Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Aug 6, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven, or Hell Book Two. Chapter 13 Return to Spain and a new venture By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 12:

It was not long before Tony wanted more than a willing mouth, Andy came up for air, Tony used that to stand up, Andy took the hint and laid out on the lounger. Tony climbed on top of his brother, located his target and lowered himself into position. We were far enough away not to interrupt the show but still close enough to see Tony's ass going up and down and at the top of each stroke, his cock, glistening with the lubrication in the moonlight. I like to think that Tony was perceptive enough to realize that we had had it for the night as once he had cum, they both laid out on the lounger, cuddling each other as though we were not there. We, obviously, both had rock hard cocks but sadly, little, if any energy to do anything with them, we moved quietly back to our bedroom, we climbed into bed, kissed, settled into a spoon and passed out.

No alarms had been set, Mark and I had done something we had not done for well over a week, actually slept in the same bed all night. I was the first to stir, bloody bladder, I carefully slid out from under the duvet and made my way to the loo. No little helper? Wonder what the boys are up to, no doubt having riotous sex, again. I went around to avoid disturbing Mark; he needed the sleep bless him, once out onto the patio. I had to go back to the lounge for my phone, the sight that greeted me was just too beautiful to let go. The two boys had obviously fallen asleep on the lounger, Tony was spooning his brother with his big strong arm over Andy's chest, pulling him in close, The "snake" was wide awake and at full mast. The picture would have made a wonderful Front Page for a porn mag. I did not know whether to wake Mark so that he could see it for himself but decided he would prefer to sleep, he could always see the pictures, of which I took four.

I went back to the kitchen to make myself a coffee which I duly took back to the patio and decided not to wake the brothers, just yet anyway, but just admire the fabulous view and stroke my now rock hard cock. I had finished my coffee, still no major movement, moving a bit closer I could see the "snake" was still at full mast, as if asking for attention. Moving in a little closer I could also see that Tony's cock was also hard, sandwiched between Andy's thighs. I could not resist the "snakes" request and carefully knelt down and gently took it into my mouth and then gently let it slide all the way in, the angle was such that I was actually able to deep throat it all the way down.

Needless to say, my activity had a domino effect, firstly, the "snake" started to throb, Andy's hand found the top of my head and was gently pushing me further down and finally some moans and groans which woke Tony. It did not take Tony long to locate and thrust his ravishing cock home to the hilt in Andy's ass; I would have sworn I felt the end of it as I was down deep, hitting from the inside.

It was not long before we were all making various noises, it must have been loud enough to wake Mark, he came out onto the patio, I watched his cock grow as he got closer. As my cock was the only one spare, he soon got down and dirty with it buried in his mouth. This scene continued until Marks knees started to complain, he stood up and proceeded to lick my upturned ass. God, he's good at it, almost made me cum there and then, but I knew what was next, so used all the self-control I could muster to hold off. Sure enough, when he was happy with the lubrication around my ass, he got into position, spat onto his own cock and sank it full tilt, it was so fast it took my breath away. He had obviously recovered as he came first, deep in my ass. Tony was next shooting another load deep into Andy's ass which was enough to take him over the edge and let me have a good load to deal with, I did actually loose a couple of drops maybe due to the fact I came without touching my own cock, something that has not happened to me for many a year.

We all pulled out and collapsed onto various loungers to recover, looking around the group, we all had that sparkle in our eyes and a look of complete satisfaction on our faces. The boys went into the villa and came back with coffees for each of us which we all enjoyed.

