Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Sep 2, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 26

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 26

"A person needs at intervals to separate himself from family and companions and go to new places. He must go without his familiars in order to be open to influences, to change.” ~ Katharine Butler Hathaway

“Would you like to tell me more about your new friend, Son?” Billy asked.

“Well, first of all, he’s big. Really, really, big. Much bigger than Boomer,” Randy said.

“Have you said anything to your mother?” Billy asked.

“No, she worries enough about me. She says I’m too young and too little to be roaming around down there in the creek bed by myself and up in them thickets northwest of our house where the two creeks branch’s come together. I asked her how am I gonna’ become a good self-sufficient buckaroo if I live my life peaking out from behind her skirts? While it didn’t win me a lot of points, she agreed she understood my position. I like to go there because there’s a great swimming hole what ain’t too deep. It’s really private. I can take off ma’ clothes and practice swimming naked. I’m get’n pretty good. I can swim from one side to the other without having to stand up. The other day I was swimming, and I got the feeling I was being watched. I sent out ticklers, but I didn’t get nothing back. I was just goofing around and pretending to be having a rough time in the deepest part. Before I knew what was happening, this huge hairy monster appeared out of nowhere, jumped into the water, and grabbed me to him. He scared me to death for a minute, carried me to the limestone shelf on the far side, and sat me down. I guess he thought I was in trouble and needed rescuing,” Randy said.

No one around Billy’s table dared take a bite of food for fear they would miss a word of Randy’s adventure. They were enthralled by the boy's story.

“Then what happened, Cowboy?” Billy asked.

“I let him hold me for a minute until he was sure I weren’t hurt. He smelled terrible, but I gave him a big hug, and a kiss on his furry cheek. I motioned for him to let me go. He did, and I walked over to my clothes. I got a big apple I brought with me to eat if I got hungry. I walked back to him, sat down by him, and and gave it to him. I spoke to him and told him I appreciated him saving me. He ate my apple in one bite and got a look of pure delight on his big ugly face. I stood before him naked and looked him in the eyes. He wouldn’t look directly at me. I tickled him and spoke to him. "I shared my treat with you. Will you share your milk with a hungry bairn?" I asked.

“He looked directly into my eyes and into my soul, Cowboy Billy, and I heard him send to me, 'What do you know about bairns? How can you touch my mind? You are but a young human,'" he said. I sent him pictures of you and Boomer, and me enjoying feeding from Boomer’s teats. I told him I was healed of a deadly disease by the cowboy I showed him, who himself was enhanced by watchers and another race of ancients, and I was given the gift to send and receive thoughts.

"You’re not repelled by my smell?" he asked.

"Of course. You smell awful, but it’s a warm day. If we sit in the water together it won’t be so bad," I sent to him.

He moved into the deep water and acted like he was bathing himself. He would shake himself, rinse, and shake again. He sat on the bottom of the creek and motioned for me to come to him. I swam out to him, he took me into his enormous arms, and offered me his left teat. I sucked and drank until I thought I was gonna’ bust. He sang to me the whole time. I closed my eyes as I sucked his big teat and saw pictures in my mind he sent me along with his song of great warriors in battle, brave and strong, protecting their families, females and bairns, of his kind. Wonderful things he shared with me,” Randy said.

“Have you seen him since?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, once or twice, but he keeps his distance from me. I take him a piece of fruit each time I go down there, but I just leave it for him on our rock. I know he’s there, and he’s always watching me. I sent out feelers a couple of times to tickle him, but he’s stronger than I am and blocks me -- like you do sometimes when you’re busy. I don’t try again. I don’t want to pester him or annoy him,” Randy said wisely.

“No, that wouldn’t be good. Have you given him a name?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, but I ain’t told him yet. I think on him as my ‘Beast’ but I named him after a character in a fantasy movie by the man what made the Muppets for Sesame Street. He reminds me of the great but gentle beast who the young girl befriends and helps her find her way through a great labyrinth. His name was 'Ludo.’ My Ludo is almost as hairy, but meaner looking.  He comes to me after I lay my head down at night, just before I go to sleep, and he surrounds me with his strength and protection. I can feel him holding me in his huge arms, and he kisses me gently as I drift off to a peaceful rest. I sleep soundly and unafraid of anything because I know he’s always watching over me,” Randy replied.   

“Sounds to me like you two already bonded, Cowboy. I think you done got chore’self a protector. It was similar with me and Boomer. I saved his life when I’s only a little older than you. I just turned seven, and I spent two weeks nursing him back to health. After that, I didn’t get to see him as much as I wanted, because he had a higher directive not to interfere with my life. Then he saved my life, and I saved his one more time. We sort of leap-frogged into a strong bond. Don’t feel bad if Ludo don’t show his’self or he ain’t more friendly at first. It will take time. He’s probably under direction from them ancients not to interfere unless it’s an emergency. After he pulled you out of the water, he probably realized you weren’t in no danger, and he was embarrassed he made a mistake. Those above him probably told him to do the same for you Boomer was told to do for me: observe and protect but not to have much contact with you until you’s older; however, you sort of checked him with your gift and your request for him to feed you. To his race, to deny his milk to a hungry bairn of any species would be the worst possible thing he could do; an almost unforgivable act. The fact you didn’t show him no fear was a puzzle to him, and he’s fascinated by you. It ain’t chore’ imagination you feel him come to you before you go to sleep at night. That’s his way of bonding with you. I’m so used to Boomer now, I rarely think about the comfort and security of his protection, but it’s always there, to comfort or reassure me if I feel uneasy about anything,” Billy said, and Randy nodded his understanding.

“How much of our wager did I win, Son?” Kate asked Nathan about their previous bet.

“The Lion’s share, Ma,” Nathan replied, “you won the jackpot,” he added.

“Smart man!” Tron commented dryly. Everyone laughed.

“They made a bet this morning you done already got chore’self a protector, Randy,” Billy explained to the boy. “Do you mind if I talk with your mother about chore’ 'Beast’, Son?” Billy asked.

“I’s kinda hope’n you might, Cowboy Billy,” Randy said and grinned, “Come’n from you, it might be easier on her,” Randy replied.

“No problem. I got several things I need to talk over with her. We need to get over to your place the first part of next week to take a look and firm up some plans to start running cattle,” Billy said.

“I know she’s looking forward to it, and she wants to do it. I heard her say, it would make her life and ours so much easier. Grandma agreed with her and urged her to consider your offer,” Randy said.

Sheriff Tate and Buster were sitting at the same table listening to Randy’s story. “How can I befriend the Sasquatch what’s watched me for years on our place, Billy?” he asked.

“You can’t until the time is right, but I got me a feel’n it’s gonna’ happen soon, Sheriff,” Billy replied, “As you know, I’m taking several folks with me this Friday e'nin
to Retikki Prime to be enhanced and to receive the female Shedu into our protection. I was gonna' wait 'til Monday but changed my mind. Would you like to go along and get chore’self enhanced?” Billy asked.

“Are you kidding? I’d jump at the chance. Would it mean I'd get me a set of them purdy wings?” Will asked like a kid anticipating Christmas.

“The full McGilla, the whole nine yards, Sheriff,” Billy assured him, “And it would also mean you would be eligible for your own protector. Knowing Boomer’s uncles like I do they’s most accommodating and probably would give you your pick of the litter,” Billy added and grinned.  

