Holiday in Heaven

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jul 28, 2016


Here we have a story although from my over active imagination, wishful thinking, perhaps both, it was originally inspired by a correspondent who told a story of some fun he had while on holiday.

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Author's Note: This story is copyrighted by the author, and no part of it may be copied, linked to, downloaded, stored in any electronic device, or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. This is a work of pure fiction, places, events mentioned, may exist but are used in this story, it is just that and not real. They exist only in the mind of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places or events is unintentional.

All names but mine have been changed and any resemblance to anyone alive, deceased on in the houses of Parliament is purely co incidental. Places named have been used as we have had personal experiences of them, that does not mean they are involved in or have any specific connection with the gay community in anyway whatsoever.

Holiday in Heaven Chapter 6 The last day ? By Kimbageno. Copyright 2014-2016. All rights reserved

We left chapter 5:

As my head hit the pillow I realised I had not been as successful as I had hoped, Tony's strong arm came over my shoulder and started to hug me close. Thank you so much Dave he whispered, that was a really fabulous night, do I pay for it now or wait till morning? I turned over, we were eye to eye, I replied and you complain that Andy's the randy one smiling, he grinned and I turned back so my back was facing him, within a very short time I could feel the head of his cock locating my ass, once found, it was gently but firmly pushed all the way home which made me exhale as the very last inch made its target. Very gently, to avoid waking the others he proceeded to give me one of the most sensuous fucks I have ever had, it was so very gently. I must have been asleep when he eventually came as I was not aware of it till the morning, some of Tony's spunk had leaked out onto the sheet, I could feel it, crusty as I moved. He was already awake as I stirred, he whispered morning Dave, have a good night's sleep? Would of I replied but for some prick keeping we awake half the night, I turned over and grinned at him. I reached out and sure enough, there it was, rock hard, I ducked down under the duvet and gave him a quick suck. I came up for air and said, that's so hard, yeh pity to waste it he replied grinning, yeh go on bro give it to him Andy pipped up. Well enough said, I was skewered again, this time by them both, one after the other. Turned out that Mark had got up earlier and left Andy still asleep, by the time they had both finished I had stained the sheets even more as I shot during the "snakes" attack, which was again, absolutely rock hard.

The three of us laid on the bed, all with our own thoughts but I would not mind betting those thoughts were all very similar. Being Friday, it was the last day we would have the boys exclusive company as Mum, Dad and the two sister's would be arriving Saturday morning. Do you know what time your folks are arriving? I asked Tony, oh God, don't remind me, I'm dreading it, me too said Andy. But why I asked, they are your family after all said and done, we know replied Tony but you and Mark are so much more fun to be with, to which Andy added, yeh and it's not just the sex either. They both got up off the bed and jumped on top of me, giggling like a couple of little school girls, it was like being attacked by two octopi, tentacles every which way, tickling me in all the right places for most but I am not ticklish so they were having little if any effect, which was getting them even more excited.

Come on guys, calm down now, it's not going to work, as they both climbed off me, Andy said, oh, no, then what are these then, pointing to our three hard cocks. No, no more sex, I started to say, they both began to protest, no, I said, later, shower, and breakfast, we should find Mark too, no idea where he could be. We all trouped off to the shower, washed each other with another couple of attempts to start something but I managed to be firm (no pun intended) and eventually got them to the table. I was a little concerned as I could not find Mark, he was not in the villa nor the grounds and the car was not in the drive.

I got the lads some breakfast and debated ringing Mark, I was reluctant as he hates getting calls if he is driving, not so bad at home because all our cars have full hands free systems fitted but we had not had chance to tune our phones into this hire car, too busy entertaining the boys. Literally, as I picked up my phone to call him, the buzzer sounded to warn the gates were opening, ah, here he is I said, obviously relieved. Tony asked, forgive me for asking Dave, how long have you to been together? Oh my God Tony, far too long I replied laughing, well chipped in Andy, ah, let me think...I was....then... gosh, it must be at least thirty years. Wow said Tony, that's a long time, how did you meet, ah, that's a very long story, tell you sometime but not right now, somehow Tony understood and went back to Marks IPad.

Mark came onto the patio, still dressed in his suit, he sat down and said, which one of you lads will get me a nice cold beer, both lads immediately stood up, Andy said I'll go, I'm nearest and disappeared off to the kitchen, returning in seconds with a beer for Mark, then sat back down and looked at him, smiling to himself, strange lad.

