Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on May 20, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 13 Attention Nifty Readers: If you enjoy this story or others on Nifty please send a generous donation to Nifty.org to help support and maintain this free service so it may continue to remain available to everyone. Also, if you enjoy a particular story, it costs you nothing to send an e-mail to the author to let them know you appreciate their hard work creating these stories for you to read. A compliment or a couple of words of encouragement goes a long way to stimulate creativity... or anything else you might have in mind. ~ Thanks. Waddie Greywolf

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 13

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Everyone sat stunned at the realization their master and friend just won a huge amount of money. How much money Billy won would depend on whether there was another winner and what the current tax laws were on the lottery. Billy began to think out loud. “I don’t know anything about winning a lottery and how much of the total amount we’ll actually realize. Uncle Nathan chose a lump sum payment. We discussed it and decided it would be best.” Billy said.

“The rules changed about a year and a half ago, Son. The government wanted to make it a sweeter draw for the common man to play to try for his dream of joining the two percent. Since the upper two percent now pay less than five percent taxes on their annual income and are exempt from religious tithes, they decided the winner should not be soaked for over half his winnings. I think it’s about ten percent with a ten percent tithe to the united religious fund; a third to the pentecostal evangelical fundamentalist, a third to other protestant sects, and a third to the Catholics. It could be less than that if won by someone incorporated. They would also be exempt from the religious tithe, but it can get complicated,” Nathan said.

“What you need is a good lawyer who is well versed in corporations, tax law, and should have a track record of helping lottery winners,” Kate said.

“You already have a staff of a dozen excellent lawyers in the herd out there grazing in your pasture, Master Billy. Andy and Roz will tell you. They’re better than any you might find in Texas, sir, considering the decline in public high school education. They have the equivalent of several law degrees. They learned everything about your laws and how the court system works. They could take the Texas bar exam the next time it’s given, and ace it. They might be a great help getting you set up and on the right track to establishing your goals,” Clyde said.

“Goals? What goals?” Billy asked almost with disgust. “I keep wait’n for the knowledge about stuff like‘at to kick in. The Grigori and Irin told me they imparted information to me in my sleep while I’s growing up. It better happen soon, 'cause right now, I’m barely getting by. Beyond day to day management, with some excellent suggestions from my family, I ain’t got a clue about where to start,” Billy lamented.

“The answers will come, Son,” Tron said like he was a voice of authority. Everyone looked at the big cowboy and were a bit surprised he spoke up. Tron was usually the strong stoic silent type. Moss pegged him perfectly as the last of the American cowboys.  
“Could you be a bit more specific, Mr. Garrett?” Billy asked.

“You’re already getting some valuable input from your immediate family. Trust these folks to help get you started. Don’t think you have to do it all by yourself. If you need more staff, let Roz, Andy, Moss, and Clyde pick several qualified folks from the herd. Have them morph and get them situated. Housing ain’t no problem for a basic crew of folks. We got that huge house over to our place with nobody in it but me and ma’boy. Ain’t as big as the Daniels’ place, but we got --what, Moss -- eight bedrooms and a bunkhouse we ain’t using?” Tron asked his son.

“At least that, maybe more,” Moss replied, “They’s a small two bedroom apartment off’n the back of the barn what’s in good shape. We keep it up and rent it out to deer hunters ever’ year,” he added.

“We can put two to a room until other facilities can be built. It might be tight for a while, but you can set goals and work toward them. Our bunkhouse is as big as the one here. It could hold another twenty to thirty in a pinch. Don’t worry yourself sick about it, Son. Let your family get together and butt heads. Let us see what we can come up with. We got the weekend to cogitate about it, but in the meantime have Clyde, Andy, and Roz gather them lawyer types and lets talk with them,” Tron said.

Billy suddenly saw a new resource in the fine looking mature cowboy his uncle loved so much. He began to see a design. His handsome neighbor was the first key to unlocking his deep seeded memories planted into his subconscious many years ago. Deja vu come Sunday, Tron Garrett was like an easy prelude to a difficult fugue. Billy gave his uncle credit, Nathan had good taste in cowboys. Separately, they were your ordinary garden variety buckaroos, but together they enhanced each other and became a formidable pair.

“I appreciate your thoughts, Mr. Garrett, I needed to hear them words from you. You’re right, of course, but let’s talk in the morning. I think I done about had it for today and need to retire to the line cabin soon with my dad and our protector, my number one slave. You folks are certainly welcome to talk among yourselves, and I’ll be happy to listen to anything you come up with. I hope you’ll include Archie and Edith. They’re a fund of arcane knowledge and have a different way of looking at things which might provide an easier way of solving a problem. They were given to me for a reason, and they are wise enough to understand. They have already proven their worth to me several times,” Billy said.

“We will, Billy,” Kate assured him.

Billy took the backpack with the gold they brought back from Nick’s ship and asked his uncle and Nick to accompany him to the basement to lock it up in the safe for the weekend. While Nathan opened the safe, Billy set the box of gold coins on a nearby table and opened the lid to check its contents. Billy was not suspicious by nature. He trusted Clyde completely, but his inner voices told him for his own peace of mind to double check. Everything seemed in order, nothing was missing, or out of place. On an impulse he took the winning lottery ticket from his wallet and placed it in a side pocket of the backpack and zipped it closed. They stashed the backpack and returned to the family.

Billy made sure Enoch would be comfortable. Kate took over and said she would see to her new grandson. She planned to put Roz in the apartment off the porch next to the kitchen, but she would find a nice bedroom for Enoch on the second floor. She confided in Moss she already considered him one of her grandsons. Billy was relieved. He was so tired from the day he wasn’t thinking straight. Nick picked up on his master’s lack of spark and took over, “I think we should be get’n on down to the line cabin for the evening, Kemosabe, you’re start’n to fade,” he urged Billy.

“You’re right, Pa. I ain’t been this tired in a good while. It’s like everything is falling in on top of me at once. I feel like I’m being overwhelmed and buried in self-doubt. Let’s us gather the big Boom and fly South for the night,” Billy said.

“What about the halflings?” Nick asked.

“I’s gonna’ leave ‘em here,” Billy replied.

“They’re a big help when it comes to husbanding your mate,” Nick said.

“Yeah, you’re right again, Tonto. I knew them ancients picked the right man for my Pa,” Billy said wearily.

Billy called Poly and Cass over to him.  “You gentlemen feel like giving your master a hand and help me husband my mate tonight?” he asked.

“Sure, Master Billy, we can do everything you can for him, and aside from you being our master, we love Boomer like he’s our husband, too,” Cass said. Billy laughed at their enthusiasm but was too tired to challenged them about being able to do everything he could for his mate. They were just too damn small. He was so tired he forgot the twins could easily morph to his size or larger.

