Holding On

By Rylan Coleman

Published on Jun 2, 2012


"Holding on"


Where it all started (Cont)

Written by Rylan

This story contains male to male sexual activity (eventually) and if you don't enjoy this kind of story, if it is offending you in any way possible, and if you are not allowed to read this kind of material in the area where you live then please STOP here and read no further. This story is based on the author's real life events which has been modified to make it nearly-fictional and of course has been added some fictional materials. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author, which is me. Please enjoy and email me at ry.co.92@aol.com to give me criticism, or your ideas and if you want to be my editor then email me:). Otherwise, ENJOY! *** Pictures of people who look like my characters (These pictures are by no mean the people from my story but they bear resemblances)

Rylan (first main character): http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5-tbWcg27uE/SMZXl- FLfYI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/OkwBSyPD95o/s400/male-model-sweater.jpeg

Jules (Rylan's bestfriend): http://www.mobidll.com/s_p_images/p_images/beautiful-asian-photos- model(Mobidll.Com)1529095112.jpg

Benji (Rylan and Jules bestfriend): http://nextmodelmen.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ef49d0a88330120a7462f60970b-800wi

Wyatt (second main character): http://2.bp.blogspot.com/- vTro8nLsIPg/T76Cwx3KsmI/AAAAAAAANxA/KWy1NUasxdE/s640/aidenisland14.jpg

***I've found suitable pictures for both the first and the second main characters. So if any of my readers have any different and better suggestions, please email me to let me know:). THANK YOU ***


As Jules and I are waiting for Benji at the door for my family driver to pick us up, I am popping a piece of my favorite grape-flavored starburst candy in my mouth. Since a young age, I've always loved eating Starburst, but only the purple (my favorite color) grape flavor. In each tube of Starburst, I would be lucky to have more than one piece of the grape flavor.

"Do you want some?"- I asked Jules while chewing on the piece of candy.

"Sure babe"- Jules answered, taking a piece from the tube of candy I was holding in my hand.

"By the way, who were the people just now?"- She asked taking off the plastic wrap.

"I have second period Chinese class with the cheerleader. In class today, she said I was in her seat and rudely asked me to move. You know how I am, so I told her to go and sit somewhere else. Since no one witnessed what happened, we shouldn't tell anyone about this ok? I don't want to have more dramas."- I answered looking out at the parking lot.

Jules nodes slowly as she is chewing on her piece of candy. We change the subject as Benji finally showed up with snack on one hand and drink on the other. He has a bad habit of eating a lot, even if it means he has to work out for an extra hour every other day.

"What's up guys!!!"- Benji said chewing on his chips.

"How are you going to eat Rosa's food if you keep eating everything you see?"- I said with a mocking smile.

"Mmm Hmm"- Jules pretends to be judgmental.

"You know I would never say no to her snacks. Yummy !!!"- He said smiling to the thought of food.

We chat for a while before Ted (my family driver) picks us up. It has been the same way for the last few years, Jules and Benji usually hang out at my place after school for homework and snack (for Benji most of the time).

"Hello Ted"- We said in union.

"Hey guys, how was your first day of school?"- He asked.

"It was good."- I told him as the car starts moving, heading toward the house.

It wasn't long before we reach my house. The reason why we always hang out at my place is because Jules house is too loud because she has a big family, and Benji just love the way Rosa prepares her most delicious snacks for him to munch on while we doing our homework and wait for dinner.

"Hola Rosa."- I said with my made-up Spanish accent.

"Your Spanish accent is getting worse, chico."- Rosa said smiling at us.

"As long as it makes you smile, bonita."- I winked at her playfully.

"You are too much, young boss."- She smiles broadly.

"What are you making for me to eat today Rosa?"- Benji ran to the kitchen looking for food.

"Do you want me to make you your favorite?"-Rosa asked walking toward to kitchen to talk to Benji.

"Let's go up to my room."- I asked Jules who has been quiet for the most part since we got back to my house.

"Yeah"- She answered dully.

As soon as we get to my room, I pop another piece of Starburst candy into my mouth and start chewing on it. I just love them Starburst (lol). I always have a stack of Starburst stacked in my room for raining day (well everyday anyway).

"Are you ok dude?"- I asked Jules as soon as she lays down on the other side of my bed.

