Holiday Job

By Robbie Calverley

Published on Feb 9, 2007


lads-r-us reserves all copyright to this story, and the story or any parts thereof may only be reproduced with my express permission and not reproduced at all on any site which is not free to view. It has been written purely for entertainment and not for profit.

The story takes place where AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist so condoms are not used, nor are they necessary, unlike in this wicked world of ours. So when you have casual sex PLEASE make sure you are adequately protected. I don't want to lose any readers!!

This story is escapist fantasy. Anybody looking for reality is advised to look elsewhere, but nothing herein is beyond the realms of possibility, especially in my own imagination.

That said, I hope you enjoy the story and whether you do or not please feel free to contact me at the Email address at the end.


Vinnie took Warren in his arms and hugged him, saying, "Thank you for letting Benjy come here. I do appreciate it, and it does mean that we can still be together to ... ... ... well, to ... ... ..."

"To what?" Asked Warren.

"Come upstairs and let me show you," replied Vinnie.


Benjy got back from the hairdressers to find the front door locked. There was no reply to his knock, so he made his way round to the back door, which he found open, and let himself in.

The back door led him straight into the kitchen where he helped himself to a glass of milk and some biscuits. As he was wandering through to the sitting room he heard laughter from upstairs. He smiled to himself, bolted down the milk and biscuits and then slowly and silently made his way upstairs, his ears straining to confirm his suspicion.

"You bastard," gasped Warren, "You know I hate being tickled."

"Ah, come on," replied Vinnie, "You look sexy when you laugh; in fact you look sexy all the time."

Benjy was standing outside the bedroom door and he heard the bed creak as Vinnie raised his legs to his shoulders and said, "Fuck me, Wonks, fuck me long and hard."

Benjy pushed the bedroom door gently. As he peered through the enlarged gap, he could see the boys reflected in the dressing table mirror. He saw Warren climb between Vinnie's legs, his cock hard and ready. As Warren turned, Benjy got a great view of his cute little arse and his cock stirred inside his trousers. He watched as Warren entered his brother and his hand dropped to his crotch and he began to rub himself gently, his attention riveted on Warren's arse as he pounded in and out of Vinnie.

"God, that boy has a sexy arse," he mumbled to himself, listening to Vinnie's moans and Warren's grunts as their love-making continued.

Dissatisfied with his own sensations, Benjy undid the waist button on his trousers and unzipped the flies, allowing his trousers to drop to his knees. He plunged his hand inside his pants and took a good hard grip on his cock. Being familiar with the sounds his brother made at different stages of his journey to orgasm, Benjy began to realise that Vinnie was pretty close to cumming.

He shoved his underpants down to join his trousers around his knees as he sped up his jerking. Warren by now was panting and making small `ooing' noises as he thrust harder and harder into Benjy's brother. Benjy realised that the two lovers were extremely close, and then he felt the tickly start to his own orgasm. He looked around for something he could shoot into, but there was nothing around. He didn't want to spoil his new clothes, so he decided to release his load against the bedroom door, and then quickly run to the bathroom for a cloth to clean it off with.

Now, we all know from experience that the body and the brain do strange things at the point of orgasm. Instead of just shooting his load against the bedroom door, he raised his hand to the doorframe for support and missed, pushing the door open and landing in a heap on the bedroom floor with cum flying in all directions as they experienced a three-way orgasm.

The two lovers, hearing the thud as Benjy fell, glanced around, then looked at each other and burst out laughing. "That's what you get for being a voyeur," Said Vinnie.

"Shit!" said Benjy, but laughed at his own predicament. "Bollocks, I've got cum all over my new trousers."

"Serves you bloody-well right," Said Warren, "take them off and we'll sponge them down later."

Benjy removed his trousers and underpants and Vinnie said, "You might as well get the rest of your kit off and get yourself in here, I should think you need a rest after that."

