that’s wise, Nephew,” he said. Nathan never called Billy ‘nephew’ unless he was dead serious about something or wanted Billy to heed his words.

“Am I your number one, Master?” Boomer asked quietly.

“So say I, my good slave,” Billy replied firmly.

“Then, it is my duty to urge you to consider your uncle’s words carefully, sir,” Boomer said.

“It is, indeed, your duty, number one, and your master loves you and appreciates your input. I will heed my uncle’s sage advice. We will see to it this piece of filth will be convicted of attempted murder, and be sentenced to slavery for life. I will be on the front row of the auction house when he’s sold, and I will win the bid. He will become my slave and never be allowed to wear clothes again. He will be ringed through his ears, nose, tits, and the head of his cock. He will be castrated, and be made to watch as I cook his testicles on the grill, and feed them to my dogs. I’ll leave him with that happy thought to ponder,” Billy said and smiled at Orville. Billy's vivid description of a possible future for Orville did more psychological damage to the evil man than a good thrashing.

Billy returned to walk to the house with Clyde and Nick pushing the gurney. Enoch heard the loud exchange, “Would you really do that to Orville, Billy?” he asked quietly.

“Absolutely, big 'un. He has no soul. He has no respect for the life of others. He was going to kill you, Enoch. We’ll show you proof, and afterward, I’ll ask if you want to ask me that question again,” Billy said, “Besides, he tried to kill one of my most beloved treasures, and I won’t stand for that,” he added. I can be kind and compassionate, I can forgive and forget many wrongs, but no man fucks with my family and goes unpunished. How long will I punish Orville? It will depend entirely upon him,” Billy said firmly.

They got Enoch squared away in the small apartment off the back porch next to the kitchen. It was originally a maid’s quarters, but since Kate like to do most of the cooking it was hardly ever used. It was bright, sunny, and comfortably furnished. Billy assigned his halflings to see to Enoch’s comfort and get him anything he needed. Then, Billy went to the first floor to check on Edith. She was still asleep, but she was resting quietly. Archie was by her side. Billy gently placed the palm of his hand on her forehead, and his mind began to fill with information about her physical condition. He concluded her systems were within normal operating ranges, and she would soon start to show signs of recovery. “She’s coming along, Archie. Just let her rest, and let us know when she comes to. I may have to leave for a while this afternoon, but there will be someone here to look after you. We’ll prepare food for the two of you and bring up a tray,” Billy said quietly.

“Thank you, Master Billy. You’re very good to us,” Archie said.

“You’re very good to me, Archie, and I love you both very much,” Billy said and almost choked up.

“We love you, too, Master Billy,” he replied.  

Billy went to his room in the tower accompanied by Nick and Clyde who were standing in the hall outside the psyche’s room waiting for him. He downloaded the video from the memory stick Hank gave him into his main frame and made a copy for the sheriff. He locked the original away in his desk drawer. He downloaded the pictures of Enoch Redbone’s crushed leg and printed out hard copies of each picture. He wanted a copy to show Enoch, and the other to give to the sheriff. He figured he had enough eye witnesses of Orville’s actions to more than adequately prove beyond a doubt he intended to murder Enoch.

The sheriff arrived. He knew the Daniels family well, and was an old friend of Daws and now Nathan. He was all business, thorough, but polite. Billy showed him the video on his lap top. “How did you get this video, Son?” he asked.

“We got micro-surveillance cameras installed at the corners of the barn and several other places around here to check things out without having to trudge out in the rain or cold,” Billy replied.

“Gotta’ love modern electronic gadgets,” the sheriff said and smiled.

He looked into the room where Enoch lay. Kate wet a dishtowel, and Enoch was wearing it on his forehead like it was soothing his fevered brow. Billy chuckled to himself. Such a simple thing made it all come together. He made a mental note to give his grandmother an extra hug and a kiss.

“You okay, Son?” he asked.

“I seen better days, Sheriff,” Enoch replied convincingly.

“Take it easy. These folks will take good care of you, and get you to a hospital,” the sheriff said.

“Thanks, Sheriff,” Enoch replied.