"Yeah I am just thinking about what happened at school earlier, you know the cheerleader and her goons."- She said looking up at the ceiling.

"Don't worry about it. I am pretty sure none of them going to try anything after we kicked their asses today. Like I said dude don't talk about it anymore. I don't want Benji or Rosa or Ted to know about it."- I pleaded.

"I know... I know."-Jules answered

As soon as she answers, Benji walked in with a tray of food and drinks in his hands while chewing on something.

"Let's eat!!!"- Benji said smiling like a fat kid in a candy store.

"I am pretty sure that tray of food is only enough to feed you haha"- I said taking a glass of apple juice from the tray.

Benji starts eating his food as all three of us working on our homework (homework on the first day of school? How suck is that). Good thing that none of the first homework is too challenging. Before long, Rosa called us down to have dinner. I am getting used to being alone in the house with just Rosa and Ted while my parents are away for meetings, trips out of the country. I can't really blame them though. To have this much money, they have to work their asses off to be able to provide me with stuffs. Sometime I just wish they would just stop working too much and spend more times with me. It's not a reality wish I know but you can't blame a guy for wishing.

It's a good thing I have good friends like Jules and Benji who think of me as their brother and employees who care for me like Rosa and Ted like family. I've never thought of Rosa or Ted as my family's employees. I was raised better than that and was taught to treat them as my uncle and aunt.

As soon as dinner is finished, Ted drives Benji home because his house is about 15 minutes away from Jules's and my house. Since Jules is only a few houses away from mine, I usually walk her home. Its un-necessary since her karate is better than mine but it's something I feel like I have to do because I am a guy (a gay guy but still a guy lol). Jules and Benji knew about me being gay a few years back and of course they are very supportive about it. They were a bit taken back once I first told them but they warmed up to the fact and we became closer than ever. I couldn't blame them though. The thought of their good friend being gay is not to be taken lightly. Jules is a full-blooded Asian, and Benji is from a very conservative family. They were raised with tradition and church-like manner.

The next morning, everything finally sunk in and I understand why Jules was so worry about what happened yesterday. I realized that from now on, they will not leave me alone and my high school career will be hell since I made the queen bee madder than the mad cow disease. As I am taking care of my morning needs, I am still thinking about whats going to happen to me and my friends from now on. Before I know it, I was sitting on the dinner table eating a plate of breakfast platter made by my favorite cook, Rosa. I was thinking of calling in and tell them I will not be going to school today but they will inform my parents and they will kill me if they know. My parents are very into educations. They said there is nothing more important, and education will always come first no matter what. That's why they are famous plastic surgeons, ones of the top of the world. Also, that's the reason why my siblings are studying at top universities in the country and my parents are very proud of them. My record has not been bad, but it has not been great either. They are very concern about my education and have been talking to all of my teachers since school hasn't even started about extra-curriculum and extra-credits.

That's the reason why I have to go to school early today to talk to my counselor about switching all my classes to honor ones. My parents made sure I have to be in honor or AP classes because that's how I will be admitted to a good university in the nation. As soon as Ted drives me to school, I wearily walk to the counselor offices to talk to my counselor about switching my classes to honor ones. I am just going to tell them that I need more time in regular classes to make sure that I want to switch.

After talking to my counselor about it, she agrees to allow me to stay in regular classes for the time being so I have more time to make a decision, but I only have until the end of the first half of the quarter to decide or they will follow my parents' wishes. The moment I walk to my locker, it's still early in the morning and the first bell won't be ringing for another half an hour or so, there are two guys wearing the varsity jacket standing in front of my locker. They are both taller than me and look like they have been working out all their lives. One of them is about my height from afar but about three times my size when it comes to muscles. He has jet black hair and dark brown hair with honey-brown eyes which really sparkly under the light. The other one is about an inch or two taller than him with very exotic look. He has to be a latino. Medium brown hair and dark brown eyes with full pinkish lips and very toned body. He has to have at least an 8 packs under his shirt. They are both considering at least an 8 in my book but why are they standing in front of my locker? This is hella weird. They look like they are waiting for me because as soon as I appear, they keep looking at me.

"Excuse me, can you guys move? You are standing in front of my locker."- I asked as polite as I could.