The tranquil scene was disturbed by Marks phone ringing, oh bloody hell, what now, he yelled, Tony had already stood up and volunteered to get it for him, he got it to Mark before it stopped. Hello, hi, is that Mark? Sven here, hi Sven, what can we do for you this lovely morning? Sorry to disturb you, hope you were up, yes, I've been up for about half an hour he replied looking at us all, we were all trying not to laugh. We were planning a trip to Gib this morning and wondered if you could give me details of your cab guy friend? No problem he's name is Miguel, sadly we don't have a contact for him, you will have to take pot luck as to whether he's working today, I can give you his car registration number, but you must remember, if he's is not first on the rank, you will have to wait till all the other cabs in front of him have got fairs and left the rank before he can. Got a pen handy? Yep, ok, he's number is 7138 CHW, on a white Peugeot 906 people mover. They will all do you a good deal though, if you do find, Miguel, let him know you are friends of Mark and David and he will try and make it a bit special for you, ok, thanks Mark, have a good day, you too, thanks, bye Mark.

Ok guys, anyone for breakfast? We all stood up and moved towards the kitchen, we were all soon sat around the table enjoying a well-earned breakfast, even the view was calm, four well satisfied cocks through the glass table, even if the soft "snake" was still very impressive.

My turn to start things off this morning, I asked, anyone got anything they would like to do today? The boys both looked at me with an almost blank expression, then Andy looked up again, I was expecting something to do with sex but he asked if we could go back to Rhonda, Tony added, good shout bro, we did not really get to see the area, suits me. Mark? Ok by me, we could find somewhere for lunch, great plan, let's work towards it.

It was ten in the morning before we had got as far as the car, Rhonda is about 3/4 of an hour's drive away, along some spectacular mountain roads. We had to hunt the parking space, partly because of time but we were also in the height of summer season. Eventuaually we found a space not too far from the gorge. The walk to the bridge is interesting if you are into medieval Spanish architecture, some lovely old buildings. We walked across the bridge, stopped at the central point, took all the obligatory photos, of which we have dozens, having been so many times. We all opted to do the long walk down the gorge before lunch as we all felt we might not have either the will or inclination to do it afterwards. It is a long way down and a very arduous climb back up, some eight hundred uneven stone steps, but the views are just indescribably magnificent. By the time we had reached the top, our priority was a nice cold beer and food, our timing was almost spot on, as we approached the little café / restaurant we were aiming for on the high street, one of the pavement tables cleared, perfect, we all collapsed around the table and waited for a beer. Four wooden platers of Tapas and four liters of beer later and we were in heaven. A selection of assorted cold meats, Spanish cheese, olives, baby white onions and pickles together with the local beer, a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. The conversation around the table went from the early morning activities through to the flight back from London and even at one point all the way back to the Eifel tower with Andy asking how we had met the Director.

Mark answered, well son, in the early days of the trust we had to go cap in hand for funding, one of the social "dos" our fund raisers set up was a high society dinner in the restaurant on the second stage of the Effie Tower. Tickets were if I remember correctly 1500 French Francs, back then and that was each, a lot of money for a top class five course meal. All the guests got on top of the food was a talk by the various Directors of all the major buildings within eyesight of the tower, each was fully illuminated as the guest speaker said his or her piece. A truly once in a lifetime event, wow, said Andy, did you two go? of course, we both had to speak to the assembled audience, gosh, said Tony, you two have certainly had an unusual life.

Almost as if tempting fate Mark replied, it's what we have come to love, we never know what's going to be next. Almost as he finished his sentence his phone rang. Mark? Yes, Richard here sir, sorry to bother you but something has just come up that I felt you would need to be party to. Oh, do tell, are you somewhere private sir, well, no, not really, is it that bad, well it could be diplomatically sensitive. Ok Richard, how urgent is this? Well, not top priority, yet, ah, ok, were on our way back to the car now, will call you when secure, ok sir, sorry to spoil your holiday, oh dear this does sound bad, speak later, ok sir, bye. The three of them were already on their feet, what on earth said Dave, we will have to see, does this mean you'll be leaving us so soon asked Andy, Tony answered for me by saying, how do they know till they know what's going on, oh spose so Andy replied. We all made haste back to the relative security of the car.

Dave drove in case I needed to take notes during the briefing, Tony was in the back with me, we pulled out onto the open road and I rang Richard, the call was on the hands free system so we all heard the anxiety in Richards's voice as he picked up. Ah Mark, thank you for coming back so soon sir, this ones got me worried, ok lad, now what's this all about?

