Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Aug 10, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 23

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 23

"Those who don't have anything else going for them can live on hate for a long time. It is their main motivating spirit." ~ J. Pearsall

Will woke the next morning but didn’t stir. He could feel Miranda lying next to him and looked upon her and smiled. He thought she was the prettiest he ever saw her, and motherhood became her. Will wondered if there might be some truth to the idea expectant females had a glow about them and were most attractive shortly before giving birth. He heard it said many times about women, but wouldn’t it also apply to females of any species? No! He decided it wasn’t his overwrought imagination, he was quite sure Miranda was prettier than he could ever remember. Then again, maybe it was just a male ego sexist concept without any actual scientific proof to back it up. He settled for a ‘citation needed’ moment and appreciated her like she was.

He moved his hand and lovingly stroked her head. She woke and responded by nudging his hand for more. He accommodated her and spoke gently, “We gotta’ get up, girlfriend. I need to phone our buddies Deputy Andy, Deputy Stan, and our clerk Mrs. Stark, to tell them I’m staying home with the Missus today. Would you like some more of that magic milk I brought you last e’nin?” he asked.

Miranda’s ears perked right up, and she was on her feet ready to go to the kitchen. “I’ll take that as a 'yes,’” Will said, and Miranda gave a small bark of confirmation as she headed for the door, stopped, and turned her head to see if he was following. “I’ma coming. I’ma coming, Missy,” he said and laughed at her eagerness.

The sheriff got up and walked naked to the kitchen. Miranda didn’t care whether he was dressed or not as long as she got her magic milk, and he fed her the rest of the wonderful food he brought home with him last night. He gave her the milk, and she polished it off in no time. He put the rest of her food in a microwaveable dish and heated it for a minute. He washed her dish from the night before and poured the contents from the heated dish into it. Will took a spoon and mixed it thoroughly so there wouldn’t be hot spots and set it before her. Miranda didn’t hesitate, she ate like she was starved and licked the bowl clean. She looked up at him as if to ask if there was more.

“I’m sorry, princess. That’s all there is. We ain’t gonna’ have to do that scene from ‘Oliver’ again, are we? You know what a bad actor I am. Okay, just for you. More? You want more? Or would your rather hear the nursery rhyme about Old Sheriff Hubbard, what moseyed up to the cupboard to get his poor dog a bone? No? Not in the mood for my nonsense this morning? I don’t blame you, lamb cakes. My cowboy bullshit’s a little ripe for pitch’n this early. How 'bout a nice treat? One a them I-can’t-believe-it-ain’t-bacon strips, and I’ll give you some of that god-awful canned crap later if you’s still hungry,” Will said. Miranda settled for the almost-bacon strip and consumed it in an instant.

Will punched the button on his cell phone for the private line to the sheriff’s station. Andy answered, “That you sheriff?” he asked.

“Yeah, Andy, it’s me. Listen, I ain’t coming in today. I’m taking a sick day. Miranda’s acting awful funny and won’t leave my side. She’ll go to her bed I made for her and lie down for a while, then come get me to sit with her. She don’t want me leaving her alone,” Will said.

“No problem. You ain’t gotta’ take no sick day, Sheriff. It’s only half a damn day anyways. We’ll cover for you. Under the circustances, I think you should stay home. By the sounds of it, it ain’t gonna’ be long afore we break out them cigars, Dad,” Andy joked.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m think’n, too. There ain’t nothing special going on except I got a call from Billy Daniels last night, and he said they got videos of Bubba Kirkendall and Earl Hickson cutting their fence and trespassing on their property last evening,” Will said.

“Jesus! That ain’t good. How dumb can they be? I’ve always said them two cowboys ain’t got one good working brain cell between ’em. ‘At’s a damn good way to get chore’ ass shot off, and by open range law a rancher’s got ever’ right to do it and ask questions later,” Andy said.

“Exactly. You don’t trespass on open range. Billy Daniels and his men could a’ blown ‘em away, called us to come collect the bodies, without so much as a howdy-do; but he ain’t that way. He’s a good man. Mr. Daniels said Bubba and Earl had cameras and claimed they was only gonna’ take pitchers of the unusual cows and leave. Mr. Daniels and his men caught them, confiscated their equipment, but let them go with the understanding they’s to bring the rest of the camera extras and instruction books to the station. When they do, I’ll give them a good talking to and do my best to put the fear of God in them by carefully explaining to them ignorant cowboys what could happen if’n they’s ever stupid enough to do some’um like ‘at again. Bubba and Earl claimed Preacher Womack bought them the cameras and was gonna’ pay them five hun’nert apiece to take pitchers for him. It ain’t clear why Womack wants pitchers of Highland cattle, but I’m sure we’ll find out. Anyway, if they come in, take what they bring, tell them to be in my office bright and early Monday morning, ‘cause if’n they ain’t, I gotta’ get warrants and come looking for ‘em, they’ll spend a couple of days in jail cool’n their heels until I can get to the bottom of this. For right now, I got the little Missus to worry about, and I’m picking up ma’ pa tomorrow morning early to spend the day with me. Unless there’s a dire emergency, I don’t want to be disturbed. Understand, Son?” Will asked.

“Loud and clear, Boss,” Deputy Andy said crisply, “Anything else, sir?” Andy asked.

“Nothing I can think of, but if that little two-bit tin-horn holy-roller preacher should come in looking for me, just tell him I ain’t available today; for him or anybody. If he gives you a bad time, you might remind him Bubba and Earl have implicated him in their little escapade at the Daniels ranch and admitted he put them up to it. If he wants to, Billy Daniels can press charges against him as well, and if it can be proved he paid for them cameras Bubba and Earl had, he could be found as guilty as they are,” the sheriff said.

“He weren’t none too happy about you driving off without stopping to talk with him last evening, sir,” Andy said.

“Tough shit! I was late for a dinner engagement with friends, and I don’t get that many invitations to eat a fine home cooked meal. I didn’t want to be late, and I knew if I stopped he’d wanna’ talk for an hour or more about save’n my lost soul and his guarantee of life everlasting if I swallow the hogwash of his religion, join his church, and contribute to his monthly income. Once that man gets going he’s like fly-paper, you can’t get rid of him. He knows I ain’t interested in his brand of religion, or religion of any sort for that matter, but he’s stupid enough to think if he keeps pushing his crap he’ll wear me down, and I’ll give in. If Jesus died for my sins, Womack can damn well find it in his hate filled black heart to practice what he preaches and cut me some slack for last e’nin,” Will said firmly.

“Amen to that, Sheriff. I told him you was late get’n off because of me being late, but that didn’t seem to appease him none. Personally, I don’t like the man, Mr. Tate,” Deputy Andy said.

“I understand, Son. Treat him with respect, but don’t let him intimidate or bully you. He thinks he’s a lot more important than he really is. One of these days he’s gonna’ push someone too far, and they’re gonna’ keel-haul his bible thump’n butt,” Will said.

The sheriff said his goodbyes and disconnected. He punched the Daniels ranch number and Kate answered the phone, “Daniels ranch, Kate speaking,” she said.

“Howdy, Ms. Daniels, this is Will Tate calling,” he said.

“Good morning, Sheriff, how are you this beautiful morning?” Kate asked.

“I’m fine, ma’am. Me and the little Missus cain’t thank you enough for your generous care packages. I fed her half last e’nin and the other half just a while ago for her breakfast, and she loved it. I’ll probably share a little of my chicken with her a little later on,” Will replied.

“I’ll just bet you will. You’re both certainly welcome. How is she, Sheriff?” Kate asked.

“Acting strange. She don’t want me to be more’n three feet away from her at all times. She wouldn’t get up on the bed last night and opted for sleeping in her new whelp’n bed I made for her. I’m so used to her sleeping at my feet, I couldn’t get to sleep, so I got out my big double sleeping bag, laid it out next to her bed, and slept on the floor. She seemed contented and relieved I was close. I called the station and told them I won’t be in today,” Will replied.

