Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Dec 2, 2006


This is a story of sex between young males. It is pure fiction and should be read as such. If this offends you or you are under-age please read no further.

lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


Vinnie watched Warren as he went through into the shop. and It felt as though he had blown everything, blown every chance he had of getting together with this boy. He felt totally drained and didn't even have the strength to raise an erection, let alone masturbate as he had the previous evening.

As Warren walked through the shop and waved to Old Man Robinson he felt as though all eyes were on him;, he felt as though everybody knew what had happened in the warehouse. He squared his shoulders as if to say, "`Think what you like, I'll do as I please"'.

When Warren got home, the house was empty and there was a note from his Mum to say that she would be home late. as sShe was working overtime, but there wasshe left some home-made soup in the saucepan on the stove and thatwrote that she would bring a curry in with her later. Because Warren's Dad was the Captain of a cruise liner, and so he was constantly was away from home for a lot of the time., He often missed his family, but it was a well-paid job. and cConsequently, Warren wanted for nothing (this is confusing -- I have no idea what you're trying to say) and there were plans that he and his Mum would spend the Christmas holiday on his father's ship so he didn't mind that his Dad wasn't around for the summer.

Warren's mind was in a whirlturmoil; racing around the recent developments in a panicky stupor. with what had happened and hHe tried to think logically, but he just went round and round in circles. and wHe was still lost in thought as his mum walked through the front doorhen his Mum got home he was no nearer deciding what he was going to do. His mumShe asked him how the job was going, and she seemed particularly interested in Vinnie. Warren told her that they got on very well together, even though Vinnie was two years older., whichThis was the truth, but of course it wasn'tnot the whole truth. He wasn't ready to share the whole truthhis deepest feelings with her yet, even if he could make up his mind what that truth wasthough he was pretty sure about his sexual preference. Warren quietly excused himself and retired to his bedroom where he could think more easily. Even if he was gay, was Vinnie the right boy for him? Several of theseThese and many more thoughts kepttroubled Warren awake for hours, but eventually he drifted off to sleep.

He awoke with a start while it was still dark. He had no idea of the time, but everything else in his mind had become clear. Indecision and doubt had disappeared. He understood that he had taken an immediate liking shine to Vinnie when they had first met., Not only was he was comfortable around him, but looking ateverything about Vinnie's body made him horny as did Vinnie's touch, and Vinnie was clearly interested in him. These thingsrealizations put together might be a shaky foundation for a relationship, but his mind was now made up;, he would give it a go, even though he was still wasn'tnot totally convinced that he was gay.

His sleep after that was restful and uninterrupted until the alarm clock dragged him back to consciousness(great description). He got up, showered, and dressed and went downstairs whistling, something that he neverseldom did.

"You're happy this morning, darling,"' observed his mother, "something special happening?"'

`"Er, no,"' said Warren, turning timidly to histucking into a bowl of cornflakes, "I've just made my mind up abut something that was bothering me."'

"That's nice, dear. I had an Email from your Dad last night,"' said his Mum, "he wants me to fly out to Gibraltar and meet up with him when he docks thisthere at the weekend. Fancy coming with me?"'

Warren knew that his father had only invited his Mum for one reason, and that was sex. "`No, I'll give it a miss if I may, Mum., I'll be absolutely knackered after a full week's work so I'll just stay here and relaxstagnate if you don't mind."'

"Of course not, my love,."' Said his Mum, sounding relieved,. "pPerhaps you can invite one of your friends to stay over."'

"`Good idea!'" said Warren, hopingthinking that the person he was going to invite would, he hoped, be more than just a friend by the weekend.

Vinnie's night had started out in pretty much the same way as Warren's. Thoughts were running around inside his head but unlike with Warren, sleep managed to evade Vinnie completely could barely close his eyes, let alone sleep. By the time the first glimmers of dawn were fighting their way through his curtains Vinnie had convinced himself thatfelt likeas though he had made a total and utter prat of himself. He was convinced that a good-looking kid like Warren was certain to be straight, and even if he was gay,did have the odd gay bone in his body (pun unintentional) he was certain not to fancy anybody like Vinnie.

At six o'clock Vinnie gave up the struggle, and crawled out of bed into his dark, cold, lonely basement flat and made himself some hot coffee and a bacon sandwich, and theas well as some sandwiches for work. He drank the coffee but was sotoo depressed that he couldn't face eatingto eat the food. After taking a few bites he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold any more of it down, so he treated the garden sparrows to a hearty breakfast.

Even though it was too early, Vinnie made his way to the supermarket. He was the first one to arrive, but being family his uncle had trusted him with a set of keys andfor Vinnie to opened up and turned off the alarm.

He went through to the warehouse, and struggled into his overalls and made a start on the day's work;, it was actually Warren's work he was doing, as since no deliveries were due until after eight o'clock. Vinnie was dreading Warren's arrival, fearing that his workmate as he was certain that he had made a total fool of himself and that Warren would laugh at his attentions.