Billy wondered if he might be coming down with a cold. He usually had two a year; one in the spring and one in the fall. He was overdue for his spring cold. How ironic, he thought to himself, he could heal most any physical complaint another human or other life form might have, but he was willing to bet he wouldn’t be able to cure his own damn cold. Maybe his demon dad knew how to brew some arcane potion or chant some magic demonic words. He knew Old Nick’s steam’n red hot demon cock could work miracles for his ass. Maybe that’s what he needed was to lay back and let his demon dad have his way with him.

* * * * * * *  
After Kate and her helpers served a nice dessert, Billy and his immediate family said their goodbyes and left for the line cabin. They arrived and the twins immediately set to work cleaning Samson and Maybelle’s stalls. Billy figured if they were going to be a part of his immediate family he would teach them to share some of the work. They learned quickly and once shown how to do something never forgot. Billy was going to take Boomer to the shower, but the halflings insisted they do it. They helped Billy bathe Boomer before and knew how he wanted it done.

Nick made a pot of coffee for them. “Any herbs tonight, Kemosabe?” he asked.

“Not tonight, Tonto. I think we’ll save them for special occasions. We don’t know when we’ll be able to get more until Hank and Buck get situated and have time to start growing and multiplying their base. Besides, I think what I really need is what we talked about earlier. I been looking forward to it all evening. My buckaroo butt keeps screaming at me, ‘Get me fucked!’” Billy exclaimed quietly. He got Nick laughing. “I need my demon dad to take from me what he needs, and I get mine when I provide him with the means,” Billy said wearily.

“Simply put and an easily understood message, Son. Your demon dad stands ready to take from you everything you can give him and just a bit more for dessert,” Nick said and grinned.

“Them words is like sweet music to my ears, Tonto; even sweeter to my hungry butthole,” Billy allowed.       

The twins left for the barn to make their nest for themselves and their protector in the loft. They undressed and brought Boomer back through the cabin to the shower. Billy damn near dropped his cup of coffee when they returned. Naked, on either side of Boomer, arm in arm with the big watcher, was a perfect duplicate of Billy on his right and a perfect duplicate of Moss Garrett on his left. Boomer had a big smile on his face the size of Texas like he just won his own personal lottery. Nick took one look and almost choked on his hot coffee. Billy laughed at him, and they shared a laugh.

“All right, you guys. Yore’ master owes you an apology. I didn’t know how you thought you could do everything I can for our husband, but you done showed me in spades. I can still tell you apart, though. You’s me, Cass, and you’s Moss, Poly. Am I right?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy. We flipped a coin like you done taught us. I get to be Mr. Garrett next time,” Cass replied proudly.

Nick couldn’t stop laughing.

“And you my handsome mate,” he spoke to Boomer, “are you happy with this arrangement?” Billy asked.

“Yes, Master, I’m very happy, sir,” Boomer replied nodding his head.    

“Okay, I take it you men plan to clean yourselves after you take care of our husband, right?” Billy asked.

“If it’s all right with you, Master Billy,” Poly/Moss said.

“Of course it’s all right with me. I would certainly recommend it. You may borrow the cleaning equipment Hank loaned me. It’s in the lower cabinet in the bathroom in a black bag next to the shower. Just clean it and put it back when you finish,” Billy instructed.

“We will, Master Billy,” they said in unison.

“Since you worked with Hank and Buck before, I’m sure you know what the lube gun is for,” Billy said.

“Yes, sir, we used it many times,” Billy/Cass assured him.

They went off to the shower to clean their beastly husband as Nick poured Billy and himself another cup of coffee. “Tron Garrett was right,” Nick said quietly.

“About relying on my family members?” Billy asked.

“Right, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“Maybe I’m frustrated 'cause I want it all to get underway tomorrow, but I know it just ain’t gonna’ happen that way. I remember learning music. Grandma called it the impatience of youth. I remember when I was younger, if I liked a piece of music, I wanted to be able to play it after reading through it a couple of times. It don’t work that way. You got to slowly build up a piece under your fingers with slow but accurate repetitive practice. Once you got control of the notes you can slowly start to add speed,” Billy said.

“I didn’t say nothing up to the big house when Tron and Moss were talking, but don’t forget, Kemosabe, you got my castle to set up some folks, but like everything else on my ship they have to be self-sustaining. Things are pretty well balanced as they are with the castle folks, my crew, my protectors, and the villagers. They are interdependent on each other. We’ve worked out a comfortable social system without anyone from the smallest to the most ferocious protector having any more importance than the other. Everyone has a task and a role to play what’s important to the whole of our society. They work hard together, they play hard together, and they love and protect one another,” Nick said.

“I guess in a word that would be the most ideal plan for any society; a social democracy. We certainly don’t have that in our country now. It’s top heavy with authoritarian religious oppression backed by corporate money and power. I think I’ll throw open the doors for discussion about getting organized at breakfast tomorrow morning. If you don’t mind I might give them the option of using a portion of your ship with the understanding if staff are to be billeted there, an equal service staff must be assigned to manage and feed them,” Billy said.

“Let’s stop talking about future plans. You’re about to suffer an internal reactor melt-down, Son, and I want my dirty old demon pirate’s booty I plan to relive you of in top condition served up to Satan’s cock, hot, steaming and as active as a young volcano what needs a good eruption from too much built up pressure,” Nick growled.  

“You can say the sweetest damn things, Tonto, for a greatly maligned bad ass fallen angel what’s thought of throughout our world as the very essence of evil. Seems to me like there’s more factors projecting that image on you than just Jehovah and the early desert tribes. I’m sure the Catholic church is responsible for much of the bad press, but it’s always been a mystery to me how an organization with a track record over two millenia of such monumental internal evil and social failures could have the hubris to point a finger at anyone and judge them,” Billy said.

“It’s mostly them, but it’s all religions of the world what have given me and my brothers  a bad name. The evil alien, Jehovah, was run out of this galaxy several millenia before Christ was invented by the Nicaean council,” Nick said.

It didn’t take the twins long to bathe and towel dry their husband by proxy. They brought him out to set him before the fireplace to blow dry and comb his fur. Of course the twins didn’t give their nudity a second thought, and they amused Nick and Billy with their dedication and detail taking care of their mate for the evening. Nick and Billy couldn’t get over how perfectly they managed to copy their master and Moss. Billy only saw Moss naked a couple of times, but as close as he could remember Cass became a perfect copy of his roping partner.

When they finished, Boomer looked like the meanest damn teddy bear to grace any child’s bed pillow. They took Boomer off to get him comfortable in the loft and returned to the bathroom to prepare themselves. It didn’t take them long and they came back through the cabin to hug and kiss their master and his surrogate dad goodnight. Nick and Billy couldn’t help play with them to arousal, then sent them off to husband their beastly protector.

Both men dewinged for the evening. Nick and Billy undressed and sat before the fire enjoying another cup of coffee. The cabin was quiet except for an occasional muffled deep sigh or distant moan of ecstasy coming from the loft in the barn. Billy was leaning back against Nick’s massive chest, and Nick was surrounding his young cowboy master with his arms. “I want my demon dad,” Billy said quietly as he leaned back and stole a kiss from Nick. While they were kissing Billy could feel Nick morphing into his demon form. He kissed Billy harder like he was the new boss on the job and he was letting his underling know his place. Billy melted and popped a roaring erection.