“Sounds like she’s just about ready to go into labor. You said she ate this morning?” Kate asked.

“Yes, ma’am, and drank her magic milk. She loves that stuff,” Will replied.

“It’s good for her. Keeps me running when I know I ought to be tired. Usually, dogs don’t eat if they feel funny or queasy, on the other hand, some do. Billy’s here, just a minute,” Kate said, and Will could hear her relating the information to him. “Here, I’ll let you talk with him, Sheriff. It’s always good to hear from you, Son,” Kate said.

“Thank’s, ma’am, I appreciate it,” he replied.

“Howdy, Sheriff. Is the little Missus going into labor?” Billy asked.

“Since it’s our first time, I can’t rightly say for sure, but she keeps looking at me like she’s expecting me to do something. I done fed her already. I don’t know what else to do for her, but just sit and wait. I took the day off,” Will said in frustration. “I was calling to ask a favor, Billy. Could you spare your Irin cowboy today, so’s she won’t have to be alone if I have to go somewhere and especially tomorrow when I’ll be with you and my dad all day?” he asked.

“No problem. I got one ready to go. One of my main men, Dociean, I introduced you to yesterday. Ya’on’t us to fly over, bring him to you, and have a look at Miranda?” Billy asked.

“You mean transport yourselves?” Will asked.

“E’aup! Exactly, Sheriff,” Billy replied.

“Sure, but y’ain’t never been here before, how will you know how to get here?” Will asked.

“Just keep your cell phone on for a minute and listen to me. Nick, Clyde, wing-up. Boomer come stand by me. Dociean grab my little bag off the shelf behind you, and join our group. That’s it. I'm locked onto his signal. You men triangulated?” Billy asked.

“Yes, Master, we’re ready,” Will heard Nick reply.

“Here, Billy, take this box of goodies to the Sheriff,” Kate said and shoved a box into his hands.

“Thanks, Grandma. Shish Kabobs and Ally-garoo, we’re off to see the sheriff, and his little dog, too,” Billy said and there was a blinding flash of light in Will’s living room. Miranda never saw bird-men before, and she was a bit startled. She got in front of the sheriff to protect him, raised her hackles, bared her canines, and barked a sharp warning at them.

“It’s okay, sweet heart. Calm down, darlin,’ they’s good folks. They won’t hurt us none. They come to help,” Will quieted her.

<< We mean you no harm, Miranda, we have come at your master’s request to help him and you, >> Billy sent.

<< You speak, but mouth no move, >> Miranda sent.

<< I can send my thoughts into your head, and I can hear your thoughts with my mind, >> Billy sent.

<< Why you have arms and wings like birds? >> she asked.

<< To fly and to heal when necessary, >> Billy said.

<< Big hairy two-leg beast. I see his type before. Smell bad. Big. Too big. Miranda not go near. This one not smell bad. Smell good like magic milk, >> she sent to Billy.

<< We clean him every evening and take care of him like your master takes care of you. Nothing wrong with your gift of smell. The magic milk your master gave you came from him, >> Billy sent.

<< Him like cow? >> she asked.

<< More human than cow, but gives milk like one. Best in universe, >> Billy replied finding himself using clipped speech. << Your master is worried about you, Miranda, >> Billy sent.

<< Me more worry about him. Miranda be all right -- know what’s about to happen. Body give birth -- a natural part of life, >> she said.

Billy laughed. “She told me she’s more worried about you than giving birth to her pups,” Billy told Will, and the men laughed.

“I just want someone to be here with you in case something should go wrong, sweet heart,” Will said to her.

<< Tell him I know. I love him for caring about me, >> she sent to Billy.

Billy related what she said to the sheriff, and they seemed happy. Billy got his small black leather bag and opened it. “I brought along a syringe with a small gage needle. Would you mind if I draw a small amount of her blood so I can taste it and have her genetic information on file, just in case we might need it?” Billy asked.

“It’s all right with me, but you’ll have to ask her,” Will said, shrugged his shoulders, and grinned.

<< Will it hurt? >> she asked Billy.

<< Just a small discomfort like you might step on a sticker in the yard, >> Billy replied.

<< Stickers hurt, but if you need it, do it. My man think Miranda brave so I won’t disappoint him. Miranda not so brave. Don’t tell him, >> she said.

Billy laughed, << I promise, I won’t. Our secret, >> he replied.

Billy took only a small amount from her left leg. She was very brave and didn’t try to nip him. The alcohol stung more than the needle. << That not hurt as bad as some stickers I step on, >> she sent.

<< Good. I’m glad. I don’t like to cause pain for anyone. It’s not in my nature, >> Billy sent.

<< Are you a different kind of human from my master? >> Miranda asked.

<< No. I’m the same except I been greatly enhanced by another race of human-like creatures who look like my slave, Boomer, and another race who look more like us, >> Billy explained.

<< My master left several days ago with uneven body. Not ugly, but not even like me or you. He come back with everything in right place. He stand, look at self in reflection-glass long time -- salty water fall from eyes. You do that for him? >> she asked.

<< Will was right. You are a bright little lady. Yes, me and my brothers rebuilt him so he would look like he did when he was younger and had not yet gone to war. War is an awful thing, Miranda. Men fighting other men to kill each other. Will lived but his body was shot to pieces. They didn’t put him back together very well. We just corrected what they didn’t, >> Billy explained.

<< Him much happier now. Proud of himself. I can feel it in his love for me, >> she said, << You help his dad? Can you fix his head to make it work right? >> she asked.

<< I hope so, Miranda, but I can’t say until I meet him and have his genetic information on file within me, >> Billy send.

<< I hope you can. Buster good man in his heart, but his mind like what master does with small box when he point it at moving picture box in living room and go from one story to next real fast. Buster’s mind same way. Him not grab one picture and hold on longer than a few flashes. Another flash, it’s gone, >> Miranda said.

“That’s a remarkable analogy, young lady. It’s a perfect description of what happens to a person’s brain when he can’t control it. I think your good master underestimates your intelligence. Since you were such a brave young lady, Miranda, would you like some more magic milk like the sheriff gave you last e’nin and this morning?” Billy said out loud so Will could hear.

Miranda bounced on her front paws, barked once, and sent to Billy, << Yes, please, Master Billy. Wonderful milk, >> she replied.

“May Boomer lie on your sofa, Sheriff? It looks big enough,” Billy asked.

“Sure. Need a towel?” he asked.

“A small one -- wet it, and wring it out,” Billy said.

By the time Will returned to the living room, Miranda was already hooked up to Boomer’s huge left teat and sucking for all she was worth. There was no hiding her joy. Her little tail was wagging like a metronome set at prestissimo. << Soooo goood! Oh, so good! >> she sent to Billy and the men who could hear her.

“Ya’ got any coffee, Sheriff?” Billy asked and smiled at him.

“Of course I got coffee. I’ll make a pot. Forgive me for being a poor host for the heavenly host,” Will said making a joke. Billy laughed.

“Heavenly host, indeed. Grandma Kate sent you something what will make you think you done died and went to heaven. They’s called Hosanna cakes. They were made on the planet where Boomer and I went to meet his uncles, the elders of the high counsel on Retikki Prime. They delivered and left them for me and my family to celebrate our first week together. I have to warn you they’s just like my halflings,” Billy said and grinned.

“You mean I can’t eat just one?” the sheriff asked.

“Yeah, some’um like 'at,” Billy replied with a wicked grin.

“I seen that grin before. You’s up to no good, Billy, I can tell,” Will challenged.

“On the contrary, them cakes is the stuff of legend. We will be marketing them as soon as we get going and can get us a bakery built,” Billy assured him.

Will was game to try one. He knew, while Billy could be devilish in his humor, he wasn’t mean spirited. They were delicious looking and shaped like a masculine Twinkie -- bigger and beefier, like they worked out at a gym three afternoons a week. When he bit into his first Hosanna cake and the filling squirted into his mouth, a grin wide as Texas spread across his face. “Oh my God in heaven!” he exclaimed and the men roared with laughter.

