Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Dec 11, 2006


This is a story of sex between young males. It is pure fiction and should be read as such. If this offends you or you are under-age please read no further.

lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


(For the non-Brits among you, the title is taken from a saying on every barber's lips a few years back and occasionally still today. Barber's shops always sold condoms and as the barber finished your haircut and showed you the back of your head in the mirror then swept the protective cape off you, in an effort to sell you some condoms he would ask "Something for the weekend, Sir?" I remember as a child of about seven or eight the barber asking me this question much to the amusement of his other customers and wondering myself what was so funny. Even though there are no condoms involved in this story I could not resist the allusion as the events take place over a weekend.)

Vinnie turned up at work on Friday morning with an overnight bag and said to Warren, "I hope I won't need much in the way of clothes this weekend, but I thought that I'd better turn up with a bag or your mum might get suspicious."

Warren laughed and said, "It wouldn't be suspicion, it would be outrage, but as far as I'm concerned, you won't need a stitch of clothing. You're going to be kept far too busy to think about getting dressed."

The day passed slowly for both boys and during the afternoon it was evident to Warren that Vinnie was getting more and more nervous. "What's up, Vinnie?" he asked "You seem to be a bit on edge."

"Well, to tell you the truth, Wonks" said Vinnie "I'm a bit nervous about meeting your mum, I mean, I just don't know what she'll think of me."

"Vinnie, you're my friend and she said I could have a friend to stay for the weekend. She's not going to bite your head off, is she? It isn't written all over your face that you're going to corrupt her shy, innocent son is it?" said Warren sarcastically.

"Hey, you're not totally shy and innocent, so come off it," replied Vinnie, smiling.

"Well, I'm sure my mum knows that all too well. She was young once herself and she knows what kids get up to."

"Well, I know that my mum would be suspicious if she saw me with an older boy with dyed blond hair. She'd be bound to think the worst."

"Oh, surely she can't be that bad," said Warren, "she's only human after all."

"Is she?" replied Vinnie, "I sometimes wonder. You should have seen her when I told her I was gay, she was like a bloody monster, and she can't really speak anyway. She's never been married and the chances of me and my brother having the same dad are pretty slim."

"Oh, so she knows you're gay then?" asked Warren.

"Yea, that's what the big row was about. She chucked me out and that's why my uncle let me sleep in the warehouse for a while until the flat became vacant, you see he owns the house where I live so he's my landlord as well as my boss. He's been good to me has Uncle Frank," Vinnie explained.

"And what about your brother?" asked Warren.

"Benjy's great, he's thirteen and he's about the best brother you could wish to have. Sure he's a pain in the arse sometimes but he loves me and I love him and we're always there for one another. When mum goes off on one of her alcoholic binges she phones me and Benjy comes and stays with me for a few days to keep out of her way."

"And have you two ever ... ... ... ..., you know ... ..."

"Yes, once or twice, well several times," said Vinnie, blushing. "He caught me wanking once and asked me if he could touch me and it just went on from there."

"And have you ever, well, fucked him?" asked Warren, his cock beginning to harden inside his overalls. "Well, no," answered Vinnie, looking down at the floor, "but he's fucked me several times."

"Wow," said Warren.

"You're not angry with me are you?" asked Vinnie looking very contrite.

"Why should I be angry?" asked Warren. "You're not my property, and he is your brother after all, and we didn't know one another then, did we?"

"No, of course not," Said Vinnie.

"So how come he fucked you? Is he gay too?" asked Warren.

"I don't know," replied Vinnie, "I think maybe he just likes sex, of whatever kind. It started as I said when he caught me wanking a couple of years ago. He started jerking me off quite regularly and then I started returning the favour. Of course, he couldn't cum properly then but he used to have dry orgasms and he really used to get carried away with them. Then he started asking me what it was like to fuck a girl and I had to tell him I didn't know. He was surprised at that and asked me why I had never been with a girl and I told him the truth, that I didn't fancy girls and that for some reason I was attracted to boys. He asked me if I was what the kids at school called a poofter and I told him that I was. At first he was very quiet and didn't say much and then he asked me if I had ever had a cock up my arse. I've always been totally honest with Benjy so I said yes, I had. A couple of days later when we were having our usual wank Benjy asked if he could try fucking me. I was a bit surprised, to say the least, but what the heck, I hadn't been fucked for a while as I had split up with my boyfriend so I said that he could. Of course, he had a smaller cock than I was used to, but I enjoyed it all the same, and Benjy did too, in fact, that was the first time he shot a load and it ended up inside me. Anyway, it went on from there and we've done it quite a few times. I've had another boyfriend in between, but I still enjoy it with Benjy sometimes."

"What happened with the latest boyfriend?" asked Warren.

"Well, we were great together and we trusted one another so we never used condoms, but I found out that he had had a fling with another guy and when I asked him, he confessed that they had fucked bareback and he had fucked me afterwards. I told him that that was the end, that I didn't want to play Russian roulette with my sexual health and we split up. I went and took the test and, thank God, I came out clean, which means that Benjy is clean too because he has promised me he won't have unprotected sex with anyone, boy or girl."

