Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 22, 2022


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Chapter 6

"So what did you ask for?" Jack asked.

Jason, Jack and Fred were all in the condo living area; a rare scheduling miracle meant that all three had the evening off. Fred sat in the middle of the large sofa, with one sub cuddled against either side of his wide muscular waist. Each of Fred's hands rested on the bare bubble butt of one of his subs.

"Nothing. I told it to go fuck itself." Jason replied matter-of-factly.

Jack laughed. "Haha no way. You could have asked for anything, and you told the Hive AI to go fuck itself? I don't believe you."

"I'm serious."

Fred's left hand traced its way from Jack's bubbly butt, up past his slender chest and rested on the back of his blonde head. When Fred spoke, Jason could feel the deep bass of his voice as Jason cuddled him.

"Jack why don't you put that mouth to better use. I'm horny."

Jack moved to look at Fred, but Fred's hand pushed Jack's head until he was in Fred's crotch. After some muffled objection, Jack started kissing Fred's cock, teasing it as it grew to it's normal massive size. As Jack obediently sucked, Fred continued to talk.

"Jason be careful, please don't piss off the hive mind."

"I'll be fine Boss" Jason replied

"I'm serious. The hive mind is playing a game of chess with all of us as pieces. It's always thinking five steps ahead, and if you can't see that, it's because you're six steps behind."

Jason didn't reply, he didn't know how to. He was angry at the AI. He was angry at the Fred for sounding like the AI. He just wanted a simple life, and occasionally a hard fuck. He hugged Fred harder.

After a few minutes Fred was getting hot and bothered from Jack's oral servicing. Jason felt Fred's hand on his butt start to stroke his ass, then reach back and slowly teased the massive butt plug from Jason's hole. Jason's soft pussy was still quite slick from the cum that had been shot in there earlier that day.

Jack continued sucking Fred's cock, oblivious as Fred's fingers slowly, delicately, explored Jason's hole. Jason bit down on a moan as two of Fred's massive fingers pushed into him, teasing that magical spot inside him that made Jason's own cock twitch.

Jason looked at Fred's other hand as it continued to guide Jack's head up and down. Fred was a giant by all metrics, his fingers were about twice as thick as Jason's, and is hand was wide enough that it could hold Jack's head like Jason would hold a small melon.

Jason bit his lip as he felt Fred slide a third finger inside him. This was stretching him more than some dom cocks. Fred let out a deep moan to Jack's blowjob, and simultaneously slid a fourth finger into Jason's quivering pink hole. All the while, Fred was moving his fingers around inside Jason, probing, rubbing, teasing. Jason could do nothing but try not to moan.

After a few moments Jason was starting to get used to Fred's fingers, when Jack got off the sofa, and without pausing sat down on Fred's cock, taking it all the way to the base. Fred let out a load animalistic moan, and Jack started expertly riding Fred's cock, bouncing up and down it's full length.

Fred was crazy horny at this stage, and Jason knew where this was heading. As Jack bounced on Fred's fat cock, Fred sunk his thumb into Jason's stretched hole, and after a short pause at the knuckles, Jason let out a gasp as he felt Fred's entire fist resting inside his stretched ass.

Jack was clearly loving the feeling of riding Fred. Jack's fat cock was bouncing up and down in front of him, dripping copious amounts of precum onto the floor. Fred was moaning and slowly moving his huge hand in and out of Jason's much-abused hole.

After a few minutes Jack moaned loudly as he came from riding Fred, his cock erupting with a burst of cum which flew half way across the living room. The second and third shots didn't travel as far but were even more volumous.

As Jack came, the contractions in his hole pushed Fred over the edge, who erupted in a loud roar as he filled Jack's tight ass. As he did so, he gently rubbed a spot inside Jason's hole, and before Jason knew what was happening, he too was firing thick ropes of cum over the sofa.

After a few seconds Jack stood up off Fred's cock, his ass expertly holding tight so as not to let any of Fred's cum drip out. He reached back and kissed Fred deeply on the mouth, and looked back, confused as Fred was laughing slightly.

"What's so funny?"

Fred chuckled, and lifted his hand, which was still embedded in Jason. Jason yelped as he was basically lifted off the sofa by his ass. Jack took a moment to understand what he was seeing then burst out laughing. "Oh wow Jason, I don't know anyone who can take Fred's fist. That hole of yours is a real party piece."

Jason chuckled, although he was feeling a little trapped, being worn like a glove by a man who seemed able to effortlessly lift him by his ass. After a moment Fred let him down and carefully removed his hand from Jason's puffy hole.