At 7:.55, Warren walked into the warehouse and saw Vinnie leaning over some boxes. "`Good morning Vinnie,"' he said.

As Vinnie turned around to face him, and Warren was shocked to see bags underneath the lacklustre look in Vinnie's lacklustre eyes and the bags underneath them.

"`Oh, Vinnie, are you ill?"' he inquiredasked.

"`No Warren, I just didn't sleep very well."'

Warren noticed the use of his full full name and began to wonder if Vinnie had changed his mind. "`You look as though you haven't slept at all,"' he insistedsaid.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't,."' repliedsaid WarrenVinnie, "I was lying awake all bloody night thinking about what a prat I made of myself yesterday."'

"What?' said Warren yYou didn't make a prat of yourself."'

"`You mean ... ... ... we're still friends?" Asked Vinnie.

"Vinnie,'" began Warren "I don't know how far I can go with this, or even if you still want to try, but I hope that we can be more than just friends."' He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Vinnie's cheek. and wWhen he saw the look in Vinnie's eyes change from panic to delight he leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

As Warren put his arms around Vinnie and he felt the the moisture on his face from Vinnie's tears, and he knew then that he truly had feelings it was a great deal more than friendship that he felt for Vinnie;, but he was stilljust unable as yet to put those feelings into words.

The boys held their hug for what seemed like hours, and when they broke it Vinnie shook his head and said "`I just can't believe that a gorgeous bloke like you can find anything of interest in me."'

"Vinnie..."' said Warren, "QQuite honestly, I don't know what I see in you, or any other guy for that matter, but I know in my heart that I want us to be more than just friends., but I don't knowcan't tell you exactly what I want us to be,. so Ccan we just just take things as they come? and that way neither of us is underI don't want either of us to be under pressure."'

"Warren, my love, you don't mind me calling you my love' do you? It's a family thing and it's difficult to get out of."'

"`Vinnie, you can call me whatever you like, but don't expect the same from me, at least, not yet."'

"`OK, but as was I was saying, I don't want to pressure you into anything, and I value whatever relationship you're willing to have with me. and iIf we're just going to be friends, then fair enough, but I really hope that it's going to lead to more than that."'

"Me too,'" said Warren. "In fact, my Mum's away for the weekend and she's suggested that I might invite a friend to stay., so wWould you like to stay with me this weekend? and then mMaybe we can get to know one another better without work getting in the way.?"'

"That would be brilliant,'" said Vinnie, all trace of worry disappearing from his face and looking more like the self-confident rough diamond that was his trademark attitude.. "But speaking of work, I've already made a start on yours, so why don't I make us both a cup of coffee and we'll skive for ten minutes?."'

"Great,"' said Warren, punching Vinnie's arm, "I'll get changed into my overalls while you're doing it."'

"Oh,"' said Vinnie, "can't I watch you?"'

"`Dirty bugger," (haha you seem to like this phrase, but that's ok -- I like it too)' said Warren, and all tension between them was broken.

As Vinnie made their drinks, he couldn't resist a peep at Warren's undressed bodyn as he undressed. Warren, like Vinnie, was uncut and his modest pubic hair was dark brown and almost ain an almost perfect triangle above his 3 inch soft cock, which would grow to 6½ or 7 inches when aroused above an almost perfect set of low-hanging balls (almost perfect because of the `Wonks Factor') or even 7 inches on a good day.

Vinnie's own cock was the same size as Warren's when soft, but Vinnie had a sizeable bush of mousey-coloured hair, confirming that the blond hair on his head was dyed (although you could see that by the darker roots made that quite obvious as it is). When Warren's cock was erect it grew to 6 inches maximum above a pair of fairly tightly bagged balls, so even though he was two years older and much more experienced sexually, the younger boy had him beat. Both cocks were quite slim, so pretty-well matched altogether.

Warren was aware that Vinnie was watching him and put on a little strip show for him, his natural modesty deserting him for once.

The boys sat and drank their coffee at the little kitchen table, playing footsie and making arrangements for the weekend.

After coffee, the boys got to work and the morning passed quickly with only minimum stoppages for cold drinks to keep them going. At lunch time they ate their sandwiches. When they were donehad finished eating, and then Vinnie took Warren by the hand and led him to a small ante room where there was a battered old sofa. "The old man let me sleep in here when I had a row with my mum and before I got the flat,"' Vinnie said. "I've jerked off on this sofa more times than you can imagine,"' he continued, "`but I never thought I'd ever be in here with another guy."'

