His Body and Soul

By Larry Fische

Published on Oct 31, 2023


His, Body & Soul

By L. Fische

This story contains homosexual sex between males (anal, oral), masturbation, bondage, light S&M, and humiliation. If any of these are a turnoff for you, please stop reading.

If you love (or hate) this story, please send a brief feedback email to laurence.fische@gmail.com. Due to initial feedback, this series has been continued and is under consideration for a full novelization. Let me know what you would want to see in other chapters!

And remember to donate to Nifty. These stories don't archive themselves and they won't keep coming without donations!

I woke up in my dorm room with a sore ass and a headache. Thankfully it was Saturday, so I didn't have work or classes. I rolled over and glanced at my roommate's bed. Jack had already woken up, made a mess, and left for the day. Ordinarily I'd have made his bed and picked up his dirty clothes, but that would involve getting up. Instead I checked my cell phone and found a text. It was from Vince. I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes for a moment, hoping it was all a bad dream. My ass throbbed. Not a dream.

The text said, "Sup, whore? Come to my place tomorrow, 7pm. Wear something sexy. I best get real fuckin turned on."

I noticed a link at the bottom and opened it. Vince had uploaded the rape video to a gay porn site. Streaming it live hadn't been enough for him. I scrolled down to the description and my jaw dropped. The phrase "also available at" led into a long list of sites that Vince had submitted it to. I tested a few to make sure it wasn't just a cruel joke, but every site listed was sharing "Chase Fletcher gangbang" with the whole world.

It was on almost every popular site that would allow the content, and he'd used my full name on every single page. When I saw "All the Rage in Pipeton" on the bottom of the list I felt my stomach twist into a pretzel. It was a local blog that shared current events and gossip going around town. Students at my school checked it frequently for new rumors, sales, and even job opportunities. And there I was at the very top of the gossip section: "Chase Fletcher's embarrassing secret revealed! Raunchy sex tape released right here in Pipeton!"

The blogger had been told that it was a consensual sex tape, leaked by a jaded ex-lover. An "anonymous source" claimed that he'd broken up with me because he got tired of walking in on my shameless affairs.

I then went back through every site, reading the comments and sobbing into my pillow. Every web page had a range of reactions from users, mostly perverted. Some people asked how they could find me. Others bragged about fapping to the video. There were even people claiming I'd been with them or their friends. Students from Pipeton University recognized me, listing off classes they knew me from.

My crotch was thrilled by the attention, despite everything I was going through. I wanted to be disgusted, but instead I felt my dick slowly pushing my boxers up into a tent. I imagined my friends, classmates and coworkers all stumbling across the video, laughing and judging me and sharing it with their friends.

I'd already watched the video three times, entranced by my womanly moaning and submissive writhing. The images on the screen piled up in my head. I relived every embarrassing moment, while the entire internet laughed at the pitiful skank onscreen.

I took off my boxer shorts and tossed them aside while I cradled by throbbing hard on. He'd openly shared every dirty second, start to finish. There I was losing my virginity to the brunette, begging the blonde to fuck me, thanking Vince for my punishment. I watched myself choke on Lee's dick while Michael made me his woman.

My hand moved on its own, carefully massaging my head and shaft. I was sweating all over the sheets, red-faced and moaning. My legs were spread wide and my hole twitched, begging for a man's attention. I grappled with my boner, pumping it vigorously while I wondered how many people in my dorm had watched this same video.

Nothing was as humiliating as the grand finale. The whore onscreen pleaded with Vince and scrambled butt-first toward his glistening naked body, greedy for more. I finally noticed that my roommate hadn't closed our door, but I was too far gone to control my body.

Instead I turned over and threw my ass up high, working my meat with both hands and moaning while my phone played the video on repeat. Even through my shame, I hoped someone walking by would notice the open door. I wanted someone, anyone to wander into the room, see my sweaty ass and take me. It had only taken one night for an awkward virgin to become a filthy cock-thirsty plaything.

I finally finished and came back to my senses. After closing the door and taking a shower I found another text, this time from Lee. The brothers were already being asked about last night. He was worried about me and invited me to crash at their apartment, just until things blew over. I chose my reply carefully, trying to make it sound strong.

The truth was that I couldn't meet with them right away. I didn't want to hear their apologies or be seen with them. I also didn't want to lose my self-control. I would get caught glancing down at Michael's shorts, wondering how he hid something that massive. Or maybe I would lean over every time Lee passed in front of me, hoping to catch a glimpse of his underwear.

