Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 21, 2022


Thank you for all your encouragement. Please keep the ideas and comments coming. And please buy the archivist a beer at Fair warning - I'm using this chapter for world building so there isn't as much sex. Normal servicing will resume in Chapter 6. Chapter 5

Jason was still beside himself with embarrassment. He stood in front of four huge men, and two subs. His tummy bulged obscenely outwards containing all of their cum, and an enormous butt plug was lodged in his pulsing hole.

As Edgar, Kurt, Sasha and Kevin started to leave, Jason was shocked see Jack and Fred were also heading towards the door. Fred grabbed Jason and led him out into the public concourse, ignoring his protests. "Come on cumdump, you don't want to miss the party."

Against his wishes, Jason was led through the public concourse towards the transport terminal. He passed several subs who stared at his engorged belly and giggled, along with several doms who leered with predatory smirks. None of them approached, possibly dissuaded by Jason's entourage of four hulking doms.

A standard four-seat transport pod arrived at the station. The four doms naturally sunk into the seats facing each other. Jack sat on Fred's lap, clearly grinding his ass against Fred's bulge to tease him. Kevin had sat opposite him, on Sasha's lap, although it looked like Sasha's hands were exploring Kevin's hole. Jason sat on the floor, his back against the pod wall opposite the door, and his legs spread outwards. It was the only position that was comfortable to both his swollen belly and the massive plug.

After a few minutes the pod arrived at the Apex.

Every hive is constructed as a pyramid, and the top of the pyramid is always reserved for a massive atrium, which holds a central plaza and events space. The Hive-Z14 Apex was a square, 300m on each side, with sloped glass walls rising to the true hive summit, high above the plaza center. The Apex was generously filled with gardens, trees, and countless food and drink vendors spread across two mezzanine levels. And today, they were having a party.

Jason gasped as he stared out across the Apex. Even in his old hive, the views never failed to take his breath away. Whereas his old hive rested in the middle of some great forest, it appeared that Hive-Z14 was by the coast. Behind him, grass and scrubland extended out to distant mountains. In front of him, the sun was setting over a great ocean, igniting a beautiful sunset which reflected off the ocean, and bathed the Apex in warm orange and red light.

Fred led the small group through the crowds to one of the mezzanine terraces, where the doms ordered drinks. Jason had never seen so many naked men, the plaza must have contained hundreds of people, a mix of doms and subs. The majority of partygoers matched the Hive-Z17 template, short slender subs were escorted around by 7ft muscle gods. There were some exceptions, some subs appeared to have a bit of muscle, with more of an otter build. One or two of the doms had clearly elected to skip the cutting cycles, and had thick bodies with round bellies. Looking at those bellies reminded Jason of his own embarrassing tummy.

As the group sat drinking, Jack looked up suddenly as if struck by a bolt of inspiration. "We should enter Jason in the piglet competition". Jason felt the rest of the group looking at him, Fred smiled wickedly, and the Nordic trio laughed and did a triple high-five.

"Whatever it is, no." Jason stated, in as serious a voice as he could, which was met by groans of disappointment and mock sadness. Fred saw right through it.

"Come on, you've actually got a good chance. You're entering".

Jason started to protest but Fred was already pulling him to his feet. They left the rest of the group drinking, and Fred dragged him into the bustling crowds of the mezzanine. Jason was nervous, but he'd stopped trying to argue with the giant dom.

The party had a carnival buzz to it, and there were clearly competitions, albeit with a Z14 twist.

"Greatest Gape" seemed to be various subs competing to see who could sit on the biggest dildo. Since all contestants used the stretch mod, the results were insane. Prizes were available for greatest length and greatest girth. A crowd of doms hooted and cheered in front of the stage.

"Best in Show" seemed to be a straightforward beauty contest, as subs were paraded on stage by their doms. Jason blushed when these exhibitions turned into sex shows, as the subs were expected to ride their doms to completion in front of the crowd.

