By V.V Vidal

Published on Jun 18, 1999



I shut off the lawn mower angrily as I heard his voice again.

"Dammit kid, what the hell do you think your doing?" his voice boomed across his front lawn.

"Sorry Mr. Crawford," I said through gritting teeth.

What I wouldn't do to take this lawn mower and mow over his face with it, I thought.

Rich bastard.

Mr. Crawford moved swiftly towards me and placed his hand on the blades of his lawn mower.

"You almost cost me a new lawn mower kid, go easy on it. Don't you know how to mow a lawn?!" he said sighing.

I looked down at him, wanting so bad to turn on the lawn mower. To watch his hands bleed when he realizes the blades sliced through them. It wasn't my fault that his ass couldn't take care of his own lawn without hiring someone else to do it. I wish he would stop calling me kid.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and brushed my blond hair back with my hand. It must be 100 degrees out here. At least he could offer me a drink. But Mr. Crawford wasn't that kind of person. Rich and a lonely prick was the best way to describe him.

"Listen kid---,"

"My name is Tyler," I said, almost yelling my name.

"Tyler. You haven't done anything, I'm not gonna pay you 20 bucks for this lousy job," Mr. Crawford said.

"The deal was 25 bucks, and what do you mean you are not gonna pay me. I need the money!!" I cried.

"Hell my dog could have done better than this," Mr. Crawford said standing up.

Standing up close to Mr. Crawford made me feel like I was a little kid again. Mr. Crawford was about 6'2" and probably weighed 190. All in muscle. He wasn't out of shape to be 36. His black hair was cut short, just above his ears.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, I needed the money. He knew my mom was strapped for cash and she got laid off at her job. He knew that. Suddenly my grief was replaced with anger. I could have hit Mr. Crawford right there, but I wasn't a match for him. He could have easily knocked me out. I stormed off his property quickly.

"Better luck next time kid!" I heard his voice in the background call. I had the urge to just turn around and tell him to 'fuck off' but that was the problem with me. I held back.

When I got home I was surprised to see my mom in the kitchen sitting at the table.

"Tyler. You back from Mr. Crawford's already?" she asked looking up at me.

"I hate him," I said about to go to my room.

"He called today," my mom said before I could walk away.

"Who called?" I asked.

"You know Erin,"

"Eric mom. His name is Eric. Not Erin. And he's my boyfriend," I said. She still couldn't bring herself to terms with me going out with another guy. I didn't tell her I was gay until after I met Eric. That was 2 years ago when I was 17. She was shocked at first. She didn't want to talk about it, but then she came to terms that there was nothing she could do about it. It was still hard on her I suspected, but what could I do. I am her only son, and I can't help the way I felt. I knew it for a long time before he told her. I read somewhere that they always know it for a long time.

"I know, sorry. Eric called. I just had a lost of thought, that's all," she said.

I bent down and kissed my mom on the forehead.

"I'm going to my room," I said.

I opened my bedroom door and laid back on the bed.

The phone rang. I reached over and picked up the phone quickly.




"Hey man, It's me Eric!"

"Eric, I was just thinking about you," I cried, "How's your Aunt?"

"She's not doing too well. I called you earlier, because I wanted to tell you that I won't be coming home for the summer."

I felt my heart sink. There was a silence.


"I'm still here."

"What are you thinking?"

"What the hell do you think I'm thinking Eric," I yelled into the phone.

There was another pause.

"Why can't you come home?" I asked.

"My aunt is getting worse. The doctors said that stroke has brought this on, and the drugs aren't helping. I got to stay with her. I know you hate this, and I hate it to, but she's my aunt."

"I'm sorry Eric."

"Listen I have to go," Eric said quickly.

I heard a loud laugh in the background. Like a guy's laugh.

"I'll keep in touch with you Tyler. I love you. Bye," Eric said.

All I heard was the steady dialing tone on the other end. I wanted Eric. I wanted to feel him, be near him. Feel his warm breath near my ear.

I slammed my fist into a pillow. Damn him!

I left my room quickly. I needed to take a break.

"Where are you going?" my mom asked as I was about to leave the house.

"To take a walk. I'll be back." I said.

"Are you okay? Who was on the phone? Was that Eric?" she asked.

"What are you a detective?" I yelled not meaning to.

She looked hurt.