Your smart, where have you been I asked, oh, nowhere terribly exciting, the agents in Marbella, the bank and somewhere secret, he gave me a wink. What are you up to now uncle asked Tony. Did you just call me Uncle, yeh well, it sounded right, ok said Mark, I must admit I like the sound of it too. Andy looked up, looked over at me, then said to his brother, that won't work either you know, what said Tony, flattery replied Andy as he stood up to go and have a pee.

What was that all about asked Mark, or shouldn't I ask, Tony looked over at me, smiled and replied, oh nothing just a private joke. Mark looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and got up to go and change into something a lot more comfortable, nothing.

When Andy returned and had sat back down I again asked them when their family was due, Tony said, you rotter, I'd forgotten them, well sorry Tony but it's important we know, you both need to be at the villa when they arrive. Oh that's already sorted he said with his head still in the IPad. How come Tony, by the way Tony, I'm talking to you not the IPad, oh, sorry Dave, really, God that's so rude, I'm so sorry, ok don't make it more than it was, I understand you're a bit upset. You don't know the half of it. Oh, I'll tell you later he said as he focused himself in my direction. Yeh, its sorted cus I've got to go and collect them from Malaga. How I asked, you surely can't fit them all in the bema, no, no, Dads got an M P V in the garage at the back of the villa, it's a bit of a tank but it does the job, it's got seven seats so there some extra room for all Mums and the girls luggage. Do I detect a little friction there Tony, Andy replied for him, don't go there Dave, it's a bit of a sore point at the moment, ok say no more. So, you have still not said what time, oh sorry, their supposed to landing at 11 in the morning, so you need to be on your way from here by 9 30 latest, being a Saturday the traffic should not be that bad, yeh that sounds about right.

Ok, we need to get a plan together, what do you mean Dave, Diego's sorted the pool, I hope, he's not phoned yet but he sounded confident at the club. Tell me honestly, have either of you done any cleaning inside the villa? Ah, no, not really, precisely, my lad, what do you think your Mums going to say. Oh Dave, that had not crossed my mind, no nor mine said Andy, she'll go mental, precisely why we need a plan. Tony, can you go and find my phone for me please, I think it's on the bedside table, sure Dave and he got up and ran into the villa.

Mark came back to the patio and stood in all his glory wondering what had been going on, a lot of activity out here he commented just as Tony rushed in and handed me my phone, what's going on Dave? We need a plan, for what he asked, to get their villa up to scratch for Mums arrival in the morning Oh is that all, he smiled, Andy looked at him and scowled, oh, raw nerve somewhere, yes Mark, just below the surface, can you please help and not be a hindrance, what can I do, he asked with a bit more concern. Not quite sure yet but I'm working on it, let me make a quick call. The agents do speak English don't they, Mark, yes, what are you up to he replied as the agents answered, Good morning, Bromley Agents here, Santiago speaking how may I help you today? Good morning Santiago, very well thank you, Dave Pritchard here, ah good morning Mr Prichard, is everything alright with the villa, yes, fine thank you, I was wondering if you could help with a delicate problem, glad to try to help an important customer if we can Mr Prichard, what is it we may be able to do for you sir. Well, some friends of ours are flying out in the morning on the spur of the moment and we were wondering if you could see if your team of cleaners could give their villa a quick spruce up for us as a surprise welcome. Well Mr Pritchard, an odd request but give me five minutes and I will get back to you. Thank you very much Santiago, speak to you soon, yes sir good by for now.

Mark looked at me and just said, you're a crafty bastard, smiling, the boys were, for once, speechless, go and get yourselves some beer you two and could one of you bring one out for your lying bastered second uncle. They both scooted off to the kitchen still without a word.

As they returned with four beers in hand my phone rang, hola, ah Mr Pritchard, yes, ah, Santiago here from Bromley Estates, yes Santiago, good or bad news young man, good sir, the whole team are on their way to your villas as we speak, if you could escort them to the other villa, they will do whatever is necessary, thank you very much Santiago, very kind of you to help. Please add this to our bill will you, thank you Mr Prichard, no problem, I doubt it but should there be a problem please do not hesitate to ring me, thank you again, good by for now. I turned to the array of gawking faces and shouted, YES, RESULT and sat down, beer in hand and a smug smile on my face.

