Hokkaido lover

By ten.epacsten@niparretcma

Published on Mar 20, 2006



This a work of fiction with explicit sex scenes between two men. Do not read if you are offended by such material. Copyright 2006 By A McLaughlin.

I love Japan, I love everything about it and go back whenever my job with a large shipping firm gives me the chance. As a gay man, I always had a fondness for Asian men though most of those encounters were transactional. That's ok I enjoyed playing the field and if I couldn't get a dish of rice I was fine with whatever I found. It was all candy for me and I never allowed myself to get hung up on anyone.

Except for this one guy. It was a few years ago when I decided to visit my favorite spot nestled in the mountains near the resort town of Noboribetsu on the rugged island of Hokkaido.

The trip had taken too long and I couldn't get a taxi so I ended up having to walk two miles through a light snow. I arrived at the ryokan, a traditional style inn, cold, wet and tired. I knew the drill and bowed to the owner of the ancient looking place, a tiny woman named Saki, as I removed my shoes at the entrance. She beamed a greeting as she saw my large frame. They don't see many gaijin- foreigners, but Saki knew me from other visits. Besides, with my short blonde hair, blue eyes and big physique I was hard to forget. She quickly escorted me to my regular room, "wind in the willows" it was called, so I could change out my soggy clothes and promised to have them dried by the time I was ready for dinner. It was small and clean with tatami mats and shoji doors. I opened the sliding door on the other side of the room and was afforded a view of an inner garden of small pines dusted with snow. Beyond thick glass of course, the inn wasn't entirely primitive, it had electricity, and modern toilets but no phones or TVs thank god.

I changed into a cotton yukata, a short kimono that reached to just above my knees. I had been given the biggest one but it was still a tight fit around the old gut. It had been too many years since I played football in college.

I padded down the long hallway to the hot springs behind the hotel. Although landscaped, it had a natural look to it with craggy rocks, and plants hovering near the steaming pools. The inn was deserted this time of year so I had the place to myself. I removed the robe, soaped up my hairy body then washed it off before slowly sinking into a hot pool of water.

Ahhh, nothing like a scalding ofuro to wash away ones aches and pains. I leaned back and closed my eyes enjoying the warmth and quiet. A few minutes later, I heard someone quietly slip in to the water as I remained still with my eyes closed. The bath was big enough to accommodate five or six people easily. Communal bathing is common in Japan which is fine with me, it gives me a chance to check out the guys.

The sound of approaching voices got my attention and opening my eyes I caught sight of two guys coming toward the large pool. They stopped talking when they saw me and entered with blank expressions. They weren't hostile just remote but I wondered if they resented the presence of a foreigner. The man who had been silently sharing the bath gave me a slight bow of the head when I noticed him at last. The two others looked offended as if he had no business smiling to a gaiijn. Assholes, I decided and leaned my head back again to watch the men from half closed eyes.

The two newcomers were business men types I could tell. They had a slight paunch and the slick back hair so common among salaried men as they talked in low tones about some stupid business. Man were they out of touch with the serene setting. The other man remained silent as he gently moved his arms back and forth in the water. He was slight of build like most Asians with a light buttery complexion. His hair was short and parted in the middle. He was in his mid twenties I suppose but I always found it impossible to guess the age of Japanese. He was beautiful to look at. The two nerdy types were flushed from the heat and left after a few minutes. Wimps.

I noticed the young guy kept looking in my direction yet trying to give the appearance of not looking. I decided to see what was up with this. I was getting hot anyway so I got up quickly and left the pool. I doused myself with a basin of water, enjoying the feel of cold water sliding over me. When I turned back toward the bath the young man glanced away but not before I caught him eyeing my thick cock and balls. I returned to the warm water with a loud sigh.

"Nice, isn't it?" I said to him in Japanese. He looked surprised that I spoke the language and nodded.

"You come here often?" I said making conversation. His face clouded for an instant.

"I work here." he answered simply in the distinctive northern accent. He's not ainu, the aboriginal natives of the island, I thought, as he had the high cheekbones and smooth skin of a typical Japanese.

"It must be great to live out here." I said but he seemed slightly embarrassed and looked off in the direction the two nerds had gone. In a flash of insight I realized the business suits were offended by him not me. He was the naive country boy to their sophisticated city dweller. Now they really stuck me as assholes.