One of my young staff, a young girl, Alice, she's only just turned 22, been with us since leaving school, yes I said, this is not a domestic I hope, no sir, far worse, sorry to be flippant lad, it's the beer, carry on, she went off two weeks ago for annual leave, ok, too Thailand, Bangkok to be precise, and? Well our international office received a call from the British Embassy in Bangkok yesterday saying that they had had an anonymous call to say that a young English girl had been seen inside Bang Kwang on drug smuggling charges and was facing execution within a week of her trial which was apparently a certainty and scheduled for two weeks' time.

Bloody hell Richard, sorry sir, that's why we thought you would want to be involved in this one, it would normally have gone through the ordinary channels. Quite right dear boy, this sounds on the face of the facts so far quite serious, have we been able to confirm anything yet. No sir, that's part of the problem, the officials at Bang Kwang are denying even the existence of the girl and the Embassy are saying that their source is saying that the court have an eye witness who just happens to be a high ranking, serving Police officer, as far as they are concerned the case is a cut, shut and hang job, Tony grabbed and squeezed my thigh, Andy was kneeling on his seat looking over at me with his jaw open.

Ok, I've got the main facts, did you say we have a maximum of three weeks before execution, that's a maximum sir; the Thai's are notorious for bringing these cases forward at a moments notice to act as a deterrent to others.

Well, it's too late to do anything now, let me get back to the villa, talk it over with Dave and the boys, I'll get back to you inside an hour, ok sir, sorry again, no problem lad, speak soon, bye, bye sir.

There was a communal exhale as the called dropped, Dave looked at me via the rear view mirror and said, well you did ask, what's next, yes, I should learn to keep my mouth shut. Andy swung around and sat down again, it was Tony who asked the $50000 question.

What the hell can you do for the poor girl, assuming she's innocent? Glad you added that bit young man, the back bone of English law, innocent until proven guilty, it's this bit about the serving Police officer that worries me. The Thais hold their Police in very high regard, almost like Gods, this could be a real tough one. Dave pulled into the drive and we all piled into the villa. Unlike usual, the boys did not strip in the lobby, they both disappeared off into the kitchen. Dave had got his arm under mine by way of support as we walked out onto the patio, not that I needed the support but it was still very nice, just occasionally he does something really sweet. By the time we reached a lounger each the boys were coming out with a triple Scotch and ginger for me and a large Gin and tonic for Mark. Thanks lads, I looked over at Mark, what was it you were saying last night about getting some house boys? If they could have, both the boys ears would have pricked up, they both looked at us with expectant looks of anticipation. Mark replied, you're a rotten bugger Dave, you really are, grinning widely. What, what did he say Dave? They both asked, oh, nothing really, mainly no and how he wanted to live beyond the next year. They both pounced, I got Andy, the lighter, I was just able to control him but even Mark had a devil of a job with Tony.

The light hearted frolics were abruptly curtailed by Marks phone; Andy jumped off me, ran to the table and took it over to Mark. Hello, Mark here, hello sir, Richard, and? An important development sir, the Embassy has just reported that they have been granted official access to see Alice, their man is with her as we speak. That's good news Richard, we've only just got back to the villa, let us have a chat about this and Ill give you a ring back, ok sir. Which one of you wants to ring Mom and Dad and say you're going to the Far East, assuming you want to of course, I asked, looking at the boys. They both answered at the same time, can we? Go, they scampered of to the end of the patio and rang Sven.

Well I said to Mark, this one could be interesting, you don't mind me suggesting the boys join us do you? Good God no, be an experience for them both, though we may not get much time for sightseeing till it's all over, whichever way it goes, you mean there's no guarantee, sadly no, one thing you cannot even hint at is a sweetener, we would all end up in The Bangkok Hilton.

God its hot tonight, I'm stripping off and made my way to the bedroom, Mark did likewise, when we got back to the patio, both boys were in the pool.