“No! No, Sheriff! The proper response is ‘Hosanna!’” Billy said, “That’s why they call them 'hosanna’ cakes. When you bite into one it makes you want to yell, Hosanna!” he added.

“But -- but -- but --” Will tried to get out, pointing to his stuffed mouth with his free hand.

“You sound like a motorboat what won’t start, Sheriff,” Billy said laughing at him, “Anything familiar about the taste, Brother?” Billy asked.

“Tastes just like your twins come,” he finally managed to get out, “you’re right on both accounts, it is like them -- I can’t eat just one. I gotta’ have another,” he allowed and reached into the box. The next one he bit into he shouted 'Hosanna!’ and the men answered, “Hosanna in the highest!”

The men drank coffee and helped Miranda get down from Boomer. She was so full of watcher milk and puppies she waddled to her whelping bed like a full figured WalMart shopper heading to the free sample pizza roll table. She went to her bed and rolled onto her side and immediately went to sleep.

“Glad to see she’s resting. Neither one of us got much sleep last night. She just couldn’t seem to get comfortable in any position. She’d get up, turned around five or six times, lie back down, only to do it again a few minutes later,” Will said.

“She’s definitely close. All the signs are there according to my family and the Internet,” Billy said. He put his face down with his ear close to her extended little belly and called for everyone to be quiet for a second. Billy listened and heard four strong heartbeats and another very weak. “She’s carrying five pups, but one heart beat is weak and getting weaker by the minute. If she don’t go into labor soon, I’m afraid it won’t make it,” Billy lamented, “She’s just too small to be carrying more’n four pups anyway,” he added as if to himself.

“Is there anything you can do?” Will asked.

“Not this time, Sheriff. We have to let nature take its course. It also happens to be the last in the womb so the pup will have to survive the birth of his brothers and sisters. Don’t look good for it, but after it’s outside maybe I can save it. Don’t give up hope,” Billy said.

* * * * * * *
Mrs. Stark was a little late getting to the station, but she stopped on the outskirts of town at a small house converted into a Mexican restaurant and bought three breakfast tacos for the men. She didn’t know the sheriff was taking the day off so she decided to eat his. They made coffee and were just sitting down to eat when the front door opened and in walked Pastor Clarence Womack. Andy already told the other deputy and Mrs. Stark what the sheriff said about Bubba, Earl, and Pastor Womack’s involvement with them.

“Oh, dear!” exclaimed Mrs. Stark softly.

“I’ll take this, Stan. You folks enjoy your breakfast,” Deputy Andy said heading for the counter. “Good Morning, Mr. Womack, what can I do for you this morning?” Andy asked.

“That’s ‘Pastor’ Womack to you, Son!” he corrected the deputy firmly like Andy was an errant child, “I didn’t see the sheriff’s car out front. Is he here?” Womack asked.

“Fine, Pastor Womack, I’ll abide by your wishes, but I expect you to abide by mine, sir. I ain’t chore’ son, and from now on you will please refer to me as Deputy Andy,” Andy said with equal firmness. “The sheriff called a while ago, but he ain’t coming to the station today. He had some urgent personal business, an emergency, which requires him to remain at home. He’s picking up his dad from the rest home in Brady early tomorrow morning to spend the day with him. He left instructions with me he’s not to be disturbed unless it’s a dire emergency. Now, since he left me in charge, what can I do for you?” Andy asked business-like.

“That’s okay. I’ll just drive out to his ranch and talk with him,” Womack countered.

“I wouldn’t do that if’n I’s you, Preacher. It would be most unwise. That would be the surest way I know to get chore’self on the top of the sheriff’s shit-list. The man don’t never take a day off. He’s here come rain or shine Monday through Friday and half a day on Saturday. What little time he’s off, he values his solitude and his privacy above all else. Besides, what part of ‘urgent emergency’ don’t you understand? He don’t have time for you today, sir -- end of story. If you insist on being called ‘Pastor’ -- for God’s sake be one! You’s suppose to be a preacher and lead by setting an example for us poor sinners what ain’t nearly as holy as you pretend to be. Where is your compassion for the man? Does this have some’um to do with Bubba Kirkendall and Earl Hixson trespassing on the Daniels ranch last night and getting caught? Is that the rest of the camera equipment they’s suppose to bring in you got in yore’ hands?” Andy asked.

“Yes, but I need to speak with the sheriff before I turn it over, Deputy,” Womack’s eyes got big and Andy could see fear. Womack was about to go into panic mode. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Sorry, Pastor, that’s evidence. I can’t let you leave the office with it. If you try, I’ll have to arrest you for interferring in police business, and take possession by force. The sheriff gave me specific instructions for Bubba and Earl to turn it over to me, and to tell them they better be in here bright and early Monday morning to talk with him. If they ain’t, he’ll get a warrant for their arrest, and hold them until he can get to the bottom of it. The sheriff is trying to do them a favor. He could have already issued a warrant on the basis of the complaint. Trespassing on a rancher’s property in open range country is serious business. It’s a crime, Pastor. There’s some question about you buying them the cameras and putting them up to it with a promise of money to get the pictures you want. If that’s the case you could be implicated as an accomplice to their crime,” Deputy Andy said calmly.

“What? That’s outrageous. I may have bought them the cameras, but I never suggested they go onto the Daniels’ property. They said they could get pictures from the side of the road which is county property,” Womack said and started foaming at the corners of his mouth like it was parched.

“What’s so damn important about some Highland cows that you want pictures of them? You can get hundreds of pictures of them cows on the Internet,” Andy demanded.

“Never mind. I’m undertaking the work of the lord to protect the people of our community from demonic forces on that ranch. You wouldn’t understand. I’ll just take this up with the sheriff when I see him,” Womack said and turned to leave.

“You step out that door with that evidence, Pastor Womack, and I promise, I will arrest you, sir,” Andy said taking his handcuffs from his police belt.

“Oh, all right! Here! Take it!” Womack exclaimed, throwing it on the counter like he was really pissed off.

“Good. I’ll need you to sign for it, that you was the one what brought it in,” Deputy Andy said and called to Mrs. Stark to get the proper form.

Mrs. Stark carefully noted everything in the bundle the preacher brought in, and had him sign it. Womack was so mad his face was a bright cherry red color. “You people will answer for this. You’re trying to fight me and keep me from doing the work of the lord. You will pay for your sins. The power of the almighty is to be feared and you folks have no idea what you’re up against. I will have the final word about this,” he ranted.

“Sorry, Preacher, but man’s laws still come before your flawed religious morality. I thank your God for that,” Deputy Andy drawled like the honest cowboy he was, “and by the way, you better pass the word on to Bubba and Earl, the sheriff is expecting them in his office when the station opens on Monday morning,” Andy added.

Womack didn’t respond and left the station in a huff. “You handled that very well, Deputy Andy,” Mrs. Stark said and patted him on his back.

“Glad you handled it, Andy,” said Stan, “I probably would have lost ma’ job,” he said and grinned. “What a poor excuse for a preacher,” he added.

“What a poor excuse for a human being,” Mrs. Stark agreed.

Andy called the sheriff on his private number and explained what happened. Will seemed pleased the way Andy handled the situation. They didn’t talk long because Andy could hear others talking in the background and knew the sheriff must have company. They wished each other a good weekend with a promise to see each other Monday morning.

* * * * * * *   
The men sat around talking and drinking coffee for sometime. They were deep into conversation when everyone looked to the door, and there stood Miranda looking frazzled. She looked lovingly at Will then looked at Billy, << It’s time, Master Billy. I’d appreciate you and my master being with me, >> she sent.

“Absolutely, pretty lady, we’d be honored to be by your side,” Billy said aloud so Will could hear, “She just told me it’s time,” Billy explained.

The men took their coffee and followed Miranda into the living room. “You think the watcher milk could have something to do with her going into labor a little early, Billy?” Will asked.

“Maybe -- a little -- it’s been a couple of hours, and if’n the pups got infused with it from her, it may have been the deciding factor, but it ain’t a bad thing. Better we’re here to help if a problem arises, right?” Billy asked.