“When do we leave, and should I pack a bag?” Will asked anxiously.

“I’m sure we’ll talk again, but if you and your family can come out for supper Friday evening, we’ll leave immediately after eating, but we won’t be gone for more’n a few minutes our time. We can stay as long as we like on Retikki Prime. The time dilation is different between galaxies. You won’t need no bag. Just your boots and hat, but we'll transport to the line cabin to strip before we pass through the gate. Folks don’t wear no clothes on Retikki Prime,” Billy replied.

“Won’t be no problem for me. I ain’t shy,” the sheriff allowed.

“That’s ‘cause you ain’t ‘shy’ of anything on your body, Sheriff,” Clyde said and everyone laughed.

“You wanna’ go along, little brother?” Billy asked Randy.

“You bet, Cowboy Billy, I’d love to meet them big watchers,” Randy replied with glee.

“I’m sure they’d love to meet you, too, Cowboy,” Billy said.

“Don’t you think you should ask Mary first, Son? She might not like the idea of her young boy running around naked. . . oh, never mind. . . . you and your granddaddy used to run around naked together until he passed away, then you reached puberty and suddenly became modest,” Kate reminded him.

“Of course, Grandma, but we don’t have to include minor details like 'at. Us cowboys don’t need to share ever’thing we do with the women folk -- right, saddle buddy?” Billy said and winked at Randy.

“Right, Cowboy Billy,” Randy replied.

“‘At’s my faithful wing-man,” Billy allowed, “Besides, seeing as how my buckaroo brother here has already got his’self a protector, he’s gonna’ need to know how to take care of him,” Billy replied, “What better way to learn than to go straight to the horse’s mouth,” he added.

* * * * * * *
Immediately after dinner, Kate made up another care package for Miranda. Billy gathered his posse, including the sheriff and Everett, to transport to the Tate ranch. Their plan was to leave Everett there and bring back Dociean so he could enjoy Sunday dinner and the music. Buster decided he would stay and talk with Nathan and Tron. Naturally, Randy and Kayla wanted to go along to see the pups. Billy got Mary’s permission, and they were away. They arrived in the living area and Miranda came in to greet them. She was particularly fond of Randy when she learned he could send and receive her thoughts. << You must be the young cowboy Master Billy told me about. He picked out one of my pups for you. The biggest pup of my litter. He named him Goliath because he was so large I couldn’t give birth to him without Master Billy’s help, >> she sent.

<< He picked that handsome pup for me? >> Randy asked.

<< Yes, he said you and your sister needed a companion, and I’m sure Goliath will find a good home with you, >> Miranda replied.

“Thank you, Cowboy Billy, for thinking of us,” Randy said.

“You’re welcome, Cowboy,” Billy replied.

“What are you talking about, Randy?” Kayla asked.

Randy told her what Miranda told him, and she smiled from ear to ear. She threw her arms around Billy and hugged him. “We can’t thank you enough, Mr. Daniels,” she said.

“Don’t thank me. You should be thanking the sheriff and Miranda for trusting me to find a good home for Goliath,” Billy said.

Randy and Kayla proceeded to thank Will and Miranda. The pups were too young to be showing their individual personalities, but even at such a young age they were adorable. After Miranda had her feast, Boomer allowed her to have more of his milk. She engorged herself with it and could barely walk back to her whelping box. She knew Boomer’s milk was the key to giving her pups an early advantage on growth and she was still somewhat concerned for her smallest pup, Gracie; however, in only two days the smallest pup grew considerably until she was almost as large as her next smallest sister.

The sheriff and Dociean showed Everett around the place. Will told him they would return shortly after the music was over as he had to be at work early the next morning. He and Buster would see him then. Everett assured them he would be alright, he would take good care of Miranda and the pups and be there whenever they arrived. Billy and Nick transported them back to the ranch.

Billy’s slaves worked their butts off that week and got a lot accomplished. With Enoch and Moss acting as construction managers for the new, more permanent living quarters and operating the huge Earth moving machines, they managed to clear two large areas on a bluff above the James river about a mile away from the line cabin. It was Tron and Nathan’s idea to keep the housing away from the main compound and keep a large space between the areas for larger buildings and gathering places. They actually were able to pour the concrete foundations and set the blocks for the pre-fab structure to sit upon. Hank and Buck were sure the next week they would have the second finished, and they would be able to have the structures delivered. Since they were so far ahead of schedule, the cowboys felt like they could comfortably accommodate another group of workers. Billy gave the order for the most newly morphed slaves to gather fifteen more for their bunkhouse. Fifteen more workers would mean the work would proceed even faster.

It was another celebration. The new cowboy slaves were even more grateful than the last batch, but this time Clyde didn’t have to outfit a one. Hank and Buck were so efficient they had clothes and boots for all. They shopped around on the Net and contracted to get large lots of different western clothes for considerably reduced prices. They were tigers with their master’s money; yet, they didn’t buy junk. They bought the best they could get which would wear better and longer than cheaper clothes and got them for approximately the same price. It was another time of rejoicing for the new cowboy slaves and they were looking forward to the evening’s entertainment.

The cowboy slaves showed the village musicians where to set up, and they were ready when Billy and his party returned from the Tate ranch. Everyone took their seats and there were another fifteen Irin cowboys who joined them. Billy got up to introduce the guest musicians but first, motioned for the fifteen newcomers to stand and everyone applauded for them. He was holding the microphone and welcomed them to the Highland Shire. “With each new group we bring on-board our project, the closer we come to achieving our goals. We’re just in our infancy, learning to walk, but I’m greatly encouraged by what you accomplished this week. If things go as well this next week, I hope we can bring on board another fifteen cowboys and have a full complement for our bunkhouse,” he announced, and received a round of applause. “Are some of you in the back doubling up on chairs?” he asked. Several raised their hands. “Hank -- Buck -- order us another fifty chairs and some extra tables. I noticed we were a bit crowded for dinner and with more Irin coming on-board we’re gonna’ need 'em. What we don’t use we can store in the old barn and cover them,” he said, and Buck made a note.

Billy introduced the Maestro Gustaf M. Moehare to the audience and there was great applause. Billy gave the Maestro his microphone. “Our first three pieces will be three folk dances our people created to celebrate the four seasons on the planet we originally came from. Unfortunately, it has long since been destroyed and we don’t have seasons on board our master’s spaceship; however, we still count the time and celebrate as if the seasons still happen. We believe traditions should be preserved for the coming generations to enjoy and create a bond between us,” he said wisely.

They began the first set and from the group came four dancers in different family costumes and began a rollicking quickstep they danced with their partners. Aeron was one of the male dancers who each had a tambourine lemniscated with colorful ribbons and tiny bells. They added greatly to the percussion to accentuate the music. It didn’t take long to see Aeron and his female partner were the stars of the dancers and several times the others would give them the floor to perform some particularly difficult dance steps. It was their time to shine and they took advantage of the opportunity.

The instruments were new to many in the audience, but the sounds the village musicians milked from them were pleasing, and they were highly accomplished in their performance. They played for two hours straight and still the audience begged for more. Billy decided to call a short break for the musicians to stretch their legs, make a comfort stop, and have some liquid refreshment. Kate and her staff served cake and lemonade. The villagers love the sweet yet tart flavor of the lemons. They didn’t have lemons on board the ship. Billy commented to Hank and Buck to see if they could make up a care package for the musicians before they returned to the ship. During the break the Maestro Gustaf asked Billy if he and his twins would play for them. “We planned to reserved the whole evening to your performance, Maestro,” Billy replied.