"Sorry mom," I mumbled, "I just need a break I'll be back."

I hurried out the door and nearly ran down the street. I needed to get away from everyone. First Mr. Crawford and now Eric. I guess I was too far away in my thoughts because the next thing I knew I was hearing a honking sound and the squeal of a car. I was out in the middle of the street and a white camero was stopped a few inches from me. The car door opened.

"Oh shit! Hey are you alright?" a young guy asked coming out of the car and walking over to me.

I nodded slowly.

"Damn I didn't see you. You just jumped out in front of me, I could have hit you," he said his voice coming out in quick sputters.

"I'm sorry," I said. That's all I could come up with to say to him. I looked at him for a sec. He looked about 19 or so, black curly hair, big brown eyes, and a wide mouth. He looked cute in a sad puppy dog kinda way.

"Man my first day in this town and I almost wreck my car and worse almost kill someone," he said rubbing his hand through his hair.

"You're new here?" I asked.

"Yeah, my name is Glen," he said reaching out to shake my hand.

"I'm Tyler," I said greeting his hand. His hands felt soft and warm.

"Nice to meet you," I said quickly, "I'll be going now. Umm--mm maybe I'll run into you or something."

I walked off quickly. I felt foolish for almost getting hit by a car. He wasn't all that bad looking either. I spent the rest of my walk thinking about Eric.

The next day I didn't expect to run into Glen, but we did. This time he wasn't trying to run over me. He happened to be in the park, where I spent my time thinking.

"Hey," he said waving.

"Hi," I said.

There was an awkward silence between us.

"So, is this what people call in this town the 'hang out' spot?" he said.

"Hey it isn't the best place, but it's nice here. Where you from, some place big?" I asked.

I learned that he was from L.A. and he to move here because of the divorce with his parents. He didn't want to leave his mom alone he explained. I found out a lot more about him as the days went by. Like all the girls he had been with. And how some of them were just cheap flings and his romances with other girls. I didn't tell him I was gay, and I didn't think it was any of his business, but I knew the subject was gonna turn to me when he asked who I was with.

"Erica?" Glen asked, "That's her name? Sounds like a ringer."

"She is. She's a beautiful person. Smart and funny. Great in bed," I said smiling. I didn't totally lie. I just stretched the truth.

Me and Glen mostly spent the next few weeks doing 'guy things.' Like hanging out and watching movies and talking. The more I hung around Glen, the more I started to really like him. I wanted him. Eric slipped away to the back of my mind.

"Come on, do it!" Glen commanded.

"No! I can't, it's wrong," I giggled. We were at Glen's house making prank phone calls. I spent most of my time there, since Glen's mom was away for the week. My mom asked me if there was anything going on between me and Glen. I said no, that we were just friends. She asked me about Eric, and I told her, that me and Glen were just friends, and that I was still with Eric. Although he drifted away from my mind.

"Okay, I'll do it!" I said dialing a number that I picked from a phone book. Sally Hank, I thought.

"Hello?" a lady's voice answered.

"Hi, is Sally there?" I said trying not to giggle. Glen knelt close to me so we could hear from the phone. He was too trying not to laugh. I looked at him.

"This is Sally," she said.

"Hi, Sally remember last night?" I said almost laughing.

"What? Who the hell is this?"

"It's Glen."

Glen's eyes suddenly went wide. He mouthed "I'm gonna kick your ass". I tried to control myself.

"Don't you remember me Sally, I pumped my dick into your tight little pussy. It was sooo good," I said.

"You pervert!" she yelled and hung up.

I immediately started laughing.

"You jerk!" Glen cried putting me in a headlock.

I put my arm around his waist trying to break free.

"Let go of me!" I cried, he was too strong for me to break free from his grip.

"Say your sorry!" he said tightening his grip around me.

"Sorry!" I said laughing. He let me go. Then I punched him on his arm and ran upstairs to his room. I locked the door quickly. His room was plain. A little desk in the corner with a tv and vcr. Clothes were cluttered on the floor. He pounded on his door.

"Open this damn door! It's my room!!" he yelled.

I walked over to his desk and opened a drawer.

"I wondered what's in here," I yelled loud enough for him to hear me, "A tape! I wonder what kind of tape this is."

I popped the tape in the vcr and pressed play. I turned the tv on. On the screen appeared a girl sucking a guy's huge cock. The pounding stopped.