Was it going to be another one of those mornings, no sooner had I sat down than Marks phone rang, hola, good morning Mark, Diego here, good morning dear boy, how are you two this fine morning, well thank you, bit of a hangover but getting there, good man, good news for your two lads, the pool is full, the filtration system has kicked in and it is all running nicely, both the boys shouted thank you Diego, we owe you one and sat back down. Mark, is that something I could handle he asked, we could all hear the laughter in his voice, then before he could answer we heard Matias say, not for this boys, he's mine, sorry, you've got yours with you and we all fell about laughing again. As I settled down I managed to say thank you Diego, you will put this on our bill, yes, yes if I Matias ever gets around to it, enjoy the rest of the day and he hang up. I looked across at Mark and said, he's not going to charge us for that is he, probably not, no but you don't want to know what the club bill was for last night, ah, so maybe one for one, yeh.

Time for a swim anyone I asked and we all made for the pool, I don't know what Tony had been looking at on Marks IPad but he had a semi as he ran to the pool. I had completely forgotten that we were expecting a visit from the cleaning crew, who rang the buzzer just as I surfaced from my jump into the pool, oh, bloody hell, it's the cleaners, Mark, we really should get a house boy, both boys replied in unison, can I have the job, please, as I climbed out of the pool again and ran to get something on to answer the door. Mark than suggested that Tony get dressed as he would have to take them to their villa and let them in, oh yeh, would be an idea and he shot off to get dressed.

We all met in the lobby just as the doorbell rang, the same young supervisor was standing on the step. Good morning Signor, my name is Luciana, I'm from Belmont Estates, you have a job for my team I understand. Yes, said Mark from the back of the group, will you please follow us, certainly Sir as she backed off the step and got back into her M P V. It was then that we noticed that there were two identical M P Vs both full of young faces. Mark and Tony got into our car as the M P V s pulled off the drive, Mark took the lead and they all disappeared down the hill towards the other villa.

As I got back to the pool, Andy was laying out on one of the loungers, looking as always, spectacular, he now had a nice tan to go with the hair and eyes. His "snake" was laying between his legs as I walked around the front of him, he had his eyes closed and was obviously deep in thought as you could see the eyelids move from time to time. I gently sat on the lounger, he came too, looked at me directly as he focused those gorgeous pale blue eyes, thank you so much Dave for everything you've done for Tony and I, we both really appreciate it. To be quite honest lad, we would have done the same for anyone, all we have done is help in ways that we can. Yes, I know, but you did not have to get Diego to do the pool or the cleaners to do the villa for us. And just what would have happened if we had not stepped in to help? We have got far more out of this relationship than you two boys can ever imagine, think about it, your 19, Tony's 21. Mark is 50 and I'm 65, so, he replied, so. I replied, I should have been on the scrap heap long since, yet you two lads have given an old man a very, no, an incredibly happy five days, that would make what we've done pale into insignificance. Even so, I can't believe how generous the pair of you have been.

Do you think we have time for a little more payment off your debt before Mark and Tony get back, I do hope so he continued as he snuggled up and started to fondle my already stiffening cock. We had sex on the lounger, he gave me one of those incredibly sensuous fucks, nothing rough, so very gentle, kissing my neck and holding the sides of my chest as he gently pushed the "snake" home. He came, deep in my ass and then laid on my back while he recovered, again, gentle kissing my back and neck and licking an ear, eventually, he pulled out and laid on the lounger beside me and we both drifted off.

Hi guys, we both came too with a jolt and looked up, it was Tony, been having fun have we he asked, of course replied Andy. Oh, I see, while I'm of busy working your having fun, and why not retorted Andy with a smile, someone's got to pay this bill somehow. How did it go I asked, it was incredible Tony replied, there were nine of them, they went through the whole villa, just before they finished the supervisor asked us to go round and check everything was OK, it looked brand new, they did a great job, thank you so much he said as he turned to Mark who was standing behind him.

OK guys better go and get cleaned up, were going out tonight for our last meal together, oh said Tony, please don't say that, I don't ever want it to be the last. Now, now don't you go all silly on us, you know what I mean. Where are we going asked Andy, ah, that's a surprise replied Mark, don't look at me either I said, I don't know either with that the boys went off to change, be ready in the lobby by eight guys, OK Mark they both replied.