“We have heard wonderful things about a group you have founded, and we would love to hear you play,” he said.

“Yes, we formed a string quartet, and I’m quite proud of our small group. We would be happy to perform for you and your wonderful musicians sometime soon, but let’s wait until we’re invited to share an evening with you good folk aboard the ship,” Billy offered.

“As you wish, Master Billy, but we were hoping for some small exchange,” the Maestro replied.

“Let me see what I can arrange,” Billy said. He immediately went to his three musicians. “Roz, you got the keyboard transcription and violin parts written out for that Vaughan Williams piece you been working so hard at?” he asked.

“I downloaded the piano transcription and violin parts from the Internet two weeks ago, Master Billy, but the piece was originally written for violin. I just fell in love with it, and thought it might be well-suited for my viola,” Roz replied.

“I couldn’t agree with you more. You up to playing it this afternoon? The musicians are asking for an exchange, and I couldn’t think of a better piece than your ascending lark,” Billy said and smiled.

“I’d be honored, Master Billy. I’ll gather everything and meet you and my brothers at the stage,” Roz said.

“We’re all set after you complete your last piece, Maestro Moehare,” Billy relayed to the conductor.

The last set was of more classical nature and featured unknown composers from other worlds Billy, Kate, Vox, and Zelma never heard of, but their music was exceptionally fine. Vox was particularly impressed with the village musicians and asked to be included in the next ‘on-board’ concert they might give for Billy and his family. Billy promised Vox he would soon become a regular guest at the ranch once again. When the village musicians played their last number and responded to a couple of calls for encores, the conductor stood at the microphone and thanked everyone graciously for a wonderful meal, delightful company, and a wonderful chance to share music. “On behalf of my fellow musicians, I was appointed to implore Master Billy, if he enjoyed and appreciated our music, to reward us with a small token of music from him and his musicians. We humbly and gratefully turn the stage over to Master Billy,” he said followed by thunderous applause for the audience with yelling, much stomping of boots and hooves from the cowboys and cattle.

The seasoned cowboy slaves who worked the stage since the beginning of the barnyard concerts quickly set up for Billy and his three musicians. Billy stood at the microphone. “Those of you who haven’t been entranced by the lovely music coming from our lonely barn playing viola mistress in the dead of night, you are in for a treat. I have listened enough to say she is ready for a performance. Our lovely viola player Ms. Rosalyn Q. Cumber will play Ralph Vaughan Williams “The Lark Ascending” accompanied by me and my fiddlers-two, Castor and Pollux Daniels,” Billy announced. The audience went crazy with applause. The string players tuned their instruments to Billy’s synthesizer. They began and you could hear a pin drop the attention was so great.

From the very first notes of the piece Roz captured the hearts and imagination of her audience with some of the most inspired playing Billy or his family ever heard. Kate, Zelma, and Vox were rocked on their musical heels. The hugely melodic piece was particularly suited to the viola and Roz milked every nuance to make it the most intelligently seductive reading of the piece. There is no heart so hard or cold the first several minutes of the Vaughan Williams piece won't win over to complete pleasure. And, for some strange reason Billy couldn’t put his finger on, the darker, richer sound of the viola gave the piece a new aura for him: one that sang and spoke to him of his younger days riding on the back of his owner through the early spring mornings in the hill country of West central Texas. Cass and Poly acted as backups for their big sister as she did for them on their Bach double violin concerto. Billy played his part with sympathy and sound musicality. It all came together as one of the more memorable performances from the barnyard concerts. A cobbled accompaniment to be sure, but a stunningly beautiful performance by the Highland Shire’s newest prodigy. Zelma Jane Redbone couldn’t wait to bring this group to Houston, and she entertained, in the dark recesses of her scheming       entrepreneurial brain, a performance by the Village Musicians. The ‘Village People’ for a new generation.

Once again the crowd went crazy for one of their own. Roz played a brief encore and the evening was over. Billy thanked the village musicians and told them he hoped to have them come a play for them many times in the future. Buck and Hank gave the village musicians several of the different peppers the sauces were made from, and they were thrilled to have the seeds. They included some lemon and lime seeds to grow their own trees. They were most grateful. After many, handshakes, hugs, and more than a few kisses, Billy and his posse transported the musicians back to Nick’s ship. Billy made it a point to give the old warrior Cloog a big hug and a kiss and told him how honored he was Cloog agreed to come and be his guest for the day. The old man shed a few tears at Billy’s hospitality and graciousness and returned his love in kind.

Things were winding down for the evening at the ranch when Billy and his men returned from the ship. Will and Buster were getting ready to leave and drive home for the evening. Kate presented them with lots of leftovers and desserts in case they got peckish during the night or Buster and Everett might have for lunch the next day. She even sent a separate box of goodies for Miranda. Will and Buster couldn’t thank her, Billy, and the rest of his people enough for accepting them into the greater heart of their immediate family.

“This week will mark a new beginning for us,” Billy said as he hugged and stole a kiss from his big brother, the sheriff of the county.

“It will, indeed, little brother. You have given me and my dad our lives back. There are no words to express my feelings,” Will said.

“Live strong and well, my friend,” Billy told him.

Will left with his dad and said 'goodbye’ to the cattle guarding the gates. Buster looked at him like he was crazy. Will just smiled to himself as he turned onto the blacktop and headed for town and home.

* * * * * * *
Billy only had a little while to talk alone with Mary and Evelyn Rutherford over another dessert before they took off back to their ranch. Randy and Kayla were busy with Hank and Buck taking care of everything for the evening. “Is Wednesday good for you folks for me and my crew to come visit and take a look at the ranch?” he asked.

“That’s fine with us. What time?” Mary asked knowing cowboys get up early.

“Eight o’clock too early?” Billy asked.

“No, we’ll be up,” Mary replied.

“Good. We’ll be there with horses to take a look. Mary, Randy asked me to talk with you about a couple of things. When I was about Randy’s age, I saved Boomer’s life, and against most of my family’s advice, except my granddad, I tended his wounds, kept him fed and watered, slept in a cave with him every night for two weeks with two sleeping bags to keep us warm, and nursed him back to health. Today he is my fierce but loving protector and my number one slave. From what Randy tells me, he’s developing a friendship with another big watcher who lives in the caves and roams the thickets foraging for food on your ranch,” Billy said.

“Oh, dear, I was afraid of something like that. He came home the other afternoon with his belly so full I thought he ate something that gave him gas. It looked just like the times he and Kayla gorged themselves on Boomer’s milk. He smelled like he wallowed around on a dead skunk. I made him shower, wash up with fels-naptha soap, and he was a lot better. He immediately went to bed and slept all night. In the morning he was just fine. I asked about his day, but he wouldn’t say much,” she said, “My only thought was he ran into a Sasquatch and made a friend. Randy never met anybody who wasn’t his friend. He’s just like his daddy and Darrell’s older brother,” she added.

“Your husband has an older brother?” Billy asked.