Benjy didn't need asking twice. He stripped the rest of his clothes off and climbed into bed beside Vinnie, cuddling up to him saying, "I'm absolutely knackered after that. By the way, Warren, you've got a great-looking arse, what I would call squeezable." And so saying he reached across Vinnie and grasped Warren's arse playfully.

"Hands off my boyfriend," said Vinnie, laughing. Benjy put his hand on Vinnie's stomach, where he found Warren's hand, and their fingers intertwined. Vinnie could feel Benjy's cock hardening against his side, and thought briefly about grabbing it, but decided he needed a rest first. "Maybe later," he thought.

The three boys dozed for a while until Vinnie could hold himself no longer and climbed over Warren to go to the bathroom. When he came back, he could not believe the sight that met his eyes. Warren and Benjy were in each other's arms, fast asleep.

For the briefest moment Vinnie felt a flash of jealousy, but then he smiled. He was delighted that his lover and his brother were getting along so well. Vinnie climbed back into bed beside Warren, spooning up to him and laying his arm around the two boys.

The next time Vinnie woke he was aware of whispering. He raised his head to see the boys, still in each others arms looking a little guilty. "Hey, didn't you know it was rude to whisper?" Vinnie asked.

"Yes, but we were only talking about you," Replied Warren.

"Oh, yes, and what did you have to say about me?" Vinnie asked.

"Well, we were comparing notes," replied Benjy, "and for your love-making on a scale of one to ten, we've given you a four."

"What!!!" exclaimed Vinnie.

"Well, I wanted to give you a three, and Warren wanted to give you a five, but he's not very experienced so we agreed to compromise," observed Benjy.

"You cheeky little bugger, I should smack your bum for you," said Vinnie.

"Feel free!" said Benjy, kneeling astride Warren and waving his bum in the air towards Vinnie, and his rapidly growing cock in Warren's face.

Vinnie, true to his word gave Benjy a hefty slap on the arse. Benjy howled and looked round at Vinnie with surprise and a little hurt in his eyes. Vinnie immediately began to feel guilty and gently rubbed Benjy's reddening rear.

"That's what I wanted," grinned Benjy, "now you can kiss it better for me."

"Hmmmm," said Vinnie, realising that he had played into Benjy's hands, but knelt and kissed Benjy's bum cheeks.

"No, not there" said Benjy, winking at Warren, "let's make it really sexy."

"Hmmmm." repeated Vinnie and tentatively licked along Benjy's hairless arse crack.

Benjy was immediately transported into sexual heaven and a large bubble of precum appeared from his cock. Warren, caught up in the fever of the moment could not do otherwise than lean forward and lick it up. Benjy moaned uncontrollably and shuddered with emotion. So carried away was Warren that he now engulfed the whole of Benjy's cock in his mouth and began to suck greedily. Vinnie, warming to his task licked at his index finger and slowly and gently inserted it into Benjy's bum.

Benjy cried out loud with ecstasy as he felt his orgasm begin. "C ... c ... cumming" he managed to whisper as Warren eased off his cock slightly to lick his knob, which was leaking precum and shining purple. Benjy shot his first jet of cum into Warren's mouth as Vinnie found his prostate for the first time. So intense was his enjoyment that he almost collapsed on top of Vinnie before he shot the rest of his load, but he regained his senses for long enough to shoot another four jets into Warren's mouth before he collapsed on top of him.

Warren put his arms around the exhausted boy and hugged him as Vinnie gently removed his finger from Benjy's bum.

Warren, seeing the state of Vinnie's rock-hard cock reached out to him and began to masturbate him. It only took a few seconds for Vinnie to be pumping his semen over his brother's back, and then he collapsed beside Warren, totally spent.

The three boys lay in total silence for a few minutes before Benjy finally regained his equilibrium. "Wow," he said, a huge grin creeping over his face, "that was bloody fantastic. I've never cum like that before." He looked across at Vinnie and said, "Did you put your finger inside me, bro?"