"So you're OK to have sex with me then, because I haven't ever been with anyone else except to wank."

"Yea, when you're ready, we'll be OK," said Vinnie and kissed Warren on the cheek, "now we'd better get back to work before the old man catches us."

The remainder of the working day passed without incident and the boys left for Warren's house. The closer they got, the more Warren was aware of Vinnie's discomfort and tried to get him to relax. On one occasion it got so bad that Warren thought that Vinnie was going to throw up, but eventually they got to the front door; Warren shouting "Hi Mum, we're home!"

Vinnie followed Warren inside, looking around but almost hiding behind Warren. Warren's mother appeared from the kitchen and smiled at them both. "Hello, my love, and you must be Vinnie, I've heard a lot about you, Wonks seems to have taken quite a shine to you." And she held out her hand to Vinnie.

Vinnie wiped his hand down his tee shirt before taking hers and saying "I'm very pleased to meet you, Mrs... ... er ... ... Mrs... hey Wonks, we've been working together for a week and I don't even know your surname."

"It's Masterson," said Warren's mother. "Then I'm pleased to meet you Mrs. Masterson" said Vinnie, smiling and more at ease. "Perhaps you'd like to take your bag upstairs, Vinnie, you have a choice. You can either sleep in my room, or you can sleep in with Wonks. I know you boys like to plot and plan late into the night, so I suppose you'll sleep together, but I must warn you that the smell in that room in the mornings is none too healthy, and as you're having meat pie with baked beans and bubble an squeak** for dinner, I know what that can do to Warren's stomach."

"Oh, thanks, mum" said Warren embarrassed, "You'd think that nobody else ever farted."

"Nobody does as much as you" laughed his mother.

"And all this week I thought it was the drains in the warehouse," said Vinnie, grinning, "but all the same you're right, Mrs Masterson, I'll sleep in with Wonks, thank you."

The two boys went up to Warren's bedroom and after closing the door behind them launched into a deep, satisfying kiss, after which Vinnie said, "Your mum's great, Wonks, I just wish my mum was like that. She's pretty too, I can see where you get your good looks from."

"See?" said Warren, "I told you there was nothing to worry about. We're even sleeping together with her approval."

"Sleeping, yes, but I'm not sure about anything else we might get up to," Said Vinnie, "and as for you, young Wonks, I might have to stick something up your arse to stop you farting."

"Why, Vinnie, I bet you say that to all the boys," said Warren, fluttering his eye lashes and smiling seductively.

Both boys collapsed with laughter on the bed and Warren kicked off his shoes. "Barefoot is the rule in the house, Vinnie. Dad spent a fortune on the carpets when we moved in here and forbids us to wear shoes indoors."

Vinnie slipped out of his sandals and rolled over on top of Warren. "I'm happy to comply with that," he said, "and once your mum has left for the weekend, I may well take everything else off indoors. Do you think your dad would approve of that?" he asked, laughing again.

"Probably not," said Warren, "but I certainly do."

Mrs Masterson called them down to eat and Vinnie was surprised to find that the meat pie was like none he had ever had before and commented on how good it was. "Yes, I make very good pastry," said Mrs Masterson, "my husband loves his pies and pasties and I had to learn how to make great pastry otherwise I'd have lost him."

"Oh," said Vinnie, "You made it yourself, that explains how good it is. I don't think my mum has ever made anything like this in her life. If she has, she certainly hasn't fed it to me."

Both boys cleared their plates and sat to watch TV together on the sofa, while Mrs Masterson cleared away and made last minute preparations for her trip. Finally she came into the sitting room and said that there were meals prepared ready in the freezer for each day up until Tuesday when she would be home. All the boys had to do was put them in the oven. She kissed Warren goodbye and tousled Vinnie's hair saying "Look after yourselves, boys, and have fun." And she was off to the waiting taxi.

The boys remained in the sitting room watching TV, but the distance between them diminished as soon as the taxi pulled away. They began to pay more and more attention to one another and less and less attention to the television until both boys were totally oblivious of what was going on around them. Their kisses became more and more intense and both boys' cocks were straining inside their shorts for release. Warren's hand wandered downwards and pressed itself against Vinnie's crotch as Vinnie let out a stifled moan. Warren could feel the dampness of Vinnie's precum which had soaked through his shorts and was aware that his own shorts were similarly affected. His hand wandered inside the elasticated waistband and at last came into contact with that strange hard yet soft feel of Vinnie's cock. Vinnie moaned again and ran his hands under Warren's tee shirt and all over his shoulder blades, slowly lowering them until they slipped inside Warren's shorts and encircled the globes of his beautiful young arse.

Vinnie struggled to his feet, pulling Warren up with him and within five seconds their tee shirts and shorts were in a heap on the floor and the boys were staring at one another's naked bodies.