“We’ll take Higginbothem in and book him. I think you got enough evidence and enough witnesses to convict him of attempted murder,” he said.

“Thanks, for coming out, Sheriff Tate,” Billy said, and shook the lawman’s hand.

“It’s ma’ job, Son. Some days is easier than others. This one seems pretty cut and dried,” Sheriff Tate said.

The sheriff and his deputies handcuffed Orville and put him in the back of the trooper car. Nathan cut the silk-like cords with which the psyche’s bound him. No one asked any questions about the unusual means of restraining him. Surprisingly, Orville’s crew stood by with their mouths shut watching their ex-boss being loaded into the sheriff’s patrol car. Eustace Barger didn’t say shit. He wanted to put as much distance between him and Orville as he could. He was deathly afraid someone might finger him as an accomplice. The rest of the men were like sheep. They milled around, not saying much to each other. A couple had been with Orville and Eustace for several years, and knew the scam they were pulling on unsuspecting customers, but never said a word. They never benefited from the scam, so they didn’t feel guilty, or they owed either man anything.

After the sheriff’s patrol car left, Eustace came to Billy. “Mr. Daniels, I want you to know I had nothing to do with what Orville tried to do to Enoch, sir,” he said.

“No, but you knew about it, and you did nothing to stop him; neither, did you bother to warn us,” Billy said.

“I told him Redbone and McMartin were cousins. He said he’d fix their wagons. He’d arrange an accident Enoch wouldn’t walk away from. I told him I wouldn’t be a part of him killing nobody. I know’d Orville for a good while. He can be a blowhard sometime. More shit comes out of his mouth than his ass. I thought he was bluffing; you know, blow’n smoke up my butt. I didn’t think he’d really do it, sir,” Eustace said trying to cover his own ass.

“Are you willing to testify against him in a court of law?” Billy asked.

“If it means keeping me out of jail for his hotheaded stupidity, you bet chore’ ass I’ll testify agin him. I don’t cotton to spend’n the rest of my life as no slave,” Eustace replied.

“I will hold you to your word, Mr. Barger, but if you fail to do as you promise, I will see to it you’re fired from your job, and I guarantee you will never work in the state of Texas again. Do you understand?” Billy asked firmly.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Daniels. I won’t let you down, sir, I promise,” he replied.

“All right. My staff are satisfied everything is in order; I signed the acceptance paper at the bottom and dated it,” Billy said and handed Eustace the form. “Take your men and get out of here. Your work is done. You tell your crew, if they know what’s good for ‘em, they will speak to no one about anything unusual they saw here today other than Orville Higginbothem’s attempted murder of Mr. McMartin’s cousin. Do you understand?” Billy asked.

“I understand, Mr. Daniels. I’ll have a talk with the men 'afore we leave. What do you want me to tell Mr. McMartin, sir?” Eustace asked.

“The truth,” Billy replied, “because if you don’t, I will.”

“I won’t fail, Mr. Daniels,” Eustace said.

“Okay, you men take off. We plan to drive Enoch to Scott & White in Temple, but we’ll be back after the doctors take care of his leg,” Billy said. He’ll be our guest at the ranch for the weekend, then we’ll drive him to Houston Monday morning. I got business in Houston,” Billy said.

“How bad was it, Mr. Daniels?” Eustace asked.

“Pert-damn bad. Another foot of the sharp edge of the heavy ramp would have cut his leg clean off. It’s mashed up something awful. It looks like a piece of raw brisket but he’ll recover,” Billy said.

“Tell him I hope he’s okay,” Eustace said, trying to sound concerned.

“I will,” Billy said.