“I can’t thank you enough, Billy. I ain’t afraid to admit I was really worried about her,” Will said.

“It’s only a sign of the deep love you have for her, Sheriff. That’s a fine quality to witness in a man of your social status within our community. Have you ever stopped to consider you're probably a much better person, and sheriff from your love for Miranda?” Billy asked.

"Not really, but I see your point," the sheriff replied.

"Well, others have. My family certainly has, and we appreciate your strength of conviction and compassion," Billy complimented him.

“Thanks, coming from you, it means a lot, Son,” Will said.

* * * * * * *
The first three pups, two female and a male, came out on time and were of medium size. The fourth was a third bigger than the others, and Miranda had such a difficult time straining to push it out, Billy was afraid she would have nothing left for the fifth pup. << Don’t be afraid of the light when you see my wings start to glow, Miranda. I’m gathering the rays I need to help you, and I will send them to your body to give you the strength to birth the fourth pup, >> he sent.

<< Okay, but please hurry, Master Billy, >> Miranda replied.

When Billy felt fully charged, he gently placed his hand on Miranda’s side and gave her a burst of energy. With one mighty push, she expelled the huge pup. Billy immediately named him Goliath. He already knew with whom Goliath would bond. The fifth pup was tiny, almost like it wasn’t fully developed. Billy helped Miranda a bit but let her do most of the work. Compared to the previous four the last was easy, but still Miranda was exhausted. She was a fine little mother and dutifully ate each placenta to stimulate her lactation. Once she consumed the last, she busied herself with cleaning the pup. Usually, if a pup isn’t breathing, the stimulus of its mother’s tongue massaging it will cause it to take a breath. She tried and tried to get her pup to breathe, but she couldn’t. Miranda was about to panic. She pushed the baby away from her with her nose as if she were rejecting it. << Please, Master Billy, can you save my baby? >> she pleaded.

“I’ll try, Miranda,” Billy said softly out loud as he gently picked up the tiny pup and held it’s limp body. He formed a fist with his right hand and wrapped his small finger around its tiny neck to hold its head and gently closed his fist around it. He put his left hand under her little bottom to support her, held his right hand up to his mouth, and gently blew into his fist. Nothing happened. He tried again and waited a minute. Nothing happened. He did it a third time, the pup gasped, blew a big bubble, and started wiggling in his hand. He immediately lowered her to the whelping bed and gently set it down in front of Miranda. She immediately took over licking and cleaning her baby and pouring more of her love onto it than all the rest. They were strong and could fend for themselves. Her most precious was her tiny daughter she named 'Grace,’ because it was by the grace of her new friend, Billy Daniels, her baby lived.

<< Thank you, Master Daniels. I am in your debt, sir, >> she sent to him.

<< Nonsense, Miranda. It was a pleasure to be here and provide what help I can. The miracle of birth and to be a small part of your whelping is an honor, ma’am. I consider myself in your debt, Miranda, >> he replied with a smile. << Now they’re all born and feeding, may I enhance them so they will grow up to be highly intelligent and have abilities other dogs don’t? >> he sent to Miranda.

<< Can you enhance me, too, Master Billy?>> she asked.

<< Of course I can. I’ll be happy to do it for you, but you must understand, it may take you some time and work to develop your new talents properly, >> he sent.

<< Who will teach me? >> she asked.

<< We all will, pretty lady, >> Billy sent and motioned to the rest of the men including Boomer and her master.

<< That will be fine, sir, >> she agreed.

Billy raised his wings and gathered huge amounts of light; more than the men ever saw before. He let his hands hover over Miranda and her pups. The light was so brilliantly white it was almost blinding, and the men could only make out the outline of the dogs and Billy’s hands.

“What’s he doing now?” the sheriff asked.

“He’s enhancing them. Them Irin cowboys done give him the super deluxe enhancement package with chrome wheels, white side-walls, and a hatch back. Them pups will be like no other dogs on Earth. They will have power, talent, and capabilities beyond your wildest imaginings other animals don’t have. He can give them anything he wants them to have,” Nick replied and laughed, “He’s that powerful,” he added.

“Like what?” Will asked.

“Speech. Thought transfer to people who can’t ordinarily hear or send. Healing powers. He can give them wings to fly. They may be taught to transport from place to place like we can. The combinations are endless. Knowing Billy’s love for animals, Miranda’s pups will be the most amazing helpmates for you and Billy’s family,” Nick explained.

“Ya’ mean talking dogs?” Will asked incredulously.

“You bet. Miranda, too, but that’s just a start,” Nick replied.

“Well I be damned. That would be so cool,” Will said.

“That will depend on you,” Nick said and laughed. He knew adjusting to a pet as smart or smarter than yourself might require some getting used to.

* * * * * * *
The pups grew rapidly and developed normally for the first month. One might think the biggest pup in the litter, Goliath, would be the leader and a bully throwing his weight around to get his way or to push one of his smaller brothers or sisters away from a prize teat, but it didn’t happen that way. Of all the pups, Goliath was the most gentle and loving. The holy terror of the other four pups, including Goliath, turned out to be the runt of the litter, Grace or Gracie as the men began to call her. (Miranda didn’t care. ‘Gracie’ was close enough for her.) Gracie had three times the energy and spunk the other four had and quickly learned how to use her smaller size to run an attack and quickly get out of the way. She would tease her litter mates ruthlessly until they finally had enough. They learned to gang up on her and hold her down until she calmed down and agreed to give them some rest. Miranda would never admit to having a favorite, but while she couldn’t recall her infancy before her master, she heard Will say many times she was the smallest pup of a large litter and couldn’t help show a little favoritism for Gracie now and then. She also became the favorite of everyone who got to see the litter of pups as they were growing.

Billy made sure he had videos made of Miranda’s whelping. Dociean took Bubba’ camera, loaded it with a memory stick and videoed the whole thing. They decided to show the complete version at the weekly Friday evening barnyard concerts after the sun went down. The cows and the morphed Irin slaves were enthralled by them and couldn’t wait to see them in person. You never heard such 'ooohs’ and 'ahhhs’ from a crowd in your life. Even before the pups eyes were open they each had a name and everyone at Billy’s ranch and extended family knew every one.

Dociean was clever with computers and edited the video to take out Billy’s helping and later enhancements of the pups and made it into a file on the Sheriff’s desktop computer. He had Dociean send it in an e-mail to his office staff. He figured it would still be early enough they would get to see it. Sure enough, Mrs. Stark let out a whoop you could have heard all over the county, and the men rushed to her side to see what she was so excited about. They pulled up chairs and watched as Miranda gave birth to her babies. There was great rejoicing at the sheriff’s station. They helped raise Miranda and felt like they were being included as family by the sheriff.

* * * * * * *
It was early afternoon before Billy and his posse got away. After Miranda whelped, they sat and talked for several hours about many things. Billy voiced concern about having enough watcher milk to go around for everyone, but he certainly wanted Miranda to have what she needed until the pups were weaned. The sheriff told them about a tribe of Bigfoot living in caves on his and his dad’s property, and several daddy long legs who befriended them would come and go from season to season. “How do you go about making friends with one?” Will asked, “There’s a big one I seen watching me and Miranda when we go down to the river to fish or swim. No doubt he’s a monster -- no offense, Boomer, I mean that in a good way -- to me, he’s damn good looking. They’s just some’um about him what trips my switch ever’ time I get a whiff of his strong smell. He hides himself well, and I try never to look his way, ‘cause if I catch his eye, he’ll run away. He watches us by the hour. I waved to him one time, but he turned, and ran. I didn’t see him again for months,” Will said like he was sad about it.

“When does he get the closest, Sheriff?” Boomer asked.

“When I’m skinny-dipping with Miranda. I shuck my clothes off, and he comes close to get a good look,” Will replied, “I’d really like to make a friend of him. How did you and Boomer become friends, Billy?” he asked.