The boys finished their swim and joined us, still wet, we spoke to Mum, she's ok with it, Dad was in the shower, she said she would let him know. Tony, yes Dave, any more beers in the fridge, it so hot and humid this afternoon, sure coming right up, he scampered off. Andy was looking at me with his little boy lost eyes again. What's up Andy? Not been that far before, what's it like? Please don't say Google it, please, I'm a bit scared. Nothing to be scared about lad, as long as you stick to one of us like glue. Well, its hotter than here, now, add another 15-20 degrees, add to that 100% humidity, it's bad now, this is probably 65-70%, its smelly, parts of the city, like anywhere can be dirty, it's very overcrowded and the traffic is 24/7, 365, have I forgotten anything Mark? Yes, actually, you have, the people are fantastic, they are always smiling no matter what their personal circumstances, they are a very generous, thoughtful and compassionate nation.

By this time Tony had returned, he caught the tail end, and asked, is it really like that Dave, yes, at least it was the last time we went out there four years ago. Question is, do you both want to come along, it won't be all fun. Tony looked down at his brother, he could sense he was not happy, I'll stay if you don't want to go Andy he said, both Mark and I looked at each other and the telepathy took over. Andy got up, went over to his brother, Tony took him into his arms and gave him a great big hug, Andy was gently sobbing, Sorry bro, I'm being selfish, would you really stay, yes of course, he looked at us and shrugged his shoulders.

The scene was shattered by the door bell, we had forgotten to shut the gate when we got back, bloody hell, who's this Mark said as he went to see who it was. We all settled back onto various loungers, Tony had taken Andy and had his arm around him on one, I had another, all with our backs to the lounge. Mark announced his return, we have a visitor, we all spun around, it was Sven, hi gentleman, hope you don't mind this intrusion, not at all, I replied, Andy, could you get your Dad a beer please, yes of course Dave. Thanks Dave, I need something, I've never known it to be so hot and sticky up here, we need a good storm, would you mind if I took this lot off. He did not wait for an answer, he remained seated, lifted off his tee shirt and deftly removed his slacks and briefs putting them in a neat pile beside his lounger.

Well, it was quite evident where Andy had inherited "the snake" from, Tony had got the upper body. Sven really was the first in the queue, he reminded me of an old friend of mine from Holland, Guy called Herman, he had TWELVE inches soft, ok, it did not grow much, it just got harder. Andy came back onto the patio and went to give his father his beer, he nearly dropped it when he saw the "super snake". Don't waste it lad Sven said as he made a grab for the glass, we all laughed which helped us but not so sure it eased Andy's embarrassment much, he went back and sat with his brother.

Well gentleman, I understand a toast might be in order Sven said, looking around the sea of faces all looking at him, all trying desperately to keep their gaze at eye level. Sorry guys, this is not fair, I had forgotten the effect it might have, please feel free, I have dabbled, a long time ago, yes guys before you ask, Mum does know but not the girls, I used to be a porn star back in my youth, both gay and straight, we all let out a huge sigh of relief, that one statement eased the atmosphere no end.

Now what's started Sven, Marks phone rang, this will answer your question Sven, Mark said as he picked up the call

Richard, yes Mark, ok, we've had a pow wow, the boys will be joining us, good, I was hoping you'd say that, be a great experience for them, yes I replied, let's hope it's a good one shall we, indeed sir. I heard Tony say to his Dad, watch this Dad, Mark is just incredible. Now, to planning, have you informed her parents? Yes, sir, they are obviously distraught, I'm sure, any boyfriend, girlfriend, yes a guy called Steve, also one of us, works in the accounts office. OK. So we will need four first class for the family assuming they all want to go, no hang on, how many are we talking about here Richard? Ok, well sir, obviously you two, the two boys, Mum, Dad Boyfriend, I was going to suggest Simon Travers from legal, yes, he's good, we've crossed swords before I replied, then any of his, hang on a second lad, enough, back a step. First job, get the 737 off charter and ready, good idea sir that way we are not limited to numbers and we all stick together, precisely. So, apart from family, whatever legal team members Simon thinks he will need, security, we will need several as we will be splitting up during the visit. Don't forget to get their weapons cleared with the authorities. Has everyone got passports? Yes, all our people are ok, Mums expires in a month, I've already instigated a fast track replacement, it's a bit tight but it's being couriered direct to the plane tomorrow evening.

