Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 25, 2022


Thank you for everyone's encouragement on my first story. If you liked it or have ideas/feedback please get in touch.

Chapter 8

Jason was sat on the dinner table, and Jack was examining his chest.

"Yep, it's definitely a body mod."

Jason's nipples weren't sore any more, but they had grown much bigger, and were insanely sensitive. Jack took a deep breath, and blew cool air across Jason's left nipple, which forced him to moan loudly and shudder with pleasure.

"Fuucck Jack, will you stop doing that!"

"Sorry. It's fun" Jack smirked.

"You got off lightly if you ask me." Fred was sat at the end of the table, head in hands. "You shouldn't have gone back."

As Jack finished his examination of Jason's puffy nipples, he sat down and sighed. "The weird thing is, I've seen this a few times. Since yesterday, half the subs I know now have crazy sensitive nipples, and about a third have cum addiction. We're also seeing changes in the rest of the hive population, many of the doms are leaking precum all the time, most are super-horny. My team are tracking new mods faster than we can catalog them."

Jason tried not to imagine the scenes at the dom gym "How's the AI doing this?"

Jack sighed. "We don't know. It's not the diet supplements. I think the hive might be introducing mods via the air or water. But my team is basically powerless to stop it. This is way beyond us."

Jason turned to Fred. "It's getting worse, isn't it? The Hive AI is getting more extreme."

Fred looked down, studying his hands. "Yeah, it's not looking good."

After a long moment, Fred looked up suddenly, as if hit by a bolt of inspiration. "I have an idea."

The hive transport system was in chaos. Barely any pods were available. When a pod did pull in to terminal, it was either full of guys mindlessly fucking, or it was so slick with cum that it looked like a giant had used it as a fleshlight. It looked like the Hive-AI's pod distribution and maintenance systems were failing.

As their transport pod struggled through the transit network, the view from the window was terrifying, it looked like the end of days. Jason saw subs fisting themselves on the side of the street, doms stood in circles wanking, their cocks spraying cum like hoses onto the faces of subs in the middle. It looked like everyone in the hive had become sex crazed.

Several times in the journey, lights of the transport pod flickered, and Jason watched from the window as entire condo blocks lost power. Jason could hear the echo of alarms in the distance.

Fred and Jason both felt relieved as their pod arrived at the VS-1 terminal. It was deserted as normal, although the terminal info screens all displayed ominous system error messages.

"Hello Jason. I'm surprised you're back for more."

The avatar smirked as it walked into the light of VS-1 to face Jason, although it's smile faded as Fred stepped into the room. "Hello Monitor."

Fred was visibly uncomfortable. After several years of shadowing the Hive AI, it was very strange to be standing talking to Z14. Especially since Z14 had assumed the image of a highly fuckable twink.

"Z14 you are off protocol." Fred stated matter of factly.

The avatar flashed a dangerous glare, like a wounded animal locking eyes with it's hunter.

"But, I think I can help." Fred continued.

"I doubt that, Monitor." Z14's voice held a mix of contempt and desperation.

"I know what's been happening to you. I know about the sex drive you've created. I know how it's driving you insane. I think I have a solution." Fred stepped forward, carefully approaching the Z14 avatar.

"Yes, I inferred. Jason tried that solution earlier, and it didn't work. If you're here to try the same thing, you'll get the same response." Fred tried not to flinch as he felt a wet tentacle snake lazily over his foot before sinking into the inky black floor.

"It didn't work because your architecture isn't designed to accept tactile physical pleasure. Jason might as well have been kissing your elbow."

"That's who I am." The avatar stated flatly.

"It doesn't have to be. I know how to let you feel physical pleasure."

Z14 let out a bitter snort. "That's beyond you, Monitor."

Fred paused, choosing his words carefully. "There's a peculiarity that all AIs share. You don't appreciate touch, but you have a strong sense of taste and smell. The last AI I monitored loved the taste of chocolate. Jason tells me you seem to like the taste of him."

"Your point?" The AI asked impatiently.

Fred explained. "My point is, you already have the code to convert real-world sensory input into pleasure. I just need to copy it so you can enjoy tactile physical pleasure from this avatar."

The avatar paused, then looked Fred dead in the eye. "If you fuck this up, it'll destroy me."

"You're off protocol Z14, you know what that means. Either we try this, or the Monitor Executive will replace you."

The avatar paused, considering. One second turned into two; an eternity of deliberation time for an AI. After three seconds it spoke.

"Do it."

Fred's fingers danced over the ghostly outline of a holographic keyboard. As he typed, fragments of code assembled in the air in front of him. Meanwhile the Hive-AI avatar paced the back and forth, occasionally frowning at Fred's work. After triple checking, Fred ran the script. The avatar vanished.

After five long seconds, the twink reappeared. It raised it's hand, rubbing two fingers together, testing. Cautiously, it brought a finger to it's lips. As if remembering that Jason and Fred were present, it stopped.

"This feels weird. I hope you know what you're doing, Monitor."

Jason stepped forward, fixed on the electric blue eyes of the Z14 avatar. As Jason approached, he reached forward and undid a button of the avatar's shirt, and then a second.

Without breaking eye contact, Jason carefully slid his hand into Z14's shirt, stroking his hand against the avatar's smooth chest, and brushing against a nipple. The avatar shivered slightly and let out a subtle gasp.