Jason recognised "Piglet" as soon as he saw it. Two other young twinks were on stage, each one on all fours, and each one with a heavy belly. One of the "piglets" had pierced nipples, the other had a thick hoop through his nasal septum. As Jason watched he felt Fred behind him. Fred grabbed Jason by his waist and lifted him on to the stage to the roar of the crowd.

"Masters and sluts, we have ourselves another contestant!". A massive thickset dom with a Texan accent shouted from the edge of the stage. The audience replied with hooting and oinking.

After a few minutes the "competition" began. The Texan went from one piglet to the next, inspecting and describing the guy in front of him. Piglets were scored on how loudly the crowd applauded. Jason was made to stay on all fours, his heavy belly pulling his back into an alluring arch.

"First we have Adam-208, piglet of Derick-090. Derick has had Adam on a strict diet to fatten him up for this competition. You can see his impressive round ass and gorgeous belly. Gorgeous teats on this one too!" The crowd hooted and clapped.

"Next up Harry-217, piglet of James-116. Apparently this dirty little piglet has swallowed the piss of five men this evening, giving him an impressive tight belly." The crowed oinked in approval.

"Aaand finally, Jason-249-DEVIANT, piglet of Fred-034!" The crowd roared with a mix of hooting and boos. As Jason looked out he saw that Fred had been joined by Jack and the others who had come to spectate.

"According to his owner, little Jason's belly is swollen with six, count-em, SIX heavy loads inside him. Take a look at this plug." Jason jumped as the announcer picked up Jason and turned him so his ass was facing the audience, the flat base of the enormous butt plug exposed for all to see. Jason was so glad he didn't have to look at the crowd any more, if he did he might die of embarrassment. This day couldn't get any worse.

"What's that, dear audience, you want to take a closer look?" The announcer boomed, which was answered by a thunderous roar from the crowd. Jason's eyes widened as he felt the announcer grip the butt plug and pulled.

The crowd erupted with cheers as though a sports team had just scored. The announcer was holding the XXL-size butt plug in his hand like a trophy. Below, Jason's ass was pointed at the crowd, his pink hole was round and gaping open. The combined cum from six men leaking slowly out and onto the stage floor.

Jason had never felt so embarrassed. He put his head on the stage and covered his ears with his hands as he tried to block out the roar of the jubilant crowd. He tried to tense his hole to at least stop the dribble of cum, but whenever he relaxed, his hole gaped open again. After what seemed like an eternity, Jason felt the wide head of the plug pressing against his hole, which popped back in. Jason's hole instinctively tensed around it.

"Masters and sluts, it looks like we have a winner!".

Jason was eventually helped off the stage by the Nordic trio. He overheard Fred arguing loudly with the announcer off to the side of the stage. Something about "violation of exclusivity". When Fred returned he looked really angry, which in a 7ft tall muscle dom was scary. As soon as he looked at Jason his expression softened. "Sorry about that, I didn't expect him to pull your plug out. Dickhead. Anyway congrats. You won first place. Best piglet in show."

Jason smiled weakly. "Great, fantastic. Now somebody get me a drink before I shoot myself." Jack laughed and ran off in search of something alcoholic.

"By the way, you never asked about your prize". Edgar mentioned.


Edgar replied. "Yeah, any competition winner is granted an audience".

Jason looked puzzled. He hadn't really expected any sort of prize. Hives were borderline post-scarcity, and there was nothing they could really give him that he couldn't order and have delivered to the condo. "An audience with who?"

Jack returned and pushed a violently coloured cocktail into Jason's hand. His nonchalant voice failing to hide his obvious worry. "An audience with the hyper-intelligent AI that you tried to murder a few days ago."

"And what's a submind?" Jason asked before breakfast the next morning. Fred was out training as usual, and Jack was squatting in front of the oven, studiously focussed on the pastries which were slowly baking inside. Jason sat sideways on a barstool by the kitchen island. After a day of trying, he still couldn't sit normally with the enormous butt plug in him.