"Are you the new kid who kicked the basketball players' asses yesterday afterschool?"-The shorter one asked chillingly.

"I did kick some asses yesterday yes but I don't know what sport they play."- I answered getting nervous because these two seem more masculine and stronger than the ones yesterday.

"You got some nerve kid. I am gonna ask you to come with us because the captain of the basketball team want to talk to you."- The other told me without any threat in his voice.

"What if I say no?"- I asked

"Then we will have to "bring" you to him against your will."- The taller one said emphasizing his words.

"Don't you remember what happened to the basketball players yesterday? If I could kick their asses, I am pretty sure I could kick yours."- I told them but on the inside, I am kinda scared a little but I don't know why.

"If you can kick anyone's ass then you should not be scared of going with us to talk to our captain."- One of them said to me.

"Fine, let's go."- I said a little irritated.

"Good choice."- They started walking toward the gym.

They led the way to the basketball court in the stadium of the gym. As soon as I entered the stadium, I notice there are the two guys Jules and I took care of yesterday playing basketball with two other guys. "There are total 6 of them."- I thought to myself while holding tight onto my messenger bag with my headphone around my neck and my iPhone blasting music. They point to the bleacher and motion for me to sit there and wait for the little basketball to finish before their captain could talk to me. I was like wtf? They asked me to come to talk and now I have to sit here and watch their basketball game? I was so worry about whats going to happen that I didn't notice who the other two players were. As soon as I notice they are walking toward me, I look up and guess who one of the players I did not notice before is? My knight in shining armor who is also my TA and apparently he is the captain of the basketball team. As he was walking toward where I was sitting, I notice he looks great in his basketball uniform. His muscles are definitely complementing on his looks, along with a little beads of sweat falling down the side of his face making him look even sexier than normal. Now I understand why he is the captain of the team. I have no idea how good he is with basketball skills with he definitely has the good look to be the captain of the team. The two guys earlier were 8's and Wyatt is definitely an good 10 and a half compare to them.

"So you are the new kid who kicked their asses yesterday after school? Freshman"- Wyatt asked in a tone I couldn't tell what he was feeling but I noticed how he emphasize the word "Freshman".

"He didn't kick our asses, the floor was wet and we slipped."- They both said trying to cover up what actually happened.

"Shut up"- Wyatt demanded as I laugh to myself a little.

"So what if I did kick their asses? Are you gonna get even on their behalf?"- I asked as I open a piece of Starburst to put in my mouth.

"Seeing how you fell on your face on the first day of school I didn't realize you could kick their asses, especially as built as they are."- He said monotonedly.

"Let's cut to the chase, what do you want?"- I asked chewing on my Starburst.

"You guys should head to the locker room. I need to talk to him alone."- Wyatt told his teammates.

"I thought we were going to kick his ass for what he did to your girlfriend?"- One of the bums from yesterday said.

"Should I ask Jules to break both your hands next time she sees you?"- I said looking at him sternly.

"You little bitch..."- He said trying to come at me but his buddies hold him back and drag him into the locker room leaving me alone with Wyatt.

"This is not over..."- He said from the locker room.

"So what exactly do you want?"- I asked as he sits down from the lower bleacher just like yesterday.

"Like they said, I am supposed to kick your ass because you made Nicole mad."- He said smiling at me.

"You can try but if something happen to you, I am not responsible."- I told him as I start eating another piece of Starburst.

"I am not a violent person, well when it's not necessary anyway."- He said looking directly at me with this expression in his eyes that make me look away for a second.

"I am just gonna keep this short and ask you to give Nicole back her seat and don't be mean to her. She is a nice girl and it's not nice to be mean and give her troubles."- He told me sincerely.

"Wow hold up!!!"- I said confusedly.

"How was I mean to her and give her troubles?"- I asked in disbelief.

"I don't know exactly what happened but she would never lie to me."- He told me.

"Ok whatever she told you I am sure it's not right and frankly I don't really care. That's my seat and I am not going to move."- I told him getting angry.

"Ok how about this, think of it as doing me a favor and give your seat to Nicole? She is a sweet girl, it's sad to see her first day of senior year went unpleasant."- He asked me looking at me with those eyes again.

"Fine, you helped me yesterday when I fell on my face, so I will do this favor for you. We are even."- I told him as I put on my messenger bag and stand up to leave.