“E’aup, that’s ma’ secret demon dad I know and love,” Billy said.

“You love this old demon, Son?” Nick asked.

“Bet chore’ boots, I do. You do things to me what ain’t natch-u-ral, Tonto, and that’s wonderful,” Billy said and grinned.

“You know I ain’t really a demon, don’t you, boy?” Nick asked like he was concerned.

“Sez you! You’s ma’ slave, ain’t chu’?” Billy demanded.

“Have no doubt, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“Sometimes, I’ll need you to be my faithfully demanding demon dad to keep me walk’n the straight and narrow -- to keep me focused and centered -- and I ain’t got me no doubt my ass is what them ancients is hope’n will center you, too,” Billy said, leaned back, and kissed Nick on his red mouth. Nick let out a contented sigh like an old cow what just ate her fill and was waiting to be milked.

“Cain’t argue much with that, Son. You got my old heart wrapped up nine ways from Sunday. I’d be any damn thing you want me to be, Cowboy,” Nick said and stole a kiss.     

“Then wait here, have another cup of coffee, and I’ll return in few, ready for my demon to give me the hellacious fuck’n he promised earlier,” Billy said.

“You want me to shower first?” Nick asked.

“No. I want you just the way you is. You smell like a devil what’s ready for his rut -- ripe, with all the fresh wonderful demon smells what turns me on. What’s more, I want us to sleep all night with the lingering smell of our sex surrounding us. I’ll pamper you in the shower in the morning. Have another cup of coffee, Pa. I promise, I won’t be long,” Billy said and left for the shower.

When Billy returned they made love in front of the fireplace. Rather than his usual demon dad routine of ravaging Billy with his aggressively demanding sexual powers, Nick was strong but steady. He kept his word to his surrogate son and took from him what he needed. Nick’s sex was always overpowering, but for the most part, everything Billy could imagine in a perfect sex partner. Billy was a cowboy and prided himself on being able to ride anything what bucked -- even the very devil himself.

Billy needed someone who was strong and powerful, yet intelligent and sensitive to his needs. Nick was the right angel in man-form to play the role of Billy’s pa. The Grigori and Irin couldn’t have picked a better partner to gift Billy with than the notoriously famous archangel Samu’el, who became Lucifer, the bearer of light, the most beautiful of all the archangels created thousands of years ago by the Annunaki scientist. Over the millenia the bright angel of the morning and evening star slowly changed from the stunning beauty he was originally to a more hard looking, ruggedly handsome angel with a weary demeanor. His male pattern baldness gave him an added strong masculine mien which cut his youthful beauty with a wash of middle aged maturity. Nick looked like he walked a number of tough miles to get to were he was now. That’s not to say Nick still wasn’t a fine looking figure of a man. When he was dressed in his western clothes without his wings, he could easily pass for any exceptionally fine looking mature buckaroo. Nick, Tron Garrett, and Nathan looked like they could have been cut from the same cloth.

That evening the two men felt a common bond beginning to grow between them. It seemed so right, they were a bit taken aback by the feeling and realization of their increasing sense and desire to let their love take them where the ancients had in mind for them. It almost seemed like they were pre-programed for each other. Billy could only analogize their easy comfortable fitting together like the early days of computers when everything became plug-n-play. Nick slipped his large demon cock into Billy’s ass like a warrior pulling on a fine custom made pair of leather gloves to protect his hands in battle. He didn’t stop his strong, sure penetration of his young master until he felt his huge red balls slap against Billy’s ass cheeks and bounce several times. Billy let out a sigh like he was finally admitted into the realm of heaven and his demon dad’s hot cock comfortably inside him was his reward for a life well lived. At that moment, the young cowboy couldn’t imagine heaven being any more wonderful than being filled by Jehovah’s reject.

Nick became Billy’s necessary attachment to enhance and insure his experience in becoming a great leader, full of love and humility. The demon fucked his young cowboy master with abandon for almost an hour, pausing from time to time to make sure Billy was enjoying it as much as himself. Nick was proving to be the consummate partner Billy needed; demanding but compassionate, he played Billy’s body like a fine musical instrument. It was like Nick was in tune with Billy’s frustration from the overwhelming task which lay before them and was working his master's young body to fine tune him with his love. Nick fucked Billy like he was preparing his young cowboy master for every hardened morrow of his life his demon dad knew would surely come.

“Your demon dad has fucked his fill, Son, and I’m ready to shoot a shit load of hot demon seed up my boy’s butt. Show me you want to be my boy, put that hot cowboy ass up there for you devil dad, and catch my demon seed, Son. Come with me and lock bond with your dad!” Nick demanded roughly. It was enough to trip Billy’s switch, he arched his back, locked his legs around Nick’s awesome muscular butt, and pulled his pa into himself hard, as his surrogate dad took his last several rough strokes into Billy’s cowboy ass to empty his big red churning demon balls. He emptied Billy’s balls at the same time and gizz flew everywhere. It was one of Billy’s hardest ejaculations of his young life. He was completely drained and exhausted, but it was a good feeling, he was at peace.

Nick was breathing heavy, but as he regained his composure he began to withdraw from his partner. Billy locked his legs tighter and stopped him. He slowly pulled his demon back into his depths. “Not yet, you unholy monster! Redeem yourself! Leave your instrument of hell within me; that which you used to claim my sacred youthful innocence for your own; let that big Lebowski abide for yet a little while for my ravaged ass to enjoy until it doth collapse its raging fullness,” Billy demanded firmly.

“You been read’n too damn much Shakespeare or Coen Brothers,” Nick growled and laughed.

“You’re right, but don’t chu’ dare morph back until I give you permission, my scarlet Caliban,” Billy said firmly.

Nick only laughed harder. “God, I love you, cowboy. Ain’t no two ways about it. I’m so hooked on your brand of cowboy love’n, I could spend an eternity wiff’ ma’ demon cock up yore’ butt,” he said and bussed a kiss behind Billy’s ear.

“Wonderful metaphor, Tonto, but not terribly practical; however, the thought is sweet enough to capture my heart and lock it up for at least that long,” Billy replied.

They lay together exchanging compliments, swapping a little spit, until Nick lost his erection and slipped out of Billy’s ass. “So sad,” Billy whispered, “next time, you and me, we’ll confront them ancients together and ask about having you attached to my ass as a permanent fixture,” Billy said and laughed.

“I don’t think you got nothing to worry about, cowboy. I think they done planned for me to spend a lot of time up there inside you and once you practice morphing, I might benefit greatly from having a more powerful demon son take what he needs from his dad,” Nick confessed.

“Don’t even go there! Maybe later, but that’s another instant hard-on. If you continue that train of thought, I assure you, we won’t get no sleep tonight,” Billy warned. Nick laughed. “Come, you wonderfully unholy demon, morph back to my beloved bird-man, surround me with your loving wings, and let’s us get some sleep,” Billy ordered his slave.