I didn't leave the room that day. Instead I spent most of the day in bed, rehearsing what I would say when I saw my roommate, then my coworkers, then my classmates. Would I be able to laugh it off when I passed students in the dorm? What if my customers asked about it? Was I in danger of getting fired or expelled?

Late in the afternoon I finally heard the door open and tried to act nonchalant. Jack walked in and flopped onto his bed in his uniform, eyes closed. He smelled like sweat and tacos. He'd spent the whole day cooking Mexican food for ingrates and was probably exhausted. His wavy black hair was glued to his forehead and his chiseled muscles heaved with every breath, tired from another Saturday wasted on his feet.

You would never guess at first glance that this stocky pale-skinned bodybuilder spent every weekend whipping up burritos and enchiladas in a black apron. After a few minutes he reopened his eyes and realized that I was in the room. He raised his eyebrow and stared right through me with his bright blue eyes.

At least he knew I was gay already. Jack had caught me masturbating to a pair of his boxers once. At the time I'd thought it was the most embarrassing thing I'd live through. Instead of getting mad, Jack told me to keep the boxers, joking that I'd get more out of them than he would. But this was a little worse than masturbating. Today his expression looked harsh and judgmental.

"You know you're pretty much screwed, right?" he asked bluntly.

I blushed and looked at the carpet between our beds.

"It's not like I care, but your stupid orgy's all anyone's talking about. And I thought you were a virgin?"

"I was," I answered quietly.

Jack frowned. "People been starting shit with me all day. They keep asking if we've `done anything.' Like hell I'd do anything with you, no offense."

I didn't look up. I just said I was sorry to hear that.

It looked like he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. His stern expression wavered and he let out a defeated sigh. He joked that I'd never have trouble getting laid and then stood up slowly, scanning my face to see if I was alright. He worked up a strained smile and told me to take it easy.

There was nothing else to say, so he walked toward the bathroom, tossing his work shirt aside. I admired his bulging muscles and tight, beefy butt while he slipped his pants off and left the room. He'd never had a problem with me checking him out. He'd even ask me for an appraisal before running off to hook up with cheerleaders and party girls. But today I felt guilty, craving more than just eye candy.

Sunday was torture. I had to get up early for a shift at Triple Threat Café and spent the whole day standing at the register, surrounded by people who knew my dirty little secret. We were especially busy, our tables loaded with people who'd come to see the Pipeton whore firsthand. My coworkers didn't say anything, but spent the whole day avoiding eye contact. Sometimes I'd see the waitresses gossiping or notice that the guys were keeping their distance, but it was the customers that bothered me.

Teenagers snickered and came right up to me, asking what it was like or how many guys I was seeing. Middle schoolers heckled me and asked if I wanted to suck their dicks, grabbing their crotches while their friends laughed. There were openly gay men who would whisper serious offers to me, suggesting I spend my break with them.

I cringed when I heard my own sex sounds. Someone was pulling up the video for their friends. This happened several times throughout the day until I knew the sounds by heart. Every time Vince pantsed me a whole table would burst out laughing. All day long I was tortured by on-and-off erections, made worse by every lewd comment or suggestion.

When I got home, Jack was gone again. Probably out with his friends or proving he was straight to some lucky girl. It was a bit of a relief, because I needed some alone time to get ready. Vince had told me to come over tonight. I knew I shouldn't but all the teasing and mocking was making me restless.

I reread the text and tried to figure out what he'd consider "sexy." I'd have to wear something good if I was going back, or else submit to another of Vince's painful, degrading punishments. But what could I wear that would satisfy a man like Vince?

I had my underwear collection strewn out on the bed, organized by type. I slowly whittled it down to my tight purple thong. It was uncomfortable but had sex appeal. The front yanked up my crotch and pushed it forward to be as prominent as possible, and the back slipped right up into my crack, parting the cheeks into two appetizing half-moons. It was good, but I wasn't sure it was enough to please him.

After careful deliberation, I decided I'd go all out. I dragged a chest out from under my bed, filled with a modest collection of sex toys. They'd helped me to survive many a lonely night. I pulled out a large black butt plug and a set of cock rings. I knew it was probably a mistake, but I'd do anything to escape a spanking.