Where are we going anyway I asked Mark once the boys were out of ear shot, I told you, it's a surprise but the car will be here for 8, so, were not driving, good, I said, make a change to be able to enjoy a drink, exactly what I thought said Mark, particularly as it is effectively, our last night together. Ouch, I'm not looking forward to the morning one little bit, no, me neither replied Mark. Mark pushed the button to open the gates as we went through to our room to change, we both decided, this being a special occasion we would dress up a bit more than for the club the night before.

I wore Cream slacks with my Navy blue double breasted blazer with my favourite cream with fine blue line silk shirt and my cream leather slip on shoes all of which I purchased in Bangkok the previous year. Mark did very similar, Light blue silk shirt, light blue check sports jacket, black slacks and his lovely Loake light tan brogues. We went out onto the patio for a quick drink while we waited for the boys, as we were not driving I poured myself a Scotch and ginger and Mark a Gin and Tonic, both with ice and a slice of lemon in Marks Gin.

It was a lovely evening, still very warm but not too hot. The sun was on its way down behind the hills, it would be gone before we got to wherever it was that we were going, I don't really like surprises. It was just gone 10 to 8 when the boys emerged from the lounge, I say, I said to Mark, who HAVE we got here, well done lads, you have done your selves proud this time. Tony was wearing a very pale green, open neck short sleeve shirt, it was figure hugging so showed of his V waist and his arm muscles and powerful chest. Matching light green slacks and white casual shoes. Andy had a white open neck shirt with white, again, loose fitting slacks (thank God) and again white slip on's. We both said at the same time, bloody hell, give us a twirl guys, mmmmm. I then said you look good enough to eat, they both blushed and then Tony said, you're a letch, Dave, later, I replied with a smile and we all laughed, something we had not done much of during the day, just been too busy.

Eight on the dot, the doorbell rang, ah said Mark, that will be Marcos, both boys looked at him puzzled, who is Marcos asked Andy, oh replied Mark, just someone who works for us when were over here as he opened the door. Their stood Marcos, I'd always had a soft (hard) spot for Marcos, he was 28, well over six foot, jet black hair, almost black eyes, very good figure and a stunning, to die for smile. Good evening Mr Pritchard, your car sir. He saluted, Hola Marcos, are you well, yes thank you Mr Pritchard, as he went ahead and opened the rear door to the car. I was the last one out of the villa so I saw the look on the boys faces, bewilderment best described it, Tony turned to me and said who's is the car Dave it's a cracker, oh it just a chauffeur service we use occasionally when were here, Andy was again, speechless. Mind you, it was a quite a sight to behold, absolutely spotless and gleaming, an extra extended Mercedes S class, black with black windows and dark tan leather.

Mark stood aside to let the boys get in first, as Tony put his head through the door we heard, hello stranger, it was Diego and Matias, they shook hands as they got into their seats, Marcos reached in and pushed a button and the seats rolled forward giving us access to the rear seats.

As Marcos closed the door he said to Mark, any change in destination sir, no replied Mark and the door was silently closed. The journey took about 3/4 of an hour with Marcos gently manoeuvring this monster around the mountain roads ever climbing higher. I said to Mark, ah, I think I know where were going now, well keep strum, do they know were coming, of course, Diego broke off chatting to Tony to thank Mark for the invitation, we've always wanted to come here, always thought it was a bit too posh for us. Nonsense dear boy, we've been many times before and had a table a couple of tables down from us, full young kids in jeans and tee shirts, it's the food that's important.

Marcos eventually pulled into a little courtyard and stopped outside a large double door, before he could get out, a doorman came over and opened the rear door Ah, good evening Mr Walters, nice to see you again sir, are you well, yes thank you, enjoy your evening sir and he stood to one side till we had all got out of the car. Mark turned to Marcos and said he would call him when we were ready to leave, no problem Mr Pritchard, have a pleasant evening sir, then he again saluted and got back into the car.

We all followed the doorman into the lobby of the restaurant, as we approached the head waiter turned to greet us, ah Mr Walters and Mr Prichard, how nice to see you both again, we hope you are both well, table for six, yes thank you, we are booked in, of course you are sir, follow me please. The restaurant was fairly busy for the time of evening. On my suggestion, Mark let the boys lead the procession to our table. Nearly all heads turned as they walked passed, I know I did and I suspect so did Mark, feel really privileged to be with them. As we sat at the top table, Diego said to me, wow, did you see everyone looking at your two lads, yes, its good isn't it I laughed, Tony and Andy just blushed with the attention.

