Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Nov 25, 2006


This is a story of sex between young males. It is pure fiction and should be read as such. If this offends you or you are under-age please read no further.

lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


At first there didn't seem to be any advertisements of interest to Warren in the newsagent's window, but then he spotted it.

`Young lad required to help out during the summer holiday period. Must be at least 15 years of age and willing to work hard. There will be some heavy lifting involved. Apply Robinson's Minimarket.'

Well, he reasoned I am 15, sort of, well, I'm in my fifteenth year. OK, so I'm 14 but I'm a fit, healthy lad and in my own mind I could certainly pass for 15, and I know that the law specifies the age limits, not the employer.'

Frank Robinson (known to staff and customers alike as `Old Man Robinson') seemed to be a nice guy and he explained that he would be working with his nephew, Vincent, who was 17 and his job would be to assemble the goods wanted on the shop floor ready for the shelf stackers to put them out. The system was semi-computerised and the cash registers would calculate when stock of a particular item was getting low and the information would be printed out in the warehouse where he would be working.

Warren and Mr Robinson reached an agreement and the following Monday morning he showed up for work at 8am.

Old Man Robinson took him through to the warehouse and introduced him to Vincent (`Call me Vinnie') and left him to get on with it.

Vinnie explained that Andy, who usually worked with him was a single parent and had to be off on school holidays, hence the temporary vacancy. You can borrow Andy's overalls while you're here, they are clean' and presented him with a bib and brace' overall similar to the one he was wearing himself.

Warren put the overalls on over his clothes and he thought that Andy must be a 25 stone gorilla judging by the overalls, they were way too big for him around the body but the legs were about 4 inches too short. Vinnie laughed at him, but in fun and not maliciously and tousled his hear, saying `You'll do, kid.'

Unlike Vinnie, who was wearing no top under the overalls, Warren remained fully clothed under the bib & brace. It gets pretty hot in here' Vinnie warned him especially when the sun gets on the glass roof. We have the big shutter open, but that doesn't make much difference. You might want to take some clothes off.'

`I will later if I need to' said Warren, admiring Vinnie's physique. Vinnie was short for his age, around 5'5". He didn't seem to be particularly muscular but the way he was manhandling the boxes of canned goods around he was certainly strong. He had dyed blond hair with the dark roots showing and piercing blue eyes over a cute snub nose and pale pink lips. There was no trace of stubble on his chin and Warren wondered whether he ever had to shave.

They worked most of the time in companionable silence stopping every hour or so for a cold drink, which Old Man Robinson supplied free of charge. Vinnie was responsible for all the goods entering the warehouse and for stock rotation, making sure that the oldest goods went out first, but every time there was a rush on in Warren's section Vinnie was always there to help without being asked. Warren assumed that Vinnie had been told to keep an eye on him.

At 12.30 Vinnie said it was time for lunch and produced a large container of sandwiches. When Andy's here I usually supply sandwiches for both of us from Monday to Thursday' Vinnie said And then on Friday we go out to lunch, Andy's treat. We'll carry on doing that if you like, I've got enough sandwiches here.'

Warren said he thought it was a great idea and before he sat down to eat with Vinnie he took off his tee shirt as he was getting pretty hot.

Vinnie took a good long look at him and said `You've got a pretty good body, Warren.'

Thanks Vinnie' replied Warren I try to keep myself fit and I'm pretty strong.'

The boys ate their lunch and chatted about this and that and then resumed work for the afternoon and again any time Warren had any heavy lifting to do Vinnie was always there to help him.

They were due to finish at 4pm and at 3.50 Old Man Robinson came into the warehouse, nodded to Warren and went and spoke to Vinnie. After a short conversation he went over to Warren and said `Vinnie says you've worked well today, Warren. I'm very pleased with you, if you can satisfy Vinnie you can certainly satisfy me. Vinnie is a stickler for hard work and if he says you're good, then you're good.'

As Old man Robinson left the warehouse Vinnie put his arm around Warren's shoulders and said `You did well today, Warren, off you go now, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Warren slipped out of the oversize overalls and Vinnie watched him as he left, admiring his trim form and the main objects of his desire, those two beautifully round buns and what lay between them. `Now there's a boy I really want to get to know better' he said to himself as he stripped off his own overalls revealing his naked body and his hard, hungry cock.

He sat by the open shutter and slowly masturbated himself, allowing the cool air to drift over his body as he thought about his new young colleague who, he hoped, would soon be a great deal more.