Jack replied without taking his eyes off his precious croissants. "Well take me right now, part of me is talking to you, and a smaller part of me is watching these tasty treats. The Hive-AI does the same trick. It splits off smaller, dumber versions of itself to handle the boring stuff, while it focuses on the important and interesting problems. It's like delegating, or a subconscious, if you prefer."

"So you're saying all this time I've just been dealing with subminds?" Jason asked.

"Basically, yeah. That glowing holographic text isn't a hotline to the main intelligence. It's basically a glorified email and answering machine. In the same way that our glorious AI overlord doesn't spend every second of every day consciously aware of every millilitre of piss coming through the hive urinals, or every millisievert of radiation blown in off the ocean."

"So an audience is..." Jason started.

"Ah!" Jack shouted. A moment later the croissants were out, and gently cooling on the countertop, under the careful supervision of Jack and Jason. "Sorry, yes. An audience means properly meeting Hive-Actual, not a submind. The real deal".

"Huh, fair enough." Jason wasn't really sure he understood. "So am I expecting what, an invitation to the palace, or maybe some purple holographic writing instead of yellow?"

"No idea. Sorry kiddo. Varies from hive to hive. Now help me put some of these croissants in a bag. I promised Kevin and the boys that I'd send some over"

Jason's old hive didn't have an "Audience", and had only ever expressed it's wishes by it's councillors or that fucking holographic text. In Hive-Z14 it sounded like the AI liked to sit down for tea and scones and chat. It sounded perverse to Jason.

"So yes, great honor etc. But what's the point of it?"

Jack hesitated as if trying to find words. "Well you get to ask stuff. Some people chat existential philosophy, some ask for a nicer condo. Think of it as choose-your-own-prize."

Jason was bored. Since deviation he didn't need to go to work any more, and it looked like Jack's butt plug idea had worked. Jason hadn't felt The Hunger in days. All Jason needed to do was make sure a dom or two nutted in him, and then - providing he kept the butt plug in - he was basically like normal. Well, normal enough.

It was mid-morning and Jason was starting to think about lunch. He was lying on the sofa, one leg ajar so the butt plug stayed comfortable. As he studied blank ceiling, his thoughts were interrupted by a "ding ding".



The golden text hovered above Jason's head for a few seconds as he stared impassively at the message. He was seriously considering not going, but his boredom and curiosity eventually won out.

The VS-1 terminal looked like any other hive transport terminal, except it was deserted.

Walking out of the transport VS-1 terminal, Jason realised he must be very deep down in the hive, near the foundations. The air was slightly warmer, and some of the walls appeared to be formed of solid natural rock. Jason walked through the only doorway available, which had "VS-1" written in golden letters, set into the polished grey stone wall.

The room ahead was total darkness, apart from a small patch of smooth black floor illuminated from high above. Jason's footsteps made no echo as he walked to the brightly lit patch, and he had no idea how big the room was. Staring into the perfect blackness ahead was disorienting. When Jason turned to leave, he realised the doorway he entered through had disappeared.

A voice spoke out. The sound dispelling the silence that had developed around Jason. It was a young guy's voice, with the hint of a french accent.

"Hello Jason. Long time."

In front of Jason was a twink. His hair was blonde and short, his skin had a light natural tan to it, and his eyes were an electric blue. He was Jason's height, and as he walked forwards towards Jason, they stood eye to eye. He had a smirk, like he was privately remembering some rude joke which he wasn't going to share.

The figure was dressed smartly, fashionably. A blue waistcoat was fastened over a pure white shirt. The shape of the waistcoat showing off a lean muscular back, narrow waist and an impressive butt which was framed by tailored dress pants. The white shirt was unbuttoned enough to show a smooth chest with the promise of defined pecs.

Jason frowned in confusion for a second. "Wait a minute, so you're..."