“Had. Yes, he went to the Middle East about four years before my husband and was blown to pieces by an improvised mine. There wasn’t enough of him to put back together. They sent what was left of him home, but wouldn’t allow the casket to be opened. Darrell and I were in college, and I came home with him for his funeral. His name was Douglas. I never met him. I think his death broke his dad’s heart. He went down hill pretty fast after that and died just before Darrell finished boot camp. I could be wrong, but I got the feeling he didn’t want to wait around and have to bury his second son,” Mary lamented.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t know you lost two sons, Mrs. Rutherford. That must have been rough,” Billy said.

“It was, and I agree with Mary. My husband just gave up on life after Doug was killed. I think losing the three main men in my life caused my decline in health to the point I just didn’t care anymore. I do now, and I certainly appreciate the second chance to see my grandchildren grow up,” Evelyn Rutherford said.

“Did Douglas have a family before he went to Afghanistan?” Billy asked.

“No, he never married. He didn’t want to start a family until he returned,” Mary replied.

“We’ll be there bright and early Wednesday morning. Don’t do anything special. We’ll have breakfast here and eat supper when we get home. I was planing on going into Fredericksburg for more building supplies, but I think I’ll leave that in Hank and Buck’s capable hands for another day,” Billy said.

“We’ll be looking forward to your visit, Billy,” Evelyn Rutherford said.

“Mary, from what Randy tells me, I don’t think there’s any need to worry about him. If his new buddy he calls ‘Ludo’ shared his milk with Randy, he will be watching him and protect him with his life. It’s just a part of their heritage to protect bairns of any species; especially, those with whom they form a bond. I’m relieved he’s made a friend with one to watch over him. Next Friday evening I’d like for ya’ll to come for supper. Come around five 'cause we sit down to eat at six. After supper, I’ll be taking several male members of my family through a star gate to Retikki Prime. I’m taking my uncle and his ramrod, Moss Garrett, Enoch Redbone, and Sheriff Tate with me. Of course I’ll be taking my angels and Boomer. With your permission, I’d like to take Randy along. I’d like to introduce him to Boomer’s uncles. We won’t be gone more than ten to fifteen minutes. Just time enough for you and Evelyn to have a second dessert and another cup of coffee,” Billy said.

“We’d be happy to come for supper, but can I let you know about the other when you come to the ranch Wednesday?” Mary asked.

“Of course. You and Ms. Evelyn talk it over,” Billy replied.

* * * * * * *
The evening was over and the Rutherfords left to drive back to their ranch after many thanks, hugs, and kisses with a promise to see them Wednesday morning. Billy  won Kayla’s heart and imagination along with Randy’s. Kids pick up on small things adults sometimes overlook. Kayla saw the love, admiration, and genuine appreciation Billy had for Roz and her talents. It said to Kayla, while her little brother might have a special place in Billy’s heart, there was plenty room for her. Kayla wasn’t naive either. She didn’t wonder why Billy and her mother didn’t seem to be forming an attraction or romantic bond with each other. She knew in her heart her mother was vulnerable because of everything she went through in recent years. Billy was much younger than Ruth and there was just a wide enough gap in age she knew her mother would never allow herself to entertain such an idea no matter how she might admire him and think Billy was one of the most handsome young cowboys she ever met. Then there were the male companions Kayla saw who surrounded Billy like they were his inner core of family and the special relationship he seemed to have with his big, undeniably handsome mature cowboy-angel-slave Nick, whom he referred to as his 'pa.’ To say nothing of the love and unspoken bond that Billy and Boomer displayed to the world. She knew it was a strong union of some kind, but hadn’t yet completely figured it out.

“Do you think Mary will allow Randy to go with us, Son,” Tron Garrrett asked after the Rutherfords left.

“Not at first, Ramrod, but I got me a stealth ally among them what will convince her,” Billy replied.

“Evelyn?” Nathan asked.

“No, Kayla,” Kate replied, and Zelma Jane agreed.

“Exactly, Grandma,” Billy said and smiled at them.

* * * * * * *
Tom and Abigale and the boys said their 'goodbyes’ and there were more handshakes, hugs, stolen kisses, and a few tears shed with promises to keep in touch and offers to visit again real soon. Rory and Calhoun were both in tears when they hugged Billy and told him 'goodbye.’ They didn’t want to leave. Tom and Abigale shared their sorrow but laughed at them. They told them there would be many more days to share together at the ranch. Billy reminded them it would be a short week because they would be back on Thursday so’s their dad could be in court the next morning.

Finally, they were down to the core family sitting around in a moment of silence. Suddenly, Kate started laughing and everyone looked at her. “All day long I’ve been praying for a moment of quiet. Now that it’s here, I hate it!” she said and fell out laughing. “I want them all back with the noise, laughter, and sometimes utter confusion. That’s what life and living is all about...not sitting in silence. Don’t you agree, Vox?” she asked her friend sitting next to her.

“I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed such a wonderful day at the ranch. It was almost like the days I can remember when you and Daws were still having friends in and holding concerts in the ballroom. I remember the holidays and how everyone pitched in to get everything done just at the last minute. Somehow, it would always come together and everyone shared a moment of silence before Daws said some words or a prayer and we sat down to eat,” Vox recalled, “The past was good, but today was a special day. I never felt more alive or included in my life. Something’s happening to me I can’t explain. I feel like I’m coming together as a whole person and opening doors I have always been afraid to look behind before,” he added.

“Maybe you’re like our species, Mr. Vox,” Edith spoke quietly, “Our young go through what you might call a metamorphosis to become what Archie and I are,” she said.

“Excellent observation, Edith,” Kate responded, “Do you think you’re ready to meet the other ‘you’ inside and learn to share with your embedded sister? I’ve known and loved her for many years. Her name is Roxanne and after you go to sleep she comes forth, dresses in my old clothes, and visits for a while. She even plays the organ for us,” Kate said softly.

“Then the vivid dream of me playing Wagner and the Bach jig fugue wasn’t a dream at all?” he asked almost as if he were speaking to himself.

“Not at all, brother,” Roxanne replied.

“Will you and Vox be staying the night?” Kate asked Roxanne.

“While I appreciate your kind offer of hospitality, I should not wish to impose. I’ll leave it up to my brother to decide for us,” Roxanne replied. Vox broke into tears. “Oh, my God, why have you not revealed yourself to me before now?” he asked.

“You weren’t ready, Vox,” Kate said with empathy, “Roxanne is fiercely protective of you, and she has a right to be. What affects you affects her,” Kate said.

“I need time,” Vox said.

“That may be true, but you ain’t leaving the ranch until you come to grips with your other half, Vox,” Billy said firmly, “I didn’t go to the trouble of healing you to have you do something rash or stupid on a whim of the moment. For all the complications you might see arising from a confrontation or a conjoining with your other half, there is an equal number of remarkable possibilities which can open new doors for both. By coming together -- no pun intended -- you have a new world of eroticism to contemplate. You can share it all. You don’t have to be one way. You can have all the sexual probabilities rolled into one organism, and with your second chance, it can be a new beginning for you,” Billy said, “I think the metaphor my Psyche gave you to ponder is apt. Become something new and wonderful. Just think! Multiple orgasisms for two organist united in a unique organism. A new world is waiting for you,” he added.

“I don’t know how to go about it,” Vox lamented.

“Trust your inner woman, Vox. Don’t deny her. Work with her. Learn about Roxanne. Get to know her. Stay here at the ranch until you feel secure. Talk with Grandma and Zelma Jane. Talk with Roz and Dorcas. They can help you,” Billy urged.

