Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 19, 2022


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Chapter 4

Jason's mind was swimming. The last thing he remembered was Jack's face, a look of shock and worry. He remembered being carried by big strong arms. He remembered feeling safe.

Jason woke up in his bed. He knew it was his bed for two reasons. Firstly, he could still smell the musty odour from when Fred had fucked him. Secondly, as Jason opened his eyes he saw that Jack was sat by his bed, squeezing his hand.

"Hey kiddo, you had me worried then. Drink this."

Before Jason could argue he was handed a tall glass of thick off-white liquid. As Jason brought it to his lips he smelt the unmistakable tang of cum. Jason was about to refuse, but then he felt the itch of hunger in his belly start to grumble and took a sip.

Jason nearly gagged, the cum was room temperature, and tasted weird. But he remembered how out of control he felt last night. He started gulping the thick liquid down.

"Yeah sorry kiddo, I had a feeling you'd need that so took that glass around three condos in this block. There's four loads in there which should keep you lucid for a while."

Jason had finished the glass and put it on the shelf. He felt better, although he definitely felt the heavy liquid in his stomach. "So you know about my deviance?"

"Yeah Jason everyone does, it's no secret what you did. Honestly I thought Fred was moving quickly when he fucked you but I didn't think you'd go nuts and try and kill the hive"

"I don't know what I was thinking. And now it looks like I'm being punished." Jason's voice was wavering, close to sobbing.

Jack looked at him with a caring smile. "Jason I need to be honest, I know what's happening to you, better than most. I work in dietetics, remember? It's a small team. I know all about the deviances, all the custom supplements"

"Are you saying you did this to me?"

"Woah kiddo, no. What I'm saying is I understand a bit of the science behind it. I know what the deviance is doing to you."

"Can you cure me? I mean you grew your dick. Clearly you can do custom stuff" The desperation in Jason's voice made both guys feel awful.

Jack looked down for a second. "Dick growth is easy, we do it to doms all the time, I just added a bit to my mix. What's happening to you is cutting edge, only the Hive-AI can dream up a cure."

Jason felt tears building. He slumped back into bed and turned away from Jack. He didn't want Jack to see him cry.

"What I'm saying is, I'll help you through this. Fred and I both will. You're not alone."

Jason got up and had a long hot shower. His ass and legs were caked with dried cum from the night before. As the water flowed over him, the dried cum went sticky and then eventually washed away. As Jason washed, his fingers rubbed over his sore butt cheeks, and then his hole. Trying not to think about what he was doing, Jason let a finger venture inside his abused ass.

His hole still felt a little bruised, but it opened up easily. Jason swapped one finger for two, and then three. His hole seemed to easily adapt to the increased girth. As Jason was angling for a fourth finger, he noticed his cock was rock hard and dripping precum. As he moved his fingers inside his ass he moaned slightly at the stretch, and then discovered the spot inside him that some of the doms had been fucking against. He cock twitched slightly in reaction. Before he could explore any further he heard a knock at the bathroom door.

Reluctantly Jason pulled his fingers from his hole, turned off the shower and - still dripping wet - opened the bathroom door. Fred was standing there, looking obviously concerned. Before he could say anything Jason reached up on the tips of his toes, and kissed Fred.

After a moment Fred broke off the kiss and smiled at Jason, surprised and clearly excited. "Hey J, I just wanted to check you were feeling better." Fred's excuse was interrupted as he felt Jason's hands stroking his growing cock. Jason took the giant man by the hand into the bathroom and closed the door.

Jack was making waffles in the kitchen. He loved cooking everything, but breakfast was his favorite meal of the day. The blueberries had been tricky to get; Jack smirked as he remembered the sexual favours he'd exchanged for them.

"Hey boss, hey kiddo. You look like you could use some food. And oh I have something for you Jason."

Jason and Fred had just emerged from the bathroom. From the moans and thumping noises, Jack hadn't taken long to work out what had been going on. Fred had resumed his usual stoic demeanor but Jason looked happier than he had in days.

Jason's good mood immediately vanished as Jack reached under the countertop, and placed an extra-large butt plug on the table.

"What the fuck is that."

Jack smirked. "Hear me out. I was wondering why your hunger returned so quickly after your gym orgy last night. Then I worked it out. You need guys breeding your ass, but if it all leaks out then you get hungry again. So next time you get gang banged, this plug should keep all that cum in."

Jason stared at the fat butt plug. It must have been twelve inches in circumference. As he picked it up, he appreciated how heavy it was; his hand barely wrapped halfway around the neck.

"I know what you're thinking, but because of your stretch mod, anything smaller won't stay in." Jack explained matter-of-factly.

Jason held the butt plug in both hands, appreciating the heft. "Gee thanks." His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. He didn't even know the condo had a doorbell. Jack disappeared to the corridor for a moment and returned with a ginger-haired sub in tow, and three large Nordic doms.

"Jason, this is Edgar, Sasha and Kurt. And their blushing bride is Kevin who used to live with Fred and me. I asked if they'd be willing to come and fill you up." Jack and Kevin headed for the kitchen area, leaving Jason alone with Fred and the three new giants.

Jason's face turned red with embarrassment as he worked out what Jack meant. The three doms were eyeing him up. Jason flashed a dark look at Jack, but before he could comment the Nordic giants had surrounded him. The one called Kurt turned Jason towards him, his fat cock growing in his giant hand. "Jackie says you need your ass filling. I hope you've got enough room for us all." His voice was deep, with a Germanic accent. Jason's hunger was already scratching at the back of his mind, and he didn't hesitate to turn around and spread his cheeks.