* * * * * * *
Billy watched as Eustace gathered his crew and talked with them. After they got the rear tire repaired on the lead truck Orville used to make a run for it to get away, they got into the two trucks, the six big rigs, and headed down the long drive to the entrance of the ranch. Billy stood and watched until he saw the last truck pull out onto the blacktop. As he slowly walked back to the house he saw his grandmother standing before the steps to the porch. She was dressed in a pretty print dress with lavender flowers and wearing her apron. Billy marveled at how pretty a woman his grandmother was; even with age advancing on her she kept herself fit and svelte. She was wiping her hands on her apron. She dropped it and opened her arms for him to come to her like she’d done so many times when she could tell he was hurting inside. Billy went to her, embraced her, and wept in her arms. The fury and anxiety of the morning caught up with him in one giant emotional tsunami. She soothed him and spoke soft words of tenderness and shamelessly stole kiss after kiss. Billy stole a few in return. “Don’t ever leave me, Grandma,” he said choking up, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“We all have to say goodbye some day, Billy. It’s just a part of nature. The old must move on for the new. Since your granddad died, I was forced to do a lot of thinking about that sort of thing, and I don’t have the same faith I used to. I’m changing, Billy, and so is my ideas about life, faith, and death. The hardest thing I ever had to do was let your granddad go. I still think of him every day, but not in a grieving way. I think about the good times we had, and I see him in Nathan and you; more in you than Nathan. You’ve grown into such a fine young man, and you’re more like your granddaddy every day. He would be so proud of you,” Kate said.

“I loved him so much, Grandma, but you know, sometimes I think Nick must channel him. He has the same rough humor and funny sense of wickedness granddad used to have,” Billy said.

“You love him very much,” Kate declared.

“Yes, he’s become my surrogate dad, Grandma,” Billy said.

“Is he really the devil, Billy?” she asked.

“Only in my bed, Grandma,” Billy said and winked. Kate laughed so hard she got a cramp in her side.

“You know what, Billy?” she asked mischievously.

“What, Grandma?” he asked in reply.

“So was your granddaddy,” she said, and they shared a laugh.  

* * * * * * *
Kate took Billy by his hand and led him up the porch steps and into the house. “Your presence is requested in the kitchen, Master Daniels,” she said in an exaggerated manner and giggled. They walked hand in hand down the long hall to the kitchen. Everyone, except Archie and Edith, was gather around the table enjoying iced tea and a piece of pie. They stood when Billy walked into the room and applauded for him. Kate’s face was one big smile, and she was radiant.

“What’s 'at for?” Billy asked innocently.

“For the way you handled the situation this morning, and saw it through to a good conclusion for everyone, especially Enoch,” Nathan said, and they all agreed.

“Thank you very much, but you know I couldn’t have done it alone. I’m the one what should be applauding you people. Without you we might not have Enoch sitting here at the table enjoying my grandma’s pie,” Billy said.

“Best damn pie I ever et,” Enoch allowed between bites. Everyone laughed.

“I’m just glad this chapter is over, and we can move on to the next hurdle. I guess it ain’t totally over until we call Enoch's cousin and tell him what happened. Do you have a phone number for him or an e-mail address, Enoch?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, I got both. I’s thinking on calling him, but I don’t know what to tell him about my leg. It’s fine now; like it was before. Ya’ll got any suggestions?” Enoch asked.

“Tell him we got a retired doctor who’s like family what lives down the road; he come and took care of you. It was bad, but it could have been much worse if you weren’t wear’n heavy boots. You been invited to stay with the Daniels family for the weekend. Me and my posse got us some business to take care of in Houston Monday, and we can take you home,” Billy offered, “Tell him I can e-mail him photos of your leg,” he added.

Billy sat, ate his pie, and drank his glass of iced tea as the others swapped stories and anecdotes from the morning’s excitement. “You should have seen Archie and Edith, Master Billy,” Buck said, “You would’ve been proud of them. When Orville spun around and headed out down the road they flew in quick pursuit. They caught up with him, and Archie sent an energy beam of some sort to the back tire of the truck what completely blew the tire apart. Higginbothem lost control and drove the truck into the drainage ditch. He got out, tried to run for it, but they were right on top of him.

"He pulled out his gun, aimed at Edith, and shot once. He hit her wing, but Archie zapped him with another bolt of energy. The gun flew out of his hands into the weeds. He didn’t bother to look for it, and they proceeded to produce some kind of silk rope which they attached to his back and front and used his body to propel themselves around him at rapid speed, effectively binding his hands and arms to his body. By the time they finished Andy and Boomer were there. Andy found Orville’s gun, they frog-marched him back to the compound, and Boomer carried Edith to the barn,” Buck finished his story.