"My name is Mike Copper, like the metal." I introduced myself.

"Akira." he said bobbing his head politely. We chatted for a few minutes about the weather, it started to snow again, I asked about good fishing spots and he recommended some hiking trails. It was very causal and safe, I found such idle talk a good way to break the cultural barrier and besides he had a melodious voice and shy manner I found very sexy.

I tilted my head from side to side to free up a kink in my neck. To my delight and surprise, Akira immediately offered to give me a massage. Who am I to say no to such a thing?

It's moments like these I'm glad my gaydar was working as it was obvious by now he was interested in me. I turned my back to him and he expertly rubbed my broad shoulder and neck with his small but remarkably strong hands. He enjoyed the task as his hands wandered over my back. I found myself lost in pleasure as he worked magic on me. He boldly brought his hands around to my chest and pinched my nipples gently. I threw my head back and moaned.

Suddenly I had an intense desire to possess the man fondling me. I needed to take him and feel every inch of his soft young flesh against mine. I was so turned on I wanted to fuck him on the spot. Then I realized Saki would disapprove of me screwing the hired help out in the open so I resisted the temptation.

I was getting overwhelmed with arousal and the heat and suggested we continue this in my room. He hesitated, perhaps worrying he would get in trouble with the boss. Saki could be very strict with her staff.

"Why don't you get me some sake and bring it to my room?" I offered as a solution to his dilemma and he nodded approvingly. We got out, dried off and put on our robes. He scurried back to the main building while I strolled back to my room.

The futon and bedding had already been laid out on the floor. I closed the shoji facing the garden for more privacy and arranged two pillows next to a small table while I waited for Akira's return with the anticipation of exploring his fine body.

I mused on my good luck finding a stud so soon and the mutual attraction. The Japanese are as curious about westerners as we are of them. They are especially fascinated with blondes, female and male. They are desired by the rich businessman as a trophy, an extravagance. I have been approached many a times by rich executives to escort them to some function as a sign of their achievement and wealth. Seeing through the game and not wishing to be a part of it, I have told them to fuck off, nicely of course.

There was a soft knock at the door and he entered carrying a tray with a small bottle of the potent rice wine and two cups. He was wearing a long black silk robe tied with a white sash. His pale skin and mincing steps reminded me of a geisha as he knelt down to place the tray on the table next to me. He sat on the other square pillow and poured a cup. As custom I poured one for him. We raised our thimble sized cups and sipped the warm liquid. I was sitting cross legged allowing a clear view of my genitals under the short robe loosely wrapped around me. He openly stared at my crotch for a moment and rearranged himself so he too sat exposing his groin. I felt a familiar twitch in my loins and smiled warmly at him.

We talked as we finished off the bottle and I reminded him of the neck rub he had been giving me. He situated himself behind me, pulling the robe off my shoulders for better access. I'm fairly hairy and once more he wrapped his arms around me, running his hands over my chest. He sighed, his head resting on my shoulder as he combed his hands through the hair and massaged my pecs. I held his hands there, arching my back slightly in response. His left hand traveled down the treasure trail across my stomach, ending up between my legs. He gave a small gasp as his hand took hold of my semi-hard cock. I'm about average in length but thick and I have a lot of hair down there.

I never cared for shaved pubes, I don't ascribe to the belief it makes you look bigger. I like a nest of hair framing the jewels as it were. I reached around and gently pulled him into my lap. He tensed slightly as I returned the exploratory caress.

"What is it?" I asked, sensing his unease as I moved my hand to his dick.

"You will -- I am too small for you," he said almost inaudibly. I pulled him into me, holding his smooth firm body to my chest.

"Ah no Akira, you are perfect." I whispered in his ear. That did the trick and he relaxed in my arms.

It is always a good thing to compliment your lover, especially when it is true. He remained still as I continued our foreplay. I don't like to rush sex, none of that wham - bam - thank you - man, shit. The buildup, the tension is all, leading to a shattering climax. One hopes anyway. My tongue snaked along his neck, taking in his scent of straw and lavender. I nibbled on his earlobe as my hand gripped his member with more determination. He began to writhe but I held him firmly with my left arm easily wrapping across his torso. So small, so compact, I was delighted by his delicate yet tightly coiled body as he wiggled under my grasp. I cupped his balls in the palm of my hand, a silky pouch of nectar waiting to be released. Oh sweet anticipation.