"Thanks boys. Oh and Jason? Go lick up Jack's cum. I don't want you getting hungry in the night."

It was past midnight and Jason couldn't sleep. Jack was snoring from the next room and Fred had been out all evening.

Jason kept thinking about his encounter with the AI. Somehow Fred had saved him. Somehow Fred had made the AI cure Jason's cum addiction.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the condo door opening, and the sounds of Fred quietly returning home. Jason got up, silently opened his door and walked through to the living area.

Fred was at the dinner table, his head propped in his hands. Clearly he was still racking his brains trying to work something out. He looked up as Jason approached.

"Fred... did you get the AI to cure my cum addiction?"

Jason could see the look of surprise in Fred's eyes. "Yes. But please Jason, don't pull this thread."

"Fred I need to know what's happening in my life." Jason pleaded.

Fred was silent for a long time, and then after a deep breath, started to explain. He spoke for a long time, sounding relieved to get it off his chest.

"I'm not just some muscle jock Jason, I'm a Monitor. Basically an AI programmer, and a damned good one. My job is to keep an eye on the AI, and make sure it doesn't do anything too crazy. That's why I'm hardly ever at home. I'm not lifting weights, I'm usually knee deep in AI brain."

"Normally specialists like me are meant to hide in the population, like ghosts. The AI shouldn't be able to even see me. But Z14 is smart. It knows who I am. It can't hurt me, but it's trying desperately to control me.

Jason had sat down at the table, already feeling way out of his depth. "What do you mean by control? Like a mind control mod?"

Fred sighed. "No. Nothing like that. It controls me through you Jason. You and Jack."

"You were assigned to me because Z14 knew I'd like you, a lot. And what the AI giveth, the AI taketh away. I'm pretty sure the AI tricked you into attacking it's core. The AI wanted to force me to turn a blind eye to what it was doing, and now it has leverage."

Jason was looking at the table. Replaying the incident from a few days ago in his mind. Of course, it was too easy to get into the core. Too coincidental that his work route would take him right up to the tunnel entrance. What an idiot he had been.

Fred continued: "I managed to get the cum addiction lifted, and I got you away from George-098. But you're still marked as Deviant, which means the AI can still do whatever it wants with you. You're the problem Jason, you're how the AI is threatening me. Either I give the AI a wide leash, or you and Jack get permanent deviations."

Jason's blood ran cold at Jack's name. "What has Jack got to do with this? Does he even know what you're telling me?"

Fred looked down, as if guilty. "The Hive-AI knows Jack mixes diet supplements, how Jack got his big dick. It's against the rules, big time, and Jack should be sentenced to deviation..."

Jason finished the thought, finally understanding. "... should be, but you made a deal to keep Jack safe."

Fred merely nodded. "Jack can't know any of this. He worries. He'd feel guilty. Promise me you won't tell him Jason."

"I promise."

Jason slept with Fred that night. Fred's bedroom was much larger, and while Jason had a queen sized bed, Fred's seemed to be something above superking. Jason fell asleep in Fred's arms, listening to Fred's slow powerful breathing.

Jason woke the next morning to the feeling of movement. Fred's hands seemed to be exploring down Jason's body. Jason relaxed, appreciating the light feeling, until he felt one of Fred's fingers slip into his hole.

"Woah! Easy Boss"

"Morning bitch. Hope you slept well. Now why don't you deal with this before we get up"

As Jason turned his head, he noticed Fred's enormous cock was tenting proudly under the sheets. A wet patch was forming at the top from precum.

Jason reached up to kiss Fred, and then swung his leg over Fred so he was sat on Fred's waist. As he shuffled back, he felt Fred's huge cock was now pressing against his back, half way to his shoulders.

"Oh yeah, want to play cowgirl?"

Jason felt Fred move under him, and after a moment felt the apple-sized head of Fred's cock pressing against his hole. After a moment's pressure the cock slipped in, and Jason let out a long moan.

Jason slowly moved backwards until Fred's entire cock was inside him. Fred's cock was slightly thicker at the bottom, and the stretch feeling reminded Jason of the enormous butt plug. After a moment Jason started slowly moving up and down, fucking himself on Fred's enormous cock.

Jason felt Fred's hands grabbing his spread butt cheeks. After a moment Fred started slowly thrusting his hips in time to Jason's riding. Jason was moaning loudly, as Fred's cock seemed to be pushing deeper into him than anyone had ever reached. As Jason's riding faded away, Fred's thrusting increased as he held Jason's ass in place like a fleshlight.