The restaurant has maybe ten tables inside but out on the terrace there are another twenty, all set along the outer edge wall, directly overlooking the hillside down into the valley and the coast in the distance. The terrace is actually jutting out from the rock face, it appears to be unsupported and really does look spectacular as does the overall view. The top table was round, large enough for a dozen diners to eat in comfort, right at the far end of the terrace, set a little away from all the others and raised about two feet up on a deck, with a balustrade around it.

As we all settled into our places the head waiter returned, good evening gentleman, welcome to The Ristorante la Alcazba, my name is Nicholas, I will your waiter for this evening, would anyone like a drink? He then proceeded to take our drinks order and disappeared. Mark had sat at the far edge of the table looking back onto the terrace, Tony on his left and Andy on his right, I sat next to Andy, with Diego and Matias next to me.

Our drinks arrived and we toasted the boys, who blushed again and then said thank you to Diego and Mark for all the help. Menus arrived next and we all spent half an hour deciding what to have. Tony was asking Diego all about the pool and the installation of the filter systems and how to fix anything that might go wrong, by the sound of the conversation they were all sensible question and he seemed to be taking it all in. Mark was telling Matias about some new investment he had found, Andy was studying the menu, Dave, yes Andy, why are there no prices beside each dish, is it a set price meal? No Andy, it's a very cleaver physiological ploy, they don't want diners to choose the food they eat by the price, he looked at me a bit puzzled. How many times have you studied a menu, seen something you would like to try and then seen the price and chosen something a little cheaper, many times he replied but if you're on a tight budget how do you know if you can afford your meal? Well, here at Alcazba everything is fairly priced, you have to accept that by eating here your meal is not going to be as cheap as say Mac Donald's, he laughed, but you will enjoy your meal, have you decided yet?

Nicholas returned and took our orders and Mark ordered six bottles of a very nice local Rioja, I looked across at Mark, and what's that look for he asked, That's a bloody expensive wine Mark, so, he replied, this is a bloody special evening, anyway, who's counting the pennies, looks like me I replied, he winked at me and smiled. The table was buzzing with conversations, I learned afterwards that Tony had really impressed Diego with his engineering knowledge. Andy put his hand on my leg at one point and gently squeezed, you realise we cannot do ANYTHING here young man, oh yes, of course, it's just a thank you, another one, yes if you want to know, and I'll keep saying it for a very long time to come as well, he just looked up into my eyes and smiled. Tony spotted it first, always a watchful eye on his younger brother, sorry you two, are we keeping you from something, all the conversations stopped. All eyes were on the pair of us, Andy looked up at me and said help, no guys, carry on, just a moment of mutual admiration, don't let us disrupt your evening, I replied and smiled at everyone, Even Tony smiled back and then winked to his brother, the conversations soon resumed till our meals arrived.

Conversations continued over the meal, it just happened that the seating plan worked very well. Andy suddenly asked, quietly, Dave, it's obvious you and Mark are quite well off, can I ask how well off, he looked at me expectantly for an answer. Wow young man that's quite a question, you don't have to tell me if I've overstepped the mark, it's just curiosity. Well, I replied, you know the old saying, curiosity killed the cat, yeh, and, you can tell me. He looked at me, well I said, probably in the region of 19.5 but you would have to check with Mark, he deals with the financial side of things. Andy's face was a picture; you could almost see the cog's turning inside his head. 19.5 he replied, that's thousands right, I just looked at him and smiled, saying nothing. I then became aware that the whole table had gone quiet, Millions then, said Andy triumphantly, still nothing from me but a grin, you're kidding me, you're not saying its billions, I still said nothing. Tony joined our conversation saying to his brother that he thought he should drop it. No its ok Tony, Diego and Matias know the score, if you two are going to become long term friends its only right and fair that you should know what you are getting yourselves into, do you agree Mark, most certainly he replied. Well said Andy, looking at the rest of the table, dwelling on Tony as I answered, its billions, cash portfolio. Both Andy and Tony went instantly white with shock, Andy stammered, your joking, Dave, sorry Andy, we never joke about money. What did you mean cash, well, it's far too complicated to explain now over dinner but that's just what we could lay our hands on quickly if we ever had to. Matias was the next to speak, Mark, can I ask, what is your current nett worth, do you have a figure? Well, the last meeting I had with our financial team was at the beginning of the year, so six months ago, it was then in the region of 25.5, giving a growth rate that most of the investments are on, that could be anything in access of 30 by now, does that answer your question young Andy. Both Tony and Andy were just staring at each other with almost blank expressions. You have invested well then my friend said Matias, which jolted both boys back to the table with a bang. In unison they responded, Wow, multi billionaires, who would have thought it, that's just the point young Andy, we don't flaunt it, we just try and put it to good use.