“I will. Here are my keys. Keep them until you think we’re ready to fly away together,” Vox said holding up his car keys for Billy. Billy took them and gave them to Kate for safe keeping. Vox got up, excused himself, and headed for his room.

“How long?” Kate asked Billy.

“A week -- maybe less -- but I won’t enhance them to morph until I’m absolutely sure they’re ready for it. That could take as long as six months, depending...” Billy said, “That’ll give me time to get old Elmer the bull refurbished, sexed up, and studded out; ready to release into his new pasture,” Billy said and giggled.

“I think Roxanne is stronger than Vox. I think she’ll have him sold on the idea within a month -- max,” Kate said.

“I agree with Mama-san,” Nathan said.

“I second that emotion,” Tron added and laughed.

“I hope you’re right. Now I gotta’ fix up Elmer Breedlove. Poor old thing. He ain’t got a clue, he’s just about to hit the jackpot,” Billy said and laughed.

“I just hope his old heart can stand up under the pressure,” Kate said and grinned.

“I’ll beef it up while I fix the rest of him. He’ll be so horny he’ll take the first one what hits the bed,” Billy explained and laughed.

Roxanne was understanding and sensitive, but she was firm. She adjusted to Vox’s whims for years, but now it was his turn to share with her. She didn’t insist he allow her ‘drag time’ right away but slowly introduced him to her collection of older clothes given him/her by Kate over the years. It took Vox three days to adjust to the idea, but once he took the plunge he allowed his sister, his inner woman, to revel in her femininity. There was no turning back. Vox never looked back. He began to believe Billy, Kate, and Edith’s words. He was leaving his previous world and walking into the garden of Eden before Adam lost his rib. There was no need for separation. He contained the total package. He was not afraid to morph into his female form.

* * * * * * *
Billy and his immediate family transported for the line cabin. Everyone was exhausted and after cleaning up for the night climbed into bed to sleep. No one was interested in sex. They were down for the count. Billy felt a tickle in his mind. << That chu,’ Buckaroo? >> he asked.

<< Yes, sir, Cowboy Billy. I just wanted to thank you for a nice time, tell you I love you, and wish you a ‘goodnight,’ >> Randy said.

<< We had us a good time, pod’ner. There will be more, >> Billy said.

<< I hope so. Mom asked me about Ludo, and I told her the truth. She didn’t seem worried or nothing, >> Randy said.

<< I can feel Ludo listening to our conversation. His presence is strong in you. I hope your mom lets you go to Retikki Prime with us, >> Billy sent.

<< I think she will. Kayla came to my defense and told her my going with you could only prepare me, and in turn her, for the future. She told mom the more I’m enhanced the easier it’s gonna’ be on our family to get over the rough spots, >> Randy sent.

<< She’s right about that. Good for Kayla. You remember to be extra nice to your big sister. She’s in your corner, Cowboy, >> Billy sent.

<< I will. I better sign off for now. I know you had a big day. I love you, Cowboy Billy, >> Randy said.

<< I love you, too, Buckaroo. Look forward to seeing you Wednesday, and you keep our little cowboy buddy safe, Ludo, >> Billy sent and broke connection.

“Sometimes I wish I weren’t the dad type, and I could be your little buddy, Kemosabe,” Nick said and smiled.

“You can be anything you want to be for me. There’s enough little boy still inside that mature hunk of angel/demon flesh what shares mischief and love with me enough to satisfy my deepest needs. Like Vox, I got the best of all possible worlds together in one package -- not in the same circumstance, but a fine melange of interesting personal quirks to keep us playing off each other for a very long time,” Billy said, “After all -- you Tonto, me Kemosabe,” he added and pinched Nick’s big tit. Nick jumped and hollered, tickled Billy and got him laughing. They ended their struggled in a deep kiss and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

* * * * * * * *
The sheriff awoke to the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast cooking. He got up, took a quick shower, put on his uniform and walked into the kitchen just in time to find Everett putting a full plate of bacon and eggs with toast in front of his dad. The sheriff’s plate with a full cup of coffee was waiting for him at the head of the table. Everett got his food and sat down opposite Buster.

“Thank you, Everett. What a nice surprise. What do you say, Dad?” Will asked.

“Best looking cook we ever done had, and he cooks pert-damn good, too,” Buster said. “He’d make some outfit a damn fine old woman,” he added and saluted Everett with his mug of coffee.

“Don’t take that the wrong way, Son,” Will was quick to explain, “that’s cowboy talk for a good cook on a work’n ranch. The cowboys affectionately refer to him as their ‘old woman,’” he said.

Everett shrugged his shoulders and grinned as he took a bite of his eggs. “I don’t think I’m going to have any problems here. Miranda and I had us a good long chat last evening, and she convinced me this is a pretty good outfit to work for. She said she’s happy you got more family. She said you been lonely too long, and she’s been worried about you, Sheriff,” he said.

“I’ll be glad when I get my enhancement, and I can talk with her. We got us so much to catch up on with each other. She knows ever’ damn thing there is to know about me. She listens to me rant and rave about work and every day nonsense. She’s been a faithful companion, and I ain’t afraid to say I love her. Hell, if she could morph into a woman, and have a litter of kids, I’d marry her tomorrow,” the sheriff said and laughed. He got a laugh out of his small family and Miranda barked at him. “Naw, I mean it little girl. You mean the world to me,” Will added and Miranda barked again.

Will left for work without a care in the world. He knew Miranda and Buster were going to be fine under Everett’s supervision. He got to the office and there was much merry making about Will becoming a daddy. Lima Bean was there with balloons and salsa dip with chips. His staff showed her the video of Miranda whelping the pups. She was happy and pleased. She wanted to know if there would be a couple extra. “I don’t know for sure, Ms. Bean, three have already been spoken for, but we’ll wait and see,” he said.

“You know how word gets around. We got calls at home over the weekend asking what price you was gonna’ ask for them. You can make some good money on them pups, Sheriff. They ain’t a lot of heelers left in the county and you done bred Miranda with a top quality show and performance dog,” Lima said.

“You can’t put a price on a good home, Ms. Bean. I want them to go to special people because they’re gonna’ have special abilities,” the sheriff said.

“Like what?” she asked.

“I can’t tell you. You’ll just have to wait and see,” Will said mysteriously.

“They’re all so dang cute. Even the runt is a winner,” she said.

“She ain’t a runt no more. She filled out over the weekend and is now pushing the others away for the best seat at the table,” Will said and laughed.

About that time, Bubba and Earl walked into the station with their hats in their hands looking sheepish. “Time to go to work, folks,” he said to his staff and Lima Bean, “C’moan into my office, men, and have a seat,” he said ushering them in with a wave of his hand and closing the door behind them. Their cameras and the stuff his deputy confiscated from the pastor was sitting on his desk. Will sat down and looked from one to the other. They looked nervous. “What the hell were you men think’n?” Will asked quietly. The effect had more impact than if he stood and yelled at them.

“We’s just trying to make a little money, Sheriff. We didn’t mean no harm. We weren’t out to do no mischief. We’s just trying to get pitchers of them dance’n cows out to the Daniels’ ranch. For some damn reason, the preacher wants pitchers of ‘em, and he was willing to buy us them nice cameras and pay us for the pitchers,” Earl explained.