Vinnie nodded and smiled, "Seemed to turn you on."

"Not half," said his little brother, "I can't wait now to get a cock inside me, but for the time being I'd settle for something to eat."

Warren and Vinnie looked at one another and burst out laughing. "Who else could talk about sex and food in the same breath?" Vinnie asked.

The boys lay there for a little while longer, Vinnie playing with his own cum, making patterns on Benjy's back before Warren said, "Sorry, Benjy, but you're going to have to get off me or else I'm going to pee the bed."

Benjy slid off and as Warren climbed over him to get to the bathroom Benjy grabbed his cock and said, "Maybe this will be a better fit than Vinnie's for my first cock."

"Hey, hey, leave that alone, it's mine," Vinnie laughed as Warren finally pulled himself away and ran to the bathroom, leaving Benjy to cuddle into his brother's arms and say, "I really like him, Vinnie. I really hope you two stick together, you deserve one another."

When Warren returned from the bathroom he slipped on a pair of shorts and said he would go and put the dinner on. He was going to boil some rice and reheat a big bowl of lamb curry that his mum had left.

As he stood at the stove, he felt a pair of hands on his hips and then a pair of arms encircled him. At first he thought it was Vinnie, but he was surprised and delighted to find that it was Benjy, who then kissed his shoulder and nuzzled against him. "Thanks for the blow-job, Wonks," he said. Warren was immediately aware that this was the first time Benjy had used his nickname and felt that the bond between them was becoming stronger.

"I probably enjoyed it as much as you," said Warren, reaching for the container of rice to pour some into the boiling water.

"I very much doubt it," said Benjy. "Warren?" he continued, a question in his tone.

"Yes Benjy," said Warren.

"Warren, I meant what I said in bed, about maybe having your cock inside me. I've spoken to Vinnie and he says he doesn't have a problem with it, so would you ... ... ... I mean, do you think ... ... ... well, ... ... ...," Benjy left the question incomplete.

Warren turned to him, realising for the first time that Benjy was still naked. He took Benjy by both hands and said, "Benjy, you know that I love Vinnie and that he will always come first, but I'm really getting to love you as well, in a different kind of way. When the time is right, and if Vinnie is still in agreement, yes, Benjy, I will do what you ask. But I will say again, the time has to be right, because it won't just be a quick fuck. This will be a loving coupling between, I hope, two very good friends."

"Thanks, Warren," said Benjy, hugging him and kissing him gently on the lips.

"Something going on that I should know about?" a naked Vinnie asked from the doorway.

"Yes," replied Warren, "Your little brother's been propositioning me, and he reckons it's with your permission."

Vinnie came up behind his brother and put his arms around the two younger boys, sandwiching his little brother between himself and his lover. Warren could feel Benjy's cock getting harder and said, "I think we'd better break this up before it all gets out of hand."

"Well," said Benjy, looking down at his erect cock, "maybe someone should take me IN hand."

The three boys laughed and Warren said, "Well, it had better be after dinner because I just have to drain the rice and we'll be eating."

"No contest," Said Benjy, "the food wins every time."

The boys sat and enjoyed an excellent curry then sat and watched TV, the three of them close together on the two-seater sofa, Warren having removed his shorts to be naked with the others.

There was the inevitable occasional friendly and loving touching and kissing, but no serious making out.

Benjy nodded off to sleep at about 11 o'clock and Warren took him by the hand and let his to his mother's bedroom and put him to bed.

An hour later the two lovers climbed the stairs and went to Warren's room, only to find that Benjy had transferred himself to their bed. They looked at one another, smiled and climbed into bed, one either side of him, draping their arms across the sleeping boy and holding hands.



Did you enjoy this one? Don't hesitate to let me know whether yes or no!

Once again my grateful thanks to my editor, A.S. who, yet again, has succeeded in making order out of chaos!

Next: Chapter 6

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