Then Nicholas returned, Mr Walters, was everything satisfactory sir, very good thank you, our compliments to your chef and his team, excellent as always, thank you sir, I will pass those kind words on. Would anyone like to see the desert menu? we all took menus and looked for something to have for desert.

An hour later Mark called Nicholas over, could you call for our car for me please, don't worry about the bill just add it to our account. Certainly Mr Walters, would anyone like a drink for the road? We all ordered another drink and enjoyed them as we sat back taking in the magnificent views from the terrace. Most of the other tables had been cleared, we were not the last but not far off, it was by now gone 12. More general conversations flowed across the table, Andy still had his hand on my leg, it was nothing sexual, somehow relaxing, certainly for me, it was beginning to dawn that after tonight we would not have much, if any "quality" time with the boys.

Nicholas came around the corner and up to our table to announce your car is here Mr Walters, thank you Nicholas, thank you very much for a very pleasant evening. Thank you Mr Walters, it is always a pleasure to serve our special quests, have a safe trip home, please, do come and see us again soon, we will Nicholas, thank you again.

We all made our way back towards the car, Diego asked Mark, are you sure its ok for your driver to take us all the way home, we can order a cab. Don't you dare my boy, would not hear of it, enjoy the ride Mark replied smiling. When we got back to the car Marcos was standing by the open back door, as he saw Mark he smiled, then saluted saying good evening Mr Pritchard, I hope you all had a good evening, thank you Marcos, very pleasant thank you, home please, no problem sir. He waited for Diego and Matias to get in, followed by the boys, then pushed his magic button and the seats slid forward for Mark and I, he quietly shut the door got in and we were off, back to the villa.

I had remembered to take the remote control for the gates, so as we pulled up they opened and all the lights came on so that Nicholas could drive strait in up to the porch. He got out, opened the back door and saluted again as Mark got out, I followed saying good night to Diego and Matias as I left, then the boys, Matias gave both the boys a kiss as they got out, I learned afterwards he was in tears for most of the run home.

Mark thanked Marcos, he saluted again and got back into the car and drove off back down the hill towards Marbella. We all stood and watched and waved as they went. What an evening said Tony, thank you both so much, yes added Andy, again, we owe you both, a fabulous evening. Glad you both enjoyed it we both said at the same time, now, anyone for another drink before bed as we all went into the villa and through out onto the patio.

It really was a spectacular evening, still warm, the bright moon illuminating the countryside down the valley and on to the sea beyond, together with the lights of the villa and those around the garden it was something quite special. We were sat on two loungers, Andy with Mark and Tony with me. Tony suddenly looked up at me and asked, what's it like being a multi billionaire? Both Andy and Mark looked over, Mark said, this could be interesting and grinned.

What do you mean? I replied, do you feel any different being a multi billionaire? he asked, no son, the only way I can think of explaining it is to put it into a context that you might be able to relate to. Andy, remember in the restaurant, you asked about the lack of prices on the menus, yeh he replied, bit odd that. Well, think about being able to do anything, have anything you want without ever having to ask can I afford it. Tony said, ever, yes I replied, ever. The rate at which our portfolio is growing with interest means that we could never spend the daily interest let alone ever eat into the capital. Wow said Andy, that must be a fantastic feeling, to be able to go out and order a new brand new top of the range IPad and not have to worry about paying for it. Mark and I looked at each other and just roared with laughter. What did I say said Andy, as he looked at us all laughing, Tony said, Andy, you could go and buy a new IPad for every day of the month and still not worry about it, oh my God replied Andy, as the penny dropped, really, really son I said, putting it simply, yes Tony's right.

Now I said, who's for bed, you two have got an early start in the morning to get to Malaga before 11, oh hell said Tony, I'd forgotten all about that, can we have our last night in your bed please asked Andy. As long as you let us get some sleep young man, he just grinned. We made our way to the master bedroom, the boys undressed and went to the loo first, by the time Mark and I returned they were already in the centre of the bed, both smiling, looking as though they would not melt butter.

To be continued.......

My usual suffix, sorry but this is important to me.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my time on the gay scene, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually, even though they now have some very good meds which may prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.



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