I didn't agonize over the rest of my outfit. An oversized jersey that showed some skin and a pair of tight blue jeans would be fine. It was a cute look, but I wouldn't be wearing it for long. Once I was dressed I grabbed my things, took a deep breath and headed out into the dorm.

Walking out to my car was a chore, as you may have expected. Every guy who passed me in the halls felt like he had to whistle or make a crude joke about me. I started to realize I'd made a mistake when someone slapped my ass and smiled, noticing the firm base of the plug. A guy on the first floor grabbed my crotch before I could stop him and his jaw dropped when he felt the metal rings cradling my dick, already stiff from embarrassment.

I was almost at the door, head down and beet red, when another passing student grabbed my ass and busted out laughing. I tried to force his hand away but he wouldn't let me go, pushing the plug around violently through the fabric. "Damn son, you like your ass fucked that much?" He kept it up, laughing while I squirmed awkwardly in the crowded lobby. He told me to show his friends what was so funny. He even tried to force my pants off, but I managed to shove him off and make a run for the car.

When I got there I checked my mirrors, turned on my headlights, and smashed my forehead into the steering wheel. I would run out of secrets to hide at this rate. I thought about taking all of my sex paraphernalia off and going back to my room, far away from Vince and his evil influence. But I knew if I got any harder I'd be doubled over in pain, so I turned the ignition and resolved to go get what I needed.

When Vince opened the door to his apartment, my heart sank like a stone. He was throwing some sort of party. My eyes paused briefly on his sweaty white undershirt and loose red boxers, then focused on the room in front of me. At least fifteen guys were gathered in his living room with popcorn, mostly in their underwear. All of them were sitting in metal folding chairs and facing the wide-screen TV.

Their eyes were glued to the screen, where my big night was being shown in hi-definition surround sound. I would have run away right then, but my legs didn't respond. My whole body just stood there, dumbfounded, while a room full of sweaty perverts watched a grown man wiggle around in bikini briefs onscreen.

Before I could talk to Vince, one of his guests noticed me standing there and shouted, attracting the group's attention. Vince stood off to the side and smiled while they greeted me with catcalls and dirty hand gestures. He waited patiently while his friends shouting whatever they wanted. Their perverted cheers echoed past me, through the open door and down into the crowded street below. My face felt hot, blushing while bystanders on the sidewalk looked up toward the commotion. I struggled to regain control of my body, hoping I could still run.

"We've got our very own porn star here!"

"Maybe he'll give us a private performance. How `bout it, porn star? You gonna get busy with us?"

"Vince sure can pick `em. Bitch must be here to beg for more cock. Are your friends coming, too?"

Finally Vince raised a hand to silence the crowd. "You coming in or not?" he asked.

I knew that this would be my last chance to put a stop to this. If I ran away right now and threw out my cell phone, Vince would never bother me again. None of these men would know what I'd worn for Vince and I'd have my normal, everyday life back. All I had to do was say no and leave.

"Yes, Sir," I mumbled. I took a few clumsy steps into the room while Vince locked the door behind me. My conscience screamed at me but my bulge twitched expectantly, hoping it would get what it wanted.

Vince put his hand on my shoulder and walked me into position in front of the chairs. "As you can see, we're throwing a birthday party for my friend. And you, my little porn star, are gonna be the best present of all." As he spoke he gestured toward a slender Latino with short black hair and dark eyes. The birthday boy winked and blew me a kiss.

Vince noticed I was nervous and chuckled. "Don't look so scared," he purred. "We're all friends here." He looked down at my shaky knees and leaned in close, cupping a hand around my ear. "I won't make you take this many dicks at once," he whispered. "Even a slut like you can't handle that."

I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Vince grabbed me and pushed me into a dominant kiss. I let myself melt into his arms while he leaned over me, sucking the breath right out of my lungs. He slid his hand down the back of my pants and his whole face light up.

Vince stood me up again and glanced at the audience. They were staring anxiously at us, too fascinated to notice the passionate moans coming from the TV. Onscreen, the brunette was destroying my virgin ass. I got even harder and my legs started squirming under me. Enduring the fierce throbbing was difficult. My cock rings tightened mercilessly around the shaft while it rubbed head-first against my thong.

The partygoers had already noticed my horny writhing and looked on hungrily while I stared at Vince, fidgeting and whining softly while he allowed me to remove his undershirt. They were already taking their pants off, letting their cocks pop out while their underwear settled around their ankles. Vince gazed lovingly into my eyes, having already discovered the rings with his gentle fingers.