“I’m very proud of them. They’ve become a great asset to our family. I’m proud of everyone of you. You responded to a bad situation, with swiftness, courage, professionalism, and intelligence; a life or death situation we knew very little about going into. I couldn’t be more proud to call you my family. I come to think on us, and particularly Archie and Edith, as the definition of what greater families should be about; diverse, accepting, and caring; working together for the common good of all and not just the few; but more than that, coming together to love one another,” Billy said.  

“Amen to that,” Tron said, and several others agreed with him.

“So what’s on our agenda for the rest of the day, Kemosabe,” Nick asked.

“I like your use of the words ‘our agenda,’ Tonto. Everything we do becomes important for everyone. We had breakfast and a nice piece of pie. Let’s skip lunch, and go check out how the repairs are progressing on Tonto’s spaceship. Nick and I got some business to take care of, but that will only take a few minutes. Grandma, I’d like to take you along to get you out of the house and kitchen for a while. It’s warmer outside, and it will be a good day for a side trip. We need someone to stay here and look after Archie and Edith. I need to be contacted immediately if she seems to be getting worse, and they need to be fed before we leave,” Billy said, looking for volunteers.

“Me and ma’ ramrod will see to them, Son. We need time to get some things done around here,” Nathan spoke up, and Tron nodded his agreement.

Billy grinned real big, winked at Moss, and nodded. “Fine. I want to take Moss, Clyde, Andy, Hank, Buck, the twins, Enoch, Grandma Kate -- oh, yes, and my demon dad, Nick,” Billy said, and winked at the big angel. “Twins,” he addressed Cass and Poly, “bring your fiddles along. The folks on Nick’s ship might enjoy a tune or two. When we come back we’ll all pitch in and have a great celebration supper for completing our first major task on our journey together. We'll cook barbecued brisket, red beans, and cowboy potatoes,” Billy said. Everyone had big smiles on their faces, so Billy took that as a sign of approval. “But first things first, if you’ll excuse Enoch and me, we’ll go to my room in the tower, and call his cousin. There, I can e-mail him pictures of the damage done to Enoch by Orville if he’d like to see them,” Billy finished, “Any questions?” he asked.

“Does your dad really own a spaceship?” Enoch asked. Everyone laughed.

“E’aup, it’s a beaut, too, cowboy. It’s like a small world inside a smaller space, with unusual beasties for guardians, and native people of all kinds. It’s a wonderful place. There’s even a castle on a beautiful lake with swans on it where the wizard lives. It's got a moat and a drawbridge. It looks like something out of the middle ages or a Robin Hood movie. You’re gonna’ love it,” Billy said with enthusiasm. Kate laughed. She thought Billy was kidding and having fun with the big cowboy.

Billy escorted Enoch up to his room in the tower. Enoch called and talked with his cousin who was very upset his younger cousin was harmed. He wanted to know everything. He talked with Billy and apologized for Orville’s actions. He had no idea the man was pulling such scams on his customers, and he seemed genuinely shocked and concerned. He even wondered if Eustace Barger was in on the scam, and what he should do about him. “I ain’t trying to tell you how to run your business, Mr. McMartin, but you might want to consider not firing Eustace, sir. He could be useful -- at least for a while. I made him promise he’d testify against Orville, and I got him afraid his freedom might be in jeopardy if he don’t. I explained to him, a jury could find him guilty as an accomplice or at the very least complicit with Orville’s crime; especially, if he knew about Orville’s plans but took no action to prevent it. I think he’ll testify. Lawyers often bargain with someone who might be dirty by association but never slung any mud to testify to make sure they got a solid case against the perpetrator. I think Eustace thought Orville was just talk’n shit and wouldn’t really do it,” Billy advised the man.

“In my anger, I probably would’ve never considered that point, Mr. Daniels. Of course you’re right. I’ll reel in my gut level animal urges to protect my own and need for retribution for the greater goal of seeing Orville Higginbothem removed from society. I can always make a decision about Eustace’s continued employment with my company after Orville is convicted. I’d be grateful if you would forward me them pictures of my cousin’s leg. I’d like to see for myself. Also, thank you for taking good care of my cousin. While, Enoch is mild mannered and has a big heart for a man his size, he’s a bit naive at times because he desperately wants to believe there is good in all people. I'm afraid my cousin's had a difficult life until recently. Our family is concerned about him. We do our best to guide him toward becoming his own man and not the product of our angry society. You can probably guess from my words, we also love him very much. Me and my family are in your debt, Mr. Daniels. If there’s ever anything I can do for you, you only have to ask,” Tom McMartin said.