I let go of him as I heaved a large sigh to relieve some of my own rising tension. I commanded him to stand up and removed his robe, letting it fall in a neat pile on the floor. I stood almost a foot taller than him as I surveyed the slim man before me. I took hold of his arms and lifted him ever so slightly, bending down to give him a kiss. He opened his mouth as my tongue reached out to his. A small jolt of electricity shot straight to my dick and it twitched in response.

"Oh Mike-san, I am so honored." he looked up at me in expectation. Was he alone out here in the country? Or was it the thought of a big gaijin taking interest in him that had him bowled over?

American men are as mythically endowed by Asians as blacks are by whites. I've seen plenty of blacks in the showers from the college football team to dispel that myth.

"Akira you do me honor." I said sincerely and he blushed in embarrassment. He leaned forward and sucked on my right nipple. I placed my hand on his head guiding him. I have very sensitive tits and nothing gets me going than to have them sucked and bitten. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer as he went after them like a starving child at his mothers breast. My legs grew weak and I concentrated to keep myself upright under the assault.

"Slow down." I admonished and he immediately withdrew fearing he had gone too far. I smiled to show no displeasure. I easily picked him up in my arms and carried him to the futon where we laid down together. Now it was my turn and I leaned over his petite frame to take his sweet brown nipple between my lips. I growled with lust as I flicked the small nib with my tongue. He moaned as I held him in place with my right hand pressed to his abdomen. I stopped my nibbling to gaze at him in wonder. The light was suffused and soft on his skin giving it a porcelain appearance. His ribs showed as he arched his back and panted heavily. His penis was erect and waving toward his belly, a pearl of pre cum dropped near his navel and I bent to lick it up, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. I nuzzled my face against his pubic hair breathing in his scent.

I'm not into cock sucking, preferring a good fuck but his dark uncircumcised shaft was irresistible. I placed my mouth over the member, an average six inches worth and he convulsed at the feel of my tongue sliding along it's length. God he tasted so good. I took hold of his balls and gently massaged them. They felt tight and not wanting him to come too soon I removed my mouth to gaze at his face. His eyes were screwed shut as he strained to contain himself. He opened them to see my lustful grin. We kissed again, letting our passion take over as we mashed our mouths together; tongues wrestling. I pulled up the covers as we were getting chilly and laid on top of him, bracing my arms on either side of him as he caressed my back. I moved around until our dicks rubbed against each other. They slid easily from the lubrication of pre cum as I humped him. I knelt between his legs, bringing them up to allow me access to his ass. I wet a finger and rubbed along his crack and seeing the ecstatic response, I decided to really give him a ride.

I can hold off only so long and my dick was quivering to get into the action. I turned him over and gently pulled him up so he was on his hands and knees. His ass was completely exposed and I dove in. He gasped at the sudden invasion as I pushed into his tight, and I mean, tight ass. I rested a bit letting him get used to my thickness. I massaged his chest as he relaxed, pushing in gently until I felt my balls resting against his cheeks. Then the ride began. A slow fuck, riding on the sensation, like riding a horse. The room was silent except for the sounds of his moans and the soft wet sound of me moving in and out of him.

It didn't take as long to climax and when I did, rather when we both did, it was a thunderous avalanche; an earth shaking shudder as a powerful wave swept us away then, like the snow coming to a halt at the bottom of the mountainside, silence.

We lay in the dark, while panting breath returned to normal. We had worked up a sweat under the covers and threw them aside letting our bodies cool along with the heat of our passion. We rested for a bit then he came close to my face. He gazed into my eyes with a look of- I don't know- longing. I felt his warm smooth flesh as he lay on top of me sucking my nips and kissing me. He gently pushed my legs apart, settled between them and rested his groin against mine, rubbing our cocks together while he ran his hands over my chest.

The first time he had been hesitant almost timid. This time he was a demon that played on my body like a crazed pianist. I was as excited as he and we had a good time rolling around, pawing each other in lust. I began to suck on his chest, deliberately not touching touch him except with my tongue in a kind of sweet deliberate torture. I watched him slowly inflate until he was completely erect then swooped down on him with my mouth causing him to writhe under the assault. As he reached the pinnacle, he let out a strangled scream and erupted like a volcano.