"This little bitch wore some special surprises for you boys," Vince announced. Then he lifted my shirt up over my head and gave me another kiss. "You're making me want you bad, you little slut," he hissed. "I was gonna make you wait like the filthy little cunt you are, so I hope you're proud of yourself."

My hands rested on Vince's broad shoulders while he slid my jeans off. My ass faced toward the crowd, the large black plug fully visible around the tiny little thong. They clapped and howled with approval. I clenched my big round cheeks tight around the plug for their amusement, then let them fall back into place. Vince slapped my ass and shoved his tongue down deep into my mouth. I was shocked out of our wet sloppy kiss when he put his hand under the butt plug and pulled my ass up high, showing off his whore's slightly used ass for the horny spectators.

There was a violent throb against the cock rings and my whole body quivered. I pulled up close to Vince's ear and whispered, "Please, Sir, may I remove the rings, Sir?" I massaged his naked chest while I asked, hoping his hard nipples were a sign of weakness.

Vince smiled sweetly and kissed my forehead. "The cock rings aren't coming off until I damn well please," he said loudly. "You're a filthy, dirty piece of trash and you won't have orgasms for a week if I feel like it. Got it?"

I felt a sudden wave of shame and nearly toppled over. His guests started cheering again at the mention of cock rings, demanding to see them. Vince looked past me at his friends and smiled, casually removing the back of my thong to flash my naked ass at the crowd. He then popped the butt plug out, spreading my cheeks with his hands so that everyone could see my needy hole.

His guests whipped out their phones and took pictures of my gaping entryway. Their satisfied squeals and manly cheers made my shaft throb harder in its metal cage. My knees collapsed, but Vince caught me and shoved his fingers inside me, pushing them in and out while the cheering drowned out my pitiful moans. He finally gripped the edge of my hole and spun me around to face the crowd, the front of my thong filled with a raging hard on.

Vince massaged my insides and leaned over my shoulder. "Take off your thong," he whispered, never removing his hand from my hungry ass.

I looked over the crowd and made eye contact with the birthday boy while I flipped the thong down over my pulsing manhood. There were hoots and whistles as I revealed my shame, a red swollen cock held tight by a series of stainless steel rings. I blushed and closed my eyes, hoping everyone would just vanish so I could beg Vince to take me now and get it over with.

Someone threw a pair of briefs at my dick and they made a game of it. I stood completely exposed, moaning and riding Vince's fingers while a roomful of men played horseshoes with my caged dick. Each pair that landed successfully was met with cheers and laughter. When they were done Vince reached around and pulled the pile of briefs and boxers off, making me recoil as my tortured cock sprung back to full attention.

I opened my eyes again and slid the thong down slowly across my legs, moaning while my butt bent and stretched around Vince's skilled fingers. I'd almost reached my feet when suddenly Vince forced his entire hand inside me and groped at my prostate, ripping me wide open around his wrist. I screamed out in pain and fell to all fours while the audience cheered him on, pumping their meat vigorously right in front of my teary-eyed face.

I wanted to beg for mercy, but Vince balled his hand up into a fist and started pumping me with his arm. All I could do was wail and shake while he slowly punched my hot spot again and again. My dick was being strangled to the rhythm while he violated me, his guests howling with satisfaction. I looked up at the sea of hard, pumping cocks and smacked my lips, imagining what all these excited sweat-drenched men would taste like.

Finally Vince pulled his forearm out of me, hard, and stood over me while I fell to the floor, gasping for air. I heard him walk over and open a cabinet but I couldn't move a muscle. He walked back over to me and flipped me over carelessly with his foot. I grunted and looked up to see him flashing his sadistic grin at me. The thing in his hand looked like a very small metal stockade. I waited, puzzled, while my sore ass throbbed and twitched.

"It's called a humbler," Vince announced, savoring my confusion. "Let me show you how it works."

Before I could refuse, Vince tossed me onto my knees, ass up. He then reached between my legs and grabbed my swollen ball-sack, making me grunt softly from the small surge of pain. I flinched while he yanked it towards him. I then felt cold metal against the backs of my thighs while Vince carefully pressed the bar against them, flopping my sack through a hole.