“You men are damn lucky y’ain’t dead. The cowboys and men of the Daniels ranch had every right to shoot you the minute you set foot on their land. They didn’t need to know what you were up to. You know the laws of the open range. You men were born and raised here. You ain’t got no excuse. All kids what come from farms and ranches around the area are taught from birth, you don’t trespass on a man’s land without his permission. If you do, you’re taking your life into your own hands. You men may lack common sense, but I know for a fact you ain’t stupid. Fortunately for you, Billy Daniels is a good and decent man. He’s willing to overlook the incident if you agree to go out ‘tere and fix his fence. You do that and he tells me he’s satisfied with your job, he told me I could release your cameras to you; but only, if you men swear under oath never to set foot on his land again unless you’s invited as a guest,” Will said and stopped.

“Really? He said that? He ain’t real pissed at us? Yeah, we could fix his fence. We’ll drive out this afternoon and fix it. But you might as well give them nice cameras to the preacher. We didn’t get him no pitchers. I know he’s gonna’ want ‘em back,” Earl said.

“You swear it was Womack’s idea for your men to get pitchers of them dance’n cows?” the sheriff asked.

“Cowboy word of honor, Sheriff,” Bubba proclaimed.

“Then as far as I’m concerned, he took a gamble and lost. It don’t seem right to me you men should have to bear the burden for his failed wager. He should bear some of the responsibility. If he tries to get you to give 'em back, tell him the sheriff said you could keep ‘em as a lesson to him; he shouldn’t be sticking his holy nose into other’s folk’s business just ‘cause he thinks he’s got a right to investigate something he don’t know nothing about. That ain’t his job. It’s my job, and when he steps over into my territory, I don’t take kindly to his intrusion. I don’t preach in his church, and I shore’ as hell won’t put up with him trying to do my job. He asked me to go out to the Daniels ranch and take a look around. I did, but I didn’t find nothing like what he claims is go’n on out there. He told me there was demon worshiping and supernatural shit going on, but I didn’t see nothing like ‘at. I saw a lot of people relaxing and having a hell of a good time, but that was it,” Will said.

“Them cows talked to us, Sheriff,” Bubba said.

“Yeah, so what? You know you two will be laughed out of town if you tell anybody about it, don’t you?” he asked, “Besides, it weren’t the cows what was talking to you. Billy Daniels is a genius when it comes to electronics, and he has a little device on each cow’s neck what can send and receive sound. It was a couple of his cowboys sitting in the barn making it sound like them cows was talking. Pretty damn effective. Them cowboys made you believed them cows was talking to you,” the sheriff said and grinned real big like they been had. Bubba and Earl hung their heads like they were the worst kind of suckers. They knew if they said a word about the talking cows they would become the laughing stock of the county.

“We didn’t know. We didn’t think about it,” Earl said in disgust at having been made a fool. “So all we gotta’ do is drive out there and repair his fence?” he asked.

“That’s right, but you gotta’ do a good job, or you won’t get your cameras back,” Will said.

“We’ll do a good job, Sheriff, and thanks for going easy on us,” Earl said.

“Do what’s right, and it will be forgotten. Now, I can’t order you men to stay away from Womack, but if you go around him again, you men are bigger fools than Billy Daniels and his cowboys made you out to be. Womack will get you into a lot of trouble, then turn his back on you, and leave you holding the bag. The next time, if there is a next time, and I’m hope’n to God there ain’t, I can promise you men won’t get off so light. If you don’t get chore’selves killed, you will do time. Worse yet, you could be looking at a lifetime of slavery. Let my words be a strong warning for you men,” the sheriff said firmly.

Bubba and Earl left the sheriff’s station and went to the local diner for breakfast. They talked quietly so no one could hear. They decided they got off light, and would drive out that day to fix the fence. “Did ju’ git the feel’n the sheriff was on our side about all this,” Bubba asked Earl.

“Yeah, like it was mostly the preacher’s fault for talking us into it,” Earl replied.

“We’s jes’ lucky it weren’t the last sheriff we had. We’d be behind bars for sure,” Bubba said.

“Yeah, he wouldn’t even talk with us like Will Tate done. You plan on vote’n for Tate?” Earl asked.

“Hell yeah! That means we better register, Earl. You and I ain’t never voted in our lives,” Bubba said.

“We’ll make the effort this time, Bubba,” Earl allowed.

Bubba and Earl may not have been good for much but they cowboyed all their lives and knew how to mend fences. They got the materials they needed and drove out to the Daniels ranch. They made sure they didn’t set foot on his property and made the repairs on the outside of the fence. When they finished it was stronger than it was before and looked good as well. The cows ambled over and stood watching, but they didn’t say anything. They just stood there chewing their cud and watching.

“I don’t care what the sheriff said, Earl, them cows is intelligent. I can just feel them think’n about us,” Bubba said.

“Yeah, they give me the creeps, but on the other hand you gotta’ give credit where it’s due: they be some damn fine look’n cows, Bubba,” Earl said.

“Won’t gainsay that, brother. One a them pretty little heifers is better looking than my last girlfriend,” Bubba allowed, and Earl laughed.

* * * * * * *
Will took great joy in telling his staff and Lima Bean his dad had a miraculous recovery over the weekend, and Billy Daniels gave him a male slave to become part of his family to take care of his dad when he was away. He explained since the slave was to become an immediate member of their family they gave him their last name. He would be known as Everett Tate. They rejoiced for Will because they knew of the close bond Will shared with his dad. They didn’t know everything, but they knew the sheriff was happy and seemed comfortable and content with the new situation. Will seemed like a changed man and nothing could get to him. He even began to do some minor campaigning for his second term as sheriff and his staff was solidly behind him. Will took great delight in calling the rest home to tell them he would not be bringing his dad back. He made other arrangements. They didn’t seem too upset, told him they would gather Buster’s personal items, and he could pick them up at his convenience.

* * * * * * *
Monday and Tuesday passed like a blur. There never seemed to be a dull moment at the Daniels’ ranch. Wednesday morning everyone was up before dawn getting the horses saddled and into the Daniels’ big horse trailer. They took ten ponies including Samson and Maybelle. Billy asked his Uncle Nate and his Ramrod Tron to go with them. He took Nick and Boomer, but the big watcher didn’t need a horse. He could easily keep up with them. He asked Moss, Enoch, Hank, Buck, Clyde, and Andy his Irin cowboy ramrod. They sat down to a good ranch breakfast just as the sun was coming up for the day. They took Billy’s new fifth wheel diesel truck with a crew cab. Fortunately, the horse trailer had a small traveling section for several men and everyone was comfortable for the short ride to the Rutherford ranch. They pulled into the front gate right at eight o’clock and pulled around in front of the house.

Randy and Kayla came running out of the house shouting welcome and ran to the arms of the cowboys. They didn’t stop until they hugged and kissed each one. Mary and Evelyn were more reserved but pleased to see the cowboys in their gear with chaps and spurs. They invited them in for coffee and Billy graciously accepted. He really wanted to get started before the sun got too high, and they could get back early. As he passed the living room, on the mantle over the fireplace was a picture of Evelyn’s two sons, Darrell who was sitting with his older brother Douglas standing behind him. He stopped and looked for a minute. “Is this a picture of yore’ boys, Ms. Rutherford?” he asked.

“Yes, Billy, they’re my sons,” she replied.

“Dang, they look enough alike to be brothers,” he said without thinking.

“They were brothers, you twit,” Nathan said.