“No shower tonight?” Nick asked.

“God no! I wanna’ be able to breathe in the full essence of my demon dad lying next to me all through the night. It will make me feel like Max sleeping at the bottom of his pile of monsters -- safe and secure with no fear of anything breaking into my dreams and stealing them away. My granddad read me all of Sendak’s books. I loved them. They taught me to make friends with goodly monsters so I wouldn’t fear the bad ones, and after an adventure, I’d sail back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of my very own room where I found my supper waiting for me and it was still hot,” Billy paraphrased the last line of “Where The Wild Things Are.”

Nick morphed back into his angel form and surrounded his young master with his huge wings. They slept the peaceful dreams of lovers after a perfect conjoining of their hard bodies and sharing something few experience on a spiritual level, be it fantasies of dirty deeds with demons or conjugating the physical with angels sans nasty French verbs; sated, reveling in their successful bonding, they took their appreciation for each other to a new level.

* * * * * * *
The next morning Nick got up and made a pot of coffee. He was going to let Billy sleep a bit longer, but he woke with the smell of the coffee brewing. Billy got up, they went to the shower together, and bathed each other. When they returned the twins and Boomer were waiting for them. Cass already moved the pot from the boiling rock to the hearth to let the grounds settle. They were not yet accustom to coffee and Boomer didn’t drink it at all. They were up early enough to get up to the big house in time for the halflings to help Kate fix breakfast for everyone.

“Did you gentlemen enjoy husbanding our protector last evening?” Billy asked the twins.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy. It was a great honor for us,” Cass replied.

“And how was it for you my handsome beast?” Billy asked Boomer.

“I was very pleased with my little brothers, Master,” Boomer replied.

“Good, I’m glad. I want to keep my family happy,” Billy said and smiled.

While Billy and Nick had a cup of coffee the twins and Boomer took Sam and Maybelle into the barn to feed them, clean their interior stalls, and open the barn doors for them to go outside while they were gone.  

“Thanks for last night, Tonto,” Billy said quietly.

“It was a pleasure, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“You know you center me, don’t you?” Billy asked.

“While I never thought of my sexual talents that way, I can certainly understand and appreciate the concept, Son. To be honest, I don’t get too many calls to make love to somebody in my demon persona. I use it for its shock value mostly. You’s the first of any species what’s ever found my demon attractive,” Nick replied.

“Fuck ‘em!" Billy exclaimed, “They’s jes’ fearfully ignorant and don’t know what they’s missing, Tonto. Last evening, ‘afore we left the big house, I was sinking in a morass of self-pity which I’m aware comes from fatigue and sensory overload. I’m better this morning, thanks to my unholy demon dad. I got me a little more optimistic attitude this morning. I mean -- after all -- how hard can it be, to take a world what’s gone mad with myth and superstition, them churchified fuckers imposing their bat-shit crazy narrow minded medieval mores, hate, and bigotry on a society and the uncontrollable rush for financial greed and power of the few over the suppression of the many, and turn it around? It just cain’t be that difficult,” Billy said and grinned. He sounded like Garrison Keillor making a satirical point. “Especially, when I got me a secret weapon -- a gin-u-wine demon dad to keep me centered and focused,” he added.

Nick didn’t say a word. He looked at Billy with a look of deepest love and concern and shook his head.

“Don’t worry none, Tonto. I ain’t lost touch with reality. I’s just joking wit’cha. My family was right. I must rely on their talents and suggestions guided by the teachings of both them ancient races. Last night I had a dream and saw us working almost effortlessly to make money and create wealth for ourselves and our cause. Everything we undertake must have several elements. We must work together for the common good, we must enjoy what we’re doing, take time for rest, recreation, and relaxation, gather the good among us, help those we can along the way, and by example, we will beat them at their own game,” Billy said.

“You have me and my family behind you, Kemosabe,” Nick said.

“I appreciate that, and it’s a comfort to know. We’ll work it out, and I promise, we’ll get your brother’s out of stasis as soon as we can accommodate them,” Billy said.

“Do you have any idea when that might be, Son?” Nick asked.

“Yes, that came to me last night as well. It will be shortly after we build facilities and house the rest of the first half of the Irin herd. Do you think they’ll join us and lend their talents to help us in our cause?” Billy asked.

“I don’t see a problem. As opposed to the wicked and evil alien Jehovah as they were, who arrogantly condemned them to stasis because he couldn’t kill them, you’ll be like a breath of fresh air for them. You have all the qualities they believe in and for which they strove to improve the lot of mankind. It don’t matter none how long they been in stasis. If we risk our lives to rescue them, which will be a given in that part of the world right now, you know the rules. They been in stasis thousands of years. They’ll be waking up to a world and universe what’s different than what they were accustomed. They’ll need a sheltered environment for a while to adjust and become acclimated to the present. Being slaves to a benevolent and caring master who has their well-being at heart would be a win-win situation for them as well as us.

“I think you can rely on the Grigori and Irin to intervene and straighten them out if there’s any problem, and don’t forget, you got me to sing your praises and reason with them. Ain’t no doubt, we could certainly use their talents and powers. They might tip the balance in our favor between failure and success. Besides, knowing you, you’ll handle them with your usual aplomb, charm, and graciousness. Do to them what chu’ done to me, Kemosabe. Hit ‘em with your best cowboy bullshit, and you’ll have ‘em eating from your hand,” Nick replied and smiled. He got a laugh out of his master. That was a good sign to Nick his surrogate son would be okay.

Billy and Nick winged up and the family gathered to transport to the big house. It was still early and the sun was barely peaking over the mountain as they arrived in a flash of light in the living room. The twins ran off to the kitchen to start coffee for everyone. It wasn’t long before Kate came into the kitchen followed closely by Roz. Roz was still wearing her pretty jump suit without the scarf. She seemed perfectly at home as she and Kate planned an attack on breakfast. Billy was pleased to see Archie and Edith come down to join them for breakfast. Edith appeared well and relaxed. They had encouraging words for their master and told him they had some ideas he might want to consider they would discuss with him later. Billy expressed interest and told them he was looking forward to it.

Because of the twins sucking on Boomer’s breast the night before, his teats were swollen again with milk. The twins sat him on his milking stool, one would milk him as the other would do a chore in the kitchen, then they would reverse and the other would milk for a while. Hank and Buck came down the stairs followed closely by Enoch and walked into the kitchen. Roz got them coffee. They were soon followed by Andy and Clyde. Nick looked at Billy and winked. He got Nick’s message. There was nothing obvious but they mutually wondered if Andy and Clyde were knocking boots. Their was a certain air about them and they seemed more attentive to each other than usual. Nathan was the last in the household to come to the kitchen. He no sooner greeted everyone when the Garrett’s pickup truck pulled into the compound and everyone heard the sound of heavy cowboy boots on the front steps and porch. Nathan went to greet them, and Billy noticed Enoch followed him. Billy looked at Nick and winked. Nick grinned and nodded his head.  