Billy told the sheriff his and Boomer’s story about how he saved Boomer’s life twice and Boomer saved his once, but those were chance happenings which weren’t planned in the scheme of things. Billy wasn’t trying to be vague or secretive with the sheriff, he just didn’t know everything about his beginnings or how Boomer came into the picture. “Don’t try to push anything with them. Let them get used to you. You will be developing some talents within a week or more and then you’ll have a better chance to meet one if you’re serious. Just remember, as fearsome as they appear and as intimidating as they might seem, they have soft hearts for those they come to admire and a fierce sense of loyalty and need to protect those they come to love,” Billy said, “To be honest, I would love to have a steady visitation from those of the local watcher tribes as a greater resource for watcher milk than we get from our own stop-gap machinations of morphing to fulfill our needs. If we had something they wanted or needed they considered valuable and worth the exchange with us, perhaps we could build up a steady stream of watchers to milk,” Billy said.

“I can understand the name ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch’ but how did they get the name 'Watchers?’” Will asked.

“They been on our planet for eons and seen our civilizations rise and fall. They rarely get involved, but they have interacted with man over the years. There’s many historical accounts of huge, giant, hairy men who lived along with man and later were killed out or simply vanished. Many stories of giants of old were actually watchers. Enkidu, the lover and companion of Gilgamesh was described as a giant hairy wild man who had the strength of ten men. He was reported to be unable to swivel his neck to look behind him; a classic Bigfoot physical trait, and the beginning of the derogatory phrase for all unruly children: 'you little no-neck monster.’ They were put here to monitor mankind and to be beacons to alert the more advanced races in the universe to man’s technological and moral progress, if any. They didn’t want man leaving the planet until they were sure we progressed to a point of managing our own world in a manner which is sustaining and beneficial to all. That includes leaving manipulative artifices such as religion, totalitarianism by any of it’s many definitions, and unregulated business practices behind,” Billy explained.

“You think I should I have Miranda fixed after this litter, Billy?” Will asked quietly.

“No need. I turned off her curiosity switch, and she won’t be bothered with anymore heat cycles until I turn it on again. It will make it easier on you and her,” Billy replied.

“How much do I owe you for your services, Master Billy?” the sheriff asked with a grin.

“Not much -- only your first born, Goliath, and Gracie,” Billy sounded like Rumpelstiltskin and cackled like a warlock.

“Done! If you can place the others, I’d rather them go to good homes of friends of yours,” the sheriff said with sincerity, “I know they will be loved and cared for properly,” he added.

“No problem. I just about imagine Enoch’s little cousins would love one and knowing their great-grandma-ma like I do, they only have to mention the secrets of their hearts, and it will be done,” Billy said and roared with laugher.

“Mrs. Redbone is an impressive lady,” Will agreed.

Billy decided it was time for him and his posse to leave. They had a busy day ahead of them and still had other obligations. It was early afternoon. Billy already asked Dociean if he would stay with Miranda and the sheriff for several days until he could find a volunteer for an ‘away’ mission as he began to refer to those Irin cowboys who might be stationed at other ranches for a while. He promised no one would spent more than three to six months on an away mission unless they were happy where they were and requested to remain for another set period. Billy felt comfortable leaving Dociean with the sheriff as he knew he could trust him to hit the ground running to help out anyway he could. In Dociean, Billy had a proven help mate and knew he would comfortably bridge the gap between himself and any replacement of Billy’s choosing.

* * * * * * *
Billy, Boomer, Nick and Clyde no sooner transported back to the Daniels’ ranch when Kate came running up to him and took him in her arms and kissed him on the cheek. Billy knew her so well. She only did something like that when she did something she thought Billy might not like, and she would soften the news by buttering him up with a little grandmotherly affection. Worked every time. Billy was putty in her hands. “Now what have you done?” Billy asked with a grin.

“Nothing out of the ordinary -- my usual. You know how I love company, Billy, and that terrible Zelma Jane Redbone is such a bad influence. She stood behind me and kept poking me with a sharp stick; I just couldn’t help myself,” she said loud enough everyone in the kitchen could hear her. Zelma doubled over with laughter.

“Yeah, right!” Billy exclaimed sarcastically, “Blame it on poor recovering Zelma Jane. How many and who?” Billy asked.

“Tom, Abigale, and the boys will be here this evening to stay the night, and I called the Rutherfords to see how things were going and invited them. They’ll be here around ten in the morning. And remember that older gentleman I introduced you to at the store in town, our church organist, Vox Humana, who used to tune the grand and did a lot of work on the organ. He’s almost completely crippled up from arthritis now. He can barely get around, but he can still drive. He’ll be out in the morning early. I invited him for breakfast and to spend the day with us,” she admitted shyly.

"I remember Mr. Humana well. I grew up listening to his music. I've admired his playing many times. You used to take me to his yearly concerts, and he contributed greatly to my appreciation of music. He was the well turned out fine looking older gentleman what sat next to you and held your hand at granddad's funeral. While he was poised, strong, and stoic for you to lean on, I could tell he was as distraught, maybe more so, than anyone else there other than grandad's immediate family," Billy said.

"Yes, you're right on all accounts. Vox was devastated when Daws passed away," Kate agreed, "It took him sometime to recover," she added.
"And...?" Billy demaned a further explanation for Mr. Humana.

"I would appreciate you taking a look and helping him if you can, sweet heart. He's a good man, Billy. He's been our church organist for years, but his arthritis is getting so bad he may have to quit. Music is his life, Billy, and he's so alone in the world. He lost his companion about twenty years ago, and since then, he's been terribly lonely. If it hadn't been for a couple of gentlemen in the community offering him support we wouldn't have such a fine talent for our church organist. I've watched him grow more feeble by the year, and it breaks my heart. He hasn't given a concert in over five years now, but he still plays for Sunday services. He's a gentle and kind soul and deserves a better life," Kate explained, "Oh, yes, and did I mention, Vox and your grandfather were 'close' friends," she added.

"I never knew, but I appreciate you sharing with me. Is that all?” Billy asked without raising his voice.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Hell, woman!" Billy said, smiling, and trying to sound like his granddad, "All them folks, including Mr. Humana, is family. Ain’t that many no how. You done good, Grandma. I’ll look forward to seeing Tom, Abigale, and my little buckaroo buddies, Rory, Cal, and Randy. Be nice to visit with the Rutherfords for a spell. It’ll be like old times around here when granddad was alive, and ya’ll had a steady stream of visitors ever’ weekend,” Billy said, “And I'll be happy to help Mr. Humana if'n I can. I've enjoyed his playing many times and would hate for him to lose his facilities if I can help him. If I help him, do you think we can talk him into playing a recital here on the Skinner?" Billy asked.

"I'm sure he would be flattered for you to ask him, Billy. He's played several recitals here in the past," Kate allowed.

"Do we need to go shopping for more food?” Billy asked.

“I don’t think so. I thought we’d do another barbecue with a combo of chicken and brisket. We got plenty of both in the freezer, and I don’t have to do so much work. Since they been here, Hank and Buck take over the ovens, and we haven’t had such fine barbecue since Daws and his old wagon cook Vinegar Roone manned the grills. If we need anything I can have Andy drive Dorcus into town to the local store,” Kate said.     

“Sounds like a plan. Since the cowboys are on their own for Sunday dinner, you think we got enough for another fifteen or twenty little people,” Billy asked.

“Sure, plenty. I wondered how long it would be before you invited the village musicians to give a barnyard concert?” Kate said and grinned.

“It just come to me. We gotta’ go check on 'em this afternoon anyway, and I thought I’d invite them for food and bring their instruments,” Billy said.

“That’s a wonderful idea, Billy,” Zelma Jane chimed in.

“You know, with more company coming for the day tomorrow, it will be pretty full day. What do you think about me calling the sheriff and having him pick up his dad this afternoon and bringing him over this e’nin? I can take care of his pa, and they can have dinner with us,” Billy asked his family.

“The sooner you can get to his dad, the better,” Nathan said and Tron agreed.