Vinnie experienced his best orgasm for months as he sat thinking about Warren, his semen flying high into the air and landing on the floor between his bare feet. As he cleaned himself up he moaned with pleasure, wiping his still sensitive cock on his handkerchief.

He eventually regained enough strength to pull on his shirt and joggers, pulled down and locked the shutter and made his way out through the shop and home.

His dreams that night were full of Warren and when he woke at 6.30 his cock was so hard that it hurt. Although he was dying for a pee it took ages to get started because he was so hard.

Vinnie usually left for work early and arrived about 20 minutes before his shift began, but this morning he left a little later because he wanted to arrive at the same time as Warren so that they would change together into their overalls. He had showered meticulously, cleaned his teeth and used some of his best cologne that his uncle Frank had given him the previous Christmas. As he neared the shop he slowed his pace and when he got to the corner of the street he stopped and watched for Warren to arrive. Two minutes later he spotted him approaching from the opposite direction and timed his arrival at the main door to coincide with Warren's.

Hiya Warren' he said, putting his arm around the younger boy's shoulders, we didn't put you off yesterday then.'

Nah' said Warren I enjoyed it in a way, but I was knackered when I got home.'

They walked through the store and into the warehouse and as Vinnie pushed the door open the overwhelming heat hit them.

Fucking hell' said Vinnie Let's get that bloody shutter up and let some air in here.'

He opened the shutter and then went into the little kitchenette and put the kettle on for their early morning coffee, which they sat and drank together. Vinnie explained that because of the hot weather sales of ice cream had soared and there would be a huge frozen food delivery coming in that day and there would not be room in the walk-in freezer for all of it so a few old chest freezers were being called in to service, which would add even more to the heat and noise in the warehouse but he asked Warren whether he could help him to get everything into the freezers quickly when the delivery arrived.

Of course I will' said Warren You helped me out several times yesterday, so I'd be very pleased to help you today.

Thanks, Warren' said Vinnie and punched him playfully on the arm. About time we got changed.'

Vinnie took of his shirt and revealed his naked chest and then he untied the drawstring on his joggers and lowered them to his ankles revealing to Warren that he wore underneath ... ... ... absolutely nothing.

Vinnie heard Warren draw breath. What's up?' he asked don't tell me I've embarrassed you.'

Warren, flustered replied yes, well no, I mean ... ... well, I was just surprised.'

Sorry' said Vinnie making no attempt to cover himself up. I'm not ashamed of my body and also it gets so bloody hot in here that I find it's best to wear nothing underneath the overalls.'

Yes' said Warren I suppose you're right.' And started to undress himself. He took off is tee shirt and then his shorts just leaving his boxers.

`Are you going to take my advice?' asked Vinnie, feeling a stirring at the base of his cock.

`I suppose it would be more comfortable' and he slid his boxers to the floor revealing his perfectly proportioned circumcised cock and low-hanging balls.

It was Vinnie's turn to take a sharp intake of breath. Warren's body was as perfect as he had imagined it and he couldn't drag his eyes away from it, especially his 3 inch soft cock and the perfect triangle of pubic hair above it.

Yea' said Warren I know I'm a freak, but it's just an accident of nature.'

What do you mean a freak?' Asked Vinnie you're bloody perfect' he added before he could stop himself.

Warren blushed and smiled with pleasure at the flattery. `You haven't seen my balls then.'

`Oh, believe me, there's nothing wrong with your balls.' Said Vinnie.

Yes' said Warren, turning to face Vinnie head on I'm the wrong way round, my right one hangs lower than my left. Everyone else is the other way round.'

`Well, I don't think that qualifies you as a freak, I think it's like being left-handed, but you're right-bollocked' he said with a smile.

Warren laughed and pulled on his oversized overalls. `When they dropped my Mum nicknamed me Wonky Bollocks and the name has stuck, but she shortened it to Wonks. Everyone thinks it's just her shortened form of Warren'

Well then' said Vinnie in that case I shall call you Wonks.' And admitted to himself that every time he said the name he would think of Warren's balls.

Vincent reluctantly pulled on his own overalls and they got to work with their allotted tasks until 11 o'clock when Vinnie called a drinks break for ten minutes. They were just finishing when the ice cream delivery arrived. The chest freezers had been switched on and everything was ready.

The driver offloaded three pallets of boxes and Vinnie directed Warren to put the ice lollies into the chest freezers while he put the ice creams into the walk-in freezer. Don't drop them in, Wonks' he said the kids get upset if the lollies are broken in half when they get them.'