I opened the door and Glen bursted in, and was about to pound me until he looked at the screen. He stopped and sat on the bed.

Wow, I thought, he reminded me of a dog that calms down after you give it a bone (no pun intended).

The scene on the porno suddenly switched to the man ramming his huge cock into the girl's pussy. I had a real huge hard-on. I watched from the corner of my eye and saw Glen stroking his dick through his pants.

Must be effecting him too, I thought.

Glen suddenly got up and took off his shirt and pants. I tried not to notice that he was only in his boxers, but how could I not.

Then Glen took his boxers off and laid back on the bed.

He is naked, I thought. My heart started to pound faster.

Glen shut his eyes began to rub his cock up and down.

"I hope you don't mind," he murmured.

"No," I said quietly looking at his cock. He looked like he was about eight inches. His cock was glistening with sweat and had a little pre-cum on the tip. I was intrigued by what he was doing. Glen rubbed his cock slowly with long strokes. His bucked a little and his breathing was faster.

He let out soft moans.

I undressed careful not to disturb him. Soon I was laying on the bed naked with him. I rubbed my swelling cock. I was a little bigger than him.

By an inch I suspected. I didn't realize what I was doing until I touched his cock with my hand. His eyes opened quickly and he stared at me. I rubbed him slowly up and down. He moved his hands away from his cock and he let me take over. He started to buck a little faster as I rubbed his cock up and down with long strokes. I felt his balls and gently rubbed them. I kissed the tip of his cock, while I pumped quickly up and down his shaft. He let out a low groan and grabbed my hands and held them on his cock. Cum squirted out onto our hands. He relaxed and shut his eyes. I couldn't take it any longer. I laid back and began to stroke my cock. I pumped fast wanting to come so badly. I still had his cum on my hand. I rubbed it on my cock. I almost jumped when I felt another pair of hands on my cock. I leaned up to see Glen rubbing the tip of my cock. I let my hands slowly drop and Glen rubbed my cock with quick strokes up and down. I was bucking harder as his strong hands were feeling up and down my cock. I suddenly felt something warm on my cock. I looked down to see his lips were engulfing me. He slowly sucked the tip of my cock as he pumped up and down my cock with his hands. I couldn't stand it. I let out a soft cry and exploded in his mouth. Cum dribbled down his chin. I shut my eyes and began to fall asleep. I was exaughsted and my hair was matted on my forehead. Before I drifted off, I thought about Eric.

Two days later I tried to call him, but no one was answering. I went to his house and no one was there. I couldn't believe what I was going through. I had feelings for him and I knew that I really did love him. I finally found him, he was in the park with some other guys. When he saw me, he said something to his friends. He came up to me and pulled me aside.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked, his voice low.

"Who are they?" I asked looking at the other group of guys. He pulled me farther away onto the other side of the park.

"What do you want?" he said.

"I wanted to talk to you, I missed you. I couldn't find you, I tried calling---"

"Wait, what happened between me and you, it wasn't anything, it was just something that happened. In fact it didn't happen at all. Got that!" he said keeping his voice low.

I was stunned and hurt.

"What do you mean it didn't happen?! I know what happened. I just wanted to talk!" I yelled.

He looked back to see if anyone was watching.

"Keep quiet!" he said, "Listen I'm not a queer or anything."

"Who jerked me off!!" I said slowly, tears were forming in my eyes.

He fell silent.

"Who jerked me off!!!" I said this time louder.

His eyes narrowed at me.

"You and me--we aren't--"

"But I am, I'm gay. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't" I said, "I can't help falling in love with you."

Glen backed away from me.

"Get away from me you queer!" he yelled backing away. I watched him walk away from me. I left the park quickly. I was angry at him. I wanted to bash his face in right there in the park. But I didn't want to risk it with Glen's friends around.

Why? I thought. The tears fell on my cheeks as I walked. I started to walk past Mr. Crawford's place. I saw him in the yard trying to get the lawn mower started.

"Shit!" he cursed. He turned around and saw me.

"Hey kid, get in here!" he called.

"Fuck off!" I cried walking past his place quickly. He looked stunned and surprised that I had actually cursed at him.

"Where's your little boyfriend?" he yelled.