Billy punched the sheriff’s private number. Will answered immediately. “What's up, Son?” he asked.

“Ever’thing okay over there, Sheriff?” Billy asked.

“Fine. Me and Doicean’s just sit’n here jawing with each other and watching the family,” Will replied.

“Since Miranda birthed early, what say you pick up your dad this afternoon and bring him on over here as soon as you can drive back from Brady. We can do the major work on him this afternoon and make any corrections tomorrow before Sunday dinner. Ya’ll can stay over and have supper with us,” Billy suggested.

“That would be fine, but I got to go out and get some food for Dociean to eat this evening and tomorrow for breakfast,” Will said.

“You leave that to us. We’ll angel flight a plate of food from our supper and send some more scraps for him to feed Miranda,” Billy said.

“Sounds like a good idea to me. The quicker I get my pa back, the happier I’m gonna’ be, and I know he will be, too. Sure, I’ll give the rest home a call, get cleaned up, and should be to your place in a couple of hours. How’s that?” the sheriff asked.

“Great. We’ll look forward to seeing you again,” Billy said.

Will explained his conversation with Billy to Dociean and apologized for leaving right away, but Billy wanted him to pick up his dad and bring him to the Daniels’ ranch this afternoon. “No need to apologize, Sheriff. I’m glad to be here to take care of you, Miranda, the pups, and hopefully lend a hand with your dad when you bring him home. I’ll be fine. Master Billy will see to my needs until you can get things together, and if anything goes wrong here, I’ll be in touch with you or Master Billy,” Dociean said.

“You really love your master a lot, don’t you, Son?” Will asked.

“With all my heart, sir. Master Billy is the finest young man I’ve ever known. I knew when I volunteered to become his slave it would probably be the greatest experience of my life, and so far I ain’t had a dull minute since I was asked to morph from being a cow,” Dociean replied, “There’s always something to do at the ranch, and you just do your best to help anyway you can. Staying here, and giving you a hand for a while, is a great honor for me. It tells me my master has faith and trust in me; he knows I’ll do a good job for him and you,” he added.

“I never had me much of a family but my old man. He’s all I got, but seeing Billy and how he relates to everyone’s been a real eyeopener for me. From the very first, he just accepted me, and made a brother of me. He done washed over my depleted half-empty soul like the raging waters of the river after a mid-summer’s cloudburst. He filled me up and never asked nothing of me, but my love and faith in him in return. I will never let him down,” Will said, “I can’t go back to being alone no more, Brother. Even if I get my pa back, I cain’t give up what I feel when I’m with Billy and his family,” Will said quietly like a confirmation of faith.

“You’ll do fine, Sheriff. You’re a good man; a man my master looks up to and admires. You can’t go wrong throw’n your lot in with Master Billy. He will never let you down,” Dociean said, “Now, go -- get cleaned up and get your dad over to the Daniels’ ranch,” he encouraged Will.

* * * * * * *
Will called the rest home and told them he would be picking up his dad for the weekend in about an hour. They were nice and said they would have him ready. Will got cleaned up and put on his best Western clothes. He wasn’t going to wear his uniform to pick up his dad. He thought about taking his big truck, but his dad could be unpredictable. If he took his patrol car, he could lock him in the backseat, and he couldn’t get out. He opted for the patrol car for safety reasons. He thought about how much it would seem like his dad was a caged animal, and he felt rotten to the bone; however, for the rather lengthy trip from Brady to the Daniels’ ranch, almost forty miles, he would swallow his pride and shame to err on the side of caution this one time; then hopefully, he would never have to do it again.

They kept Buster so medicated he was like a vegetable most of the time. He seemed to be happy to see Will but just couldn’t put his face with a memory. Buster was a cowboy to the core, and for him, Will was a cowboy brother dressed like Buster dressed all his life. Now the old man was in slacks and a loose fitting cotton shirt. He looked to Will like he lost more weight. They told him he sometimes refused to eat, but it was expected of the disease. They could only feed him if he would chew his food and swallow. Sometimes his mind forgot what his mouth was for. It broke Will’s heart to see the shadow of a man his pa once was. Buster was as big or bigger than Will and now he was smaller. It was all Will could do to keep from crying his heart out, but he bit his lip and swore he would be strong for his dad.

The drive back through Mason to the Daniels’ ranch was not as bad as Will thought it might be. He found an old CD of slow cowboy tunes that were meant to be sentimental, but they seemed to work as a comfort for Buster. He didn’t say hardly a word on the way. As they were driving through town he asked if Will was taking him to jail? Will laughed and assured him he wasn’t. He was taking him to see some angels who might be able to help him.

“I thought you gotta’ die to see angels,” Buster said, “You plan’n on killing me?” he asked.

“No, I would never raise a hand against my dad, Buster, you’re safe with your boy,” Will replied.

“You ain’t ma’ boy, and I ain’t chore’ dad, Sheriff,” Buster said bitterly, and it cut Will to the quick.

Nothing more was said, but Will pulled his bandanna from his back pocket and wiped away his tears. Will pulled up to the entrance of the ranch and over the cattle guard. He pulled to a stop and set the emergency break even though the cattle were parting for him. He got out and walked to Thor and Zeus. “You didn’t need to get out of your patrol car, Sheriff. We know you now and were expecting you,” Thor said.

“I know, I just wanted to say ‘hello’ and wish you folks a good day,” Will said.

“Thank you, Sheriff, that’s mighty kind and thoughtful of you. We hope the same for you and your dad, but you better get back into your vehicle, there’s some folks pulling in right behind you; Mrs. Redbone’s other grandson and his family. Have a good time and welcome to the Daniels’ ranch, sir,” Zeus said.

Will drove on up the road. He looked back to see the big black car stop, and all four windows were rolled down automatically. “Howdy, Zeus! Howdy, Thor! How are you handsome critters today?” Tom McMartin called and waved his big chocolate brown Stetson at them.

“We’re just fine, Mr. McMartin. How’s the wife and boys?” Zeus asked.

“We’re all fine. We decided to go western this trip since we’s coming to the ranch. Cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. Makes me feel younger, like I’m returning to my roots,” Tom said and laughed.

“Good to see you folks again. Drive on up. They’s expecting you. Have a good visit and welcome to the Daniel’s ranch,” Thor said.

“Thanks. Good to see you again, too. Ya’ll have a good evening,” Tom said and the boys and Abigale waved at them from the back windows. Tom raise the windows and said over his shoulder, “I’m gonna’ miss them when they morph and get absorbed into Billy’s family,” he said.

“No you won’t, dear, you’ll get to know them as they really are and love them all the more,” Abigale allowed.

“Thanks for reminding me why I married you, sweetheart,” Tom complimented her and followed the sheriff’s car up the road.

* * * * * * *
Everyone came out to greet the two families. After a brief introduction of the sheriff to Tom, Abigale, and the boys, and his own personal greetings for the McMartin family, Billy excused himself to help Will with his dad. They took him into the house, and Billy had him drink a big glass of watcher’s milk. Buster liked the taste. It was easier for him to swallow than to remember the process of chewing food. Chewing and swallowing sounds so basically fundamental to us for survival, but when your mind goes, it almost does a retrograde of the things you slowly learned as a small child. You don’t start off knowing how to eat. After sometime on a liquid diet, you’re carefully taught with soft foods.  

Tom and Abigale were not surprised Billy had someone he was working with and adjusted their expectations accordingly. They came to the ranch to relax and visit with Enoch and Zelma Jane and through them they were eager to learn the progress of Billy and his band of angels. While Billy was busy with Will and Buster, Enoch, Moss, and Zelma showed the McMartin’s the things which were new and the progress they made in a short period of time. Rory and Cal were all over Boomer, and he was in heaven with the McMartin bairns showing him attention, climbing all over him, and stealing his sweet milk with they thought their parents weren't looking.

Billy took his angels to the barn. They had one of the anti-grav gurneys waiting for Buster. When they disappeared to wing up, it startled Buster. “Where did they go?” he asked Will.