Vince adjusted the bar carefully and I heard him mutter something about screws. After a second I felt the sensation of metal closing shut, my balls being locked into place like a tail between my legs. I groaned, realizing that I couldn't straighten my legs without a painful tug. He stood up and admired his work, then stroked the bottom of my sack with his toes. I gasped as the sting of my swollen balls shot up through my body.

"Now who wants to see this bitch get fucked?" Vince asked, showing off for his horny friends. They all cheered and shouted in unison, demanding that he tear me up so they'd have something to jack off to. I bit my lip and looked up at all the flouncing, veiny cocks while their owners grinned and mocked me. Seeing so many men work themselves, my eyes level with their crotches, was intoxicating. I was too hypnotized to even think about resisting.

"Birthday boy, come on down!" Vince yelled. I strained my neck to admire my new master. The Latino had a flat, hairless body and a dorky grin. His dick wasn't incredibly long but it was thick, maybe even as thick as Michael's.

"Man, look at the way this hungry slut drools for cock," one of the guys called out. I lowered my head in shame, but only grew more ashamed when I noticed my caged, swollen cock pointed right at my face.

The birthday boy was clearly ready. He forced my cheeks apart and started shoving his pipe up my ass, popping the head in instantly. I winced and struggled while he pushed it in, using small thrusts to make me swallow his thick shaft one little bit at a time. Every time I tried to pull away, the humbler yanked forcefully at my nuts, making me yelp and retreat further onto his cock. The cruel device held me firmly in place while he grunted and stretched my hole.

Once he was all the way in, Vince told him not to start moving yet. I squirmed and wiggled gently on his dick, wanting him to thrust it into me, but the Latino just grabbed me roughly by the hips and forced me to stay still. The sudden stop made me remember where I was and I blushed, realizing that a roomful of horny strangers had seen me try to ride his thick cock.

Vince walked in front of me and unzipped his pants, his gorgeous erection pointed right between my eyes. His jeans hadn't even reached his ankles before I'd gulped down his entire shaft, but Vince pushed me off and glared down at me. I whimpered, struggling to make eye contact around his meaty dick.

"You don't get to suck it yet, skank. You have to earn it."

"Sir, tell me what you want. Have your way with me. I need it, Sir." My stomach turned, disgusted with submission, but my dick throbbed violently in its prison. The pain forced me to gasp for air while the birthday boy waited patiently in my strained rectum, pulsating inside me.

"Throwing a party is hard work, slut. Makes me sweaty. Clean these sweaty balls. Choke `em down like a good little boy and I might even give you some cock."

I wrapped my mouth around his sack, eager to earn Vince's beautiful dick. He let out a slight moan, surprised by my eagerness, but quickly regained his composure. I ignored the laughing and the camera flashes, intent on slurping up every last drop of his ball sweat. Vince's pubes tickled the inside of my mouth while I soaked them. The underside of his sack was salty, completely drenched with sweat. My tongue lapped it up greedily. I felt triumphant every time a slight moan escaped Vince's throat.

I had already finished swallowing his sweat when Vince pulled my head away from him. I was stunned by his boyish expression. He looked like he could burst out laughing any second, clearly entertained by his own perverted antics. I panted into his groin, praying he'd permit me to remove the cock rings.

"You're a good little nut-sucker, aren't you bitch? You like the taste of sweat that much?"

I nodded and licked my lips, ready for fresh dick. Vince pulled my hair and shoved me back into his crotch, forcing my nose down into his wet pubes. I took a deep whiff of his musk and felt the Latino start fidgeting, his heavy dick dragging my ass from side to side.

"There's more man in this sack than you'll ever be, whore. I want you to look right at it and say `thank you' into my balls. Say it, you worthless bitch."

I gazed lovingly at Vince's crotch. "Thank you," I cooed.

Vince thrust his dick in my mouth and started playing with my hair, waiting patiently for me to do my job. I was immediately drunk on the taste of another man. My body tried to reach orgasm and the pain in my dick nearly paralyzed me. His warm, heavy cock rested on the length of my tongue. I waited for my crotch to stop throbbing and then sucked Vince all the way to his balls, straining to savor as much of him as I could.

I felt the Latino's thick cock slide almost all the way out and then slam back into me, sending a shooting pain up my spine. He made up for lost time by fucking me hard and fast, impaling me again and again from tip to base. Every thrust sent me flying forward, while the humbler's vicious, painful grip on my ball-sack forced me to hop back into position for him again and again.