I stopped walking and turned around. I charged at him and pushed him with all my might. He fell to the ground. I got on top of him and was about to punch him when he grabbed my arm and threw me off of him. He picked me up by my shirt and drew me close to his face, I could smell his sweet breath.

"You wanna fight kid!" he said breathing hard, "Come on!"

He let go of me and pushed me back a little.

I swung my fist and it connected with his jaw. He staggered back a little. He lunged at me, and tackled me to the ground. He got on top of me and pinned my shoulders to the ground. He laughed at me.

"So you are a little fairy," he chuckled.

All I could do was cry. I was upset with him and with Glen and with Eric for not being there.

"Fuck off you asshole!" I sputtered angrily. He got off of me and helped me up. I wiped the tears from my face.

"I hate you!" I yelled. He just stood there staring at me.

"You're bleeding," he said.

I touched my lower lip. Sure enough blood was there. Mr. Crawford walked in his house. I followed him up his porch steps.

"Stay there, I'll get you something," he said.

A few minutes later he appeared outside with a cloth wrapped in ice. I sat on his porch. I touched the ice pack to my lip. It hurt a little, but I was still angry. I noticed he was rubbing his jaw where I hit him.

"Didn't know you had it in you kid," he said, taking a sip of some water, "Nice hit."

I sat there silent.

"So what made you burst, when I talked about your little boyfriend or was it just pent up anger from me not paying you the other day," Mr. Crawford said wiping his forehead. His sweat matted his black hair down.

"He isn't my boyfriend," I said slowly getting all angry over again. "Get away from me you queer!." I kept replaying those words Glen said over and over in my mind.

"Well then what is he?" Mr. Crawford asked.

"No one!" I cried. I could feel the anger and hurt rise again in my chest, "Why do you wanna know! Why do you care who I'm with!"

Mr. Crawford fell silent.

I took the ice pack away from my lip.

"You're just a jerk! And I hate you!" I cried. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes again, "You're nothing but a coward, and you think that just because you have money you have the right to treat my like I'm dirt!"

Mr. Crawford smiled. I just started sobbing all over again.

"When are you gonna learn to grow up kid!" Mr. Crawford said.

"My name is Tyler dammit! Tyler!!" I yelled. I threw the ice pack on the ground, "I'm not a little kid!"

"Well the stop acting like a kid!" he yelled back, "You wanna go prance around with your gay friends, that's fine with me, but you're gonna have to learn to tough things out and take control of your life."

"You have no idea what's going on in my life!" I sobbed, "No idea!!"

"No, I don't, and I really don't care, but I do know, that you have to learn to stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on. Whatever is happening to you right now, doesn't have to stay that way unless you take control!"

"I can't," I said looking at him.

"You did today right now when you fought me. Stop building up anger and don't hold back. Don't let yourself lose control," Mr. Crawford said.

Mr. Crawford put his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen kid, Tyler, there are gonna be some bad times in your life, but you just have to tough it out. You sit up here crying ain't gonna help it."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at him. For the first time in my life I actually saw something in Mr. Crawford, that I never saw before. He wasn't just some grumpy jerk, who had too much money than he knew what to do with. He was a person, and he couldn't deal with his own life.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked getting up. "Because you're a bright kid, you know the truth, but your too stupid to listen to it, and I knew that, when I first saw you, take it from me, life ain't easy, but don't let yourself hurt. I spent 15 years doing it," he said quietly.

He was right, I thought, I didn't need Eric or Glen. They both hurt me, and I was letting them hurt me by not saying anything. I knew the truth about Eric he wasn't staying with his Aunt. But I chose to ignore it.

I got up and walked over to Mr. Crawford's lawn mower. I got it started for him and mowed the lawn. We probably would still gripe at each other, but I didn't care. I learned something about myself that summer and I learned things about Mr. Crawford, he wasn't just a bad guy, he was feeling sorry for himself, and this was his only way of being some what nice.

Over the next course of events that happened over the summer were amazing.

My mom found a job, and we had a little money now. Mr. Crawford found a girlfriend that seemed to be as snooty and money hungry as he was, but they were perfect together. I still mow his lawn, and we still gripe at each other. Eric was dumped by his so called new boyfriend. He found his boyfriend with a women. I was secretly pleased. Glen went to prison for an assault with a deadly weapon. Last I heard he was the new prison bitch. And as for me, I'm happy.


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