“They went to transform themselves into angels, Dad. They’ll be right back and they will have the most beautiful wings you ever saw. They appear to us like regular humans most of the time, until they want to heal or help someone, then they don their wings and return to look like what we’ve come to think of as heavenly hosts or angels, but they’re far more than that. They are a wonderful gift from the greater intelligences in the universe,” Will explained.

When the four cowboys returned as angels, Buster was startled and confused. “Didn’t you tell me you were going to take me to some angels, Son?” he asked.

“You remembered. Yes, I told you on the way here I would take you to some angels who would try to help,” Will replied.

“I’m sorry I doubted you, Son,” Buster said and started to weep. Will took him into his arms to comfort him.

“Let’s get him undressed,” Billy said quietly and they set Buster on a clean horse blanket and slowly removed his clothes. This time, Billy insisted Buster be completely nude. “I can get my syringe to take a bit of his blood for DNA purposes, if you like,” Billy said.

“No, he’s used to me making love to him. It will be easier for him that way. I’ll take care of him and pass his seed to you,” the sheriff said.

“That will work fine, Sheriff. Should we leave and give you some privacy?” Billy asked.

“Are you men not my family?” he asked.

“We are!” Billy said strongly, “So say I,” he added firmly.

“You have become my family. You will make no judgments about me or my dad. Let’s not waste precious time on timidity or stupid mores from the dark ages,” Will said and proceeded to take his dad. Buster’s mind may have been the consistency of cottage cheese, but there was nothing wrong with his reptilian brain stem which controlled or recognized his basic animal instincts like hunger, fear, flight, and reproduction. He’s eyes went glassy as Will made love to him. Buster looked like he was being mentally transported to a place of peace and serenity. When he ejaculated, he moaned, and called Will’s name several times. Will dutifully collected his dad’s seed and immediately fed it to Billy.

Suddenly, it occurred to Will, while the act he just performed for his pa might be consider base or perverted by many in their society, it was being done as the supreme act of love to transfer Buster’s genetic information to an enhanced creature of the universe; a handsome and talented enhanced human in the form of an angelic Billy Daniels who walked with the Ancients in the heavens. Through Billy, Will’s act of kindness might bring about a new birth for his dad. He considered all things are relative in the greater scheme of things and should never be judged by others whose only understanding is based on narrow beliefs according to myths and superstition. The sheriff felt certain, there was more within the heavens and upon Earth than could ever be dreamed of in their philosophy. He came to think on people of Womack’s ilk as ticks on the backside of humanity.

* * * * * * *   
Billy and his angels went to work on Buster. Billy could tell immediately he was right in his suspicions Buster might be suffering from an advanced condition of Lyme’s disease. They could pretty much eradicate the primary infection with constant bombardment of their rays, but there would be a secondary infection they would have to tend to later; which meant repeated treatments approximately three times a week over a period of two weeks to completely rid Buster of the disease. Then it would be up to Will and others they related with to bring him back from two years deterioration. It would be slow at first, but gradually the brain would repair itself and most, but not all, synapse would reconnect to form a more complete operating system. They were joined in the barn by Nathan, Tron, Moss, Enoch, and Tom McMartin. The boys wanted to go with their dad, but Boomer ran interference and told them he would show them the new wonders of the ranch and introduce them to some of the newly morphed Irin cowboys. They thought that would be wonderful.

The men gathered around the sheriff. Tron and Nathan were exactly the same age as Buster but looked twenty years younger. The big men each put an arm around Will and held him tight, shoulder to shoulder. The sheriff broke up at their empathy and pulled out his bandanna to hide his tears. He turned into Tron’s arms, and the big cowboy held Will close to comfort him. “He’s gonna’ be all right, Son. He’s got a second chance and knowing you men like I do, you’ll have him back almost like he was before that dread disease began to waste him. Have faith in you brother and his men. You couldn’t ask for better,” Tron said.

After an hour and forty-five minutes, Billy decided they did all they could for Buster’s first treatment. He gave Buster a suggestion and put him into a deep sleep. He wanted Buster’s brain to start healing and making repairs without any confusing input from being awake. Billy didn’t induce a coma, but it served the same purpose. Buster would sleep for the rest of the evening and most probably the rest of the night. They already had a room with facilities prepared for him and Will in the east wing of the house Kate hadn’t opened in years. One side of the big house, the east wing, they never went into except every spring and fall to clean and dust.

They threw the Indian blanket over their patient and moved him from the barn and into the bedroom Kate and Roz fixed up for Buster and Will to stay the night. Will noticed a young Irin cowboy who looked like a younger, smaller double for himself among the cowboys standing silently outside the bunkhouse. They held their hats in their hands out of respect for their master and his guest passing by. Billy stopped and called to the young man, “Come, Everett, and meet your new temporary master. You will remain my slave, but until further notice you will serve Sheriff Tate and his family,” Billy said.

The good looking slave approached and fell to his knees before the sheriff. “Permission to pay homage to my new master, sir?” Everett asked.

Will heard Billy in his mind as clear as day, << Permission granted, slave, >> he cued Will.

“Permission granted, slave,” the sheriff said.

The young handsome slave kissed each of the sheriff’s boots, and sat back on his own boots. << Open your arms to him and say, ‘Come to your master’s arms and share you love to seal your troth with him, slave, >> Billy send to Will.

Will opened his big arms and spoke the words Billy told him. Everett jumped up, threw his arms around Will’s neck and kissed him right on the mouth. The sheriff was a little surprised, but didn’t hold back from the young man’s enthusiasm or passionate dedication to his new master. “Wow!” exclaimed the sheriff, “Welcome to the Tate family, Everett, your services will be greatly appreciated, Son,” Will said. Billy smiled at him and nodded. He was pleased he didn’t have to coach Will on how to be a good man. He had come to expect it from Will Tate. The sheriff didn’t stop there. He dropped his huge arm around the smaller double of himself and walked with him to the house holding the young Irin close to him. It was a moment of male bonding between them that was everlasting.

* * * * * * *
After they got Buster in bed, Will was going to stay by his dad’s side until he awoke.

“Oh, no you ain’t!” Billy said firmly. “He’ll be just fine. That’s why I found Everett for you, is to sit with him. He’ll let us know immediately when Buster comes around. You need to be with us to keep you from worrying yourself to death. At this point, I’m more concerned for you than I am Buster. Like my uncle-in-law Tron Garrett done told ju,’ Buster is gonna’ be all right, trust me, big brother,” Billy said.

“I do trust you, Billy. I just thought he wouldn’t be so confused when he woke up if I was with him,” the sheriff said.

“Give or take a few minor tweeks, why do you think I found a cowboy what looks enough like you to be yore’ younger brother?” Billy asked, but didn’t wait for a reply, “I told my Irin foreman, Andy, my business managers, Dorcas, Dociean, and Roz, what I was looking for in a young Irin cowboy for your family, and they agreed there was one in particular who would fit the job better than the rest, and it was Everett,” Billy told the sheriff, “He’s got all the talents and attributes we were looking for to be a good companion and help mate for you, your dad, and budding family. He’s a wiz with computers, he knows about and loves animals, he’s quiet, well met, he knows his way around a kitchen, and he ain’t too hard on the eyes, neither,” Billy said.

“Just be sure you have an emergency backup team on speed-dial before you check out his cock,” Nick said and laughed.

“Why’s that?” Will asked with a grin.

“It’s a heart stopper,” Nick replied and everyone laughed, “You just might need resuscitation, cowboy,” he added.

“I gave him a copy of your cock with a couple of tweeks, and I might have 'enhanced' it just a bit,” Billy said wickedly.

“Ain’t there some taboo about having sex with your slaves?” Will asked.

“I don’t know of any, but if you're concerned, ask Nick about that,” Billy said and giggled. The men fell out laughing and the sheriff blushed a deep red color.

“Okay, I’ll admit it. I can be painfully naive at times. I got a lot to learn, but I have no doubt you men will teach me what I need to know,” Will said and grinned.

