
By Andrew Bull

Published on Aug 11, 2023


Holidaying with my mates. My Diary

Part 10

As he drove us home in the big Mercedes, Alex told me about his life in Turkey. He owned six hotels and a couple of houses in the area as well as the house he lived in and his little cottage up in the village. He had managers in each of the hotels but was actively involved in their running and liked to be consulted about the larger decisions that had to be made from time to time. He said he was well aware that he had to be careful not to tread on the managers' toes, but that he got on well with all of them. Again, I knew that it wasn't just me: the guy was just so easy to like. After some minutes' pause in the conversation, I plucked up courage and brought up the subject that was burning up in my head.

"So do you ever see your wife? You said you were married."

"Sorry, I should have said," he answered, and after taking a deep breath, "I guess I am still married, but I haven't seen her for a couple of years. As I said, soon after we were married, she stopped sleeping with me. I had begun to realise that I wasn't sexually attracted to her anyway, so it was OK I thought. It was soon after that, I got home early from work and found her in bed, naked and entangled with another woman. She laughed at me as I stood there with my mouth open."

"So what did you do?" I was taken aback by what he had said.

"I told her to get out. She said she would gladly, insulted my manhood, which I guess I deserved and said I'd be hearing from her lawyer."

"And did you?"

"Oh yes! She wanted half my assets, which was a lot of money. I offered her the equivalent of two million UK pounds, which was a fraction of what she wanted, but a fair offer, I thought, after such a short time together. She laughed in my face at my offer and reminded me that she had three big and muscular brothers who she would have to `talk to' if I didn't give her the amount she wanted".

"So did you have to pay her in the end?"

"As I said, in Russia, we have ways of dealing with these things. My Father has a lot of contacts with a lot of influence. I'm not really sure what he did, but I have never seen or heard from my wife or any of her family since."

I sat in silence for a while, thinking about what Alex had told me. I realised we were from two different worlds. What seemed just the way things were to him, seemed like a story from a movie to me. I felt my eyes get heavy and dozed I thought, for only a few seconds, but when I opened my eyes again, I saw we were only a half an hour or so away from the town. Alex was slowing the car.

"I need to take a leek", he said. "I'll find a place to stop".

He pulled over at the side of the road. There was a large rock about th4 size of a small house behind some trees, a little way across the grass verge. He got out of the car and walked behind the rock so he couldn't be seen from the road. It was completely dark now. I got out of the car and followed him behind the rock. The only light was coming from the moon's crescent and the myriad of stars twinkling in the sky above. I sighed as I watched Alex relieve himself. "It's really beautiful isn't it", he said. With his dick in his hand.

I resisted the temptation and agreed, "The stars are just glorious", watching him, revelling in the sight of him standing holding his cock, pissing in the open air. It struck me just what a truly masculine action this is and what a glorious sight he looked.

"That's the North star", he said softly nodding towards his left. I moved to stand behind him and felt the warmth emanating from his back and could not help but move closer towards him. I put my hands on his hips and pressed against him. He pushed back against me, the hard lump in my shorts betraying my rising passion. Alex leaned his head back and I kissed his neck. "Mmm that's nice", he breathed. I gently nibbled now, and then kissed up and down his neck. "I'm crazy about you, my Adrian, you do know that, don't you?"

I moved away slightly and ran my hand lightly over the plump roundness of his rump. It seemed to mesmerise him and he moaned quietly.

"But we should go now Adrian. We have to get back". I reached around him, unfastened his shorts and pushed them down together with his briefs, the light of the moon reflecting brightly off the pale mounds of his perfect butt. I moved my hand down and felt the hot, smooth skin with its fine dusting of hair. I stroked gently; I wanted to feel every square inch of him and moved a finger into the cleft between his cheeks.

"That tickles", he giggled."Come on, stop now. It is late; we must go". He made no move to leave. I found the wrinkled skin of his hole and pushed my finger in just a little. "What are you doing to me Adrian? I don't know if I like you to play with me there; aah, but your touch is so nice."

I wrapped my arms round him and pulled him harder to me, rubbing my now full erection against his bum.

"Oh fuck, Adrian, that does feel good, I think I want to try; I think I want that". My lust for this man just seemed to take over and I knelt down to kiss the warm, soft skin covering his powerful arse. I lapped at the soft, auburn down, then pulling his cheeks apart, licked up and down his crack, loving his gentle whimpers each time I brushed his sensitive hole.