“I know, but you gotta’ admit they looked a lot alike,” Billy tried to redeem his faux pas.

“That’s all right, Billy, many folks thought they was twins,” Evelyn said coming to Billy’s defense.

They had coffee and went out to the truck to unload the horses. It didn’t take them anytime.

“You gonna’ ride with me, cowboy?” he asked Randy.

“I’d love to, Cowboy Billy. Can I, Mom?” he asked.

“Sure, go on. Have a good time, but don’t ask too many questions,” Mary said and grinned.

Billy reached down and pulled Randy up into the saddle and sat him in front of him so he could hold onto the saddle horn. Randy leaned forward and patted Samson on his neck and tickled him, << Nice to see you again, old friend, >> he sent.

<< Nice to feel you on my back again, Master Randy, >> Samson replied.

They were off at a leisurely pace. Billy didn’t want his protector to get overheated nor did he want to wear out the ponies. They had a full day ahead of them. The men rode from one end of the property to the other. They only stopped long enough to inspect the two huge barns and out buildings. Nothing was locked and Ruth told Randy to show them anything they wanted to see. The bunkhouse was twice as large as the one on the Daniels ranch and was in better shape. It was a two story configuration. Upstairs were the bunks and one enormous room for toilet and shower facilities at the end of building. Downstairs was a large kitchen area. The rest was devoted to tables and benches for eating with several old chairs and couches set around for lounging. It was plain and simple but immediately serviceable. All the plumbing worked and the hot water heater was in sound working order. The foreman’s shack was a big four bedroom house with two stories. Upstairs were four good sized bedrooms with only one large bathroom at the end of the hall which could easily accommodate four men. The building was sound and in great shape. There were several extra buildings for tack and ranch equipment. Everything was in much better shape than any of the men expected.

They covered most of the property by noon, but still had the creek to look at and some of the mesquite thickets to ride through. Billy was impressed by the seclusion of the ranch to be so close to one of the larger small cities in Texas. They were less than ten miles from the city limits of Fredericksburg, and there was a large area of the ranch which was still unexplored mesquite thickets. It was like a wilderness no one ventured into unless they were chasing cattle for a roundup or they just wanted to explore virgin territory. Most areas of the sort were bulldozed and stripped away many years ago to provide extra grazing for cattle but there were a handful of ranch owners who believed the wilderness part of their ranch contributed to the overall general health of their livestock and property. They were right, and it also shaded and held in the ground water more readily than exposed terrain. There was always active springs to provide good, clean water for the livestock and the ranch.

As Billy was leading the riders he told Samson and Maybelle to head down into the creek bed since the water was low and they could get a drink if they wanted. They took time to let the ponies drink and were talking quietly among themselves when Samson raise his head and snorted, << Skunk apes and a couple of daddy long-legs upwind and around the bend from us, Billy, >> he sent.

“What’s up ahead and around the bend, Randy?” Billy asked.

“My secret swimming hole, but from what Samson just told you, I don’t think it’s no secret anymore,” Randy replied.

“Let’s us ease on up and take a peak around the bend, Samson. Follow me, Nick. The rest of you men stay here until I whistle for you. Boomer, you’re with us,” Billy said.

Samson and Maybelle could be silent when they wanted to be and walked very carefully so’s not to be detected. Boomer’s padded soles and fury feet didn’t make a sound even in loose gravel. They came around the bend and found three Bigfoot and two daddy long-legs playing around in the cool water of the pool. Billy, Randy, Nick, and Boomer totally surprised them. They turned to look but didn’t spook. They just stood still looking in wonder at what they saw. Here were two cowboys and a young bairn accompanied by another Bigfoot of considerable size, but Boomer was obviously one of them. He looked strikingly handsome with his well groomed full fur which move easily and flowed when he moved.

Billy noticed the tallest of the daddy long-legs face was covered with a brown leather mask and he was wearing a dirty pair of old Wranglers cut off at the knees. He had neither a shirt nor shoes for his feet. The other daddy long-leg was completely without clothing of any kind, but he made no effort to cover his nakedness. << We mean you no harm. We’re exploring the Rutherford ranch to decide to run cattle here and financially help the family of my little saddle buddy sitting before me. You and your brothers are welcome to live here and forage; you are also welcome on the Daniels ranch and the Tate ranch. The proud Watcher you see next to me is my protector, my number one slave, my bonded mate, and the husband of my children. His name is Boomer. My name is Billy Daniels and this humanoid on the horse next to me is my adopted dad. He is a fallen angel, my slave, and another one of my protectors. I am the chosen of the Grigori and Irin race. You are welcome here, >> Billy sent to them in a gentle manner.

They looked at one another in awe. The biggest, meanest looking of the Bigfoot fell to his knees in homage to Billy. Randy quickly sent to Billy, the big beast was 'Ludo' and Billy could feel the boy’s heart beat a little faster. E’aup, his little brother was a cowboy in love, Billy thought to himself. The other two Bigfoot saw their companion and followed his lead. The two daddy long-legs just stood there like they were scared to move. Ludo reached up, gently took the masked long-leg’s hand, pulled him to his knees, and the other followed suit. Billy motioned for Nick to join him and they dismounted. He took Randy down from the saddle and without a word the boy ran to Ludo’s huge arms. The monster was all smiles. Billy took off his hat and began to remove his shirt. Nick did the same. When they were bare-chested they disappeared for a few seconds to the gasp of the daddy long-legs and returned in a bright flash of light fully fledged. Their audience was in awe. Billy and Nick slowly walked toward them, raised their wings, and flooded them with a great white light. Billy couldn’t adjust their bodies as he didn’t have their DNA on file, but he and Nick could improve their overall health and leave them clean as the day they were born.

<< You there, big one, holding my beloved little brother, will you claim him as your own to love and protect? >> Billy sent.

<< I have no choice. I have fed him from my breast, and he has named me. I am Ludo. I am his slave and his protector, Master Billy. Are you his main protector? >> Ludo asked.

<< I am his main protector. He developed an incurable disease from a genetic weakness and would have been dead by now, but I corrected his DNA and cured him of his disease. I am his bonded brother who gave him a new life. I am his slave in love and duty to him. He has no father. His father was killed in a needless war on the other side of our planet. It will be left up to his protectors, you, me, and my family to make sure he grows in statue and strength. He is to be taught right from wrong, what is good and what is evil. If you daddy long-legs need help or consider rehabilitation, you only have to let Randy know, and I will see to it you are helped back on your feet. My offer is good for all your brothers. And should any of you Grigori watchers fall upon bad times or become injured, send for me, and we will come to you. Have no fear of us. We will heal you and nurse you back to health, but we will not try to change your ways. Change must be your decision. For it is only through a deeper need to love we are all capable of change, >> Billy sent. He figured the daddy long-legs drank enough watcher milk they could hear his thoughts. He could tell from their response they could. << In two days, I will be taking Randy with me through a star gate to introduce him to your ancestors, the greater Grigori council, and he will also be introduced to the Irin, another advanced race of people who will further enhance him, >> Billy said.

<< May I join you, Master Billy, >> Ludo asked.

<< Certainly, if you wish. Allow Randy to groom you. He must learn, to own or be owned by a protector, is not all fun and games. It takes some work. Randy will tickle me and let me know when you’re ready. My pa here and I will come and transport you to our ranch. We are taking a number of humans and other creatures with us. Will you be uncomfortable around others? >> Billy asked.