“If we don’t, Everett will. You’re his master. He won’t hold nothing back from you. Everett’s one of our best and brightest,” Clyde said.

“Clyde was an Irin slave before he asked to become my slave, Sheriff, and he knows everyone of them five hun’nert cows out there, their talents, and capabilities. If he says Everett is the right cowboy for the job, you can trust his word,” Billy said, “Besides, our celestial audience done voted and out of several hun’nert Irin slaves, Everett was the one they picked for you,” he added and smiled.

“You’re kidding -- right?” the sheriff asked. All he got back was blank stares with no smiles or grins. “You ain’t kidding,” he said more quietly, “we’re being watched by greater intelligences in the universe?” he asked in awe.

“Every move you make, every breath you take, they be watching you, Sheriff,” Billy said quoting Sting.

“That’s enough to make a man paranoid and do it under the sheets,” he said.

“You ain’t talk’n about the same man what just told me a while ago he’d see to his pa’s comfort in front of four angels,” Billy said, “Well guess what, Sheriff, there were gazillions of others out there in untold numbers of worlds in as many galaxies what witnessed your act of humanity for your dad. The numbers are still coming in, but to say they approved is an understatement,” Billy complimented Will and everyone laughed, “Congratulations, Sheriff! You’s the new hero of the Billy Daniels’ Reality Show,” he added.

Tom McMartin was listening to the conversation, and at first, thought Billy was blowing smoke up the sheriff’s butt with his cowboy hyperbole about people on other worlds watching us, but he caught Enoch’s eye and saw him gently nod his head to Tom to confirm Billy’s words. It shook Tom to his foundation, but he didn’t panic. Somehow, it made sense to him and from somewhere deep inside him came a peaceful feeling to know we are not alone in the universe.

* * * * * * *
Billy planned to release Balthazar to return to Retikki Prime since the week was up for Zelma Jane’s recovery. She was doing well on her own and rapidly gaining strength. She was good to her word and became a model patient. Now she was up and around more, she was participating in helping Kate run the house. She wasn’t beyond pitching in to help with anything which wasn’t too taxing physically. Kate invited her to stay another week or two if she didn’t have pending responsibilities in Houston. She agreed to stay another week, and they would plan from there. She was very much taken with the daily life of the ranch and watching Billy’s project unfold. She bragged she had a front row center seat and wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Billy was using Balthazar’s strength more and more and the giant angel never felt like he was so loved or needed before. While he loved and was dedicated to Madame Spartza he knew his job of protector would soon be taken over by someone considerably more powerful than him and that was Billy Daniels. Now Balthazar had given himself to Billy as his slave, he knew he would be able to visit and add his protection of the great Shedu’s to his master’s strength. Balthazar was thrilled and humbled when Billy asked if he would stay one more week with him and his family and return to Retikki Prime the following Sunday evening to take care of final preparations for Madame Spartza to be gated to Nick's ship. Billy would join him and Madame Spartza for their final day on Retikki Prime and accompany them back to Earth. Billy was hoping it might be accomplished within a week's Earth time and stressed how much he needed Balthazar's presence here and how fond of him the entire family had become. Balthazar was overcome with emotions and shed a few tears in his handsome young master's arms.

Billy, Nick, Boomer and the twins visited Nick’s ship almost every evening before returning to the line cabin for the night. They continued to provide watcher’s milk to Cloog and Aeron, but the week ended that Friday and they were doing well. This trip would be the last of the milk for them. They were recovered enough they could make it on their own. It kept nagging at Billy he needed more watchers to milk but didn’t have a plan. They were fiercely independent individuals until they bonded with you, and that didn’t happen very often.

It was early evening, and Billy wanted to take a trip to Nick’s ship before supper. They would have one more side trip to the Tate ranch to take Dociean and Miranda some supper, then their final flight for the night would be to the line cabin. Kate asked Billy why he didn’t take rooms in the big house. He explained he and his small family were more comfortable in the cabin. It was much more private, too, and they could let it all hang out and not worry about disturbing anyone. Billy asked who wanted to go visit Nick’s ship, and many hands went up. Kate and Zelma didn’t because they were getting supper ready and getting things organized for Sunday dinner the following day. Neither did the twins, Roz, or Dorcas raise their hands because they knew their mistress couldn’t do without them. Hank and Buck were too damn busy to respond.

“Okay, this time we’ll go stag. My angels, Nick, Clyde, Balthazar, and Boomer. Men: Tom, Rory, Cal, Sheriff Tate, Uncle Nathan, Tron, Moss, and Enoch,” Billy said.

“May I come along, Master Billy?” Andy asked.

“Sure. Gather 'round, Son,” Billy encouraged his foreman.    

In a flash they were gone and arrived in the village square. This time the crew and villagers anticipated their new young master’s arrival and were gathered waiting for him. Rory and Cal ran to their favorite folks they made friends with before and several young children came to Boomer and climbed into his arms. Tom recognized a couple of folks he met before and called them by name. Everyone was being welcomed and formed a line to greet their young cowboy master. Sheriff Will Tate was flabbergasted. He never saw or met such a variety of folks and Nick’s protectors were simply unbelievable. A couple were quite handsome. The old dragon man Raza came flying in from the veld and again exchange loving greeting with his master. Billy returned his love equally and introduced the sheriff to him. He took Will’s hand and shook it, then pulled him into a hug. Will was gracious and hugged him back.

“If I may have your attention...” Billy held up a hand and stood on a small raised platform, “How many members are in your village band, Maestro,” he asked Corbin the leader.

“Sixteen, Master,” he replied.

“Okay, we’d like to invite you sixteen men to have dinner with us tomorrow and bring your instruments. We have a large audience for you to play for. We will come get you at eleven thirty tomorrow morning,” Billy said.

“Oh! Oh! Can I come, too?” Aeron interrupted waving his arm and shouting.

“Are you a member of the band?” Billy put to him.

Aeron started running full out to his master’s arms. Someone threw him a tambourine from the back of the crowd high into the air like a Frisbee. Aeron judged his timing and the flight of the instrument perfectly, leaped up, caught it in one hand, and beat it twice with his other hand on the way to the ground landing at his master’s feet. It was a perfect catch daringly conceived and skillfully executed. “I am now, Master Billy,” he said with a big grin.

“Hell, I’m convinced. Of course you may come along, you clever little shit,” Billy declared, grabbed Aeron up, gave him a big hug and a kiss. Rory and Cal came to Aeron to congratulate him and pat him on the back. Aeron was one of their favorite dwarfs.

Billy made sure the sheriff met everyone including Nick’s protectors and the great Shedu Beauford. They only stayed for a while and gave Aeron’s parents his milk and Cloog’s family his. While Billy was introducing Will to everyone and Nick was once again playing host, he noticed the sheriff began to withdraw within himself. He seemed to become almost overwhelmed by what he was experiencing with the new folks and critters he never saw before. Billy knew it could possibly cause culture shock for anyone unprepared. “I’m sorry, this must be overwhelming for you, Will,” Billy said, “You're awfully quiet, Sheriff. You seem to have withdrawn inside yourself. I’m worried about you,” Billy said.

“It ain’t about this at all, Billy. I’m fascinated by everything. I can’t thank you enough for including me in this and your family. There’s just something nagging at me, and I can’t seem to let it go. It keeps eating at me, and I can’t shake it,” Will said and looked like he might shed a tear.

“If you can’t tell your brother about what’s eat’n ya, who can you tell?” Billy asked.

“On the way to your ranch, I told my dad I was taking him to see some angels what might help us. He told me he thought you had to die to see angels, and did I plan on killing him. I assured him I love him, and he couldn’t be more safe than with his own son, the sheriff of the county. It seemed like for a few seconds his mind cleared, he had a lucid moment, and in a strong voice he told me I weren’t his son, and he weren’t my dad,” Will said. Billy put his arms around the big cowboy and held him close. Will cried his heart out as Billy held him tight.

End of Chapter 23 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
E-mail: waddiebear@yahoo.com
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Next: Chapter 24

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