“Thanks you, Mr. McMartin. I will certainly keep your gracious offer in mind. I’m glad we could help, sir,” Billy said, and smiled at Enoch.

Enoch finished his conversation with his cousin and told him he’d be back Monday before noon. Tom told him to take a couple more days if he liked; spend the week recovering. His job was solid and would be there for him when he came back. McMartin told him he was proud of the way Enoch handled the situation by becoming an ombudsman for the company as well as the customer. Tom McMartin was impressed with his younger cousin. He wondered, perhaps out of tragedy and pain and the kindness of caring strangers, a great lesson might be learned which would open new worlds for his beloved cousin. If he only knew.

“Before we leave, I have something else to show you, big’un. Sit here next to me, so’s you can see the screen,” he said.

Enoch moved closer and draped his huge arm around the back of Billy’s computer chair. He had the most intoxicating male fragrance, Billy’s warrior decided to salute.
Billy pushed in the memory stick he made of Orville and Eustace’s conversation and how Orville planned to do away with Enoch so he wouldn’t go back an tell his cousin about his scam. Enoch watched enthralled by the video and tears began to run down his face. Billy turned and saw the big man was in distress. “You want me to shut if off, Brother?” he asked quietly. Enoch shook his head. Billy reached over and took his big ham of a hand in his and held it until the video finished. They sat  for several minutes afterward holding each other’s hand. “Do you need me to take the pain away?” Billy asked softly.

Enoch shook his head and looked into Billy’s eyes. “I’m afraid I might become addicted,” he said without nuance, “My cousin, Tom, tells me I need to learn to cope with disappointment. Usually, I withdraw into myself for days at a time to reason with myself, trying desperately to figure out why someone would be so unkind or cruel to consider doing something like 'at to me -- just because I was the wrong person at the moment who unwittingly threatened to get in his way. Orville’s reasoning simply canceled me out of his personal equation of the universe; my humanity instantly became a threat, and therefore, worthless in his eyes. Another human being felt he had the right to determine my continued existence in this world, decided to erase me from the time-line, and rob me of my chance to live my life. It’s difficult for me to imagine anyone being that evil. Lately, with my family’s help, I think I’m getting better, but to have you suck my pain and frustration out of me might be too easy. I might come to rely on it, and that ain’t healthy,” Enoch said wisely.    

“How’s 'bout a brotherly kiss between two buckaroos what feel a need to share a bit of much needed approval and confidence with each other?” Billy asked quietly.

“Couldn’t hurt none, I suppose,” Enoch allowed with a grin.

The cowboys stood and embraced to kiss sealing a promised they would always share a small piece of their souls with each other when needed. Billy and Enoch bonded as brothers. “Thanks for that, little brother, you fill me with your unconditional love and concern. I won’t deny I need it right now,” Enoch said.

“You’re the only part of my family left to gather, big brother. I’ve always wanted me a big, older brother to share with. Seems like them ancients been working overtime to provide me and you with what we need. Now, would you like to ask your little brother your question again? Would I really do to Orville Higginbothem what I said I would?” Billy asked.

“No. I don’t have to. I didn’t know about the video you just done show’d me. Your kiss told me you love me enough you would do it, but what if I asked you not to?” Enoch asked.

“You won’t,” Billy said, “your heart is almost too big for your body, but you'll adjust. Sometimes you must let others do what is best for them as well. Whatever I choose to do with Orville Higginbothem, will not be a reflection on you. It will be of my own design and not because of my love for you as a part of my family; but make no mistake, he will become my first punitive slave. My other slaves are family. He will be as cattle; a piece of livestock; naked, pierced, castrated, and branded. He will wear a cowbell around his neck to announce his coming and going to signify what will happen to any man who might consider harming me or my family. My granddaddy taught me a man must be strong when it comes to protecting his family, but he must also be kind and generous with those he loves. I believed him then, and I believe him today. I will be strong for both of us until you feel you no longer need my support, big brother,” Billy said.