I heard Sven say to Dave, how the hell does he do this? I heard Dave say to Sven and the boys, he's off again, he loves it, they were all watching me sat on a sun lounger in Southern Spain, on my mobile, arranging a mass transit operation.

Hotel, for the family, Dave and I and the boys will stay at the Sheraton Apartments as usual, usual suite if it's available, if you can arrange a guarantee of hotel cars for our transport, there reliable and discreet

If I've forgotten anything just make it happen, back to war Richard, ok sir, ah, yes sir, visas, taken care of, again being fast tracked for the whole party, security have permanent clearance anyway, good work Richard, bye till the morning, bye. Silence.

Tony sat up and simply said, thank you, for what young man I replied, well Dave, I can see that you two are going to be very busy on this one, we will do our best to keep out of the way as much as possible. Good lad Mark replied, until we get into this we will not have much if any time for sightseeing but as we were saying it is not the sort of place to let young guys like you two loose without someone to watch your back, is it really that bad? asked Tony. No, replied Mark, not during the day but at night around the clubs and bars, two young, very good looking, sexy guys would make a very good target for the gangs, gosh, I had no idea he replied, Sven was nodding his approval. That's why we will have 24-hour armed security, Sven said, I've never seen or heard anything like that, you really have got everything covered, Mark replied, I hope. Andy asked the next one, don't think anyone else had spotted it, Mark, yes Andy, you mentioned a 737? Ah, yes, the company liner, wow said Andy, is it a Boeing 737? Sort of, yes, it's the Max 8 version with a custom interior, it can seat seventy in first class plus size seats, it has the executive cabin which will seat twenty in a more lounge like setting and also has six double bedrooms with three showers and individual toilets, quite a home from home. Bloody hell said Sven, now that sounds like executive travel.

I was sat opposite Sven, so, do I take it that you have no objections to us taking your two lads off to the Far East, both boys were watching their father, Dave, what do you think would happen if I said no, grinning at me? Both boys saw this and almost simultaneously said, I'd go anyway, see Sven said, total waste of time, before he had finished the sentence both lads were sat either side of Dad, both giving him a hug. Just you do whatever Mark and Dave tell you, you hear, oops, should I have said that? Well, Dad, we do anyway, we all burst into hysterical laughter. I don't think anyone had remembered that Dad was, like the rest of us, as naked as the day he was born.

Sven suddenly stood up, my God, that was some "super snake" it hung even lower than Andy's, hardly surprising really, it was after all, it was the original. Tony, yes Dad, fancy a race? Oh God, here we go said Andy as the pair of them headed for the pool. Ok said Sven, last home after five laps gets the drinks in. Without ceremony they were off. What's all this about I asked Andy, oh, they are so competitive, Dad has swum for the Swedish Olympic team, ah, who do you think will win, Andy just pointed at the pool, Sven was already half way back to the start point, Tony had just made his turn. By the time Tony got out of the pool, albeit to rapturous applause and cheers Dad had been sat poolside for a good five minutes.

Well done lad I said, Tony was exhausted, I've got the drinks in for you, have a beer, out of condition Son said Sven as Tony sat down, too many computer games, yes Dad, Sven looked over at Dave and I, now sat on our own lounger, he smiled, a couple of years ago he would have made that real hard work for me. See if you can encourage him to use the pools at your hotels while your away will you, he has great potential, yes Dad...Tony said from the end lounger he was sharing with Andy.