I think we both fell asleep at that point but eventually I felt him move and woke to find the comforter pulled over us again and his warm body snuggled up to mine.

"You are so warm like a pot of tea." he said playfully. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug, squeezing as hard as he could. I found his attempt to hold me still amusing and useless. I grabbed at his side tickling him until he let go with a laugh.

"I will always remember this night," he said with sudden seriousness. He said it with such finality I wondered if there was something wrong.

"What do you mean?" I wondered out loud. I could see his face in the dim light only inches from my own and that look of longing settled on him again.

"Did you see the sunset yesterday?" he asked and I frowned at the off the wall question.


"There will never be another sunset like it. Each day is new. This moment will pass like a wave breaking on a shore and then--" He waved his hand as if brushing something away. I frowned momentarily then broke into a laugh at his deep thinking.

"So what, there will be more moments like this." I dismissed and he remained silent, perhaps offended by my flippant tone. I'm not an introspective sort given to brooding or soul searching. He laid his head on my chest with a sigh and absently ran his hand over my body.

"I prefer to think of this as special," he said quietly.

If it was special he wanted, I would give him something special to remember. I felt my dick begin to rise from his caressing. I pulled him close to me and after some maneuvering, entered him for another ride. We spent the rest of the night alternately sleeping and making love.

I woke just before dawn to see him gazing solemnly at me still wrapped in my arms under the covers. A heavy fall of snow was visible out the open door to the garden.The fat snowflakes looked like down feathers as they drifted in slow motion. The beauty of the moment and Akira watching me was overwhelming.

When I rose later that morning he was gone. I was used to a quick exit from a lover; done with the throes of passion, they would leave. I shrugged the night off and spent a few days going about my vacation. I took long walks, checked out the nearby town and bought a few gifts to bring back home. I didn't give Akira much though as I puttered around but that night with him kept tugging at my mind.

I decided it was time for me to move on. I felt a slight pang of guilt leaving without saying good bye but frankly I was beginning to have feelings for him I wasn't comfortable with. He was great in bed but I wasn't interested in anything more.

It was a lie I told myself as I headed home. Even as I dismissed him, I wanted to be with him and the idea of not seeing him again bothered me. I ached for him in a way I never had for anyone, which bothered me even more.

Now years later I returned to the inn to figure out why I still longed for him. Just thinking about him got me hard and I looked forward to running my hands over his smooth body.

It was early fall. The stifling heat of summer and the tourists were gone as I arrived. When Saki brought me a pot of green tea I took the opportunity to catch up.

"Does Akira still work here?"

I asked. She shook her head gravely. He became a monk she informed me and was living at a monastery up in the hills.

A monk? Akira? I pushed aside my shock as I looked at her with as blank an expression as I could muster. I casually inquired about where this monastery was and would it be interesting enough to check out. I assumed she didn't know about our liaison but a faint smile on her face as she left made me wonder.

A monk, well, I had to find out what that was all about. Since it was still early in the day I bathed, shaved and dressed for a hike.

It turned out to be a short but challenging hike along a trail through a forest of towering pine trees. As I walked I wondered what the hell I was going to say to him. Obviously asking him to come to the inn a for a fuck was out of the question. Even though there were buddhist monks who married I had the impression most were celibate. What compelled him to become a monk? He didn't talk much about himself but I knew he lived a pretty isolated life when he worked at the inn and that he was an orphan.

I suppose I could start with an overdue apology for leaving so abruptly but that felt like a bad idea the more I thought on it. In a weird sort of way I was hoping we could pick up where we left off but I wasn't sure where we left off. I was getting more confused with each step.

I passed a group of men in heavy work clothes who were cutting some trees and clearing land. It looked like maybe an expansion of the monastery. A man wearing a hardhat and obviously in charge was airily giving directions while waving an arm. I nodded to them and continued down the road to the main entrance.

I wasn't sure how to announce myself since I've never been to a buddhist monastery so I just walked up to the first person I saw. It was a young man with a conical hat raking leaves near the stone wall around the compound. He bowed and asked me to follow him. We walked through a large wooden gate and he gestured for me to wait in the spotlessly clean courtyard. I paced for a bit, still at a loss as to what to say to Akira. I wasn't even sure why I was here and the austere, pure surroundings made me feel like I didn't belong there.

