Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 25, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter Four ( Smitten by Gib) By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 3:

We parted company as Mark and Tony went off to bed with Tony's cock already beginning to swell, I caught Marks eye and winced at him, he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I went straight into the ensuite loo and was very soon again joined by Andy, who again, this time without asking just gently took hold of my cock and guided the flow letting go when I had finished, at least now I knew why. He was already in bed, as I approached, he had again lifted back the duvet, as I got in he again snuggled up close and cuddled me, it was very comforting. I was already drifting off to sleep as again, I became aware of the "snake" rising up the back of my thigh. As the night before he got his cock inside me as far as it would go and just held it there, just the occasional little push to keep it nice and hard, which it was, it was like a solid pole.

I had the foresight to set an alarm for the morning so that we were up in time for Diego's return visit. We woke to the sound of the alarm, which I reached out to cancel. Andy said good morning, did you sleep well? Like a log, I feel your still hard as he pushed his cock in another inch, yeh, been like it all night, it's a fantastic feeling, I can feel your breath.

Can I put it to work, have we got time? Would be a pity to waste it I replied, almost before I had finished saying it he had pulled out and literally shoved the whole dame thing all the way back in, taking my breath away, Jesus Andy, a little warning would be good, sorry Dave, got a bit carried away, I'm enjoying it so very much, with which he got into a nice steady rhythm, it really was a spectacular cock to be fucked by, it was reaching parts not touched for many a year.

Andy announced he was cumming, I quickly asked if I could watch him cum, he pulled out just in time as another seven good strong spurts of thick cum spattered all over his chest. He then proceeded to bring me to conclusion with another of his great blow jobs, off to our wet room for yet another shower, again, no more sex, we just washed each other down and went out onto the patio to dry off.

We heard giggles coming from the master bedroom as we passed, we both looked at each other saying, sounds as though someone's having a good time and laughed. Out on the patio it was another bright sunny morning as you would expect from Spain, not too warm yet but it was going to be another hot day in paradise.

When Mark and Tony finally came into view they both had their arms around each other and looking at each other as though they were newlyweds. I looked over at Andy, winked and then said loudly, do I start divorce proceedings now? They both let each other go and burst into laughter, Mark said please, no, I'd be dead within a month, Tony replied grinning, and who was it that started things last night? More laughter.

Another great breakfast with two fantastic views, the hills in the distance lost out again to what was on offer under the table, both of them semi hard, oh what it was to be young and so virile. The buzzer rang and Mark went to open the gate for Diego, who came straight out onto the patio, he greeted every one, shook hands with and kissed Mark and I, ok guys, let's get going it's going to be a long day, my crew are already at the villa, with that Tony disappeared and returned wearing shorts, a tee shirt and trainers.

He led the way out to the porch, Diego said to me as we followed, pity I'm not several years younger, these two really are something special, yes aren't they just I replied. As Tony got into the car with Diego I shouted out, now you behave yourself Tony and let Diego's guys do what their being paid for, yes boss he replied with another quick flash of those bloody eyes, Andy waived, as they drove off, Tony shouted to Andy, same goes for you kid, don't wear those two out before I get back, I would have said Andy's response was out of character, he snapped back piss off bro.

The three of us returned to the patio, it was warming up nicely, anyone fancy a swim asked Andy, not for me son I'm bushed Mark might join you though, yes go on then Mark replied as Andy jumped in closely followed by Mark. I very soon dosed off, as I came too again they were both about half way along the pool, they were obviously stood on the bottom and I could see despite the distortion of the water, Andy was fucking Mark under water. I tried not to let them know I had woken and spoil it for the pair, I just watched, it was a sensual sight which needless to say had an almost immediate effect on my own cock.

Mark was the first to spot I had woken, ah, I see your back with us Dave, don't think this will take much longer grinning, don't worry on my account, I'm enjoying the view.

Then I heard the buzzer again, it was Diego bringing Tony back, I went to open the gates and to welcome our "son" back home, funny, maybe, no, definitely, weird but that's what it felt like somehow. It was not Diego at the wheel but one of his crew, another young Spanish stunner with jet black shoulder length hair. Tony got out and shook the lads hand and waved as he drove off back down to the other villa.

As we got back into the lobby and with the door closed, Tony did something he had not done before, he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. He then realised what he had done and quickly put his arms under my shoulders just in time to stop me collapsing on the spot.

At that moment Mark and Andy came into the lobby, both of them ran over, is he alright? Yes, thanks guys, I'm fine, I replied, what happened asked Mark. Nothing, just a bit of a shock, looking and winking at Tony, the other two just looked puzzled and followed Tony and I back out onto the patio with Tony holding on to my arm for support where more beer was on offer.

Again, Tony joined me on the same lounger and again put his arm around my shoulder, sorry about that, it just felt the right thing to do, I've had such a fantastic time here, I'm not looking forward to when you two go home. Yes, I think it's going to be wrench for Mark and I too, we will just have to try and keep in touch.