Warren got busy and had soon filled the first freezer and had opened the second and was just bending over to put the first box on the bottom when he felt a hand on his arse. Not just brushing against him, but with very definite pressure and before he knew it there was a finger working it's way between his legs and tickling his perineum. He was about to turn and hit out at whoever it was when he realised that his cock was getting hard. His mind was racing. Why was he getting hard? Could he be enjoying what he felt? Who was doing this to him? Although he knew that the answer to the last question had to be Vinnie.

He stood up slowly and felt the hand move away from his arse. He turned his head and stared into Vinnie's eyes. I just couldn't help it' said Vinnie You have such a gorgeous arse, I just had to grab a handful, I'm sorry Wonks. I promise I won't touch you again.' There was a tear Vinnie's his eye as Warren stood there dumbstruck, but then he just saw an embarrassed young man in front of him. Warren, somehow without realising what he was doing, leaned forward and gently planted as kiss on Vinnie's quivering pink lips.

Vinnie's arms were around Warren and Warren could feel the hardness of Vinnie's cock against his own hard member. He was in a dream world, not quite fully aware of what was happening, yet knowing that he was enjoying every minute, but convention suddenly raised it's ugly head and Warren broke away, embarrassed.

`What's the matter?' asked Vinnie, concern and disappointment written all over his face.

I can't do this' replied Warren I'm not gay, I can't be gay' he added tearfully. Warren put his arm around Warren's shoulder saying `That's what I used to think. I got myself drunk a few times and picked up guys in the toilets in the park late at night and had sex with them, but when I woke up the next morning I used to feel revolted by what I had done and I despised myself and promised myself I would never do it again ... ... ... until the next time, and there always was a next time. Then I picked up a guy named John Finnigan who, as well as being gay was a counsellor. I was drunk as usual and we went back to his place and had sex and when I woke up I started to cry, as I sometimes did, but this time John was awake and started talking to me about how it was OK to be gay and that as long as you admitted it to yourself it didn't matter a fuck what anybody else thought, and if you kept things discrete, nobody would have to know until you were ready to tell them. We stayed friends for several months until he was transferred up north by his employer. I call myself Vinnie in his honour because his friends called him Finnie after his surname. I've never been with anyone since him, he was a hard act to follow. But then I saw you and you are so beautiful, Wonks, and so perfect that I just couldn't leave you alone. Please give me a chance, Wonks, I promise I'll take things slowly, I wouldn't do anything to upset you'

`Yes, but I've never done anything with another boy before' said Warren.

`Have you done anything with a girl?' asked Vinnie.

`Well ... ... to be honest, no.' replied Warren.

Then how do you know which way you swing? Did you enjoy what we just did? I know for certain that your cock was hard cos I felt it against mine, and mine was harder than it's been for months.' said Vinnie.

Well, I suppose I did' answered Warren But I've got to get my head round this. Can we leave things be until I've had some time to think?'

Course we can' said Vinnie take all the time you need. But we'd better get on with things here or else this bloody ice cream's going to melt'

Vinnie reluctantly removed his arm from around Warren's shoulder and went back to his work. Warren also resumed stocking the chest freezers, deep in thought about what had happened and trying to get to grips with how he really felt.

They did not refer to the subject all through their lunch break but chatted about all manner of other things.

The afternoon passed quickly and when it was time to leave they removed their overalls and neither boy could resist taking a good look at the other's naked body. Warren thought that Vinnie was what his mum would call `a bit of rough' but all the same he was in no doubt whatsoever that he was attracted to the boy. Vinnie again thought how perfect Warren's body was, especially now that it was covered in a fine sheen of perspiration.

Warren suddenly realised that he was staring at Vinnie's cock which was beginning to harden once again and when he looked down at his own cock he was surprised to find it fully erect. He quickly pulled on his boxers, shorts and tee shirt and made to leave. As they said their goodnights Vinnie took Warren gently by the arm and planted a light kiss on his cheek saying Think about what I said, Wonks, I'd love this to go further if you want it to, but I promise I won't pressure you.' Warren, to his own surprise, returned the kiss, but on Vinnie's lips and replied Of course I'll think about it, how could I not? Goodnight, Vinnie, see you in the morning'

`Goodnight Wonks, my love' replied Vinnie with tears in his eyes.


Whether I write more or not depends totally on the feedback I receive. If you enjoyed the story so far PLEASE let me know, even if it's only one line. Don't be afraid, I won't bite!! You can contact me at:

Next: Chapter 2

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