They sat on the sofa and Vinnie leaned forward to kiss Warren. Warren responded asnd their arms surrounded one another. Warren felt the touch of Vinnie's tongue on his lips and for the first time opened his mouth and felt the excitement of Vinnie's tongue in his mouth. His cock immediately grew hard and he felt Warren's hand inside the loose fitting overalls, rubbing and then pinching his nipple. He had never realised that the nipple could be so sensitive and his cock grew even harder. It seemed that this was going to be one of those `good days,' and that his cock might even exceed the usual seven inches. He felt Vinnie's hand unbuttoning the only two fastenings that held his overalls on, and then Warren found himself unbuttoning his ownVinnie's overalls. Vinnie pulled him to histhem to their feet; two pairs of and their overalls faelling to the floor. Aas the lads and they stepped out of them,. Vinnie pulled Warren to him and Warren felt the hardness of Vinnie's cock against his own and the dampness of Vinnie's precum. Their bodies were shiny with sweat and their lips tasted one another's bodies as they embracedwrithed together.

Vinnie took Warren's cock in his hand and began to slowly masturbate him as Warren bent slightly to kiss and nibble on Vinnie's nipples. Warren was on auto-pilot, never having experienced this before, but just following his instincts. It was obvious to him that Vinnie hadn't showered that morning, but he fell in love with the earthy smell of Vinnie's not at all unpleasanthis body odour and found it not at all unpleasant.

Finally Warren lowered his hand and gently wrapped it around Vinnie's cock. Vinnie breathed in sharply and only just managed to stop himself from cumming spontaneously, although he knew that he could only hold off for a very short time. He could also feel Warren's precum increasing and guessed that Warren was also not far off either.

The boys, of course, were still standing, and as Vinnie's climax approached, his knees began to tremble and Warren had to support him. Warren himself was feeling pretty weak and could feel his toes curling as his own orgasm started to build.

Vinnie began to moan noisily. and sSeveral seconds later, Warren felt Vinnie's hot sperm on his stomach, pubes and legs. There seemed to be gallons of it, oceans even, which sent him over the edge and he responded in kind, shooting over Vinnie's pubes and cock.

Both boys lost what little strength they had left in their legs and collapsed on to the sofa, whose springs protested accordingly. As they landed they were thrown together and one more began to kiss deeply and hungrily once again.

Vinnie finally regained the power of speech and confessed to Warren that that had been the best wank of his life. Poor Warren had little previous experience to compare it with, aAlthough Warrenhe had once had a dissappointing mutual masturbation session with a neighbour's son, he had little previous experience to compare it with but had found it disappointing,. In his mind, Hhowever, he had just experienced the greatest turn-on in his young life and said simply, "`Vinnie, that was amazing."'

The boys continued to hug for a while longer and then Vinnie said they ought to clean themselves up. Shamefacedly he produced a very disreputable looking piece of rag and offered it to Warren to use first, "`Sorry Wonks, it's my old cum rag that I used to use when I slept here."

"`Well, as it's your cum I'm wiping off me, it makes no difference., bBesides, I like the feeling that it's covered in your love juices.".

Vinnie knelt an,d helped him to clean up and then leaned forward and planted a kiss on Warren's now soft cock. He looked up at him and said "`Thanks, Wonks, that was truly wonderful. I hope we can do itthis again."'

Warren smiled down at him and said, "`Yes, but you'll have to give me five minutes to get my breath back."'

Vinnie laughed as he stood and said, "`Not now, you prat, but if that's a taste of things to come, I'm really looking forward to the weekend."'

Warren put his hand to Vinnie's cheek, and, looking him in the eyes said, "`Thank you Vinnie., I need to take things slowly, because I have yet to come to terms with everything that's happening. This is not how I imagined my sex life would start and I am finding it all very strange. Yes, strange, but above all enjoyable. Just pPlease remember to go slowly and be gentle with me; and I promise that I'll try to be fair to you and not get you too frustrated."'

Vinnie smiled and said, "`What we've just done will do perfectly well for now, Wonks., Wwe'll take things at YOUR speed, and when you're comfortable to move on then we'll take things further."'

The rest of the week went pretty much the same way; and the boys exploringed one another's feelings and bodies at lunch times. Each evening they would both masturbate alone, furiously alone, thinking about one another. Warren realised that already what he was feeling more than just friendship. for Vinnie was more than just friendship.

They had arranged that Vinnie would go home with Warren after work on Friday and meet his mother, who would be leaving late on Friday evening and not returning until Tuesday.

Vinnie turned up at work on Friday morning with an overnight bag and said to Warren,. `"I hope I won't need much in the way of clothes this weekend, but I thought that I'd better turn up with a bag or your mum might get suspicious."'

Warren laughed and said, "`It wouldn't be suspicion, it would be outrage, but as far as I'm concerned, you won't need a stitch of clothing., yYou're going to be kept far too busy to think about getting dressed."'


Feedback for chapter one was amazing and I would like to thank all those who wrote. I would also like to thank Aaron who has volunteered to be my editor, to eliminate the spelling and typing errors that I am aware I am all too guilty of and make my story more readable and, hopefully, enjoyable.

Next: Chapter 3

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