"Warren, you're beautiful," said Vinnie, unable to believe the vision before him. He raised his hand to Warren's cheek and gently rubbed it before gently kissing him again, then breaking off to say, "What have I done to deserve you? I'm so lucky."

"Vinnie, it's me who's the lucky one. I could have gone on in life wondering why I couldn't get into girls, why nothing seemed to interest me about them, but you came along and made me feel that there is an alternative and as this week has gone by I've become more and more aware that my feelings for you are so much more than friendship. I'm still not sure where we go from here, but I think you're the one to show me, and I know you won't rush me, but I also know that I'm ready to learn and we have the whole weekend ahead of us to do whatever we want to. And right now, Vinnie, I think I want you to take me to bed."

Vinnie's arms surrounded Warren and as their lips met again Warren felt the moisture and tasted the saltiness of Vinnie's tears. Vinnie broke the kiss and took Warren by the hand, leading him up the stairs to begin the voyage of discovery.

Vinnie had never felt like this about anyone before. In the past his primary aim was to get his cock inside his partner or to get his partner's cock inside him, you see Vinnie was truly versatile. He had no preference for either the active or the passive role, he liked them equally, but now his sole aim was to make Warren happy, to satisfy Warren's every whim. He wanted Warren to enjoy every second of their weekend together. Warren went into the bathroom and as he peed Vinnie started the shower going and got it to just the right temperature as Warren joined him. Warren insisted on soaping Vinnie up and the feel of his hands all over Vinnie's body made Vinnie feel amazingly good. Obviously Vinnie's cock grew to full hardness, but Warren ignored that for now and concentrated on washing every square inch of Vinnie's body, from his dyed blond hair down to his cute little feet. It was then Vinnie's turn to wash Warren's body and both boys enjoyed every second of the experience, especially Warren who was getting more and more used to the fact that he was turned on by boys, and by Vinnie specifically.

Drying one another was treated like a ritual and each boy made certain that the other was perfectly dry and powdered with talc before Warren finally took Vinnie by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

He boys climbed on to the bed and lay in the moonlight which was streaming in through the windows, happy in one another's company. Warren was suddenly aware that his cock was being played with, but this felt different, this felt ... ... damp. He looked down and was amazed to find his cock in Vinnie's mouth. The sensations were amazing. It was wet, yet it was dry. It was rough yet it was smooth. But whatever else it was, it was incredibly arousing. Warren could feel his juices gathering deep inside his body and there was nothing he could do, or wanted to do, to stop them.

Vinnie slowly removed his mouth from Warren's cock and smiled up at him. He knew that Warren was close to cumming, and the mere knowledge was getting him off too. "Do you think you're ready to fuck me now?" asked Vinnie.

Warren's eyes grew large at Vinnie's proposition, but he immediately knew that this was what he wanted to do more than anything else in the world.

Vinnie lay on his back, and as he lifted his legs into the air he told Warren to grab a lube tube from his bag. Warren reached down and pulled out a tube of KY. Vinnie told him to grease up his cock and then rub a little around and in his arse hole. Warren shivered as he spread the cold lube on his cock and then spread some on Vinnie's arse, slipping his finger just inside his hole.

Vinnie moaned with pleasure and pushed his legs as far back as they would go. "Now, please Warren, take me now."

"Won't it hurt you?" asked Warren.

"Nah, I've had a lot bigger than you inside me, but it's you I want more than anybody I ever have before, " Vinnie replied, "just put your cock to the hole and push gently. There should be no problem."

Warren did exactly that and his cock slipped easily inside Vinnie. Warren was speechless, his cock felt as though it had been enveloped in liquid velvet. It seemed to fit perfectly into Vinnie's love chute, generating just enough friction to maintain the approaching orgasm that they both knew was inevitable.

Vinnie, on the other hand, felt as though an electric shock had passed through him. He had never experienced this before, although he had lost count of his previous conquests, whether long-termers or one-nighters. He knew that there was something special about this boy, something he could not put his finger on.

The combination of the liquid velvet and the electric shock meant that both boys were extremely close to their climaxes and as Warren began to thrust in and out of Vinnie their moans of delight bore witness to this and, as rare as simultaneous orgasms are, this was one of them, Warren shooting a copious load inside Vinnie for the first time and Vinnie covering his and Warren's stomachs in his semen.

Although this was Warren's first time, both boys were very aware that something very special had just happened. They relaxed and lay in each other's arms, remaining silent for what seemed like an eternity. Each was perfectly aware of what the other was thinking, and that is how they spent the night; Vinnie's semen gluing them together and their shared experience uniting them in sleep.


**The term bubble and squeak refers to a uniquely British dish of left-over potatoes, cabbage and sometimes onions mixed up together and fried and, like baked beans, it often results in an attack of flatulence.

Feedback so far has been amazing and I would like to thank all those who wrote. I would also like to thank A.S. who has volunteered to be my editor, to eliminate the spelling and typing errors that I am aware I am all too guilty of and make my story more readable and, hopefully, enjoyable.

Next: Chapter 4

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