Mark come over with a beer each, did you enjoy your swim I asked Mark, with a wink yes but those pool filters are going to be working overtime. Tony looked over at Andy asking have you been at it already? Andy's reply was a classic, just a quickie to see if it's true, if what's true asked Tony, that spunk floats, I can tell you now, for a fact it does and roared with laughter.

OK, everyone loves a smart ass said Tony as Andy went off for a pee.

Is Andy alright I asked Tony, yeh, he's ok, think he's a bit jealous, jealous of what I asked, oh, seems as though he thinks I'm getting more than he is and giggled.

When Andy returned Mark asked the lads if they wanted to do anything, Andy was again the first to respond, predictably with, you mean apart from fuck and or suck cock. Before Tony could retort, Mark said no that's not what I had in mind, I think it's more than time for a bit more culture. Tony let his brothers comment go saying, oh that sounds good, did you have anything in mind? Have you two been to Gibraltar yet? No said Tony, always wanted to go but Dad does not really like driving here so this was going to be the first year we would have the change, being as I can now drive. Andy pipped up, yeh seen lots of pictures on the web, are there really monkey's up there, oh yes, I replied but they are not monkeys their Barberry Apes.

What's the difference asked Andy, look it up on Google I said. Well then said Mark, that's settled, go get some clothes on I'll get the car open and the top down to cool it down a bit.

The lads ran off like school boys to get changed and returned looking immaculate, Tony sporting khaki shorts, white tee shirt and sneakers, Andy with light blue shorts, light blue tee shirt and sneakers, they really knew how to dress to kill and turn heads. I suddenly remembered that the boys would need their passports so we would have to go via their villa, as we pulled up Diego was on the front porch making a call, he looked a bit concerned as he saw us pull up, he quickly finished his call. Hi guys, is everything ok as the boys ran indoors, yes, fine Diego, were taking the boys to see Gib, need their passports, we know what you Spaniards are like, he laughed and play punched my chest, would hate to be on the receiving end of a full power blow. How's it going Mark asked as he got up onto the porch, come and have a look said Diego and he led us through to the to the pool area.

The whole area was like a nest of ants, there were twenty guys all working away, the pool was almost clear of debris, another group had started to scrub the tiles, it was almost clean, there were some tiding up the surrounding garden area, some more scrubbing the edging slabs and two guys each with a power washer, cleaning the whole patio area. Diego said it was going much better than he had anticipated thanks to four friends joining the army. We are hoping to get the water on before we leave this afternoon, I'll come back through out tomorrow to check its filling OK. Thanks for this Diego Mark said, you will send the bill to us at home, yeh, yeh, we'll see about that. Then the boys returned and we headed back to the car.

The drive to Gib went without much incidents of sexual activity, they were too occupied taking in the scenery. Mark and I had been many times and knew where to park the car, we had found a nice underground secure car park some 200 yards from the border. We got out of the car and walked across through the Spanish border post showing our passports to the surly looking guards, they really do recent the rock being British.

We opted to walk across the causeway to the rock, it fascinated both the lads to actually walk across a working runway, they both stood astride the centre line and took the obligatory tourist photos of each other on the line, they really were close, it was so nice to see.

As luck would have it, another old friend of ours, Miguel, who runs his own cab company on the rock just happened to be the second cab on the stand on the rock side of our border post. He saw Mark coming towards him and by the time we approached he was out of his cab, arms outstretched to greet us both. Introductions over we all climbed into his cab. We had to wait for the cab in front of us to pick up a fair to honour the unwritten protocols of the industry, apparently you don't jump the queue.

Miguel did us proud, he gave us the full tourist tour, he's got a special limited MOD pass as he does work for the British authorities, so we were able to see bits that the normal tourist is not allowed to see, deep inside the rock. He stopped at several points on the way up so that we could all take in the views. At the top, the lads saw the main troop of Apes and Miguel told us to walk a little way down, back to the entrance of St Michael's cave and he would meet us at the exit further down a bit later. The inside of the cave blow both lads away, they were both taking photos like mad, odd but they both took great pains to include at least one of us in most of their shots.

The rest of the tour followed the same vein, to prevent this from again becoming a travel log we ended up at a restaurant on the main square, Mark had secretly pre booked a table thinking that by the time we got back to the villa we would all be too tired to eat let alone have the energy to cook first.

A really great meal was had by all, with both lads asking all sorts of questions about the history of the rock finishing off the trip nicely. We headed back to the car and made our way back to the villa. We left the top up for the return as it had got a lot colder and even looked like it might rain. Both the boys opted to sit in the back and almost before we had reached the main road back to Mijas they were both fast asleep.

They did not come too till we pulled into the villa grounds, we all went straight into the lounge and both lads flopped down on one of the settees, they even left their shorts on.

I went to the kitchen to get some beers before bed, the boys were obviously blown away by their visit and kept thanking the both of us for taking them and talking about it. They both really looked whacked so I suggested time for bed. I was somewhat surprised by what followed but not all together disappointed.

As we approached the bedrooms the boys carried on and went into the spare, Tony stopped at the door and just smiled as he shut the door, Mark and I carried on to the master, we were both asleep as soon as our heads hit our pillows.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


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Next: Chapter 5

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