Well guys, said Sven without warning, I should be going, I'm sure you have things to do that you can't while I'm here, oh Dad protested Tony, don't worry son, have fun, enjoy life, you only get one chance, grab life by whichever is easiest, cock or balls and have fun. We all burst into laughter again, he really was quite a character. He, stood, put his briefs on, adjusted the "super snake", put his slacks and tee shirt back on and made a move towards the door. Forgive me Sven, I said, yes Dave, both boys and Mark were all ears, I think they knew what was on my mind. Man to man, how the hell do you keep that thing under control, he just laughed, and replied, with great difficulty sometimes, have a safe and good trip guys, keep Mum and I informed you two, bye Dad, and he was gone.

We all sat back down, well, I'll be dammed, I said, that at least answers two questions, Andy looked over, yeh, where this thing came from and Tony said, I thought my chest was due to the work I'd done in the gym.

Fun and games over, back to work people Mark announced as he picked up his phone, Charles? Hello Mr. Mark, what can we do for you? Well, we are off to Bangkok tomorrow with the 737, we will quite understand if you would rather not go, it's a long way and we have a spare crew. Over my dead body sir, besides which we have never been, good man, now can you get Dave and I and the two lads back to Farnborough in time for an evening flight direct to Bangkok? Can you leave this with me, I'll come back in ten, no problem Charles, thank you, no problem sir, bye. Tony was the first to start with the questions, Mark, yes Tony, why Farnborough? Simple, its where the 737 is based and its close to the house, we both need some clothes, oh, ok.

Richard? Hello, Mark, any news yet, no sir, the embassy has not come back to me yet, these things take time, the Thais cannot be rushed, fair enough, stay on top of it though, of course sir, now, can you set up transport from Farnborough to the house for me, I'll give you some times as soon as Charles comes back to me with a flight plan, ok sir, thanks, bye, bye sir.

Dave, yes Mark, can you take over while I go get something for dinner, I for one am staving, both boys agreed, saying they would help in the kitchen, great lads, thanks. No sooner had they left the patio, then Marks phone rang again. Hello, Hello Mr. Mark, hi Charles its David here, hello sir, everything ok, yes Marks cooking, ok, flight plan, yes fire away. If you can get to us for 09:30 we have a slot at 09:50, that would get you to Farnborough for 12:45, ok, good so far, that gives you until you need to be back to the airfield for the 737 and a slot at 18:50 direct to BBK. Wonderful Charles, sounds perfect, does that give you two time to get home and pack? Yes, thankyou sir, ample, good then it's all fitting together. Just one thing sir, yes Charles, we will need the spare flight crew, as my hours will be too close to do the whole flight, I'll be ok for takeoff and landing, thank you Charles, no problem, you are a good man, thank you for all the work, no problem sir, see you all in the morning, ok bye, bye sir.

Hello, Richard? Hello Mr. David, not spoken to you for a while, are you ok, yes thank you Richard, what can I do for you sir? Charles has just come back with a flight plan, he wants us at the Lear for 09:30, says he can get us to Farnborough for 12:45 ish. Ok, so you'll need a car to the house for about 13:00, yes please Richard, no problem, what about the return, Charles says he's got a slot for 18:50 so better get everyone at the plane for latest 17:00 to give them time to get on board, sounds good to me sir, I'll put the wheels in motion. Oh by the way, yes sir, Charles says he will need the reserve flight crew due to his hours, ok sir. I've got the team assembled this end its 19 so far, ok, Richard, I'll let Mark know, thanks for your work on this one. Just a thought, yes sir, would you and Judy like to join the party? Wow, thanks for the offer, would love to but you will need someone here to run this end, ok, if you're sure. Just turn up at Farnborough if you change your mind, ok sir, many thanks, it's very tempting, neither of us have been, have a good evening Richard, thank you sir, you to, speak in the morning, bye, bye sir.