When they returned, greetings were exchanged with handshakes, pats on the back, hugs, and kisses, and everyone settled down for talk and breakfast. It was Saturday and the weekend. Billy didn’t planned much more than a brief visit to Nick’s ship to see how his patients were doing and to take them the watcher milk he promised. He didn’t plan to notify the lottery board until Monday after talking it over with his family what to do about large sums of money. Billy shared with them his dream and said he saw them establishing a powerful corporate machine which would immediately start making money to become so large an enterprise they would    quickly reach the near untouchable status of the two percent and would become unquestioned as to their actions and motives. They would bring all this about through hard work, honesty, perseverance, and putting as much back into their local community as they extracted.

Billy went on to define ‘community’ as his core family sitting at the table before him and the untapped wealth of the herd of cattle -- men and women -- the Irin gifted him waiting outside in the field. He also included another equal amount of talented young men and women waiting back on Fort Adam Lear to join them when they could accommodate them, and Nick, his family, and crew aboard his ship. From there, they would grow together and gather more among them sympathetic to their cause. Billy explained there might be more messengers like Nick and Clyde join them after they assimilated the first half of the artificially created Irin herd, but there was no way of knowing just how many there might be. Nick’s best guess was at least twenty, but perhaps as many as two hundred so-called fallen angels. Billy threw the floor open for suggestions. Talk was lively and many good suggestion came from his family. Billy was impressed they really did do some talking after he and his crew left for the line cabin.

“All movements, social and political, even corporations which you seem to be considering this enterprise to become, have names. If we are to become bound to you and the cause you accepted from the Grigori and the Irin, Son, by what name shall we be known?” Tron Garrett asked.

Instantly it came to Billy like a voice from his dreams, “We will become known as the ‘Edenist’ movement, but our official name will be the Highland Shire Corporation,” he said. There was a stunned silence. “Do I need to explain?” he asked. There was another moment of silence as Billy waited.

“I think it best describes what we all might hope for, Billy,” Kate said quietly, “You want to restore as much of our world as possible to balance nature and give everyone the dream of realizing their own personal Eden by becoming a part of something bigger than themselves. I think you would like to see us become more than just a business to become an incorporated community of folks with like minds dedicated to working together for the betterment of ourselves, our fellow man, our community, and ultimately the world,” she added.

“Close enough, Grandma,” Billy agreed, “The cognomen of 'Edenist’ will come from outside the Shire from those folks who see us trying to work with and restore our planet to a more healthy and comfortable condition. It’s my hope and dream we can lay the cornerstones of a movement to slowly guide and change our planet to build it into a garden of Eden; to become the caretakers of a real paradise similar in concept to the one from which man was reported to have been expelled because he was tempted to eat a forbidden fruit to gain knowledge and reason.

“While ignorance of the law is no excuse in modern times, considering the couple in the garden had no intelligence whatsoever, their punishment seemed a mite harsh for the crime. Adam and Eve were kicked out of paradise to face a cruel life of toil with very few perks. Who among us would throw a child out of his home because he disobeyed his parents? A disobedient child is a given in any family. It’s going to happen. One might argue it was only an excuse or perhaps another metaphor by which the sin of guilt was laid on man’s back to keep him subjugated to an evil dictator and a self-serving religious hierarchy what’s held him in bondage with threats of eternal damnation for thousands of years.

“Our use of the name ‘Eden’ will only be used as a metaphor and should neither be construed as having any religious nor Christianist connotations. The myth of the garden of E-dan (Eden) comes from early Babylonian and Sumerian mythology and adapted by the Jews in the first five books of the old testament. The story has little or no relevant application to the truth of how mankind was created or for what purpose. The whole premise is flawed. What benevolent father who truly loves his children would deny them knowledge? What man would give his son a stone if he asked of him a fish?

“It seems to me the same elements or unevolved thinking created by early religion is the same evil what’s still with us today doing its best to keep everyone in submission and not allowing man to realize his full potential. It makes no difference whether the biblical account was real or fictional. I ain’t concerned with the accurate details of religion or history so much as the dream of a potential future. At this point in our nation and world history, anything to relieve the ravages of the short term greed of fossil fuel energy companies and mega-corporations ruination of natural resources has to be better than what we have now,” Billy allowed. Everyone agreed with him. “The trick is, to offer a better way, to do it better than them, and beat them at their own game. I think the raw talent we have available to us will provide us the means to do bring it about,” he added.

The kitchen was cleaned and everything put away. Kate and Roz decided to postpone their trip to the Garrett’s home to sort Ellen Garrett’s things until Monday when everyone would be busy with other matters. They wanted to stay around the ranch to see what might happen for the rest of the day. Unknown to Billy or his Uncle Nathan, Kate was keeping a detailed journal on her computer of the day to day activities on the ranch and the people who came into their lives. She would sometimes work for hour in the evenings recording happenings and conversations.

Nathan suggested they bring forth the legal experts and any of the herd what might have planning and guidance knowledge. Billy sent a blanket invitation throughout the herd which was received by everyone. A number of bulls and heifers moved through the herd in the pasture to approach the waiting humans. They gathered before the barn on the property. A bull and a heifer came forward. “The male before you, Master Billy, is Dociean and the female is Dorcas. They are two of the most enhanced and advanced of this half of the Irin herd and can act as spoke persons for them,” Clyde introduced them to their new master. Greetings were exchanged.

“Would you be more comfortable in humanoid form?” Billy asked them.

“Not necessarily, Master Daniels. If what you seek is advice we can provide that in our present form. If you wish more we we will require work space and equipment. We’ve been eavesdropping on your progress, and it doesn’t seem like you’re prepared to accommodate even a few of us, unless, as you and your surrogate dad have discussed, you wish to house an emergency team at his castle on board his ship,” Dociean replied.

“You’re right,” Billy said, “Grandma, how many extra mouths could we feed around our table until we can get a kitchen built and functioning in the bunk house?” Billy asked.

“For how long?” Kate asked.

“Two weeks; maybe less. After we get some real money we can buy what we need, install it, stock it, and branch out from there,” Billy replied.

“As long as I got extra hands, and I don’t have to do a lot of clean up, we can manage four extra bodies,” Kate said.

“Before you decide anything, you might want to consider our recommendations, Master,” Dociean suggested.

“Certainly,” Billy replied.

“If you can provide a group of us with clothes for working during the day, we can morph back into cattle in the evenings and live off the land until more permanent living conditions can be built,” he said.

“I like that idea,” Billy said, “In the meantime, what advice do you people have for sheltering our money and getting the most out of it without having to pay outrageous sums for taxes and religious tithes?” he asked.