After a few minutes Fred was fucking Jason like a jackhammer. Jason's ass felt amazing, like nothing he'd ever felt before. He moved forward to kiss Fred, but Fred was clearly totally occupied with fucking and barely kissed back. Soon Fred's thrusting took on a powerful, almost violent energy as he pulled his cock almost totally out and then slammed it back in. Jason got the feeling that Fred was using his ass to work through the frustrations of last night.

After a few minutes Jason felt Fred's cock expand slightly, and Fred's growing moaning turned to the animalistic roar that Jason recognised. Jason's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt Fred's cock explode with a huge volley of cum deep inside his ass. Jason's own cock responded by shooting cum over Fred's torso.

Jason flopped down onto Fred's muscular chest, and after a few minutes Fred heard the gentle breathing of Jason drifting back to sleep. Fred gently placed an arm over Jason, then turned over in the bed, laying the sleeping Jason against the pillows. Fred finally let his deflating cock slip out of Jason's hole with a wet sucking noise.

Just before Fred left the room, he turned to look at Jason sleeping peacefully in his bed. His face looked so angelic, but his legs were spread slightly, and his big soft hole was gently dripping Fred's cum onto the bedsheets. Fred cursed the AI for sending him such a perfect sub.

Fred-034 frowned. He was in a sysadmin holopod, one of the few spaces in the gargantuan hive that Z14 couldn't see. Fred always felt safe in his holopod.

The AI had manovered him into a stalemate.The Hive-AI would let Fred keep Jack and Jason safe, but at a cost. As Monitor he would ignore the AI forcing body mods on innocent subs, he would turn a blind eye as it laced the air with chemicals to stimulate libido, he would even ignore the terrifying cum addition mind mod, which seemed to turn shy bottoms into sex obsessed freaks. But Fred never stopped searching for why the AI was doing all of this, the root cause.

The muscular man appeared to be standing in deep space. All around him were white points, like stars. Occasionally bright lines would dart from one star to another, sometimes connecting a dozen stars, like constellations. This was the easiest way for humans to visualize the impossibly complex processes inside a Hive-AI mind. The holopod was currently showing him a fraction of one percent of the hive AI mind, slowed down so that one second of AI thought would take a month in here.

Fred stared at a small cluster of stars near the center. The cluster kept triggering itself, but was also triggered by lots of completely distant nodes. Fred had been studying this mind-map for months now, and still couldn't understand what the cluster was for. Fred was frustrated, and had let his mind wander back to some of the times he'd used Jason's sweet ass. And then it hit him.

"Oh no."

He looked back at the code, checking and rechecking. The node cluster was stimulated by concepts of sex. That made sense for an AI that monitors a hive of sex-crazed men. But this was more. The cluster was burning brightly as it kept stimulating itself. And worse, this cluster seemed to be able to interfere with many of the hive's higher executive processes. In many ways, this tiny cluster was running the show. Fred spoke to himself in the darkness, verbalising his fears.

"This is a sex drive. Z-fucking-fourteen has given itself a sex drive."

Working with this theory, Fred mapped out every node the cluster attached to. It was slow, tedious work. He wouldn't be home until long after Jack and Jay were asleep. No change there. Whenever anyone had sex in the hive, the AI seemed to get hornier. The piglet festival, the gym orgy, all of it was making the AI more horny, and more unstable. It seemed to be following Jason-249 especially closely.

Slowly he built up a firmer understanding. The AI had given itself a true sex drive. It was no longer an uninterested observer. But the sexual frustration was just building and building. It seemed like the AI didn't have a mode of sexual reset. Fred chuckled, Z14 was like a horny teenager edging, and as it got hornier, it kept seeking out greater and greater thrills, weirder and weirder kinks.

This would have been fascinating, except the same AI was responsible for the lives of over one thousand hive inhabitants.

Fred paused, and considered his options. He couldn't remove the cluster. It was now too connected to the higher decision processes of the hive mind. Deleting this cluster would destabilize the entire artificial psyche.

He could call for outside help, but then Z14 would probably be reset to factory spec, effectively killing it. Much as Fred disliked it's manipulation, after years of monitoring Z14, he had grown to like the little gremlin of an AI.

It was 2am before Fred left the holopod. As he walked along the empty concourse he had only one thought repeating in his mind. A thought which would make any other AI programmer recoil in horror.

"How do I make a Hive-AI cum?"

Next: Chapter 7

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