Mark was setting the table as I finished the call, that was a nice offer to Richard, he said, yes, I thought so, he is a good man, very, we would have a serious problem if he ever leaves us, surely he could function with the wonders of the internet these days, yes, I'm sure, think we should insist next time we speak, yes. Ok, so what's happening? Early start, need to be at Malaga for 09:30, we've got to lose the hire car, from there it all fits in nicely, we'll have ample time to get to the house before getting back to the field for a 18:50 take off, I told Rich to get everyone at Farnborough for 17:00 latest, says he's got a team of 19 in total, good idea, what fun, yes, except for that poor girl said Tony. Andy said, Dave, did you say there are 19 of your people coming, why so many? Well son, I don't know who is coming yet obviously but if we work it out. You two, us Two, Mum & Dad, Steve, spare flight crew, then there is security and the legal staff. Wow, that's a lot for one young girl, yes Andy, don't forget who the young lady is, she is one of us and we all look after each other, sounds a good place to work said Tony, well, I've not had any complaints and the last person to leave us was due to old age and that was five years ago, wow replied Tony. Mark, yes Andy, how many people do you have working for you? Gosh lad, that's a question, I would have to speak with HR, roughly then, well, London say 130, Paris there's 4, Geneva our international headquarters there must be well over 300 and New York maybe another 150. Mark added what about Australia, there's another 50 out there at least. The boys were quite impressed, quite a group then, well yes, you could say that, dinner, I'm famished, we all sat down to an ideal dinner for such a hot night, a nice selection of cold meats, new potatoes and a fresh salad and a couple of bottles of a nice cold white wine.

After dinner Andy and I cleared up while Mark and Tony went out on onto the patio, by the time we got out there we were expecting to find a mini orgy but they were sat on the same lounger discussing the morning's activity's. We went over and joined them, before Andy sat down he asked, anyone like a drink? Yes please bro, beer please, my usual said Mark, I'll have one of those as well please Andy, he went off to the kitchen. We all started to discuss the arrangements for the flight, Tony asked who gets put were, are there any preset protocols? I glanced across to Mark and smiled. Well Tony, no preset protocols as such except of course Dave and I have a bedroom and the two house boys will be in coach. Mark, I'm trying to be serious here, sorry lad, WELL, you have already said there is NO coach on board. Dave, this lad is good, you've only just noticed I replied, Tony looked at me and smiled, see, I am listening, aren't you just replied Mark. Ok, we have three couples, and Steve, it's an 18 hour flight assuming we don't have to refuel half way, so I think they would appreciate a room each. As for the rest, the seats are all more than you would get in commercial first class, not much privacy granted but they all fully recline and the plane has very efficient sound proofing system. How many crew on board? Asked Tony, eight is the normal, excluding the flight crew of course, though Richard may suggest a couple more as it's a special flight, why special asked Andy? Who's on board? Ah, both big boss men, yep and don't you forget it lad. It had cooled down significantly; it was 10:30, time for bed people? I asked, can we join you this evening? Asked Andy, I looked over at Mark, he looked at Tony, who replied, see, 24/7 sex machine, is anyone complaining I replied as we all went through to the bedroom. I made the loo first, almost before I had got myself into position I had a hand to guide things along, even though I now knew the origin it was still strange.

By the time we both got back to the bedroom Tony was giving Mark a blow job, Andy said, and he says I'm 24/7, look at him, I am lad, that ass looks inviting, want to fight me for it? No you take it if you want it, go on lad, you have it , I could do with having a good show to watch, are you sure Dave, go for it, before I change my mind. Andy was up on the bed and licking his brothers ass, I had got the KY and was lubing up the "snake", a second later Andy had located the hole and was pushing his thing all the way home. I could not resist the sight of Andy's ass in the air, lubed up my cock and got into position, very soon also sunk in to the hilt, much to Andy's delight. We all pulled out and Andy asked if we could try a two in one again, no one complained so he got on top of Tony who got his cock in nice and deep then Mark got into position and was very soon splitting the hole as they say. An hour later we all fell back onto the bed in a mangled heap, all satisfied but also all exhausted. We sorted ourselves out; all got comfortable and fell off to sleep.

To be continued..........

There might be a delay with Chapter 14 as we are away for twenty days holiday, driving from the UK to Pompeii in Southern Italy, more travels more fodder for the story.

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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Next: Chapter 14

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