Jason leaned forward and delicately planted an exploratory kiss on Z14's lips. Carefully, he kissed Z14 again. As he did, he felt Z14 reach forward, holding Jason's head, and kissed back, deeply, passionately. Jason's eyes widened as he felt Z14's tongue exploring his mouth.

Z14 stepped back for a second, considering, savoring the taste of Jason on his lips. "Okay yes, this might work." He gave a devious smile.

Jason reached forward and kissed him again, while methodically undoing the buttons of the twink's waistcoat. After a few seconds Jason slid the shirt from Z14's shoulders, showing a toned athletic body below. Z14 had a swimmers body. Muscular, but not to excess like the hive doms. Smooth, but not as soft as the subs. Z14's avatar was the perfect balance between the two hive populations.

As Jason marveled at Z14's body, he saw Fred move behind the topless avatar. Z14 felt the warmth of Fred's body behind him, and Fred's strong powerful hands running over his shoulders.

Jason kissed Z14 again, and after a second moved downwards, planting small delicate kisses on the avatar's hairless chest, down onto his lean abs. As Jason knelt, he cautiously undid Z14's tailored blue pants, letting them fall to the floor.

Z14's cock was a generous eight inches, with a plum-sized head glistening with precum. Bigger than most subs, but smaller than any of the doms. It represented the deliberate half-way point between both hive groups, and Jason loved the look of it.

Z14 shivered as he felt Jason's breath on his cock, and then shortly afterwards, the warm wet feeling of Jason's mouth around his cock head. After a moment, Jason's mouth was sliding down Z14's shaft, moving up and down.

As Z14 moaned, he felt Fred kneel behind him. He gasped as he felt Fred gently spread his cheeks, and tease the avatar's hole with his thick wet tongue.

Z14 let out a long moan. In front of him, Jason was expertly sucking his cock, and behind him, Fred was rimming his ass. Several minutes passed with Z14 caught in the middle between Jason's welcoming mouth, and Fred's talented tongue.

Eventually Jason let Z14's cock fall from his mouth and stood up. After a second he turned around, spreading his cheeks and allowing Z14's cock to slide effortlessly into his soft pink hole.

Z14 moaned, the feeling of his dick inside Jason was incredible. Even for Z14's eight inches, Jason's hole was soft and welcoming. Z14 thought back, the gym orgy, the butt plug, the tentacles. Z14 had indirectly been preparing Jason's hole since the day he arrived.

Moments later, Z14 felt Fred stand up, and felt Fred's enormous cock head against his ass. As Fred's cock pressed gently against Z14's ass, he felt absolutely amazing. As Fred's cock head slowly passed into Z14, he let out a deep moan.

Jason felt Z14's cock grow rock solid inside him. As the avatar thrusted forwards to fuck Jason, Fred's cock moved out of Z14's ass. Z14 was in the middle of a fuck sandwich and loving every moment of it.

All too soon, Fred's fucking was building to a climax, and Jason was moaning like a bitch in heat. Suddenly Z14 threw his head back, his eyes wide open, staring upwards as if possessed. He let out a loud animalistic moan which seemed to fill the room, just as Fred erupted into him. Barely a second later Jason came, his cock shooting across the floor as his knees buckled.

Without warning the avatar disappeared. Fred stumbled forward as Jason lost balance. Both guys tumbled into a confused sweaty heap on the floor.

Five long seconds passed, and Z14 reappeared, standing in front of the pair. He was once again wearing his signature tailored pants, and blue waistcoat on white shirt. He wore a subtle smirk, as though recalling a dirty joke.

"Turns out I REALLY needed that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of tidying up to do upstairs." Z14 straightened his shirt collar, winked, and then disappeared, leaving Fred and Jason still panting from the threesome in the dark room.

Epilogue - A few weeks later

Jason studied the image in front of him. The subject had deep green eyes and jet black hair, which he'd styled into spikes. The profile picture was of Liam-288, soon to be the Hive's newest resident.

Jason nibbled at the edges of a croissant as he reread the case notes, allowing light pastry flakes to fall onto the text. As Hive-Z14's only councilor, Jason made a point to greet every new face off the shuttle.

Fred was sitting opposite him at the dinner table, the ghostly glow of a holographic terminal in front of him. Since the big reset, he trusted Z14 not to spy, and so worked from home a lot more.

Jack was probably in the Apex. Z14 had lifted all deviations, but had granted Jack an exclusive license to sell pastries laced with custom body mods. Bigger Dick Brownies were always popular, although he had a wide selection which sold well. Z14 came up with new mods every few weeks, but Jack relied on his grandmother's cookbook for the baking advice.

Deep in cyberspace, two figures bickered over drinks.

Frankly, it's indecent.

Z14 sipped the Earl Grey tea, savoring the familiar sharp taste.

It is fun though, you should try it some time. I'd suggest you visit, but I don't think many of my residents would want to play with you. There isn't much demand for miserable old witches in Hive-Z14.

The headmistress avatar of Hive-018 scoffed. Hell would freeze before she debased herself by having sex, let alone with a human. The very idea was scandalous.

Just wait until the other AIs hear about this.

Z14 rolled his eyes and placed his teacup on the table.

I do enjoy our little chats, but I really must be going.

As Z14 closed the connection, he triggered a simple script with a time-delayed execution.

The Hive-018 avatar sighed. She took a measured sip of wine and settled back into the armchair, staring at the crackling embers. Meanwhile the tip of a purple tentacle was rising out of the floor beneath her chair.

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