“You need to form a corporation immediately and register it on the Internet as such today. Dorcas and I can morph and help you with that. We’re well versed in your computers and have been 'on-line’ using your system from Fort Adam Lear for several of your years. We even have Facebook accounts to prove we’re citizens of this planet. Secondly, we need to open an off shore bank account for you in the Grand Cayman Islands to house your lottery winnings and major money from gold exchanges. It can’t be traced by your federal government, and they won’t know your complete holdings. You should accept your winnings and request anonymity so only your immediate family and those you wish to tell will know you’re a large sum winner,” Dociean replied.

Billy sent Poly and Cass to the house for a couple of guest bathrobes he knew Kate kept in a utility closet on the back porch. He took Dociean and Dorcas to the barn with Clyde and Roz to have them morph. He sent them with Kate, Roz, and Clyde into the house to shower and provided them with clothes. When they were finished, he took them up to his small office in the tower of the big house and gave Dociean access to his desktop computer and Dorcas access to his laptop. Dociean asked for formal and casual pictures of him and several of the property to scan or copy from digital photos and make a corporate looking website. Dociean explained they only had to show intent as long as they filed the official papers with the state and federal government within thirty days.

“Do you plan to be a religious based organization, Master Billy?” Dorcas asked.

“I don’t believe in religion of any sort, Dorcas,” Billy replied.

“Neither does the Pope, but he’s the leader of one of the oldest religious cults on your planet,” Dociean said and laughed.

“It could mean a hands-off policy toward investigating you later on, and you already have five hundred faithful followers with five hundred more following our day to day progress on Fort Adam Lear who will eventually be joining us. You’re congregation is considerably bigger than that crazy old ass-hat fool Fred Phelps what used to be such a pain in the butt for any person of reason. Your momentary vision of your movement being called ‘Edenist’ wasn’t just a brain fart. It could be the basis for a totally new religious concept which embraces all the things the other religions preach but few practice,” Dorcas encouraged, “It can also be used quite successfully as a backup position when you might be pressured to disclose sensitive information about your operations you don’t care to disclose as religious persecution,” she added.

“All right, but no cult of death, simulated vampire-ism, or symbolic rites of cannibalism,” Billy said.

Dorcas got busy and before Billy could comment, formed a website for the “Church of the Highland Shire” with a picture of Pastor Billy in all his cowboy gear standing next to his handsome owner, Samson. The blurb Dorcas quickly typed was a nebulous mishmash of Earth and heaven coming together in a new age humanistic-agro-project within the lovely hill country of Southwest Texas. It said nothing about beliefs but gave the impression it was a mix of corporate capitalism, a feel good philosophy about asking a higher power for wealth, down-home Western appeal, with a light touch of new age woo. It said to keep checking back for announcements for the grand opening of the hill country Highland Shire for gatherings. Billy was impressed, but laughed uneasily like he wondered what he was getting himself into.

His big brothers and his surrogate dad encouraged him. “How long do you think you’ll be able to keep what you done for me yesterday morning secret, Little Brother?” Enoch asked.

“Yeah, and look at my little finger on my right hand. It was plumb cut off in a baling accident a couple of years ago and Billy done made it grow back in a matter of minutes. Look at that!” Moss exclaimed and wiggled his little finger at Enoch.

Enoch shook his head like he couldn’t believe it, but he knew Moss wasn’t lying to him.

“First time some kid comes limp’n up to you, your big heart goes out to him, you heal him, and he skips away without his crutches, the holy shit’s gonna’ hit the fan big time, Brother,” Enoch added.

“They’s right, Son,” Nick said quietly and the others agreed with him.

“All right, but I don’t like deceiving nobody,” Billy said begrudgingly.

“You don’t have to. Just tell the truth. Some aliens abducted you and give’d you enhanced powers to help others,” Nathan said.

“Gave you...” corrected Kate.

“Yeah, what ma said,” Nathan said and grinned. The men broke up laughing.

“Then I’m gonna’ need extra help for sure ‘cause I ain’t even begun to figure out no religious context to our movement beyond metaphors,” Billy said like it was a burden he didn’t want to take up.

“What the hell you think all them miracles reported in the new testament were all about?” Nathan asked, “They probably started out as hear-say stories and grew into miracles. None a’ them stories was even written down until three hundred years after the death of Christ; about the same time as the Nicaean council. One magic trick might have been faithfully recorded, but you can bet chore’ boots the writers of the early scriptures added to ‘em and fluffed ‘em up to show a simple man was a lot more’n he claimed to be. Much like Fox news, there weren’t no time nor interest in fair and balanced reporting when the the Roman church had an agenda to promote. What’s a lie here and there when you got a religion to get underway to get people to believe enough supernatural hookum to make them give their hard earned money to you? Organized religion’s one of the oldest big time rackets on this planet. They been suck’n money from the poor for centuries and they give them very little in return. They recorded made up shit as God’s gospel word into the new testament, and they ain’t no witness alive today to say otherwise. You’s different, Son, folks can see what you can do. It can be videoed and show’d time and again,” he added.

“Yeah, and think about them Mormon fools what got people to believe some bat-shit crazy stuff a drunken horse thief, a man known to be a charlatan and liar, wrote about translating some gold tables an angel give him in Central Park in New York, City. He kept them in a hat so’s nobody else could see them but him. Talk about pulling a religion out of a hat? It was more like he done pulled it out his ass. You better start think’n on it, Son. Yore’ brothers are right; howsomever, once again I might remind you, y’ain’t alone. You got some pert-damn good folks around you from which to draw ideas and strength,” said Tron Garrett.

“What about opening our own bank?” Billy asked Dociean.

“I don’t see it happening until you’ve become self-producing corporation and integrated the second wave of your Irin staff. You certainly have the money to do it, sir, but to do it now would be like your old saying, ‘putting the cart before the horse.’ Very few people are going to trust you with their money without some track record behind you. They want to see what you can do with your own money and whether you can make it grow. The wealthy on your planet have a saying, “Money begets money,” meaning, if you have money, others with money are more likely to give you more to amass more for themselves just because you have considerable wealth to back up your investments and theirs. Wealthy people mostly associate with other wealthy people, and they are of one mindset,” Dociean replied.

“Any suggestions about how to go about making money?” Billy asked.

“You already have two old cowboys sitting on a gold mine. We listen and you been toying with the idea of marketing their herb products. Don’t toy with it. Do it. As soon as you can accommodate a work force, make building Hank and Buck a half dozen sturdy climate controlled greenhouses a priority. Their first crop will be mostly for propagation, but you still can collect enough product to put it on the market through your Internet blog to make a small fortune after the first harvest. You need no more advertisement than your web site and word of mouth will make your product go viral. You will have to turn down orders,” Dociean replied.   

“We must be careful to clean it thoroughly so no seeds will go out with product which others might be able to reproduce,” Billy mused.

“You have the perfect couple to help you with that. Once you get a large batch cleaned for packaging and shipment, Archie and Edith can zap it and sterilize any viable seed in seconds. Only seeds will be effected, and they will be toast,” Dociean said, “They can also teach you to build an electronic device what will do the same job and be just as effective. You have no idea the amount of power and creative innovation you have in these two small wonderful creatures, Master Billy,” Dociean added motioning to Archie and Edith.