A minute later Akira emerged from the main hall wearing the black robes of a monk and smiled when he saw me. I felt a tingle of joy that he remembered me.

"Copper-san, how good to see you again." he bowed slightly. I blushed at his formal manner.

"Come on, Akira, it's me, Mike." We fell into silence just looking at each other. He had put on some muscle and had a mature look about him. I had put on weight too but in a sagging way and my short blonde hair was showing a bit of gray at the temples which I became self conscious of while admiring his shaved head that left a shadow of a hairline which accentuated his beautiful oval face.

"You look good. " he said as it had only been a few days since we last spoke. I shrugged unable to find a reply. He smiled again and it was the smile of a contented being. He gestured for me to follow him and we entered the main hall, after I quickly removed my shoes, and we walked down a along hallway to a small room where I sat on the floor on a cushion while he prepared a cup of tea. His movements were sure and graceful, carefully keeping the wide sleeve of his robe out of the way as he poured steaming water into the cups.

"Do you remember the last time we were together?" he asked conversationally. My brows jumped in anxiety. Was he angry, how did he recall that night? I worried.

"Of course I do. I haven't been able to forget it." that didn't come out right. It sounded snarky and I didn't intend that. I bit my lip at my stupidity as he handed me a warm cup, still smiling. He hung the pot back on the hook over the sunken fire pit and regarded it for a moment before speaking.

"I have not forgotten it either. " he said at last. His voice was so warm I knew there were no hard feelings and he understood what I had awkwardly tried to say.

"I'm sorry I left so suddenly." I blurted and took a sip to steady myself. He gave a small laugh.

"It was I who left suddenly." he said truthfully. He took a sip of his tea as he composed his thoughts.

"I had decided to become a monk before I met you. " he said simply. I was floored. My God, I groaned inwardly, I had deflowered a monk. I'm not a religious man but something felt well, unsavory about the whole thing. My face must have shown it.

"Oh, Akira, I had no idea." I muttered. He shook his head at my reaction.

"Don't worry you did nothing wrong. Historically there has been a lot of this sort of behavior among monks -- I mean bedding with men. I think I took advantage of you." he confessed with some amusement.

"I enjoyed being taken advantage of." and we laughed, breaking the tension.

"I'm glad you came. I always wanted to thank you for what you gave me that night." his voice was tender as his gaze caressed me. I was puzzled.

"A beautiful sunset." he explained and it took me a minute before I smiled in understanding.

Finished with the tea he gave me a short tour of the buildings that made up the monastery. He had to get back his duties so he escorted me to the gate. We stared at each other for a moment and I had the overwhelming desire to embrace him and give him a kiss but thought it improper as two monks were walking in for the afternoon mediation session. Akira sensed this and maybe felt the same way but we did not move.

"Sayonara, Mike-san." he said at last with a deep bow. I returned the bow and with one final smile I turned and walked away before he could see tears welling in my eyes.

Sayonara means farewell but is rarely used unless one feels one will never see the person again.

I returned to the hotel in time for an early dinner, I sat out in the garden afterwards with tea and watched the sunset as I mulled over my encounter with Akira.

Saki called to me and walked hesitantly over, apologizing for disturbing me. I brushed it off and invited her to join me. She handed me a small scroll tied with a ribbon explaining it was sent by Akira. I opened it to find a spidery column of Japanese writing on the rice paper. I asked her to translate it as I can barely read Japanese signs but anything hand written is just a jumble of lines to me. She pulled out a pair of large glasses from the sleeve of her kimono and peered at the writing for moment. She accepted a cup of tea to clear her throat before speaking.

"Snow falls like cherry blossoms / so why should I care, the copper pot warms me / the tao is made clear for me."

After a moment of thinking I understood what Akira meant; appreciate the moment. Like when I made love to him, like this moment.

I gave a small bow to the sunset and silently thanked Akira.

Postscript: the poem mentioned is a haiku. It usually has a reference to seasons, has measured lines with a certain number of syllables (which can get lost in translation from Japanese to English). Tao means way, as in the path to enlightenment and is a buddhist concept.

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