I fished in my pocket where I knew I had a little sachet of lube. I pushed my own shorts down, smeared the cool goo on my dick and positioned it against his hole. He yelped as I slid the head through the tight circle of muscle and on into his fabulous depths.

I leant him forwards against the rock and he spread his legs. I needed him desperately now and pounded into his tightness. I closed my hand round his stiff penis and rubbed in rhythm with my thrusts.

"Oh yes I like that, give it to me you hot man." I was now pumping into him like a machine, faster and harder, deeper and almost violently.

"Now you have some of England in you: I make you a bit English now", I gasped. I soon I felt the familiar pulsing deep in my gut as I gave up yet another portion of my seed, this time deep inside my magnificent lover.

As I gasped for breath, he gripped his hand round mine on his own hot dick and wanked himself off, pumping his libation over the rock in front of us. I felt my knees weaken and slumped against Alex's back wrapping my arms around him and pulling him hard against me. He turned his head and found my mouth with his lips. "Come on", he said, "We should get going."

We started the final leg of our journey back to the town; me back to my mates and Alex back to his business life and all that went with it. I wondered if this meant the end of this experience, but I couldn't imagine just carrying on as if I'd never met this wonderfully sexy man. How could things just go back as they were? It felt to me as if the entire universe had changed. I wished Alex would say something: then he did.

"I think I'll see if I can buy that rock back there where we just stopped. Put it in my garden."

"You're crazy. Why would you do that?" I asked giggling.

"So we could hide behind it whenever we wanted", he smiled.

"You mean we will see each other again?" I asked a little fearfully.

"Oh you don't want to?" he shot me a glance.

"Alex, of course I want to, I couldn't bear the thought of never being with you ever again. I just thought, you know, I just thought that, well, you have lots of friends and I didn't know......

"Adrian, Adrian. You must surely know by now how I feel about you, that I'm crazy nuts about you. Please know that."

"That's so nice", my grin was like the Cheshire cat's.

"I know just where I will put that rock if I buy it" He really meant it.

"I think the rock should stay where it is. I wonder how many other lovers have fucked behind it. I'd like to think that many more will enjoy it; sex with a view!"

Alex looked thoughtful as he drove. "That's a really nice thought. You are very nice boy". He leant over and kissed me.

We were headed back: him back to his house and me back to where I was staying with my mates; back to being Adrian on holiday from his boring life. But I didn't feel the same as I was two days ago. How could I just go back?

Alex pulled to the kerb outside the block that was my holiday home. He switched off the engine and turned to look at me. "I don't know what to say", he said almost to himself. "I don't want to say goodbye. My Adrian."

My heart did a sort of sideways jump and I got a bit of a lump in my throat. "Alex, when can I see you again? I don't want to leave you either." He kissed me tenderly; oh so gently. I wanted to cry. My emotions were in utter turmoil.

"Look, I have to go, Adrian. I have to get home. I have important business meetings tomorrow and have to go to my office in Bulgaria on Saturday. Can I see you on Sunday? Please?"

"I guess I'll have to wait two whole days before I can taste your kisses again." I tried to smile.

"I promise I'll make it up to you Adrian", Alex softly said as he gently placed a mass of kisses on my cheek and chin. I opened the door and reluctantly wrenched myself away and out of the car. "I'll call you when I can", Alex said. I closed the door and with an awkward wave, he drove off.

The guys were pretty much ready for bed when I got in. "Hi". I said, trying to pretend it was just the end of another regular day of our holiday.

"You OK?" Adam asked.

"Yes of course. Just tired I guess." I responded

"You have a good time Adie? We thought you were coming back yesterday."

"Great thanks. Yes, we had a bit too much of the local festive grog. Alex has a little place in the village so we crashed there. Now I need to get some sleep." I thought this was the best way to avoid `the third degree'.

"We found a great surfing beach further up the coast today. We thought we'd go back tomorrow. We met some surfing guys: a couple of Aussies but the rest are locals. We can hire some gear and these blokes said they'd give us some lessons if we want. You want to come? Rich isn't fussed so there's room in the car."

"Sure, why not. `Night," I climbed into my bed and was asleep within seconds.

Next: Chapter 11

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