The raw power of the birthday boy's thrusts made me clutch Vince's ass for dear life, struggling to breathe as Vince's cock went flying down my throat with each of his friend's punishing thrusts. I was already sobbing deeply into Vince's wet crotch, hoping I would black out soon. I finally had his cock in my mouth and couldn't even enjoy it because of the pain. The cock rings tightened around my dick, keeping me alert. My tortured cock bounced helplessly beneath me to the beat of his friend's ruthless pounding.

Vince just laughed at my pain and pulled carelessly at my hair while the partygoers all tugged at their dicks. The Latino's firm pelvis slapped against my bare butt, making a loud thwack with every thrust. Vince got impatient and started thrusting to the rhythm while I bounced forward and back like some kinky wind-up toy. They were enjoying every minute of it, breaking my body and my spirit from both ends.

Vince was the first to cum, shooting a thick stream straight down my throat. I tried to swallow as much as I could, but the Latino's thrusts bounced it around in my mouth, making me drool warm, salty jizz onto the ground in front of the spectators. As soon as he was finished he backed away and looked down at me, smiling smugly. My face was twisted with agony and drenched with tears, sweat, and cum.

"Take off his cock rings," said Vince. "This scrawny pussy might faint if we leave them on."

I felt the Latino's sweaty hand at my crotch. The rings came off and I felt a surge of pressure as my dick shot out a continuous stream of hot fluids. My entire body trembled and a low, guttural moan rose up from my throat. The birthday boy fucked me like a piston while my orgasm drove my ass into contractions, forcing my worn out hole to swallow him down. I wailed with pleasure as a second wave shot out of me, my abdomen heaving and my muscles burning, working hard to shoot out every last drop.

I could feel heat on my back and saw that Vince's guests had surrounded my naked body, several of them now unleashing their loads on me. I moaned and writhed while waves of cum washed over me, drenching me from my shoulders to my ass. The partygoers baptized me in their warm, thick juices, excitedly covering me while they grunted out rude comments about Vince's filthy little slut.

I wanted to lift my torso and let them bathe my front, too. I wanted to rub my hands through it and spread it all over my neck and my chest, to show them all how desperate my whore body was for more. But the humbler was still tugging violently at my sack, forcing me to stay bent over while the birthday boy churned my insides with his thick, throbbing shaft. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming and my body twitched with every new sensation, shuddering as the fluids dripped down my legs, arms, and sides. I felt a drop snake its way around my body, teasing my sensitive nipple before falling off onto the ground.

My ecstasy was cut short when the Latino sped up and opened me like a power drill, the humbler threatening to tear my balls off with his every movement. His cock's brutal pounding tossed me forward again and again, the searing pain coming back to me in waves as my orgasm faded.

When he finally came, it was like I'd been held open over a geyser. It shot up into me at full force, the heat of his cum cooking my insides and softening me up while he continued his assault. Even mid-orgasm, he kept slamming his rock-hard dick in and out, grinding against the walls of my rectum while his juices lubed me up with each thrust.

I squealed and trembled beneath him like a frightened animal, amazed at the heat of his body, at his raw persistent fucking. The feeling of his beefy cock gliding in and out of my hole twisted my face into a comical open-mouthed grin, unable to hide my perverse satisfaction. I rammed my hips into his thrusts, eager to suck his thick hose dry, ignoring the aching in my balls.

When he was finally done, I looked up at Vince. A wet slutty smile was pasted onto my face. Vince's eyes were shining, cruel and commanding. His friend's birthday party had been a big success, all thanks to me, and he shared his sick grin proudly. The thought of Vince being proud of me gave me an addictive high. My wet, naked, sex-crazed body had driven his guests wild. I knew that they'd be gushing about this for years, about the best party they'd ever been to.

Vince walked around me as his Latino friend flopped out. He ignored the rush of cum from my ass and carefully detached the humbler. My balls swung lazily back into place, the blood rushing back into them while I let out a weak moan. He then patted my butt cheek as if to thank me for a job well done, tossed a towel onto the floor nearby, and told me I could use his shower.

By now my body had cooled down and my mind had cleared. I looked over at the towel, paralyzed with shame. I couldn't lift my head because I was too ashamed and confused to face the onlookers. Vince's guests waited anxiously for me to move. Finally I grabbed the towel and dashed out of the room without looking up. I heard clapping and chuckling as I retreated to the bathroom.