<< Not with you, Randy, and your husband, Master Billy, >> Ludo replied.

<< Then it’s settled. Arise and go your way, >> Billy said almost as a blessing.

Billy and Nick disappeared again, and when they returned their wings were gone and they looked like two buffed out cowboys without their shirts. Their fellow riders slowly came riding around the bend. Ludo stole one last kiss from Randy, turned him around to face Billy, patted him on his little butt, and sent him back to his big brother. Billy and Nick were putting on their western shirts as the men came riding up. Randy was so excited he almost pissed his Wranglers. “Ain’t Ludo wonderful, Cowboy Billy?” he asked with enthusiasm.

“I’d say he’s a keeper, fer sure, Buckaroo,” Billy grabbed him up, hugged him, and stole a kiss. He sat Randy in his saddle again and climbed up behind him. Billy was impressed with the terrain, but made a mental note to clear a portion of the thicket, and with his bulldozer create a new catch basin for water to seep into the ground for the use of cattle and wild critters. That would be a project for another day. He decided he’d seen enough, and they rode back to the ranch house and loaded the horses back onto the carrier. It was a little after noon when they arrived back at the main ranch house.

Mary, Evelyn, and Kayla had sandwiches, chips, and lemonade ready for the men for a quick lunch. The men ate and Billy discussed with Mary and Evelyn his previous offer. He told them he could move Irin cowboy in as soon as the following Monday. The only question Mary and Evelyn had for him was fear of the cattle coming too close to the ranch house. Billy suggested a fence between the outbuildings and the main ranch house. It would create a separation for the ranch operations and the main house. He would make it high and strong enough to keep out unwanted critters like deer so Mary and Evelyn could have a garden if they wished and it would be safe for them to keep a pet who could come and go as he pleased without fear. Randy and Kayla smiled at each other. They knew Billy was talking about Goliath. They couldn’t wait. “Then do we have an agreement?” Billy asked.

Mary looked at Evelyn, and she nodded her approval. “We have an agreement, Mr. Daniels,” she said and they shook hands binding their understanding.  

Billy whipped out his Highland Shire Project check book and wrote Mary a check for four thousand dollars. He dated it for the following day which was April first. He made note of it and told Mary the check weren’t no April fool’s joke, it was real. They shared a laugh. Billy promised he’d have a check in her hands the first of every month. He planned to start bringing Irin cowboys over as soon as possible to clean up the outbuildings and get them ready for occupancy. One of their first projects would be to build a six foot high fence, enclosing about five acres around the main ranch house. It should be plenty of area for living comfortably. Mary and Evelyn were ecstatic about their good fortune and the comfort of knowing they would have others living on the place who could give them a hand from time to time. Billy assured them his slaves would be available for them. He also asked about enclosing another area for a kitchen garden for his cowboys. Mary and Evelyn agreed to that as well.

Billy told Mary and Evelyn about running into three watchers and two daddy long-legs. He described the one with the brown leather mask and Mary knew of him. She let him stay in the barn several times and provided him with what food they could spare. Billy told about meeting and speaking with Randy’s new watcher buddy and emphasized how important it was for Randy to accompany him and his other family members to Retikki Prime. It could all be done while they have dessert around the table, and they would return within minutes. Mary said she understood and would allow Randy to go with Billy. She trusted him completely. Evelyn agreed.

* * * * * * *
The cowboys left and headed back to the Daniels’ ranch. By the time they got back to the ranch, unloaded the horses, unsaddled them, rubbed them down, and fed them it was almost time for supper. Billy was in a great mood. He hadn’t been in the saddle in a number of days and riding Samson again with his little buddy was a great treat for him. It sort of centered him. Everything seemed to be going his way and he was content. He was looking forward to the next day when Tom, Abigale, and the boys would once again return to the ranch so Tom would be handy for court on Friday morning. He was considering asking Tom if he and the boys might like to go along on their trip to Retikki Prime.   

* * * * * * *
The trial of Orville Higginbothem was pretty cut and dried, but there were a couple of surprises. When Tom McMartin got up to testify he carried with him a file folder. The judge wanted to know what he had in the folder? Was it evidence? “My attorney told me it’s supporting evidence, your honor,” Tom replied.

“In what manner?” the judge asked.

“This case is bound to cause a great deal of adverse publicity for our company, so we contacted those customers who purchased machines from us over the last two years to ask if they were charged a delivery fee. Almost everyone was charged a fee, paid in cash, but only a handful who insisted on a receipt have proof. The receipts are written on a typical pad you can buy at any stationary store and are signed by O. Higginbothem. We have repaid those who have a valid receipt and gone so far as to accept signed affidavits and honored them if the amount was in the ballpark of the others. So far, it has cost our company close to a hundred thousand dollars,” Tom said, “The exact figures are in the papers, sir,” he added.

“He can’t submit that at this late date, your Honor. We haven’t had time to go over it,” the defense lawyers argued.

“Of course he can. If the information is current. Obviously, Mr. McMartin needed time to gather the information, and I will accept it. What does it matter if Mr. Higginbothem is a little guilty or a lot guilty. I would say this only shows a pattern of robbery and abuse of his position with Mr. McMartin’s company which led up to the attempted murder of Mr. McMartin’s cousin and employee. It shows a solid motive to cover up his crimes and draw attention away from them; on the other hand, it’s like the old saying, this information is like carrying coals to Newcastle,” the judge replied and accepted Tom’s information.

The judge heard all witnesses including Enoch whose leg was carefully bandaged, and he was walking slowly with a cane. The judge excused himself and retired to his chambers to review everything. It didn’t take him long to deliberate, and he returned with his verdict. Orville Higginbothem was sentenced to life as a slave, and in case of his conviction, he was already sold to Mr. Billy Daniels. It was the trial of the century for the small county and the courtroom was packed.

Since the sheriff was one of the witnesses he had to be present and sitting on the front row were most of his staff, his dad Buster, and Everett whom they introduced as their cousin, Everett Tate. It was a great opportunity for the sheriff to shine and be showcased as one of the major players in the trial of the century for the small community. The judge made no secret of his admiration for the young sheriff and how responsibly he handled his job. He even went so far as to state he certainly hoped the citizens of the county had the good sense to re-elect Sheriff Will Tate. He was a credit to their community.

Almost all the major people of the Daniels ranch were there to support the sheriff: Kate, Nathan, Tron Garrett, Moss, Enoch, Zelma Jane, Vox, Hank, Buck, Nick, Clyde, and Andy. Clarance Womack made it a point to attend. He got there late. He sat in the back of the courtroom, but he could see everything. He remembered seeing Enoch Redbone before somewhere, but he didn’t remember him walking with a cane. Also, he carefully watched the sheriff’s dad who was suppose to be suffering from the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease, who didn’t seem to be displaying any symptoms at all. In fact, he looked perfectly healthy and seemed to be following the court proceedings with no problems. And who was this new cousin of the Tate’s? He certainly looked like them, almost too much like the sheriff himself. He could have been his younger brother. Was Buster Tate another miraculous healing? Was the sheriff in league with the devil? Did Will Tate sell his soul to the demonic forces at the Daniels ranch to restore his dad to good health? He swore to himself he would get to the bottom of this and root out the evil he was sure existed at the Daniels’ ranch.

End of Chapter 26 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
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Next: Chapter 27

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