"Thanks man. What's your name anyway? I didn't really ask and Mr. O'Mally didn't let me look at the attendance sheet."- He asked smiling a sweet smile.

"Rylan"- I answered walking toward the exit of the stadium.

As I was walking out of the stadium, the first bell starts ringing. I was flooded with emotions after the encounter. It was like a wakeup call for me. I am just in disbelief that he is her boyfriend...



Looking back at what happened that day, I still feel a little sour. I told Jules what happened and she was furious, but it's all in the past now and to be honest, I don't want nothing to do with them anymore. I gave Nicole back her seat that day and felt defeated when she was smirking at me. I have been trying to avoid coming in contact with Wyatt since the second day of school. It wasn't easy since he is my TA but I have been doing just fine with excuses to go to the nurse office so I don't have to participate in PE or jump at the first chance to go to the track to run instead of playing sport so I don't have to see him or even worse, participate in the same team with him. It's good for me since I love to run. That's the second thing I love the most after Starburst (lol).

As soon as I get back home today, I took a second shower and changed into something better since it's a birthday party of Benji's new friend from school. He invited Benji and said that Benji could bring as many friends as he wants and of course he wants to bring me and Jules but Jules is unable to go because her parents doesn't like her to party because it's not good for her and she needs to focus on her studies. My parents aren't big fan of partying either but since they are not home, I have no problem of sneaking out without Rosa and Ted knowing about it. I couldn't go anywhere without my converse all stars. I am wearing ripped jeans since I've been wearing skinny jean all day and want to look a little different. A black dress shirt with white collar dress shirt with dices tie and a white jacket would be great for tonight party. Benji is wearing his usually get up with a t-shirt, his favorite jeans from A&F, his new Nike and a cute jacket. The clothes he wears are def not expensive but they look good on him. Benji comes from a wealthy family too, even wealthier than us if anything but he doesn't like to show it off. Jules and I didn't even know until we visited him at home back in 5th grade because the teacher said he was sick. Benji definitely a pretty boy since he lost all those weight after 7th grade but somehow he is still hung up on Natalie, the girl he asked out on 7th grade who rejected him because he was fat.

When I show up at the party, it was already full of people from school. I noticed there are not just freshmen but even some of the seniors are there. "Hopefully he is not going to be here tonight."- I thought to myself as I spot Benji standing in the corner talking to his buddy and some girls.

"Hey Benji."- I walked over and said hi.

"Hey buddy."- He said to me.

"Hey guys, this is Rylan, he is one of my great friends since 3rd grade."- He introduced me to his friends Chris, and the twin girls Kayla and Layla.

"Hey Rylan, how is it going?"- The twin said in union, kinda creepy (haha) but it's understandable since they are twin and everything.

We stand in the corner to talk for a while, well more like they are talking because I feel like I don't belong in the group even though Benji is there. So I told them I am going to get something to drink and I will be back. Kayla followed me since she wanted another cup of drink. I told her I want to go outside to sit and to get some air and she said she would go with me. We walk outside and sit down on the grass in the back of the house. She is a little clingy in my opinion. She couldn't keep her hands to herself while we are sitting in the backyard. She keeps putting her hand on my hands or around my waist or on my thighs. I kept looking to an excuse to remove her hands, but a few seconds later, her hands were back to where they were which is somewhere on me. She is a very attractive girl but too bad I am not straight or I would have made out with her by now. After a while, Benji came out looking for us (more like looking for her) because the party is at full blown. The moment Benji sit down, I told them I have to go inside and get a drink, I will be right out soon, just talk to each other before I come back. In my mind, I am not coming back out there with Kayla no matter what. When I walk inside the house to avoid Kayla, I immediately bumped into someone, knocking his drink on the floor. As if fate wants to play a trick on me, the person I bumped into is Wyatt.


End of chapter 2

What does everyone think? Please email me your thoughts and ideas on what I should improve on. I get some of my ideas from reading stories off of Nifty like picking pictures of what I think my characters look like and such.

Email: ry.co.92@aol.com

If I get enough positive feedback, I will continue with the second chapter. This is my first attempt so don't get mad cuz my writing is not that good in the first place lol.


Next: Chapter 3

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