By the time I'd finished my shower, Vince's guests were already gone and the apartment was quiet. He was bent to one knee, cleaning the floor quietly with a towel. I blushed, realizing that the entire puddle had been centered on me, nude, only minutes before. When Vince saw me he stood up and walked over to one of the chairs, silently handing me my thong. I slipped it on and cringed when he handed me my car keys.

"Sir, may I please have the rest of my clothes, Sir?"

"No, you may not."

I was speechless but I knew I had no right to defy him. I lowered my head and stood patiently while he handed me my wallet and cell phone, then walked sheepishly out into the night in just my slutty purple thong. When the door closed behind me, I realized that he'd kept my cock rings and butt plug. I thought about going back for them, but I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door. The brisk night air against my damp skin made me feel violated, vulnerable. I walked to my car as quickly as I could and got in, wincing when my ass touched the seat.

Back at the dorm I had to endure another round of humiliation as I passed by all the immature students. They whistled and cheered at the resident whore's sexy lingerie. My bulge bounced around carelessly in the thong, pushed up for my peers. An army of excited young men ogled my exposed butt cheeks as I walked through the lobby.

They laughed and mocked me, high-fiving their buddies and racing around each other to try and get a better view. I kept my head down and walked quickly. With every step I took my dick got harder. The chattering crowd took notice and teased me mercilessly. I had to push my way through as a whole slew of hormonal young men grabbed at me, their hands grazing against my chest, my ass, even my crotch. At one point someone managed to hook his finger into my bikini. I struggled while my boner popped up into plain sight, red and throbbing, posing proudly for a fleet of flashing cell phones.

I was almost to my room when I ran into the guy from earlier, the one who'd tried to pants me for his friends. He and his posse stopped me, demanding that I moon them. They refused to budge, so I turned and did as they asked. I even spread the cheeks instinctively with my hands, a skanky paragon of obedience. They burst out laughing when they saw my hole, making crude comments about how loose and gross it looked. I fought back my tears while they surrounded me and took photos of it, talking excitedly about what the other students were going to think of me.

They finally gave me permission to keep walking and sent me away, one of them smacking my ass as I walked past. I blushed when I saw that the growing crowd had gathered around us, pushing and shoving to see what all the fuss was about. I somehow managed to ram my way through all of the fussing, perverted residents, ignoring their rough hands and nasty gestures while I forced my way to my dorm room.

Jack pushed the last few away from me and dragged me into the room, slamming the door in their faces. He then waited for the knocking and laughter to subside. Jack stood with his arms crossed and glared at me, focusing first on the prevalent bulge in my thong and then on my face.

"So I see you're making a spectacle of yourself. Again. You always get this hard when random guys molest you?"

I nodded sheepishly, unable to make eye contact.

"Whip it out," he ordered. I was too stunned to react. "You heard me. You want to be humiliated, right? So take that shit off and get it out of your system."

"I—are you gonna watch me? It's—it's embarrassing to—"

"Pump that fucking thing. Get all the horny out of your system right now."

I wanted to explain that it wasn't a punishment. I wanted to admit that having Jack stand there in his boxers while I masturbate would feel like an early Christmas. It was too humiliating to say out loud. Jack kept his arms crossed and his body stiff while I let the thong fall to my feet. My dick was at full attention and my face was beet red, but I was happy to obey him.

He didn't show any expression when I started rubbing my shaft softly. I licked my lips and pumped, my eyes transfixed on his naked chest. Jack just stared straight back at me like a statue, seemingly immune to my lustful moaning. My free hand played with my nipples, massaged my sack, and fingered my sore ass. I was trying to arouse him, to get some sort of reaction, but he ignored my every attempt. My knees quivered and I finally fell down onto them, still admiring Jack's sculpted physique.

"I can't finish," I groaned.

Jack frowned and dropped his boxers, letting his long flaccid dick fall into view. "Finish up or find somewhere else to sleep," he said sternly. "You're not allowed to be horny while I'm asleep. Not after the shit you pulled tonight."

After several minutes of staring vacantly into Jack's dick, I finally managed to cum. It wasn't satisfying. It was accompanied by more shame and guilt than satisfaction. Jack forced me to masturbate two more times before finally going back to his homework. I was exhausted but he was satisfied that my limp, aching cock couldn't cause any more trouble for him that night.

Next: Chapter 3

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