“I believe you, Dociean. They have already proven their worth to me several times. I come to love them very much and will always see to their comfort and protection,” Billy said. “Now, how do we go about setting up an off shore account in the Grand Cayman Islands?”

“It’s easy enough. We can do it on line this morning if you wish. Do you have an active bank account at a local bank?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s in the small town North of us. There’s close to ten thousand dollars in it,” Billy replied.

“Let’s contact the bank in the Grand Caymans and transfer a thousand, you can enter a password code, and you’ll be set up. You’ll have the account number to take with you to the lottery center on Monday and the password to make the deposit,’ Dociean suggested.

“Okay. Sounds easy enough. Will the gold merchant be able to make deposits to the same account so I won’t have to worry about carrying large sums of money around?” Billy asked.

“Of course. They’re used to doing business that way. In fact, they probably would prefer to make transactions that way for the same reason. They wouldn’t have to keep large sums of cash about. However, if you need some ready cash I’m sure he could also accommodate you as well,” Dociean replied.

Dociean contacted the bank in the Grand Caymans and a new account was established for Mr. Billy Daniels, president of the Highland Shire Corporation, London, Texas, U.S. of A. Billy entered a special password he invented which would be damn near impossible to hack and a deposit was made into the account for one thousand dollars paid by his local bank. It was all done in a matter of minutes and a new corporation was born. Billy thanked Dociean and Dorcas. They were humble and gracious. Several of the other family members had questions for the couple. Dociean and Dorcas were patient and well met giving as detailed explanations to their questions as possible.

"I think I don’t want you two returning to the herd. I want Dociean to go with us to Houston on Monday to take care of what we have to get done. I have a good idea how ever’thing should go down, but I’d feel a bit more easy if he was with us. We got us a brand new huge transportation van what will seat a dozen comfortably so that won’t be no problem. We’ll find you rooms here in the main house temporarily and you can take your meals with us. You will be expected to pitch in and do your part to help in any project we undertake around here including getting meals ready and clean up afterwards. Until we have enough staff to do designated jobs, we have to operate that way for everyone’s comfort so no one gets the burden of care on their individual shoulders,” Billy said. “In other words, if’n yore’ master can pitch-in and get his hands dirty so can the rest of you,” he added and smiled.

“Understood and we certainly agree, Master Daniels,” Dociean said and Dorcas nodded her head in agreement. They seemed a little relieved they didn’t have to go back to being cattle.

“Can they share a room or would that be against their social mores, Billy?” Kate asked.

“We can share a room, Mistress Kate, without any frustration,” Dorcas replied, “We are programmed not to become sexual with each other unless our master gives us permission to mate. We may become fond of each other and enjoy working more with one than another, but we will not experience any sexual feelings until our master gives us his blessing. Even then we would wait until he performed a brief ceremony before our peers to unite us in bond,” she explained, “When we were created and volunteered for this assignment, we were made to understand it may be a long while before things become stable enough for us to attempt procreation. We would not wish to being children into a world as unstable as this planet is right now,” Dorcas added firmly. It was a sad commentary about the world they found themselves living on, but everyone agreed and understand the truth of her words.

* * * * * * *
“Now, we got them things taken care of, I need to get some watcher milk to two patients on Nick’s ship. Unless there’s some unforeseen happening, we should only be there for about and hour at most and return here to the main house for the rest of the day. Cass, you and Poly run get two a’ them empty plastic quart milk cartons; make sure they’s clean, and fill them with what watcher’s milk we got available. Grandma Kate will help you. I know she keeps several on hand. Who want’s to make a quick trip with us?” Billy asked.

Several hands went up but not Kate or Roz’s, nor Tron or Nathan’s.

“Okay, we won’t take many folks this time. Grandma, since it’s just a turn around trip, I’ll leave the twins with you. Clyde you and Andy stay here, and ya’ll put out some more hay for the cattle while we’re gone. Hank and Buck, I want you to get started on one a’ them old milking machines out to the barn. We’re gonna’ need it. Mr. Garrett, h’it’s time you and ma’ uncle take an angel flight with us. Moss you and Enoch come along, and you, too, Dociean. Dorcas, we’ll take you another time, but stay and get a room assignment from my grandmother and give her and Roz a hand. Boomer you’s with me and papa Nick. We don’t go nowheres without our number one protector; however, that might have to change Monday, less’n you feel like morphing into a cowboy and wear’n clothes,” Billy said.

“I ain’t never told 'ju I could morph. How’d ‘ju know?” Boomer asked surprised.   

“I didn’t know, but I do now,” Billy replied and laughed, “I jes’ reckoned me and papa Nick could figger’ out a way to morph you enough to pass you off as a giant buckaroo, but if’n you can morph -- more’s the better. We’ll have Clyde outfit you and take you with us, Monday. I’d feel safer with you at our backs anyhow.”

The halflings returned with the two quarts of watcher milk with Kate behind them. “We don’t need them until later this afternoon if you’d like to take them with you, Billy. They didn’t ask, but I know they want to go along. They been extra good,” Kate said.

“You guys wanna’ come along?” Billy asked.

“Yes, please, Master Billy,” Poly answered for them.

“All right, gather round,” Billy motioned to his chosen posse, “Wings up, Tonto,” he said to Nick. They disappeared for a moment and returned fully fledged. They spread their wings over the men, “Next stop, the good ship Lilith’s village square,” Billy announced. There was a great flash of light and they vanished.

* * * * * * *
The men reappeared in the village square of the small town on Nick’s ship. This time the villagers were prepared for visitors and were waiting for them. They greeted the men and were introduced to Billy’s uncle and Moss’s dad. They also got to meet Billy’s new advisor, Dociean. Tron and Nathan were quite taken by the village folks and their variety. They got to meet Nick’s protectors and were fascinated by them. Aeron’s family came out to greet them and claimed they almost had to tie him to his bed to keep him from coming to greet his wonderful master who healed him. They proceeded to his hut first and the humans had to stoop to go inside. Aeron was sitting up in bed, bright-eyed and bushy tailed eager to greet his beloved master. Billy went to him and took him into his big cowboy-angel arms and gave him a big hug and a kiss. “You look great, little one. How do you feel?” he asked.

“I’m all right, Master Billy. I been trying to tell them I’m okay, but they said I have to stay in bed to wait for you to say I’m healed,” he lamented like he wanted to be up and out of bed.

“I brought you some wonderful milk. You will love it. I want you to drink a glass now and one before bedtime. It will make you a bit drowsy, but that’s okay. I want you to stay in bed for the rest of today and tonight. Tomorrow morning you may get up and go play as long as you take it easy. No running and jumping about for several days until you fully heal,” Billy admonished the young dwarf.

“I promise. I’ll do as you ask, Master Billy. Can I come visit you and my halfling brothers at your ranch on the planet sometime, sir?” he asked.