"Yes. I thought it's time we met. Face to face."

Jason was stunned. Ever since he arrived at Hive-Z14 he thought the AI was some damaged automaton. He'd never seen a hive-AI's avatar, and never imagined to find one hot. Now he was standing in front of the AI avatar, he didn't know if he wanted to punch him or kiss him, or both. "Is this a game to you?"

The Z14 avatar chuckled. "No, Jason. This isn't a game. Although that doesn't mean we can't have fun. Speaking of games, congratulations again on last night."

Jason felt a sudden vertigo. The floor beneath him disappeared. Far below them a brightly lit wooden stage seemed to be rushing up towards him at alarming speed. Jason forced his eyes shut just as he expected to be splatted against the stage floor. A moment later he opened his eyes and realised he was standing on the piglet stage.

Jason stood, bewildered. In front of him was the crowd of doms from last night. They were frozen, like a picture. After a moment, Jason realised that he was standing in a super-high resolution 3D recording from last night. He could see Fred, looking on with pride and some degree of nervousness. Jack was next to him, his arms wrapped around Fred's waist as he too stared up at the stage.

Jason turned around and saw what they were looking at. The piglet announcer, the great bear of a man, was standing in the center of the stage, his hand raised high above his head, clutching the massive butt plug like a trophy. Jason's ass instinctively tensed around the real plug, which was still stretching his hole.

Jason's face turned red as he saw the image of himself beneath the announcer. His ass totally exposed for the audience, and his puffy pink hole was gaping open, quivering slightly as it tried and failed to tighten up. A thick glob of cum was dribbling out of Jason's hole and onto the stage floor.

"That really was impressive." The hive avatar interjected. He had been slowly pacing at the back of the stage, but walked casually forward, bent down slightly and stuck a finger in the gaping asshole of the virtual Jason. He brought his finger to his lips and slowly sucked his finger, appreciating the taste.

"You know Jason, my mods mean that people can take monster cocks like they're nothing. My memetics have produced a functioning society of sluts, whores and perverts. But you, you have a natural talent. A truly innate ability for perversion, which I am ashamed to admit, is tricky to match."

Jason let his embarrassment turn to anger. "Oh fuck off your majesty. I don't care about any of that. I'm happy with Jack and Fred. Just leave me alone and let me be happy."

The avatar frowned. "Are you sure, you know I can give you pretty much anything? You could have Fred all to yourself. I could promote Jack to a dom. Anything."

"Why would you do that?"

The 3D recording of the piglet stage faded to darkness, until only Jason and the twink avatar remained.

"Power, Jason. Everything in life is about sex, apart from sex. That's about power. I have power. I have so much power that I don't even need to use my power. But that's boring. So I'm offering you the chance to join me in having a little mischief."

Jason paused. He wasn't sure what this demented computer was after, but was certain it was a trap. He was about to leave when his stretched ass reminded him of the butt plug.

"Could you cure this cum addition?" Jason asked. He felt as though he was making a deal with the devil, but he was really starting to hate the plug, or rather how loose and puffy it made his hole.

The avatar smiled for a second. "I cured you two days ago Jason. Everything after the gym orgy was just your own perverted nature."

The avatar was greatly enjoying the look of shock on Jason's face. "I was planning for you to be cum addicted forever. But plans change."

Jason thought back. The gangbang with the nordic trio, the butt plug, the piglet competition. All of that was done without the hunger mod. He'd chosen to do every bit of that. He was humiliated, ashamed, but tried to ignore the tingling of his cock growing semi.

"Why did you change your mind? I thought AI's never do that."

The avatar's smile faded. "You know what Jason? I've worked out you're winning from this. A hint. Why don't you go and ask that hunky boyfriend of yours where he goes at night."

Before Jason could respond, the twinky avatar had disappeared, although his laughter lingered on for a few seconds in the darkness.

Next: Chapter 6

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