“I cain’t imagine that happening, Billy,” Enoch said, and they kissed again.

“Will you be my big brother, Enoch Redbone?” Billy asked like a marriage proposal.

“I will, and will you be my little brother, Billy Daniels?” he asked in reply.

“So say I,” Billy replied.

“And, so say I,” Enoch repeated.

“That which formally makes this bond between us one of humanistic grace, let our love for the other be the well-spring of blessings from which it flows,” Billy said like a sacred vow between two druids, and they sealed their troth with another kiss.

They talked for a few more minutes, and Billy asked his new brother if he should forward the video to his cousin?

“Yes, with a note not to let Eustace know he’s seen it. It’s for his viewing only to confirm what we told him. It was made from a hidden micro-miniature surveillance camera, and they didn’t know their conversation was being recorded. The video was shown to Sheriff Tate, and a copy was given to him as evidence. It’s important Eustace doesn’t know about it for the time being; otherwise, he might bolt and run,” Enoch said.

“Let’s do it,” Billy agreed, and typed the message in the accompanying e-mail exactly as Enoch said. The giant cowboy read it, approved it, and Billy hit the 'send’ button. Orville Higginbothem’s fate was sealed.  

* * * * * * *
Billy and Enoch walked back into the kitchen hand in hand. Everyone looked up and smiled.

“Ah, behold, family! Them what left as two, return as one,” Nick said, and the others applauded.

“Family, I’d like you to meet our new big brother, Enoch Redbone. Enoch completes our family. There may be others, but we will gather them along the way. Today, our immediate circle is complete. Welcome him among you as you have the rest of our family,” Billy said.

Kate was first to come forward, took the huge cowboy into her arms, and gave him a peck on his cheek, “There’s no doubt in my mind, Enoch, you’re the big brother my grandson has always dreamed about. Welcome to our family,” she said sincerely.

Everyone came, one by one, to shake his hand, to give him a hug and a kiss to welcome him, or wish him well. Enoch was overwhelmed and shed a few tears. His family comforted him and assured the big cowboy they shared his feelings. Hank, and Buck were particularly gracious in their welcome of the young cowboy. They told him the door to their room and their hearts were always open for him. The ever lascivious halflings attempted to climb him like a big tree. Enoch easily gathered them up in his huge arms, and they smothered him with hugs and kisses.  

Billy took one from him, then the other. He put them down, and saw the love and lust for the big man in their eyes. “Now show our big brother how you can protect him when he might be in danger, morph!” Billy barked at them. They quickly removed their clothing, and morphed into two white Great Pyrenees dogs. Enoch looked at Billy with the biggest grin on his face. He fell to his knees, and the large dogs were all over him, bathing him with their abundant love. Enoch couldn’t get enough. “God, I love me some dogs!” he exclaimed, “Just think of the benefits of pets like these, you don’t have to walk ‘em, and they’re potty trained. What more could a cowboy wish for?” he asked, and everyone laughed.

“They’s a lot more to discover about them two little men what’s guaranteed to blow yore’ socks off, Son,” Nathan said, “or some’um else if’n ya’ ain’t real careful,” he added, and giggle like wicked school boy.

“Amen to that,” Kate agreed with her son.

“Okay, you men morph back, put on your clothes, and go check on Archie and Edith to see if they need anthing,” Billy said to his halflings. They obeyed their master, but not before they stole another kiss from Enoch, naked as the day they were born. The big cowboy got the biggest grin on his face. “Also,” continued Billy, “we need to get some watcher milk for our new brother and some for Edith. It’s the most naturally healing food in the universe, but there’s gotta’ be a better way than sucking it out of Boomer wiff’ma’ mouth and spitting it into a cup,” Billy said like it was a bit disgusting even for him.

“I got just the thing,” Kate said and went to the back porch to rummage around in one of the cabinets. She came back with a device which looked like a metal horn a kid might mount on his bicycle bars with a rubber bulb attached to provide the air to honk it.