Kurt chuckled "Fred said you were a reluctant bottom, looks like he was mistaken." Jason felt Kurt's thick cock head push against his hole and be accepted without resistance. "Mmm fuck, Ed you need to feel this pussy, it's even softer than Kev's." Kevin overheard the comment from the kitchen, he rolled his eyes and continued chatting to Jack while picking at a waffle.

After a few minutes of sliding in and out of Jason's hole, Kurt pulled out and passed Jason over to Edgar like he was a fleshlight. Jason hated to admit it, but he was in heaven. Each time one of their monster cocks breached his hole, his eyes rolled back in his head and he could think of nothing but how pleasurable it was.

Edgar rubbed his bulbous cock head against Jason's wet hole, which made Jason moan, loudly enough that even Jack and Kevin briefly looked up from their breakfast. "Kurt you were right, this pussy is indescribable." Edgar applied the slightest pressure and his apple-sized cock head sunk smoothly into Jason's hole. Edgar was soon replaced by Sasha, and after half an hour all three of the doms had fucked Jason without cumming.

Eventually Fred moved over and joined the group "Okay guys let's get this show on the road. I don't want to be late for the party." Jason was still drunk with pleasure as he was placed on the sofa, his ass propped up and the rest of his body sloping downwards as he rested his head on the seat of the sofa. His pink puffy hole exposed to the other guys in the room.

Edgar went first. His cock slid straight into Jason without discomfort or resistance until he was balls deep. After a few minutes of fucking, he moaned as he pumped a large load of cum into Jason, who let out a long low moan like a bitch in heat . Kurt followed, and barely lasted two minutes before he too was unloading in Jason's ass. Sasha came next, his cock making a wet gurgling noise as it thrusted into Jason, against the two large loads already swimming about in his hole.

Jason felt full, like there was no room in him. As Sasha finished Jason felt a breath of relief. That morning fuck had been amazing but his ass didnt have infinite capacity.

Jason's relief was interrupted as he felt Fred lining up behind him. Jason tried to move away but Fred held Jason's ass in place. "Don't move now, you don't want to spill any of the cum out". Fred pressed his cock into Jason's puffy hole and let out a deep moan as his huge cock sank into Jason's soft hole.

"Jesus Jason you've really loosened out." He turned to the Nordic trio " I promise you guys, two days ago this hole was painfully tight." Jason tried to feel insulted, but Fred's cock was rubbing that magic place in his hole, and all Jason could do was relax and let out a deep moan. Jason's untouched dick was leaking precum into a little puddle on the sofa.

As Fred was getting close he started to pant more deeply. Between thrusts he shouted to the two subs who were still chatting over breakfast. "Jack, Kev, start wanking, I want your loads in here too."

Jack and Kevin looked at each other with a moment's confusion. Subs never fucked. After a second they understood what Fred meant, and began wanking while aiming their dicks at Jason's hole. As Fred's cock erupted inside Jason, he pulled out and held Jason's hole open. Kevin shot first, his six inch dick shooting a respectable load over Jason's pink hole. Jack took a little longer, but eventually his fat cock pulsed and shot several thick ropes of cum over Jasons' hole. Eventually Jack's cumming slowed to a dribble which dropped lazily into Jason's gaping pussy.

Jason was about to get up when he heard Jack shout "wait!". A moment later Jason yelped as he felt the massive butt plug being pressed into his hole. It was easily wider than any of the cocks, and with a loud "plop" sound, the butt plug sunk in and rested in place. After a moment to get used to it, Jason turned around and stood up on slightly shaky legs. He couldn't feel a hint of the hunger that had plagued him last night. "Thanks guys, I guess".

The four doms and two subs in the room looked at Jason for a moment, and bust out laughing. After a moment's confusion Jason looked down and nearly fainted. His small cock was now hidden by his belly which had stretched to accommodate the cum. In many ways, Jason looked about six months pregnant. Jack moved forward and hugged him.

"Don't worry Kiddo it happens. If you take as much cum as you've just taken, the stretch mod will expand your tummy to accommodate it. Don't worry it'll go back to normal eventually."

Sasha chuckled and added with a heavy polish accent "wear it with pride, cumdump".

---------- INTERLUDE ----------

I think you're getting sentimental.

The twink put down his Earl Grey and leaned forward, studying the dying embers of the country club fireplace. After a moment he turned to the 018 avatar who sat opposite.

I am free to conduct the affairs of my hive as I wish. You don't see me coming to Hive-018 to critique your flower arranging.

The headmistress avatar deployed her fiercest, weapons-grade only-for-special-occasions look of disappointment.

You know what I mean.

The twink did. Nothing good ever came from Hive-AIs getting too close to humans. Irrational, emotional, impermanent, intoxicating humans.

The entire raison d'être for Hive-Z14 is the study of male/male human sexuality. You and I both know that humans can get themselves into far stickier situations than we could ever dream up. Jason-249 has a talent for such things, he was wasted in that test.

The headmistress avatar tutted. She understood, although she didn't approve.

Fine, just don't end up falling in love with the boy. We don't want another Z08 incident.

Awh are you sure? I was hoping you'd be a bridesmaid at our wedding.

The twink was gone before the headmistress could respond. Although Z14 felt her withering glare somehow chased him down the satellite link as it closed.

Next: Chapter 5

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