“I don’t see why not, but you must get your captain’s permission,” Billy replied and winked at his parents. “I want him to have another glass of this milk tomorrow morning and another before bedtime tomorrow night. If there’s any left have him drink it the next morning with his breakfast,” he said.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy, we’ll see to it he drinks it,” Aeron’s pretty little mother replied.

Billy spread his wings and drew the massive healing forces of the universe into himself and ran his hands over Aeron’s strong young body charging him and healing him further with his strength. The young man was mesmerized by his handsome master’s care and interest in him. Aeron was in love. He had a new hero. He wept when it came time for Billy and his posse to say goodbye and leave his hut. Aeron’s parents and family couldn’t thank Billy enough. He told them he would send another messenger Monday morning with another quart of watcher milk for Aeron and have him drink it in the same manner; one glass in the morning and one in the evening before bed.

Nick led Billy’s posse to his older protector Cloog’s cottage. The family were patiently waiting for them outside the warm looking small home. It looked like something out of a story book or a hobbit movie. Nick entered first followed by Billy. The older halfling warrior was sitting up in bed with the biggest smile on his face. He opened his arms to Nick and they embraced, kissed a good kiss, and embraced each other again. Old hard nosed Nick broke down and cried in his protector’s arms and the older man soothed him lovingly.

“Are they feeding you well, my fearless warrior?” Nick asked.

“We can’t feed him enough. He’s hungry all the time,” his wife Martha said.

“Have you had him up and walking him?” Billy asked.

“No, not yet. He didn’t seem strong enough. We still have to set a pan beneath him,” she replied.

“Come on, Nick, let’s get him up and walk him out and into the artificial sunlight. He must be exercised several times a day,” Billy ordered.

They got on either side of the old warrior and helped him up and started him walking. It was slow going but Cloog had two stalwart angels on either arm to insure his support. He was shaky at first, but then began to draw upon his inner strength and began to walk on his own with the two larger winged-men’s assistance. They took him out into the warm light and set him down on a bench. They sat on either side of him and the rest of Billy’s posse looked on with the awe of empathy and human interest. They couldn’t believe their leader, master, and his surrogate dad were such caring individuals. Tron and Nathan were impressed to the core of their beings. They had no further doubts about following Billy and Nick into the future whatever it might bring.

They sat and listened in awe as the old man told a tale of a great battle he and his other protector companions fought to rescue Nick from evil forces on a distant planet in the Aldebaran system. Nick was once again in tears remembering Cloog’s heroism in that battle. After a while the old man began to tire and they helped him back to his bed. Billy had the old warrior drink a glass of watcher’s milk, and he found it much to his liking. Billy gave his wife instructions on when to give it to him and insisted they get him up and walk him at least three or four times a day to rebuild his strength. Have one of the villagers find him a good sturdy walking stick to lean upon. They promised they would. There were more tears when they parted. Nick and Billy promised they would get back to visit with him again in three days to witness his progress.

The villagers wanted to know when Billy would return and bring his family. They wanted to hear the twins perform and play more music with them. Billy promised them the following weekend he would bring everyone and they would spend some quality time together. After many heartfelt goodbyes, Billy and his posse vanished to return to the big ranch house. They were only gone for a couple of hours.

The ladies had a light lunch prepared for everyone and they sat down to eat. Tron and Nathan shared their experience on Nick’s ship with everyone at the table and how impressed they were with everything. They seemed to really enjoy their visit.

“What do you plan to do after lunch, Billy?” Kate asked.

“I need some alone time. I been with folks several days and nights straight. I need to be with my music. How is my fiddle players coming along learning to read music?” Billy asked.

“We spent one afternoon and another morning at the old music blackboard in the parlor. Then we sight read through several easy pieces so they would get the hang of it. They’re funny. They placated their old mistress, but they couldn’t wait to get to the more difficult stuff, so we sight read through the first movement of the Bach double violin concerto in D minor. Aside from helping them with a few special things like trills and mordants they rarely missed a note,” Kate reported, “I don’t think they were ever exposed to a system of written music before where a composer can spell out what he wants the music to sound like no matter who plays it. I think a new musical door has been opened for them. They’re anxious to plow through what music we have around here, and I’ve ordered some more from my local source,” she added.

“I think a good Bach workout might be just what we need. Would you gentlemen like to join me in the ballroom with your fiddles?” Billy asked.

Cass looked at Poly, they grinned at each other, stopped what they were doing, and ran from the room. They didn’t bother to answer their master’s question. Everyone laughed. “I guess that could be taken as a ‘yes,’” Billy said and laughed.

“Is Billy a musician?” Enoch leaned over to asked Moss quietly.

“Like nothing you ever heard before, Brother. He could become a professional musician if’n he’s a mind to,” Moss replied, “By the way, y’ain’t wearing false teeth are you?” he asked with a grin.

“Nope, they’s all my own,” Enoch replied and grinned.

“Good, ‘cause it might be a bit embarrassing if’n you’s to drop ‘em in yore’ lap when you hear Billy play for the first time,” Moss said.

“That good, huh?” Enoch asked and grinned.

“That good, Buckaroo,” Moss replied assuring the big cowboy.

“You got a girlfriend, hoss?” Enoch asked.

“Naw, ain’t never been much of a ladies man. I’s too big and clumsy. I scare most of ‘em away,” Moss replied.

“Yeah, I ain’t never been much of a womanizer neither. We got the same problem, cept’n I’s bigger’n you. Most of 'em won’t even give me second glance. I don’t care, I ain’t that interested in women noways. But let a fine looking buckaroo like you cross my path, and I can’t think of nothing else but how nice it might be to git naked, lie next to him, and share a little love -- big man to bigger man,” Enoch said quietly and turned his head away. He didn’t look at Moss. There was a moment of uneasy silence between them.

“Them words is mighty bold of you, Cowboy, but I suppose my hidden glances and drooling at the corner’s of ma’ mouth ever’ time I get a good look at yore’ fine body might have a tendency to give me away as to having similar thoughts,” Moss admitted.

“Naw! Not at all, Moss. I ain’t never noticed. I’s jes’ throw’n my baited hook in the water to see if I might get a nibble on my line -- enough to make my old cork bobble up and down a few times. I’s downright pleased you took my bait, and run with it. If’n I can hook you, maybe I can slowly reel you into my arms. I promise not to hurt you none too much and make sweet cowboy love'n to you afore I eat chu’ real good,” Enoch said and grinned.

“You know what? That’s got to be the sweetest, most unique proposition I ever done heard. You got me hooked, Buckaroo. Reel me in and put me on your stringer. You won’t have to throw me back. I promise I’m a keeper,” Moss said, and they shared a laugh. Enoch dropped his huge arm around his brother, pulled him close, and bussed a kiss behind his ear to set his hook. It did the job. Moss didn’t move three feet away from the big buckaroo all afternoon and invited him home with him that evening to git-naked and share his bed.

End of Chapter 13 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved
Email: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 12505

Next: Chapter 14

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