“You gonna’ use a bicycle horn on him, Grandma?” Billy asked. Everyone laughed.

“No, silly, this sucks instead of blows. I'm sure, by now, I don't have to explain to you the difference between blowing and sucking," she giggled, "It’s a breast pump for women,” she explained.

“Good idea, Grandma. Sorry, I ain’t never seen me one of them contraptions before,” Billy said sheepishly.

“Not many men have. We don’t shout, wave them about, or make a big fuss about them,” Kate said, and grinned. “Come, Boomer, sit here, and let Grandma Kate relieve you of some of your milk. If you’re as full as I think, it might help give you some relief,” she said.

Boomer moved to the chair she indicated. Kate took out her small sewing scissors from the pocket or her apron and carefully trimmed away the excess fur around each of the monster’s teats. She took a warm wash cloth and cleaned them good. She started pumping and didn’t stop until she drained Billy’s mate. She collected almost a full gallon. She put a little in a small glass and took a taste herself. “That’s very good, Boomer. You give good milk,” she allowed and poured herself a little more.

“Thanks, Mistress Kate. That feels a lot better, but by this evening they’ll be full again,” Boomer lamented.

“Then we’ll have to do this regularly, and I got just the men for the job. One for each tit,” she said and laughed

“You can’t trust them two varmints with watcher milk, Grandma, they’ll drink it all themselves,” Billy said and laughed.

Billy poured a small glass and handed it to Enoch. “Try it, cowboy. You need it to put back some of the blood you lost. If’n you don’t like it, to quote an older cowboy I love very much, I’ll kiss yore’ ace,” Billy said, grinned, and winked at Hank. Hank fell out laughing recalling his first meeting with Billy and Boomer.

Enoch carefully took a small sip and a bright smile crossed his handsome face. Damn, that’s good!” he exclaimed, drank the rest in one big gulp, and handed the glass back to Billy for more. “You know that taste is familiar; like I drunk it somewheres before,” he said.

“It taste’s like warm vanilla ice cream to me,” Billy said.

“Yes and no. Yes, it tastes like ice cream, but it’s got its own distinct flavor. It’s heavier and richer. I know I done tasted it some’ers before when I’s just a kid,” Enoch insisted.

“Curious. You can hear my mind, and watcher milk is known for restoring the ability man once had but lost when he developed language. Uncle Nathan, please make sure you take a glass to Edith when she feels a little better. She knows what watcher milk is, and how beneficial it can be for all creatures. It will help her regain her strength quicker,” Billy said, “And call me, if you think she’s not getting better,” he added.

“We will, Son. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of your pets,” Nathan said.

Billy was satisfied they got everything done what needed to be done that morning and sent the halflings scurrying off to gather their fiddles. As soon as they returned, he asked all those going with them to follow him into the parlor. Wait here for one minute. Talk amongst yourselves, and Nick, Clyde, and I will be right back. We gotta’ wing-up for our little trip,” he said. They vanished and returned in less than a minute fully fledged. Billy looked at his family, grinned, and spoke, “Your master whose chin is not yet fledged hath grown a set of golden wings to raise up or’ your head.”

“Will we be going through one of them stargates?” Enoch asked naively. Everyone tried not to, but a couple giggled.

“Not for local flights, Big Brother,” Billy said, “For local hops we use angel-flight, and those of you going with us on this little trip have the added thrill of joining me in my very first trans-location attempt. Won’t that be fun? I will be the pilot, Tonto with be my faithful co-pilot, and the most handsome of our crew, Clyde, will be our navigator. This will not be a through flight to our ultimate destination. There will be a short stopover at the line cabin where we will check everything, open the barn doors so our ponies and our pregnant heifer can get outside to enjoy some sunshine this afternoon. Then we will proceed to Tonto’s ship. Is everyone ready?” Billy asked. Everyone responded positively. “Wings up, Gentlemen!” he exclaimed to Nick and Clyde. The two ace pilots and one junior bird-man spread their wings over their assembled family. “And we’re off to see the Wizard!” Billy shouted, and they vanished.

End of Chapter 11 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ ©  ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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